Geez. This is about to get me pissed off all over again. The success with putting IVM into a paradigm of "horse paste" versus "wonder drug" was a fantastic, and terrible, victory for Pfizer, and it was supported by the (U.S.) MSM, Dr. Fauci, and a multitude of others. Some of them were knowledgeable and evil, and some of them were useful idiots. Unsure which category disgusts me more.

(ETA: Thank you for your continued battle, Dr. Kory.)

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Not just supported. Enforced.

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Well observed!

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Also blame DoD...they are not the good guys.

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I bow in deep respect for Dr. Kory and his relentless work/fight to set the records straight about who is responsible for the needless deaths of millions of people all over the world.

Having said that, we know who were the main perpetrators, the loudest mouthpieces for a psychopathic elite that is invested in everything that is wrong on this planet.

Which brings me to question the outcome of the Nuremberg Trials. Was it all just a Kangaroo court for suckers? Why did any of the defendants reveive the death penalty? It was established that following orders would not relieve one from liability for crimes against humanity. "I was only doing my job" did not save lower ranks of the perpetrators of the organized crimes between 1939 and 1945.

Unfortunately - and I say that with great sadness - without capital punishment for those responsible for the greatest crime against humanity since 1945, their mouthpieces, their willful water carriers and henchmen in governments, science, the medical profession and of course the pharmaceutical-euthanasial complex, humanity seems to stand no chance for continuation as what it has evolved into.

Last but not least: is self-defence still permitted, or do humans have to accept to be exterminated in more than six ways 'til Sunday?

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Operation Paperclip in USA and similar from the other victor distorted the goals of the trials somewhat.

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I just finished "The War On Ivermectin" last night. Though I already knew some of the backstory, to have it spelled out in the manner that you did, was riveting. Thank-you for all of your Herculean efforts over the last few years. I now how a new word for Ivermectin, based on its treatment by our federal health agencies, most doctors, & the media. I call it: Iverboten.

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Fabulous! Win for the day, definitely, Debra.

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Hope you don't mind me quoting you here, in my "red pill" library:

> BeyondC19.org

With a quick search in "Iverboten" you'll see your quotation. However, if you want me to remove your name and the link to your comment to anonymize your quote, just let me know.

Otherwise, if you click on the 3 dot menu (which is visible upon hover immediately to the left of your quotation's bullet), the "mirrors" at the top of the menu that will appear lists all the places where your quotation is now visible. :-D

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Hi Metta...it may be best to remove my name & the link to my comment. I wouldn't want the FBI showing up at my house in the wee hours of the morning with their weapons trained on me for mentioning the medication that shall not be named.

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Done! Thank you, Debra, for your prompt feedback. This shrewd comment is now anonymous. ;-)

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For Christmas this year, I was thinking of asking my parents and sisters for an apology, or at least an acknowledgment that everything I tried to explain to them three years ago is now being accepted and recognized as undeniable truth.

Too snarky?

I'd really love to get them all copies of TWOI and TRAF for Christmas, but I know they won't read them. Maybe, though, I can sneak the 12-minute documentary onto the TV while we're all in the same room and barricade the door shut.

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Yeah I caught a lot of flack from my dad who at first was resistant to getting the vaccine at least for the first 6 months as he knew it wasn't tested long enough and was nervous about it, but then he succumbed... him and my poor mom with dementia, about 2 months ago received their sixth covid related vaccination. I immediately started having a clotting reaction to it and I think this week maybe my first week where I have not passed blood clots after being around them for the three days out of the week that I take care of them for. The problem with my dad is he's 81, has no patience, is angry, and because of his age, comes from a generation that still hasn't learned that they can't trust what they see on the news and from, let's just call them "other sources", so I will get nowhere trying to say see? All the evidence is coming out now! In fact, a few weeks ago, my brother told him that he and I are greatly concerned that the reason why his health has gone downhill and his anxiety has increased 100 fold, is because he keeps getting all these vaccinations! Just got their sixth covid vaccine, gets his shingles vaccine, his pneumonia vaccine, his flu vaccine, eyc every year.. he says he wants my brother and I to talk to a "real doctor" about our opinions and ideas🙄😖I just don't know what to do or think anymore ☹️

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I feel this one so bad.

Long reply, sorry:

I didn't mention it in my initial comment, but my dad is a retired surgeon, professor at a top medical school, and forensic medical expert in his area of expertise for civil and criminal actions all over the country. When he (not I) brought up the fact that I was choosing not to get the c-V, or have my daughter, who was nine at the time, get it (or any other V, for that matter, and that I regretted vaccinating her at all back when I was an ignoramus unquestioning of the authoritative "wisdom" of our medical industrial complex), I tried to explain my reasoning; civilly, calmly. He asked, "You're not even going to have her take the HPV V?"

I answered, "Absolutely not, that was the worst one, at least as far as VAERS stats go, before the c-V came along."

Practically before I could even finish my sentence, this "real doctor" ran out of the room, covering his ears, yelling "I can't listen to this! I can't talk about this!"

He is a good person. He is intelligent, compassionate, and generous. He truly loves and lives for his family, but he is, albeit unknowingly, in a cult. Just like your parents, he is a victim of blatant propaganda. I just don't bring it up with him, nor others in my family unless I know they're one of us "freesters." It's just too traumatizing for him, and I don't want to traumatize him. He's on his journey, just like the rest of us, and I pray something happens along his "travels" that will shake him loose of the "group think." I doubt it will ever happen, but a girl can dream.

My littlest sister is a newly minted pediatrician (along with her husband, specializing in neonatology). I may make the random, very few and far between book or show recommendation in casual conversation or online to strangers when a related topic is being discussed, but I never (well, I can't say "never" because I did do it this one time, and boy did I learn my lesson) send emails or texts to people telling them they have got to watch this or read that. I mean, I had literally never done that to anyone in my family, ever. So when I sent an email to my pediatrician sister and brother-in-law, urging them to watch "Vaxxed," because it had left such a life-changing impression on me, I thought their reaction would be, "Wow, you've never sent an email like this before. It must be really important to you that we watch that documentary. We're super busy, but we will make the time to watch it and give you our feedback"


My brother-in-law stayed silent... whatever, I get it... he's a peace-keeper who doesn't like confrontation, I'm the same way. My sister, OTOH, sent me long-ass texts and emails for days about how disrespectful my email was, and how much I hurt her feelings (as if her feelings are more important than children's lives being destroyed and their families devastated on the daily), and how dare I ask them to watch a documentary when they went through five+ years of medical school and residency. Wakefield was debunked... everybody knows that. She would never dream of doing something so disrespectful as recommending I watch a documentary about corruption or problems in our family law system.

I told her I found her reaction bizarre and that I hope I'd be the first person she'd think of to send a documentary recommendation if the subject matter pertained to family law and corruption therein. Rather than spending (aka: wasting) hours upon hours admonishing and condescending to her, spouting logical fallacies, and boo-hooing through email and text, I would make it a priority to watch the 1+ hour documentary she found so compelling, and I would even take the time to give her feedback on it. Unfortunately, as much as I love them, I could never refer parents to these "real doctors."

My other (little -middle -I'm the oldest) sister is an attorney, who is typically a very logical person. I was in the room when she was born. I remember it was the first time I had cried out of pure joy. She is amazing, thoughtful, and one of the most resourceful and capable people I know. When she started discussing the fact that her friend and friend's mother were participating in the Pfizer c-V trial at my birthday dinner (this was May 2020), I expressed my concern for their safety, stating, "I hope they'll be OK. This kind of gene therapy is essentially untried and has unquantifiable unknown side-effects, and the cold illness ("corona virus") type of Vs they've tried to develop in the past have a terrible history of causing serious permanent immune problems." I tried to be gentle. I didn't bring up all those kids who died in the 70s or the ferrets dying when getting a "cold" after they had been "vaccinated" for it. I felt I was being extremely diplomatic when I said that I thought it seemed like it would work more like a prophylactic than a "V." I explained that since there was effective early treatment protocols with much more robust track records of safety, and most significantly, the chance of someone under 75 becoming seriously ill and dying from covid was somewhere between the chance of a shark attack and being struck by lightening, I would rather just take my chances than mess around with an experimental transfection (and, yes, all of this data was already available in early spring of 2020.)

I received a stink-eye to rival the stinkiest of stink-eyes I have ever received, and a rapid advisement that I was completely misinformed and it could be very dangerous for me to tell people things like that. She even sent an article to me later that evening which outlined that the c-V worked like the polio V (the shining V against which all other "humanity-saving" Vs are judged). I didn't realize at that time, and I'm sure she still doesn't realize how ironic and truly tragic that comparison is.

None of these people are stupid or unkind, they're just victims. That's the only way I can think of it. It is evident that many in society are waking up (thank you, "covid"), so I really hope my family will, too, especially for the sake of my current and future nieces and nephews. I seriously don't care about an apology. I just want us to get out of this bleak era of primitive and superstitious pseudoscience we seem to have been trapped in since the Rockefeller/petrol industry interests financially influenced, infiltrated, and coopted western medicine. I mean, there have always been rocky paradigm shifts where the shifters of the paradigm are usually ostracized and defamed during their lifetime, and then celebrated around 50 to 100 years later. Group-think and appeal to authority is nothing new in science, especially medicine, since pretty much forever. I guess we're going through one of those rocky paradigm shifts now. It's just sad that we've all had to experience so much devastation in our relationships with family and friends over it.

I wish you and yours a happy holiday season, with as little conflict and adversity as possible.

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Thank you for your reply, I am so so sorry for you for having so many difficulties with your family! Yes, it is extremely frustrating and depressing when you have people that are are as educated as the people in your family are and as kind as you know your family can be, yet they have this brick wall resistance in them towards rational thinking and towards acceptance of the truth. Really I think a lot of it comes down to ego in disguise. I'm very sorry for you to be dealing with this but very happy that your children have someone such as yourself to protect them from such matters.

I felt myself sympathizing with every sentence of your message and my heart literally goes out to you and your situation. I really do hope this paradigm shift occurs completely and as soon as possible. There are so many paradigm shifts that need to occur. The chasm between where humanity is and where we should be, if these things were accepted along with many other things, is too vast for me to describe. It's just very sad that humanity is where it's at 😔 we are capable of so much more.. our potential is very lofty, but many unknowingly self-sabotage. I really do think we have reached a turning point in many many matters, and the truth is coming out in very many subjects, thankfully! I really do appreciate you sharing everything with me and while I cannot comment on every aspect of it, do trust and know that I read every single sentence you posted and feel your frustration. I also have doctors that hold high positions in my family and they are also sold on the official narrative and it's very frustrating.. I could go into detail about it, but I won't for a few different reasons. These relatives aren't even in the US and they are in a country that I give way more credit to to think outside the box, but most of the the doctors there seem to be just as brainwashed as the ones here unfortunately😔

Wishing you and your family all the very best and for a healthy winter season and happy holidays and a bright and healthy New Year 🌻

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Thanks so much for reading my novella 😆, ID. I really didn't intend for it to be that long. I was inspired by your post and It just spilled out... and there's SO MUCH MORE that could be said. You know what I mean. What we've all been through, it's literally like going through a war or something. I think I just need to start my own Substack, but blogging stresses me out.

Anyway, we literally moved to a different country, not that one can really escape this globalist terrorist attack on humanity, but at least for now, it's freer here and, culturally, people just tend to mind their own GD business.

I'm sure we'll run into each other again on the 'Stack.

Keep it weird!

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Very happy for you to be able to start anew somewhere!!! No problem with your sharing and venting! We all need each other for friendship and support! Will get through this somehow! Take care and look forward to bumping into ya later 🌹

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"None of these people are stupid or unkind, they're just victims."

With all due respect, I am questioning this assertion. Nobody has ever been "just a victim". It takes something to become one. Think about it from a spiritual point of view. Victims and perpetrators are connected like "heads and tails" of a coin. And I cannot consider the way they treated You as kind. Which sheds light on the question what constitutes " being stupid". Unkindness - even if only for one moment - is the absence of social intelligence. Your experience however, has also been mine and of countless other humans who did not fall "hook, line, sinker" for the building seven narrative of the so called 'pandemic'. All the best to You.

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It's true, Wolfgang, they're not JUST victims. They are, like many abuse victims, also perpetrators, but it doesn't help me to carry that anger and resentment around constantly and actively express it toward them (although I do... carry it around, I mean, like a frickin' ball and chain, but I try hard not to express it toward them). I just feel like kindness and humaneness is our only way out of this. That doesn't mean that people shouldn't be held accountable for their actions, but I don't want to contribute to a cycle of negativity and violence because that just makes more negativity and violence.

Anyway, yeah, totally feel you on the building seven idiots. How long has Corbett and the Loose Change guys been talking about that and, even if they weren't, it's like, "Duh, WTH, you guys? That building wasn't hit by a plane, it came down like a demolition (just like the other buildings, but, as my AP US History teacher used to say, 'We won't get into THAT...'), employees were told to leave hours and minutes prior to it coming down, a 'reporter' reported it had come down WHILE IT WAS STILL STANDING IN THE BACKGROUND BEHIND HER, and so many other details that are not deep mysterious rocket surgery." It's exactly like 'covid.' It's almost TOO obvious. People can't believe they're lying eyes because it's all TOO ridiculous.

All the best to you, too!

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Allow me to add the following. Born with a neurological divirgence from the usual mindset wiring, my brain allows me to easily learn languages, receive streams of visions and inventions from above (if I may say so, as I can no longer take credit for what comes into my grey matter), affords me creativity and is off-setting these talents and skills with empathy and kindness.

Wait a minute! Did I just say "off-setting talents and skills with empathy and kindness"? Yes, I did. And the reason for that lies in the fact, that empathy and kindness have become weaknesses in the eyes of a large number of fellow humans. When I am sad, because innocent women, children and the elderly are butchered for profits and displays of alleged 'power', I am called "too soft", a "weakling", to "toughen up", to "get over it". You surely have heard that before Yourself.

Now, what am I to do about the utter psychopathy by an elite drunk of greed and bloodlust - knights of euthanasia, saviors of themselves over humanity? What am I to do about those who continue to not stand up for millions of murdered innocent women, children and elderly that are much more than "collateral damage" as recent crimes against humanity have shown once more in all its gruesome reality? Yes, as a follower of compassion, empathy and kindness, the fabric of my being is torn apart - assaulted by the fellowship of indifference, insouciance, gullibility and mindlessness. Where I was programmed to offer the other cheek - I have run out of other cheeks to hold out against utter callousness and vileness.

Alas, I have never considered myself being a victim, but only the punchingbag, the doormat and the sponge absorbing what was thrown at me. It is the "other" that makes my heart break, ache in incomprehensibility over the cruel and careless acceptance of suffering and pain by the largest part of humanity. For I have seen a smile not from this world in the face of my late love and I know this cannot be had without unconditional love, empathy and kindness for those who suffer by the hands of remorseless psychopaths and their willful enablers.

May Your days ahead be filled with meaning, loved ones and healthy food. Thank You for Your thoughtful response. It is deeply appreciated.

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I am just reading this now—just seeing it was a comment from 2023. It is so appreciated that you took the time to share. It has become a religion or a cult, that even discussing/questioning is verboten. It sounds like a brick wall with these folk, but if you haven’t seen, I found the vax vs unvaxxed worthwhile for sharing with those who might be receptive: https://rumble.com/v23e5lw-vaxxed-vs-unvaxxed-dr.-paul-thomas-and-dr.-james-lyons-weiler-put-cdc-vacci.html

Right now, I am concerned re censoring & allowing body autonomy. The only candidate who has been aware & who has fought for a clean planet & health is Rfk jr. Tho, now, he is under more attack.


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Wow I had a similar experience with my dad and his wife completely consumed by the Covid cult and insulting me and my doctor who gave me a medical exemption. It’s sad to watch my father’s health decline so quickly since he started the jabs. Your story is even more tragic as your family is in medicine.

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Dec 26, 2023Edited
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I want to hear the inspiration for your Substack name and of your visit with your son. I just returned from a similar situation (family-in-law that are so immersed and brainwashed, you can't help but feel pity), roundtrip on Delta. So, I find the timing of seeing the notice of your reply in my email uncanny. I haven't been checking email or anything online for over a week because I fell terribly ill on that trip, but slogging through my email, I saw your reply and was like, "I just experienced the most terrifying return flight (on Delta) after keeping similar company. How strange!"

Disclaimer: I'm not saying the turbulence was Delta's fault. I consider Delta one of the better airlines, and turbulence does not usually bother me, but this was beyond extra. Also, my family members-in-law are delightful, loving people who adore my kid. That's the thing... we're in this surreal world that forces us to reconcile extremes.

Much love to you, your son, and your whole family.

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Sunk cost fallacy. They can’t afford, - psychologically or emotionally I would guess - to think that they made a big faith investment in something that could turn out to be a fatal misstep. I know that for many of that age group, in their childhoods, they witnessed many that became very ill with polio and the fear of contracting that or consumption - TB- was a real terror because both of these caused terrible harms. For them, putting faith in a vaccine might have been correct for them based on their experiences. I notice that the age group of people, the very elderly, 80’s/90’s are not so affected by the jab and most of that age group have had at least 6, you’re correct. It’s the younger cohort that seems to have the worst reactions and the bad outcomes overall. The young, twenties and those in their 50’s and 60’s, struck down by heart attacks, turbo cancers, early onset Alzheimer’s when they should be living longer. And the thing that always came to mind is that the very elderly are the cohort who survived childhood illness without antibiotics. The weak, sadly, succumbed. Those that survived very likely were that bit more hardy. Covid or no Covid, those that are on their feet are living into their nineties! As for the rest of us, who knows!

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Great strategy! Let us know how it goes. ;-)

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I wouldn't count on or expect an apology. If they're like my family, they're too wed to their cult ideology. I was just now listening to them go on about their latest jab! Covid! Should I get RSV? Too bad I got shingles after my shingles shot.

They just refuse to see it. Or as I like to say - you can't wake people up who are only pretending to be asleep!

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Dec 26, 2023Edited
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Thanks for sharing!

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I bought this book when it first came out. God bless you and all the work you do for others!

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(2023-12-14) Mikki Willis, Pierre Kory - The War on Ivermectin

I uploaded this to Rumble for easy sharing.


Just watched the HighWire segment. Thank you for everything you are doing Dr. Kory!


edit: I also added an Odysee upload



Enjoy! Please SHARE with anyone who will listen.

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Great! Many, many thanks.

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My pleasure.

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Glad it helped! My pleasure. It's a great video that needs to be shared everywhere.

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Thank you!

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Happy to help.

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Pierre this is fantastic, hats off to you and Mikki for producing a documentary on top of your book!

I'm outside Seattle and would absolutely love to have this film showcase at our local film festivals – I will pay the submission fees, no joke. It's time my (very MSM-believing) community wake up to the reality of covid lies.

Seriously, do you have a première circuit or distribution plan in the works by chance? If so, I would gladly pay for a few festival submissions (anywhere, everywhere) and help with the submission process if that's helpful. Time to wake people up (or if they are already awake but in denial like the people in my town, time to show them how shameful denial is at this point).

You could organize this distribution in various ways, but filmfreeway.com is a surprisingly comprehensive and easy platform to manage independent film submissions – even small festivals are listed; easy all-in-one service there. No doubt some festivals would buck your submission for being afraid, but that's par for the course at this point.

Either way, thanks for all you do Pierre.

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Great show of support, Jarombra! Always appreciate grass roots efforts to break through the hypnosis and destroy the mind virus. Wishing you all the best in your woke community!

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HAHA! Thanks. I am stuck in a woke world over here, yeah it's frustrating. The hypnosis-delusion is nuts: every time I broach any topic within the general category of covid dissidence, people around here often just say nothing and blink. It's pretty disturbing.

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I know what you mean. A few members of our family swallowed the narrative hook-line-and-sinker ~ and no matter what means I've tried, there's no getting through to them.

Even if I just ask non-threatening, thought-provoking questions, they always have a snap, formulaic answer that they've embraced with full, whole-hearted (and I would say blind) certainty, and with which they intend to close the entire conversation.

Quite disturbing, indeed, especially when they pride themselves on their critical thinking skills.

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Exactly. At this point here in 2023 and with so many narrative-bombs, I know that they know what is going on however, so it's really just a moral failure: their persistent denial.

Just as before, they want to hold onto their polite society cachet: most of the MSM-believers in my town are downstream of government funding, or in central banking and whatnot; of course they've already made up their mind!

I presented a research paper (from Peter McCullough) to a childhood friend who is now a cardiologist at Stanford, and his response was literally: "The vaccines couldn't be bad if so many people took them." Shocking logical fallacy on his part; shameless appeal to authority. Just blows my mind. It's as Dietrich Bonhoeffer concluded near the end of his life: stupidity is a choice—choosing moral failure. Egad.

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Well said! Very much appreciate your thoughtful reflections.

Ironic, too, that the academics and those aligned with them (I'm speaking now for the members of my family) seem to be so tragically afflicted. However, it has been suggested that those who pursued academic credentials themselves will be the first to make the shameless appeals to authority.

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I'm replying to this only because you mentioned cardiologists at stanford. After my last exposure to covid, which was november 2022, in March I had an appointment with cardiology because all kinds of stuff was going wrong with me. (Still is but all tests normal except for antCCP and dDimer) My doctor was a Stanford cardiologist and when I told him I suspected this was all covid related, he blew me off and said, "Everybody wants to blame everything on covid🙄", and basically rolled his eyes and walked away! UGHHHH!!!

I am also set up to see the chronic fatigue specialist through Stanford's long covid clinic, which was a 6-month wait for my appointment but needs to be rescheduled as I will be out of the country, and when I called they said it will be another year before I'm able to get in, I don't even know why I bother because they're all part of the same Medical institution and I have a feeling that going to their long covid clinic isn't going to be any better than any other conventional doctor would be. They are not FLCCC doctors so I don't expect to be treated effectively... It's very sad and disappointing but par for the course as far as medical universities in this day and age are concerned. They just tow the line.

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I am very sorry about all your problems you are now experiencing Inner Dimensions. I too got hit pretty hard with Covid (delta back in Oct ‘21). I got pretty sick and had peculiar symptoms that did not feel normal. I can tell you I was inflamed from head (brain) to toes. I had previous autoimmune so probably was part of reaction. I also had lingering symptoms such as extreme fatigue (body and cells/mitochondria become depleted (that’s my thought anyway), bad brain fog and irritability (my kids and husband called it mad cow Covid disease 😂), reduced visual acuity and nighttime blindness, horrible taste aversion (like one has in pregnancy) but worse. Everything (except natural fruits and veggies) had horrific chemical taste. Autoimmune flares with joint pain. ALL significantly reduced with IVER. When I felt I was improving I would taper off IVER and sx’s would return full throttle. I did not want to have to take IVER as my insurance woukd NOT pay if you are taking for Covid (nor will corporate pharmacies ie: Walgreens, Safeway, etc. DESPITE having a RX for it.

So I paid for it myself which ran a bit over 220 per month. I also would have to get my IVER filled outside my county of King County Washington.

In addition to the IVER I got several medical IV’s (at naturopath clinic) to boost my immune system and help replenish the depletions. This also helped a lot! I had 4 in total. Also kind of expensive.

I would highly recommend the FLCC recommendations if you can get access. Or the doctor someone above mentioned? in Petaluma? Mist likely he/she will have relationship with a pharmacy nearby or one that can mail you prescriptions.

Here is the frustrating part: the difficulty accessing IVER (both finding someone who will prescribe, and finding pharmacy that will fill. Then you have the cost. Most might have to pay on their own- no insurance.

I would say not only cancel your “long Covid” appointment that will take a year to get- but RUN AWAY! Instead try to schedule appointment with FLCC or Dr. Kory’s group, or doc above?

It’s so frustrating at a visceral level that people are having to jump through such difficult hoops and expense to get better, and Doctor’s being penalized in helping people get better. I’m in healthcare- and I am on leave because I cannot stomach it all especially in my area of the Covid Capital Cult worshipping here in Seattle area.

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Treat yourself for Long Covid! I did and I feel a million percent better today than I did at the end of May after my second bout with CoVid. The critical part of the treatment is the nattokinase, a fermented soy derived enzyme that breaks down the spike protein. The NAD+ as Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, I believe, has also helped me tremendously. Plus moderating my sleep patterns to ensure quality sleep (this is where the tryptophan and melatonin comes in). Good luck!! https://covid19criticalcare.com/protocol/i-recover-long-covid-treatment/

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I'm sorry to hear about these persistent symptoms Inner Dimensions – I put myself on a prophylactic prescription for ivermectin for awhile and was eating natto every other day, it definitely helped me get over any persistent covid symptoms. Other than that, the usual FLCCC/McCullough protocols – vitamin D, intermittent fasting as needed (to induce autophagy and clean up any strange proteins in my body), and getting outside and playing music!

As for cardiologists, this article just dropped, good timing: https://open.substack.com/pub/petermcculloughmd/p/why-ethical-cardiologists-cannot?r=4cri&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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They are idiots! Go somewhere else!!

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Wow! Just wow. Even though I have followed this fiasto from the beginning, I am still tearful and blown away by Dr. Kory's courageous attempt to save us all. My admiration for everyone featured, with a soft spot for Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik... no words, just gratitude. Thank you.

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Just yesterday ordered the book. I will sit in the Doctors waiting room, next time I’m there, reading it with one of my flcccc.net hoodies on...... 😊

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Thank you Dr. Kory!!!!! For your standing up and for the people; exposing what could easily have saved hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of lives. You are MY HERO!!!

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Mine, too!!!

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That film was awesome showing media’s deceit, CDC/FDA’s corruption, and the usefulness of Ivermectin.

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Thank you for the video. Just to let you know, my order for ivermectin got confiscated by New Zealand customs as it is a 'banned Agricultural product'. There was a two month delay after it arrived into the country before I was notified. Ordered 2 Oct 2023, had to reply if I agree to it being discarded or returned to sender in early December. It continues to this day.

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I had two pharmacists refuse to dispense ivermectin to me in 2021 and two of my patients at two separate pharmacies also refused to dispense ivermectin even though the drug is FDA approved. The mother of one of my patients had to drive out of town to find a pharmacist who would fill the prescription. That patient had bilateral COVID pneumonia and a falling O2 saturation level and had been ill for ten days. In less than 96 hours from the first dose of ivermectin, this patient no longer had fever, rales, fatigue, or tachycardia and returned early for a back to work note.

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I get it from a nearby compounding pharmacy in NYC, via a prescription from a doctor. I get a hundred delivered to my door, usually the next day, and take 2Xweek, with a meal with some fat to help with absorption.

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I recommend you complain out loud to your representative or your newspaper etc. etc.

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I highly recommend the 2013 book by Peter Gotzsche, called "Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare". I read it after the pandemic opened my eyes to Big Pharma's evils, and was AMAZED how this book described all of it back in 2013, with great detail and references for everything! Only RFK Jr's books can compare in how well researched it is.

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I cant put spanish subtitles to share it with my spanish community...

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Refusal of Beaches Baptist hospital in Jacksonville, Fl. to use HCQ or Ivermectin killed my sister.

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So sorry to hear! They need to be prosecuted, for their actions or lack thereof.

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Thank you. I agree.

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What a wonderful drug. Had to get a prescription from a doctor in Florida and have it shipped to me. After the Plandemic got worse I was told by this doctor that he could no longer fill my prescriptions since his pharmacy stop filling his. He sent my prescription and by the grace of God I found a pharmacy in another state to fill it. The reason they vilified it was because they could not get their EUA if there was something that would help against Covid and they knew how good Ivermectin was.

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Wonderful!! Can’t wait!!

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