In this age of geoengineering and malicious destruction designed to terrorize people into compliance with the Great Reset, no place is “safe” or “healthy.” Disasters—natural or otherwise—will increasingly strike and be blamed on climate change, and moving is no guarantee that you will be spared. We have no intention of moving and could not abandon our responsibilities here even if we did, so we’re here for the long haul.
I do not understand these Canadian wildfires. The first ones started up north in Alberta in early spring for, heaven's sake. How is that possible? I lived in Alberta for 14 years and I know how cold it gets. Since when are there wildfires in cold temps? This is so creepy to me, I worry about Canada.
Forget the mask and think about moving to a healthier place.
In this age of geoengineering and malicious destruction designed to terrorize people into compliance with the Great Reset, no place is “safe” or “healthy.” Disasters—natural or otherwise—will increasingly strike and be blamed on climate change, and moving is no guarantee that you will be spared. We have no intention of moving and could not abandon our responsibilities here even if we did, so we’re here for the long haul.
I do not understand these Canadian wildfires. The first ones started up north in Alberta in early spring for, heaven's sake. How is that possible? I lived in Alberta for 14 years and I know how cold it gets. Since when are there wildfires in cold temps? This is so creepy to me, I worry about Canada.
There is nothing natural about 400 fires erupting simultaneously:
OMG! I really don't want to know about this. I am going to throw up.
Sorry :-( Always suspect the worst when it comes to the philanthropaths (, tyrants (, and colluders (, and you won’t be surprised ;-)