I think the old saying should be switched around: "never attribute to incompetence what you can attribute to malice"

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I coined Reverse Hanlon's Razor and have been using that definition myself for several months now!

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LOVE your poem BTW!! Must STOP calling any of what's been happening MISTAKES!!

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A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note above. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,

‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’

I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤

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This is still based on lies.

Covid IS NOT A VIRUS. It's an OXIDATION STRESS caused by the toxicity poisoning of nanotechnology.

If nanotechnology had not been used, we might be talking about a "virus."

People were poisoned by nanotechnology, that's why they had hypoxia, etc. - nanotechnology injection. That's why so many have so many health problems, because nanotechnology is cardiotoxic, cytotoxic, hemotoxic, genotoxic, and so on.

The toxicity of nanotechnology causes oxidative stress, impairs the immune system, especially in the most vulnerable people.





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Are these the nanoparticles from UBC that Canada’s prime minister invested heavily in (and made a fortune) - while destroying lives worldwide. When will this traitor be removed and treated as the pariah he is?

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He is NOT the only one, same for Australian politicians



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How were these nanoparticles disbursed to hapless victims who did not get injected?

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Masks and instillation by "PCR test" - also food filters and filters for air and water, and even filters for respirators



Well thought out murder

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Shedding? EMF? Water? Food?

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Shedding is a place to start, but we need more answers. EMF may aggravate conditions, but doesn't transport particles. Food and water could be vectors, but don't explain why most of Africa was ignored, or who bothered to contaminate so many out-of-the-way places, and how they did it. Biological replication (and resistance) answers more questions than the alternative theories, although that does nothing to diminish the impact of toxins.

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The real pandemic is fear and ignorance.

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just search google for graphene masks - images

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Mar 23, 2023
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I can definitely see how the events chronicled here could suggest that.

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At least when dealing with the pathocracy victimizing us today, ha ha!

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And never attribute anything worthwhile to pharmaceutical as 'crap Utah malice' is an anagram of 'pharmaceutical'.


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Well done...but we’d have to be from Utah to effectively use that one!

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True. I tried to see if there is much big pharma based in Utah. I couldn't many references.

But the Mormons are based there and the leaders are pushing vaxxes I believe. Jacinda Ardern is not from Utah but was brought up a Moron (sic) I believe so perhaps there is something in this.

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A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note above. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,

‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’

I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤

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Mar 23, 2023Edited
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I hope this article has made it clear the bar for malfeasance was met by some of the public figures discussed in this article.

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A Midwestern Dr. - don’t get me wrong you’ve done an amazing, absolutely amazing job in laying out what happened and the malfeasance bar that has been met. You as a doctor, blogger, and professional, are duty-bound to walk a very, very fine and accurate line in your exposition. Me on the other hand, I’m just a kid who grew up in the Midwest and skinned my knees there, when I fell climbing trees there. My only duty is to pointedly, directly, and unabashedly - call a SPADE A SPADE. ☺️

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Mar 24, 2023
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A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note above. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,

‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’

I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤

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Excellent statement!

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I love this piece and especially appreciate A Midwestern Doctor’s exposure of the propaganda techniques used dating back to Bernays (whom I referenced in my first essay, “A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized) and covered in greater detail in my Corona Investigative Committee presentation notes (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)).

“Scott Atlas provides an insider’s account of the horrendous mistakes made throughout the first year of the pandemic”

You know what I’m going to say, Pierre 😁

And on that note, I want to give you the biggest hug for tweeting out Tess Lawrie’s knee-buckling reading of my “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” poem TWICE 🤗

For those who missed this MUST-WATCH that has already been seen by millions and got “Mistakes Were NOT Made” trending on Twitter for three days in a row (thanks in part to you, Pierre), *please* watch this four-minute video and share as widely as possible so we can try to get it in front of every human being on the planet:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice (Video)” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a)

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Thank you! I really liked that line from Dune.

Glad you appreciated the subtle shout out to your poem ;)

It's really hard to write titles for these that encapsulate the points but aren't too long!

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Glad you appreciated that reference, AMD, and I always enjoy your cultural references, too :-)

Haha, you know how to get my attention 😆

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Oh my gosh-just watched it!!!

Thank you so much! Made me cry- it’s SOO TRUE! It’s the poem of our lives.

LOVE Tess Lawrie LOVE HER.

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Thank you, Kat, and I LOVE Tess, too!!!

I was just thinking of that picture of Tess and Pierre finally meeting for the first time at the Better Way Conference last year. My heart swelled with joy at the sight of two of my most favorite people in the world connecting in person. The only way I could have felt happier is if I was there with them 💗

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Awww. Love you MAA!

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Love you back, Pierre, so much 🤗

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They, Tess and Pierre, or the two that lead me to the truth. Shortly after peers testimony in Congress and Tess is subsequent review of the data! She came on Dr. John Campbell’s show show, and told WORLD the truth!

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A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note above. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,

‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’

I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤

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I am a reader, but I haven’t read poetry (minus Biblical literature) since high school? Or maybe something small in college that I don’t remember. 😁

And now I’m reminded of the power of a poem .

Bravo bravo 👏 🙌

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This is another area I wish they put more of a focus on in the school curriculum.

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It’s wonderful, MAA, but I wish you could forgive, understand, and love Trump.

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Thank you, Marsha, and haha, one must acknowledge error and ask for forgiveness before being forgiven rather than boasting about that error long after it’s been proven deadly :-)

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You are correct…he should ask for forgiveness for following the dictates of evil advisers.

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First, you have to acknowledge even in your own mind that you were misled by evil advisors. I’m not sure that that has happened yet.

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Thank you for that beautiful poem.

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Just saw your "Do you remember" video....fabulous!

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Aww, so glad you enjoyed it, SeeingTruth! Visceral Adventure did a fabulous job, and we look forward to future collaborations!

Here's the link for people who missed it:

• Do You Remember? (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/do-you-remember-video)

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Excited for the future collaborations! Sincerely, thank you for everything you've done during these times. 💜

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(1) The injections were NEVER created to stop Covid.

It was the reverse:

(2) Covid was created so they could launch the injection program.

The public health authorities were never "mistaken." No, they've been LYING TO US from the start over 3 years ago.

So, yes, it's time now to focus on the many career criminals and their crimes. Time to stop sugar coating crimes against humanity at W.H.O., DOD, FDA, NIH, NIAID, UNC Chapel Hill (Ralph Baric's lab), and CDC as mere "errors" and "corruption."

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Absolutely. It was and is deliberate. Mistakes were not made. No forgiveness and sure as hell no amnesty.

That being said, much thanks for your tireless work Dr. K/Dr. M - the protocols saved untold numbers of grateful folks.

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Thank you. One of the biggest challenges I've faced here is seeing that there is so much that needs to be done, it's hard to know what to focus on and when to take a break and get back to my own life/professional responsibilities.

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A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note above. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,

‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’

I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤

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If I had been in charge of designing the vaccines to stop COVID-19, I would have used a very different design. Mike Yeadon has done a good job of pointing out why many of the design features they chose were known at the time to have a high risk of creating ineffective immunity, promoting transmission, creating variants and being harmful.

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We needed nothing but early treatment with repurposed drugs.

But then they wouldn't have gotten their EUA, for the real weapon.

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Do you think developing a vaccine would be the right reaction to 'stop' covid?

In my opinion the only right reaction to covid was no reaction at all, because that would lead finally to the least deaths.

I also believe science learned us that no vaccine is possible to stop corona virusses and also that they kill more people than they save. Even the flu vaccin does. For years. Maybe decades.

I also thought this is common knowledge around the readers here on substack for at least a year now? If I am wrong, please correct me!!

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We have been conditioned to accept vaccines and pills as normal treatment for everything under the sun, to the point of pharma saturating the media with slick, expensive advertising. Yet still the boosting of one's immune system with vitamins and supplements remains a taboo topic. As does a healthy lifestyle. Bribe the masses to get a jab with french fries, keep a bowl of candy in the oncology department, counter-intuition has become normal.

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And, right now, the FDA is attempting to take down homeopathic remedies and supplements. ANH (Alliance for Natural Health) will give you options for contacting elected officials.

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That was why I phrased it as an "if"

I think effective treatment protocols being utilized until the population developed natural herd immunity would have been by far the best way to handle the pandemic.

However, if I was forced to do the vaccine approach, I would have done it completely differently because the vaccine design we went with was much worse than many other options.

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Hence NO "mistakes" were made!

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A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note above. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,

‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’

I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤

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I for one, could not agree more with your sentiments and conclusion.

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Beautifully recited by Tess

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Hence the tension between incompetence and malintent.

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Event 201 and Agenda 2030.

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Has anyone watched the Mike Adams interview with Dr Cotttrell who provides terrible insight into Ralph Baric’s lab...and what’s being planned? It’s here: https://www.brighteon.com/305eb2c4-b216-4ed0-b67e-af5fbb6ee291

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You are 100% correct.

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Don’t drink the Kool-Aid- with you 100%!!!!

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Much appreciated, Liz.. If u have interest, here are many calling 🐴🐴💩💩 :


and also the comments section:


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A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note above. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,

‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’

I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤

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You are absolutely correct.

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This is true. It is time not to write about covid like something you could have different opinions about, because reality gives us different arguments. It is not. Reality is clear. There is no proof of covid not being a fraude, there is only believe in covid not being a fraude.

So lets stop talking about covid as a matter of Gods existence. Gods existence is not scientifically proven, on the contrairy covids fraude is.

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And by the way, I've published five papers, so far -- all analytical work -- on the global warming story.

Here's a crux paper: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feart.2019.00223/full

Climate models do not predict future climate. There's no reason to think -- and no evidence to support -- that our CO2 emissions can or will do anything to the climate (except green up Earth).

All the time-series data show that everything happening these days is well within natural variability, including droughts, fires, glaciers, and extreme weather events. It's all happened before, often worse.

I'm presently about to submit a paper on the integrity of the global air temperature record. As a long-time, well-published experimental chemist, I've done the work on the integrity of the data used to support the global warming scare. And I can say without doubt or equivocation that the field is full of incompetents, the lot of them.

Climate modelers are not competent to evaluate the physical reliability of their own models. Meteorological offices staffed with people who - remarkably -- do not understand thermometers.

All of you out there with children. Reassure them of their future. The younger of you can look forward to loving your children and grandchildren. There is *zero* evidence that Earth is in danger from CO2 emissions.

Green NGOs batten their income stream by shouting alarm. That's the whole of it.

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I watched this whole movement explode and felt it was really sad it reframed the environmental movement from battling legitimate sources of pollution to attacking the nebulous and unreachable target of "climate change" and thought it was an industry ploy to neuter the environmental movement.

The recent train derailment in East Palestine is a perfect example; previously the environmental movement would have been up in arms about the toxic polluting of the entire area--yet this time around, no one in the environmental movement (besides a few legitimate people like Erin Brockovich) even cares.

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Agree, Doctor. They showed their true colors by their deafening silence on East Palestine.

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A Midwestern doctor, - I believe that IS EXACTLY why Global warming is being pushed, it’s a red herring designed to specifically and intentionally reframe the environmental movement from battling legitimate source of pollution!!!!!!!

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I spent the first half of my career working in environmental and have seen it all.

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The Climate Change Con Explained

"Ever wonder why all the world’s leaders keep saying, “We must address climate change.”?

Here’s why. It’s a con, and understanding the climate change con is actually pretty easy. Liberals/Leftists/Progressives dream of a Utopian paradise. It is their religion, their God. They believe in Utopia, not Climate Change.

To make Utopia happen requires 100% worldwide compliance of the people, but that’s an impossible task, so they are engaged in a campaign to sell you on climate change because, just as with the existence of God, climate change can neither be proven nor disproven. It is the perfect con. ”Support efforts to end climate change or all life on Earth will soon end!” is their refrain.

But here’s the rub. If climate change can’t be proven, how would we ever know that they have addressed and resolved it? There, see the con? The Left knows it’s a con. They couldn’t care less as their objective isn’t to address climate change remediation, it is to use the ruse to gain control of the levers of power worldwide.

If they can use fear to get the people of the world to embrace climate change as an existential threat, they have the excuse and the means for installing a centralized, worldwide, government. They want total control for the purpose of creating Utopia.

The dirty little secret is that over the last several decades the world’s leaders have destroyed the economies of most of the leading nations through profligate spending. They are all hopelessly in debt with no means for repaying the debt. The climate change hysterics allows them to change the subject and remain in control as they attempt to change the world to a centrally-planned, centrally-controlled, one-world government. We’ve all heard the phrase, “You’ll own nothing and be happy.” Now you know what it really means.

In other words: Utopia. Their definition of Utopia. They remain in power and you do as they say.

So, when you hear our leaders say, “We must address climate change,” just change it to “We must have a one-world government.”

Climate change hysterics is the tool they are using to (con)vince you to allow them to install it."

The Liberator


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See my reply earlier in this thread. I am a dedicated environmentalist, and really depressed at how the current global warming/climate change push has neutered the environmental movement.

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Well, I hope you don't drive one of these EVs. Everything you have heard about them is a LIE

"EVs, however, are not green. A half million pounds of earth has to be dug up for just one battery pack which must be moved for processing in huge (diesel-powered) trucks, crushed and then wildly-toxic chemicals used to extract the ores -- specifically lithium, cobalt, nickel, copper and others. None of this occurs with a traditional vehicle. The packs are not economically recyclable and requiring them to be will wildly escalate their costs further. Charging said vehicle is approximately equal to running your electric clothes dryer all night long, and the cost of power when you're not at home is roughly double to triple when you use a "supercharger" or similar; this makes the cost on a per-mile basis higher than that of a gas car in many cases.

We do not have the electrical capacity nor is there any way to generate it using so-called "green" methods to charge these vehicles if a material percentage of the fleet converts. Without power you own a $50,000 brick and being "out" means not going anywhere. What's worse is that the existing fueling stations are used by a vehicle for about 5 minutes; conservatively it requires 30 minutes to get usable range from an EV, so contemplate where you're going to get six times the land you have for each fuel station now, plus you will need to place them twice as close together as the average EV range is half or less that of a gasoline vehicle.

The truth is that modern automobile gasoline engines are about as efficient as can be achieved. CO2, which is the only primary emission of modern closed-loop gasoline engines, is not a pollutant -- it is plant food and emitted by every animal as well. Simply put your gasoline car is far greener, all-in, than is your EV. Sorry, facts are facts folks and we don't use liquid hydrocarbons because we're pigs. We use them because nobody has come up with an actual workable and cost-effective alternative.

Mandating the impossible is a recipe for societal collapse. Secretary Pete has never put forward any facts, figures and computations to show how such a "transition" can take place. That's because he knows he's 100% full of **** and what he is cheering on and part of is impossible.

I don't care if you feel this is a good thing or not. That which you feel must yield to physics.


Now the question: Will you force the so-called "politicians" to cut this crap out -- no matter what you have to do make them stop it -- or will you simply lay down at their command and die?"


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I see that hydrogen offers a better opportunity to become green but there remain serious technical issues. At least the distribution issues are simpler operating in parallel with gas. I think we can use nuclear or solar to produce hydrogen in commercial quantities, eventually. We know how to store and ship it. While not as efficient as gas direct engines bypass the need for a bunch of motors that require rare earth magnets. And mechanics know the engine and power train. High performance cars could use hydrogen electric generation with those wheel motors.

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Completely agree with you could Dr.!!!!

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Me too. Nobody in their right mind wants to poison the planet and ourselves. I would LOVE to see RFK Jr. run for President. Seems like he's the only one that understands the magnitude of the true globalist agenda ❤️🇺🇸❤️

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Please explain... How could transitioning to green energy be a bad thing?

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Transitioning to giant wind turbines is a bad thing... for starters. (most places) I think the doc is right... the environmentalists were hijacked and captured by the psychopaths.

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An excellent explanation, Russ!

This should be spread far and wide - maybe a few of the ‘con’ believers will read it and think. If only!

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Too much of weather incidents, data, etc., being related to “climate change” should more properly be tied to the real culprit (from the same purveyors of the “vaccine”), the USA Department of Defence and DARPA with their several HAARP installations around the world.

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Bless you man!!!!! I’m 100% behind you.

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As with the pandemic, military grade propaganda is used to convince us that climate change must be a hazard we must address. Those in opposition to the propaganda will get shouted down, like Atlas and Kory. Science clearly doesn't matter.

Our salvation might be the pending economic collapse long predicted as world sovereign debt crushes economies. Some suspect the only way out is the continued devaluation via inflation at rates not seen in the past. Growth and prosperity may fall by the wayside. Whether that will anger the public against our leaders, finally, is unknown. In the process the continued propaganda will fail as it has for the vaccine and the pandemic.

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If something like that happens, it will be critical for people to be as connected and united as possible.

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Bulls eye.

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I will have to be dying before I ever set foot in a doctor's office/hospital again.

"I was a nurse for 34 years and always tried to act in the best interest of the patient. Sometimes that meant protecting them from a terrible doctor. But since I’ve retired 8 years ago, I don’t even recognize this medical establishment anymore. My 38 y/o daughter had Covid last Christmas, and although she was managing with some meds a telehealth doctor sent her the first few days, after a week she began to show signs of respiratory distress and on Christmas morning I had no choice but to take her to the ER. Once there, after an infusion of steroids and some oxygen she was 100% better and asking if she could go home on oral steroids and home O2. Of course, they recommended she be admitted for overnight observation which we agreed to if I could stay with her. The first night she was stable, we both got a little sleep and assumed we would go home in the morning. But then, the nurse comes in the room and says she is going to give her Remdesivir. My daughter told her she didn’t want that drug, hadn’t agreed to it or been told about it by the doctor and wanted to be discharged in the morning. The nurse asked her why she didn’t want it. My daughter told her because she had read it can cause kidney and liver problems. The nurse told her not to worry about it because they would draw labs and look for that. She asked me what I thought. I told her she had a right to refuse a drug and if she had a concern she should talk to the doctor about it. Now at this point, as a nurse, I would not have given a medication to a patient who had concerns about it. I would have either charted the patient refused, or called the doctor and had him discuss the reasons for giving it with the patient. You know, “informed consent”. But no, she gave it anyway. About 45 minutes after the drug ran in, my daughter’s oxygen levels began to dip down, which had been stable in the low 90s. So the nurse comes in and turns her oxygen up from 4 liters to 8 liters. A pretty big jump considering they hadn’t dropped that much. I told her it looked like she wouldn’t be leaving, and I felt like it was related to the med. At the shift change the next morning, the day shift nurse opened the door, points her finger at me and sternly said “You need to leave, she’s not allowed visitors”. To which I replied that I wasn’t going anywhere, I had been there all night, I was her advocate and she wanted me there. The nurse slammed the door, and my daughter and I looked at each other like WTH? The next thing you know 4 security guards bust the door open and threaten to call the police if I don’t get up and go with them immediately. I was stunned but kept my cool. I said, “Lets just calm down, I haven’t done anything, and you don’t have a right to come in here threatening me like this. Why are you asking me to leave?” I never could get an answer from anyone except ” the nurse said so. ” I had planned to go home and shower and clean up anyway that morning so I went ahead and left (they felt it necessary to perp walk me to my car). I won’t go into all the details but I’ll just say they had to get me out of there so they could start the murder of my daughter.But they had no idea who they were dealing with. First of all she was a college athlete and is tough as nails mentally and physically. Secondly, they were dealing with a mamma near who they had just pissed off who had some medical knowledge and wasn’t going to let them kill my baby. We kept constant contact by facetime, phone, and she gave me her info to get into her electronic chart so I was monitoring her lab results, doctors notes and everything going on with her from home. They were telling her she was getting worse, but clinically I wasn’t seeing that and she wasn’t feeling that. We started weaning her off the oxygen in the hospital without them knowing it because they refused to turn it down. I’m fact, they kept increasing it and told her she would probably need a vent the next day. This was after she had been off all oxygen for 3 hours and her oxygen level was 95%!. They were flat out lying to her face. The third day they came into to give her the Remdesivir she told the nurse she didn’t want it and if she gave it anyway she would be filing assault charges against her. The nurse turned around and left. Finally we decided she was going to tell the doctor the next morning she wanted to be discharged and if she refused she was leaving AMA. And that’s what she did. There are so many other things about this I could write a book, like how they withheld food and water until she kept bugging them over and over to get something, or the nurse who called security on me saying to her “too bad you didn’t get the vaccine, then your son wouldn’t have to grow up without a mother”. She has suffered PTSD from it, but thank heavens she’s still alive and my heart aches for all those families who had loved ones murdered in the hospitals from Faucis death protocol. We can never let this happen again and those who participated in it must be held accountable at some point."


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The part about the O2 sats dropping immediately after Remdesivir is really interesting, thank you for sharing.

One of my friends who was a doctor had a horrible hospital experience and was constantly having to keep an eye on things that could have killed in (and in one case almost did). I also read a similar account from another doctor.

I think the quality of care greatly varies hospital by hospital, and typically the smaller rural ones are much less likely to do things like this, which is why I advocate going to them for common issues (rarer ones often required very specialized centers) even though most people assume the rural ones are terrible and you want to go to the well known prestigious ones.

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IDK. My friend was in rural hospital when I was texting her to ask the doctor for Ivermectin, as the studies and anecdotal stuff was rolling in. He said ‘it was too late in her course.’ They stabilized her and sent her back to the farm, with oxygen. She exacerbated. Her husband panicked, and took her to yet another rural hospital. They life flighted her to a Vanderbilt. She called me, from under the bipap, begging me to het her transferred. She said they nurses came in every 15 wanting to know if she was ready to be intubated. She adamantly did NOT want to be intubated. She was dead 48 hours later. Collected only one social security check. Her family has never gotten the records, but I would imagine they gave her Run-Death-Is-Near.

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It’s just absolutely is beyond my comprehension that so much of the public doesn’t want to hear this and know has happened. I really hope that at least these hospital atrocities are not still going on.

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This is HORRIBLE! 😡

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I am so sorry

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This is horrific. It's as if they intended to kill every patient.

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OMG! I feel like whooping some ass. That should never happen. Yes, people need to go to prison for murder, nurses included.

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Love you, David Blackwell! 😌

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The statistic that I would love to see is the number of medical professionals dismissed for NOT taking the jab who worked in emergency rooms compares to the total number of medical professionals dismissed for NOT taking the jab.

That percentage, I would expect, is significantly greater than the percentage of emergency room medical professionals compared to the total number of medical professionals at a given hospital.

Purely an educated guess on my part, as I have not seen any numbers on this. The question all-too-rarely asked is "why would so many medical professionals sacrifice their jobs (and possibly their careers) rather than take the jab?" What did they know that the rest of us didn't?

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Good point.

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God bless you and I thank you for your perfect concern, care and diligence. This must come out to the public if any official inquiry gets underway.

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Your story makes my blood boil.

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The system is totally broken and COVID confirmed this 100%!! How about cardiologists that currently give every person that visits a statin yet NEVER discusses diet! Where has the US gone with heart disease......let me see there is more heart disease than ever in history but they don’t care!! They just prescribe more statins..... real science is dead is the US medical system!! You are on your own and I do not remotely think that is going to change! We are in the business of making big pharma bigger to the point that they rule your entire life! Sounds crazy I know.... but just open your eyes!

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100% agree. I am a nurse and the segment of the article about healthcare workers being depressed after the Covid nonsense is exactly how I feel. I know our system has been a mess for a long time, but the Covid response was so horrible and it exposed how many believe blindly what they are told without questioning anything. Something has been very broken and I really have a hard time being at work. Everyone else feels it too. When I was it work yesterday, it struck me how little joy there is in the hospital. I know there is always some sadness, but this different. People were still happy and hopeful for the most part. Nurses had meaning in helping others, even when it was really difficult. Now it is mostly negative. I don’t see people hopeful, I feel a lot of despair. I have seriously considered leaving the profession. I don’t know where else to go. All the institutions are corrupt and at least I can try to help change peoples minds. Ask them questions and try to get them to take charge of their own healthcare and start rejecting our current model. I tried to convince people to not take the vaccines when they hadn’t yet or not get a booster and make them feel better when they thought they were crazy or alone for not getting caught up in the hysteria. I hope I can help in that way and also I don’t want to abandon all the helpless people in my community stuck in our current health care model. I don’t know what the right thing to do is, but I am going to start here and see where God leads me from here.

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Oh, I so empathize with how you are feeling. I too am feeling disenchanted and completely deflated with our once beloved medical community.

It might help you to remember how much patients really need a presence like you around. It’s important for people to be near someone who “gets it”! Whether they know it or not-you are critical to them for comfort, hope, and healing. Not equating the scenarios but think about how some of the people felt who hid the Jews during Nazi times? These people who saw the truth and atrocities but still held hope and risked themselves to saving as many Jews as they could. ❤️

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As a patient, I agree. We need supportive sane nurses, and we need to support them. And we need sane people answering the phone and scheduling. It is a real battle right now, quite frankly a nightmare and I love it when I encounter sane staff.

It is sad and depressing to see how far our world class healthcare system has been ruined.

The good news is two medical practices I go to have dropped the masks, one has a sign that if you want the healthcare staff to wear a mask in your presence to request it and they will oblige. My pharmacy has taken off voicemail the messages about getting your vaxx.

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Thank you for helping these people 🙏


People need antioxidants - as supplements and in the diet


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You are right, and to me you do not sound crazy at all, the current situation is bizarre and anything but I thought it was

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The statin thing is depressing.

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I agree - incredibly irresponsible!! The sad thing is American medicine ONLY includes drugs… no cares about diet or exercise! My husband’s top rated cardiologists told him he was happy that he exercised because then we would know when he had an “event”…….seriously???? He has changed his CIMT score by 22% solely by diet and exercise!! I’m not trying to be weird but anyone can do this if they want to….. they don’t know and no one is telling them 🥲

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One of the biggest initial hoaxes cast upon the public came very early on, that being something called asymptomatic testing. I believe that the idea, perhaps mind-virus, they were trying to infect society with was the notion that most people were at some level actually sick but were asymptomatic. Or they didn't even know they were sick. Funny thing; we used to call asymptomatic people HEALTHY.

Had they tried pushing needless and indiscriminate testing on 'healthy' people, perhaps more would have started to become aware of the malfeasance that was going on. The word "asymptomatic" was not chosen by accident, in my opinion, and poured highly flammable fuel on the already growing firestorm of fear which was started by the likes of Biden, Birx, Fauci et al.

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Atlas also actively spoke out against the push for asymptomatic testing.

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This "asymptomatic" label also made people scared to be around ANYONE (invisible boogeyman) lest they might be a "carrier" -further getting people to self-isolate and push others away. Perfect recipe for depression and broken relationships. 😢

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I think you have to ask yourself why. They normally take their instructions from the deep state. Why do they want this information out now?

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Exactly. Their plan is ready for the next hundred years at least. And we are not in it. So cannot be anything else than a necessary step in the direction of getting rid of us.

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Mar 23, 2023
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That is a lot of musing. This might help you out in your deliberations:


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if i were in charge, the media would be the first to be fitted hemp neckties - fuck them

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Oh I do like you!!

They are paid propogandists...have been for a long long time.

I do wish people would wake up and realize the MSM is now a political/brainwashing tool.

Turn it off.

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With all that happened, the lies, the intimidation, the loss of reputations, I saw small businesses lost. I saw the state, I live in Massachusetts, crush anyone that did not comply. A gym had their water and electricity turned off. Landlords did not recieve rent, yet their expenses were not forgiven. The Govenor actually went on television to be there when the gym was locked closed.

Through all of this the government kept spending like drunken gamblers. The teachers and clerks stayed home yet were paid. I only bring this up because the average person did not get support beyond an order to wear a mask, keep a distance and a questionable gene therapy injection. Some unemployment but the property taxes and the rest continued to accrue. I would love to know how many leins have been auctioned off to trusts that now charge credit card rates. How many homes will soon be forclosed on. The leviathan does not care ,and this dirty little secret continues. Some states take possession of the whole value beyond the tax amount due.

Finally the m-RNA is an abomination, big pharma laughed all the way to the bank, and the government didn't miss an opertunity.

What I want to see is atonement, but as usual I won't hold my breath.

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I view a lot of this as a lesson in why it is so important to restrict the power of government, as many people who you would never think would greatly overstep what was appropriate to do will do so once they have the power and opportunity to do so.

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The best government is the smallest

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People were deliberately driven out of their minds by fear promulgated by our own government, so that they would take the vaccine.

The suppression of early treatment, the inabilty even with a prescription to get ivermectin or HCQ needs to be LITIGATED and the people responsible (AZAR and THAT OTHER GUY WHO BRAGGED ABOUT IT)..FDA needs to be CLASS ACTION LAWSUITED.

Then we can discuss the role of the media...and the Role of the DOD/FDA/DARPA/BARDA, etc.

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Exactly - classic psy-op. They shattered the human psyche with fear to the point most accepted without question the most outrageous behavior (apartheid re-structuring of society, rabid blind hate against the unjabbed, virtue signaling of the jabbed, jabbing children, etc.). Watching "The Stanford Prison Experiment" and "Milgram Experiment" were helpful to watch at the time as they reflected the science behind what was actually happening.

The really scary part was that it was happening concurrently across the globe, with most governments participating.

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I am hoping something can be done to rectify the systemic within the agency.

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In early 2020, I read Inglesby, et al., (2006) "Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza" Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science 4(4), 366-375; https://doi.org/10.1089/bsp.2006.4.366 which I cannot recommend too highly. It provides the wisdom learned dealing with viral pandemics from the 1918 flu through to the 2003 SARS-CoV-1 outbreak.

The prime recommendation is to keep things as normal as possible during a pandemic, so as to not panic the public. Masks are considered of doubtful utility. Schools are recommended to stay open, no mass quarantine, no lockdowns, and no restrictions on travel. Only the sick are quarantined to home care, or hospitalization.

Reading that, it was immediately clear in early 2020 that everything the CDC was pushing was exactly wrong. The opposite of the hard-learned wisdom in Ingelsby, 2006. They could not have done a worse job if they had consciously set out to cause havoc.

And, given the training of CDC professionals, I can only surmise that they knew what should be done and then in fact did set out to do everything wrong. Panic the population, disrupt life, cause injury.

Well, they succeeded. But they shouldn't get away with it. No forgiveness. No amnesty. No putting it all behind us. These people caused mass death -- I'd say murder -- and mass major injury. They violated the Nuremberg Laws and their own Hippocratic Oath. They need to be held to account.

And where jail time is warranted, it ought to be meted out. And not some cushy federal white-collar crime, Ghislaine Maxwell-coddling Federal prison, either. Real prison. Real lock-up.

The whole business needs to be opened up to full view by all. No sequestering of documents or data for 75 years.

All those hospital administrators and doctors who forbade entering adverse events into VAERS should be called out and forced to testify under oath. All those who denied early treatment and forced intubation and Remdesivir -- brought up on charges of murder. All those Medical Board hacks that forbade effective early treatment of Covid on pain of losing a license to practice should be required to resign in shame (at the least).

And all those university presidents and provosts who mandated the jab -- negligent homicide for every death, conspiring to commit great bodily harm for every injury, violation of Nuremberg Law for every injection. A life of disgrace for the lot of them.

And all those reporters who blandly reported the party line, investigating nothing, sneering at "anti-vxxers," turning their backs on all the suffering and abuse, let them apologize on air, and be released to jobs they're suited for; I honestly don't know what jobs they'd be because being associated with those reporters would insult the people who now do those jobs.

Am I angry? Hell yes!

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THIS: But they shouldn't get away with it. No forgiveness. No amnesty. No putting it all behind us. These people caused mass death -- I'd say murder -- and mass major injury. They violated the Nuremberg Laws and their own Hippocratic Oath. They need to be held to account.

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That's cause they used the so called "pandemic" (which wasn't one, look at the data)...because they have been war gaming it for years, most recently in Oct. 2019....this was all planned...and it was because they needed to get a vaccine passport so they can institute a China Social Credit System via CBDC...which is coming out in July this year.

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I love to cite that document to people!

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I believe, as you suggest, they wanted “a worse job” and did “set out to cause havoc”. “Never let a crisis go to waste”, especially if you created and managed it.

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Dr. Kory, recommend reading "The Fourth Turning" by Neil Howe and William Strauss, it gives a tremendously helpful road map for our idiocracy. Many (most?) of our institutions and bureaucracies are broken, corrupt or incompetent, and this book explains how, why and what to expect in the years to come.

Thanks as always for all you do for medical freedom!


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Yes...they are hopelessy and utterly corrupt. WE need a new way forward...perhaps

something more in line with a Constitutional Republic.

All Non profits and Supra national organizations Who/GAVI/United Nations, etc. MUST GO.

Along with the Federal Reserve.

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Thank you; I'll try to read it.

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Mistakes were NOT made.

Willful ignorance, censorship and mass MURDER ... These are NOT "mistakes"!

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Too late for the stupid media to get on the bandwagon...unless, of course, it is taking them ALL to prison for 20 years each. Never trusting anything from the main street media again. They can never buy forgiveness nor make enough restitution for the horrible harm and murder they have caused.

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I have always felt the mainstream media lies continuously. It has been amazing for me to see much of the public wake up to this possibility.

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With free speech on Twitter now people are hearing the truth finally!! Our own DOD working to kill our citizens

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I am grateful to Elon for doing that.

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