I don't think its crazy at all. The World Anti-Communist League was a seething reptilian mass of Nazis and terrorists and extremists, and had to be show-purged at one point when that came to light. There's a book on Wernher von Braun by Susan Griffin, A Chorus of Stones. I am from California, and love California, but it is a patchwork of…
I don't think its crazy at all. The World Anti-Communist League was a seething reptilian mass of Nazis and terrorists and extremists, and had to be show-purged at one point when that came to light. There's a book on Wernher von Braun by Susan Griffin, A Chorus of Stones. I am from California, and love California, but it is a patchwork of evils now. I used to walk past the Gilead building in the East Bay, where the soulless darlings make Remdesivir that turns hospitals into little death camps due to incentives. IBM did the data for the Holocaust, IG Farben made the Zyklon B, lots of other corporations renamed are still with us. I'd rather be governed by some inbred sadistic royal like Joffrey Lannister than by any cut throat amoral distributed firing squad corporation, but that's where we are.
I don't think its crazy at all. The World Anti-Communist League was a seething reptilian mass of Nazis and terrorists and extremists, and had to be show-purged at one point when that came to light. There's a book on Wernher von Braun by Susan Griffin, A Chorus of Stones. I am from California, and love California, but it is a patchwork of evils now. I used to walk past the Gilead building in the East Bay, where the soulless darlings make Remdesivir that turns hospitals into little death camps due to incentives. IBM did the data for the Holocaust, IG Farben made the Zyklon B, lots of other corporations renamed are still with us. I'd rather be governed by some inbred sadistic royal like Joffrey Lannister than by any cut throat amoral distributed firing squad corporation, but that's where we are.