My last Op-Ed exhibited fantasy thinking that our Federal Health Agencies are reformable. This time I took a different tack and detailed just some of the destruction the Health Agencies have wrought.
Good article. Hard hitting but with heavily padded gloves. Hardly a "take the gloves off" attack.
Shame on you for voting Democrat, especially for Brain Dead Joe in 2020. Makes me question your judgment. Maybe an apology is in order for all the destruction you abetted.
Good stuff, as always, on the China Virus pandemic of political corruption and corporate greed. Stay with it. You have done a genuine public service, which, to a point, makes amends for voting for Brain Dead Joe.
I cannot wrap my head around the idea that ANYOME voted for Biden. It’s mystifying. I mean were they living under a rock?? I reckon having been tuned into alternative sources of news shielded me from such ignorance. But I just cannot fathom the degree of cluelessness it took to stay so ignorant. Blindfolds and ear plugs?? I just don’t get it.
It is truly amazing that anyone but a rent-seeking Democrat would have ever voted for Brain Dead Joe for anything. It seems the herd instinct in the human species is still so strong that people behave in elections like buffalo stampeding toward a cliff.
We must blame the Biden disaster on fraud in the 2020 election. And of course we must blame Biden's honest voters like Dr. Kory. But also I blame Delaware and the Big Banks which gave him to us and sustained Biden's political toxicity for 50 years, and I blame that most toxic of Presidents, Barack Obama, who hand-picked Biden as the Party's 2020 nominee and Cackling Comma-La as his VP.
As William Bendix used to say on The Life of Riley (black and white TV days), "What a revoltin' development this is!"
The probable reality is maybe Biden got 30 million and Trump got the rest. A number watcher in Pennsylvania was watching numbers coming in over night and saw 700, 000 Trump votes VANISH between 2 and 3 in the morning on Thursday after PA, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and North Carolina stopped counting votes Wednesday night. They were there, then GONE! Michigan was trucking votes in all night. And on and on.
How did Biden get more votes than Obama with only HALF the precincts Obama won?
Yes, the crime was out in the open but no one was going to be successful in changing the outcome. Trump wanted to drain the swamp but was not able with too much corruption and deceit. It was heartbreaking to watch.
Which does not bode well for 2024. I see Pres Trump has called to "out stuff the Dems ballot stuffing," but if this is our only plan (vis a vis honest elections), we will not win.
Democrats cheat.
The democrat machine has a long history of cheating.
For hard left democrats, maybe 50% of todays dems, the ends justify the means.
Bottom line, if Trump is on his way to winning a swing state (WI, GA, PN, MI, AZ, perhaps others), the dems will 'generate' enough votes to 'win.' Unless and until an honest FBI or state attorney locks down the voting as per the laws, the dems will continue to cheat and continue to 'win.'
The "Spirit" of today's Republican Party is Donald Trump.
The "Flesh" of today's Republican Party is Bill Bahr (cleanest election ever).
The Spirit is willing, the Flesh is weak.
May God Bless America, we need His help more than ever.
I don't see the changes necessary for free and fair elections. Trump could take 85% of the real vote and the left will still cheat. Installing the dement was necessary for pushing the bio-weapon. And Trump himself continues to appear misinformed and proud of his role in pushing the death shots. I fear for the future.
One of my friends told me she voted for Biden because her patents were Democrats. I was rendered speechless. What? My parents voted for who they thought was the best choice for the office. What a concept!
That, too, is inadequate to explain voting for Brain Dead Joe: "I disliked Trump enough to vote for a nasty, petty, dishonest, mentally-defective, morally-stunted, AI-deficient robot!"
Yes. TDS was far more powerful than most recognize. My sister and brother-in-law are much older than I, far more conservative than I (I went Independent after Bush the 2nd), but they hated Trump so much they voted for Biden. I don’t know if I’ve ever been more disappointed in them in my life, that they were so blinded they couldn’t see what was happening.
I still don't get reasonable answers from Trump haters when I ask why they hate him so much.
Quite simply, what exactly do they hate about a President who gave us no new war, low inflation, record employment in every demographic, a strong foreign policy that did not kowtow to China and told our NATO allies to pay their fair share, an ACTUAL SOUTHERN BORDER, and pro-life judges?
Ah, that last detail, that must be it. Pro-life is the litmus test. You can literally have the best economy and the safest, most stable world in decades, but if you believe human life begins at conception?
There are no "reasonable answers from Trump haters" as to why they hate the man, who was, by all normative moral and political standards, the best president since Lincoln and Coolidge. While "reasonable" can't be said of their reasons, "understandable" would apply to those who hate Trump (have TDS) because it is in their financial or professional or political interest to do so. Say DemocRat operatives, career federal bureaucrats, media personalities, the military-industrial-research-education lobby and the public teachers' unions which run Congress, the intellectual prostitutes of academia, or, most especially, the internationalists, those Washington insiders and Wall Streeters who run the country and the economy, profit from Red China and want to hold onto their cosmopolitan power at the expense of America's well-being. (Lots of Establishment Republicans, like Bush/Cheney and Big Banks, in this "entrenched greed" group.)
The abortion lobby and the enviro-whacko's are, after the teachers unions, the most potent lobbying force in USA, and lots of Republican suburban women and minivan soccer moms, alas, are shamefully in those malign groups. So, you may be right in stating that the baby-killers are the ones with inexplicable TDS. Yet, Dobbs has been decided. Trump can do no more damage there. And Scotus will not revisit Dobbs again in our lifetime. So why their TDS?
Other than mercenary interests, I think the bulk of TDS is just the consequence of mindless herd instinct and "low IQ" people (Trump's phrase. I love it.) who are easily manipulated by a malign media which hate Trump because he is the first national politician to stop playing defense, go on offense, and attack the media for being the anti-American slime they are.
Today's Left, liberals anti Americans hate Trump because he stood for Life, (pro Life) Liberty (free will in everything including our right NOT to be subjected to experimental medical things, and yes he did, regardless if he took the jab or not!) and the Pursuit of happiness. Living our own lives as far as business, parental rights, raising our own children with out Drag Queen story hour and CRT indoctrination and freedom to clean food and not eat garbage) There is only one thing these insane idiots hate more than President Trump....Themselves. Should feel sorry for these monsters but guess what? I don't!
Honestly, I believe Trump could increase his voter support and turnout by at least 10% if he did the following:
1. Admit he made a mistake by trusting Fauci, Birx, Redfield, and Pfizer/Moderna/CDC/FDA to advise him correctly on the Covid 19 response. If Trump stands for truth, he needs to admit the truth, he CANNOT stand on his pride on this literal holocaust of a failed public health policy response.
2. Promise he will do everything in his power to get big pharma money 100% out of the FDA/CDC/NIH, and propose a way that EVERY public health bureaucracy be 100% transparent with every data request within 24 hours. This hiding/shading/distorting and destruction of public health data should be a crime without a fine, jail should be MANDATORY for jeopardizing people's health and lives.
3. Promise to hold a joint Congressional investigation on how the FDA/CDC got EVERYTHING WRONG with the Covid 19 response, and I mean EVERYTHING. If the last 3 years aren't all the proof we need to raze our existing public health bureaucracies, we haven't learned a thing, and in 2,3, 5 or 10 years, whenever Pfizer needs a fresh infusion of capital, we'll live it all again.
4. Promise all those public health bureaucrats and hospital administrators who lied about cheap, effective therapeutics will lose their licenses/pensions, whatever they have. They cannot be trusted with life and health. Most odious of all, the doctors and administrators who took dying patients off organ transplant lists because they weren't vaxxed - even under their attending physicians orders - should have their licenses forever stripped. Let the full weight of every applicable law fall on these Mengele-level bastards.
In short, if Trump were to acknowledge what so many Americans (and others) are starting to realize - "safe and effective" was as much a lie as the gas chambers were "showers" (not an exaggeration; reasonable worldwide vaccine death estimates of 10 - 20 million killed by the jabs make this WORSE than the German death camps) - if Trump were to admit his failure in judgement and vow NEVER AGAIN to this deadly Big Pharma/gov't bureaucracy collusion and corruption, HE WOULD WIN.
GOP is no prize either. Just another side of the 2 faced devil we dance with now. They just take turns leading and destroy in other ways. “It’s the Uniparty, stupid”. I’ve been both sides. I’m old. I laugh at those conned by the GOPP. I’m not voting for the corrupt uniparty we have let into our heads. Nothing ch@nges. Congress is a toilet paper tiger.
The election of resident biden and the saga of the covid death shots have 1 key element in common - they were both achieved through gaslighting and propaganda. Those who get it and those who don't are divided into groups defined mostly by their news sources.
They are not living under a rock, they are living under the mind control of MSNBC and CNN and NO OTHER news sources are to be trusted. I can't even suggest substack or YouTube. It breaks their brain.
There are plenty of hardcore Democrats still out there. They still have TDS and get their news from MSM. They are unable to see the demolition the Dems have brought to our beloved country.
It’s amusing to read all these responses putting words into my mouth. I said not one word about party. Nor did I say it was an unforgivable offense (who am I to judge, anyway?) What I said was: Biden was a ridiculous choice. Biden was (and is) mentally incapable of the rigors of the position. And that was just a start. To pull the lever for him is puzzling. But I dig Dr. Kory and I am grateful for his courage and steadfastness. Thanks Doc.
I find Dr. Kory’s revealing who he voted for in the Presidential election as a reflection of who he is , unabashedly honest.
We are at a point in our country’s history where political parties have caused such mistrust and division that nothing can get accomplished. As long as we continue to allow ourselves to point fingers and regress to the point of name calling there is no hope.
I know only one thing. Dr. Pierre Kory is the ONLY doctor who honestly looked at my vaccine injured daughter and cared. He is the ONLY medical professional that we sought help from in 4 states that cared more about our daughter than covering his own professional butt to treat her! He knew it was from the vaccination and didn’t damage her further by telling her it was psychological. In order to Cover his professional ass. He cared and was honest.
Our country has been successful because of the two parties providing checks and balances. Neither Democrats or Republicans are right. It’s when you value the outcome enough to listen to each other’s perspectives and experiences that have shaped them that we can come up with solutions. Dr. Kory’s honesty and selfless attitude is why my daughter is alive! It matters not his skin color, religious affiliations or political views. His brain and his heart is what matters. As it does with all of us.
Again, you can wrap yourself in all the virtue signalling you want and call on all the sympathy you may and shout out all the good work Kory has done, but that does not explain or justify or excuse Kory or ANYBODY (even Mother Theresa) voting for Biden EVER for anything.
Political stupidity by an entire nation is the consequence of political stupidity by the voters who support it. Political stupidity has a serious moral consequence. WW II proved that. The US War Against Russia is about to prove it again.
There are many people who drive down the highways thinking everyone else is the idiot. Until you stop name calling and work together to come up with a way to change it. You’re sitting alone in your car calling everyone else an idiot. Changing nothing but your own blood pressure
Calling political stupidity political stupidity is "name calling."
Name-calling is also what the Left does when it attacks its opponents' arguements by calling its opponents fascists, white supremacists, homophobes and name-callers.
Biden does that all the time, as does every other leading DemocRat and MSNBC.
Stupidity is ignorance or lack of intelligence. None of us is completely knowledgeable in every subject. Especially when it comes to the varied topics and issues that government has inserted itself into regulating and controlling. Fear and division are the tactics politicians use to take control. Few investigate bills and regulations even when they’re the legislators. We each make decisions based on our own experiences and the issues that directly affect us. Calling someone politically stupid is not only name calling, but just your perspective
But I have excellent analytical skills, so my perspective warrants the attention of other smart people.
Low IQ'ers don't get it and never will.
BTW: ignorance is not stupidity unless it's willing ignorance, which is rampant in our society. It's the willingness of that which makes it stupidity. Lack of intelligence is involuntary, inescapable stupidity. Below 95 is pretty dumb. If one voted for Biden because he's stupid, I can forgive him so long as it was not willing ignorance and no one tried to explain and avoid his stupidity to him in a way he could understand. That's not many people.
I felt the same about Bush--an evil criminal that I hope faces at Gods gate all he killed some day. Then is sent on a fast elevator south . If you voted for him I’m thinking the same of you so let’s get real here and realize NO F-ING POLITICAL PARTY OR POLITICIAN IS GOING TO SAVE YOU. Deluded.
I too appreciate Dr. Kory’s honesty and transparency. Clearly his emphasis is on being a fine doctor rather than on having a deep understanding of politics.
I agree 100%. We Americans have many enemies and they know that a country divided can not stand. When will Americans wake up and come together for the good of our beautiful country? We are so easily deceived and ready to name call and use our valuable energy and resources for what? We need to look at the BIG picture. What are enemies are accomplishing. They are laughing at how easy it has been to destroy our beautiful country and keep us all fighting. I pray for our country daily and ask for the fruit of the spirit to come into every one our hearts and souls.
Until covid hit, most Americans operated on traditional understandings of political parties, even though there had been drastic changes. The draconian response to covid started waking people up; then, when the bioweapon shots were rolled out and the deaths and injuries started piling up, many who had voted for Biden started to see where their faith in the Democrat party was taking them. I just wish more people realized how we have been lied to. Unfortunately, it seems that most highly educated people have so bought into the various narratives promulgated by their favorite newspapers (the NYT and WaPo) that at this point they are truly blind.
There are financial incentives from insurance companies for practitioners to vaccinate. As well as Risks of professional losses if you do not participate.
Oh you betcha. But I watched them MURDER people in the ICU during the Delta surge. Criminals. These people? I judge them. They had access to the same information I did. And they were doctors. But they made their deal with the devil to maintain the payments to their student loans, mortgages and car payments. Decisions, decisions.
I do not blame a person for voting they way they traditionally voted in the 2020 election. We all have been fooled right along by the political parties, the deep state and the government agencies. We are on a rather steep learning curve of revelation about all of this. It has come down to "we the people" vs. the elite "owner class" that has gotten us to the mess we are in. What people of good will who are dedicated whatever political party they have been in need to do is work for reform of those parties and restoration of honest and fair government. It is a monumental task on both sided of the isle.
One would think by 2020 people would have awakened to the real Democrat Party in this country. Yes, I loved Kennedy and was devastated when he died when I was in Fourth Grade. But he would not be welcome in his Party today. The Big Tent the Dems used to tout is not the present day Democrat Party; instead it is made up of sycophants, Woke grifters, communists, and identity police. The Big Tent is now MAGA/America First - the true party of Everyman/Everywoman of every color, race, origin, DNA, religion, income. Many of us in the America First Movement have had our eyes opened to the corruption of the Democrat Party and left it. People such as Dr. Kory do themselves no favors by admitting they voted Democrat. Better to say nothing than to reveal they aren’t as wise to the current state of our nation as they claim. I remember telling my dad, when he asked why I left the generations-old religion of our pioneer forebears when I stopped believing it was “the True Church,” that I didn’t want my name associated with an organization that no longer represented my views. Who one votes for matters. It tells everyone WHO YOU ARE. I say this with respect to Dr. Kory, whose work I have followed with interest. Everything we do matters.
I am agreeing with all these comments. It was glaringly clear to me that he was displaying early signs of senility/dementia during the campaign. One of my friends admitted to KNOWING this fact, and still voted for him...absolutely stunning! The hatred for Trump, which I get, was/is breathtakingly outrageous. But to vote for someone you KNOW is senile just because you HATE the other guy...I dunno...I can't wrap my head around it. I also have a great deal of respect for Dr. Kory...I consider him a hero. But sheesh...c'mon, Doc! You're smarter than that!
It is very hard to leave “The Kool Kids Club.” Even, after seven years since I left the Dem Plantation, I still find myself over explaining in terms palatable to the Kool Kids why I did or am doing something. For example: planning to wind down our business and move to TX. Spouse already a member of the state bar there. I plan to retire from the law. But to some, when they reel back hearing “Texas,” I explain the bar reciprocity was less expensive than AZ. Then I am mad at myself for pandering. NO MORE, I have vowed to myself! We are moving to get out of the Left Coast and toxic politics! This is what I will say from now on! Truth withstands all scrutiny!
my two elderly parents who are showing clear cognitive aging signs (not dementia, but easily led astray (TDS) by the TV and unable to do their own research anymore) -- they are still happy with their vote for Biden and they honestly think nothing of his cognitive decline, because of their own -- they probably think that they could be President, too. This is the mindset where you have to take the car keys and checkbook away because they just can't anymore, but they don't have the capacity to understand that they are no longer capable.
That's how these two votes for Biden happened. They'd vote for him again if the election were today. It is possible they won't be around the next election to vote for him again (who knows WHAT will happen in 2024).
Exactly Meribear! That's why I voted Trump/America First. After holding my nose and voting for Romney and McCain,but look what the alternative was! Anyway Trump also expose the fake Republicans too! I know TDS runs deep, but does anybody really think Dementia Joe got 10mill votes more than Obama and Trump?.........🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
No, didn’t happen. Plain and simple, they cheat and will do it again because they don’t intend to stop until the US is transformed (Obama) or the country destroyed. Never before have we shutdown election counting (coordinated in key states) to ensure the desired outcome. Mail-in voting was the exception until 2020. Now the Dems try to sell these changes as though it’s always been so.
The cases alleging election fraud were not heard in courts. They were dismissed for lack of standing. Judges didn’t want to touch these cases or overturn a fraudulent election.
I was 12 when JFK was assassinated. I still remember it all clearly. Then Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King. That all shaped the world to come. Remember the Republican Party started as the Liberal Party. The pendulum swings. But, with people like Mitch McConnell still in there nothing is certain. He worked hard in the primary to defeat populist republican candidates. Trump may not be the candidate in '24 either because of age and illness, assassination, or continued election corruption. The task ahead for all of us remains the same.
You forgot to mention, Graham, Cornyn,Cassidy, Collins, Murkowski, Tillis, Thune ,I'm sure I forgot some other Rinos,not easy when you got those who choose to undermine our chosen candidate.
Yes! If RFK, Jr runs, the Dem Establishment will not support him. And I can’t imagine he could get his head around running as anything but a Democrat, sad to say. Family legacy beats common sense and eyes wide open.
I’d like to vote for RFK Jr.,but if he’s a typical Dem on Abortion, I cannot.
He’s doing such tremendous work fighting against the Democide. Yet to borrow a phrase from Woody Allen’s Danny Rose: “You can’t ride two horses with one behind.”
It’s Dr Kory’s business as to who he casts his ballot. Did Donald Trump do anything to make a treatment available for Covid? Sure, he mentioned it once, but did he make this true “game changer” available for anyone wishing to try it? I don’t recall his signing an Executive Order to make HCQ or Ivermectin a viable and readily available option. Instead, he went all in on Operation Warp Speed and it gave us nothing but vaccine injuries and sudden death. He also gave Big Pharma a “Get Out of Jail fir Free” card to protect them from liability. He owns that but to date has not admitted his folly.
Biden and the Democrats then took it to the next level of stupidity and hubris, but Trump has his fingers all over this debacle.
He was President when decisions were made that determined the trajectory of the pandemic and it’s impact on our country. He made all the wrong decisions when it mattered most. I voted for him twice, but will not forget his failures as I witnessed them come to their fruition. That does not mean I approve of Biden, the Democrats, Fauci, Birx, Big Pharma, the medical establishment or the media, but am being honest in my assessment of Trump’s ”
Honestly every comment President Trump made in support of Ivermectin,etc he was thrown under the bus by Fauci, the press. We relied on those proclaiming themselves “science” while those attempting to get the truth out & help were silenced, their
Livelihoods put in jeopardy and attacked by their peers.
We all behaved like lemmings and those who spoke of thinking for themselves were attacked. Many lessons for all of us to learn
EXACTLY. Literally as early as January 13, 2020, Trump signed off for Moderna / NIH to begin creating the vaccine- BEFORE the first US case and before COVID even had its name.
Doesn't that have to make anyone wonder A TON? Judging his actions in the kindest way possible, he acted lightning fast on the experimental vaccine but then sat and watched for TWO MORE MONTHS as the virus slowly but surely spread throughout America, which formed not only the justification for using the experimental vaccine but also the broader overall disaster. Of course Trump is far from the primary culprit, but call a spade a spade.
And then, even after Trump REALLY REALLY benefited from decent COVID treatment when he caught the virus in October 2020 and actually started out with low oxygen levels, he did nothing to help get such lifesaving treatment for the American people. Trump was treated with several items that the Average Joes and Janes weren't: melatonin, Vitamin D, zinc, famotidine, aspirin Each of these has some "gold standard" RCT evidence of improving outcomes with COVID - they likely work better when used together, and in fact these items are all in the FLCCC treatment protocols that many of us are familiar with. Plus of course, Trump also got monoclonal antibodies (also shown to reduce mortality in RCTs) which many hospitalized patients didn't get, certainly not in 2020. No surprise then, that Trump was up and running in 3 days after starting out with a serious case, while hundreds of thousands of Average Joes and Janes needlessly died of a treatable disease.
So if anyone thinks Trump cared about the American people, THINK ABOUT ALL OF THIS.
Good find, I am pretty much speechless. The government's only excuse would be if the subcontract was modified after the fact to include "COVID-19", but since they have lied to us countless times, why should we trust them?
Terry, I think that you're forgetting he tried to get HCQ, Dr. Zelenko was his advisor on that. Look what happened he and Trump got destroyed by media, medical complex. Look what happened to Dr Kory, McCullough, anybody that went against the narrative was destroyed. Liability protection has been a law for a long long time. He cannot override that. All the so called studies were trashing HCQ and IVM. Don't know if he could do it with out legislation. No chance there either. They were too busy with impeachment and George Floyd summer of love.
With respect, I am well aware of Dr Zelenko and Trump’s “game changer” comments. In fact, I watched a YouTube video in March 2020 by Dr Mobeen Syed explaining how and why the Zelenko protocol works. He is now associated with the FLCCC. In spite of the “media, medical complex”, Trump was POTUS and had daily briefings and so daily opportunities to push such treatments and could have given doctors using them a platform. Had he taken the initiative and used the “bully pulpit”, the trajectory of the pandemic would likely have been much different. His weakness cost many their lives, their health and some their freedom.
Agree about Trump. I voted for neither...they are, after all, pretty much the uniparty. I haven't voted for the r or d "choice" for pres in many years. I always choose the libertarian candidate. I figure, as ineffectual and disappointing as some have been, they're miles better than the r or d. It's laughable when ppl tell me it's a wasted vote. Really? How has voting for the uniparty worked out for us? It's my vote, it belongs to me, I'll decide who gets it. It does not belong to either the r or the d.
Respectfully, you should perhaps read more and stop crediting China with responsibility for the DoD's syn/AI/bioweapon which was created in the UNC's Chapel Hill labs.The patents exist from 2015. Dr David White on various platforms explains it well.
As a doctor, the most disturbing thing about voting for Biden is that it didn't bother you that he was exhibiting some cognitive issues (I'm being kind). Frankly, I considered the push for him to run for President as elder abuse. However, I'm from Madison originally, and I know most people there are Democrats/Progressives. So, I guess that can be an excuse.
I understand where you are coming from, but I believe Dr Kory’s work with the FLCCC and here has done much to undermine the official “narrative”. And although, I have no idea why he voted for a declining old man in Joe Biden, perhaps he did so because Trump was already very much off target in dealing with Covid at least with 20/20 hindsight.
We have to strive to see the complete picture before we levy attacks against others for individual actions, even if they may be indicative of a larger issue.
Discrediting, or knocking, Dr. Kory for voting for Biden in 2020 is very short sighted.
Both parties handled the pandemic response horribly. Retrospectively, we can say with decent confidence that the Democrats were FAR more responsible for the massive censorship, and suppression of early treatment, than the Republicans were. But, keep in mind that literally to this day (4/3/23) only 1 Senator (Ron Johnson) out of 100 has done anything to bring attention to early treatment drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Both parties steered very clear of advocating for early treatment in 2020, as they still do to this day. It’s not a Republican vs Democrat dynamic… it’s an Establishment vs The People dynamic.
While Trump (in 2020) did bring much attention to Hydroxychloroquine and argued against masks and the economic shutdown, his handling of the pandemic was in no way something deserving of praise. He was unable to articulate vital information regarding early treatment, and mostly just threw counter punches at those who attacked him. While I understand that horrible situation he was in, he hardly was focused on what was best for the people. So if Biden was seen by many as a “change” from the mismanagement of the pandemic, there was logic behind voting for him… retrospectively, things take a much different shape, but given the state of the nation in 11/2020 it wasn’t nearly as clear then as it is now.
The other thing we have to keep in mind (which although doesn’t count as info available during 11/2020), Trump to this day fully backs Operation Warp Speed. He still supports the Covid vaccination, and still argues that Covid vaccines have been a tremendous success. The only place he concedes to do the ‘right thing’ is when it comes to being against vaccine mandates… but every Republican political has been against mandatory vaccination, so there really isn’t much courage needed to take that stance.
Retrospectively, in the grand scheme of things, Biden is almost literally a puppet for the elites, and Trump being re-elected in 2020 would have certainly put a dent in the elite’s plans… but not as much as people think. Again, the creation of these bioweapons happened under his watch, and he’s supported it to this day… this aspect should encourage everyone to take a step back and to re-evaluate where Trump really fits into what’s going on.
So I think it’s vital that we keep all of this in mind when evaluating Dr. Kory’s judgement in 11/2020… the evolution of Dr. Kory’s logic is far more telling than a decision to vote for Biden in 2020. When the evolution aspect is put front and center, Dr. Kory is among the most courageous, humble, accountable, altruistic, and principled figures in society today.
Kory voted for Biden because he bought into the same BS you did. This is accurate and not short sighted.
Trump is not a doctor and neither are you and most physicians did not read a SINGLE PAPER ON COVID - They had never seen it before it was new. Ralph Baric in NC made it in 2014 and it was refined in Canada and released in 2019. The Greeks analyzed it and determined it was lab created and thus a bioweapon.
Trump was right LONG BEFORE OTHERS and HCQ absolutely does work in the first 12 hours after infection. That paper was written about SARS in 2004 and reiterated by the CDC in 2005. Trump believed the lies and BS about vaccines just like nearly everyone else on this blog- THEY DO NOT WORK AND NEVER HAVE . Most physicians have no clue about vaccines and their failure - they just give the shots they are told to give!!!
I respect and admire Dr. Kory, truly I do. Voting for Joe Biden was stupid but his right.
In America stupidity is not just a protected right, it's also respected and admired. Indeed, stupidity is taught and encouraged by the media, K-16 education and the Democrat Party. Hence, behaving like "a low IQ person" (Trump's phrase, I love it.) is common and applauded.
Why else would people vote for Biden? Why else would anyone call Brain Dead Joe "Mr. President?" Why else would anyone be outraged at my mild criticism of Dr. Kory for his DemocRat politics?
You are correct. I admire Dr. Kory and I like him very much however his judgement with regards to Joe Biden and the Democrats was suspect at best. Unfortunately America's decline and descendance into the acceptance of depravity is a biblical prophecy becoming a reality right in front of our eyes. The current hypocrisy regarding the rule of law is complete and utter nonsense. We are the laughing stock of the world.
Our current President is steeped in all manner of family corruption which could be reasonably argued that boarders on treason with regard to his conduct in Ukraine and China and that extends to every facet of the Government.
The previous president is being tortured politically, personally and professionally for his alleged personal fleshly indiscretions with various consenting women, before he was president or held any political office and while being married and his wife being pregnant and giving birth.
It is a pathetic irony that people who oppose Biden and fully understand what a disaster Biden is for America, nevertheless attack those who criticize the people, like Kory, who put Biden in office.
Makes no strategic sense. It is tactically illogical and a mark of political stupidity.
Conservatives must tighten their ideological ranks if we are to save the country. Doing so requires, inter alia, that we abjure that old Republican favorite, the circular firing squad, and that we shame those who support or have supported America's enemies.
I, too, admire Kory for his medical work during the China Virus Hoax, but I (we) must condemn the political sins of the past. Supporting Biden (and Hillary?) was inexcusable. That can't be disputed, except by blind, die hard, anti-American Biden lovers. Saul of Tarsus was an anti-Semite. Are we to forget that fact as we revere Saint Paul?
This is a comment to all those who have replied to my comment. We need to do MUCH better than this. The vacuous bickering and arguing, and the slinging of personal insults, is a cancer that impedes progress. PLEASE try to focus on the subject at hand, and address the issues, rather than hurling insults at individuals. I think we are all pretty much in agreement on the core issues, and the nuances in which differences occur can be discussed civily and intelligently in aim to further our knowledge and continuously strive towards putting truth front and center.
He is indeed wrong about the bioweapon, to this moment as far as I know, but the Patent for it was issued to Ralph Baric, UNC Chapel Hill, in 2015, so it actually predates his tenure. The "Prototype" development was funded by, you guessed it, DoD and the NIH. (Both also spent our money in Wuhan, but the lion's share of the research has been done at State universities and US Govt facilities domestically. For decades).
Dr Kory is about as stand up as anyone in his profession can possibly be. He is openly, aggressively, treating the bioweapon injured. I actually referred a patient to him today.
Many are living to rue their support of the impostor on Penn Ave.
I know Dr David White (look him up) has said publicly and often, without any rebuttal, that everyone on Capitol Hill has been served documentation demonstrating beyond question the US provenance of the bioweapon. The US never stopped it's illegal bioweapons program, merely transferred it's ownership to HHS. It's Director is the most powerful man in America.
I wholeheartedly agree with the dearth of courage and I'll go you one further. Their choosing big pharma election fund money over duty to recognize and stop our slaughter at it's hands is unforgivable.
Let's forget all the good Dr. Kory has done and all the lives he has saved; instead, let's focus on who he voted for. The two voting choices were abysmal. But let's kick the stuffing out of Dr. Kory for voting for Biden, especially those of us who are not currently in dire need of Dr. Kory's ministrations. That'll teach him. As for an apology, I'd sooner he vote for Biden, again, than apologize to anyone for the destruction he supposedly abetted. As for pig-piling on Dr. Kory, y'all owe him an apology; he has probably saved more lives and done more good than all of his readers put together. Lastly, amongst all of you spanking Dr. Kory, who amongst you can step forward with at least the same amount of courage he has displayed to save lives: lost job; daily death threats; defamation by the media; spurious medical board actions, on and on. He abetted none of that. There is no need for him to make amends.
I tried to write something to this effect, but you did it so perfectly. I got too angry and defensive. I wanted to punch something. I love Dr. Kory for all the reasons you wrote about. Thank you. Sincerely.
We are looking at a far more horrendous future than just the Covid / jab issues. The banking system take downs, the economy collapse possibility or probability depending how things play out. the reordering of the world toward the China and Russia axis and the loss of the dollar as a world currency (probably was going to happen anyway)> Then the idiots talking about what was unthinkable most of my life = using tactical nukes which could lead to an all out exchange. We face huge hurdles and without proper election reform before the primaries will it even matter how we vote? I am trying to do my part but and will vote this Tuesday and through the next cycle, but I am afraid that walk away will be the only option after that. So far in my area I see the same mix of lawn signs and ads as I did before the "red wave that did not happen in the last election."
As someone who has been closely following the COVID-19 situation and the subsequent vaccine rollout, I find this article particularly insightful. Dr. Kory has provided a detailed account of the issues and concerns many people have with the handling of the pandemic by federal health agencies, including the promotion of vaccines despite the shortcomings in their performance.
I also appreciate how Dr. Kory has highlighted the disproportionate impact that some of these policies have had on specific communities. The fact that public sentiment has turned against these agencies is a testament to the growing skepticism and lack of trust in their ability to effectively manage the pandemic.
That being said, I believe it's crucial to consider other options and treatments to combat COVID-19, such as Ivermectin. There's a website,, that provides information about the potential benefits of Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19. As we continue to confront this pandemic, it's essential to explore alternative treatments and ensure we're making informed decisions based on a variety of sources.
In conclusion, this article raises critical questions about the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by federal health agencies and the need for a more nuanced approach to public health policy. As we move forward, it's essential to keep an open mind and continue exploring alternative treatments, like Ivermectin, that may help mitigate the impact of the virus.
Your comment demonstrates a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the response by federal health agencies. You've effectively highlighted the importance of considering alternative treatments, such as Ivermectin, to ensure a more comprehensive approach to combating the virus. Your emphasis on the need to explore various sources of information and maintain open-mindedness is vital in navigating the challenges of this pandemic. Engaging in constructive discussions like this one can help foster a more informed and collaborative approach to addressing the crisis, ultimately benefiting public health and fostering trust in the decision-making process.
Some very good points, but it overlooks one MAJOR twist in the Saga of Covid-19: the political co-opting of social media AND traditional media to propagandize treatments only the self-named "experts" approved! By encroaching on our freedom of speech to MAKE OTHER TREATMENTS KNOWN (vs. shutting them down), they effectively killed off millions of "dissenters." WE (those of us who suspected from the onset that WARP speed and resulting mandates were a trap) were silenced with no recourse. We were vilified, exiled and made fun of.
The past 3 years has been the most immoral time of my entire life. Otherwise smart people, supposed critical thinkers, in "media," "leadership," and "medical professionals," ALL checked their questions at the door and began taking orders from bureaucrats seeking only to enrich themselves while being frontmen for a socialistic one-world government rule. "Humanity" did not/does not matter to these psychopaths. And while it turns my stomach that anyone would vote for the meat puppet, we all know he would not have been put in place if it had not been for widespread cheating by both Democrats and the compromised RINOs that solidify and ensure their power.
And until THOSE people are overthrown, punished and made an example of, we are doomed. Unfortunately, it may just be too late. The fraud that delivered us Joe Biden--who has CONSISTENTLY done every possible thing he could to destroy this county in just 2 years (and we ALL know he's been on the China/Ukraine/Russian payroll for over a decade or more, but only now doing their bidding)--remains in tact. The corruption of our country's government is beyond redemption and the coming economic crash & burn is going to be more than most Americans have the fortitude to survive. God help us all.
In order for God to help us, which I believe is the only way our country is restored, requires faith. Faith not only in God, but faith in the good people that exist in every field. Dr. Kory restored my family’s faith that there are good physicians and Democrats.
I appreciate your thoughtful analysis and engagement with the COVID-19 pandemic and the issues surrounding vaccine rollout and federal health agencies. It's evident that you've been closely following the situation and are open to considering alternative treatments like Ivermectin. Your emphasis on the need for a more nuanced approach to public health policy is crucial, as it highlights the importance of evaluating various sources of information and being open to different perspectives. As we navigate the ongoing pandemic, fostering open discussions like this can help ensure that we make the most informed decisions possible for the benefit of public health.
The present pseudo-mRNA injection has been performed under Emergency Use Authorization = EUA. EUA cannot issue if there are alternative treatments. Thus, Fauci, Walensky, Birx and others deliberately shut down alternative treatments. BillGates, Shwab, Tedros and others took advantage of it. The FDA is now promulgating EUAs.
$340 for 500 tablets of 12mg Iverheal. What a f. ....g price gouging cunt you are. $50 is what these are being sold for. People please stay away from such cunts.
You haven't even scratched the surface of the damage that the evil little bastard Fauci has done. He should still be in prison - or worse - for the crimes he committed during the AIDS fiasco, especially the forced poisoning of hundreds of AIDS orphans. "Mistakes" of that magnitude are not made innocently.
I'm one of those black refuseniks. My healthy skepticism, what I felt in my soul, has served me well throughout these last three years. Many of my friends now realize that I've been right about everything from the start. Even my initial far fetched feeling at the very beginning, that this whole thing is a military operation led by the US and carried out by all western nations like some sort of twisted NATO exercise has turned out to be true. That's because evidence has surfaced suggesting that the DOD has been calling the shots all along. No pun intended. I would say to my friends, you don't believe me now but in six months you'll know that what I'm telling you about these shots is true. Almost all of the evidence I provided about why no one should take the shots came from highly credentialed opposing points of view--people like Dr Kory. And the reason I knew they were on to something is that they were being censored, which was the first red flag or proof for me that tyranny is afoot. My skepticism, my instinct caused me to look for qualified heterodox opinions, and I compared that with the official narrative and found that there was no contest. The shots are dangerous and unnecessary--especially when considering early treatment protocols. I've been extremely frustrated by people's inability or unwillingness to supplement their government propaganda with alternative information. But people like me from all walks of life took the slings and arrows and stood in our knowledge and in our truth, and our world is better for it --even if the normies don't yet realize it.
Yes and these were not honest mistakes. At best our government is incompetent, facilitated by willful, aggressive, illegal censorship. At the very least, we should all be able to agree that has to stop.
I personally believe our govt is sadly, irreparably corrupt - not accidentally incompetent. There is plenty of evidence for this, including blatant, ongoing, unaddressed conflicts of interest at the public health agencies, recently proven govt censorship of media and illegal actions including covid vax mandates for an EUA product.
Quite possibly it is worse than both of the views above - malicious and criminal intent. This is where I struggle.. my gut says this is where we are, but gaslighting seeps in and I waffle. Plus how to find peace in such a sinister, terrifying, unjust world? Denial is a survival instinct.
Bottom line.. kudos to you for your unwavering dedication to this critical, high stakes fight! I hope to see the public discussion continue to open up and evolve towards even more honest discussion.
Thank you for all that you do. And an honor meeting you at the covid litigation conference!
Pierre, I would love to see you have a debate with Vinay Prasad about ivermectin. In many ways he is quite enlightened and outspoken about COVID policy harms done by the health agencies, but for some reason he is rabidly against ivermectin despite the PubMed evidence.
I would like to see such a debate as well. I no longer follow Vinay Prasad as he continues to denigrate Ivermectin as a choice to treat Sars-coV2. For a Doctor who demands studies Vinay ignores ones that are out there
and relies on biased studies that were meant to have Ivermectin fail. Ivermectin along with Fluvoxamine got me well again after 2 weks of hell in August 2021 with Delta. Thanks again FLCCC and Dr. Miguel Antonatos!
I agree with you that such a debate would be great for the public, but I have zero trust in Vinay Prasad. He claims to be all about RCTs and evidence-based medicine, but pretends that the vaccines save lives while ivermectin doesn't, when the actual RCT evidence screams the EXACT OPPOSITE. I'm sorry to say it, but he comes across as a very insincere hybrid of careerist and attention-seeker who cares much more about popularity and Twitter likes than human lives.
I suspect that is because he is an oncologist and was not down in the trenches working with COVID patients every day. Even so, he should be more open, because ivermectin is starting to be used with cancer patients now. It is certainly being used to fight cancer in animals. I don't think he is insincere. I do think he is arrogant, especially about medical studies.
Interesting how ivermectin seems to have such a major role in two of the most prominent diseases at some point in time: COVID and cancer. While there's a long way to go in fleshing out the evidence for its role in cancer treatment, the evidence for COVID speaks for itself: 45 RCTs, average effect 54%!
I'm sure big pharma will ban on IVM for cancer. No money to be made there. They'll probably start using paxlovid instead, while it's still under patent.
Prasad is at UCSF in San Francisco. Steve Kirsch has a few stacks about what is going on there. Forty years ago however they had the most magnificent, innovative oncology department in the universe, full of heart and humor. Sadly, I can't imagine that that is still true given the dark medical age we have entered.
Sometimes people get paid by corporations to be truthful about things no one else will be truthful about and then to attack one particular thing or product so viewers or followers trust the attack as it comes from a trusted source. They've perfected this.
At the end of 2019 I developed a persistent, intermittent thick post nasal drip which just would not clear. Just recently I did clear it, with Ivermectin. After 2 doses it was gone but I persisted for a further 5 days. On top of that a PCR test I was forced to take in 2019 in order to fly, caused a granulomatous reaction in the turbinates and unilateral thickening of the bone at the bridge of my nose. An ENT diagnosed it in a flash as "arthritis of the nose" from surgery 25 years ago. Anything to do with the PCR swab rammed up to exactly the point, doc? No of course not! Anyway, that has also resolved 100%. So much for "arthritis due to age"
So 2 weeks ago I saw a pulmonologist for a sleep study for suspected apnoea. He saw in my intake form I had written that I had just cleared a chronic post nasal drip . He asked how. I said Ivermectin, wonderful stuff. Well, at that he shot up out of his chair shouting the odds that he was concerned I was going to overdose myself. Further that studies had shown it was useless and dangerous etc etc. He persisted in trying to show me some study or other on his phone. I just said, look, I can tell you all about what happened with the Cochrane review and Andy Hill and all that. But now I need to sleep for the apnoea study! Mentioning Ivermectin was like poking him with a hypodermic. Needless to say I didn't sleep much that night.
Too bad it took this plandemic for you and so many others to see the light. If there is still a country when the 2024 elections come around I pray to god that trump gets elected as folks like you help us beat the steal....bc that’s coming again!
Not Trump!! Please. The media will start all over again. I don’t think the U S can take it. We need a new party and a new candidate that can’t be bought or sold!! Trump couldn’t fix it and in the end he made a mess with warp speed and he won’t even admit these vaccines are horrid!!
So true. Trump is the past he had his time and opportunity and in the end he blew it. Time to go forward with someone who early on did his own research and came up with policies that actually worked.
The media circus never ended. With China/Russia/Iran/Brazil/Venezuela 21st century axis of evil, oh and N Korea is flexing their muscles again…goodbye to petrodollars hello yuan..damn right the us can’t take it. Who has the fortitude to handle what’s being thrown at us? Please pp I’m open to suggestions
Trump isn’t the savior. No one man can fight off the commies by himself.
Now, if you combine Trump with a MAGA Senate and House majority, honest election commissions, honest sheriffs, county supervisors, district attorneys, school boards, public health officials, secretaries of state and judges we could get this mess sorted out over the next 40 years.
Which is about how long it took us to get into this mess.
So what do you say? Do have the staying power for all that?
It’s not just Trump we need, it’s “total war” as the Chinese call it.
Well, we'll see if Trump is the guy. 30 days to stop the spread and operation warp speed: two of the WORST public policy decisions ever and he's never apologized.
Dr. Kory is correct on all accounts, but if his claim is that the vaccine wasn't effective, I must disagree. If the aim was to kill or disable many many people, to turn brother against brother, and sister and sister, to gut our economy, to empower and enrich the wealthy, to create political chaos, and to destroy the rule of law and order, in this sense the vaccine was extremely effective. Fortunately, not effective enough.
Currently have my husband using the FLCCC protocol and one of the providers on your website. Thanks a million! While I’m not in a position to contribute monthly, I again will provide a contribution to FLCCC.
I am in the same boat - voted for Biden and deeply regret it.
We all need to recognize that neither party has integrity. There are a few good people out there like Ron Johnson and De Santis, but for the most part they are not on our side. They all work for corporations. As long as we have resentment towards the one group or another, we are missing the full picture.
One of the most effective divide and conquer strategies is the abortion issue and women voters. “My body my choice” guides many of us when it comes to jabs, pregnancy and anything else. (I recognize not everyone sees it this way.)
My point is as long as women voters prioritize abortion rights above all else, Dems will get the majority female vote. It is a tough choice between the accepting the corruption and authoritarianism we face now and tolerating authoritarian decisions when it comes to the life changing and sacred life stage of pregnancy. Women should not have to accept the government having decision power over our bodies, in any context. Sadly I have come to terms with tolerating the lesser evil.
The other option would be for Republicans to change tact and accept that bodily choice DOES equally apply for pregnant women. And respect womens’ deeply-considered, personal wishes when it comes to their own unborn - even if they wish some women would make different life choices.
The deafening silence of the "my body my choice" crowd over mandated "vaxxes" for military, pilots and anybody else who had objections, religious or otherwise, did not go unnoticed.
if a woman's right to choose to abort (kill) their baby is respected, then by the same logic, one might think that a woman's right to choose to protect her baby's life by not taking any experimental, harmful injections during pregnancy would apply, too.
I just want people to hear themselves work through these issues and apply some critical thinking. It would also be good if people realize they can frame this debate any way they like -- freedom of thought and speech should allow for that, and it doesn't have to be "pro life" vs "pro choice" because someone else (who wants to divide us) framed it that way on purpose.
Makes me question your thinking knowing you are/were a democrat. They’re the most violent, irrational tactless people in our Country. Look what your president has done.
Here is my story about flipping from blue to red. But as I say in another comment below, allegiance to one party or the other is ill placed and missing the big picture.
Amazing and disappointing that the same critical eye you used to view the Covid debacle, resulted in you voting for Biden and actually admitting to it.
Good article. Hard hitting but with heavily padded gloves. Hardly a "take the gloves off" attack.
Shame on you for voting Democrat, especially for Brain Dead Joe in 2020. Makes me question your judgment. Maybe an apology is in order for all the destruction you abetted.
Good stuff, as always, on the China Virus pandemic of political corruption and corporate greed. Stay with it. You have done a genuine public service, which, to a point, makes amends for voting for Brain Dead Joe.
I cannot wrap my head around the idea that ANYOME voted for Biden. It’s mystifying. I mean were they living under a rock?? I reckon having been tuned into alternative sources of news shielded me from such ignorance. But I just cannot fathom the degree of cluelessness it took to stay so ignorant. Blindfolds and ear plugs?? I just don’t get it.
It is truly amazing that anyone but a rent-seeking Democrat would have ever voted for Brain Dead Joe for anything. It seems the herd instinct in the human species is still so strong that people behave in elections like buffalo stampeding toward a cliff.
We must blame the Biden disaster on fraud in the 2020 election. And of course we must blame Biden's honest voters like Dr. Kory. But also I blame Delaware and the Big Banks which gave him to us and sustained Biden's political toxicity for 50 years, and I blame that most toxic of Presidents, Barack Obama, who hand-picked Biden as the Party's 2020 nominee and Cackling Comma-La as his VP.
As William Bendix used to say on The Life of Riley (black and white TV days), "What a revoltin' development this is!"
The probable reality is maybe Biden got 30 million and Trump got the rest. A number watcher in Pennsylvania was watching numbers coming in over night and saw 700, 000 Trump votes VANISH between 2 and 3 in the morning on Thursday after PA, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and North Carolina stopped counting votes Wednesday night. They were there, then GONE! Michigan was trucking votes in all night. And on and on.
How did Biden get more votes than Obama with only HALF the precincts Obama won?
Yes, the crime was out in the open but no one was going to be successful in changing the outcome. Trump wanted to drain the swamp but was not able with too much corruption and deceit. It was heartbreaking to watch.
Which does not bode well for 2024. I see Pres Trump has called to "out stuff the Dems ballot stuffing," but if this is our only plan (vis a vis honest elections), we will not win.
Democrats cheat.
The democrat machine has a long history of cheating.
For hard left democrats, maybe 50% of todays dems, the ends justify the means.
Bottom line, if Trump is on his way to winning a swing state (WI, GA, PN, MI, AZ, perhaps others), the dems will 'generate' enough votes to 'win.' Unless and until an honest FBI or state attorney locks down the voting as per the laws, the dems will continue to cheat and continue to 'win.'
The "Spirit" of today's Republican Party is Donald Trump.
The "Flesh" of today's Republican Party is Bill Bahr (cleanest election ever).
The Spirit is willing, the Flesh is weak.
May God Bless America, we need His help more than ever.
I don't see the changes necessary for free and fair elections. Trump could take 85% of the real vote and the left will still cheat. Installing the dement was necessary for pushing the bio-weapon. And Trump himself continues to appear misinformed and proud of his role in pushing the death shots. I fear for the future.
One of my friends told me she voted for Biden because her patents were Democrats. I was rendered speechless. What? My parents voted for who they thought was the best choice for the office. What a concept!
They hated Trump that much!
That, too, is inadequate to explain voting for Brain Dead Joe: "I disliked Trump enough to vote for a nasty, petty, dishonest, mentally-defective, morally-stunted, AI-deficient robot!"
Discernment is not a tool in everyone’s box. Hate is far easier and often blinding.
That was a great string of adjectives😂
I'm sure the wokesters have already banned those adjectives.
You forgot to add pedophile and sexual abuser.
Yes. TDS was far more powerful than most recognize. My sister and brother-in-law are much older than I, far more conservative than I (I went Independent after Bush the 2nd), but they hated Trump so much they voted for Biden. I don’t know if I’ve ever been more disappointed in them in my life, that they were so blinded they couldn’t see what was happening.
I fell for TDS, and the mask bs. Here are my thoughts on that:
I still don't get reasonable answers from Trump haters when I ask why they hate him so much.
Quite simply, what exactly do they hate about a President who gave us no new war, low inflation, record employment in every demographic, a strong foreign policy that did not kowtow to China and told our NATO allies to pay their fair share, an ACTUAL SOUTHERN BORDER, and pro-life judges?
Ah, that last detail, that must be it. Pro-life is the litmus test. You can literally have the best economy and the safest, most stable world in decades, but if you believe human life begins at conception?
Trump is Hitler.
Welcome to the mind of the American Left.
There are no "reasonable answers from Trump haters" as to why they hate the man, who was, by all normative moral and political standards, the best president since Lincoln and Coolidge. While "reasonable" can't be said of their reasons, "understandable" would apply to those who hate Trump (have TDS) because it is in their financial or professional or political interest to do so. Say DemocRat operatives, career federal bureaucrats, media personalities, the military-industrial-research-education lobby and the public teachers' unions which run Congress, the intellectual prostitutes of academia, or, most especially, the internationalists, those Washington insiders and Wall Streeters who run the country and the economy, profit from Red China and want to hold onto their cosmopolitan power at the expense of America's well-being. (Lots of Establishment Republicans, like Bush/Cheney and Big Banks, in this "entrenched greed" group.)
The abortion lobby and the enviro-whacko's are, after the teachers unions, the most potent lobbying force in USA, and lots of Republican suburban women and minivan soccer moms, alas, are shamefully in those malign groups. So, you may be right in stating that the baby-killers are the ones with inexplicable TDS. Yet, Dobbs has been decided. Trump can do no more damage there. And Scotus will not revisit Dobbs again in our lifetime. So why their TDS?
Other than mercenary interests, I think the bulk of TDS is just the consequence of mindless herd instinct and "low IQ" people (Trump's phrase. I love it.) who are easily manipulated by a malign media which hate Trump because he is the first national politician to stop playing defense, go on offense, and attack the media for being the anti-American slime they are.
Today's Left, liberals anti Americans hate Trump because he stood for Life, (pro Life) Liberty (free will in everything including our right NOT to be subjected to experimental medical things, and yes he did, regardless if he took the jab or not!) and the Pursuit of happiness. Living our own lives as far as business, parental rights, raising our own children with out Drag Queen story hour and CRT indoctrination and freedom to clean food and not eat garbage) There is only one thing these insane idiots hate more than President Trump....Themselves. Should feel sorry for these monsters but guess what? I don't!
Honestly, I believe Trump could increase his voter support and turnout by at least 10% if he did the following:
1. Admit he made a mistake by trusting Fauci, Birx, Redfield, and Pfizer/Moderna/CDC/FDA to advise him correctly on the Covid 19 response. If Trump stands for truth, he needs to admit the truth, he CANNOT stand on his pride on this literal holocaust of a failed public health policy response.
2. Promise he will do everything in his power to get big pharma money 100% out of the FDA/CDC/NIH, and propose a way that EVERY public health bureaucracy be 100% transparent with every data request within 24 hours. This hiding/shading/distorting and destruction of public health data should be a crime without a fine, jail should be MANDATORY for jeopardizing people's health and lives.
3. Promise to hold a joint Congressional investigation on how the FDA/CDC got EVERYTHING WRONG with the Covid 19 response, and I mean EVERYTHING. If the last 3 years aren't all the proof we need to raze our existing public health bureaucracies, we haven't learned a thing, and in 2,3, 5 or 10 years, whenever Pfizer needs a fresh infusion of capital, we'll live it all again.
4. Promise all those public health bureaucrats and hospital administrators who lied about cheap, effective therapeutics will lose their licenses/pensions, whatever they have. They cannot be trusted with life and health. Most odious of all, the doctors and administrators who took dying patients off organ transplant lists because they weren't vaxxed - even under their attending physicians orders - should have their licenses forever stripped. Let the full weight of every applicable law fall on these Mengele-level bastards.
In short, if Trump were to acknowledge what so many Americans (and others) are starting to realize - "safe and effective" was as much a lie as the gas chambers were "showers" (not an exaggeration; reasonable worldwide vaccine death estimates of 10 - 20 million killed by the jabs make this WORSE than the German death camps) - if Trump were to admit his failure in judgement and vow NEVER AGAIN to this deadly Big Pharma/gov't bureaucracy collusion and corruption, HE WOULD WIN.
GOP is no prize either. Just another side of the 2 faced devil we dance with now. They just take turns leading and destroy in other ways. “It’s the Uniparty, stupid”. I’ve been both sides. I’m old. I laugh at those conned by the GOPP. I’m not voting for the corrupt uniparty we have let into our heads. Nothing ch@nges. Congress is a toilet paper tiger.
The election of resident biden and the saga of the covid death shots have 1 key element in common - they were both achieved through gaslighting and propaganda. Those who get it and those who don't are divided into groups defined mostly by their news sources.
They are not living under a rock, they are living under the mind control of MSNBC and CNN and NO OTHER news sources are to be trusted. I can't even suggest substack or YouTube. It breaks their brain.
Information is primarily manipulated by BillGates.
His name comes up everywhere you look.
Individuals and organizations surround Vaccine's concession in order to gain concession.
There are plenty of hardcore Democrats still out there. They still have TDS and get their news from MSM. They are unable to see the demolition the Dems have brought to our beloved country.
It’s amusing to read all these responses putting words into my mouth. I said not one word about party. Nor did I say it was an unforgivable offense (who am I to judge, anyway?) What I said was: Biden was a ridiculous choice. Biden was (and is) mentally incapable of the rigors of the position. And that was just a start. To pull the lever for him is puzzling. But I dig Dr. Kory and I am grateful for his courage and steadfastness. Thanks Doc.
Get over it, Suzi.
I find Dr. Kory’s revealing who he voted for in the Presidential election as a reflection of who he is , unabashedly honest.
We are at a point in our country’s history where political parties have caused such mistrust and division that nothing can get accomplished. As long as we continue to allow ourselves to point fingers and regress to the point of name calling there is no hope.
I know only one thing. Dr. Pierre Kory is the ONLY doctor who honestly looked at my vaccine injured daughter and cared. He is the ONLY medical professional that we sought help from in 4 states that cared more about our daughter than covering his own professional butt to treat her! He knew it was from the vaccination and didn’t damage her further by telling her it was psychological. In order to Cover his professional ass. He cared and was honest.
Our country has been successful because of the two parties providing checks and balances. Neither Democrats or Republicans are right. It’s when you value the outcome enough to listen to each other’s perspectives and experiences that have shaped them that we can come up with solutions. Dr. Kory’s honesty and selfless attitude is why my daughter is alive! It matters not his skin color, religious affiliations or political views. His brain and his heart is what matters. As it does with all of us.
I appreciate Dr. Kory being willing to admit he voted for Biden. That vote boggles the mind, but I respect his confession.
Me too!
Again, you can wrap yourself in all the virtue signalling you want and call on all the sympathy you may and shout out all the good work Kory has done, but that does not explain or justify or excuse Kory or ANYBODY (even Mother Theresa) voting for Biden EVER for anything.
Political stupidity by an entire nation is the consequence of political stupidity by the voters who support it. Political stupidity has a serious moral consequence. WW II proved that. The US War Against Russia is about to prove it again.
There are many people who drive down the highways thinking everyone else is the idiot. Until you stop name calling and work together to come up with a way to change it. You’re sitting alone in your car calling everyone else an idiot. Changing nothing but your own blood pressure
Political stupidity is name calling?
Calling political stupidity political stupidity is "name calling."
Name-calling is also what the Left does when it attacks its opponents' arguements by calling its opponents fascists, white supremacists, homophobes and name-callers.
Biden does that all the time, as does every other leading DemocRat and MSNBC.
Stupidity is ignorance or lack of intelligence. None of us is completely knowledgeable in every subject. Especially when it comes to the varied topics and issues that government has inserted itself into regulating and controlling. Fear and division are the tactics politicians use to take control. Few investigate bills and regulations even when they’re the legislators. We each make decisions based on our own experiences and the issues that directly affect us. Calling someone politically stupid is not only name calling, but just your perspective
Yes, it is "my perspective."
But I have excellent analytical skills, so my perspective warrants the attention of other smart people.
Low IQ'ers don't get it and never will.
BTW: ignorance is not stupidity unless it's willing ignorance, which is rampant in our society. It's the willingness of that which makes it stupidity. Lack of intelligence is involuntary, inescapable stupidity. Below 95 is pretty dumb. If one voted for Biden because he's stupid, I can forgive him so long as it was not willing ignorance and no one tried to explain and avoid his stupidity to him in a way he could understand. That's not many people.
I felt the same about Bush--an evil criminal that I hope faces at Gods gate all he killed some day. Then is sent on a fast elevator south . If you voted for him I’m thinking the same of you so let’s get real here and realize NO F-ING POLITICAL PARTY OR POLITICIAN IS GOING TO SAVE YOU. Deluded.
After 2 years of covid with slo-joe, I wouldn't ever admit it, but I believe he let the cat out of the bag a long time ago. Oopsie!
I too appreciate Dr. Kory’s honesty and transparency. Clearly his emphasis is on being a fine doctor rather than on having a deep understanding of politics.
Didn't require "a deep understanding of politics" not to vote for Biden.
Common sense free of ideology and, perhaps, ivermectin for the TDS virus would have done quite well.
BTW: the most deadly virus ever to invade USA is TDS. It changed the course of American history.
I agree 100%. We Americans have many enemies and they know that a country divided can not stand. When will Americans wake up and come together for the good of our beautiful country? We are so easily deceived and ready to name call and use our valuable energy and resources for what? We need to look at the BIG picture. What are enemies are accomplishing. They are laughing at how easy it has been to destroy our beautiful country and keep us all fighting. I pray for our country daily and ask for the fruit of the spirit to come into every one our hearts and souls.
Until covid hit, most Americans operated on traditional understandings of political parties, even though there had been drastic changes. The draconian response to covid started waking people up; then, when the bioweapon shots were rolled out and the deaths and injuries started piling up, many who had voted for Biden started to see where their faith in the Democrat party was taking them. I just wish more people realized how we have been lied to. Unfortunately, it seems that most highly educated people have so bought into the various narratives promulgated by their favorite newspapers (the NYT and WaPo) that at this point they are truly blind.
Yes, a spiritual awakening is our only hope.
Kory has learned better as have most of the doctors who are on the right side.
Oh which there are few, unfortunately. I work in healthcare. It’s like zombie-land in there.
Yes. Complete subservience to the fraudsters.
There are financial incentives from insurance companies for practitioners to vaccinate. As well as Risks of professional losses if you do not participate.
Oh you betcha. But I watched them MURDER people in the ICU during the Delta surge. Criminals. These people? I judge them. They had access to the same information I did. And they were doctors. But they made their deal with the devil to maintain the payments to their student loans, mortgages and car payments. Decisions, decisions.
I do not blame a person for voting they way they traditionally voted in the 2020 election. We all have been fooled right along by the political parties, the deep state and the government agencies. We are on a rather steep learning curve of revelation about all of this. It has come down to "we the people" vs. the elite "owner class" that has gotten us to the mess we are in. What people of good will who are dedicated whatever political party they have been in need to do is work for reform of those parties and restoration of honest and fair government. It is a monumental task on both sided of the isle.
One would think by 2020 people would have awakened to the real Democrat Party in this country. Yes, I loved Kennedy and was devastated when he died when I was in Fourth Grade. But he would not be welcome in his Party today. The Big Tent the Dems used to tout is not the present day Democrat Party; instead it is made up of sycophants, Woke grifters, communists, and identity police. The Big Tent is now MAGA/America First - the true party of Everyman/Everywoman of every color, race, origin, DNA, religion, income. Many of us in the America First Movement have had our eyes opened to the corruption of the Democrat Party and left it. People such as Dr. Kory do themselves no favors by admitting they voted Democrat. Better to say nothing than to reveal they aren’t as wise to the current state of our nation as they claim. I remember telling my dad, when he asked why I left the generations-old religion of our pioneer forebears when I stopped believing it was “the True Church,” that I didn’t want my name associated with an organization that no longer represented my views. Who one votes for matters. It tells everyone WHO YOU ARE. I say this with respect to Dr. Kory, whose work I have followed with interest. Everything we do matters.
I am agreeing with all these comments. It was glaringly clear to me that he was displaying early signs of senility/dementia during the campaign. One of my friends admitted to KNOWING this fact, and still voted for him...absolutely stunning! The hatred for Trump, which I get, was/is breathtakingly outrageous. But to vote for someone you KNOW is senile just because you HATE the other guy...I dunno...I can't wrap my head around it. I also have a great deal of respect for Dr. Kory...I consider him a hero. But sheesh...c'mon, Doc! You're smarter than that!
It is very hard to leave “The Kool Kids Club.” Even, after seven years since I left the Dem Plantation, I still find myself over explaining in terms palatable to the Kool Kids why I did or am doing something. For example: planning to wind down our business and move to TX. Spouse already a member of the state bar there. I plan to retire from the law. But to some, when they reel back hearing “Texas,” I explain the bar reciprocity was less expensive than AZ. Then I am mad at myself for pandering. NO MORE, I have vowed to myself! We are moving to get out of the Left Coast and toxic politics! This is what I will say from now on! Truth withstands all scrutiny!
May you continue to have this strong resolution! Do not be afraid. Stay strong.
Oh, I am. Unjabbbed and questioning authority since I was 13 years old.
Most doctors got indoctrinated in college. Good guess eh?
And the education of medical students and doctors depends heavily on subsidies from pharmaceutical companies.
my two elderly parents who are showing clear cognitive aging signs (not dementia, but easily led astray (TDS) by the TV and unable to do their own research anymore) -- they are still happy with their vote for Biden and they honestly think nothing of his cognitive decline, because of their own -- they probably think that they could be President, too. This is the mindset where you have to take the car keys and checkbook away because they just can't anymore, but they don't have the capacity to understand that they are no longer capable.
That's how these two votes for Biden happened. They'd vote for him again if the election were today. It is possible they won't be around the next election to vote for him again (who knows WHAT will happen in 2024).
Exactly Meribear! That's why I voted Trump/America First. After holding my nose and voting for Romney and McCain,but look what the alternative was! Anyway Trump also expose the fake Republicans too! I know TDS runs deep, but does anybody really think Dementia Joe got 10mill votes more than Obama and Trump?.........🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
No, didn’t happen. Plain and simple, they cheat and will do it again because they don’t intend to stop until the US is transformed (Obama) or the country destroyed. Never before have we shutdown election counting (coordinated in key states) to ensure the desired outcome. Mail-in voting was the exception until 2020. Now the Dems try to sell these changes as though it’s always been so.
The cases alleging election fraud were not heard in courts. They were dismissed for lack of standing. Judges didn’t want to touch these cases or overturn a fraudulent election.
I was 12 when JFK was assassinated. I still remember it all clearly. Then Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King. That all shaped the world to come. Remember the Republican Party started as the Liberal Party. The pendulum swings. But, with people like Mitch McConnell still in there nothing is certain. He worked hard in the primary to defeat populist republican candidates. Trump may not be the candidate in '24 either because of age and illness, assassination, or continued election corruption. The task ahead for all of us remains the same.
You forgot to mention, Graham, Cornyn,Cassidy, Collins, Murkowski, Tillis, Thune ,I'm sure I forgot some other Rinos,not easy when you got those who choose to undermine our chosen candidate.
It is our patriotic duty to pick up the Flag and run with it! WE are America First. Trump is with us, but he is just one. We are ALL. WWG1WGA!
Kennedy was not welcome even back then. There have been many eye opening books but The Devil’s Chessboard lays a lot of cards on the table.
Yes! If RFK, Jr runs, the Dem Establishment will not support him. And I can’t imagine he could get his head around running as anything but a Democrat, sad to say. Family legacy beats common sense and eyes wide open.
Why the hell would he even run as a dem. This dem party hates him, R's won't vote for him either. He's a man with out a party.
RFK Jr has too much D in his DNA to not run as a Democrat. He's doing good work, but should stay out of politics.
I’d like to vote for RFK Jr.,but if he’s a typical Dem on Abortion, I cannot.
He’s doing such tremendous work fighting against the Democide. Yet to borrow a phrase from Woody Allen’s Danny Rose: “You can’t ride two horses with one behind.”
Yes. I voted Trump but at the time was trusting the medical establishment so got jabbed (and vaccine injured). We all learn in time hopefully.
Hope you have learned about remedies for spike protein poisoning. Dr. Mercola is a good start!
Thank you. I have become a semi expert on the subject.
Hope you're recovering Daniel.
And Dr Kory, I think McCullough too
It’s Dr Kory’s business as to who he casts his ballot. Did Donald Trump do anything to make a treatment available for Covid? Sure, he mentioned it once, but did he make this true “game changer” available for anyone wishing to try it? I don’t recall his signing an Executive Order to make HCQ or Ivermectin a viable and readily available option. Instead, he went all in on Operation Warp Speed and it gave us nothing but vaccine injuries and sudden death. He also gave Big Pharma a “Get Out of Jail fir Free” card to protect them from liability. He owns that but to date has not admitted his folly.
Biden and the Democrats then took it to the next level of stupidity and hubris, but Trump has his fingers all over this debacle.
He was President when decisions were made that determined the trajectory of the pandemic and it’s impact on our country. He made all the wrong decisions when it mattered most. I voted for him twice, but will not forget his failures as I witnessed them come to their fruition. That does not mean I approve of Biden, the Democrats, Fauci, Birx, Big Pharma, the medical establishment or the media, but am being honest in my assessment of Trump’s ”
Honestly every comment President Trump made in support of Ivermectin,etc he was thrown under the bus by Fauci, the press. We relied on those proclaiming themselves “science” while those attempting to get the truth out & help were silenced, their
Livelihoods put in jeopardy and attacked by their peers.
We all behaved like lemmings and those who spoke of thinking for themselves were attacked. Many lessons for all of us to learn
EXACTLY. Literally as early as January 13, 2020, Trump signed off for Moderna / NIH to begin creating the vaccine- BEFORE the first US case and before COVID even had its name.
Doesn't that have to make anyone wonder A TON? Judging his actions in the kindest way possible, he acted lightning fast on the experimental vaccine but then sat and watched for TWO MORE MONTHS as the virus slowly but surely spread throughout America, which formed not only the justification for using the experimental vaccine but also the broader overall disaster. Of course Trump is far from the primary culprit, but call a spade a spade.
And then, even after Trump REALLY REALLY benefited from decent COVID treatment when he caught the virus in October 2020 and actually started out with low oxygen levels, he did nothing to help get such lifesaving treatment for the American people. Trump was treated with several items that the Average Joes and Janes weren't: melatonin, Vitamin D, zinc, famotidine, aspirin Each of these has some "gold standard" RCT evidence of improving outcomes with COVID - they likely work better when used together, and in fact these items are all in the FLCCC treatment protocols that many of us are familiar with. Plus of course, Trump also got monoclonal antibodies (also shown to reduce mortality in RCTs) which many hospitalized patients didn't get, certainly not in 2020. No surprise then, that Trump was up and running in 3 days after starting out with a serious case, while hundreds of thousands of Average Joes and Janes needlessly died of a treatable disease.
So if anyone thinks Trump cared about the American people, THINK ABOUT ALL OF THIS.
Good find, I am pretty much speechless. The government's only excuse would be if the subcontract was modified after the fact to include "COVID-19", but since they have lied to us countless times, why should we trust them?
Terry, I think that you're forgetting he tried to get HCQ, Dr. Zelenko was his advisor on that. Look what happened he and Trump got destroyed by media, medical complex. Look what happened to Dr Kory, McCullough, anybody that went against the narrative was destroyed. Liability protection has been a law for a long long time. He cannot override that. All the so called studies were trashing HCQ and IVM. Don't know if he could do it with out legislation. No chance there either. They were too busy with impeachment and George Floyd summer of love.
Wow what a year!
With respect, I am well aware of Dr Zelenko and Trump’s “game changer” comments. In fact, I watched a YouTube video in March 2020 by Dr Mobeen Syed explaining how and why the Zelenko protocol works. He is now associated with the FLCCC. In spite of the “media, medical complex”, Trump was POTUS and had daily briefings and so daily opportunities to push such treatments and could have given doctors using them a platform. Had he taken the initiative and used the “bully pulpit”, the trajectory of the pandemic would likely have been much different. His weakness cost many their lives, their health and some their freedom.
Agree about Trump. I voted for neither...they are, after all, pretty much the uniparty. I haven't voted for the r or d "choice" for pres in many years. I always choose the libertarian candidate. I figure, as ineffectual and disappointing as some have been, they're miles better than the r or d. It's laughable when ppl tell me it's a wasted vote. Really? How has voting for the uniparty worked out for us? It's my vote, it belongs to me, I'll decide who gets it. It does not belong to either the r or the d.
You think Trump is uniparty, how'd that work out for him? Lol
Respectfully, you should perhaps read more and stop crediting China with responsibility for the DoD's syn/AI/bioweapon which was created in the UNC's Chapel Hill labs.The patents exist from 2015. Dr David White on various platforms explains it well.
As a doctor, the most disturbing thing about voting for Biden is that it didn't bother you that he was exhibiting some cognitive issues (I'm being kind). Frankly, I considered the push for him to run for President as elder abuse. However, I'm from Madison originally, and I know most people there are Democrats/Progressives. So, I guess that can be an excuse.
Don't hold grudges
I understand where you are coming from, but I believe Dr Kory’s work with the FLCCC and here has done much to undermine the official “narrative”. And although, I have no idea why he voted for a declining old man in Joe Biden, perhaps he did so because Trump was already very much off target in dealing with Covid at least with 20/20 hindsight.
We have to strive to see the complete picture before we levy attacks against others for individual actions, even if they may be indicative of a larger issue.
Discrediting, or knocking, Dr. Kory for voting for Biden in 2020 is very short sighted.
Both parties handled the pandemic response horribly. Retrospectively, we can say with decent confidence that the Democrats were FAR more responsible for the massive censorship, and suppression of early treatment, than the Republicans were. But, keep in mind that literally to this day (4/3/23) only 1 Senator (Ron Johnson) out of 100 has done anything to bring attention to early treatment drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Both parties steered very clear of advocating for early treatment in 2020, as they still do to this day. It’s not a Republican vs Democrat dynamic… it’s an Establishment vs The People dynamic.
While Trump (in 2020) did bring much attention to Hydroxychloroquine and argued against masks and the economic shutdown, his handling of the pandemic was in no way something deserving of praise. He was unable to articulate vital information regarding early treatment, and mostly just threw counter punches at those who attacked him. While I understand that horrible situation he was in, he hardly was focused on what was best for the people. So if Biden was seen by many as a “change” from the mismanagement of the pandemic, there was logic behind voting for him… retrospectively, things take a much different shape, but given the state of the nation in 11/2020 it wasn’t nearly as clear then as it is now.
The other thing we have to keep in mind (which although doesn’t count as info available during 11/2020), Trump to this day fully backs Operation Warp Speed. He still supports the Covid vaccination, and still argues that Covid vaccines have been a tremendous success. The only place he concedes to do the ‘right thing’ is when it comes to being against vaccine mandates… but every Republican political has been against mandatory vaccination, so there really isn’t much courage needed to take that stance.
Retrospectively, in the grand scheme of things, Biden is almost literally a puppet for the elites, and Trump being re-elected in 2020 would have certainly put a dent in the elite’s plans… but not as much as people think. Again, the creation of these bioweapons happened under his watch, and he’s supported it to this day… this aspect should encourage everyone to take a step back and to re-evaluate where Trump really fits into what’s going on.
So I think it’s vital that we keep all of this in mind when evaluating Dr. Kory’s judgement in 11/2020… the evolution of Dr. Kory’s logic is far more telling than a decision to vote for Biden in 2020. When the evolution aspect is put front and center, Dr. Kory is among the most courageous, humble, accountable, altruistic, and principled figures in society today.
Kory voted for Biden because he bought into the same BS you did. This is accurate and not short sighted.
Trump is not a doctor and neither are you and most physicians did not read a SINGLE PAPER ON COVID - They had never seen it before it was new. Ralph Baric in NC made it in 2014 and it was refined in Canada and released in 2019. The Greeks analyzed it and determined it was lab created and thus a bioweapon.
Trump was right LONG BEFORE OTHERS and HCQ absolutely does work in the first 12 hours after infection. That paper was written about SARS in 2004 and reiterated by the CDC in 2005. Trump believed the lies and BS about vaccines just like nearly everyone else on this blog- THEY DO NOT WORK AND NEVER HAVE . Most physicians have no clue about vaccines and their failure - they just give the shots they are told to give!!!
I respect and admire Dr. Kory, truly I do. Voting for Joe Biden was stupid but his right.
In America stupidity is not just a protected right, it's also respected and admired. Indeed, stupidity is taught and encouraged by the media, K-16 education and the Democrat Party. Hence, behaving like "a low IQ person" (Trump's phrase, I love it.) is common and applauded.
Why else would people vote for Biden? Why else would anyone call Brain Dead Joe "Mr. President?" Why else would anyone be outraged at my mild criticism of Dr. Kory for his DemocRat politics?
You are correct. I admire Dr. Kory and I like him very much however his judgement with regards to Joe Biden and the Democrats was suspect at best. Unfortunately America's decline and descendance into the acceptance of depravity is a biblical prophecy becoming a reality right in front of our eyes. The current hypocrisy regarding the rule of law is complete and utter nonsense. We are the laughing stock of the world.
Our current President is steeped in all manner of family corruption which could be reasonably argued that boarders on treason with regard to his conduct in Ukraine and China and that extends to every facet of the Government.
The previous president is being tortured politically, personally and professionally for his alleged personal fleshly indiscretions with various consenting women, before he was president or held any political office and while being married and his wife being pregnant and giving birth.
This is the ME DUMMY movement
It is a pathetic irony that people who oppose Biden and fully understand what a disaster Biden is for America, nevertheless attack those who criticize the people, like Kory, who put Biden in office.
Makes no strategic sense. It is tactically illogical and a mark of political stupidity.
Conservatives must tighten their ideological ranks if we are to save the country. Doing so requires, inter alia, that we abjure that old Republican favorite, the circular firing squad, and that we shame those who support or have supported America's enemies.
I, too, admire Kory for his medical work during the China Virus Hoax, but I (we) must condemn the political sins of the past. Supporting Biden (and Hillary?) was inexcusable. That can't be disputed, except by blind, die hard, anti-American Biden lovers. Saul of Tarsus was an anti-Semite. Are we to forget that fact as we revere Saint Paul?
Lecture based on faulty, if any, analysis.
Misguided if "friendly fire."
And way TMI!
Need to be more concise and start from a correct premise.
This is a comment to all those who have replied to my comment. We need to do MUCH better than this. The vacuous bickering and arguing, and the slinging of personal insults, is a cancer that impedes progress. PLEASE try to focus on the subject at hand, and address the issues, rather than hurling insults at individuals. I think we are all pretty much in agreement on the core issues, and the nuances in which differences occur can be discussed civily and intelligently in aim to further our knowledge and continuously strive towards putting truth front and center.
He is indeed wrong about the bioweapon, to this moment as far as I know, but the Patent for it was issued to Ralph Baric, UNC Chapel Hill, in 2015, so it actually predates his tenure. The "Prototype" development was funded by, you guessed it, DoD and the NIH. (Both also spent our money in Wuhan, but the lion's share of the research has been done at State universities and US Govt facilities domestically. For decades).
Dr Kory is about as stand up as anyone in his profession can possibly be. He is openly, aggressively, treating the bioweapon injured. I actually referred a patient to him today.
Many are living to rue their support of the impostor on Penn Ave.
I know Dr David White (look him up) has said publicly and often, without any rebuttal, that everyone on Capitol Hill has been served documentation demonstrating beyond question the US provenance of the bioweapon. The US never stopped it's illegal bioweapons program, merely transferred it's ownership to HHS. It's Director is the most powerful man in America.
I wholeheartedly agree with the dearth of courage and I'll go you one further. Their choosing big pharma election fund money over duty to recognize and stop our slaughter at it's hands is unforgivable.
Nuremberg 2.0 will crowded.
Hanging room only.
Let's forget all the good Dr. Kory has done and all the lives he has saved; instead, let's focus on who he voted for. The two voting choices were abysmal. But let's kick the stuffing out of Dr. Kory for voting for Biden, especially those of us who are not currently in dire need of Dr. Kory's ministrations. That'll teach him. As for an apology, I'd sooner he vote for Biden, again, than apologize to anyone for the destruction he supposedly abetted. As for pig-piling on Dr. Kory, y'all owe him an apology; he has probably saved more lives and done more good than all of his readers put together. Lastly, amongst all of you spanking Dr. Kory, who amongst you can step forward with at least the same amount of courage he has displayed to save lives: lost job; daily death threats; defamation by the media; spurious medical board actions, on and on. He abetted none of that. There is no need for him to make amends.
I tried to write something to this effect, but you did it so perfectly. I got too angry and defensive. I wanted to punch something. I love Dr. Kory for all the reasons you wrote about. Thank you. Sincerely.
We are looking at a far more horrendous future than just the Covid / jab issues. The banking system take downs, the economy collapse possibility or probability depending how things play out. the reordering of the world toward the China and Russia axis and the loss of the dollar as a world currency (probably was going to happen anyway)> Then the idiots talking about what was unthinkable most of my life = using tactical nukes which could lead to an all out exchange. We face huge hurdles and without proper election reform before the primaries will it even matter how we vote? I am trying to do my part but and will vote this Tuesday and through the next cycle, but I am afraid that walk away will be the only option after that. So far in my area I see the same mix of lawn signs and ads as I did before the "red wave that did not happen in the last election."
Yes, it is quite dispiriting.
But I'm a Christian.
I do not love my enemies, but I never lose hope.
No one, not even W Bush, will ever admit he was stupid to vote for Joe Biden. Think Nuremberg and ask how do you say "nicht schulde" in English?
They will deny their stupidity and blame their mistake on the source of all evil, DJ Trump.
"Trump made me do it."
Theirs was a vote made under extreme duress.
As someone who has been closely following the COVID-19 situation and the subsequent vaccine rollout, I find this article particularly insightful. Dr. Kory has provided a detailed account of the issues and concerns many people have with the handling of the pandemic by federal health agencies, including the promotion of vaccines despite the shortcomings in their performance.
I also appreciate how Dr. Kory has highlighted the disproportionate impact that some of these policies have had on specific communities. The fact that public sentiment has turned against these agencies is a testament to the growing skepticism and lack of trust in their ability to effectively manage the pandemic.
That being said, I believe it's crucial to consider other options and treatments to combat COVID-19, such as Ivermectin. There's a website,, that provides information about the potential benefits of Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19. As we continue to confront this pandemic, it's essential to explore alternative treatments and ensure we're making informed decisions based on a variety of sources.
In conclusion, this article raises critical questions about the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by federal health agencies and the need for a more nuanced approach to public health policy. As we move forward, it's essential to keep an open mind and continue exploring alternative treatments, like Ivermectin, that may help mitigate the impact of the virus.
Your comment demonstrates a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the response by federal health agencies. You've effectively highlighted the importance of considering alternative treatments, such as Ivermectin, to ensure a more comprehensive approach to combating the virus. Your emphasis on the need to explore various sources of information and maintain open-mindedness is vital in navigating the challenges of this pandemic. Engaging in constructive discussions like this one can help foster a more informed and collaborative approach to addressing the crisis, ultimately benefiting public health and fostering trust in the decision-making process.
Exactly! I trust FLCCC also. Always updating their protocols
Some very good points, but it overlooks one MAJOR twist in the Saga of Covid-19: the political co-opting of social media AND traditional media to propagandize treatments only the self-named "experts" approved! By encroaching on our freedom of speech to MAKE OTHER TREATMENTS KNOWN (vs. shutting them down), they effectively killed off millions of "dissenters." WE (those of us who suspected from the onset that WARP speed and resulting mandates were a trap) were silenced with no recourse. We were vilified, exiled and made fun of.
The past 3 years has been the most immoral time of my entire life. Otherwise smart people, supposed critical thinkers, in "media," "leadership," and "medical professionals," ALL checked their questions at the door and began taking orders from bureaucrats seeking only to enrich themselves while being frontmen for a socialistic one-world government rule. "Humanity" did not/does not matter to these psychopaths. And while it turns my stomach that anyone would vote for the meat puppet, we all know he would not have been put in place if it had not been for widespread cheating by both Democrats and the compromised RINOs that solidify and ensure their power.
And until THOSE people are overthrown, punished and made an example of, we are doomed. Unfortunately, it may just be too late. The fraud that delivered us Joe Biden--who has CONSISTENTLY done every possible thing he could to destroy this county in just 2 years (and we ALL know he's been on the China/Ukraine/Russian payroll for over a decade or more, but only now doing their bidding)--remains in tact. The corruption of our country's government is beyond redemption and the coming economic crash & burn is going to be more than most Americans have the fortitude to survive. God help us all.
In order for God to help us, which I believe is the only way our country is restored, requires faith. Faith not only in God, but faith in the good people that exist in every field. Dr. Kory restored my family’s faith that there are good physicians and Democrats.
Question , Dr Kory still a Democrat? Has he told us?
Well said Robert, much better than I did 👏
👆👆👆 also sale ivermectin OTC.
You sir are price gouging cunt. $340 for 500 Iverheals. . They are at $50 for that.
I appreciate your thoughtful analysis and engagement with the COVID-19 pandemic and the issues surrounding vaccine rollout and federal health agencies. It's evident that you've been closely following the situation and are open to considering alternative treatments like Ivermectin. Your emphasis on the need for a more nuanced approach to public health policy is crucial, as it highlights the importance of evaluating various sources of information and being open to different perspectives. As we navigate the ongoing pandemic, fostering open discussions like this can help ensure that we make the most informed decisions possible for the benefit of public health.
The present pseudo-mRNA injection has been performed under Emergency Use Authorization = EUA. EUA cannot issue if there are alternative treatments. Thus, Fauci, Walensky, Birx and others deliberately shut down alternative treatments. BillGates, Shwab, Tedros and others took advantage of it. The FDA is now promulgating EUAs.
$340 for 500 tablets of 12mg Iverheal. What a f. ....g price gouging cunt you are. $50 is what these are being sold for. People please stay away from such cunts.
You haven't even scratched the surface of the damage that the evil little bastard Fauci has done. He should still be in prison - or worse - for the crimes he committed during the AIDS fiasco, especially the forced poisoning of hundreds of AIDS orphans. "Mistakes" of that magnitude are not made innocently.
I was whacked from Twitter two accounts ago for calling for the electric chair for Fauci. Now I am perma banned for complaining about bots.
I'm one of those black refuseniks. My healthy skepticism, what I felt in my soul, has served me well throughout these last three years. Many of my friends now realize that I've been right about everything from the start. Even my initial far fetched feeling at the very beginning, that this whole thing is a military operation led by the US and carried out by all western nations like some sort of twisted NATO exercise has turned out to be true. That's because evidence has surfaced suggesting that the DOD has been calling the shots all along. No pun intended. I would say to my friends, you don't believe me now but in six months you'll know that what I'm telling you about these shots is true. Almost all of the evidence I provided about why no one should take the shots came from highly credentialed opposing points of view--people like Dr Kory. And the reason I knew they were on to something is that they were being censored, which was the first red flag or proof for me that tyranny is afoot. My skepticism, my instinct caused me to look for qualified heterodox opinions, and I compared that with the official narrative and found that there was no contest. The shots are dangerous and unnecessary--especially when considering early treatment protocols. I've been extremely frustrated by people's inability or unwillingness to supplement their government propaganda with alternative information. But people like me from all walks of life took the slings and arrows and stood in our knowledge and in our truth, and our world is better for it --even if the normies don't yet realize it.
Sorry, Porge. I should have said "I am a black refusenik in another part of the country."
Lol! Too bad. But I loved your comment even if it wasn't you.
Was that you Roy telling off Fauci in his docudrama in DC ?
Yes and these were not honest mistakes. At best our government is incompetent, facilitated by willful, aggressive, illegal censorship. At the very least, we should all be able to agree that has to stop.
I personally believe our govt is sadly, irreparably corrupt - not accidentally incompetent. There is plenty of evidence for this, including blatant, ongoing, unaddressed conflicts of interest at the public health agencies, recently proven govt censorship of media and illegal actions including covid vax mandates for an EUA product.
Quite possibly it is worse than both of the views above - malicious and criminal intent. This is where I struggle.. my gut says this is where we are, but gaslighting seeps in and I waffle. Plus how to find peace in such a sinister, terrifying, unjust world? Denial is a survival instinct.
Bottom line.. kudos to you for your unwavering dedication to this critical, high stakes fight! I hope to see the public discussion continue to open up and evolve towards even more honest discussion.
Thank you for all that you do. And an honor meeting you at the covid litigation conference!
Best wishes.
Pierre, I would love to see you have a debate with Vinay Prasad about ivermectin. In many ways he is quite enlightened and outspoken about COVID policy harms done by the health agencies, but for some reason he is rabidly against ivermectin despite the PubMed evidence.
I would like to see such a debate as well. I no longer follow Vinay Prasad as he continues to denigrate Ivermectin as a choice to treat Sars-coV2. For a Doctor who demands studies Vinay ignores ones that are out there
and relies on biased studies that were meant to have Ivermectin fail. Ivermectin along with Fluvoxamine got me well again after 2 weks of hell in August 2021 with Delta. Thanks again FLCCC and Dr. Miguel Antonatos!
I agree with you that such a debate would be great for the public, but I have zero trust in Vinay Prasad. He claims to be all about RCTs and evidence-based medicine, but pretends that the vaccines save lives while ivermectin doesn't, when the actual RCT evidence screams the EXACT OPPOSITE. I'm sorry to say it, but he comes across as a very insincere hybrid of careerist and attention-seeker who cares much more about popularity and Twitter likes than human lives.
I suspect that is because he is an oncologist and was not down in the trenches working with COVID patients every day. Even so, he should be more open, because ivermectin is starting to be used with cancer patients now. It is certainly being used to fight cancer in animals. I don't think he is insincere. I do think he is arrogant, especially about medical studies.
Yep, there is a lot of promising pre-clinical research on ivermectin for cancer, just came across this :)
Interesting how ivermectin seems to have such a major role in two of the most prominent diseases at some point in time: COVID and cancer. While there's a long way to go in fleshing out the evidence for its role in cancer treatment, the evidence for COVID speaks for itself: 45 RCTs, average effect 54%!
I'm sure big pharma will ban on IVM for cancer. No money to be made there. They'll probably start using paxlovid instead, while it's still under patent.
Prasad is at UCSF in San Francisco. Steve Kirsch has a few stacks about what is going on there. Forty years ago however they had the most magnificent, innovative oncology department in the universe, full of heart and humor. Sadly, I can't imagine that that is still true given the dark medical age we have entered.
Sometimes people get paid by corporations to be truthful about things no one else will be truthful about and then to attack one particular thing or product so viewers or followers trust the attack as it comes from a trusted source. They've perfected this.
I love it when you take your gloves off, Pierre. No more Mr. Nice Guy :-)
I want to thank you again for so enthusiastically sharing “Mistakes Were NOT Made” (, Pierre, including on your Jimmy Dore interview:
Jimmy was fabulous in this interview Mercola just posted, BTW:
At the end of 2019 I developed a persistent, intermittent thick post nasal drip which just would not clear. Just recently I did clear it, with Ivermectin. After 2 doses it was gone but I persisted for a further 5 days. On top of that a PCR test I was forced to take in 2019 in order to fly, caused a granulomatous reaction in the turbinates and unilateral thickening of the bone at the bridge of my nose. An ENT diagnosed it in a flash as "arthritis of the nose" from surgery 25 years ago. Anything to do with the PCR swab rammed up to exactly the point, doc? No of course not! Anyway, that has also resolved 100%. So much for "arthritis due to age"
So 2 weeks ago I saw a pulmonologist for a sleep study for suspected apnoea. He saw in my intake form I had written that I had just cleared a chronic post nasal drip . He asked how. I said Ivermectin, wonderful stuff. Well, at that he shot up out of his chair shouting the odds that he was concerned I was going to overdose myself. Further that studies had shown it was useless and dangerous etc etc. He persisted in trying to show me some study or other on his phone. I just said, look, I can tell you all about what happened with the Cochrane review and Andy Hill and all that. But now I need to sleep for the apnoea study! Mentioning Ivermectin was like poking him with a hypodermic. Needless to say I didn't sleep much that night.
Too bad it took this plandemic for you and so many others to see the light. If there is still a country when the 2024 elections come around I pray to god that trump gets elected as folks like you help us beat the steal....bc that’s coming again!
Not Trump!! Please. The media will start all over again. I don’t think the U S can take it. We need a new party and a new candidate that can’t be bought or sold!! Trump couldn’t fix it and in the end he made a mess with warp speed and he won’t even admit these vaccines are horrid!!
So true. Trump is the past he had his time and opportunity and in the end he blew it. Time to go forward with someone who early on did his own research and came up with policies that actually worked.
And who would that be? Not Ronde. He is in the Bushes’ pocket.
New party ain't happening Deb. You think they won't do the with DeSantis. Until we find a way to dismantle deep state we're screwed.
The media circus never ended. With China/Russia/Iran/Brazil/Venezuela 21st century axis of evil, oh and N Korea is flexing their muscles again…goodbye to petrodollars hello yuan..damn right the us can’t take it. Who has the fortitude to handle what’s being thrown at us? Please pp I’m open to suggestions
Trump isn’t the savior. No one man can fight off the commies by himself.
Now, if you combine Trump with a MAGA Senate and House majority, honest election commissions, honest sheriffs, county supervisors, district attorneys, school boards, public health officials, secretaries of state and judges we could get this mess sorted out over the next 40 years.
Which is about how long it took us to get into this mess.
So what do you say? Do have the staying power for all that?
It’s not just Trump we need, it’s “total war” as the Chinese call it.
Well, we'll see if Trump is the guy. 30 days to stop the spread and operation warp speed: two of the WORST public policy decisions ever and he's never apologized.
Dr. Kory is correct on all accounts, but if his claim is that the vaccine wasn't effective, I must disagree. If the aim was to kill or disable many many people, to turn brother against brother, and sister and sister, to gut our economy, to empower and enrich the wealthy, to create political chaos, and to destroy the rule of law and order, in this sense the vaccine was extremely effective. Fortunately, not effective enough.
Currently have my husband using the FLCCC protocol and one of the providers on your website. Thanks a million! While I’m not in a position to contribute monthly, I again will provide a contribution to FLCCC.
use ivermectin for USA people buy from
Way overpriced
Priceless when it cures your child!
I'm disappointed to hear that you support Biden. I thought you were smarter than that.
I am in the same boat - voted for Biden and deeply regret it.
We all need to recognize that neither party has integrity. There are a few good people out there like Ron Johnson and De Santis, but for the most part they are not on our side. They all work for corporations. As long as we have resentment towards the one group or another, we are missing the full picture.
There were alternatives, such as Jo Jorgensen. is packed with scurrilous lies.
One of the most effective divide and conquer strategies is the abortion issue and women voters. “My body my choice” guides many of us when it comes to jabs, pregnancy and anything else. (I recognize not everyone sees it this way.)
My point is as long as women voters prioritize abortion rights above all else, Dems will get the majority female vote. It is a tough choice between the accepting the corruption and authoritarianism we face now and tolerating authoritarian decisions when it comes to the life changing and sacred life stage of pregnancy. Women should not have to accept the government having decision power over our bodies, in any context. Sadly I have come to terms with tolerating the lesser evil.
The other option would be for Republicans to change tact and accept that bodily choice DOES equally apply for pregnant women. And respect womens’ deeply-considered, personal wishes when it comes to their own unborn - even if they wish some women would make different life choices.
The deafening silence of the "my body my choice" crowd over mandated "vaxxes" for military, pilots and anybody else who had objections, religious or otherwise, did not go unnoticed.
if a woman's right to choose to abort (kill) their baby is respected, then by the same logic, one might think that a woman's right to choose to protect her baby's life by not taking any experimental, harmful injections during pregnancy would apply, too.
I just want people to hear themselves work through these issues and apply some critical thinking. It would also be good if people realize they can frame this debate any way they like -- freedom of thought and speech should allow for that, and it doesn't have to be "pro life" vs "pro choice" because someone else (who wants to divide us) framed it that way on purpose.
hear hear 💕
I love Libertarians. Probably am one. But can they win? I do not see a case for it.
It's obviously a protest vote, saying I approve of neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump.
He said he voted for Biden, not that he supports him now. I think he's been pretty clear he hasn't agreed with administration policies.
Makes me question your thinking knowing you are/were a democrat. They’re the most violent, irrational tactless people in our Country. Look what your president has done.
Here is my story about flipping from blue to red. But as I say in another comment below, allegiance to one party or the other is ill placed and missing the big picture.
Dr. Kory, admire you immensly. After the shit show of the past 27 months, will you please examine your beleif that democrats are "good"???
Amen to that. He voted for the very evil that went for him.
Really. Haven't you noticed that no one from that party ever wants your testimony?
I swear, I have a 70 year old friend who still thinks the Democrats are the party of JFK...
They are so brainwashed, they cannot see that the Dems are now the party of the Corptocracy/Facism/Elites. And they want the rest of us dead.
Amazing and disappointing that the same critical eye you used to view the Covid debacle, resulted in you voting for Biden and actually admitting to it.