When the investigation is done properly, information the public didn't have (or in many cases, was hidden by MSM) comes out. The one thing that makes a republic or democracy work is citizens are informed.
When enough citizens put pressure on congress, things often get done. In particular, because Republicans actually need the votes they can get not having "the extensive fraud organization" of the Democrats, they tend to listen a bit more. But it is up to the citizens to apply that pressure. I have seen it work when congress is flooded with calls. But, that tends nowadays not to happen because people use the Internet to release their anger at something: we know that release serves nothing if not properly directed.
Everyone here, have your written at least one email or made just one call to your elected officials? Gettting informed here is a waste if you do nothing with it politically.
I have written, but all I see in return is the boilerplate about how much great stuff they have done. My plan now is to get a group of citizens together to go and talk in person to every person of power, from the sheriff on up to the Senator. We'll make appointments and bring materials. We'll help them to understand what is going on, and ask them to fight for their constituents against the global elite. This is non partisan!
There is so much in the Congressional Record that most of us never see...and even if we knew, we'd be labeled as anyone reading this knows. Another person said, "I'd rather be wearing a tin foil hat than a blindfold."
Actually, I have written, emailed and called my reps. One specific time was about Dick Durbin's push to get all OTC vitamins and herbal supplements under FDA regulation. Not only will this kill the homeopathic market by making all these natural supplements too expensive to purchase, it seeks to put them as "doctor rx" only. And I'm sure this would be followed up by big pharma creating super cheap synthetic versions as they cannot patent (and therefore make big bucks) a natural substance. August Pfluger (R-Tx) responded with the form letter - Thanks for reaching out. I'll keep your thoughts in mind.". John Cornyn (R-TX) responded telling me how fantastic the FDA was and how it was their mission to protect MY health. Ted Cruz (R-TX) never responded.
Our federal government no longer works for us, they work for the big corporations that line their pockets with grift. Regulatory capture is alive and well in our federal government.
I am so disturbed by this. Interestingly, I have a close colleague in New Zealand, an expert, like me, on the use of intravenous Vitamin C who wrote the following to me today:
"In NZ now our Govt is trying to ram through some legislation that regulates dietary supplements alongside drugs - THERAPEUTIC PRODUCTS BILL - the intention is to regulate them off the market - there will be massive opposition to this - it’s the 3rd time the Govt has tried to do it - Vitamin C and D will come under ‘fire’ - we are only permitted to sell 1,000 IU of D down here - In NZ so many people in hospitals die because they are denied access to VC"
It may be a fair measure of Pharma capture since New Zealand is the only place in addition to America where Rx drugs are advertised directly to consumers. It would be wonderful of MDs formed an alliance with Organic Consumers and others who have been fighting Pharma's war on supplements along with its investments in toxin soaked, genetically engineered food crops in human diets.
Indeed - total insanity. Our commie government is in bed with Cartels and tons of fentanyl streams across the border in the back packs of illegals.. and kills >100,000 Americans a year. But the treasonous leaders want to control our intake of vitamins.. total insanity - we should fight this attack on nutraceuticals tooth and nail..
I did that as well, and it didn't pass. It was a long time ago, as I recall, there were some politicians who supported killing the bill. I agree that most of the government does not work for us, but I believe we can fix some of it. Not all, but if citizens had done nothing, it would have sailed through.
I was involved years ago along with thousands melting down congressional phones to kill an amnesty. Reports were representatives were begging to have the bill withdrawn one of them saying, make it stop. And the amnesty was withdrawn.
The global predators have a plan to dictate how we will eat, travel, live, talk, and medicate. They have gotten far along in their plan, and if we are to have any life of our own, we must work to derail it.
Yes, I've done the same. I've even included a sentence that reads something along the lines of, "Please do not send me a form letter in response. I will not support your continued position in office."
Cornyn is a RINO enemy. Cruz is much better but obviously not totally committed on this issue. Try Chip Roy, and Dr Ronnie Jackson. Brian Babbin is a dentist who I knew as a friend 30 years ago or so. They all put their fingers up in the air to see which way the wind is blowing and I predict a bunch of them will change (except Cornyn.. I never liked him for a reason.. or multiple.. )
Austin Pfluger is the rep for my district. I'm one of his constituents. He works for me. Or is supposed to anyway. Pfluger ran unopposed in Nov midterms.
I know about Cornyn, he's set for 4 more years, then will retire. He also ran unopposed in 2020.
And advanced forms of biological warfare that can target "specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." page 60
They aren't all criminals, but they will do what they need to stay in office which citizens can leverage. There are heroes like Senator Ron Johnson or Devin Nunez for example. And as we have and always have had an adervsarial system, I am heartened to see it gearing up for a change. People have been trained over the years, IMO, to see politics as dirty so they avoid it. It can be dirty, but IMO that is all the more reason for citizens to get involved and not let the dirt get by.
The people hear and read what is happening. Since lies have many facets , it has many ways of reporting. Finding truth is the challenge. Thanks for your courage to speak out.
Unfortunately, the "mainstream" media is owned by many of the same people who are doing this. For example, Blackrock (HEAVILY involved in what is going on) now owns Reuters, USA Today, and many, many more "news" outlets. Unfortunately, Bkackrock basically owns everything.
Agree 100%. The problem is, Blackrock now owns many in Congress. So, getting this done will be virtually impossible. It should have been done 40 years ago.
Ultimately, the government exists only to ensure our rights, as codified in The United States Constitution’s “Bill of Rights” which of course includes freedom of speech, the right to keep and bear arms, to peaceably assemble to air grievances, the right to privacy, etc. The Declaration of Independence further states “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these
ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”.
These rights and protections apply to us all, not as a member of a special group, but as individuals. The government really has no right to silence or coerce any group and certainly no single individual under any circumstances. A government that does so is by definition, at least in this country, illegitimate and way outside it’s boundaries. That includes non-elected bureaucrats, political appointees and certainly elected officials who swear an oath to preserve and protect The Constitution and therefore, us or “We the People”.
How do we, the people, alter or abolish the government, through voting on their Dominion voting machines with which they manipulate the results to get their people into office and keep them there?
“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;”
Again from the Declaration of Independence, cautioning against a rash change in government. But does election fraud via Dominion voting machines or any other means sound “light and transient”? How about subjecting citizens to non-tested medical practices under threat, manipulation , half truths or straight up lies? January 6 was framed as an insurrection and un-American, yet if your read and understand The Declaration of Independence and The United States Constitution, one cannot dismiss that it’s in the American character to question and demand government adherence to the very principles upon which our country was conceived and founded. Government answers to us alone and nothing should be kept from citizens even and most especially if that information might undermine our consent.
To answer your question more directly, we must educate and win over support to these fundamental truths. If and when that happens, citizens would demand nothing less from their government and it’s functionaries. Idealistic, but that’s supposed to be how it works. Why do we put up with corruption, malfeasance and things that make no sense? Likely because it’s easier to just accept it than to demand change for the better.
The Founding Father’s took on the British Empire and won at great risk to themselves, families and friends. We’ve all benefited greatly and should feel indebted to them instead of judging them. It’s the very least we can do. After all, this our country and if the past, current or future administrations and bureaucrats risk the lives and health of our children and us to enrich themselves and their families, Big Pharma, hospitals, corporations or some special interest group, “they have the right, they have the duty to overthrow such government” by any means necessary.
I can't speak for changing things inside individual states, but Article 5 of the Constitution permits states to propose amendments. It is a tough haul, but our founders did create a peaceful, legal way out. Action to do just that began some time ago: https://conventionofstates.com/
"Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed. Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, 'limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.''
In this case, Congress is the one that should investigate, because it is THEY THEMSELVES that have enabled this whole business to be perpetrated on us See the works of Saha Latypova and Katherine Watt on Sustack, or view this short video:
The legal framework that congress has voted allows the Dept of Defense to order pharmaceuticals to be given to the otherwise healthy american public if the Secretary of HHS thinks it might be a good idea, without ANY oversight.
Congress created this legal framework, which has probably been hidden in "must-pass" legislation over the years, inserted by the globalist overlords. . The Freedom-loving wing of the Republican Party can expose this in their hearings, and can bring bills to the floor of congress that strike down these unconstitutional laws. And while they are at it they can rename the Department of Defense to something more appropriate (Dept of Medical Tyranny, perhaps)
That's a good question. If anything changed as a result of these numerous investigations and committees, there would be less of a need to keep doing them. Things would be fixed, people would be punished and the truth would be revealed.
Some things change, it is hard for citizens to force it. But that is in part why I have been calling for class action lawsuits. Pressure in some states can also be brought to bear, such as states now suing or investigating various issues. The USA was originally setup to have people have a lot of power at the state level. But with the metastasis of the central govenrment, we all tend to look there for fixes.
Our entire normal judicial and regulatory system was put on hold and supplanted by "emergency" laws once Trump declared a National Public Health Emergency on Mar 13, 2020. I believe this is why the lawyers and other organizations haven't already been calling for class action suits against the government. With all the "emergency" legislation, treaties and presidential EOs being put in place in years past, what's happening now is "legal", so technically, it will be difficult to prove any crime has been committed. This has all been orchestrated by our very own DoD. I suspect something similar effected the many election integrity lawsuits, with them being dismissed for various suspect reasons before any evidence was even looked at.
You make strong points. Each state under their powers implemented the emergency, which was not dictated by the central government but, as you say, their own laws passed prior to this. Those laws clearly relied too much on the good sense and decency of governors and legislatures. Most states have organizations that fight for medical freedom: ours did and lost that round. But we are not giving up.
Florida convened a grand jury to look into covid shots. IMO there is ample proof of collusion and fraud for both pharma and government officials, which I believe they will find. I hope that FL's grand jury will uncover enough to start the bigger class action we all need to have. Because of the situation and the cost, action at the states level seems the best hope.
There are already class action suits for specific things like mandating the experiemental serum by law firms, but to go nation wide might take many states. Already we see evidence uncovered from one state's suit being used for other state suits.
I am not pollyanna about this. The USA is in the process of breaking up as individual states are increasingly at odds with the central covernment and other states. Projections are that by about 2032, the USA will probably be broken up into regions, and that by about 2027-8 the dollar is done. In the meantime, especially in 2023, there will be increasing civil unrest.
We also see the FJB admistration refusing to negotiate with Russia, thinking there can be WWIII withouth nukes, while one of our foreign "allies" (Germany) announced the 2014 agreement with Russia to let Easten Ukraine vote for being separate was in fact just a lie to buy time to prepare for was against Russia: the west never honestly negotiated and now Russia know. The global predators have a plan for controlling our lives, including war to get everyone behind them, and I am for disrupting as much of it as possible.
As crazy as it sounds, I'm convinced that what is going on is connected to "Operation Paperclip". For those not yet familiar with "Operation Paperclip", it was a program carried out by the OSS (Office of Strategic Services.....now known as the CIA) that brought 1,700 of Hitler's top doctors and scientists into the United States after WWII, and placed them into top positions within our government and industry. For example, Wernher von Braun led NASA'S development of the Saturn V rocket that took Apollo 11 to the Moon. There is a classic photo of President John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Wernher von Braun, the NASA Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center, at Cape Canaveral, Florida on November 16, 1963. These people were also placed into positions within industry. Industries like Big Pharma.
The CIA is heavily involved in what is currently going on. The CIA is even heavily involved in Silicon Valley.... hence all of the censorship coming out of "big tech". The CIA has an office located in Silicon Valley called "In-Q-Tel".
The CIA, along with DARPA, developed Facebook. Facebook was called "LifeLog" while it was under development by DARPA and the CIA. The funding for LifeLog was halted the day before Facebook launched. Regina Dugan, the first female head of DARPA, recently left Facebook.
I know, I know. It sounds crazy. It sounds crazy because it is crazy. That doesn't make it any less real.
I should have mentioned that the CIA and DARPA developed Facebook as a voluntary surveillence system. They also devised and developed "social media" as a whole for the same reason, but Facebook is where they could easier develop a profile of you. They know who you are friends with, what groups you belong to, your search history, chats, etc...all in one place. They also developed "social media" so that they could influence people through AI (artificial intelligence) by creating fake accounts that are actually AI. AI not inly has the ability to post comnents, but also has the ability to analyze your comments and form a response. In many cases, to discredit what you are saying.
It's not just social media, it's your entire online presence. If Edward Snowden hadn't spoke up, we'd probably never know. Ever heard of PRISM and XKeyscore?
I don't think its crazy at all. The World Anti-Communist League was a seething reptilian mass of Nazis and terrorists and extremists, and had to be show-purged at one point when that came to light. There's a book on Wernher von Braun by Susan Griffin, A Chorus of Stones. I am from California, and love California, but it is a patchwork of evils now. I used to walk past the Gilead building in the East Bay, where the soulless darlings make Remdesivir that turns hospitals into little death camps due to incentives. IBM did the data for the Holocaust, IG Farben made the Zyklon B, lots of other corporations renamed are still with us. I'd rather be governed by some inbred sadistic royal like Joffrey Lannister than by any cut throat amoral distributed firing squad corporation, but that's where we are.
Operation Mockingbird too it seems with all the "trusted news sources" shilling for the government/pharma narrative since covid was released from the Wuhan lab.
Yep. Blackrock is also HEAVILY involved with everything that's going on. Blackrock now owns Reuters, USA Today, and many, many other "news" outlets. They are attempting to control the narrative, not only with what they are reporting and how, but also by what they are NOT reporting....and with their "fact checkers".
Whitney Webb has done excellent work detailing these relationships.. fab newer interview includes following the fallout from OpPaperclip and including the Deep State revolving door.
40 - On Globalist Technocrat Links To Nazis, Organised Crime, Eugenics & Transhumanism
Radical w/Maajid Nawaz & Whitney Webb - January 22nd, 2023
too many eyes reading what we (I) write but bullseye. Read the book "Operation Paperclip" - watch the movie "Men who Stare at Goats." Lots of it true. Tremendous amount of military psyops going on in our back yard.. literally. Read the books by Servando Gonzales...ditto.
You and Mark opened my eyes after my double jab and before my heart failure/afib event. I had run across the FLCCC online. I lay in the hospital for 9 days reading and listening to everything you had to say.
It was hard to accept at first because I had always trusted the medical establishment but it didn't take long for me to see the complete picture of the depth of corruption.
I find it ironic that every time a pundit immediately jumps to, "Congress must investigate this or that". I agree Congress is the oversight arm of the "federal government" but not the oversight arm of business or employment, and if they are doing nothing but investigations they are not meeting the everyday real issues of the people who elected them.
Perhaps whatever time Congress spends investigating means less time to cause even more damage while purporting to deal with "the everyday real issues of the people who elected them." Experience suggests that the more time Congress spends dealing with the "everyday real issues" the more damage Congress causes, especially the current crop of congressmen/women who, with very few exceptions, like Sen. Ron Johnson and Rep. Jim Jordan, have proven themselves to be completely corrupt and/or interested only in their own power and getting re-elected. I'm all for investigating, if that means keeping Congress from making other things worse.
I disagree. Congress investigates necessarily and legally to see what corrections, changes or even new laws are required for government and country. That is the business of the People. It is part of their duties.
However, a prime example of a BS investigation is the leftists call to get hold of former President Trump's past years of tax filings. That went to SCOTUS who, under the law, opined that the review is part of congress' mission in determining tax law. However, some in congress inappropriately released those documents which should have remained private. Did you know that congress has always been able to review taxpayers' tax filings? But they have in the past kept them private as part of their determination of effects of tax law.
It is true we have seen a lot of grandstanding and misuse during many investigations, but that doesn't mean they are all like that. Pundits also howl about why the People aren't angry about this or that and why they don't do something, but they rarely ever suggest what to do. That's why I ignore pundits who howl pointlessly. If you don't like something, tell your elected representative.
The federal government should not be oversighting the private sector, that's not there job to police private sector and make laws to mandate what business does or does not, what businesses do or not do is the responsibility of the courts when you file a claim telling the legal system business is corrupt. Congresses job is to oversight the federal government to ensure it does not intrude your freedom, life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness found in the bill of rights and which is the foundation of the Constitution.
Well, our federal government has merged themselves with those private corporations, which is wholly unconstitutional. But they've done it anyway. You do know that despite it's name, the Federal Reserve is a privately owned corporation (that pays no taxes) right?
While I agree that congress has gone too far in laws that impede business, they have the legal and constitutional right to do just that, for example laws that involve product safety or financial fraud. The executive branch is to enforce those laws, but congress can't enact laws if it doesn't investigate what effect they have or what is needed. Or did you expect the executive branch to tell congress what laws or adjustments to laws to pass? And congress to merely investigate what the executive branch told them what to pass? Well, that would involve investigations and hearings from the affected businesses. And so much for representation if the executive branch decides what laws congress should pass.
And what part of the Constitution gives the federal government the right to regulate any business employment, organization, it's practices or products?
It don't that's a bunch of made up crap just like income taxes. There is nothing in the Constitution that's say citizens are required to pay taxes, it does say that the federal government will collect taxes for trade and commerce, but not private citizens, except citizens may pay taxes "voluntarily".
So, since it's "voluntarily", Congress passed a law to punish you if you don't pay, not because the Constitution say you must pay.
It is true the constitution does not specify investigative powers for congress. But several SCOTUS decisions have opined that activity is inherent in their powers.
Under various laws congress typically orders the executive branch to write regulations under the law. Read any law and you will see near the beginning, "the Secretary of XYZ shall....." Many businesses like having a standard under regulations so that when they follow it, they have a defense against law suits coming from multiple directions. There is a law that agencies must allow public comment on their proposed regulations, typically a 60 and 30 day period. As far as taxes are concerned, an amendment was passed that permits income tax. There have been suits, I hear, on the argument you make and they did not prevail.
The little constitution book we often receive is only the original constitution. Opinions of SCOTUS have ballooned it to a document that is a quite thick when all the court decisions are included. You may find this helpful: https://online.hillsdale.edu/landing/constitution-101
I suggest that, as you have an issue with government, you take this to your elected representative and senator. Whether or not you and I end up agreeing, it ultimately changes nothing with regard to your issues with government.
Yea, but who made the laws that they had no authority to make, Congress? And the judicial branch (interrupts law based on the Constitution) or executive branch (manages the government agency which are unconstitutional because there are no provisions in the Constitution for government agencies except the military, as well only funded by Congress, but not approved by Congress), and neither can make laws or mandates. None of the government agencies, IRS, HLS, Department of Education, NIH, FDA, etc. are not approved by Congress because they don't have Constitutional authority to approve executive branch agencies, they are all Presidential executive orders.
We used to have an anti trust division of the justice department. Maybe it needs to be moved to the Congressional oversight Committee, or the US public...I'd vote on dissoving the interlocking directorates asap.
The administration is using COVID-19 to wage war on anyone who won’t follow its orthodoxy. I'm one of a handful of vaccine dissenters, and Congressional whistleblower, who has been purged from the FBI...of course all of us who are now indefinitely suspended without pay were given unrelated to vaxxx reasons, yet the common thread is that we existed in their database as not taking the shot.
You should contact Paul Thacker who is one of the oldest & best at exposing the internal corruption & revolving door policies. He'd do a fantastic job shedding light on this. :~)
In December I made a $100 tax deductible contribution to the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance to support your valuable and valiant efforts to restore faith in health care and to re-assert the validity of re-purposed, truly safe and effective drug treatments.
My eyes rolled back in my head so far after reading about that discovery of a “stroke season,” a bystander would have summoned an exorcist.
Apologies in advance for soiling this sacred space with the mention of this name, but I thought you would appreciate my responses to Alex Berenson’s abhorrent words and contemptible behavior earlier this week:
If anyone reading this is still inexplicably supporting Alex financially, I encourage them to immediately cancel their subscription to Alex and transfer it to Pierre. It is my mission to flip Alex’s tens of thousands of subscribers with Pierre’s thousands. Since money and attention appear to be the only things that matter to Alex, a mass exodus might actually prick his galactic ego.
His reports were good but limited the scope of his investigations, refusing to look at certain subjects. I saw no reason to continue to pay for half blind reporting.
It's all good but I think that you are wasting your time and energy.
I just move on from ppl as my time and budget are both finite. I stopped reading you too (even though I did enjoyed your style) when you refused to examine the virus isolation issue.
I drop everybody who is unwilling to critically examine the virus issue; especially those calling themselves scientists - I am one of them and was indeed a virus believer! If I can see it (and read through the methods, after all we've been all trained to critically review papers) they should be able too, or else they have a vested interest.
You like citations so here is one for you from Alvin Toffler:
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” The key for me here is unlearn and relearn.
Silly me in Canada thinking we were in the winter season coming into the more colourful Spring Season. I see after all my many years we have another season - funny how things are changing for the good of us all. What are you supposed to wear during "Stroke Season" - a defibrillator vest?
I have been a follower admirer and a patient of your telemed practice in an attempt to support you financially. You attained my respect when I heard your testimony in the Senate back in 2020. I recommend your telemed service to everyone I meet who has questions and concerns at whatever stage they are in living through the Scamdemic. I had the professional pleasure of engaging with Scott Marsland as I called for prophylactic and then mild URI symptoms and felt the care was wonderful! I refer anyone who will listen to me to The FLCCC site for the protocols and always finish my endorsement with a huge thanks for FLCCC’s generosity to share such in depth treatment modalities and explanations. I also try to attend your weekly Webinars which albeit can raise my Irish up due to the cascade of data that pours in setting alarm bells to the horrific and negligent actions or lack there of from the Alphabet agencies. Every day I grow more disgusted with the propaganda and pure evil of the so called experts! People like you Dr. Marik, Dr.‘s Urso, Cole, Bowen, Bartlett, Marble, McCullough, Fareed, Tyson have been screaming from the rafters about the insanity of denial as to the deleterious effects of denial of early treatment and vaccine toxicity! I thank all of you and pray for your safety and sanity!
On another note I had a thought as I read your substack I feel the need to express being I have become a soldier in your army. A year or so ago I heard you on an interview talk of your abhorrence towards Republicans and you spoke of your intense sustain. I think you even said something to the effect that you could barely stand to be in the same room with a Republican. Those words pierced my soul as I could not fathom how any human being could feel such generalized disdain for another human being based on political affiliation. I was further perplexed because just like you I work in health care and dealt with people all day long and for the most part their political affiliation was irrelevant. Healing is a psychosocial endeavor as well as a physical one and those of us charged with that delicate balance to do no harm must always keep their eye on that ball! My point in bringing this up is the reality of how politics has sadly and grossly got in the way of health care delivery and it needs to be reversed. I have never felt such mercurial reactions to anyone based on their politics, until the last three years when the divide and the metastasis of hate has created such a pandemic of cruelty to anyone not in agreement with the Scamdemic! Being that you were on the other side and had such loathing perhaps you can use those insights to right the wrongs and get the ship to sail in the right direction? By being able to understand the lefts/progressives emotions and thinking perhaps you can appeal to that level of thinking and behavior as you work with Senator Johnson to correct the pasts and secure a non partisan approach to the delivery of health care and help re-educate the masses that we are all in this together. That we are first and foremost human beings and blessed to be American’s living in a Constitutional Republic that is free and that Freedom of Speech is our most sacred right and we must all work together regardless of political ideology to secure each and every persons right to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness. You have the floor the microphone and certainly the intellectual prowess to be that leader! In gratitude
OMG you touch on so much here. I have been so transformed through my COVID journey, politically, intellectually, socially, financially, occupationally, and spiritually. I am on a streak of almost two years now of only making friends with conservatives and/or critical thinkers.. but mostly the former.. I don't recognize the left at all now and feel very estranged. So much more to say here.. but no time.
COVID transformed me as well. A former dyed-in-the-wool Dem who watched MSNBC religiously living in the bluest of cities/states, I now view the left (including many friends/relatives) as mainly shrill, intolerant, prone to toxic groupthink and often incapable of critical thought. The final straw for me was the Christmas 2021 greeting "for the un-V'd you are facing a winter of severe illness and death": a shockingly divisive and outrageous statement from the POTUS. Since the "vaccine" rollout I've felt distanced from many people but in the process it's been great making new friends with like-minded folks.
It was truly great to meet and listen to you last week in CT!
Remember when the Pubbies said if we gave them the majority, they would reverse Obamacare? I think Paul Ryan needs a kick in the pants. But they did nothing.
It was then I realized we are dealing with a Uniparty of good old guys.
I have it’s horrifying that man should join the rest in being subjected to crimes against humanity I am well aware of the evils Obama perpetrated against the American people usually in the dark of the night.
Can I summarize? GOD is still in control.. We are going through this to strengthen our moral and spiritual muscles.. The government, illuminati, WEF, all those evil men are not GOD. and GOD will not be mocked. A reckoning is coming.. Those of us who told you ---TOLD/YOU/SO - were right- Not time for us to brag but to help take back our health care properly...
To understand what is behind this vaccine nonsense, you must understand what Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt are trying to tell all of us. Sasha is an expert in clinical trials regulations and is well respected in that field. Katherine Watt is a paralegal and has uncovered the trail of laws written by our legislature and enacted by our presidents over a long period of time. We must wrap our heads around the concept that our government has been sabotaged at the highest level. The entire COVID-19 event was always meant to depopulate the USA and is a military project, not a public health response to a pandemic. The vaccine project was never designed for public safety but instead designed to depopulate the globe. This has been a fraud perpetrated on all of us. All is going according to plan people, wake up! We have no regulatory agency protecting us, we have a military trying to eliminate us. Pharma was happy to oblige as money was to be made, lots of it. The world's population is purposefully being eliminated. Look at the Daegel Report if you need an outside report the military uses. Projections are the population will suffer up to an 80% loss of life globally by 2025. The USA is disproportionately affected. Please follow Sashas' work at https://www.bitchute.com/channel/7dNrFbLeGSev/ This explains everything.
You, Paul Marik and a score of other Excellent Doctors will always have a place in the hearts of real Americans.
Nuremberg 2.0 or another tribunal will, one day, take out the NIMB and other so called "professional organizations" who lied to us and cost the lives of our friends and loved ones.
Keep up the good work, many of us have you in our prayers!
I never had much faith in the medical establishment but now having witnessed the unholy alliance of government, big pharma, big medicine and media there is no trust remaining at all. So much so in fact that aside from needing emergency care for trauma, My wife and I will avoid hospitals completely. When we do want a blood panel test or something else, we will not answer the probing questions into our vaccine status, mental health, gun ownership or anything else. We are actively searching for doctors who will not be relaying our personal information to the centralized database intended to control us.
Dear Pierre, this war isn't over until we fight the REAL ENEMY: freemasons in all 3 branches of power.
We need a law forcing them to disclose membership and OBEDIENCE to secret societies.
From my book:
It’s the masons, dummy!
In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.
In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4
Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR,. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.
Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 year membership. 8 She wouldn’t obey all orders. In 2020, she was pro-abortion but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 2309, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war, .10 That’s why she was defamed by Kamala11, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.12 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.13
9-11: 2 planes, 3 towers
September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 14 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 15
Along with much other evidence16, the fall of WTC717 proved 9/11 was a Pearl Harbor event planned by the globalists to make trillions but also to induce the taxpayer in accepting a surveillance police state, spending billions in mass digital surveillance of both citizens and foreigners as never before:
• CIA agent confessed on deathbed: “We blew up WTC 7 on 9/11”. He worked on the operation they dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001. 18
• “Over the course of attacks, more than an hour and a half, NORAD air defense failed to intercept any of the hijacked aircraft. Fighter jets are stationed at bases throughout the US, often on “5 minute alert” to be “scrambled” and respond to domestic air emergencies. This failure was due to unexplained delays in reporting and responding, between the command authority, FAA, and military.
• Several war games and drills were being conducted on 9/11, including mock-hijackings and a mock plane crash.
• There were multiple, specific warnings from foreign governments of impending attacks, including potential targets and the names of several alleged 9/11 hijackers.
• The main members of the 9/11 Commission all had major conflicts of interest. The Commission Report omitted and altered evidence that contradicted the official story (see Sibel Edmonds and WTC 7).
• Insider trading (put options on American, United and other 9/11-affected companies) was never properly investigated. The SEC could trace who made these trades.
• Reports of involvement by Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) were never officially acknowledged or investigated.
• Some prominent travelers such as San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and top Pentagon officials were reportedly warned not to fly on 9/11. Who warned them? What did they know? Other groups and individuals also received warnings or suspiciously changed plans or moved out of the WTC soon before 9/11.
• Several FBI investigations which could have uncovered the 9/11 plot were squashed and sabotaged by key FBI officials.
• In September, 2000, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) said of their imperialistic vision, “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.
• There are many historical precedents of “false flag” and state sponsored terrorism. Operation Northwoods 19 was a top secret US plan in the 1960s to carry out a campaign of terror, including blowing up airplanes, and blame it on Cuba as a pretext to invade and overthrow Castro.” 20
Conspiracy litmus test
How was it possible that mainstream media in different countries would cover news with the same scripted template, being the only difference the inclusion of local comments from the same pre-approved pool each time. How was it possible that all dissident scientific and medical voices were ignored and censored?
When there’s no money trail/profits, what could explain precise coordination in 100+ countries (government agencies, politicians, judges, corporations, media, military, police, secret services)?:
• Why did the freemason President of France and freemason Fauci fund gain-of-function in Wuhan, supposedly being China THE enemy?
• Unlike previous PLANdemics, it wasn't about selling billion$ of snake oil to governments, but about shoving it through your veins. This was most obvious with child and pregnancy haccination.
• Considering they control almost all listed corporations, they lost trillions with the lockdowns (they don’t care, they forge money).
The PLANdemic wasn’t about the rich getting richer but about a global power grab. Only freemasonry can explain infiltration and coordination of all positions of power, especially, where there was no money trail.
The more you study, the more smoke you can find from the smoking gun, not gun, cannons. Conspiracy-skeptics and cabal-deniers can't explain why those powers are spending billions in de-carbonisation, injected Bluetooth nano-routers, 5G, chemtrails, toxics, war-on-meat, gender ideology, paedophilia, robot-philia, human rights for the non-human persons (animals, AI robots), etc. Even if they admit the de-population progrom, they can’t explain the push for in-vitro fertilization, which contradicts depopulation.
If they just took time to read, they’d find it is proven beyond any doubt that the satanic digi-tatoship wants to murder 95% of mankind while there's no democracy when all parties are under freemasonic orders and pockets (n.b. democrats and RINOs).
A school mate confessed: “Your argument looks all right but if I go that way, I won’t be able to enjoy life.” Some are unwilling to enter the rabbit's hole because they know that they won’t find wonderland at the other end, just nightmare-land, THE end of our world. Just as Cypher in Matrix movie, they’d rather forget all of it and live the good life (good lie) rather than join the resistance in a painful David-Goliath war “doomed to be lost”, as if being in denial would prevent their own extermination: better be a happy self-uninformed skeptic, than a responsible realist.
By failing to acknowledge THE plan and its huge Achilles’ heal (or clay feet), instead of fighting for a sure victory, they become collaborators of the enemy. Tolerating global genocide means being accomplice to murder.
RFK, Pierre Kory, Steve Kirsch, Alex Berenson... Freedom fighters are doing a great job waking people up, but they fail to lead effective freedom action, i.e. the fundamental changes needed to stop the rigged system of slavery and death. We are heading straight to the next PLANdemics (1000 P3 labs and 67 P4 labs are working full time... thousands of scientists creating new gain-of-function Frankensteins).
OMG. I probably shouldn't write this.. but my latest "rabbit hole," which no-one knows about but will as a result of this reply.. is that I have been studying the Illuminati and the Freemasons and am endlessly freaked about them and their history all the way up to the present. I am obsessed with the "Vigilant Citizen" website. I cant believe I just openly admitted this :). P.S. I was "turned on" to this aspect of history, past and present, by a wonderful and supremely intelligent donor to the FLCCC that I got to have some long conversations with. I am not sure how much unravelling of the dark forces underlying so much of society's workings historically that I can handle
It's killing me. The knowledge I have gained. I spent most of my life believing what I heard on the news channels .... UNTIL covid when I started to run the numbers in my head instead, trying to figure out my "odds." Then I researched prior studies on coronavirus vaccines and my head about rolled off my shoulders after reading about the "ferrets." The deeper I go, the crazier it gets. OMG. I sound like one of the crazy ones. Truth stings.
I'm an old timer w Washington career that spanned Watergate to Poppy Bush election when the corruption was too much for me to work in and profit from. After 9-11 I became involved in crowd sourced research projects working to unravel the clusterf*ck of corrupt corp-gov alliances and secret societies are a big factor.
While Illuminati & Freemasons are woven through the conspiracies to me the bigger factor are Yale Skull & Bones detailed by late great Antony Sutton. He was Chair of Stanford's Economics and follows the money in a way that makes a far more tangible and realistic blueprint for the Mafia we see operating under the guise of government.
In your post you mention Tulsi Gabbard. What are your thoughts on the fact that up until very recently, Tulsi Gabbard was a member of the World Economic Forum's "Forum of Young Global Leaders"
In my opinion, the World Economic Forum is heavily involved in all of the craziness that has gone on over the past 3+ years.
I find it very difficult to believe that Tulsi Gabbard didn't understand who Klaus Schwab was, and what the World Economic Forum intended to do. Tulsi is obviously a very smart person. Why would she have been involved with these people?
Only one question: what good has it ever done for Congress to investigate anything?!
When the investigation is done properly, information the public didn't have (or in many cases, was hidden by MSM) comes out. The one thing that makes a republic or democracy work is citizens are informed.
When enough citizens put pressure on congress, things often get done. In particular, because Republicans actually need the votes they can get not having "the extensive fraud organization" of the Democrats, they tend to listen a bit more. But it is up to the citizens to apply that pressure. I have seen it work when congress is flooded with calls. But, that tends nowadays not to happen because people use the Internet to release their anger at something: we know that release serves nothing if not properly directed.
Everyone here, have your written at least one email or made just one call to your elected officials? Gettting informed here is a waste if you do nothing with it politically.
I have written, but all I see in return is the boilerplate about how much great stuff they have done. My plan now is to get a group of citizens together to go and talk in person to every person of power, from the sheriff on up to the Senator. We'll make appointments and bring materials. We'll help them to understand what is going on, and ask them to fight for their constituents against the global elite. This is non partisan!
There is so much in the Congressional Record that most of us never see...and even if we knew, we'd be labeled as anyone reading this knows. Another person said, "I'd rather be wearing a tin foil hat than a blindfold."
Which is why I find C-SPAN so welcome, though it does lend to grandstanding. But with the Internet, TV and other avenues, truth eventually leaks.
Actually, I have written, emailed and called my reps. One specific time was about Dick Durbin's push to get all OTC vitamins and herbal supplements under FDA regulation. Not only will this kill the homeopathic market by making all these natural supplements too expensive to purchase, it seeks to put them as "doctor rx" only. And I'm sure this would be followed up by big pharma creating super cheap synthetic versions as they cannot patent (and therefore make big bucks) a natural substance. August Pfluger (R-Tx) responded with the form letter - Thanks for reaching out. I'll keep your thoughts in mind.". John Cornyn (R-TX) responded telling me how fantastic the FDA was and how it was their mission to protect MY health. Ted Cruz (R-TX) never responded.
Our federal government no longer works for us, they work for the big corporations that line their pockets with grift. Regulatory capture is alive and well in our federal government.
I am so disturbed by this. Interestingly, I have a close colleague in New Zealand, an expert, like me, on the use of intravenous Vitamin C who wrote the following to me today:
"In NZ now our Govt is trying to ram through some legislation that regulates dietary supplements alongside drugs - THERAPEUTIC PRODUCTS BILL - the intention is to regulate them off the market - there will be massive opposition to this - it’s the 3rd time the Govt has tried to do it - Vitamin C and D will come under ‘fire’ - we are only permitted to sell 1,000 IU of D down here - In NZ so many people in hospitals die because they are denied access to VC"
It may be a fair measure of Pharma capture since New Zealand is the only place in addition to America where Rx drugs are advertised directly to consumers. It would be wonderful of MDs formed an alliance with Organic Consumers and others who have been fighting Pharma's war on supplements along with its investments in toxin soaked, genetically engineered food crops in human diets.
Indeed - total insanity. Our commie government is in bed with Cartels and tons of fentanyl streams across the border in the back packs of illegals.. and kills >100,000 Americans a year. But the treasonous leaders want to control our intake of vitamins.. total insanity - we should fight this attack on nutraceuticals tooth and nail..
I did that as well, and it didn't pass. It was a long time ago, as I recall, there were some politicians who supported killing the bill. I agree that most of the government does not work for us, but I believe we can fix some of it. Not all, but if citizens had done nothing, it would have sailed through.
I was involved years ago along with thousands melting down congressional phones to kill an amnesty. Reports were representatives were begging to have the bill withdrawn one of them saying, make it stop. And the amnesty was withdrawn.
The global predators have a plan to dictate how we will eat, travel, live, talk, and medicate. They have gotten far along in their plan, and if we are to have any life of our own, we must work to derail it.
Yes, it did pass. Durbin's been trying to get this done for 30 years. He finally got his wish. I believe he's now working on expanding the reach.
I was thinking of the original law that affected supplements. Forgot about this one. Sorry. The left is like rust, they never sleep.
Yes, I've done the same. I've even included a sentence that reads something along the lines of, "Please do not send me a form letter in response. I will not support your continued position in office."
Cornyn is a RINO enemy. Cruz is much better but obviously not totally committed on this issue. Try Chip Roy, and Dr Ronnie Jackson. Brian Babbin is a dentist who I knew as a friend 30 years ago or so. They all put their fingers up in the air to see which way the wind is blowing and I predict a bunch of them will change (except Cornyn.. I never liked him for a reason.. or multiple.. )
Austin Pfluger is the rep for my district. I'm one of his constituents. He works for me. Or is supposed to anyway. Pfluger ran unopposed in Nov midterms.
I know about Cornyn, he's set for 4 more years, then will retire. He also ran unopposed in 2020.
Manufactured illusion: https://www.ourfreedomtube.com/watch/2021-jul-09-fauci-pharma-rico-usa-manufactured-illusion-dr-david-martin-with-reiner-fuellmich_sn6gucPS1RehyXm.html
And advanced forms of biological warfare that can target "specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." page 60
The Covid Vax program is about collecting data which is why all of Israel was required to be vaxed https://thecommonsurface.substack.com/p/part-ii-the-covid-program-is-about?r=h0h4f&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
Criminals investigating criminals....usually works out pretty well for the criminals.
They aren't all criminals, but they will do what they need to stay in office which citizens can leverage. There are heroes like Senator Ron Johnson or Devin Nunez for example. And as we have and always have had an adervsarial system, I am heartened to see it gearing up for a change. People have been trained over the years, IMO, to see politics as dirty so they avoid it. It can be dirty, but IMO that is all the more reason for citizens to get involved and not let the dirt get by.
When the media shares more , we learn more.
The people hear and read what is happening. Since lies have many facets , it has many ways of reporting. Finding truth is the challenge. Thanks for your courage to speak out.
Unfortunately, the "mainstream" media is owned by many of the same people who are doing this. For example, Blackrock (HEAVILY involved in what is going on) now owns Reuters, USA Today, and many, many more "news" outlets. Unfortunately, Bkackrock basically owns everything.
Corporate owned media now must be BROKEN UP AND SOLD TO INDIVIDUALS, not corporates run by Black Rock, State Street, or Vanguard.
Ownership must stop at a certain level.
Agree 100%. The problem is, Blackrock now owns many in Congress. So, getting this done will be virtually impossible. It should have been done 40 years ago.
True enough. But I listen to OAN and find information other ways, as you clearly do.
Ultimately, the government exists only to ensure our rights, as codified in The United States Constitution’s “Bill of Rights” which of course includes freedom of speech, the right to keep and bear arms, to peaceably assemble to air grievances, the right to privacy, etc. The Declaration of Independence further states “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these
ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”.
These rights and protections apply to us all, not as a member of a special group, but as individuals. The government really has no right to silence or coerce any group and certainly no single individual under any circumstances. A government that does so is by definition, at least in this country, illegitimate and way outside it’s boundaries. That includes non-elected bureaucrats, political appointees and certainly elected officials who swear an oath to preserve and protect The Constitution and therefore, us or “We the People”.
It’s really that simple.
"...it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.”... It may yet come to that.
That Right of the People is unalienable. Rage Against the Machine!
How do we, the people, alter or abolish the government, through voting on their Dominion voting machines with which they manipulate the results to get their people into office and keep them there?
“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;”
Again from the Declaration of Independence, cautioning against a rash change in government. But does election fraud via Dominion voting machines or any other means sound “light and transient”? How about subjecting citizens to non-tested medical practices under threat, manipulation , half truths or straight up lies? January 6 was framed as an insurrection and un-American, yet if your read and understand The Declaration of Independence and The United States Constitution, one cannot dismiss that it’s in the American character to question and demand government adherence to the very principles upon which our country was conceived and founded. Government answers to us alone and nothing should be kept from citizens even and most especially if that information might undermine our consent.
To answer your question more directly, we must educate and win over support to these fundamental truths. If and when that happens, citizens would demand nothing less from their government and it’s functionaries. Idealistic, but that’s supposed to be how it works. Why do we put up with corruption, malfeasance and things that make no sense? Likely because it’s easier to just accept it than to demand change for the better.
The Founding Father’s took on the British Empire and won at great risk to themselves, families and friends. We’ve all benefited greatly and should feel indebted to them instead of judging them. It’s the very least we can do. After all, this our country and if the past, current or future administrations and bureaucrats risk the lives and health of our children and us to enrich themselves and their families, Big Pharma, hospitals, corporations or some special interest group, “they have the right, they have the duty to overthrow such government” by any means necessary.
I fully agree, but add our Founders tried less drastic means than revolution first. I believe we are currently in that stage.
Not there yet... but it should wake up people as to why we need 2A
Excellent well thought out and stated comment.
I can't speak for changing things inside individual states, but Article 5 of the Constitution permits states to propose amendments. It is a tough haul, but our founders did create a peaceful, legal way out. Action to do just that began some time ago: https://conventionofstates.com/
"Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed. Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, 'limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.''
exactly!. Well said
In this case, Congress is the one that should investigate, because it is THEY THEMSELVES that have enabled this whole business to be perpetrated on us See the works of Saha Latypova and Katherine Watt on Sustack, or view this short video:
The legal framework that congress has voted allows the Dept of Defense to order pharmaceuticals to be given to the otherwise healthy american public if the Secretary of HHS thinks it might be a good idea, without ANY oversight.
Congress created this legal framework, which has probably been hidden in "must-pass" legislation over the years, inserted by the globalist overlords. . The Freedom-loving wing of the Republican Party can expose this in their hearings, and can bring bills to the floor of congress that strike down these unconstitutional laws. And while they are at it they can rename the Department of Defense to something more appropriate (Dept of Medical Tyranny, perhaps)
The New Constitution: Living War Crimes. This video explains alot about how we got here.
That's a good question. If anything changed as a result of these numerous investigations and committees, there would be less of a need to keep doing them. Things would be fixed, people would be punished and the truth would be revealed.
Some things change, it is hard for citizens to force it. But that is in part why I have been calling for class action lawsuits. Pressure in some states can also be brought to bear, such as states now suing or investigating various issues. The USA was originally setup to have people have a lot of power at the state level. But with the metastasis of the central govenrment, we all tend to look there for fixes.
Our entire normal judicial and regulatory system was put on hold and supplanted by "emergency" laws once Trump declared a National Public Health Emergency on Mar 13, 2020. I believe this is why the lawyers and other organizations haven't already been calling for class action suits against the government. With all the "emergency" legislation, treaties and presidential EOs being put in place in years past, what's happening now is "legal", so technically, it will be difficult to prove any crime has been committed. This has all been orchestrated by our very own DoD. I suspect something similar effected the many election integrity lawsuits, with them being dismissed for various suspect reasons before any evidence was even looked at.
You make strong points. Each state under their powers implemented the emergency, which was not dictated by the central government but, as you say, their own laws passed prior to this. Those laws clearly relied too much on the good sense and decency of governors and legislatures. Most states have organizations that fight for medical freedom: ours did and lost that round. But we are not giving up.
Florida convened a grand jury to look into covid shots. IMO there is ample proof of collusion and fraud for both pharma and government officials, which I believe they will find. I hope that FL's grand jury will uncover enough to start the bigger class action we all need to have. Because of the situation and the cost, action at the states level seems the best hope.
There are already class action suits for specific things like mandating the experiemental serum by law firms, but to go nation wide might take many states. Already we see evidence uncovered from one state's suit being used for other state suits.
I am not pollyanna about this. The USA is in the process of breaking up as individual states are increasingly at odds with the central covernment and other states. Projections are that by about 2032, the USA will probably be broken up into regions, and that by about 2027-8 the dollar is done. In the meantime, especially in 2023, there will be increasing civil unrest.
We also see the FJB admistration refusing to negotiate with Russia, thinking there can be WWIII withouth nukes, while one of our foreign "allies" (Germany) announced the 2014 agreement with Russia to let Easten Ukraine vote for being separate was in fact just a lie to buy time to prepare for was against Russia: the west never honestly negotiated and now Russia know. The global predators have a plan for controlling our lives, including war to get everyone behind them, and I am for disrupting as much of it as possible.
As crazy as it sounds, I'm convinced that what is going on is connected to "Operation Paperclip". For those not yet familiar with "Operation Paperclip", it was a program carried out by the OSS (Office of Strategic Services.....now known as the CIA) that brought 1,700 of Hitler's top doctors and scientists into the United States after WWII, and placed them into top positions within our government and industry. For example, Wernher von Braun led NASA'S development of the Saturn V rocket that took Apollo 11 to the Moon. There is a classic photo of President John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Wernher von Braun, the NASA Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center, at Cape Canaveral, Florida on November 16, 1963. These people were also placed into positions within industry. Industries like Big Pharma.
The CIA is heavily involved in what is currently going on. The CIA is even heavily involved in Silicon Valley.... hence all of the censorship coming out of "big tech". The CIA has an office located in Silicon Valley called "In-Q-Tel".
The CIA, along with DARPA, developed Facebook. Facebook was called "LifeLog" while it was under development by DARPA and the CIA. The funding for LifeLog was halted the day before Facebook launched. Regina Dugan, the first female head of DARPA, recently left Facebook.
I know, I know. It sounds crazy. It sounds crazy because it is crazy. That doesn't make it any less real.
I should have mentioned that the CIA and DARPA developed Facebook as a voluntary surveillence system. They also devised and developed "social media" as a whole for the same reason, but Facebook is where they could easier develop a profile of you. They know who you are friends with, what groups you belong to, your search history, chats, etc...all in one place. They also developed "social media" so that they could influence people through AI (artificial intelligence) by creating fake accounts that are actually AI. AI not inly has the ability to post comnents, but also has the ability to analyze your comments and form a response. In many cases, to discredit what you are saying.
It's not just social media, it's your entire online presence. If Edward Snowden hadn't spoke up, we'd probably never know. Ever heard of PRISM and XKeyscore?
Back in 2014 a woman by the name of Annie Jacobsen wrote a book entitled "Operation Paperclip". I highly recomnend it.
After reading about MK Ultra et al., I don't doubt you at all.
I don't think its crazy at all. The World Anti-Communist League was a seething reptilian mass of Nazis and terrorists and extremists, and had to be show-purged at one point when that came to light. There's a book on Wernher von Braun by Susan Griffin, A Chorus of Stones. I am from California, and love California, but it is a patchwork of evils now. I used to walk past the Gilead building in the East Bay, where the soulless darlings make Remdesivir that turns hospitals into little death camps due to incentives. IBM did the data for the Holocaust, IG Farben made the Zyklon B, lots of other corporations renamed are still with us. I'd rather be governed by some inbred sadistic royal like Joffrey Lannister than by any cut throat amoral distributed firing squad corporation, but that's where we are.
Well, if it is crazy, you have a lot of people who beleive in this particular crazy. There is a deep evil here.
Operation Mockingbird too it seems with all the "trusted news sources" shilling for the government/pharma narrative since covid was released from the Wuhan lab.
Yep. Blackrock is also HEAVILY involved with everything that's going on. Blackrock now owns Reuters, USA Today, and many, many other "news" outlets. They are attempting to control the narrative, not only with what they are reporting and how, but also by what they are NOT reporting....and with their "fact checkers".
Whitney Webb has done excellent work detailing these relationships.. fab newer interview includes following the fallout from OpPaperclip and including the Deep State revolving door.
40 - On Globalist Technocrat Links To Nazis, Organised Crime, Eugenics & Transhumanism
Radical w/Maajid Nawaz & Whitney Webb - January 22nd, 2023
She's an absolute phenonemon, isn't she. The brainpower alone...
Thank you! Whitney Webb is amazing.
too many eyes reading what we (I) write but bullseye. Read the book "Operation Paperclip" - watch the movie "Men who Stare at Goats." Lots of it true. Tremendous amount of military psyops going on in our back yard.. literally. Read the books by Servando Gonzales...ditto.
The least we can do a support you on substack.
You and Mark opened my eyes after my double jab and before my heart failure/afib event. I had run across the FLCCC online. I lay in the hospital for 9 days reading and listening to everything you had to say.
It was hard to accept at first because I had always trusted the medical establishment but it didn't take long for me to see the complete picture of the depth of corruption.
I will be forever grateful.
I find it ironic that every time a pundit immediately jumps to, "Congress must investigate this or that". I agree Congress is the oversight arm of the "federal government" but not the oversight arm of business or employment, and if they are doing nothing but investigations they are not meeting the everyday real issues of the people who elected them.
Perhaps whatever time Congress spends investigating means less time to cause even more damage while purporting to deal with "the everyday real issues of the people who elected them." Experience suggests that the more time Congress spends dealing with the "everyday real issues" the more damage Congress causes, especially the current crop of congressmen/women who, with very few exceptions, like Sen. Ron Johnson and Rep. Jim Jordan, have proven themselves to be completely corrupt and/or interested only in their own power and getting re-elected. I'm all for investigating, if that means keeping Congress from making other things worse.
I disagree. Congress investigates necessarily and legally to see what corrections, changes or even new laws are required for government and country. That is the business of the People. It is part of their duties.
However, a prime example of a BS investigation is the leftists call to get hold of former President Trump's past years of tax filings. That went to SCOTUS who, under the law, opined that the review is part of congress' mission in determining tax law. However, some in congress inappropriately released those documents which should have remained private. Did you know that congress has always been able to review taxpayers' tax filings? But they have in the past kept them private as part of their determination of effects of tax law.
It is true we have seen a lot of grandstanding and misuse during many investigations, but that doesn't mean they are all like that. Pundits also howl about why the People aren't angry about this or that and why they don't do something, but they rarely ever suggest what to do. That's why I ignore pundits who howl pointlessly. If you don't like something, tell your elected representative.
The federal government should not be oversighting the private sector, that's not there job to police private sector and make laws to mandate what business does or does not, what businesses do or not do is the responsibility of the courts when you file a claim telling the legal system business is corrupt. Congresses job is to oversight the federal government to ensure it does not intrude your freedom, life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness found in the bill of rights and which is the foundation of the Constitution.
Well, our federal government has merged themselves with those private corporations, which is wholly unconstitutional. But they've done it anyway. You do know that despite it's name, the Federal Reserve is a privately owned corporation (that pays no taxes) right?
While I agree that congress has gone too far in laws that impede business, they have the legal and constitutional right to do just that, for example laws that involve product safety or financial fraud. The executive branch is to enforce those laws, but congress can't enact laws if it doesn't investigate what effect they have or what is needed. Or did you expect the executive branch to tell congress what laws or adjustments to laws to pass? And congress to merely investigate what the executive branch told them what to pass? Well, that would involve investigations and hearings from the affected businesses. And so much for representation if the executive branch decides what laws congress should pass.
And what part of the Constitution gives the federal government the right to regulate any business employment, organization, it's practices or products?
It don't that's a bunch of made up crap just like income taxes. There is nothing in the Constitution that's say citizens are required to pay taxes, it does say that the federal government will collect taxes for trade and commerce, but not private citizens, except citizens may pay taxes "voluntarily".
So, since it's "voluntarily", Congress passed a law to punish you if you don't pay, not because the Constitution say you must pay.
It is true the constitution does not specify investigative powers for congress. But several SCOTUS decisions have opined that activity is inherent in their powers.
Under various laws congress typically orders the executive branch to write regulations under the law. Read any law and you will see near the beginning, "the Secretary of XYZ shall....." Many businesses like having a standard under regulations so that when they follow it, they have a defense against law suits coming from multiple directions. There is a law that agencies must allow public comment on their proposed regulations, typically a 60 and 30 day period. As far as taxes are concerned, an amendment was passed that permits income tax. There have been suits, I hear, on the argument you make and they did not prevail.
The little constitution book we often receive is only the original constitution. Opinions of SCOTUS have ballooned it to a document that is a quite thick when all the court decisions are included. You may find this helpful: https://online.hillsdale.edu/landing/constitution-101
I suggest that, as you have an issue with government, you take this to your elected representative and senator. Whether or not you and I end up agreeing, it ultimately changes nothing with regard to your issues with government.
Yea, but who made the laws that they had no authority to make, Congress? And the judicial branch (interrupts law based on the Constitution) or executive branch (manages the government agency which are unconstitutional because there are no provisions in the Constitution for government agencies except the military, as well only funded by Congress, but not approved by Congress), and neither can make laws or mandates. None of the government agencies, IRS, HLS, Department of Education, NIH, FDA, etc. are not approved by Congress because they don't have Constitutional authority to approve executive branch agencies, they are all Presidential executive orders.
We used to have an anti trust division of the justice department. Maybe it needs to be moved to the Congressional oversight Committee, or the US public...I'd vote on dissoving the interlocking directorates asap.
The administration is using COVID-19 to wage war on anyone who won’t follow its orthodoxy. I'm one of a handful of vaccine dissenters, and Congressional whistleblower, who has been purged from the FBI...of course all of us who are now indefinitely suspended without pay were given unrelated to vaxxx reasons, yet the common thread is that we existed in their database as not taking the shot.
You should contact Paul Thacker who is one of the oldest & best at exposing the internal corruption & revolving door policies. He'd do a fantastic job shedding light on this. :~)
In December I made a $100 tax deductible contribution to the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance to support your valuable and valiant efforts to restore faith in health care and to re-assert the validity of re-purposed, truly safe and effective drug treatments.
My eyes rolled back in my head so far after reading about that discovery of a “stroke season,” a bystander would have summoned an exorcist.
Apologies in advance for soiling this sacred space with the mention of this name, but I thought you would appreciate my responses to Alex Berenson’s abhorrent words and contemptible behavior earlier this week:
• https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1617885104126427138
• https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1617983203494748160
If anyone reading this is still inexplicably supporting Alex financially, I encourage them to immediately cancel their subscription to Alex and transfer it to Pierre. It is my mission to flip Alex’s tens of thousands of subscribers with Pierre’s thousands. Since money and attention appear to be the only things that matter to Alex, a mass exodus might actually prick his galactic ego.
Alex was my first subscription but I learned early on he is not on our side. I dropped him fast.
Same tooooo
His reports were good but limited the scope of his investigations, refusing to look at certain subjects. I saw no reason to continue to pay for half blind reporting.
Another excellent idea MAA. I wouldn't support Alex B ever. Never liked his attitude.
Like it even less now....Thanks so much MAA.
U go MAA
It's all good but I think that you are wasting your time and energy.
I just move on from ppl as my time and budget are both finite. I stopped reading you too (even though I did enjoyed your style) when you refused to examine the virus isolation issue.
I drop everybody who is unwilling to critically examine the virus issue; especially those calling themselves scientists - I am one of them and was indeed a virus believer! If I can see it (and read through the methods, after all we've been all trained to critically review papers) they should be able too, or else they have a vested interest.
You like citations so here is one for you from Alvin Toffler:
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” The key for me here is unlearn and relearn.
These are the ppl I currently support:
Pierre - yes!
Dr Lee Merritt
Katherine Watt
Sasha Latyopova
Catherine Austin Fitt
Eric F Coppolino - he's excellent to help the public keep their eye on the ball.
(Many of the pundits are in it to make smoke and mirrors.)
This is Eric's latest interview with Christine Massey
You should read his Covid Chronology
Ditched Alex long ago
Good point, IamAfreePerson. I just removed the links to Alex's tweets.
Silly me in Canada thinking we were in the winter season coming into the more colourful Spring Season. I see after all my many years we have another season - funny how things are changing for the good of us all. What are you supposed to wear during "Stroke Season" - a defibrillator vest?
I have been a follower admirer and a patient of your telemed practice in an attempt to support you financially. You attained my respect when I heard your testimony in the Senate back in 2020. I recommend your telemed service to everyone I meet who has questions and concerns at whatever stage they are in living through the Scamdemic. I had the professional pleasure of engaging with Scott Marsland as I called for prophylactic and then mild URI symptoms and felt the care was wonderful! I refer anyone who will listen to me to The FLCCC site for the protocols and always finish my endorsement with a huge thanks for FLCCC’s generosity to share such in depth treatment modalities and explanations. I also try to attend your weekly Webinars which albeit can raise my Irish up due to the cascade of data that pours in setting alarm bells to the horrific and negligent actions or lack there of from the Alphabet agencies. Every day I grow more disgusted with the propaganda and pure evil of the so called experts! People like you Dr. Marik, Dr.‘s Urso, Cole, Bowen, Bartlett, Marble, McCullough, Fareed, Tyson have been screaming from the rafters about the insanity of denial as to the deleterious effects of denial of early treatment and vaccine toxicity! I thank all of you and pray for your safety and sanity!
On another note I had a thought as I read your substack I feel the need to express being I have become a soldier in your army. A year or so ago I heard you on an interview talk of your abhorrence towards Republicans and you spoke of your intense sustain. I think you even said something to the effect that you could barely stand to be in the same room with a Republican. Those words pierced my soul as I could not fathom how any human being could feel such generalized disdain for another human being based on political affiliation. I was further perplexed because just like you I work in health care and dealt with people all day long and for the most part their political affiliation was irrelevant. Healing is a psychosocial endeavor as well as a physical one and those of us charged with that delicate balance to do no harm must always keep their eye on that ball! My point in bringing this up is the reality of how politics has sadly and grossly got in the way of health care delivery and it needs to be reversed. I have never felt such mercurial reactions to anyone based on their politics, until the last three years when the divide and the metastasis of hate has created such a pandemic of cruelty to anyone not in agreement with the Scamdemic! Being that you were on the other side and had such loathing perhaps you can use those insights to right the wrongs and get the ship to sail in the right direction? By being able to understand the lefts/progressives emotions and thinking perhaps you can appeal to that level of thinking and behavior as you work with Senator Johnson to correct the pasts and secure a non partisan approach to the delivery of health care and help re-educate the masses that we are all in this together. That we are first and foremost human beings and blessed to be American’s living in a Constitutional Republic that is free and that Freedom of Speech is our most sacred right and we must all work together regardless of political ideology to secure each and every persons right to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness. You have the floor the microphone and certainly the intellectual prowess to be that leader! In gratitude
OMG you touch on so much here. I have been so transformed through my COVID journey, politically, intellectually, socially, financially, occupationally, and spiritually. I am on a streak of almost two years now of only making friends with conservatives and/or critical thinkers.. but mostly the former.. I don't recognize the left at all now and feel very estranged. So much more to say here.. but no time.
COVID transformed me as well. A former dyed-in-the-wool Dem who watched MSNBC religiously living in the bluest of cities/states, I now view the left (including many friends/relatives) as mainly shrill, intolerant, prone to toxic groupthink and often incapable of critical thought. The final straw for me was the Christmas 2021 greeting "for the un-V'd you are facing a winter of severe illness and death": a shockingly divisive and outrageous statement from the POTUS. Since the "vaccine" rollout I've felt distanced from many people but in the process it's been great making new friends with like-minded folks.
It was truly great to meet and listen to you last week in CT!
Dory .. research Obamacare
Remember ... when did we ever have to prove , on your taxes , we had healthcare insurance .
Remember when the Pubbies said if we gave them the majority, they would reverse Obamacare? I think Paul Ryan needs a kick in the pants. But they did nothing.
It was then I realized we are dealing with a Uniparty of good old guys.
I have it’s horrifying that man should join the rest in being subjected to crimes against humanity I am well aware of the evils Obama perpetrated against the American people usually in the dark of the night.
Can I summarize? GOD is still in control.. We are going through this to strengthen our moral and spiritual muscles.. The government, illuminati, WEF, all those evil men are not GOD. and GOD will not be mocked. A reckoning is coming.. Those of us who told you ---TOLD/YOU/SO - were right- Not time for us to brag but to help take back our health care properly...
To understand what is behind this vaccine nonsense, you must understand what Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt are trying to tell all of us. Sasha is an expert in clinical trials regulations and is well respected in that field. Katherine Watt is a paralegal and has uncovered the trail of laws written by our legislature and enacted by our presidents over a long period of time. We must wrap our heads around the concept that our government has been sabotaged at the highest level. The entire COVID-19 event was always meant to depopulate the USA and is a military project, not a public health response to a pandemic. The vaccine project was never designed for public safety but instead designed to depopulate the globe. This has been a fraud perpetrated on all of us. All is going according to plan people, wake up! We have no regulatory agency protecting us, we have a military trying to eliminate us. Pharma was happy to oblige as money was to be made, lots of it. The world's population is purposefully being eliminated. Look at the Daegel Report if you need an outside report the military uses. Projections are the population will suffer up to an 80% loss of life globally by 2025. The USA is disproportionately affected. Please follow Sashas' work at https://www.bitchute.com/channel/7dNrFbLeGSev/ This explains everything.
Canada would be even worse. Here 80+ percent took the bio-weapon and boosters, which is still being pushed by Trudeau et al.
Prime Minister Trudeau is also an investor in Aquitas
Acuitas owns and sells a portion of the mRNA technology to Pfizer and Moderna.
It is not a war, it is a coup on every level.
Thanks, Dr. Kory.
Dr. Kory,
You, Paul Marik and a score of other Excellent Doctors will always have a place in the hearts of real Americans.
Nuremberg 2.0 or another tribunal will, one day, take out the NIMB and other so called "professional organizations" who lied to us and cost the lives of our friends and loved ones.
Keep up the good work, many of us have you in our prayers!
Excellent, Dr. Kory. Keep up the good fight. We live in insane times.
I never had much faith in the medical establishment but now having witnessed the unholy alliance of government, big pharma, big medicine and media there is no trust remaining at all. So much so in fact that aside from needing emergency care for trauma, My wife and I will avoid hospitals completely. When we do want a blood panel test or something else, we will not answer the probing questions into our vaccine status, mental health, gun ownership or anything else. We are actively searching for doctors who will not be relaying our personal information to the centralized database intended to control us.
Thank you
indeed. We use Labcorp for our testing..
Dear Pierre, this war isn't over until we fight the REAL ENEMY: freemasons in all 3 branches of power.
We need a law forcing them to disclose membership and OBEDIENCE to secret societies.
From my book:
It’s the masons, dummy!
In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.
In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4
Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR,. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.
Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 year membership. 8 She wouldn’t obey all orders. In 2020, she was pro-abortion but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 2309, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war, .10 That’s why she was defamed by Kamala11, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.12 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.13
9-11: 2 planes, 3 towers
September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 14 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 15
Along with much other evidence16, the fall of WTC717 proved 9/11 was a Pearl Harbor event planned by the globalists to make trillions but also to induce the taxpayer in accepting a surveillance police state, spending billions in mass digital surveillance of both citizens and foreigners as never before:
• CIA agent confessed on deathbed: “We blew up WTC 7 on 9/11”. He worked on the operation they dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001. 18
• “Over the course of attacks, more than an hour and a half, NORAD air defense failed to intercept any of the hijacked aircraft. Fighter jets are stationed at bases throughout the US, often on “5 minute alert” to be “scrambled” and respond to domestic air emergencies. This failure was due to unexplained delays in reporting and responding, between the command authority, FAA, and military.
• Several war games and drills were being conducted on 9/11, including mock-hijackings and a mock plane crash.
• There were multiple, specific warnings from foreign governments of impending attacks, including potential targets and the names of several alleged 9/11 hijackers.
• The main members of the 9/11 Commission all had major conflicts of interest. The Commission Report omitted and altered evidence that contradicted the official story (see Sibel Edmonds and WTC 7).
• Insider trading (put options on American, United and other 9/11-affected companies) was never properly investigated. The SEC could trace who made these trades.
• Reports of involvement by Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) were never officially acknowledged or investigated.
• Some prominent travelers such as San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and top Pentagon officials were reportedly warned not to fly on 9/11. Who warned them? What did they know? Other groups and individuals also received warnings or suspiciously changed plans or moved out of the WTC soon before 9/11.
• Several FBI investigations which could have uncovered the 9/11 plot were squashed and sabotaged by key FBI officials.
• In September, 2000, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) said of their imperialistic vision, “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.
• There are many historical precedents of “false flag” and state sponsored terrorism. Operation Northwoods 19 was a top secret US plan in the 1960s to carry out a campaign of terror, including blowing up airplanes, and blame it on Cuba as a pretext to invade and overthrow Castro.” 20
Conspiracy litmus test
How was it possible that mainstream media in different countries would cover news with the same scripted template, being the only difference the inclusion of local comments from the same pre-approved pool each time. How was it possible that all dissident scientific and medical voices were ignored and censored?
When there’s no money trail/profits, what could explain precise coordination in 100+ countries (government agencies, politicians, judges, corporations, media, military, police, secret services)?:
• Why did the freemason President of France and freemason Fauci fund gain-of-function in Wuhan, supposedly being China THE enemy?
• Unlike previous PLANdemics, it wasn't about selling billion$ of snake oil to governments, but about shoving it through your veins. This was most obvious with child and pregnancy haccination.
• Considering they control almost all listed corporations, they lost trillions with the lockdowns (they don’t care, they forge money).
The PLANdemic wasn’t about the rich getting richer but about a global power grab. Only freemasonry can explain infiltration and coordination of all positions of power, especially, where there was no money trail.
The more you study, the more smoke you can find from the smoking gun, not gun, cannons. Conspiracy-skeptics and cabal-deniers can't explain why those powers are spending billions in de-carbonisation, injected Bluetooth nano-routers, 5G, chemtrails, toxics, war-on-meat, gender ideology, paedophilia, robot-philia, human rights for the non-human persons (animals, AI robots), etc. Even if they admit the de-population progrom, they can’t explain the push for in-vitro fertilization, which contradicts depopulation.
If they just took time to read, they’d find it is proven beyond any doubt that the satanic digi-tatoship wants to murder 95% of mankind while there's no democracy when all parties are under freemasonic orders and pockets (n.b. democrats and RINOs).
A school mate confessed: “Your argument looks all right but if I go that way, I won’t be able to enjoy life.” Some are unwilling to enter the rabbit's hole because they know that they won’t find wonderland at the other end, just nightmare-land, THE end of our world. Just as Cypher in Matrix movie, they’d rather forget all of it and live the good life (good lie) rather than join the resistance in a painful David-Goliath war “doomed to be lost”, as if being in denial would prevent their own extermination: better be a happy self-uninformed skeptic, than a responsible realist.
By failing to acknowledge THE plan and its huge Achilles’ heal (or clay feet), instead of fighting for a sure victory, they become collaborators of the enemy. Tolerating global genocide means being accomplice to murder.
RFK, Pierre Kory, Steve Kirsch, Alex Berenson... Freedom fighters are doing a great job waking people up, but they fail to lead effective freedom action, i.e. the fundamental changes needed to stop the rigged system of slavery and death. We are heading straight to the next PLANdemics (1000 P3 labs and 67 P4 labs are working full time... thousands of scientists creating new gain-of-function Frankensteins).
Subscribe for free to order my book for free.
OMG. I probably shouldn't write this.. but my latest "rabbit hole," which no-one knows about but will as a result of this reply.. is that I have been studying the Illuminati and the Freemasons and am endlessly freaked about them and their history all the way up to the present. I am obsessed with the "Vigilant Citizen" website. I cant believe I just openly admitted this :). P.S. I was "turned on" to this aspect of history, past and present, by a wonderful and supremely intelligent donor to the FLCCC that I got to have some long conversations with. I am not sure how much unravelling of the dark forces underlying so much of society's workings historically that I can handle
It's killing me. The knowledge I have gained. I spent most of my life believing what I heard on the news channels .... UNTIL covid when I started to run the numbers in my head instead, trying to figure out my "odds." Then I researched prior studies on coronavirus vaccines and my head about rolled off my shoulders after reading about the "ferrets." The deeper I go, the crazier it gets. OMG. I sound like one of the crazy ones. Truth stings.
I'm an old timer w Washington career that spanned Watergate to Poppy Bush election when the corruption was too much for me to work in and profit from. After 9-11 I became involved in crowd sourced research projects working to unravel the clusterf*ck of corrupt corp-gov alliances and secret societies are a big factor.
While Illuminati & Freemasons are woven through the conspiracies to me the bigger factor are Yale Skull & Bones detailed by late great Antony Sutton. He was Chair of Stanford's Economics and follows the money in a way that makes a far more tangible and realistic blueprint for the Mafia we see operating under the guise of government.
I agree with most everything you wrote.
In your post you mention Tulsi Gabbard. What are your thoughts on the fact that up until very recently, Tulsi Gabbard was a member of the World Economic Forum's "Forum of Young Global Leaders"
In my opinion, the World Economic Forum is heavily involved in all of the craziness that has gone on over the past 3+ years.
I find it very difficult to believe that Tulsi Gabbard didn't understand who Klaus Schwab was, and what the World Economic Forum intended to do. Tulsi is obviously a very smart person. Why would she have been involved with these people?