There are financial incentives from insurance companies for practitioners to vaccinate. As well as Risks of professional losses if you do not participate.
Oh you betcha. But I watched them MURDER people in the ICU during the Delta surge. Criminals. These people? I judge them. They had access to the same information I did. And they were doctors. But they made their deal with the devil to maintain the payments to their student loans, mortgages and car payments. Decisions, decisions.
Oh which there are few, unfortunately. I work in healthcare. It’s like zombie-land in there.
Yes. Complete subservience to the fraudsters.
There are financial incentives from insurance companies for practitioners to vaccinate. As well as Risks of professional losses if you do not participate.
Oh you betcha. But I watched them MURDER people in the ICU during the Delta surge. Criminals. These people? I judge them. They had access to the same information I did. And they were doctors. But they made their deal with the devil to maintain the payments to their student loans, mortgages and car payments. Decisions, decisions.