Right, N95s only filter out around 95% of the smoke and even less when they aren't worn properly, which is why facepiece respirators with a P100 particulate filter are a better bet per this article:
Right, N95s only filter out around 95% of the smoke and even less when they aren't worn properly, which is why facepiece respirators with a P100 particulate filter are a better bet per this article:
People are more likely to have N95s handy and feel less awkward wearing them, but as far as efficacy goes, this is a more effective combo and what I have on hand for hazardous levels:
Right, N95s only filter out around 95% of the smoke and even less when they aren't worn properly, which is why facepiece respirators with a P100 particulate filter are a better bet per this article:
• https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-respirator-mask/
People are more likely to have N95s handy and feel less awkward wearing them, but as far as efficacy goes, this is a more effective combo and what I have on hand for hazardous levels:
• https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IF7RBS4/
• https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079X5C3QP/