I have a colleague who is a professional geologist, smart as a whip, decent human being, who firmly believes that covid would have been stopped in its tracks had everyone been vaccinated right away. He has a brother in law who is a microbiologist who concurs. My friend is boosted to the max. He is constantly sick and blames the unvaccinated for 1) preventing the virus from being initially controlled and 2) for mutating the virus into something that vaccines can't stop. It boggles my mind that an educated, intelligent person can't see what is happening. And there are lots of them out there.
I see the same in my circle. I think it has to do with ego strength and Mark Twain's dictum "it is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." If a person has weak ego strength and cannot admit he/she is wrong, they're going to need to experience many MANY "violations to their narrative" in order to figure it out. Have to pray for them.
A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note above. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,
‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’
I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤
The same criminals that pushed the official narrative and blamed, ridiculed, vilified, censored and threatened any that questioned them or suggested other solutions, also called the events of January 6th a bigger “threat to democracy” than Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
In reality, Pearl Harbor brought us into a World War that lasted four years and a Cold War that lasted fifty. Millions were affected across the globe, losing their homes, jobs, businesses, loved ones, their limbs, their eyesight or mental health. On 9/11, pretty much the same although at a much smaller scale than World War II. But a three hour event with no real long term impact almost ended “democracy”?!
Let’s go back to the Covid-19 debacle in this country and across the world. Millions were affected, socially, economically, and physically and mentally health wise. In this country, some of Constitutional rights(freedom of speech, association, expression, at the bare minimum)were openly trampled to hide the truth about the origins of the virus, the efficacy of known treatments and the safety and effectiveness of a government sponsored vaccination program forced on government workers, medical professionals, and many employees of public and privately owned corporations, not to mention all the “Karen’s” screaming “it’s for the children!”
The Founding Fathers gave us a Constitutional Republic because they loathed “democracy” as “rule by the mob”. The Covid-19 response by the government, public health authorities, the medical establishment, Big Pharma, media and general public was a case study in “mob rule”. Such “democracy in action” is what truly threatens our Republic. It’s the perfect example of how those in power, how the “experts”, how the celebrity teleprompter readers in the media and drama majors in Hollywood and their sycophants in the general public can be so wrong, so stupid and so destructive to a society and to other human beings.
'Never actually said' might be a byte strong 😉 'Directionally correct' would exhibit a stronger correlation with truth --> quoteinvestigator.com/2020/12/23/fooled/
He's a pretty pathetic geologist then. I'm a geologist too. Any geologist knows that no 'vaccine' (LOL) can improve on our astonishing immune system, the product of 4.5 billion years of evolution of life on Earth.
Dear Roger, to me it appeared lots of scientists and everybody elso who is not, are not capable of practically doing anything right because of this exact way of pathetic thinking or maybe a little worse formulated by me as 'pathetically thinking they know all, but not wanting to learn about something or proven data that is telling them they are (even just a bit) wrong. They prefer killing a child by not correcting their mistakes nobody would plea them guilty of, while the (indirect) killing, almost never discovered because most people can not imagine a person would prefer the child dye above correcting a little widly understable mistake, but when once discovered...it's 'just' an 'exeption', or 'a scandal'.
I believe it is like drunken drivers: when being caught the chance they drove drunk for the first time is a chance like one in a million.
And, part time lethal idiot arseholes do not exist. All the people like the geolist here, were
patheticaly blind before 'covid' as well, so we can also start being happy about all people who are capable and willing to kill us, became visible for us by the covid-test. Does somebody believe in covid? Red light danger zone. Is this person also a doctor according to society, because we know better of course: red light danger zone AND so much noise you need to leave that person for ever AND NOW!
But it is not just covid, willingly non thinkers pretending they know all are everwhere, especially highly present among judges doctors teachers and mentall health workers, so good luck to us all, easy it is completely not. I am scared
I love Love LOVE that book! Fantastic theories and a great fun read! When I first read it, on hitting the last page I immediately started over on page 1, to try to mine even more "GOLD" from his book!!! Oh, how sorry I am he has died... (Of old age, apparently.)
Dear David Blackwell, can you please send me any paper, demonstrating extraction and isolation of a replication competent virus? I have read many papers from the foundations of virology, lots of injecting biological material into the brains or abdomens of caged animals. Not so much "breathing particles makes any one sick".
🐑 They are blinded & deaf.... they will only believe the TRUTH when Don Lemon, Morning Joe or Rachael Maddow explains it to them. When will that be? When hell freezes over. 🥺😣
Dear Cindy, stupidity is not partisan. Plenty of Americans have been subjecting their children to vaccines, GMOs, fluoride, and allopathic drugs for decades.
Oh, it's not 'only' stupidity. Part of MY ongoing problem, always is: okay, I can ABSOLUTELY see -- and back up with solid refs -- that this or that things is 100% TRUE! But trying to get people to 'add it to their list of things that need learning about' is ... less than successful.
So what? What do *I* do? If the ({wince} once-) respected doc like Atlas gets harried out of public DESPITE his credentials and knowledge, and moderation, and heavily referenced suggestions -- it's truth that MPAI: "MOST people are idiots."
My late husband used to point out: "okay, well above HALF of the U.S. population AGREES that JFK was NOT killed "just by Oswald." So what? WHAT has changed, what will or can be done, what EFFECT does that knowledge have?"
One true change this covid travesty HAS had is many people are now looking into "are ANY vaxxes safe"? I went from being about 60% anti-vaxxer to 100% screaming anti-vaxxer!!! Lots of more normal people are also recoiling. (Hence the decreased / decreasing vax-rates? A bit of good comes out of the horribly bad?)
And I agree with you I think a lot of the population will be a lot more skeptical about vaccines in general, and as I have learned over the last three years rightly so!!!!!
I wail that I'm Cassandra! I'm SCREAMING the truth about the oncoming destruction, and NO ONE will listen!! (Well, okay a VERY few people have listened... but they/we are NOT enough to hold the destruction OFF!) Wail wail wail! I'm from a very small family.... I'm going to lose them all!
(And, yeah-okay, that is just the human condition. EVERYONE loses EVERYONE at some time! But I don't want to be left alone! As the world goes to absolute hell! Waaaaaaail!)
JCJ - completely agree it is not a Partisan issue, and I would go further to say that I don’t think it’s stupidity either, because many of those that won’t listen to reason are not stupid, not that I would call almost anyone stupid to be honest! I think it’s more of a willful blindness, and not wanting to know, not wanting to have to think about it, not wanting to see the corruption.
Yes, but stupid is related to stupor which can mean drugged. Under the circumstances and given all the big pharma drugs and toxins in the environment and human bodies, stupidity becomes a reasonable word, albeit other words can be used too.
Dear EK, yes I agree. Generally I call it "arrogance". It is of the type that David Icke brought to my attention about 20 years ago. Namely, most people project their good will and preferred deportment onto "leaders." So they say, G. W. Bush would never lie about WMDs, or think that Fauci really cared and was "the science." People WANT there to be a Santa Claus. It is for this very type of reification, and tendency to commit logical fallacies that I never told my children that there is a Santa Claus, or that "god wrote a book."
She is plenty smart. She just feels as if by lying she is doing people a favor. I strongly suspect she was recruited by the CIA while she was at Stanford. She worked for Voice of America for years, which as you know disseminates US propaganda worldwide. She just moved to propagandizing Americans. She's not nuts--she knows exactly what she is doing. Valedictorian of her class.
We see right through their charades. The narrative is dying on the vine. So some of world’s so-called best and brightest might be book smart and polished from Ivy League schools but are not that smart if they go out and deliberately fool the masses into taking this poison. They are accomplices to crimes against humanity IMO.
Well, I am sure she is smart, but lots of smart people are also quite mad. In the USA vaccines are or at least were very popular. If Rachel has had here fair share this will have messed with her brain.
I consider the anagrams of her name a dead give away though.
Nevertheless her thinking vaccines are a good thing will perhaps remove the terminally dim who follow her from our midst. And that will be a relief.
Perhaps your colleague should be exposed to the data that shows paxlovid causes cv mutations within the body via rebound relapses as it is a weaker protease inhibitor than ivermectin. Being constantly ill, perhaps he is a contributor to mutating cv within his body. The Cleveland Clinic study showing the more shots, the more reinfections.
A variety of surveys (some of which have been shared with me) have shown that a certain % of the population cannot be persuaded regardless of what you show them about the vaccines, some will respond to the most persuasive points (e.g., the fraud I am trying to highlight), some are the "moveable middle" who can be reached and should be our primary target audience, and many others have abandoned the narrative.
I would argue that like Fauci and Birx who as Atlas repeatedly showed willfully ignored any data that challenged their narrative, your friend is likely not amenable to data that challenges his beliefs and it's better to put your energy elsewhere until he comes around on his own.
This is so very true and very sad. I have learned this the hard way. 😪
People must be open to truth to see it. It’s surprising how many refuse. I work in healthcare (“did” work) and it’s mind blowing how many in medical who refuse to even look at or listen to anything that sways from narrative.
I have pleaded with family about dangers of the vax/boosters. One that haunts me is my cousin-I tried to share with her the scientific information. She told me my data was incorrect. Sadly she was hospitalized and died 1 month from being boosted. She died of “asthma” and “sepsis”. She was a 50 y/o teacher. Was teaching the day it happened.
Many of "us" who follow (not trust!) the science are learning to struggle with the: "yes but MY FAMILY is going to die sooner than they ought!" BOTH my sisters and a cousin put covid on their "we do NOT discuss this" lists. Bro-in-law died a few months ago after a TORTURED month on the hospital. ("His doctors were baffled" .... ARGH!)
Prophets (or plain-old science studiers) get no respect in their 'home town.' (A very mangled biblical quote, I believe...) We do what we can to try to reach (any!) people with: okay, you took the poison-shot; PLEASE now try to ameliorate the possible bad effects! The harder part is SETTING DOWN any sense of responsibility or failure if we CANNOT reach them!
At this point- (despite the heartbreaking record of zero batting average) I have decided to move beyond what others say back at me in retaliation or what family and friends or colleagues, or neighbors think of me (the innuendos of crazy conspiracy insanity). I will continue to speak out, or maybe even scream it from the mountain tops (and I live in a tough region for this- Seattle). At least I will sleep at night knowing I tried-and I shared information that many might not otherwise hear. It’s about planting seeds. All we can do is speak out and share. And maybe, just maybe, one person will get it? Hope we can reach more folks than Noah did.
What I can’t understand is taking a vaccine for respiratory virus that has a 99% recovery rate. I am good for at least two colds a year, some worse than others. 99.9% of the time, I pull through. Same with the shits. As miserable as it is sometimes, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. That’s how immunity works.
The so-called respiratory virus is the'flu, the toxic poisoning of the body, typically due to low vitamin D levels, especially in the northern hemisphere in winter when light levels low.
Covid 19 is the 'flu re-branded to make more money for big pharma etc.
Getting the 'flu or colds does not make one stronger it just degrades the immune system resources until one tops it up again with suitable vitamins and minerals etc.
One will keep getting the 'flu/colds over and over again until kingdom come or one dies.
Risk was never publicly stratified in such a way that the public could incorporate it into behavior. That was deliberate; to incentivize fear, obedience......control.
Here in VT every doctor's/dentist's office, hospital still requires masks...most stores say, " highly encouraged". The best one, "Mask required unless you are fully vaccinated"...We need a short FACT sheet to hand out! Think I'll get working on that!
Waaaaaay back in the beginning, when I could still BUY Ivermectin at the CVS, I brought in a spec sheet with info and offered it to the pharmacist who was very dubious about the scrip, but back then WOULD fill it... No interest, not even willing to take it and throw it away... WAY to many "medical" people are completely UNTRUST-worthy!! And they seem to think things will "go back to normal."
Last time my VA doc asked if I would take the poison shot, I leaned in and said grimly: "Not for love or money. OR AT THE POINT OF A GUN!" She hasn't asked since.
Here in rural NE Ohio, there was one store with that "mask unless vaxxed" signs up long after no one was wearing them.amymore...and no one paid attention to that sign. My whole unvaxxed family constantly shopped unmasked. A few months ago, they bit the bullet and took the sign down.
Midwestern Doctor--I am in midst of an experiment with an n=3 with people who have already had 3/4/5 jabs and are in doubt whether they will get more. I am using the Cleveland Clinic Study, Figure 2 as the focus. My spiel is built around Omicron. I want to gently as possible open the door where Scott Atlas, you, Pierre and so many others will be read and heard. One who is not an n=3 participant in a brief discussion I just told him not to get any more. He is dealing with a health issue, so one has to be supportive and not add to anyone's woes. But he asked me about the jab, "Is it Pandoras Box" and I said yes.
Hard to know who will be persuaded by putting on new spectacles. That's why the Mormons knock on every door. So do Jehovah's Witness, but they're only recruiting the final 144, 000.
Mormons don't knock on every door and Jehovah's Witnesses are not "recruiting the final 144,000". Please don't compromise your credibility by speaking falsehoods. Be above that.
A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,
‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’
I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤
A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note above. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,
‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’
I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤
At Seeing Truth- yes we are seeing huge influx of people now being constantly ill, people who were otherwise healthy succumbing to “sepsis”. Sepsis was never a common thread amongst healthy individuals. Influx of hospital deaths (all ages including young children) now from “sepsis.” Did you get a chance to see the recent Substack article from the journalist from Portugal (can’t remember her name). They publicized several hundred children that died after receiving the mRNA Covid injections (in Europe- can’t remember if just Portugal or Europe entirely) sepsis was on many of their death diagnoses (amongst all the others horrific medical catastrophe's). It’s astonishing.
And to just add in addition to this gruesome medical malady happening to our children, I would just like to add, that despite this atrocity, states such as my own, under Governor Jay Inslee, that colleges, including all community colleges are still requiring proof of MRNA Covid jabs for entry, yes-still to this day. To register for even community college they require you to upload experimental Covid MRNA shot proof-but nothing else. So many folks-who have already sustained huge financial set backs of being banned from working have to resort to pay out of state tuition to send their kids away from their own state tax payed tuition, to another. Do the math. It’s twice to pay out of state tuition. So many (I’ve heard so many) just give in and take their healthy kids down to get the jab so they can go to “Cal Polly” or “USD” or “Gonzaga”,or stay home and go to University of Washinton”, or just community college. They say they didn’t want to-but “had to”.
Most frustrating is that college is not on a time frame. One doesn't "have to" attend college starting age 18. There was even a time kids would take a skip year before starting. I'm poor and had to save money first, started mid-twenties. And there are always older students entering college--I knew one lady who started at 32. If the majority of HS grads delayed en masse for a couple years and then started making demands...
Sounds like a great opportunity to create a national "student union" of sorts, esp with new students as they don't have the debt yet.
One of the things these people don't understand is that even if the vaccine could have done that and the population was 100% willing to receive it:
•There were already variants circulating the vaccine did not cover (this was a point emphasized in the EU's EMA as a point of concern to Pfizer) which would have then been available to rapidly mutate to vaccine resistance strains.
•There was no possible way to scale and rapidly deploy the vaccines to the entire population in a short enough time frame to prevent the virus from having time to mutate in the unvaccinated.
•The vaccine did not stop transmission, which essentially undermines the foundational premise of the argument.
Variants?!?!?!? Really Doc? And how did you know there were variants around? The LYING CDC? How did you test for it? The PCR test? There are only a few labs in the United States that can perform the genomic testing needed to find a variant. The PCR testing for regular Sars-Cov-2 also requires an additional genomic sequencing that most labs cannot perform and have not perform for the past three years. Hospitals and clinics DO NOT have the means to test for a virus.........NONE!!!!! The only real way to test for any variant is in a lab with a Gene Sequencing machine, there are no tests for specific variants in a clinic or hospital........NONE!!!!!!!
ALL THINGS COVID ARE A LIE.................100% of it
Exactly, and to say nothing of the issue of the highly specific pressure the vaccine imposed on the spike protein. Such leaky, highly specific vaccines are a big factor driving the mutations.
Saying the unvaxxed cause vax-evading variants is like blaming people who have never taken an antibiotic for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Esp when the vax-evading variants seem to have little taste for the unvaxxed.
How the heck is my unvaxxed body teaching any virus to evade a vaccine I haven't taken? How can I possibly create a variant that eludes a selection pressure that doesn't exist inside me? And how is it that variant evokes severe disease in the vaxxed but not me?
Its like all those years I was told by flu vaxxers that they got the flu because its a different strain and they can't get immunity from something they weren't vaxxed against...but that I consistently didn't catch their different flu strains year after year not because natural immunity was stronger but because I was selfishly benefiting from the herd immunity they created by getting vaxxed. So a flu vax A shot confers no immunity on the vaccinee for flu strain B, but somehow does confer immunity to flu strain B on unvaxxed bystanders? Pretty sure I also can't get herd immunity from something you weren't vaxxed for.
The answer? That I just don't understand how science works. Because apparently science is a cosmic goblin that transcends time, space, and basic logic.
Thank you for that. I still encounter many people swallowing the line, hook and sinker.
What bothers me about the "Atlas sort of folks" is that they keep hammering on how old people need to be "protected" by vaccination and isolation. I get upset every time I hear it, being now in the older population cohort. How many old people were killed by vaccines and isolation? And it's all been swept under the rug; after all, old people die, right?! Old people get dementia en masse, eh? So, who cares.
The way I understand it - the vaccine gives your body the solution to the one very specific problem that it's currently facing thereby enabling your body to fight it off faster (which is the whole point...). However, the very process of trial and error which your body naturally goes through (which the vaccine prevents) is what gives it the data base of possible solutions to defeat the variants. We spent the whole second year fighting off the variants. Seems to me that if they hadn't pushed the vaccine so hard and let more people get natural immunity then the pandemic might not have dragged on for another year. Ergo - it was the vaccinated that directly contributed to prolonging the pandemic and the unvaccinated that would have contributed to "stopping the pandemic" if given the chance.
There are no "contagious viruses." There is no mechanism for injection of a "vaccine" to "assist the body" to prevent "infection" from an exogenous virus. Further, there is no natural immunity. Instead there is health, based on good nutrition, adequate sleep and exercise, and avoiding toxins. Some people get "chicken pox" more than once (so-called shingles). Some get measles more than once (aka rubella, smallpox, chickenpox, strophulus, etc.).
I hope, you your sake and that of any children you might have, that you improve your understanding. All "vaccines" are dangerous and provide NO benefit ... all the time. Read the original works of Edward Jenner to see what psychopaths and sadists do to orphans, the poor, and pregnant women.
The vaccines poison the body if they contain anything other that just saline. Nobody can be sure as the individual vials are not tested just before use.
Poisoning the body is not a good idea as poisons will degrade the immune system resources which you will then need to top up with vitamins and minerals etc., preferably via good untainted food and water. Also getting sufficient sunshine (free) for vitamin D very necessary.
The only so-called variants are the various toxins released in the environment in food, water and air, supplemented by big pharma drugs and vaccines.
What? I thought that you said you do not vaccinate your patients. What is the basis for your declaration that vaccines can ever promote health and prevent disease? Please show us "variants" of any virus. Are you ready to claim the Lanka prize?
There's probably something related to the Dunning-Kruger effect here. Ironically, I'm sure the Dunning-Kruger effect was probably used by the vaccine ideologues to justify ignoring the many actual, empirical problems with the injections.
The caveat issue here seems to stem from people who are identified strongly with the institutional structures that support their lifestyle; these were the same institutions that attempted to justify mandates and many problematic features of the pandemic. They assume that because they have been baptized with Holy Expertise (their grades, awards, diplomas, etc.) by these institutional powers, that they must get things right -- because after all, aren't they on the right side of history?
Everyone wants to vouch for their team, it is a powerful human instinct and probably meant the difference between life and death for our ancestors. This is, of course, in spite of the fact that the team in question very clearly got most of the explanatory framework around the vaccine and the virus quite wrong.
I see the same thing and I attribute it to disbelief that such things as we all know happened, actually happened, because these things have the mark of outright evil.
This is why my opinion is tending toward leading people into understanding a much simpler concept, which is "censorship." We can see and understand censorship, and examples abound. We must also be able to see and understand how censorship is the true beginning of tyranny.
I agree. Most can not live in a world where their trusted government and agencies are not looking out for their best interests, so they will never believe the facts. Censorship, especially when they are aware that the censored material could have saved lives. As Mary Margaret Alice's poem (read beautifully by Tess Laurie) states, "Mistakes were not made." This fact also I think must be brought to light. Willful intent.
There is also the psychological phenomenon of "defending one's purchase". Once you take the risk to take the shots, you likely will defend your decision at the expense of reason. This is fairly normal human behaviour. Most marriages work this way for a while.
It is high stakes. But the logical fallacy of "If I didn't take it I would be sicker or die" is an excellent analogue for reality. Let's call it, "The Bert and Ernie Fallacy":
Doctors have been taught & brainwashed by medical universities who have been "bought off & captured" by the PHARMA CABAL to teach them to be mindless, robotic, PHARMA drug pushers.
"NOW" they are admitting is in the open! 'They' (some? all? don't remember as I turned away in disgust from the announcement) are no longer requiring the MCAT for entry!
I have a colleague who is a professional geologist, smart as a whip, decent human being, who firmly believes that covid would have been stopped in its tracks had everyone been vaccinated right away. He has a brother in law who is a microbiologist who concurs. My friend is boosted to the max. He is constantly sick and blames the unvaccinated for 1) preventing the virus from being initially controlled and 2) for mutating the virus into something that vaccines can't stop. It boggles my mind that an educated, intelligent person can't see what is happening. And there are lots of them out there.
I see the same in my circle. I think it has to do with ego strength and Mark Twain's dictum "it is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." If a person has weak ego strength and cannot admit he/she is wrong, they're going to need to experience many MANY "violations to their narrative" in order to figure it out. Have to pray for them.
It is sad how often you see his happen.
Also, as a quick note, that quote was never actually said by Mark Twain, which I believe was meant to further emphasize the argument being made.
A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note above. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,
‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’
I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤
The same criminals that pushed the official narrative and blamed, ridiculed, vilified, censored and threatened any that questioned them or suggested other solutions, also called the events of January 6th a bigger “threat to democracy” than Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
In reality, Pearl Harbor brought us into a World War that lasted four years and a Cold War that lasted fifty. Millions were affected across the globe, losing their homes, jobs, businesses, loved ones, their limbs, their eyesight or mental health. On 9/11, pretty much the same although at a much smaller scale than World War II. But a three hour event with no real long term impact almost ended “democracy”?!
Let’s go back to the Covid-19 debacle in this country and across the world. Millions were affected, socially, economically, and physically and mentally health wise. In this country, some of Constitutional rights(freedom of speech, association, expression, at the bare minimum)were openly trampled to hide the truth about the origins of the virus, the efficacy of known treatments and the safety and effectiveness of a government sponsored vaccination program forced on government workers, medical professionals, and many employees of public and privately owned corporations, not to mention all the “Karen’s” screaming “it’s for the children!”
The Founding Fathers gave us a Constitutional Republic because they loathed “democracy” as “rule by the mob”. The Covid-19 response by the government, public health authorities, the medical establishment, Big Pharma, media and general public was a case study in “mob rule”. Such “democracy in action” is what truly threatens our Republic. It’s the perfect example of how those in power, how the “experts”, how the celebrity teleprompter readers in the media and drama majors in Hollywood and their sycophants in the general public can be so wrong, so stupid and so destructive to a society and to other human beings.
Well, that pretty much sums it up. And I am 100% certain that you are correct.
Tell ‘em how you really feel!
'Never actually said' might be a byte strong 😉 'Directionally correct' would exhibit a stronger correlation with truth --> quoteinvestigator.com/2020/12/23/fooled/
I don't know how to use ChatGPT, but I wonder if it would be fun to see what it/that knows?
Ha, thanks! Yet another thing to un-know from the past few years... :)
He's a pretty pathetic geologist then. I'm a geologist too. Any geologist knows that no 'vaccine' (LOL) can improve on our astonishing immune system, the product of 4.5 billion years of evolution of life on Earth.
Dear Roger, to me it appeared lots of scientists and everybody elso who is not, are not capable of practically doing anything right because of this exact way of pathetic thinking or maybe a little worse formulated by me as 'pathetically thinking they know all, but not wanting to learn about something or proven data that is telling them they are (even just a bit) wrong. They prefer killing a child by not correcting their mistakes nobody would plea them guilty of, while the (indirect) killing, almost never discovered because most people can not imagine a person would prefer the child dye above correcting a little widly understable mistake, but when once discovered...it's 'just' an 'exeption', or 'a scandal'.
I believe it is like drunken drivers: when being caught the chance they drove drunk for the first time is a chance like one in a million.
And, part time lethal idiot arseholes do not exist. All the people like the geolist here, were
patheticaly blind before 'covid' as well, so we can also start being happy about all people who are capable and willing to kill us, became visible for us by the covid-test. Does somebody believe in covid? Red light danger zone. Is this person also a doctor according to society, because we know better of course: red light danger zone AND so much noise you need to leave that person for ever AND NOW!
But it is not just covid, willingly non thinkers pretending they know all are everwhere, especially highly present among judges doctors teachers and mentall health workers, so good luck to us all, easy it is completely not. I am scared
It’s not so easy to leave them behind when they’re your family.
If you get the chance, the Deep Hot Biosphere by Thomas Gold is awesome.
Thanks for this tip!
I love Love LOVE that book! Fantastic theories and a great fun read! When I first read it, on hitting the last page I immediately started over on page 1, to try to mine even more "GOLD" from his book!!! Oh, how sorry I am he has died... (Of old age, apparently.)
Will read this book. Thanks for the suggestion.!
I love ya, Roger geologist!!!! Thank you for having (as my mother would have said 50 years ago) your head on straight. 😀
Bingo. This is the biosphere, the primordial soup, a swamp down here in the south; bugs, critters, biting flies, bacteria, viruses.... you name it.
Dear David Blackwell, can you please send me any paper, demonstrating extraction and isolation of a replication competent virus? I have read many papers from the foundations of virology, lots of injecting biological material into the brains or abdomens of caged animals. Not so much "breathing particles makes any one sick".
🐑 They are blinded & deaf.... they will only believe the TRUTH when Don Lemon, Morning Joe or Rachael Maddow explains it to them. When will that be? When hell freezes over. 🥺😣
Dear Cindy, stupidity is not partisan. Plenty of Americans have been subjecting their children to vaccines, GMOs, fluoride, and allopathic drugs for decades.
Oh, it's not 'only' stupidity. Part of MY ongoing problem, always is: okay, I can ABSOLUTELY see -- and back up with solid refs -- that this or that things is 100% TRUE! But trying to get people to 'add it to their list of things that need learning about' is ... less than successful.
So what? What do *I* do? If the ({wince} once-) respected doc like Atlas gets harried out of public DESPITE his credentials and knowledge, and moderation, and heavily referenced suggestions -- it's truth that MPAI: "MOST people are idiots."
My late husband used to point out: "okay, well above HALF of the U.S. population AGREES that JFK was NOT killed "just by Oswald." So what? WHAT has changed, what will or can be done, what EFFECT does that knowledge have?"
One true change this covid travesty HAS had is many people are now looking into "are ANY vaxxes safe"? I went from being about 60% anti-vaxxer to 100% screaming anti-vaxxer!!! Lots of more normal people are also recoiling. (Hence the decreased / decreasing vax-rates? A bit of good comes out of the horribly bad?)
And I agree with you I think a lot of the population will be a lot more skeptical about vaccines in general, and as I have learned over the last three years rightly so!!!!!
Avalanche, all I can say, is - now you know how Galileo must’ve felt when he said the world was not flat.
I wail that I'm Cassandra! I'm SCREAMING the truth about the oncoming destruction, and NO ONE will listen!! (Well, okay a VERY few people have listened... but they/we are NOT enough to hold the destruction OFF!) Wail wail wail! I'm from a very small family.... I'm going to lose them all!
(And, yeah-okay, that is just the human condition. EVERYONE loses EVERYONE at some time! But I don't want to be left alone! As the world goes to absolute hell! Waaaaaaail!)
JCJ - completely agree it is not a Partisan issue, and I would go further to say that I don’t think it’s stupidity either, because many of those that won’t listen to reason are not stupid, not that I would call almost anyone stupid to be honest! I think it’s more of a willful blindness, and not wanting to know, not wanting to have to think about it, not wanting to see the corruption.
Yes, but stupid is related to stupor which can mean drugged. Under the circumstances and given all the big pharma drugs and toxins in the environment and human bodies, stupidity becomes a reasonable word, albeit other words can be used too.
Dear EK, yes I agree. Generally I call it "arrogance". It is of the type that David Icke brought to my attention about 20 years ago. Namely, most people project their good will and preferred deportment onto "leaders." So they say, G. W. Bush would never lie about WMDs, or think that Fauci really cared and was "the science." People WANT there to be a Santa Claus. It is for this very type of reification, and tendency to commit logical fallacies that I never told my children that there is a Santa Claus, or that "god wrote a book."
Rachel Maddow is mad. She has some sense, but very mixed. A crazy mixed up kid.
I really hope one of my readers tells me the day Rachel Maddow apologizes for pushing the COVID narrative on America so I can watch it.
It will never happen.
I agree!
Never happen. She thinks she has virtue on her side.
She is plenty smart. She just feels as if by lying she is doing people a favor. I strongly suspect she was recruited by the CIA while she was at Stanford. She worked for Voice of America for years, which as you know disseminates US propaganda worldwide. She just moved to propagandizing Americans. She's not nuts--she knows exactly what she is doing. Valedictorian of her class.
We see right through their charades. The narrative is dying on the vine. So some of world’s so-called best and brightest might be book smart and polished from Ivy League schools but are not that smart if they go out and deliberately fool the masses into taking this poison. They are accomplices to crimes against humanity IMO.
Fully agree. Someone who would make millions from propagandizing the public has no core morality.
They're not smart, at all. Ivy League schools are often indoctrination and CIA recruiting centers.
Midwestern Doctor--The day Rachel Maddow apologizes will be the Day the Earth Stood Still.
Well, I am sure she is smart, but lots of smart people are also quite mad. In the USA vaccines are or at least were very popular. If Rachel has had here fair share this will have messed with her brain.
I consider the anagrams of her name a dead give away though.
Nevertheless her thinking vaccines are a good thing will perhaps remove the terminally dim who follow her from our midst. And that will be a relief.
I only wish they would hurry up and go!
Rachel Madcow, Lemon head and Joe Schmoe are all
Paid actors. They are given a script and it’s marketed as news. I feel sorry for those who fall for this as truth.
God love them.
Perhaps your colleague should be exposed to the data that shows paxlovid causes cv mutations within the body via rebound relapses as it is a weaker protease inhibitor than ivermectin. Being constantly ill, perhaps he is a contributor to mutating cv within his body. The Cleveland Clinic study showing the more shots, the more reinfections.
A variety of surveys (some of which have been shared with me) have shown that a certain % of the population cannot be persuaded regardless of what you show them about the vaccines, some will respond to the most persuasive points (e.g., the fraud I am trying to highlight), some are the "moveable middle" who can be reached and should be our primary target audience, and many others have abandoned the narrative.
I would argue that like Fauci and Birx who as Atlas repeatedly showed willfully ignored any data that challenged their narrative, your friend is likely not amenable to data that challenges his beliefs and it's better to put your energy elsewhere until he comes around on his own.
This is so very true and very sad. I have learned this the hard way. 😪
People must be open to truth to see it. It’s surprising how many refuse. I work in healthcare (“did” work) and it’s mind blowing how many in medical who refuse to even look at or listen to anything that sways from narrative.
I have pleaded with family about dangers of the vax/boosters. One that haunts me is my cousin-I tried to share with her the scientific information. She told me my data was incorrect. Sadly she was hospitalized and died 1 month from being boosted. She died of “asthma” and “sepsis”. She was a 50 y/o teacher. Was teaching the day it happened.
I did try-😪
Many of "us" who follow (not trust!) the science are learning to struggle with the: "yes but MY FAMILY is going to die sooner than they ought!" BOTH my sisters and a cousin put covid on their "we do NOT discuss this" lists. Bro-in-law died a few months ago after a TORTURED month on the hospital. ("His doctors were baffled" .... ARGH!)
Prophets (or plain-old science studiers) get no respect in their 'home town.' (A very mangled biblical quote, I believe...) We do what we can to try to reach (any!) people with: okay, you took the poison-shot; PLEASE now try to ameliorate the possible bad effects! The harder part is SETTING DOWN any sense of responsibility or failure if we CANNOT reach them!
At this point- (despite the heartbreaking record of zero batting average) I have decided to move beyond what others say back at me in retaliation or what family and friends or colleagues, or neighbors think of me (the innuendos of crazy conspiracy insanity). I will continue to speak out, or maybe even scream it from the mountain tops (and I live in a tough region for this- Seattle). At least I will sleep at night knowing I tried-and I shared information that many might not otherwise hear. It’s about planting seeds. All we can do is speak out and share. And maybe, just maybe, one person will get it? Hope we can reach more folks than Noah did.
The flood is coming- it’s arrived.
So sorry Kat. All we can do is try our best, and you did that for your cousin. Bless your dear heart.
Oh! I thought I was responding to you AJ….oops-look up above ⬆️⬆️⬆️
What I can’t understand is taking a vaccine for respiratory virus that has a 99% recovery rate. I am good for at least two colds a year, some worse than others. 99.9% of the time, I pull through. Same with the shits. As miserable as it is sometimes, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. That’s how immunity works.
The so-called respiratory virus is the'flu, the toxic poisoning of the body, typically due to low vitamin D levels, especially in the northern hemisphere in winter when light levels low.
Covid 19 is the 'flu re-branded to make more money for big pharma etc.
Getting the 'flu or colds does not make one stronger it just degrades the immune system resources until one tops it up again with suitable vitamins and minerals etc.
One will keep getting the 'flu/colds over and over again until kingdom come or one dies.
That is how immunity works.
Risk was never publicly stratified in such a way that the public could incorporate it into behavior. That was deliberate; to incentivize fear, obedience......control.
They would not even mention Vitamin D.
They actually outright banned Vitamin D by sentencing people "indoors".
No such thing as "viruses". Start there. 🌞 Psst...Germ Theory is exactly that; and a weak one, at that. 🤕
My doctor is one of those people. She still has a mask poster up in her office.
Here in VT every doctor's/dentist's office, hospital still requires masks...most stores say, " highly encouraged". The best one, "Mask required unless you are fully vaccinated"...We need a short FACT sheet to hand out! Think I'll get working on that!
Waaaaaay back in the beginning, when I could still BUY Ivermectin at the CVS, I brought in a spec sheet with info and offered it to the pharmacist who was very dubious about the scrip, but back then WOULD fill it... No interest, not even willing to take it and throw it away... WAY to many "medical" people are completely UNTRUST-worthy!! And they seem to think things will "go back to normal."
Last time my VA doc asked if I would take the poison shot, I leaned in and said grimly: "Not for love or money. OR AT THE POINT OF A GUN!" She hasn't asked since.
Here in rural NE Ohio, there was one store with that "mask unless vaxxed" signs up long after no one was wearing them.amymore...and no one paid attention to that sign. My whole unvaxxed family constantly shopped unmasked. A few months ago, they bit the bullet and took the sign down.
Despots and tyrants know that fear, indoctrination, and groupthink works.
I have said this to others but your doctor is a Mask-ist!
Midwestern Doctor--I am in midst of an experiment with an n=3 with people who have already had 3/4/5 jabs and are in doubt whether they will get more. I am using the Cleveland Clinic Study, Figure 2 as the focus. My spiel is built around Omicron. I want to gently as possible open the door where Scott Atlas, you, Pierre and so many others will be read and heard. One who is not an n=3 participant in a brief discussion I just told him not to get any more. He is dealing with a health issue, so one has to be supportive and not add to anyone's woes. But he asked me about the jab, "Is it Pandoras Box" and I said yes.
Hard to know who will be persuaded by putting on new spectacles. That's why the Mormons knock on every door. So do Jehovah's Witness, but they're only recruiting the final 144, 000.
Mormons don't knock on every door and Jehovah's Witnesses are not "recruiting the final 144,000". Please don't compromise your credibility by speaking falsehoods. Be above that.
A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,
‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’
I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤
A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note above. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,
‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’
I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤
Elizabeth--You've been appointed to bring them all in for questioning, with or without an attorney present.
I’m watching the NCAA sweet sixteen games right now and they keep running a pfizer commercial that says ‘if it’s covid, it’s paxlovid’.
So am I and I
Roll my eyes every time it pops on. Nauseating.
What's a "commercial "? Lol.
Comic realm. It's an anagram of "commercial". Pfizer are trying to be funny.
Personally I think Pfizer are a very bad joke.
If it's covid (a.k.a. the 'flu) avoid paxlovid like the plague unless one wants sickness and death.
I mention paxlovid here.
At Seeing Truth- yes we are seeing huge influx of people now being constantly ill, people who were otherwise healthy succumbing to “sepsis”. Sepsis was never a common thread amongst healthy individuals. Influx of hospital deaths (all ages including young children) now from “sepsis.” Did you get a chance to see the recent Substack article from the journalist from Portugal (can’t remember her name). They publicized several hundred children that died after receiving the mRNA Covid injections (in Europe- can’t remember if just Portugal or Europe entirely) sepsis was on many of their death diagnoses (amongst all the others horrific medical catastrophe's). It’s astonishing.
And to just add in addition to this gruesome medical malady happening to our children, I would just like to add, that despite this atrocity, states such as my own, under Governor Jay Inslee, that colleges, including all community colleges are still requiring proof of MRNA Covid jabs for entry, yes-still to this day. To register for even community college they require you to upload experimental Covid MRNA shot proof-but nothing else. So many folks-who have already sustained huge financial set backs of being banned from working have to resort to pay out of state tuition to send their kids away from their own state tax payed tuition, to another. Do the math. It’s twice to pay out of state tuition. So many (I’ve heard so many) just give in and take their healthy kids down to get the jab so they can go to “Cal Polly” or “USD” or “Gonzaga”,or stay home and go to University of Washinton”, or just community college. They say they didn’t want to-but “had to”.
This is where now we say no.
Time to stop this madness.
This is about our most innocent-our kids.
Most frustrating is that college is not on a time frame. One doesn't "have to" attend college starting age 18. There was even a time kids would take a skip year before starting. I'm poor and had to save money first, started mid-twenties. And there are always older students entering college--I knew one lady who started at 32. If the majority of HS grads delayed en masse for a couple years and then started making demands...
Sounds like a great opportunity to create a national "student union" of sorts, esp with new students as they don't have the debt yet.
One of the things these people don't understand is that even if the vaccine could have done that and the population was 100% willing to receive it:
•There were already variants circulating the vaccine did not cover (this was a point emphasized in the EU's EMA as a point of concern to Pfizer) which would have then been available to rapidly mutate to vaccine resistance strains.
•There was no possible way to scale and rapidly deploy the vaccines to the entire population in a short enough time frame to prevent the virus from having time to mutate in the unvaccinated.
•The vaccine did not stop transmission, which essentially undermines the foundational premise of the argument.
Variants?!?!?!? Really Doc? And how did you know there were variants around? The LYING CDC? How did you test for it? The PCR test? There are only a few labs in the United States that can perform the genomic testing needed to find a variant. The PCR testing for regular Sars-Cov-2 also requires an additional genomic sequencing that most labs cannot perform and have not perform for the past three years. Hospitals and clinics DO NOT have the means to test for a virus.........NONE!!!!! The only real way to test for any variant is in a lab with a Gene Sequencing machine, there are no tests for specific variants in a clinic or hospital........NONE!!!!!!!
ALL THINGS COVID ARE A LIE.................100% of it
Exactly, and to say nothing of the issue of the highly specific pressure the vaccine imposed on the spike protein. Such leaky, highly specific vaccines are a big factor driving the mutations.
Saying the unvaxxed cause vax-evading variants is like blaming people who have never taken an antibiotic for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Esp when the vax-evading variants seem to have little taste for the unvaxxed.
How the heck is my unvaxxed body teaching any virus to evade a vaccine I haven't taken? How can I possibly create a variant that eludes a selection pressure that doesn't exist inside me? And how is it that variant evokes severe disease in the vaxxed but not me?
Its like all those years I was told by flu vaxxers that they got the flu because its a different strain and they can't get immunity from something they weren't vaxxed against...but that I consistently didn't catch their different flu strains year after year not because natural immunity was stronger but because I was selfishly benefiting from the herd immunity they created by getting vaxxed. So a flu vax A shot confers no immunity on the vaccinee for flu strain B, but somehow does confer immunity to flu strain B on unvaxxed bystanders? Pretty sure I also can't get herd immunity from something you weren't vaxxed for.
The answer? That I just don't understand how science works. Because apparently science is a cosmic goblin that transcends time, space, and basic logic.
Thank you for that. I still encounter many people swallowing the line, hook and sinker.
What bothers me about the "Atlas sort of folks" is that they keep hammering on how old people need to be "protected" by vaccination and isolation. I get upset every time I hear it, being now in the older population cohort. How many old people were killed by vaccines and isolation? And it's all been swept under the rug; after all, old people die, right?! Old people get dementia en masse, eh? So, who cares.
The way I understand it - the vaccine gives your body the solution to the one very specific problem that it's currently facing thereby enabling your body to fight it off faster (which is the whole point...). However, the very process of trial and error which your body naturally goes through (which the vaccine prevents) is what gives it the data base of possible solutions to defeat the variants. We spent the whole second year fighting off the variants. Seems to me that if they hadn't pushed the vaccine so hard and let more people get natural immunity then the pandemic might not have dragged on for another year. Ergo - it was the vaccinated that directly contributed to prolonging the pandemic and the unvaccinated that would have contributed to "stopping the pandemic" if given the chance.
Dear Dinah,
There are no "contagious viruses." There is no mechanism for injection of a "vaccine" to "assist the body" to prevent "infection" from an exogenous virus. Further, there is no natural immunity. Instead there is health, based on good nutrition, adequate sleep and exercise, and avoiding toxins. Some people get "chicken pox" more than once (so-called shingles). Some get measles more than once (aka rubella, smallpox, chickenpox, strophulus, etc.).
I hope, you your sake and that of any children you might have, that you improve your understanding. All "vaccines" are dangerous and provide NO benefit ... all the time. Read the original works of Edward Jenner to see what psychopaths and sadists do to orphans, the poor, and pregnant women.
The vaccines poison the body if they contain anything other that just saline. Nobody can be sure as the individual vials are not tested just before use.
Poisoning the body is not a good idea as poisons will degrade the immune system resources which you will then need to top up with vitamins and minerals etc., preferably via good untainted food and water. Also getting sufficient sunshine (free) for vitamin D very necessary.
The only so-called variants are the various toxins released in the environment in food, water and air, supplemented by big pharma drugs and vaccines.
Black is white and white is black. Just another example of how completely backwards virtually every "pandemic response" was.
What? I thought that you said you do not vaccinate your patients. What is the basis for your declaration that vaccines can ever promote health and prevent disease? Please show us "variants" of any virus. Are you ready to claim the Lanka prize?
I did not make that declaration.
Germ Theory has done a doozy on the world.
The variants are a joke, made up to fool the masses. Viral theory is fundamentally flawed.
There's probably something related to the Dunning-Kruger effect here. Ironically, I'm sure the Dunning-Kruger effect was probably used by the vaccine ideologues to justify ignoring the many actual, empirical problems with the injections.
The caveat issue here seems to stem from people who are identified strongly with the institutional structures that support their lifestyle; these were the same institutions that attempted to justify mandates and many problematic features of the pandemic. They assume that because they have been baptized with Holy Expertise (their grades, awards, diplomas, etc.) by these institutional powers, that they must get things right -- because after all, aren't they on the right side of history?
Everyone wants to vouch for their team, it is a powerful human instinct and probably meant the difference between life and death for our ancestors. This is, of course, in spite of the fact that the team in question very clearly got most of the explanatory framework around the vaccine and the virus quite wrong.
I 100% believe in the Dunning Kruger effect and it is depressing how ofter I see it play out around me.
Amazing reply. Thank you.
I see the same thing and I attribute it to disbelief that such things as we all know happened, actually happened, because these things have the mark of outright evil.
This is why my opinion is tending toward leading people into understanding a much simpler concept, which is "censorship." We can see and understand censorship, and examples abound. We must also be able to see and understand how censorship is the true beginning of tyranny.
This is a major reason why I never censor commentators on my page.
I agree. Most can not live in a world where their trusted government and agencies are not looking out for their best interests, so they will never believe the facts. Censorship, especially when they are aware that the censored material could have saved lives. As Mary Margaret Alice's poem (read beautifully by Tess Laurie) states, "Mistakes were not made." This fact also I think must be brought to light. Willful intent.
There is also the psychological phenomenon of "defending one's purchase". Once you take the risk to take the shots, you likely will defend your decision at the expense of reason. This is fairly normal human behaviour. Most marriages work this way for a while.
I observe this phenomena all the time.
Most? Lol.
It is high stakes. But the logical fallacy of "If I didn't take it I would be sicker or die" is an excellent analogue for reality. Let's call it, "The Bert and Ernie Fallacy":
The second half of the video is the relevant part.
People stake their lives on it. Many lost. No one won. The best you can do is come out even.
No no no! "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE! Vaccines are GOOD!" My doctor told me so!!
Educated = brainwashed
Intelligent = effective within the confines of the system
I will try to remember to use the second point in a future article!
Meta-intelligent = able to adjust and be effective as the system changes.
"Educated = brainwashed"
Do not confuse schooled with educated. In the US at least many are schooled but almost none are educated.
Schooled = brainwashed. (That's what skoolz are for.)
GIve 'em a piece of paper and most think they know everything. I got news for 'em.
Indeed, there's no shortage of Useful and Intellectual Idiots.
Doctors have been taught & brainwashed by medical universities who have been "bought off & captured" by the PHARMA CABAL to teach them to be mindless, robotic, PHARMA drug pushers.
indeed; most are clueless.
Dear Virginia Heick, Herman and Chomsky called it "Manufacturing Consent."
Yes... interesting that Chomsky advocated for locking down the "unvaccinated" and denying us food...
Right, Chomsky went crazy. Jimmy Dore called him out for that.
Dear FT,
C'mon smalls. "NOW admissions are based on skin color, not GPAs"? Can you share some data on that?
"NOW" they are admitting is in the open! 'They' (some? all? don't remember as I turned away in disgust from the announcement) are no longer requiring the MCAT for entry!
Colleges and universities are clown college indoctrination centers, anyway.
What? Here is a list of all the accredited allopathic med schools in the U.S., and their average GPA and MCAT scores. https://www.shemmassianconsulting.com/blog/average-gpa-and-mcat-score-for-every-medical-school