Today's Left, liberals anti Americans hate Trump because he stood for Life, (pro Life) Liberty (free will in everything including our right NOT to be subjected to experimental medical things, and yes he did, regardless if he took the jab or not!) and the Pursuit of happiness. Living our own lives as far as business, parental rights, rais…
Today's Left, liberals anti Americans hate Trump because he stood for Life, (pro Life) Liberty (free will in everything including our right NOT to be subjected to experimental medical things, and yes he did, regardless if he took the jab or not!) and the Pursuit of happiness. Living our own lives as far as business, parental rights, raising our own children with out Drag Queen story hour and CRT indoctrination and freedom to clean food and not eat garbage) There is only one thing these insane idiots hate more than President Trump....Themselves. Should feel sorry for these monsters but guess what? I don't!
Honestly, I believe Trump could increase his voter support and turnout by at least 10% if he did the following:
1. Admit he made a mistake by trusting Fauci, Birx, Redfield, and Pfizer/Moderna/CDC/FDA to advise him correctly on the Covid 19 response. If Trump stands for truth, he needs to admit the truth, he CANNOT stand on his pride on this literal holocaust of a failed public health policy response.
2. Promise he will do everything in his power to get big pharma money 100% out of the FDA/CDC/NIH, and propose a way that EVERY public health bureaucracy be 100% transparent with every data request within 24 hours. This hiding/shading/distorting and destruction of public health data should be a crime without a fine, jail should be MANDATORY for jeopardizing people's health and lives.
3. Promise to hold a joint Congressional investigation on how the FDA/CDC got EVERYTHING WRONG with the Covid 19 response, and I mean EVERYTHING. If the last 3 years aren't all the proof we need to raze our existing public health bureaucracies, we haven't learned a thing, and in 2,3, 5 or 10 years, whenever Pfizer needs a fresh infusion of capital, we'll live it all again.
4. Promise all those public health bureaucrats and hospital administrators who lied about cheap, effective therapeutics will lose their licenses/pensions, whatever they have. They cannot be trusted with life and health. Most odious of all, the doctors and administrators who took dying patients off organ transplant lists because they weren't vaxxed - even under their attending physicians orders - should have their licenses forever stripped. Let the full weight of every applicable law fall on these Mengele-level bastards.
In short, if Trump were to acknowledge what so many Americans (and others) are starting to realize - "safe and effective" was as much a lie as the gas chambers were "showers" (not an exaggeration; reasonable worldwide vaccine death estimates of 10 - 20 million killed by the jabs make this WORSE than the German death camps) - if Trump were to admit his failure in judgement and vow NEVER AGAIN to this deadly Big Pharma/gov't bureaucracy collusion and corruption, HE WOULD WIN.
Today's Left, liberals anti Americans hate Trump because he stood for Life, (pro Life) Liberty (free will in everything including our right NOT to be subjected to experimental medical things, and yes he did, regardless if he took the jab or not!) and the Pursuit of happiness. Living our own lives as far as business, parental rights, raising our own children with out Drag Queen story hour and CRT indoctrination and freedom to clean food and not eat garbage) There is only one thing these insane idiots hate more than President Trump....Themselves. Should feel sorry for these monsters but guess what? I don't!
Honestly, I believe Trump could increase his voter support and turnout by at least 10% if he did the following:
1. Admit he made a mistake by trusting Fauci, Birx, Redfield, and Pfizer/Moderna/CDC/FDA to advise him correctly on the Covid 19 response. If Trump stands for truth, he needs to admit the truth, he CANNOT stand on his pride on this literal holocaust of a failed public health policy response.
2. Promise he will do everything in his power to get big pharma money 100% out of the FDA/CDC/NIH, and propose a way that EVERY public health bureaucracy be 100% transparent with every data request within 24 hours. This hiding/shading/distorting and destruction of public health data should be a crime without a fine, jail should be MANDATORY for jeopardizing people's health and lives.
3. Promise to hold a joint Congressional investigation on how the FDA/CDC got EVERYTHING WRONG with the Covid 19 response, and I mean EVERYTHING. If the last 3 years aren't all the proof we need to raze our existing public health bureaucracies, we haven't learned a thing, and in 2,3, 5 or 10 years, whenever Pfizer needs a fresh infusion of capital, we'll live it all again.
4. Promise all those public health bureaucrats and hospital administrators who lied about cheap, effective therapeutics will lose their licenses/pensions, whatever they have. They cannot be trusted with life and health. Most odious of all, the doctors and administrators who took dying patients off organ transplant lists because they weren't vaxxed - even under their attending physicians orders - should have their licenses forever stripped. Let the full weight of every applicable law fall on these Mengele-level bastards.
In short, if Trump were to acknowledge what so many Americans (and others) are starting to realize - "safe and effective" was as much a lie as the gas chambers were "showers" (not an exaggeration; reasonable worldwide vaccine death estimates of 10 - 20 million killed by the jabs make this WORSE than the German death camps) - if Trump were to admit his failure in judgement and vow NEVER AGAIN to this deadly Big Pharma/gov't bureaucracy collusion and corruption, HE WOULD WIN.
10% is a low estimate. IMO.