Thank you, Pierre and AMD.

*This* is the time when using an N-95 mask actually can be a life-saving measure as it filters out smoke particulates. The fact that health authorities are not blasting out this message in areas with hazardous levels of smoke is yet further evidence that COVID masking had nothing to do with health and everything to do with obedience training.

As an Oregonian accustomed to summer wildfire season, I keep N-95 masks in stock and also have a high-quality HEPA air purifier. I recommend one or more of these, depending on the size of your home:

• Oransi mod HEPA Air Purifier (https://oransi.com/products/mod-hepa-air-purifier)

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Thank you : )

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WRETCH for instituting your paywall.

Thanks for bugger all from an angry former loyal free subscriber to your site.

As an impoverished older age pensioner. I can't afford to subscribe to anything these days.

Enjoy your new found massive wealth from substack.

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The best way I can think to put this is that I am fully aware of people who are in your situation and I make a big effort to support and help them, but that's not the only ball I'm juggling, and I have to consider a lot of other things too. For example, a lot of people trust and confide things in me, and frequently say, "you cannot share this on Substack unless you limit the audience." I want to get a lot of that information out too and if that doesn't work for you, I hope part of you can see what I've also tried to do for you.

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Really? Keep your self serving anger to yourself and be thankful for what you do get free

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Are your fires smoke orange like in NYC. Are the fire retardants dropped by plane orange or red. Naomi Wolf has an alarming post yesterday on that. She was in NYC the day the orange haze appeared.

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No, not orange—that is highly suspect.

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So many will be walking right into this without a thought. How can we prevent this at least around us.

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N95 doesn't stop the smoke.

You still smell it with the mask on.

That means it's still getting through.

N95 is ok for dust which is much bigger than the pm2.5 of the smoke.

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Right, N95s only filter out around 95% of the smoke and even less when they aren't worn properly, which is why facepiece respirators with a P100 particulate filter are a better bet per this article:


People are more likely to have N95s handy and feel less awkward wearing them, but as far as efficacy goes, this is a more effective combo and what I have on hand for hazardous levels:



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Forget the mask and think about moving to a healthier place.

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In this age of geoengineering and malicious destruction designed to terrorize people into compliance with the Great Reset, no place is “safe” or “healthy.” Disasters—natural or otherwise—will increasingly strike and be blamed on climate change, and moving is no guarantee that you will be spared. We have no intention of moving and could not abandon our responsibilities here even if we did, so we’re here for the long haul.

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I do not understand these Canadian wildfires. The first ones started up north in Alberta in early spring for, heaven's sake. How is that possible? I lived in Alberta for 14 years and I know how cold it gets. Since when are there wildfires in cold temps? This is so creepy to me, I worry about Canada.

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I do too Margaret. I live in central WA. We are due for a smokey summer. The one time a mask is actually helpful.

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For those not suffering badly enough to seek out nebulized glutathione, NAC capsules are readily available from Vitacost, Amazon etc and dosages up to 2,400mg/day should be safe (I have taken this dose many times personally and read about this dosage being used in clinical trials). Taking NAC will increase blood glutathione levels. I also recall reading that NAC increased activity of the cilia in the lungs, the tiny hairs that act as escalators to move gunk up and out of the lungs to clean them.

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Oral NAC and even IV glutathione doesn't really get to the lung surface. Only the nebulizing works for this. I wish it did, but at the same time nebulized glutathione is a pretty easy to obtain option.

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It's at the end of my article.

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I was taking NAC every day (600 mg/day) and then read that if you take it too long it thins you mucous (that's why I've been taking it, but it sounded ominous). I have a nebulizer and a bottle of liquid glutathione - is there a formula or just a drop in saline?

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Anytime you nebulize something that is not meant for nebulizing (e.g., free from contaminants) you run the risk of something going wrong for you.

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I dont know how to use the nebulizer, I'm afraid. Thinning the mucous just means that it would be easier for mucous in the sinus, lungs, or trapped in the tubes in your ears to clear, so I don't find this to be ominous personally, but another benefit in cleaning out the respiratory system. Some people take guaifenesin / Mucinex with every chest cold to thin mucous to get rid of it more easily and I would imagine that's a stronger effect than with NAC. Professional pilots have been known to take guaifenesin daily to help with ear popping / plugging by preventing a mucous build-up. So I think you're okay on that front. Drinking a lot of water I believe also thins mucous.

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The nebulizer is pretty easy and not too expensive. My sister used to get prescribed a nebulizing treatment that was just soothing, and insurance paid for the nebulizer. My friend (I posted this somewhere else) was having bad COPD exacerbations, which were relentless after a camel's back series of physiological issues, nothing was helping, mainstream medicine just handed out prednisone repeatedly, and we found the glutathione nebulization protocol on a COPD support board. It was miraculous, and halted the exacerbation cycles, despite being in humidity and bad air quality and heat. His traditional doctor was at first really interested in what had changed him from about to go on oxygen, and slip into a new stage, to someone walking 5 miles a day, was going to research it, then went silent, no doubt the troll of pharma sat on his chest to silence him and make him conform to the lucrative pharma protocol.

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Thank you, that's really interesting. I too have seen doctors show great interest initially -- even asking a friend to keep detailed records of what she was doing as if they had thoughts of a case study -- only to later show zero interest and vague disapproval. So disappointing. I'm glad your friend had so much recovery!

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Thinning mucus sounds fine. Now if it was thinning mucous membranes, then that could be an issue.

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Thanks for your comment - I think it was mucous membranes because it sounded like a permanent situation, unlike temporarily loosening the mucous to get rid of it.

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I live in country where it burns regularly and fiercely because our moronic authorities do not keep the undergrowth down and back burn regularly. They just let the forest grow and the under growth run rampant and the cry "climate change" when the usual bush fires occur. We have always had droughts and floods and fires all throughout our history. The last big fire was a few years ago and we had a haze and red clouds around us for what seemed months all over summer. We just got on with life and have not suffered any more than usual.

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I am amazed that California keeps on failing to address their wildfire issue due to the politics in the state.

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We have the Sierra Club suing PG&E (electric co) to not cut away trees/brush from under major power lines. Then said lines go boom when fires start, and whole areas are left in the dark for months. CA is a place of great weather and beauty run by some of the dumbest people on Earth.

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They are EnviroMENTALISTS, remember? The mitigation of harvesting trees and selective burning gets lawsuits out the wazoo from the crazies. They end up spending money to manage the land on lawsuits from groups with deep pockets!

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Yeah, the lightning started fires in Aug 2020, burned for 2 months. Mind you, lightning (or rain of any kind) is rare in Northern CA during summer.

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Just incentivize hospitals to put smoke inhalation patients on a ventilator and Remdesivir and all will be good (NOT).

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See Naomi Wolf’s experience in the orange skies of Manhattan. Substack June 10th. More than just wildfires?

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Yes doesn't it make your skin just crawl to consider her observations!

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Funny how Western North America deals with this all the time, and nobody gives a hoot. Yet when NYC gets a day of smoke the world is ending.

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Exactly. I live in the Midwest (the so-called ‘flyover zone’). We can be buried in a blizzard and no big deal. If New York City gets two flakes of snow…front page headlines.

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COVID was the worst in north Idaho just after a bad wildfire season. FYI.

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I was always looking for a case of this (that was a big part of why I studied this for a while). I really appreciate you sharing it. Do you have any references to support your assertion? If so they would really help me.

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I wish I had actual data I could share. This is anecdotal. My friends wife was high up in HR at the Coeur dAlene hospital at the time and he told me it was the worst cases and most COVID they had seen. It was around August-September 2021 right around and after a really bad fire season. Shortly after she had to quit because she wanted an exemption from the vaccine mandate but her doctor said she “could not in good conscience” give it to her. This hospital is a bad joke. My wife and I will never go there.

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My wife says that it may not be that hard to find out. It would be trying to find the Kootenai County COVID case or death count and I think one could find out the air quality ratings for that period of time. I know that a Twitter user named the Ethical Skeptic has done COVID geographic distribution research like this. He seemed to see a pattern where COVID would go up in areas with high Agricultural activity (lots of spraying and particulates in the air), and I can say that it seemed that the Yakima Indian tribe had really bad outcomes and they are a big Ag production area too. Definitely air pollution played a big role in bad COVID outcomes in my estimation.

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I linked to your comment in the article.

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"P.S I just want to say thanks to all my subscribers, especially the paid ones! Your support is greatly appreciated as it allows me to devote what is often large amount of time I spend researching and writing my posts, so again, thanks. - Pierre"

On behalf of those among us who sign up for lowest monthly w as many favorite Substacks we can swing my 2 cents.. there is nothing, zero, zippo a few bucks can buy that delivers pure joy much less has enornous love and effort applied.. delivered to my desk to be consumed at my leisure and last longer than me.. keep kicking butts & taking names with special thanks for NYC being able to claim you one of our own a hometown hero! <3

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Good information. That picture you begin with is some summers par for the course here in the Western part of the U.S. The WHOLE summer! We live in Eastern Washington. The smoke and lung pollution that goes with it is not a big concern by anyone else till the smoke shifts and hits Seattle. THEN the wailing begins about air quality, etc! And a huge portion of the smoke we get also comes from Canada, since the Depts. of Natural Resources in the Western states do a pretty good job of mitigating fires by selective harvesting of trees and selective burning of overgrown ares. Knocking on wood, ha ha, we have no fires of any size yet. Not so much in Canada which is why they get such bad fires when they start. There are several hundred burning to the North of us in British Columbia, Alberta, etc.

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Regarding the link:

“ I think this article is brilliant and has a lot of forgotten information people in New York City need to know right now.”

The author discusses nebulized glutathione. I strongly suggest that nebulized hydrogen peroxide be added to the protocol. It’s uses and effectiveness are pretty thoroughly discussed by Doctors Mercola, Brownstein, and Levy. I have used nebulized H2O2 for nearly two years and have shared the protocol with friends and family. It is remarkably effective in rapidly clearing up viral infections, both chronic and acute. Why is this not spoken of? The answer is it costs pennies per treatment and does NOT require a visit to the MD to obtain. See for example, this link:


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This is for wildfires, not COVID

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Sorry, but this is not for just covid but for ANY viral, bacterial, mold, or fungus in the respiratory system. I have read Malcolm Kendrick (The Clot Thickens) and I agree this protocol doesn’t help directly with airborne particulates like smoke, smog, etc. One must avoid/minimize exposure to such pathogens. I think though infections associated with airborne particulates which surely do arise are treatable with H2O2.

Another point I would like to make: the susceptibility of persons to deleterious effects of smoke, etc. are magnified by the poor dietary recommendations promulgated by the government, the WHO, and the like. Our immune systems are de facto compromised by following those recommendations. A very large part of the population are forced to follow them as a result- those in the military, those in hospitals, school systems, etc. And then there are the food deserts which has afflicted millions.

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The challenge with oxidative therapies (which I love) is that if the person's system already has a lot of oxidative stress and is depleted of glutathione (e.g., with wildfires) those therapies can be counterproductive rather than helpful.

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I had forgotten that I had pre-ordered your book and was about to order it again when I got a notification that it was about to be shipped. I rarely buy printed books, instead I read/listen online. That's how keen I was to have your book in my library. Thank you for all that you're doing and have done. I was thinking of donating it to my library but they'd probably put it in the trash. Truth will ALWAYS come out.

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Yes I KNOW all that. WHY do you want Pierre Kory -- pulmonologist to STOP helping injured folks TODAY, to go back 20 years and try to clear up what many people will NEVER care enough about to learn the truth -- and even if they DO -- what's the point?!

My late husband said: yes, the barest majority of the U.S. population now believes that JFK was murdered by more than just Oswald. AND. SO. WHAT? What has changed, whatever WILL change, what does any number of people BELIEVING this DO to change the destruction of our country!?

Pierre Kory is pouring out his life's blood telling HIS part of the TRUTH about the bioweapon we have been attacked with (by "our" own govt!!) -- and TRYING to save all those injured that he can. WHY would you have him change his focus to the engineering / intentional disaster that was 911? He is saving people TODAY. Splitting his work and attention to a 20-yr-old NOT-a-mystery only harms more folks today!

I'm sorry you believe "if only" we can get the normies to SEE what was done in 911 -- or ANY of a boatload of internal attacks on our people -- will "suddenly" make them see all the attacks and corruption and destruction we've undergone. It won't. If we can't even get them to recognize the oh-so-noticeable vaxx injuries of today, WHY would you think they would even look twice at the now-OLD-HISTORY attacks on us?

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Upstate SC looked like it was in pea soup fog for days with smoke from the Canadian wildfires. Good lesson on staying inside unless it was necessary to go out. We had just replaced all the heat pump filters the week before. Good indoor air quality! Wore our N95 masks outside.

NYC air quality looks a mess, so sorry for them. No escaping that bad air!

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They're In Trouble Now.

There Is Nothing In The Air.

- Not With Gain Of Function.

That's The Hoax.

- And Your Readers Figured It Out.


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A diet rich in animal protein (and fat) provides all that is required to for our livers to produce glutathione. Exogenous glutathione should not be required if we’re eating a proper human diet. The standard American diet is the greatest, continuous source of oxidative stress, especially because we eat so frequently; not only does it lead to poor health, but it is addictive!. It has been conclusively (in my simple mind) demonstrated (see Chris Knobbe, Ancestral Dietary Strategy) that seed oils and only seed oils are responsible for the metabolic disease epidemic in the USA and the world. I strongly recommend his book; it is as compelling as the work of Malcolm Kendrick and “Turtles All The Way Down.”

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How can we discern toxic from non-toxic wildfire smoke?

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