It's wonderful that you are assisting Dr. Hoffe. He was one of the very first physicians to express alarm about what he was observing in his practice. Since when are diligence, responsibility, and concern for patients regarded as disreputable qualities? Hoffe should be getting a medal, not prosecution.

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Readers might be interested in my in-depth feature story on Richard Hirschman, the famous/infamous embalmer who first showed the world images of the “horrifying” clots he was seeing in up to 50 percent of the bodies he embalmed.

If you read or skim the story, please note the link I added about a medical professional who recently became a whistleblower and reported that doctors and nurses are removing these worm-like substances from patients “three to 10 times every week.” They are NOT forming only “post-mortem.”


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Game on ;)

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It should be "game over" for those behind the greatest crime against humanity in known history. But the 'game' is rigged in favor of multinational corporations aka "corporate persons". And to the present day, not one of the responsible mass murdering corporate persons has been declared "persona non grata" by nations affected by those crimes.

Instead, the flames of world war III are turbo fanned to cover up the most heinous and atrocious crimes against humanity, nature and thus life.

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Finally an article I can send to a good friend that won't end the friendship.

Early in her career she was a dental hygienist and later taught. She has a background in science and medicine that I do not have. Later she worked at AT&T.

In a call with her I went too far. She has had 5 shots. She did listen but I got started and could not stop myself from laying out the evidence. I really am over my head but have spent 3 hours per day for over 3 years and some of what I have learned has stuck. Her husband had a heart attack - guess about 65 years old, early 70's at the latest and in good health. I couldn't bring myself to call back and recount the heart problems from the vax.

Of course I have no way of knowing if his heart attack was related to the vax, but I held back advice because I didn't want to risk a friendship.

I am going to take a chance that my friendship will survive by sending this article. Thanks

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Don, let me know what happens...

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Update: My friend didn't change her mind but we are still friends.

She trusts her doctor and I know that I can't come between them.

I agonized sending her information and glad to say that we are still friends.

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It ends friend ships

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Dearest Don - I hate to say it, but it will survive if she doesn't read it. If she does, she will most likely ghost you.

"People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right." I think it was Thomas Sowell that said this.

I red pilled my cousin with Ed Dowd's book (only because he READ it). The close relationship we once had is gonzo. But I must remember, this is about him and not about his feelings for me. I know he still loves me (his own son got myocarditis from the shots).

We cannot think about the consequences of spreading truth my friend. You will make new friends - like the friendship that you and I share all because Dr. Kory couldn't tell you where to buy ivermectin! And I am so very grateful for our friendship.

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Laura – I had not come across that quote from Thomas Sowell (?) before, but I suspect that it sums up the situation for most people around the World who are awake to the dangerous nature of the Covid injectables - but have been unable to convince others. My views on the danger of the mRNA injectables were either politely ignored, or completely rejected, by both relatives and friends. As a result, I have had to make the hard decision to simply shut-up about it and psychologically prepare myself for their possible premature deaths. This is what distresses me most in my old age.

The last four years of the Covid/Covid-Vax disaster have opened my eyes to the fact that both the psychology of social interactions and the way that people reach decisions based on flawed information, is complex in ways that I never before understood. I suspect that the corporations and their bought-and-paid-for ‘health’ bureaucratic stooges who were behind the rollout of these dangerous genetic injectables well understood this and built it into their campaign plan – after all, they have the full force of the advertising industry’s manipulative psychological practices behind them. The government bureaucrat & corporate media fear campaigns were clearly part of this - intended to disable rational thinking.

The whole Covid disaster triggered my interest in how people can be so easily manipulated en-masse. One discovery that surprised me is that the more formal educational qualifications that a person holds, the more vulnerable that person is to psychological manipulation by ‘authority figures’. Here in Australia where I live, people who rely on the lying talking-heads of the public broadcaster (the ‘Australian Broadcasting Corporation’) for their fake news, tend to be the better educated - and they believe every deceptive word that is fed to them by the ideologues who run that deceitful organisation – whereas the “man in the pub” further down the socio-economic scale, tends to be more sceptical. Partial awareness of this fact was reinforced by my recent discovery of the writings of Victor Klemperer (1881-1960) - a German-Jewish academic who lived through the eras of Weimar Germany, the Third Reich, and then the early years of communist East Germany. From 1933 to 1945 he kept a detailed diary of day-to-day events that were occurring to him and his wife - particularly their interactions with other Germans. Klemperer makes the observation several times in his diary that it was the educated that he encountered that tended to be the ones who were readiest to parrot the party line on the Jews and tended to be the most hostile - whereas working people, were not. He and his wife managed to survive the War – including the fire-bombing of Dresden - but his diaries were only published in English after his death. They provide deep insights into how people react to political manipulation.

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Lapun - Yes, I have witnessed this myself. I have two older brothers (twins 75). One (an electrical engineer) has his name on many patents - the other, an IQ of 148. They (along with their wives) bought into the lies completely. My twin sister and I (11 years younger) are wide awake - I got two shots before my awakening 6 months later. Thank God my sister did not get them. We have been estranged from our brothers for over 2 years. They want nothing to do with us. It has been one of the most heartbreaking things we've every experienced. We used to be so very close.

What has helped me to understand what we are witnessing is this scripture:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

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Agreed, Laura - Ephesians 6:12 well describes what is going on. Even the brilliant Bret Weinstein PhD (a secular Jew) has pondered whether a demonic force is behind this unfolding catastrophe to humanity. Weinstein describes this organisational force in figurative terms as ‘Goliath’ - but points out that it has not all gone Goliath’s way. The very fact that a significant proportion of people are awake to the catastrophe signifies that. As far as I am concerned the most culpable actors in this disaster have been the contemptible people who work in the corporate media. It was their job to expose what has been going on - but they have betrayed us all. I don’t know how the fools in the media can look at themselves in the mirror. They must be driven by gross avarice.

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Tucker’s interview of Bret was excellent, wasn’t it! I was very surprised by his comment about Goliath.

Naomi Wolf has also talked about the demonic force. Her two books are a great read.

I agree about the media. The “love of money”. Again, Biblical.

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Jan 19, 2024
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I have 2 dead sisters a dead son and a dead friend who got the bio jab

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Marianne - I am so very sorry for your profound losses. I don’t know what to say other than I am praying for you. 🙏🙏🙏

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Seems wrong to “like” your note here, Maryanne; however, heart felt & sad prayers go out to you in support at this very difficult time! Be well! With love & blessings to you from me. ❤️🙏

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Thank you Nama I am not looking for likes just want the truth to get out there that people are being killed but the people who need to read it have their head in the sand

My siblings won't be reading this and at least 2 have had their 6th shot

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Jan 19, 2024
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No truer words, Delta 🥰

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While you're at it, you may want to send your friend this article & ask her if she thinks this is normal...https://www.emerald.tv/p/so-many-obituaries-so-much-death

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Yes! My thoughts exactly.

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Any licensing Board should be prohibited from delivering second opinions in contra to those it regulates, as it constitutes “practice” and said Board has no client relationship, to boot. Thus, it is interjecting an unserious opinion into a serious matter.

The ONLY party that has standing to go after the licensee from a harm or malpractice standpoint is a “harmed patient”.

In cases of public comment on the part of the licensee in which a Board swoops down and censures for breach of ethics, etc., so long as the public comment is covered by “practice”, such commentary is protected professional opinion; i.e., work product. No Board may get between the physician and his work product, as it has no standing as a harmed patient.

To boot, a licensee is fit to practice by dint of his having achieved licensure, so barring extreme, justifiable cases, he is by default immune from Board allegations of incompetence unless and until he is found incompetent by means of harm through practice as adjudicated from a claim of harm.

“A deemed fit person is fit until such time as he is deemed not fit; therefore, be wary of deeming fitness, for it grants great powers of discretion to the fit.”

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excellent excellent excellent. But like medical ethics, the law has been ignored by authorities across the world.. He who has the gold makes the rules apparently

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Spoken like a lawyer, but understandable to all... Great points!

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Very well said. In a court of law, these points will stand. Even if the board chooses to ignore them, if said in a letter to them. I don’t know about countries in Europe or Australia, the formal medical system in the USA, largely driven by big pharma and the insurance companies, became the biggest obstacle for a speedy retreat of the pandemic from their midst. For all their flip sides, the third world countries were a blessed lot. I am extending the example from India. While formally towing the guidelines from the West, the Boards here did not prevent the thousands of individual doctors, registered under them , following their clinical assessments in treating their patients. Thus was born the greatest example of success in medical history of repurposing of classical drugs, subduing an otherwise devastating pandemic from a new virus. Molecules like Ivermectin, HCQ, Azithromycin, Montelukast, Levocetrizine and the like were the torch bearers of victory here. Countries like the USA, which gave these drugs to mankind in the earlier decades, strangely chose to ignore them, at terrible cost.

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The USA has inculcated an obeisance into its population such that any mandated whim by default is accepted as fate.

Thus, if the FDA/CDC say that popularly prescribed prophylactic HCQ will now suddenly drop you in your tracks, physicians refuse to prescribe it as therapeutic for patients dying in hospitals…while it remained available for arthritis patients and malaria-prone travel. Figure that.

Well, that doesn’t figure, but that was the state of dissonance in American medicine. Fear creates such havoc. Lawsuits and arbitrary loss of employment create that fear. The regulators created that susceptibility to arbitrary and capricious whimsy by the state. The licensee has as sole recourse the burden to demonstrate before the judge that the Board may not take tenor and rumor and supposition and turn it into fact, nor shall it intervene in a domain exclusive to the licensee, under penalty of misdemeanor (or worse), due to the serious ramifications of loss of license—and therefore loss of employment, likely under significant debt burden for the cost to acquire practice of medicine.

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Again, very well said, genuine passion about the issue in your comments. There could be a case for psychologists or behavioural scientists here. Governments and their institutions are the same everywhere, comprising mostly self serving individuals, public service is the cost for them to stay in power. In a situation we are discussing here, these bodies, the ones in the USA and the ones in India have not behaved the same. We may have to exclude a larger role for the govt, in the USA, on how things came to such a pass. I would the blame the very large system of medicinal insurance there, totally in private hands. In turn they are under the nose of big Pharma. Any treatments outside their guidelines can be refused for insurance cover by the companies and this can become a direct financial liability on the practising doctors who cannot simply afford to bear such liabilities. In unforeseen, unfortunate cases, the liabilities can doom the doctors. This is the origin of fear element in them. Patient care becomes a secondary importance for them. Cannot blame them. That is the difference here, where outpatient care is largely borne by the individuals and for the poor, it is mostly from community hospitals and health centres, not perfect examples of efficiency, but they work nonetheless.

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You are correct. Pharma and liability are core causes.

Insurance is the bane of the USA. It inflates pricing to bankruptcy levels and causes discrimination against cash and self insurance. Way too much power amassed in insurers.

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Well said perhaps the biggest mistake is when we have medical boards lording it over doctors

Where are the days when a doctor was a family doctor looking after the families in his her care

One is lucky if one gets to see a doctor for more than 5 minutes at $102

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A MILLION thanks for your pro bono assistance with this case, Dr. Kory!! As a resident of British Columbia, how could NOT support your Substack!!

Done! Sadly, all across Canada our medical colleges are attacking truth-telling medical professionals. Their day will come as the blindfolds come off of Canadians’ eyes.

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Thanks so much Jack... Yeah Canada has been particularly vicious

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They never had a chance. Confronted with reality, it will be fascinating to see what the "authorities" do after they duct-tape their heads to prevent them from exploding.

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Am so ashamed of Canada. But not surprised.

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Dr. Kory, I just read your book and is a great read! I have been living a parallel life to Dr. Hoffe as a physician who was initially bamboozled by the public health/pharma/government/media collusion scheme (worthy of Nuremberg-level tribunals) but kept searching for the empiric data and proof when what I was seeing with my own eyes did not fit the narrative, finally flipping 180 degrees in the Fall of 2021. For my patients' safety, I have been very outspoken. Your story makes me feel less isolated and more hopeful. You are an angel who is protecting angels. Thank you so much for your hard work and your support of Dr. Hoffe. Our patients (past, present, and future) need you and those other brave souls.

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Dr Kory, you are truly a treasure to humanity!

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Important doctor you forgot: Dr. William Makis.

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Adding him now!!! Thank you!!!!

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Dr. Patrick Phillips lost his license for speaking the truth.

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Will add now!!

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Speaking of Dr. Makis, here is what is attempting to do...https://makismd.substack.com/p/breaking-calling-all-alberta-healthcare

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Like many of you, I have been following this baffling corruption of science by governments and public health(sic-sick?) agencies for four tedious years. And I recognize all the names and faces of those brave, extremely well-credentialed doctors and scientists brave enough to speak truth to power. I suspect the majority of Canadians still rely on the legacy media to keep abreast of the world around them. I count myself fortunate to have found ethical and trustworthy sources like Dr. Kory who have found a platform to counter the one-sided narrative of corporations like the CBC. Sadly for many Canadians, the CBC now appears to be biting the hand that feeds it, that is the Canadian taxpayer, by marching under the flag of the umbrella “Trusted News Media” to ensure we only hear THEIR version of The Science. I am beyond elated to know that there is army assembling to take on the captured BC College of Physicians and Surgeons with brilliant minds like those of Dr.’s Kory, McCullough and our own Dr. Jessica Rose in the front ranks.

This should prove historic!

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“A third reason is that knowledge of ivermectin’s efficacy would greatly decrease profits from the competing, patented, highly profitable Covid medicines such as remdesivir, paxlovid, and molnupiravir.”

I would describe remdesivir, paxlovid, and molnupiravir as meta-sins.

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Half way measures at half way ideas half done Or half baked

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To prove things in court, you need this kind of extensive analysis. But the first few paragraphs that detail the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia's response to Dr. Hoffe - their first and only internal response was to find someone to report Dr. Hoffe for writing the letter - tells us what we really need to know. This matches my personal experience perfectly. Multiple people I know told me about friends or relatives with almost certain vaccine injuries, at the very least needing investigation, and the doctor's response to every single one was, "No, it can't be a vaccine injury because we already know they're safe and effective." This was in Spring 21 when it would have been impossible to already know this.

The incentives - financial, mental, and emotional - were so stacked against the vast majority of doctors and other healthcare workers in the system ever admitting the shots weren't miraculous, that it's almost impossible to believe any of the official numbers about them. Sure this isn't enough to prove anything in court, but it certainly is enough to make personal decisions based on.

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"No, it can't be a vaccine injury because we already know they're safe and effective." That has been the medical-industrial-complex response for decades, to a parent describing what happened to their children following the CDC's unproven safe vaccination schedule. Decades of experience trotting out safe and effective--end of story.

We are in the predicament we are in, because no one was able to challenge the systemic problems and those that did were "Hoffed" or as I know it, "Wakefielded".

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THis is brilliant and important work. Thank you all for your efforts.

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Dr Kory a huge thank you for being a source of truth in a world awashed in lies and untruths. Your book was a true eye opener. You and the Midwestern doctor Meryl Nass Peter McCullough all have kept to the Hippocrate oath thank you

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Cases like this are so critical since the $cience lovers use these insane smears as their only possible defense. Since logic, critical thinking and evidence are making them look like the fools that they are.

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Let's hope we don't devolve into "show me the man and I'll show you the crime." Then critical thinking wouldn't matter at all.

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