Documentation of the work and life of Dr. Blass is disturbingly absent from the historical record. Was his Homozon therapy that threatening to the medical establishment? It appears so.
When you learn of all the historical suppression of medicines and technologies that could have alleviated suffering and death, it's hard not to wish the harshest karmic retribution on all the evil people involved.
But what prevents a doc from questioning, looking at other sources, expanding their minds? What would be more efficacious than producing and using Homozon for cancer cure?
It's called "best practices". The lawyers are involved in this. If a doc "goes against" something known as "when you encounter A, you use B" because "everyone in medicine does and you better, too."
Not all best practices are best practice or gold standard. If we need to take it all underground to use things like Homogen that have worked, then we do it. Let them have chemo, I will choose otherwise.
The history of medical science is replete with examples of suppression of scientific discoveries and breakthroughs; if it actually helped or cured but didn't make money for those in power and control, then the inventor and the work were destroyed and often completely written out pf the history books; think of Antoine Bechamp, Royal Rife, and even Florence Nightingale, to name only a few!
And if you DID want an editor... I'd be thrilled to help. This is right up my alley, even though you wouldn't see it in my resume. I've spent MUCH of my unpaid life tracking down therapies for loved ones that were abandoned by the allopathic system. (And if you need a character reference, you could ask Margaret Anna Alice.)
Regardless, I'm delighted your brilliant, important, indefatigable work will find an analog home, so it can't be scrubbed with just the touch of the delete key.
Speaking of being "scrubbed"... thank you for your courage. Seriously. 😳
I'm thinking for you, Ivermectin was your "gateway drug." For me it was Hydroxychloroquine. "If they suppressed this one for Covid ... what else have they suppressed?" The Covid reveal will lead to a revolution. I suspect that wasn't on the list back at Event 201.
So much!. And those who do provide alternatives to the Rockefeller "protocol" are killed. The most recent eg. that may be part of this (IMO) is the former Apotex head Barry Sherman. A generic drug manufacturer, he had received a license to produce Ivermectin here in Toronto Canada. He (and his wife) were murdered in their home December 2017 (unsolved). Given the pre-planned "pandemic" (sic) perhaps Sherman was just one of many conveniently "moved" out of the way? Pharma? Then the FDA delisted them from producing 31 drugs, and in 2024 they were bought out -- frankly due to Pharma pressure and the FDA.
Stumbled upon a thin book titled "Oxygen Therapies" in the early 90's. Found it in a health food store. I still remember that book even though it disappeared during one of my many moves. Plain blue cover. White lettering. Seemed to have been typed & then self published? (Dunno how that worked, back in 1988.)
Informative book about Food Grade hydrogen peroxide as a metabolic treatment for all diseases. Given to my by a friend's grandfather who eradicated cancer from his body.
Very interesting. I asked ChatGPT what would be the best catalyst, and it told me this: "Best Catalyst for Safety and Efficiency:
For simplicity, safety, and effectiveness, food-grade hydrogen peroxide (3-5%) combined with ozone gas is the safest and most controlled method to mimic Homozon’s original design. This method avoids complex chemical handling and minimizes the risk of creating unstable by-products."
Yes. Geoengineering must stop! I recently wrote to my state rep in this regard, but got no response from him whatsoever. I thought if he wasn't brave enough to address the issue, he could at least have sent a generic "Thanks for contacting" email, but not even that much. Politicians are scumbags. I guess I will have to call his office and try to speak with a person there. Maybe I'll get some kind of response.
"" is a longstanding website dedicated to cataloging obscure scientific research, alternative energy concepts, and unconventional technologies. Based on available information and analysis:
Ownership and Curatorship: The site is widely believed to be operated by an individual known as Robert "Bob" A. Nelson, often referenced pseudonymously as "Rex" or under the handle "Rex Arthur." This aligns with the site's name, as "Rex" is Latin for "king" and may serve as a pseudonym. Nelson is described as an independent researcher with a keen interest in fringe science and alternative technologies.
Background: The curator likely has a background in science or engineering, given the technical nature of the content. The site's design and lack of commercialization suggest it is a personal project maintained as a labor of love rather than for profit.
Anonymity and Privacy: The owner has historically maintained anonymity, with no explicit "About" page or contact details on the site. Domain registration records (WHOIS) are likely protected by privacy services, though historical data may link to Nelson. The site's minimalist, dated design reinforces the impression of a solo operator prioritizing content over presentation.
Content and Purpose: aggregates patents, research papers, and articles, often focusing on marginalized or controversial topics. Its longevity (active since at least the early 2000s) indicates dedicated curation, possibly by someone involved in niche scientific communities.
Historical Mentions: While direct confirmation is scarce, the name "Robert Nelson" or "Rex Arthur" occasionally surfaces in forums and older discussions related to alternative science, though these references are unverified. The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine may preserve older versions of the site with additional clues, but explicit biographical details remain elusive.
In summary, is managed by an individual (or small group) using the pseudonym "Rex," most frequently associated with Robert A. Nelson. The operator's identity remains intentionally low-profile, emphasizing the site's role as a repository for unconventional knowledge over personal recognition."
Thanks Doc for you time and dedication to truth. Look at
ozonated glycerin
Colds, flu, COVID-19 Treatment
This is from the substack of
Robert Jay Rowen, MD and Google
I focus on nebulizing OG as this is in my wheelhouse…
I'm not going do do a deep dive into what ozone is but it’s similar to chlorine dioxide in its properties in oxygen therapy. Do your own research.
Ozone Therapy
The use of ozone as a premier anti-aging strategy, modulator of inflammation, healing, repair, and more. Ozone therapy accelerates healing and provides relief for a range of illnesses such as Lyme disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. The most common applications of ozone therapy involve treating autoimmune disorders, lung diseases, and dermatological infections. To treat acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain, ozone is traditionally administered as an injection (often referred to as a “prozone” injection when combined with collagen-producing substances). This may be delivered in several ways: intra-articularly, intramuscularly, intra-discally, or subcutaneously.
Ozone therapy involves the use of ozone (O3), a potent form of oxygen, as a disinfectant agent that’s introduced into affected areas of the body. The color gas is used to improve oxygen intake and boost the immune system response.
Note: This is for educational purposes. This is not medical advice, and I am not telling you what you should do. Every person is or should be in control of their own health in spite of what the current medical establishment would like you to believe.
OG differs from regular ozone treatment:
Glycerin unique properties let it “portable ozone”, which to date [ozone] is not portable at all, since ozone gas decays rather quickly.
This method enables us to lock ozone into glycerin, which is half a sugar molecule, and the product is water soluble (unlike non-water soluble ozonated oils) and has a half-life of 3 months instead of 30 minutes for ozone gas.
* Nebulize up to 30% solution
The above is what is exciting. Use in flu, COVID or any viral or bacterial respiratory infection. Personally I would start slower and try 5-10% and maybe do more breathing treatments and the increase the concentration if not improving. Cancer:
Use for any upper respiratory issue flu,colds etc.. use as prevention and treatment.
* Topical use @ 10%.
It can be used on skin, consumed orally, put on wounds, local infections, nebulized, your gums and even as eyedrops (as I will be doing with a 0.5% solution as soon as we have some more).
“However, apex credit goes to American innovators of more than a century ago. Here is a link to an amazing book by Charles Marchand at the Library of Congress. Much more than a century ago, our own discovered the healing powers of OG and wrote a succession of books about it. This feat was lost on the evil takeover of medicine by Pharma after the Kinsey report. I have no doubt that Nicola Tesla was behind what you will read in the book. He patented the first commercial American ozone generator! This book detailing observations in the late 1800 a mirror what we are re-discovering about OG 125 years late.”~ Robert Jay Rowen, MD
Dr. Kory there is a product called MagOzone and Dr. Robert Rowen’s guest Edward Mann talks about it in on his podcast. Dr. Rowen at 38 minutes in refers to MagOzone as what used to be Dr. Blass’s Homozone. MagOzone is also discussed at the 19 minutes. I have a bottle at home but have not yet tried it. I don’t know if this link will copy ok but it’s
Today’s thread was so interesting! I read the wonderful article you wrote and even the extremely helpful comments intently .remembered how maybe 15 years ago I found I had to rid myself of toxicity in my body, mercury , lead etc.. started I.V’s ,sauna, supplements and ozone machine . I spoke to a gentleman sitting next to me in the waiting room about the o machine and he
Told me he had one at home , a better one,better built and it helped his cancer.of course it cost 10,000$.he was 90 y/r old and looked with color in his cheeks healthy and sprite !
"You will learn not only about him but many more soon in subsequent posts in this series, so subscribe if you do not want to miss out. I have to warn you that, due to one of the upcoming posts being still classified and sensitive in nature, it will be behind a paywall initially (that is, if I publish that one at all, am still undecided due to fear of the risks)." HOW CAN WE HELP GET THE CLASSIFIED ONE PUBLISHED WHILE PROTECTING YOU? CAN ANOTHER TAKE ON THE RISK? I AM WILLING TO DO SO. This rot goes so deep it must be exposed and to honor those magnificent doctors who lost their lives trying to help others while knowingly or not, placed themselves as prime targets for Big Pharma. The world needs to know about all of this and the healing powers that natural therapy can perform. The more I learn about all this, the more I learn what the true meaning of Evil and Insidious means.
I have also investigated ozonated magnesium, and I so appreciate this article Dr. Kory. After experimentation, I looked into putting it into supplements that we manufacture ourselves, but I could never get any information on how it is made.
Your essay kind of explains things better.
One thing that I found that it does and I didn’t know it did anything else is it kills archaea in the gut. These are a primitive form of gut microbe that can create methane and that can cause constipation among other things. Certain statins kill them, and cordyceps kills them. It may be one of the benefits of statins. (Believe it or not, there are some.)
I had no idea that there may be a plethora of other benefits to ozonated magnesium. Thank you.
Wow! What a story! Excellent sleuthing, congrats on your persistence and determination!
Before covid I knew that evil existed in the world, but had no idea how pervasive and demonic it actually is. Since covid it's become obvious that the extent of evil characters and their evil deeds goes far beyond anything I had thought possible. Just one man, Rockefeller, epitomizes the vast evil cabal, but the cabal stretches across the entire globe and permeates all governments, our medical system, our military, multinational corporations... It's like a really bad, very depressing science fiction horror show.
In chemistry it was clear that little or nothing is final. The medical students need to realize that about medicine. Not just tow the medical (nursing, pharmacy, etc.) school line. Science is a process; not dogma.
Yes, isn't it interesting timing. Wonder if this was done with purpose to sabotage the machine; if that dear child was considered only as collateral damage.
When you learn of all the historical suppression of medicines and technologies that could have alleviated suffering and death, it's hard not to wish the harshest karmic retribution on all the evil people involved.
The only karma I see happening is that a lot of those that promote shitty modern medicine take the poisons that they promoted.
Karma on some non physical reincarnation level denies reality and has been used to justify poor treatment of lower classes, like in India.
The more we obsess about life after death, the less we can focus on what's in front of us.... This thing humanity has been distracting itself from.
Since they were taught in an AMA-approved medical school that there are no other efficacious approaches, they are doing as they were taught.
But what prevents a doc from questioning, looking at other sources, expanding their minds? What would be more efficacious than producing and using Homozon for cancer cure?
It's called "best practices". The lawyers are involved in this. If a doc "goes against" something known as "when you encounter A, you use B" because "everyone in medicine does and you better, too."
Not all best practices are best practice or gold standard. If we need to take it all underground to use things like Homogen that have worked, then we do it. Let them have chemo, I will choose otherwise.
But that's just it: they don't want these things known because it'll snowball and then people will reject conventional medicine.
It is hard to tell with Homozon being extinct.
We've got chlorine dioxide instead.
We can make it again. Just need his formula.
The formula is linked in the post: scroll down on this page:
You can find videos on making chlorine dioxide all over the Internet.
And it kind of makes me angry that they can still ask for forgiveness from God…..and get it.
But only if they're sincere...and God knows their hearts and their motives.
So true, Joy.
That's a struggle that I have, as well.
We can pray for each other to be humble. And to remember, "Be still, and know that I am God."
me too. God needs to bring back OT justice and right quick IMHO.
It's coming.
not soon enough Dave:{
I have loved ones that aren't ready for what is coming.
He is one of many or he wouldn't demand that you have none before him.
Hilkiah (Chilqiyah - Saint Plunder), author of Deuteronomy, was a fraud. Writing that doesn't make him "God".
With MUCH loss of rewards
I don't even know if there is a punishment that would be enough for any of these sick twists.
A day or two ago, I came across a video that rather succinctly shows the dark origins of the pharmaceutical industry. This is well worth watching.
And this is why at this time, probably the most important thing that could happen is the revelation of what the Epstein case is all about.
The history of medical science is replete with examples of suppression of scientific discoveries and breakthroughs; if it actually helped or cured but didn't make money for those in power and control, then the inventor and the work were destroyed and often completely written out pf the history books; think of Antoine Bechamp, Royal Rife, and even Florence Nightingale, to name only a few!
Dr Kory, I smell another book coming! I would preorder it right now! Really!
The way you have written this post is perfect - easy to read, intriguing, and informative. You probably wouldn’t even need an editor!😄
Aww (blushing). Book is coming!!
And if you DID want an editor... I'd be thrilled to help. This is right up my alley, even though you wouldn't see it in my resume. I've spent MUCH of my unpaid life tracking down therapies for loved ones that were abandoned by the allopathic system. (And if you need a character reference, you could ask Margaret Anna Alice.)
Regardless, I'm delighted your brilliant, important, indefatigable work will find an analog home, so it can't be scrubbed with just the touch of the delete key.
Speaking of being "scrubbed"... thank you for your courage. Seriously. 😳
Great news!
I'm thinking for you, Ivermectin was your "gateway drug." For me it was Hydroxychloroquine. "If they suppressed this one for Covid ... what else have they suppressed?" The Covid reveal will lead to a revolution. I suspect that wasn't on the list back at Event 201.
So much!. And those who do provide alternatives to the Rockefeller "protocol" are killed. The most recent eg. that may be part of this (IMO) is the former Apotex head Barry Sherman. A generic drug manufacturer, he had received a license to produce Ivermectin here in Toronto Canada. He (and his wife) were murdered in their home December 2017 (unsolved). Given the pre-planned "pandemic" (sic) perhaps Sherman was just one of many conveniently "moved" out of the way? Pharma? Then the FDA delisted them from producing 31 drugs, and in 2024 they were bought out -- frankly due to Pharma pressure and the FDA.
I did not hear about this. Absolutely abhorrent.
i remember reading about this murder at the time.
Nicotine Kills Covid. Rabies. Bird flu. Etc. listen to Dr. Ardis
Wow, just Wow. What an amazing find. Fascinating article. Thank you for all your research.
I thought the name Ed McCabe seemed familiar.
Stumbled upon a thin book titled "Oxygen Therapies" in the early 90's. Found it in a health food store. I still remember that book even though it disappeared during one of my many moves. Plain blue cover. White lettering. Seemed to have been typed & then self published? (Dunno how that worked, back in 1988.)
Ed McCabe is who introduced me to Food Grade (35%) hydrogen peroxide.
Informative book about Food Grade hydrogen peroxide as a metabolic treatment for all diseases. Given to my by a friend's grandfather who eradicated cancer from his body.
For Covid, it has been recommended to use FG H2O2 for nebulization. Dr. Mercola created a chart for how to dilute and how to use.
Very interesting. I asked ChatGPT what would be the best catalyst, and it told me this: "Best Catalyst for Safety and Efficiency:
For simplicity, safety, and effectiveness, food-grade hydrogen peroxide (3-5%) combined with ozone gas is the safest and most controlled method to mimic Homozon’s original design. This method avoids complex chemical handling and minimizes the risk of creating unstable by-products."
DeepSeek provided me with formulas, quantities and a method to produce a "Homozon-like" product.
Great research. Thank you.
PS We gotta do something about them chemtrails unless we're all just gonna be sitting at home on oxygen.
Yes. Geoengineering must stop! I recently wrote to my state rep in this regard, but got no response from him whatsoever. I thought if he wasn't brave enough to address the issue, he could at least have sent a generic "Thanks for contacting" email, but not even that much. Politicians are scumbags. I guess I will have to call his office and try to speak with a person there. Maybe I'll get some kind of response.
Brilliant post-- incredible work💗 Another great option for our patients to discover and use to treat themselves. I love this movement. Thank you
The research is outstanding as usual. Thank you, Dr. Kory.
"" is a longstanding website dedicated to cataloging obscure scientific research, alternative energy concepts, and unconventional technologies. Based on available information and analysis:
Ownership and Curatorship: The site is widely believed to be operated by an individual known as Robert "Bob" A. Nelson, often referenced pseudonymously as "Rex" or under the handle "Rex Arthur." This aligns with the site's name, as "Rex" is Latin for "king" and may serve as a pseudonym. Nelson is described as an independent researcher with a keen interest in fringe science and alternative technologies.
Background: The curator likely has a background in science or engineering, given the technical nature of the content. The site's design and lack of commercialization suggest it is a personal project maintained as a labor of love rather than for profit.
Anonymity and Privacy: The owner has historically maintained anonymity, with no explicit "About" page or contact details on the site. Domain registration records (WHOIS) are likely protected by privacy services, though historical data may link to Nelson. The site's minimalist, dated design reinforces the impression of a solo operator prioritizing content over presentation.
Content and Purpose: aggregates patents, research papers, and articles, often focusing on marginalized or controversial topics. Its longevity (active since at least the early 2000s) indicates dedicated curation, possibly by someone involved in niche scientific communities.
Historical Mentions: While direct confirmation is scarce, the name "Robert Nelson" or "Rex Arthur" occasionally surfaces in forums and older discussions related to alternative science, though these references are unverified. The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine may preserve older versions of the site with additional clues, but explicit biographical details remain elusive.
In summary, is managed by an individual (or small group) using the pseudonym "Rex," most frequently associated with Robert A. Nelson. The operator's identity remains intentionally low-profile, emphasizing the site's role as a repository for unconventional knowledge over personal recognition."
deepseek R1
Wow! That was from deepseek? I gotta start putting that one in my repertoire - I got nothing on perplexity or chat gpt.. interesting
Came from HIX AI..
I got booted from my chat gtp account when their own bot wrote them a letter telling them to stop making it lie.
I got receipts.
Thank you for posting this!
Thanks Doc for you time and dedication to truth. Look at
ozonated glycerin
Colds, flu, COVID-19 Treatment
This is from the substack of
Robert Jay Rowen, MD and Google
I focus on nebulizing OG as this is in my wheelhouse…
I'm not going do do a deep dive into what ozone is but it’s similar to chlorine dioxide in its properties in oxygen therapy. Do your own research.
Ozone Therapy
The use of ozone as a premier anti-aging strategy, modulator of inflammation, healing, repair, and more. Ozone therapy accelerates healing and provides relief for a range of illnesses such as Lyme disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. The most common applications of ozone therapy involve treating autoimmune disorders, lung diseases, and dermatological infections. To treat acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain, ozone is traditionally administered as an injection (often referred to as a “prozone” injection when combined with collagen-producing substances). This may be delivered in several ways: intra-articularly, intramuscularly, intra-discally, or subcutaneously.
Ozone therapy involves the use of ozone (O3), a potent form of oxygen, as a disinfectant agent that’s introduced into affected areas of the body. The color gas is used to improve oxygen intake and boost the immune system response.
OG Purchase links:
Note: This is for educational purposes. This is not medical advice, and I am not telling you what you should do. Every person is or should be in control of their own health in spite of what the current medical establishment would like you to believe.
OG differs from regular ozone treatment:
Glycerin unique properties let it “portable ozone”, which to date [ozone] is not portable at all, since ozone gas decays rather quickly.
This method enables us to lock ozone into glycerin, which is half a sugar molecule, and the product is water soluble (unlike non-water soluble ozonated oils) and has a half-life of 3 months instead of 30 minutes for ozone gas.
* Nebulize up to 30% solution
The above is what is exciting. Use in flu, COVID or any viral or bacterial respiratory infection. Personally I would start slower and try 5-10% and maybe do more breathing treatments and the increase the concentration if not improving. Cancer:
* Nasal spray can use up to 10% for nasal spray. Use @ 5-10%
Use for any upper respiratory issue flu,colds etc.. use as prevention and treatment.
* Topical use @ 10%.
It can be used on skin, consumed orally, put on wounds, local infections, nebulized, your gums and even as eyedrops (as I will be doing with a 0.5% solution as soon as we have some more).
What is OG:
Jim Bridge:
“However, apex credit goes to American innovators of more than a century ago. Here is a link to an amazing book by Charles Marchand at the Library of Congress. Much more than a century ago, our own discovered the healing powers of OG and wrote a succession of books about it. This feat was lost on the evil takeover of medicine by Pharma after the Kinsey report. I have no doubt that Nicola Tesla was behind what you will read in the book. He patented the first commercial American ozone generator! This book detailing observations in the late 1800 a mirror what we are re-discovering about OG 125 years late.”~ Robert Jay Rowen, MD
It’s interesting that he says orally it’s great for stomach problems
Interesting, thank you.
Dr. Kory there is a product called MagOzone and Dr. Robert Rowen’s guest Edward Mann talks about it in on his podcast. Dr. Rowen at 38 minutes in refers to MagOzone as what used to be Dr. Blass’s Homozone. MagOzone is also discussed at the 19 minutes. I have a bottle at home but have not yet tried it. I don’t know if this link will copy ok but it’s
Hello Dr. Kory,
Today’s thread was so interesting! I read the wonderful article you wrote and even the extremely helpful comments intently .remembered how maybe 15 years ago I found I had to rid myself of toxicity in my body, mercury , lead etc.. started I.V’s ,sauna, supplements and ozone machine . I spoke to a gentleman sitting next to me in the waiting room about the o machine and he
Told me he had one at home , a better one,better built and it helped his cancer.of course it cost 10,000$.he was 90 y/r old and looked with color in his cheeks healthy and sprite !
I look forward to your book ..🙏🏻🌻
"You will learn not only about him but many more soon in subsequent posts in this series, so subscribe if you do not want to miss out. I have to warn you that, due to one of the upcoming posts being still classified and sensitive in nature, it will be behind a paywall initially (that is, if I publish that one at all, am still undecided due to fear of the risks)." HOW CAN WE HELP GET THE CLASSIFIED ONE PUBLISHED WHILE PROTECTING YOU? CAN ANOTHER TAKE ON THE RISK? I AM WILLING TO DO SO. This rot goes so deep it must be exposed and to honor those magnificent doctors who lost their lives trying to help others while knowingly or not, placed themselves as prime targets for Big Pharma. The world needs to know about all of this and the healing powers that natural therapy can perform. The more I learn about all this, the more I learn what the true meaning of Evil and Insidious means.
I have also investigated ozonated magnesium, and I so appreciate this article Dr. Kory. After experimentation, I looked into putting it into supplements that we manufacture ourselves, but I could never get any information on how it is made.
Your essay kind of explains things better.
One thing that I found that it does and I didn’t know it did anything else is it kills archaea in the gut. These are a primitive form of gut microbe that can create methane and that can cause constipation among other things. Certain statins kill them, and cordyceps kills them. It may be one of the benefits of statins. (Believe it or not, there are some.)
I had no idea that there may be a plethora of other benefits to ozonated magnesium. Thank you.
Wow! What a story! Excellent sleuthing, congrats on your persistence and determination!
Before covid I knew that evil existed in the world, but had no idea how pervasive and demonic it actually is. Since covid it's become obvious that the extent of evil characters and their evil deeds goes far beyond anything I had thought possible. Just one man, Rockefeller, epitomizes the vast evil cabal, but the cabal stretches across the entire globe and permeates all governments, our medical system, our military, multinational corporations... It's like a really bad, very depressing science fiction horror show.
In chemistry it was clear that little or nothing is final. The medical students need to realize that about medicine. Not just tow the medical (nursing, pharmacy, etc.) school line. Science is a process; not dogma.
It is if you want that mansion on the hill and a Lambo or two parked in driveway. 😉
I’m sure the timing of this article is just a coincidence:
Yes, isn't it interesting timing. Wonder if this was done with purpose to sabotage the machine; if that dear child was considered only as collateral damage.