Legacy media is dying and Twitter is no longer under their full control. That plus the rise in alternative media meant that this could not stay buried for long. More will be revealed and then those responsible need to pay a heavy price.

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It depends on how determined these people - co-opted criminals, by a handful of very bad psychopaths and/or sociopaths- across the pharma-industrial complex are to perpetuate the lies and keep the suffering going. Their priorities have nothing to do with public health or indeed humanity, all to do with power.

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Nailed it.

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Keep going Dr. Kory!

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This is indeed good news and Pfeiffer is one smart journalist. The question is there have been those of us who for decades have been trying to get the public interested in vaccine harm, but there has not been enough interest and with Big Pharma in control of our legislators (by hook or by crook) no one did anything and so here we find ourselves dealing with a genocide.

In 2017, I laid out the whole thing.. I just didn't know what virus they were going to use.: https://bolenreport.com/this-is-how-liberty-dies/#more-10508

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Yep. Keep on Malthusing! (So, why are carrot and fennel family seeds so hard to come by?)

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DIdn't know those seds were hard to come by..... fennel is almost always at Indian restaurants and I use carrot seed oil, but never had a problem with the supply chain on that.

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Since I don't know what the active, emmenagogic component is, I can't say whether it would be in carrot seed oil, but I've never seen that, and wasn't aware of its culinary use. Lore says to eat a handful of Queen Anne's lace (Daucus carota) seeds.

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KP Stoller - Agree with your point about vaxx harms. ALL Vaccines should be called exactly what they are… un-necessary, counter to good health & dangerous, toxic-filled injections.

The evidence on vaxx dangers has been known for many decades though, so at this point, each & every medical professional is complicit now if they advocate for any/all vaxx for anyone.

Our poor kids - mandated in the US now to receive 72 vaxx by the time they are 18 - suffer bad health consequences & are terribly affected by this glut of deadly vaxx forced on them. And for no good reason either - as all vaxx contain deadly, toxic, carcinogenic chemicals in them. :/

See Dr Suzanne Humphries classic analysis & critical work on the history of infectious diseases /vaccines: “Dissolving Illusions : Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History (pub 2013) here:


Dr Humphries was censored, banned, threatened & attempts were made on her life. Such is the power of truth & evidence in a corp-manipulated MSM & the silence of a complicit medical mafia. We need many more enlightened medical workers to speak up today & change the deadly, ongoing, corp-corrupted Rockefeller Medicine back to a questioning/curious scientific method of free speech/open inquiry - one not controlled by a govt/farma medical cabal. :/

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Check out this "infectious diseases" & vaxx timeline - also shown in “Dissolving Illusions” -

No one can dispute this “diseases” history timeline…

Death from common infectious diseases declined due to the work of sanitation engineers and housing architects, NOT [so-called] vaccine scientists.


Btw - I had all of these diseases as a child & so did all my family members & friends, etc. In fact, all of the doctors & families I knew growing up in the 1960s wanted kids to have these illnesses for immunity purposes. > Chicken pox, 3-day measles, so-called "German measles" & mumps. No one took flu shots back then as doctors accepted the flu as a natural, clearing process in our bodies & we kids welcomed the flu as days off from school. The fear-mongering & lies about these diseases unfortunately escalated by the time I had kids in the 1980s & the propaganda was pushed on everyone to VAXX us all.

Knowledge is truly powerful & we can all take our medical/health care system back if we begin to share & discuss the real history of diseases/vaccines as per Dr Humphries' book.

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Congrats on the progress you are making on getting the truth out into the world. I wish I could contribute money. You are a hero.

A Canadian Grandma

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Thank you and thank you for shining the light on all the tragedy in obstetrics and other fields of medicine .

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In your next vaxx-backer encounter, ask if the person would have taken a vaxx produced by Enron as long as it was recommended by CDC and approved by FDA.

Would that be considered a gamble, or would that be safe and effective? If the answer is a gamble, then your vaxxer just upended the imprimatur of the FDA.

If so, that means caution is advised generally, because even an honest vetting can get snookered by a fast play.

Then ask, if a major USA company can be corrupt and its officers jailed for felonies, why is an agency immune from the same employee hazard?

Then ask, “what if the vaxx wasn’t AS safe and effective as advertised?”

For the finale, ask “why would a vaxx manufacturer intentionally mix its production lots so that they are widely mixed geographically?”

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Congratulations! Well done. Keep going we need you!

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It does look like things are changing, and we have been an important part of that. Seems like so many more peer-reviewed journal articles are coming out in support of our contrarian views.

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The mask is slipping. The "Whore of Babylon" is behind it.

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the discourse has definitely expanded

if you go to the subreddit r/CovidVaccinated (from which I am banned) you will find people talking about ways to detox from the jabs

A couple of years ago, no 'anti-vax' comments were tolerated, and it was all just Fauci worship

However, I do wonder if some of the multi-jabbed will be able to wake up. According to a top geneticist, the jabs may have actually erased memories and changed personalities in some... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/sheep-brain-top-molecular-geneticist?utm_campaign=comment&utm_medium=email&utm_source=substack&utm_content=post

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I just checked out that substack. It’s pretty much ALL posts from vaxxed folks worrying about the harm they may have done to themselves. Wow.

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I meant to say “sub Reddit”

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Most Doctors

Enjoy Being Proven Wrong

Far Less

Than They Tolerate Killing You.


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My friend, Craig, was injured by his third shot. MN Team Humanity shared his story on Substack and the local NBC affiliate Kare 11 just produced a segment.



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Apr 26Edited

The cancer deaths are not hitting the marginalized in society - they are hitting the "well heeled, well off" upper crust as well as the "middle class". In any tragedy, the "importance" of it is largely determined by who is affected. Apparently, we are also ranked in death, as some deaths are deemed "more important" then others. This is why these articles are now gaining traction. One could also add that the sinking of the Titanic made world wide headlines in 1912 largely due to its "first class passenger" list.

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It's not the foreign DNA.

It's not the mRNA.

It's the lipids.

Can anyone show me where the mRNA works at all with a lipid that is designed to not break down... How does the mRNA get out? Bullshit story!

"The history explains what makes the shots toxic, and it's not mrna, spike (a result of cell death, not the cause!), or graphene. It's the lipids!

The lipids clog shit up because they don't break down. Cell death happens, clots happen. Spike is the result of cell death not the cause!

This also explained why there was also bleeding issues, when platelets get used up in clotting.

They used this tech because it failed badly and is useful for their plans which bit them in the ass (low uptake of boosters and few are getting the new "mRNA" shots)

From 2017, 3 years BEFORE covid."

"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


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Brilliant analysis!

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I am sure that when I was younger, I would’ve rolled my eyes at the idea of ancient Greek and Roman wisdom. The more one sees of life the more you understand nothing has changed with respect to human nature.

I am mostly thinking about the idea behind the Greek word “hubris”, in other words, thinking you know more than you do, with the implication of arrogance. This describes the entire medical and pharmaceutical industry.

Remember why the Oracle of Delphi called Socrates the wisest human…. Because he knew what he did not know.

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1. Good to hear!

2. English grammar aside for a polished look: "Mary and I (wrote)" and "Mary and my (opinion)" are more traditional usage than "me and Mary"

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