I find Dr. Kory’s revealing who he voted for in the Presidential election as a reflection of who he is , unabashedly honest.
We are at a point in our country’s history where political parties have caused such mistrust and division that nothing can get accomplished. As long as we continue to allow ourselves to point fingers and regress to …
I find Dr. Kory’s revealing who he voted for in the Presidential election as a reflection of who he is , unabashedly honest.
We are at a point in our country’s history where political parties have caused such mistrust and division that nothing can get accomplished. As long as we continue to allow ourselves to point fingers and regress to the point of name calling there is no hope.
I know only one thing. Dr. Pierre Kory is the ONLY doctor who honestly looked at my vaccine injured daughter and cared. He is the ONLY medical professional that we sought help from in 4 states that cared more about our daughter than covering his own professional butt to treat her! He knew it was from the vaccination and didn’t damage her further by telling her it was psychological. In order to Cover his professional ass. He cared and was honest.
Our country has been successful because of the two parties providing checks and balances. Neither Democrats or Republicans are right. It’s when you value the outcome enough to listen to each other’s perspectives and experiences that have shaped them that we can come up with solutions. Dr. Kory’s honesty and selfless attitude is why my daughter is alive! It matters not his skin color, religious affiliations or political views. His brain and his heart is what matters. As it does with all of us.
Again, you can wrap yourself in all the virtue signalling you want and call on all the sympathy you may and shout out all the good work Kory has done, but that does not explain or justify or excuse Kory or ANYBODY (even Mother Theresa) voting for Biden EVER for anything.
Political stupidity by an entire nation is the consequence of political stupidity by the voters who support it. Political stupidity has a serious moral consequence. WW II proved that. The US War Against Russia is about to prove it again.
There are many people who drive down the highways thinking everyone else is the idiot. Until you stop name calling and work together to come up with a way to change it. You’re sitting alone in your car calling everyone else an idiot. Changing nothing but your own blood pressure
Calling political stupidity political stupidity is "name calling."
Name-calling is also what the Left does when it attacks its opponents' arguements by calling its opponents fascists, white supremacists, homophobes and name-callers.
Biden does that all the time, as does every other leading DemocRat and MSNBC.
Stupidity is ignorance or lack of intelligence. None of us is completely knowledgeable in every subject. Especially when it comes to the varied topics and issues that government has inserted itself into regulating and controlling. Fear and division are the tactics politicians use to take control. Few investigate bills and regulations even when they’re the legislators. We each make decisions based on our own experiences and the issues that directly affect us. Calling someone politically stupid is not only name calling, but just your perspective
But I have excellent analytical skills, so my perspective warrants the attention of other smart people.
Low IQ'ers don't get it and never will.
BTW: ignorance is not stupidity unless it's willing ignorance, which is rampant in our society. It's the willingness of that which makes it stupidity. Lack of intelligence is involuntary, inescapable stupidity. Below 95 is pretty dumb. If one voted for Biden because he's stupid, I can forgive him so long as it was not willing ignorance and no one tried to explain and avoid his stupidity to him in a way he could understand. That's not many people.
I felt the same about Bush--an evil criminal that I hope faces at Gods gate all he killed some day. Then is sent on a fast elevator south . If you voted for him I’m thinking the same of you so let’s get real here and realize NO F-ING POLITICAL PARTY OR POLITICIAN IS GOING TO SAVE YOU. Deluded.
I too appreciate Dr. Kory’s honesty and transparency. Clearly his emphasis is on being a fine doctor rather than on having a deep understanding of politics.
I agree 100%. We Americans have many enemies and they know that a country divided can not stand. When will Americans wake up and come together for the good of our beautiful country? We are so easily deceived and ready to name call and use our valuable energy and resources for what? We need to look at the BIG picture. What are enemies are accomplishing. They are laughing at how easy it has been to destroy our beautiful country and keep us all fighting. I pray for our country daily and ask for the fruit of the spirit to come into every one our hearts and souls.
Until covid hit, most Americans operated on traditional understandings of political parties, even though there had been drastic changes. The draconian response to covid started waking people up; then, when the bioweapon shots were rolled out and the deaths and injuries started piling up, many who had voted for Biden started to see where their faith in the Democrat party was taking them. I just wish more people realized how we have been lied to. Unfortunately, it seems that most highly educated people have so bought into the various narratives promulgated by their favorite newspapers (the NYT and WaPo) that at this point they are truly blind.
I find Dr. Kory’s revealing who he voted for in the Presidential election as a reflection of who he is , unabashedly honest.
We are at a point in our country’s history where political parties have caused such mistrust and division that nothing can get accomplished. As long as we continue to allow ourselves to point fingers and regress to the point of name calling there is no hope.
I know only one thing. Dr. Pierre Kory is the ONLY doctor who honestly looked at my vaccine injured daughter and cared. He is the ONLY medical professional that we sought help from in 4 states that cared more about our daughter than covering his own professional butt to treat her! He knew it was from the vaccination and didn’t damage her further by telling her it was psychological. In order to Cover his professional ass. He cared and was honest.
Our country has been successful because of the two parties providing checks and balances. Neither Democrats or Republicans are right. It’s when you value the outcome enough to listen to each other’s perspectives and experiences that have shaped them that we can come up with solutions. Dr. Kory’s honesty and selfless attitude is why my daughter is alive! It matters not his skin color, religious affiliations or political views. His brain and his heart is what matters. As it does with all of us.
I appreciate Dr. Kory being willing to admit he voted for Biden. That vote boggles the mind, but I respect his confession.
Me too!
Again, you can wrap yourself in all the virtue signalling you want and call on all the sympathy you may and shout out all the good work Kory has done, but that does not explain or justify or excuse Kory or ANYBODY (even Mother Theresa) voting for Biden EVER for anything.
Political stupidity by an entire nation is the consequence of political stupidity by the voters who support it. Political stupidity has a serious moral consequence. WW II proved that. The US War Against Russia is about to prove it again.
There are many people who drive down the highways thinking everyone else is the idiot. Until you stop name calling and work together to come up with a way to change it. You’re sitting alone in your car calling everyone else an idiot. Changing nothing but your own blood pressure
Political stupidity is name calling?
Calling political stupidity political stupidity is "name calling."
Name-calling is also what the Left does when it attacks its opponents' arguements by calling its opponents fascists, white supremacists, homophobes and name-callers.
Biden does that all the time, as does every other leading DemocRat and MSNBC.
Stupidity is ignorance or lack of intelligence. None of us is completely knowledgeable in every subject. Especially when it comes to the varied topics and issues that government has inserted itself into regulating and controlling. Fear and division are the tactics politicians use to take control. Few investigate bills and regulations even when they’re the legislators. We each make decisions based on our own experiences and the issues that directly affect us. Calling someone politically stupid is not only name calling, but just your perspective
Yes, it is "my perspective."
But I have excellent analytical skills, so my perspective warrants the attention of other smart people.
Low IQ'ers don't get it and never will.
BTW: ignorance is not stupidity unless it's willing ignorance, which is rampant in our society. It's the willingness of that which makes it stupidity. Lack of intelligence is involuntary, inescapable stupidity. Below 95 is pretty dumb. If one voted for Biden because he's stupid, I can forgive him so long as it was not willing ignorance and no one tried to explain and avoid his stupidity to him in a way he could understand. That's not many people.
I felt the same about Bush--an evil criminal that I hope faces at Gods gate all he killed some day. Then is sent on a fast elevator south . If you voted for him I’m thinking the same of you so let’s get real here and realize NO F-ING POLITICAL PARTY OR POLITICIAN IS GOING TO SAVE YOU. Deluded.
After 2 years of covid with slo-joe, I wouldn't ever admit it, but I believe he let the cat out of the bag a long time ago. Oopsie!
I too appreciate Dr. Kory’s honesty and transparency. Clearly his emphasis is on being a fine doctor rather than on having a deep understanding of politics.
Didn't require "a deep understanding of politics" not to vote for Biden.
Common sense free of ideology and, perhaps, ivermectin for the TDS virus would have done quite well.
BTW: the most deadly virus ever to invade USA is TDS. It changed the course of American history.
I agree 100%. We Americans have many enemies and they know that a country divided can not stand. When will Americans wake up and come together for the good of our beautiful country? We are so easily deceived and ready to name call and use our valuable energy and resources for what? We need to look at the BIG picture. What are enemies are accomplishing. They are laughing at how easy it has been to destroy our beautiful country and keep us all fighting. I pray for our country daily and ask for the fruit of the spirit to come into every one our hearts and souls.
Until covid hit, most Americans operated on traditional understandings of political parties, even though there had been drastic changes. The draconian response to covid started waking people up; then, when the bioweapon shots were rolled out and the deaths and injuries started piling up, many who had voted for Biden started to see where their faith in the Democrat party was taking them. I just wish more people realized how we have been lied to. Unfortunately, it seems that most highly educated people have so bought into the various narratives promulgated by their favorite newspapers (the NYT and WaPo) that at this point they are truly blind.
Yes, a spiritual awakening is our only hope.