I took ivermectin prophylactically back at the height of the pandemic, and never caught Covid, even though my vaccinated husband had it. While I no longer take it orally, ivermectin continues to play a daily role in my health. I have suffered from rosacea for years and never had any success with any of the standard treatments. Now there is a topical prescription cream called Soolantra that contains ivermectin as the active ingredient. It truly has been a game changer for me. My skin has been completely clear and free of the sores that used to haunt me. People regularly comment on how beautiful my skin is, compliments I’m not used to receiving! I give all the thanks to ivermectin and readily tell people. Ivermectin is truly a miracle drug!

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My dad was hospitalized with Covid in August 2021 and was denied IVM and HCQ because the doctors insisted that there was no supporting evidence and it was not “protocol”. These doctors had a moral obligation to be current on their medical knowledge or at least intellectually open to investigating alternative treatments. Their willful blindness caused so many unnecessary deaths.

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As you know , I and millions of others used the great “horse dewormer “ drug both as preventive & therapeutic starting as early as the summer & fall of 2020. My deepest appreciation to you ( and others) for your bravery & perseverance in defending it.

Billy Davis DVM

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“I didn’t know public health agencies were supposed to be snarky but whatever”

I love the meta-snarkiness in this aside—Jenna’s wicked sense of humor is rubbing off on you 🤣

Pierre, I know you and likely many of your readers are fellow Apocaloptimists, so I want to take a moment to celebrate three of *many* pieces of good news this week to supercharge everyone’s morning:

1) From Tess Lawrie—“Good News: The UK’s membership of the WHO seems to be unlawful and legal action is pending”: https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/the-peoples-lawyers-claim-that-the

2) “Canadian Truckers Score Big Victory Over Trudeau in Federal Court”: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/canadian-truckers-big-victory-trudeau-federal-court/

Anyone who needs a refresher course on Trudeau’s treachery and Canadian tyranny can check these out:

• “Letter to Justin Trudeau”: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-justin-trudeau

• “Profiles in Courage: The Canadian Truckers”: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian

3) CJ Hopkins was found NOT GUILTY of thoughtcrimes at his trial on Tuesday!

I urge everyone to take five minutes to read the HISTORIC speech CJ delivered in court as it is possibly the most electrifying speech I’ve ever read on totalitarianism, and its performance in the context of a totalitarian trial makes it all the more significant:

• “The Verdict”: https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/the-verdict

For the cherry on top, please consider signing the thank-you card I have written to Substack for standing firm against censorship by adding your name to the comments of this post:

• “On Fearing Freedom—Plus Thanking Substack for Standing up to the Censorship Bullies”: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/on-fearing-freedomplus-thanking-substack

My goal is to get this to 500 comments before (re)presenting it to Hamish McKenzie, Chris Best, and Jairaj Sethi, so I would be grateful to any and all who are willing to take just a moment to add a note of thanks!

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My sister lives in Canada, and early in the pandemic, went to her own physician to get a prescription for ivermectin to have on hand in case she or my elderly mother contracted the disease. He told her it was unavailable and that he was unable to provide the prescription, but after she demonstrated to him that she had done her homework (she knew more than he did, in fact) and that she knew about the illegitimate smear campaign against this drug, he admitted that he had a bottle of veterinary grade ivermectin in his own cupboard for just such a moment, thus giving her silent affirmation that that was a perfectly reasonable tactic given the stupidity of the powers that be. 

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Pierre, I don’t have the resources or reach that you do, but I have a friend who was a pharmacist before he was a physician & who is married to a woman who raises and shows horses. We discussed veterinary ivermectin at some length and he said it was essentially the same (different vehicle & flavor--apple). This before I started taking it for prophylaxis, I never did prescribe the veterinary formula for patients, for fear of regulatory liability. Instead I started importing it from India to dispense to patients. Being in Amish country, bunches of my patients just went to the feed store and got it for themselves (there is a gauge on the plunger of the tube that gives you the dose for your body weight).

As I have reflected on the issue of the purity and safety of the veterinary product, I don’t think it is of any less purity, quality, safety, then human preparation of ivermectin. Think about it: The owners are regularly using this on show horses and racehorses many of which cost millions of dollars to purchase, not to mention how much it cost to feed and maintain them, transport them to races and shows, etc. Also, realize that this is used on dairy Farms and cattle Farms where the health of the animals is absolutely crucial to the economic viability of the farm. The people who own and run these farms and animals are not stupid. They wouldn’t have the money that they do if they were and they would not be putting some second rate product in an animal that cost minimum hundreds of thousands of dollars and upwards of millions of dollars.

Like everything that our government and it minions have spewed in the last four years, at least, the denigration of veterinary, ivermectin were lies.

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In Ontario, Canada, the government immediately ordered pharmacies to stop ordering and stocking it in 2020 and removed it from the list of funded drugs for seniors. My elderly demented mother was in a nursing home and I was illegally prohibited by the home from entering to visit or care for her between March 2020 and December 2022 because I had refused the jabs. The government quietly owned up to the misuse of the jab mandates in late 2022 but didn't punish anyone for applying a nonexistent order that resulted in significant suffering and death and was not authorized by the provincial emergency laws. Due to neglect and isolation (which I certainly would have prevented had I been allowed in) my mother developed scabies. The doctor at the home was reluctant to risk going through all the flaming barbed wire hoops that the government had put in place to stop doctors from prescribing ivermectin for ANY reason, even though it was the official nursing home standard of care for treating scabies, so my mother suffered unbearable torment for FIVE MONTHS with untreated bleeding itching sores all over her body, until I blew the whistle. A buck's worth of the drug, in two doses, cured her scabies. It cost me $90 Cdn. She died shortly after but was at least free of scabies. Ask me if I'm still bitter.

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A thousand thanks for your clear-eyed and fully-informed defense of Dr Hoffe. In BC our health authority Dr zBonnie Henry has never read a study on ivermectin AND NEVER WILL. Her authority and her paycheque rest on the Trudeau government's huge investment in Pfizer, and the consequent necessity of distributing the countermeasure to every Canadian, of every age, until it's all gone.

The uninformed tyranny of the College continues to threaten doctos' licences if they insist on actually practicing medicine.

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The sickest thing is that many lawmakers themselves took ivermectin (privately) and then touted the big pharma policy line depriving millions

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Yup, I used animal ivermectin and not only did I not die or overdose but I didn’t even get a cough when I had covid and I’m asthmatic. Go figure 🙄🙄

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In response to my recent comment ( concerning Dr. Kory’s brave IVM defense), no one can “ recommend “ use of animal products for humans. However, I am fully aware of hundreds of people who were FORCED to use the animal versions because it was the only medical choice they had . NO ONE had any issues whatsoever related to their intake of these drugs. Lives were saved & infections were cured . People are free to do whatever they wish . As a coincidence ( for 40+ years) , I happen to be a veterinarian who used IVM in dozens of species & thousands of animals for those 4 decades.

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Dr. Kory,

Thank you for these facts, your research and commitment to helping HUMANITY.

Very much appreciate the free access to your valid information. Thanks to you, your staff AND your subscribers...

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Dr Kory - This is a very belated response to your kind reply to a comment of mine from Jan 10 when you wondered if you potentially treated my mom for Covid during your time in Wausau. I read somewhere that you worked at Aspirus at some point, but I didn’t know the timing. However, you definitely did not treat her. My father was treated in the Aspirus ICU in 2019 for his pneumonia, but in 2021, my mom was only treated locally in Minocqua by two ICU docs who alternated weeks. One seemed like a genuinely good physician who was clearly grappling with the ever-evolving limitations of the hospital treatment protocols. He had at least figured out that remdesivir wasn’t helping whereas the other was still a fan of both trying both remdesivir and baricitimab. As you explained to me in your reply then and in this article today, the timeline of the anti-ivermectin propaganda campaign plus when they started restricting access perfectly overlapped with the course of her illness; a circumstance that is equal parts astonishing and heartbreaking.

The description you provided in your reply of the difficulties in treating Delta was helpful for me to come to grips with what happened to her, so thank you for explaining things from a very informed ICU doctor’s point of view. Moving in with the person you love most in the world with the primary goal of being their health advocate only to be restricted to doing so over the phone with a series of nurses’ and doctors’ voices you’ll never meet for an illness as bizarre and polarizing as Covid armed with treatment protocols you’ve curated off the internet requiring drugs you can’t obtain here in the supposed land of the free definitely messes with your head. There will always be aspects to my mother’s passing that will make me question if I did everything I possibly could for her (e.g., reading this piece makes me wish that I had been brave enough to locate and try the vet version of ivermectin.) However, there were just as many odd events that made me feel like God was moving His chess pieces around such that it didn’t matter what I did. He had decided now was her time and all of my efforts were minor impediments at best.

Thank you for all of your efforts, then and now, to keep us informed while fighting on our behalf for medical freedom. It’s sincerely appreciated.

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when the US forbid Ivermectin for humans, (I heard later on the govt bought all what was available) I ordered dog-capsule since my dog takes it for heartworm. The vet is so sure it works fine, that he omits the testing. I bought enough in case I got sick, then started giving it to the dog. Unfortunately the animal lab is in Ukraine and probably got shot to smithereens.

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Can you please address this article? Apologies if you did and if so anyone have a link?


We need to get to the root of the COVID story and you were there in New York, experiencing a very different emergency than many others that did not see the chaos that they threw you and some others into.

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Dr. Kory,

Thank you for a refreshing look at the fact that reasonableness and putting the patient first did not flee from every Physician when the Covid lies and manipulation via Medical and Pharmacy Boards was in full swing over the past few years.

I know several people who avoided Covid by using veterinary versions of it and none of them experienced any side effects.

I was lucky to live in a State where there was a Pharmacy that kept a supply of 3 mg Ivermectin Tablets and I was able to get a 5 day series, appropriately dosed for my age and weight from that Pharmacy. The Ivermectin literally "knocked out the Covid" and I now have an immunity that no one who took a "vaccine' can claim.

Sadly, most Physicians, Physician Assistants and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses at the Hospital where I had practiced Anesthesia fell right into line with the lies from the CDC et al.

The damage the CDC and Medical and Pharmacy boards did to the Medical and Pharmacy Professions is, in my estimation, CRIMINAL!

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