The "Scrubbing" Of Oxidative Therapy Pioneer Dr. Fritz Blass From The Internet
Documentation of the work and life of Dr. Blass is disturbingly absent from the historical record. Was his Homozon therapy that threatening to the medical establishment? It appears so.
** Due to the preference of some readers, a self-narrated audio podcast version can be found at this link (for paid subscribers only).
I recently posted a biography of the career and persecutions of Dr. William F. Koch, the innovator of an injectable “oxidative therapy” called Glyoxilide. In my summary of his well documented life, publications, and career compiled by his surviving family members at, I mentioned another pioneer who was also assassinated, a Dr. Fritz Blass. Blass developed a different oxidative therapy called Homozon which was orally administered like chlorine dioxide.
I would have never have known about Blass or Homozon if I had not come into contact with.. a scientist who worked with a number of intelligence agencies (read that again) who sent me a link to a short overview of Homozon written by Blass in 1939 and posted on a random website called rexresearch. I asked ChatGPT who runs that site and this is what it told me: was established in 1982 to collect and disseminate reports about suppressed, dormant, or emerging sciences, inventions, technologies, and experiments.
Specific information about the individual or organization currently operating the website is not readily available in the provided sources.
From that overview of Homozon that Blass wrote, I could tell that Blass was an innovative and accomplished scientist so I figured he must have published some papers. I searched on the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed database (the main U.S repository for all scientific papers in medicine).
Problem: I could find no papers published by him, no matter what permutation of his name and initials I used. I tried numerous combinations because I later found some instances where he is described as Dr. FM Eugene Blass and another site where he was called Dr. Fritz Blass). I even did a “brute force” search by looking at the title of every paper published by someone named “Blass” from 1890 to his death in 1967. I found nothing relevant.
Using AI tools, I could find only two specific mentions him. One was from “The Federal Register” below where he was listed with other names as residing in Medellin, Columbia in 1942.
Man, AI is something right? Check it out, it found him listed on page 867 as below:
What made things even spookier though, is that prior to his name appearing on p. 867, hundreds of names appeared on the same list, in sections sorted by different South American countries. What was that list about?
Well, it was prefaced with the title, “The Proclaimed List of Certain Blocked Nationals” with those individuals appearing “by virtue of the President and Secretary of State.” And wouldn’t you know, Nelson Rockefeller, the grandson of John D. Rockefeller (uh oh), signed the Proclamation:
The other AI search result found Blass on a now declassified passenger list of a ship traveling to Lisbon, Portugal in 1944 which was repatriating Germans after World War II. So, he went back to Germany. Hmm.
Interestingly, the declassified passenger list was also from State Department records, under the “Special War Problems Division.”
I know what you are thinking.
Was he a Nazi? Hang in and hold on, we will get to that.
So, no published papers, no Wikipedia entry, no Google results etc. Just two weird documents from World War II listing his name (which I only could have found using artificial intelligence, a very new technology). What is going on here?
Then, on the webpage of persecuted physicians where I had found the description of how Koch had died from poisoning, I saw the name Blass listed. I wasn’t even looking for him, I was just clicking on different persecuted doctors pages (know that a later pioneer of chlorine dioxide, Mark Grenon, also survived a poisoning attempt, his history will becoming up later in this series).
You will learn not only about him but many more soon in subsequent posts in this series, so subscribe if you do not want to miss out. I have to warn you that, due to one of the upcoming posts being still classified and sensitive in nature, it will be behind a paywall initially (that is, if I publish that one at all, am still undecided due to fear of the risks).
Anyway, I clicked on Blass and all that I found was one single sentence:
Whoa. Like Koch, he too was murdered. Well, this is getting interesting.
I then reached out to the retired scientist and asked him where I could find more information on Blass.
He told me that “Blass was scrubbed from the internet.” What?
I have no idea how many points on the Kory Scale I should assign to a scientist who had nearly their entire existence and contributions to science erased from the historical record. How is that even possible? “They” scrubbed nearly the entirety of a scientist’s career and inventions from the internet?
I did not believe this was possible, mostly because we now have AI and he died way before “they” knew would AI be invented, so I pressed on, figuring I could find what I needed using modern tehnology.
I went back to the rexresearch document from 1939 and, lo and behold, I saw a reference to where Blass’s paper was originally published. Apparently it was taken from the 1989 issue of “Oxidation News” (what a cool name for a newsletter) and which there was a live link going to a website called “True Health”
Problem: the link led me to a health supplement site (which interestingly also sold ozone generators). I initially could find no mention of Blass or Homozon on there by perusing the links and menu and the site was missing a search bar option.
Know that I am developing an increasing addiction to AI, a technology which to me is immensely helpful in doing scientific and journalistic research (not political :). So an idea came to me - why don’t I ask AI to search the website for me? I asked it to find any mention of Blass or Homozon and, lo and behold, eureka! It returned two pages, one on Blass, and one on Homozon (sort of).
The Blass page again contained his overview on Homozon that I had been sent on rexresearch by the retired scientist As I was reading his account again, I found the below bolded editors note inseted at the end of one of the paragraphs:
As it happened, I was an experienced combustion engineer, inventor and revolutionist, and personally designed the ovens in the combustion industry in the USA and Germany. In 1922, early in my career, I was doomed by the scientific “healers” and declared virtually hopeless, ready for the undertaker. So far, I have cheated the writer of the last paper (death certificate) and the undertaker of their chance, and they will have to wait a long time for it. (Editor’s Note: They did wait a long time, until 1967, when Dr. Blass, at the age of 87, was mercilessly attacked and killed in front of his home by unknown assailants.)
What the hell? They attacked and killed an 87 year old man? Why would they do it at that point in his life and on the same month and year as the equally aged Koch?
Well, in my last post on the assassinated Koch, in the comments section, I found the following exchange between my subscribers which I found illuminating:
GK: What was the point of assassinating them when they were well into their 80s?
Carol Jones: Because so many (at least in the homeopathic field) are teachers and mentors and therefore their empirical information that would be shared then becomes lost. It is a cumulative knowledge Practice. I intend (as most of my teachers) to Practice and teach until I die (Editors note: Same here Carol, same here!)
Then I went to the other page on that AI had found where Homozon is mentioned. The page was actually for a health supplement called “Super Oxy Flush” but, right at the top, there is this somewhat unsettling message:
“Manufacturing is destroyed and is unlikely to ever be produced again?” Whoa. However, the site says that the Super Oxy Flush is the most comparable. The ingredients:
“Ozonated magnesium oxides.” Blass’s (and Tesla’s) gift to the world. Also, unsurprisingly, it is marketed as a “colon cleanse” only. No claims of it treating any other diseases. Because they can’t due to Codex and the 1994 DHEA act, the former being a globalist organization which essentially controls the marketing and sale of the world’s supplements and natural remedies. As per my scientist source, “they are not good people” (understatement by him and myself).
Then I hit the mother lode. As I was reading the copy below the product, I came across this sentence:
“World renowned Homozon expert, Dr. George Freibott, says Homozon is the safest bowel cleanser on the planet. It is even safe for children.”
Who is Dr. George Friebott? At the way bottom of the page I found the links at the bottom right.
Those links on a random health supplement website led me to transcripts of interviews with Freibott. Through those transcripts, I was able to find out a lot more about Homozon and Blass. But the link to an overview on Homozon by a guy named Ed McCabe provided some more granular details of Blass’s death as well as the origins of the Homozon product:
Homozon stands in a class of its own. You cannot fail to be impressed with this product. Dr. F.M. Eugene Blass, the inventor published many works around 1929 (Ed: again, it is weird that I cannot find any) concerning his magnesium, calcium, and sodium-based products that release ozone and hydrogen peroxide in the body. And today many use his name to sell knock-offs of his product.
Homozon was probably created through collaboration of Nicola Tesla and Dr. Blass back in the 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. Incidentally, at one time they both lived in the same NYC hotel, so they no doubt would have spent many hours of conversation discussing their pursuits and experiments. Tesla was a genius and more than likely was the one who helped Blass optimize this wonderful preparation. For many years Blass made and sold Homozon and gave it to people. He had case history after case history, all showing the fantastic results that Homozon produced. At the age of 86, a black limousine pulled up outside his lab and two men got out and clubbed him to death in the street, according to his lab assistant. (A competitive ritual killing, oxy-Dr. Koch murdered same month and year.)
Whoa. A black limousine. A professional hit? Same month and same year as Koch? Sounds like someone put out a hit on both of them at the same time. Assassinating a couple of scientists at the end of their lives? I guess they really wanted those formulas hidden. Kory scale = infinity.
On a different website dedicated to listing the suspicious details of the young deaths of “holistic doctors,” I found this sentence:
“As you’ll see in the timeline below, there are allegedly three dates within one month when two doctors died on the same day. That’s six doctors dying in pairs on three different days.
So, when they want to silence experts of a therapy which threatens the bio-industrial pharmaceutical complex, they put out “contracts” at the same time.
This is probably a good time to again publicly state that I am not suicidal. At all.
However, I do want to point out that the comment by McCabe that “case history after case history” of effectiveness mirrors that of chlorine dioxide. Beyond a handful of trials and studies of chlorine dioxide which I will review soon, the evidence base of effectiveness of orally ingested chlorine dioxide also largely sits atop many thousands of case histories or recoveries and cures (or testimonials as we call them).
For those who have read my series on chlorine dioxide, you already know why - there is a global policy by regulatory agencies to not allow research into orally ingested chlorine dioxide despite the fact that studies on chlorine dioxide’s efficacy against microbial pathogens using mouthwashes, nasal sprays, and skin applications run into the hundreds.
I then tried to learn about this guy Ed McCabe and I found a link to his youtube channel at the bottom of his page:
Problem: when I clicked the link, I landed on this response:
Shocker. So, lets look at Freibott then. Through lots of searching, I managed to find two transcripts of interviews given by Friebott where he talks extensively about Blass and Homozon.
On a biographical page of Freibott’s many career accomplishments. This one really caught my eye:
His professional background includes training under Dr. Arthur Matthews, who was the final assistant and Canadian protégé to Dr. Nikola Tesla, the renowned inventor known as the father of alternating current
Tesla again. I will have to do a whole separate post on Tesla (oh boy, although only in draft from, that one is a doozy).
But let’s go on. Freibott’s career accomplishments were beyond impressive. He is/was clearly a brilliant naturopath, researcher, and scientist. To wit:
Dr. George August Freibott IV was an American physician, chemist, and priest, born on October 6, 1954, in Bridgeport, Connecticut. He was a prominent advocate for oxidative therapies, particularly ozone therapy, and played a significant role in their development and application.
Contributions to Ozone Therapy:
In 1979, Dr. Freibott began treating patients with ozone therapy, including one of the first reported cases of using ozone to treat AIDS. He was also involved in manufacturing oxidative products and served as a consultant in oxidative chemistry and sciences, particularly in implementing oxidative modalities in mission fields.
His CV also listed that he was a member and/or director of many professional associations and companies. He was the President and Lifelong Trustee President of the American Naturopathic Association for 35 years. He had won awards like the “Tesla medal of Scientific Merit, Benedict Lust School Natural Sciences, 1992.”
At the bottom of his CV, I found a mention of his having written a book titled “Warburg, Blass, and Koch: Man with a Message.”
Problem: I can’t find the book on amazon. I then found this link on a Brave browser search:
I then found it through another link. I discovered that it was actually not a book but rather a two page paper which briefly articulated the contributions of Koch, Warburg, and Blass into the knowledge base of oxidation. This is what he wrote about Blass:
Dr. F. M. Eugene Blass, an oxidation specialist and engineer/designer of the Pennsylvania Steel-coke ovens, clinically verified Warburg's foundational work. Returning to the United States in 1925, cured of his cancer and armed with the knowledge of the Institut fur Sauerstoff-Heilverfahren, Blass adamantly represented the German Kneipp/Nature Cure and oxidative therapies until his death." 8
So, I decided to try to hunt down Freibott.
Since I could not find data which suggested that Freibott had died, I thought it might be possible to find him and contact him. On his biography, it said he was currently the Director of the American Library of Health. So, I searched that. Nothing. Asked AI. Nothing. Then I found him on Linked in! There it said:
Trainee of Dr Arthur Matthews - Final Assistant and Canadian Protege to Dr Nicola Tesla, Father of Alternating Current. Goals of training explained in Matthews and Tesla's text, the Wall of Light and Tesla's, Machine to End All War.
I messaged him on LinkedIn but got no response. Although I could not find a link to the American Library of Health through google or AI, on LinkedIn I discovered it is part of the American Naturopathic Association.
I then kept clicking links of Freibott and stumbled upon a link to a transcript of a lecture/interview Freibott did in 2011 where I hit the mother lode and found a fascinating description of not only Blass’s early career and accomplishments but also about the uniqueness and potency of Homozon, which, according to him, was far superior to even chlorine dioxide in one respect: delivering oxygen to cells.
Below is an edited version of the interview which I paraphrased and edited for brevity and fluidity (I cut out large parts). To read it in its entirety, I have posted it here.
Th entire transcript is worth a read. The reason why you should listen or read the whole interview is that Freibott goes through all the aspects of Homozon, why it is a unique oxidative therapy, how to use it, and what its impacts are. In the below, I only include his references to Blass and how it was made and what its properties are..
Before I go on, know that I discovered at the top of the transcript, that:
Dr. Freibott very sad to say... passed away 28 Jan 2018
Interview With Dr. George Friebott About Blass And Homozon, 2011
Q: What is the History of and who started Homozon?
The history of Homozon actually started in 1898 through the Institute of Forsal Halafarb for the Institute of Oxygen Therapies over in Germany. It came to the United States by Dr. F.M. Eugene Blass.
He first established a pollution-free smoke stack for the coal industry which was promptly stolen by the Office of Vaile and Property of the United States Government who then called him a Nazi. Dr. Blass, being an American Citizen at the time, found it a little hard to understand why he was being branded a Nazi. But he watched his technology being stolen by the Rockefellers and Standard Oil, which then proceeded to strip him of his limousines, limo drivers, and the money he was making. He was then shipped back to Germany in the custody of his brother who had family back there.
He went back to Germany, where he lived and took the therapy himself. That is what got him into it, and this was when he was an engineer. Dr. Blass was not a doctor at the time. He developed cancer after being so distraught and stressed. He went to the institute and took the modified magnesium peroxide that they were producing… and got well. It was originally called Hamizone, which he later changed to Homozon.
He went on to take studies in Chiropractic and Naturopathy from the Kinic Institute. He then returned to the United States and started the Eastern Association for Oxygen Therapies. After we took over, he optimized the manufacture of Homozon into a super oxide and ozonite. That was Dr. Blass’s claim to fame—the Eastern American Association for Oxygen Therapy.
When I was researching different ways to treat cancer, using everything from Lincoln Bacteria Five to the Gerson treatment, Ozone, Laetrile, metabolic therapy, and the Bob Bradford technique, I found out that some tried to create cancer based on the two-time Nobel Prize winner Otto Warberg’s insight that the cause of cancer was a lack of oxygen to the cell.
I came across Dr. Blass' work and had already started researching it because I was involved with the Koch Therapy as well. I was looking for a way to support the Koch Therapy, and it turned out that Dr. Blass' work, when I went back to the institute in Jersey, was turned over to us. The president of the American Naturopathic Association took over the estate, and that’s basically the history of it. We took over the Eastern American Association for Oxygen Therapy in New Jersey and renamed it the International Oxidation Institute, then finally the International Association for Oxygen Therapy, which is what it is today.
What is Homozon and what will it do?
Homozon, like I said, goes back before the Nazis. This is where the history came out of the Nazi empire. They were very involved with the occult and went back to the teachings of Paracelcius and chemistry. Paracelcius was noted for his miracle mineral metals and miracle mineral therapies. The Nazis, being very interested in the occult, researched and found out it was another name for the Alkahest.
They created Homozon by merging the alkaline Earth with the cold flame, which is exactly what Paracelcius wrote about, and it is also what Dr. Blass did. He took it steps further and actually wrote papers on it that are available (Editors note: not on pubmed they aren’t). But it is a merging of the magnesium alkaline Earth with oxygen. It can also be also done with calcium, zinc, and several other alkaline Earth metals.
Q: Is the Largest compound form of Oxygen stirred into your drinking water?
Homozon is the largest compounded form of oxygen known in the chemistry field. Every time we make statements, whether it is 08, 06, or 0, competitors come out and say, "Oh, we got 010, they got 08, we got 010." We keep the formulation pretty much close to the chest as far as the manufacture is concerned, but we can say without a doubt it is the largest compounded oxygen compound out there. There is nothing that even comes close anywhere. We've checked all the other products out there—Aerobic Life products (Ed: This will come up in a later post on chlorine dioxide) and all these others that talk about it—but they don't have the oxygen bonded to their product. That’s why we stand pretty close to the chest about the chemistry of it. It is the largest component oxygen group that a person can take orally to assist their body's cells by enhancing their oxygen level.
Q: Is Homozon a form of super Oxygen?
Dr. George Freibott: It's an ozonite, it doesn't matter which oxygen therapy one picks. When you start talking about oxygen therapies, they are all there to do one thing and one thing only, and that is release the available oxygen to the cell. And again, modern science will argue that it's O2, and you get into the chemistry of it, and yet they will talk about O1. But basically, they all, all, whether it be Ozone therapy, whether it be a peroxide, super oxide, ozonide, it doesn't matter which one you pick.
Q: Does Homozon go into your bloodstream and organs?
It goes to every cell of the body. Magnesium, elemental magnesium, as well as elemental Oxygen, gets across the blood-brain barrier. That’s really the brain—the brain feeds on Magnesium.
Originally, it was designed that way for the Germans. That’s what I found. The majority of researchers and doctors out there talk about medical research, but medical people recognized it many years ago. Then they went allopathic with their drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery routines for cancer.
When you start talking about the real beginning basis of this, it did start way back when, at the very beginning of medicine. But that was back when medicine was looking at toxicity and all the other aspects of detoxification and cleansing. Then they went off the deep end and started drugging it to death. That’s not what we’re trying to do. We’re trying to assist nature in its healing process, not drug it to death.
With Homozon, it starts as Magnesium oxide brought to peroxide, superoxides, and ozonites. There has only been one cited reference that has ever shown that Magnesium ozonite has been produced at room temperature and is available at room temperature. Those were the scientists from our institute in Germany.
People have tried to force Oxygen onto a compound, but you can’t do it. It has to be done catalytically or coaxingly because you have to coax the Magnesium into it. Magnesium loves Oxygen anyhow, so it’s not like you’re coaxing too hard. People have tried to Ozonate and use every kind of method under the Sun. But unless they have the catalytic combination that the Germans and Paracelcius had, all they are doing is talking about it.
Q: The early days of Despensatory of Medicne... you'll find Homozon listed.
Dr. George Freibott: Originally, it was designed that way for the Germans. That's what I found is that the majority of the quote researchers and doctors out there. That's why I talk about medical being—you know, it's like gold stars—you know, that's the only silver star in the whole thing because medical people recognized it many years ago.
Because the processes found in the human body are there to help the human body for the most part. The kill, crush, and destroy approach of allopathy, the war department, or whatever group you're trying to pick doesn't always work. I call it the American model. The kill, crush, and destroy method doesn’t always work. I mean, we can shock and awe, but we have to get back to natural therapy sooner or later.
That's what we're doing. It started in medicine and was actually listed, as a matter of fact, in the early days of the Dispensatory of Medicine. You'll find Homozon and the like listed. This is why it's available out there. It's been allowed for commerce since 1898 because it's grandfathered in under the grandfather clause in the Heresy-Fall Act. And there is nothing they can do to stop it because it's more natural than aspirin and all the rest of the things they grandfathered in.
So when they start talking about stopping what we're doing, we just say it's grandfathered in. It doesn't matter whether the codex comes in or doesn’t come in—we’re still a part of it, and it's one of the best therapies out there.
Q: Is the Oxygen in the Homozon that's having a chemical reaction?
Dr. George Freibott: Like with any magnesium, any magnesium product is good to see. You see, most magnesium products are bound to salts. You'll get mag sulfate or mag oscillate—I don't care which one you pick. Any of them, you know, citrate and the rest of them, like the mag, mag—what do you call it—the Epsom salts and that type of thing. People will take it to help them go to the bathroom. They have to drink more water with that because of the salt aspect. It is a salt, and your body needs to deal with the sulfate part of the magnesium because it is magnesium and sulfur bonded together.
There are so many different forms of magnesium salts. With Homozon it. starts as a magnesium oxide brought to peroxide and superoxides and ozonites. Those actual texts that have been written about—there has only been one cited reference that's ever shown that magnesium ozonite has been produced at room temperature and is available at room temperature. Those were the scientists from our institute in Germany. So, you know, people can say, "Oh, we know how to do it." Yeah, well, you had to resurrect the dead in order to find out because it was a proprietary process. I don't think it's going to happen too quickly.
They tried to force oxygen onto a compound. You can't do it. It has to be done catalytically or coaxingly because you have to coax the magnesium into it. It loves oxygen anyhow, so it's not like you're coaxing too hard. People have done it, and they've tried to ozonate and octozone it, and they've tried every kind of method under the sun. But unless they have the catalytic combination that the Germans had and Paracelsus had, then they can talk about it, but that's all they're doing—talking about it.
Oxidative Therapy Expert Ed McCabe
Before we finish, if you remember, above on the Homozon page, there was an overview of Blass written by someone called Ed McCabe. Even though a common name, I was able to identify him, and I found his history worth perusing:
From chat Gpt:
Ed McCabe is an author and advocate known for his work on oxygen therapies, particularly in alternative medicine circles. He gained recognition for promoting the use of oxygen-based treatments for various health conditions. His book Flood Your Body With Oxygen explores the potential benefits of oxygen therapies, including ozone therapy, hydrogen peroxide therapy, and other oxidative treatments.
McCabe's work has been controversial, as mainstream medical science does not widely accept many of the claims surrounding oxygen therapies. However, he has remained a prominent figure in the alternative health community for his passionate support of these methods
I found his book on Amazon and then traced links to his website and found this bio of him. He is actually world famous but I could find no way to contact him. However, one “trick” I learned long ago when trying to contact a researcher or scientist is to find a paper they have published, and, if they are the first author, there is typically an email listed to contact them. In his bio it mentions that he has written a syndicated news column and published in many magazines.
It also says:
Mr. McCabe is unique in his distinction as the only person who has ever interviewed thousands of Oxygen Therapy using patients and hundreds of doctors worldwide. He did this while simultaneously investigating the Oxygen Therapy research and treatment centers and at the same time publishing and lecturing on his findings
Problem: when I went to Pubmed, I could find nothing published by him in any journal. I would like to do a post on his work and experiences so if anyone has a better idea on how to contact him, please let me know.
Finally, I was very moved by the last few paragraphs of his bio:
Although several Oxygen Therapies have been quietly in use for more than one hundred years prior to Mr. McCabe's body of work, the general public was unaware of them. His undertakings also earned him popular usage of his title of 'Mr. Oxygen.' The numbers of professional and lay adherents to the therapies continues to grow rapidly owing to his promotion of their simple effectiveness.
U.S. manufacturers and the professional organizations surrounding the Oxygen Therapy concepts are now flourishing, in large part, owing to Mr. McCabe's years of relentless lecturing and purposely focusing the public's attention on the efficacy of the therapies. His promoting created a demand for them, which then naturally induced people into becoming suppliers to fill the need. The knowledge that Mr. McCabe gathered, created and then taught us is the very foundation of our modern public understanding of how the therapies work and why we should employ them.
This foundation, or 'informed group consciousness' that we all now stand upon, which he repeatedly laid down, is so large, and so much a part of the now 'common knowledge' of Oxygen Therapy, that we scarcely notice that it did not exist before his pioneering work began.
If you appreciate the effort and time I spend researching and writing my posts, support in the form of paid subscriptions is greatly valued. You also DO NOT want to miss out on my next posts on chlorine dioxide, I promise.
P.S. I am really excited to speak at the upcoming Charlie Ward Golf Event & Conference at the Trump Doral, combining golf and insightful discussions with a diverse set of amazing speakers. Learn more and register at this link
When you learn of all the historical suppression of medicines and technologies that could have alleviated suffering and death, it's hard not to wish the harshest karmic retribution on all the evil people involved.
Dr Kory, I smell another book coming! I would preorder it right now! Really!
The way you have written this post is perfect - easy to read, intriguing, and informative. You probably wouldn’t even need an editor!😄