Fantastic article(s)! Thank you Dr Kory!

I first read Travis Chistofferson's Tripping Over the Truth more than 10 years ago (around the time I began seriously researching the immune system and the role of NrF2 activators in immune system and microbiome health) and found it fascinating and inspiring. I am not a fan of big pharma directed medicine and from a technical point of view, the MTOC made far more sense to me than the SMT.

Using food as medicine, I have avoided the necessity(?) of taking any pharma products or interventions (@ 71 years young).

I asked one question that stopped me from buying the BS C-19 propaganda - What will these "vaccines" do to my immune system? Four years later, I am still researching that question and although not totally solved, appreciated just how these toxic interventions disable both innate and adaptive immunity. The big remaining question is how severly is the damage and for how long does it last? It will likely take years to decades to fully solve this puzzle but with each passing year, the evidence grows alarmingly.

It is next to impossible to give you, Paul Marik, Peter McCullough, Ryan Cole, William Marik, Paul Thomas et al as well as a handful of docs in Canada due credit that you all deserve for standing up to the medical-pharma complex at great personal and professional cost to research and disseminate the truth!

I have your excellent Ivermectin book in my library (along with Turtles, The Indoctrinated Brain by Dr Michael Nehls, The Real Anthony Fauci, Vaxed vs Unvaxed etc and look forward to adding Dr Marik's updated Caner Care when it becomes available.

We are so lucky to have a group of professionals in organizations like the FLCCC to help we humans navigate highly useful and life saving information to counter the corrupt narrative and I pray that one day you will receive the recognition and thanks you all so richly deserve!

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When I first saw you testifying in front of the US Senate, I knew within minutes that you were a courageous man, a flesh and blood human, willing to take risks and speak up in order to save lives. I have known many fine people in my life, but knowing and working with you has been one of my greatest honors. Your imperfection, faults and foibles make you all the more dear to me. Thank you for the time that you took to write this series, which will hopefully expand the audience of laypeople, physicians and thought leaders who can step on the gas so-to-speak.

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I just started reading Dr. Kory's book. When he exclaimed at the beginning that he had been a "dumb SOB" I knew he had arrived - thanks be to God. It is so difficult for individuals to admit they were wrong. Anyone who does becomes humble and that should be a goal we all should aspire to. Lord I have had to admit I was wrong many times and allowed myself to be free.

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Thank you Dr. Kory for ALL you do!! Long story short: my biological mother died at 57 from brain cancer. A few years ago I started looking for alternative therapies in the event I was diagnosed with cancer and I recently turned 58. I am not a Dr yet I have distilled a protocol cancer treatment down to this: 300mg Fenbendazole + a spoon of olive oil and 500mg Quercetin in the morning and 36mg of Ivermectin at night - 3 days on and 4 days off. Last year a friend posted his skin cancer returned for the 3rd time and his cancer team was going to treat it the same way expecting different results. With approval from his cancer team I sent him the protocol above and he started in early November. On February 8th he rang the cancer free bell. I have another friend who is 84 on this protocol who was diagnosed with breast cancer - she will finally get a PET scan tomorrow so pray for good results! I will follow up with the results.

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My friend had a full body PET scan (head to knees) on Tuesday and her Dr's appointment was today, Thursday the 22nd. She just called me and after her and her Dr had a really good cry she is CANCER FREE. And to think the butchers - err - other 'Doctors' wanted to do a double mastectomy on an 84 year young woman. She has been taking the protocol for 4 or 5 months. I did not post this above yet the 'protocol' is 12 weeks. I have suggested that she remain on this protocol for a full year then she can taper off into a maintenance mode. I am honestly not yet sure what that will be yet one week every quarter seems reasonable. There ARE solutions out there!!

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Curious about the suggestion to take ivermectin at night? Should it not be taken on an empty stomach for best effect?

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My last meal is around 7(ish) and I go to bed around 10(ish). everyone is different. Quercetin can cancel out the Ivermectin - hence take this protocol early morning and right before bed so they cannot interact. I am sure I have papers in my research file yet do not have the time currently to dig them out. Hope this helps.

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Malcolm Kendrick's book The Clot Thickens is an additional eye opener as to the cholesterol con. For anyone looking for books.

Having learned of the cholesterol con/statin fraud a few years ago is what gave my spouse and me the heads up on the jabs... watch and see what happens before jumping on board. And of course, we didn't have to wait long to know something was awry.

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When I read "Cancer as a metabolic disease" by Thomas Seyfried (on archivedotorg), it had a similar effect as realizing You left the stove on after Your take-off in the airplane.

Following the initial rush of adrenaline came the realization how the western world is set up to promote carbohydrates. In Germany - visiting my Mom with late stage dementia - I was blown away by the incessant 'force-feeding' of sugar to those in the care facility. Watching TV - what I don't do at home - the commercial breaks (10 min content and 15 min commercials) were 70% about sugary products, 20% about pharmaceuticals and 10 percent about money.

Eating sugar was depicted as "if you love somebody - feed them sugar".

With the lecture of the book, I stopped any sugar intake. It was hard at first, as anyone can imagine looking at the checkout area of any supermarket. Sugar is forced down children's throats to create addicted adults that will succumb to cancer at one point. Sure, this is just my way of putting it - but the cancer/pharmaceutical industrial complex has only one interest and that is profit maximization. It is my hope, that people will understand that most serious problems can be traced back to metabolic disfunction caused by massive amounts of sugar being consumed.

It is for this reason that I am extra greatful for Dr. Kory focusing on cancer as a metabolic disease. And one may consider it far fetched - but a to sugar addicted population will never be able to bring about a peaceful revolution that could save mankind from ending up on the dust heap of history.

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I agree with you 1000%.

We learned about low carb almost 8 years ago, and through that journey came across Thomas Seyfried on some podcasts. Stunning is not sufficient to describe our state of mind as we began learning how ass-backwards our dietary culture is.

Sugar, and most carbs, are indeed enemies of good health and wellness.

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Not true. It’s refined carbs. Your brain functions mainly on carbs. Read Dr. McDougall’s books or follow him on YouTube. Read The China Study. Follow plant based studies.

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I was under the impression, that the difference between natural ocurring carbs and highly processed ones - not naturally available - is not subject of the discussion. Now I know that I should have included this distinction. Apologies for that. There is a difference between the uptake of a number of Bananas to the consumption of a can of sugary soda. Or an Apple and a number of marshmellows. The human body has evolved without processed carbs. Therefor, the offerings of the sugar-industry have to be seen as an assault rather than treats that are beneficial to bodily wellbeing. Personally, I prefer unprocessed edibles wherever available. Thank You for pointing out the difference.

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Brains can run on fats also.

And the China Study is debatable in its conclusions.

Some folks do fine as vegetarians. Others do well as predominantly meat eaters.

I agree that high processing is a problem all the way around.

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There are ample examples where a diet consisting of unprocessed food already contributed to healing and wellbeing. It may well be, that it matters not so much (to a certain degree) what we eat, but whether it has been processed to death, so to speak. Thank You too, for mentioning that.

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yep. When they explained how the completely new technology "vaccines" were going to work, by tricking my own cells into creating trillions of toxic foreign proteins, my initial reaction was, "These people have lost their minds!" At the very least, I was certain it would lead to autoimmune diseases. But the reality was far far worse, and by March of 2021, VAERS was screaming to shut down the injections. Since then, there's been so much knowledge disseminated here on substack from Dr. Kory, Midwestern Doctor, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Makis, and many many others that I, and millions of others, now know that the western medical "health care" system is a Pharma delivery system and it's rotten to the core.

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Pierre, I appreciate you writing these long articles and I love reading them. I agree I thought Dr. Marik’s book was amazing and I keep a couple copies at my office so I can talk to patients when I know that they have cancer. But I wanted to let you know that the audio narrative was not working and I’m not sure why. I love the long articles but it’s hard to take the time out to read them, but I always have time to listen to them while I am working.

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Let me look into this. I think I have to record it myself? If so, I will consider doing that except it takes way more time!! Will let you know

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And by the way, Dr. Kory, I thank you for the FLCCC and your treatment protocols. I believe you (and meds then sourced from India) saved my historically-asthmatic life from the Delta variant in late 2021. Your protocols and my inclination to avoid hospitalization like one would avoid a death camp got me through 20 positive days of hell including three in which my breathing was as if through a sippy cup. Thank you. You have sacrificed much for humanity and I hope despite’s the actions of a captured industry and ridiculous med boards you know how much you, Dr Marik et al are loved and appreciated. <3

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Thank you. Usually, it’s an automated voice that reached the post. I don’t think you actually have to record it yourself, but I don’t know on that end. I really appreciate it.

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Ty for everything! The audio worked for me; however, it was super-fast speed, and I couldn't adjust it down.

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Thank you Dr. Kory. I think you may have that option as some prefer that route (ie John Leake and Sasha Stone read theirs) but for most the audio, when enabled, is presented by a pretty capable bot. I choose the pleasant female voice.

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I believe Jacqueline that “audio” and “comments” are individual “boxes” that Substack authors choose to check (or not) to allow these features to be accessible (or not) to paid vs. unpaid subscribers. IE: audio is disallowed but comments are allowed on this piece , but both are disallowed in #2 in this series. Our beloved Midwestern Doc does the same from time to time. So sad because of the reasons you mention and because while I appreciate the right of these amazing contributors to make a buck… (and leverage feature sets to that end) those with visual and/or comprehensive impairments are disproportionally affected) :(

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I will look into this as I did not purposely change any settings, perhaps on accident - for now I recorded the last two posts and include them in the article and will continue to do this...

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Thank you so much Dr. Kory. The fact that you, with all your battles, continue to accomplish so much and help so many… and yet make the time to personally address the concerns of this 61-year-old westcoast-wasteland food delivery driver speaks volumes. You should be on the cover of both Time and National Geographic :) (and I pray one day that you are beatified as you should rightfully be). <3

Besides getting me through the Delta variant, your opening of my eyes to the “capture“ of our Bio/Pharma regulatory bodies was invaluable. It finally helped me to understand how it could make any sense for Pharma to run million dollar ads for some product (for some disorder that almost nobody has). Simply put - its MSM hush money and (almost;) works like a charm.

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Excellent as always!

I would add the "salt haux" to your list.

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Look forward to reading this whole series and thank you very much for all your efforts into all of your writings and your tremendous bravery, Dr.Kory!

Thinking about the jabs and the increase in clotting and cancers, maybe there's a link with the cardiolipin and the covid jabs. See some of my comments below on cardiolipin.

I read as much as I could of the study titled Cancer as a metabolic disease | Nutrition & Metabolism. Much of it is far over my head, but I understand some of it. As soon as it was talking about mitochondria I was curious and was thinking about cardiolipin and then it started talking about cardiolipin. I only know about cardiolipin because recently I was diagnosed with antibodies against cardiolipin. I'm supposed to retest to see if it reoccurs because this antibody can show up in people that have had an illness for example, such as probably being exposed to a virus (I am guessing). It also can show up in people that have more serious issues (antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) which creates clotting issues and also causes women to have multiple miscarriages, lupus) and that's why you have to retest. There's a long story to my medical background and the autoantibodies could be from various things - Mold exposure, bad bacteria, virus, leaky gut. All of the above. Maybe it's even something I haven't discovered yet, but I would guess it fits within those things based on my history. Anyhow, thought it was interesting to read about insulted mitochondria and its cardiolipin being a cause for cancer. I was happy to see that the article briefly touched on needing to know what is causing the mitochondria to have these issues. It's really important to remember to get to the root root root cause and it might be more than 1 thing. Western doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. Some tried, but got stuck. One crossed her arms, looked at the ceiling and told me it was in my head. Wench. I ended up paying a lot of money out of pocket for a functional medicine doctor to help me. Her background is an MD. She didn't like the system and started her own practice. She helped me learn about the issues I mentioned. I will share this article with my friend. She has been fighting cancer for over a decade. Double mastectomy, no radiation or chemo, humble/mighty woman. She has had the cancer come and go. When she first had cancer she did a very strict diet, limiting sugars/gluten, red meats, etc. She did vit c infusions, hydrotherapy, etc. She worked very hard, very very very hard and still does, but not as strict on all things. It still comes back sometimes, which is so frustrating because she is doing the right things with diet, etc. She's been alive a long time and she had advanced cancer. So these things such as limiting sugars, gluten, knowing what to eat such as eating so much broccoli it pours out your eye balls, etc, detoxes - she's done lots lots and lots of those, etc. It's been a fight, indeed. As I said, her cancer does come back and it even did in March and she had to have another surgery and the recovery from the surgery has been harder than any other surgery which is crazy considering her other surgeries were when she actually had the mastectomies. She's baffled by it. But she refuses to do chemo or radiation and it makes total sense why. I'm not sure where life will take her and maybe she would've died already if she would've done the chemo or radiation or be worse off in other ways. It's great that doctors like you are getting into this because had people taken this seriously sooner, maybe my friend would've even gotten better help, asking with the rest of the people who face this horrible disease.

Pierre Kory, you are an amazing human and while it has taken your life because you have sacrificed an extraordinary amount of your time - such a sacrifice - you can smile upon who you became, who you are and be proud of yourself. It's a lot to do what you do. To take a stand. To have honor. Especially in this world. I have taken some stands and I tell ya, jeepers you take a beating. You, Pierre Kory, you just keep going and WOW I mean WOWWWWW you are INCREDIBLE! I think your mitochondria are in excellent shape😌 and if not, you sure would never know!

My sincerest gratitude for all you do! 🫶

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Suggestion - has your friend had the energetics of her house checked out? And has she been checked herself for entities? Nick Salzman is a good one for that (there are others like they say in the ads!) or Raymon Grace is an old timer in this. If she finds the right person get checked out for influences from parallel lives, lot of that about atm. 🙏

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Thank you for the suggestion! I will ask her. Her son can see entities, so she may be open to the idea. By entities, I assume you mean spirits or the like, correct? Thank you! ❤️

Edit - oh, you did say parallel lives, totally missed that, so yep that is basically what you mean - long day at work. 😴 Thank you, again!

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That's brilliant news! As he can see them, the key is where and at what level he looks? Likely both on her or dodging around her house taking a feed every so often aka symptoms return. Then knowing the safe removal techniques. Dr William J Baldwin and Shakantula Modi or Sue Allen or Samuel Sagan give great guidance that works.

Parallel lives - yep it's the bleed through that needs addressing even if you don't know / aren't allowed access for the techniques of resolving in the other life.

Realising this'll sound crazy to so many readers, but it 100% is real and works at a profound level.

https://www.drlindai.com/ for diet etc, following the Dr William Kelley enzyme / trophoblastic etc approach.

Happy travelling! 🙏

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Thank you again! I will pass this along too. She said she had her house blessed and it's peaceful now. Yes, many will think it's crazy, but that's ok. Awakening starts somewhere. While I don't know all, I have seen and experienced enough to know there is consciousness beyond this existence. Happy traveling to you too and I do deeply appreciate the time you took to share to assist my friend. That is so incredibly kind and selfless of you. 💕

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You're both so welcome. Great adventures along the road! Blessings to you all 🙏

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Thank you for providing lots of great reference materials. You and all the physicians mentioned in your article are what real medicine is all about. You are looking for answers and not accepting a status quo at the expense of the patient. This is the type of medicine the world needs right now as so many entities are corrupted. Have you looked into NBPAS dot org? Dr. Milhacea didn't renew her ABIM certification, she went with NBPAS.

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The late Dr. William Donald Kelley saved his own life from stage four pancreatic cancer with metabolic therapies that have improved many lives, including mine, since.

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Take a look at https://fenbendazole.substack.com for detailed Case Reports of those that have eradicated their cancers using safe, inexpensive, readily available fenbendazole. Breast, prostate, lung, renal, bone, hepatic, skin cancers as well as glioblastoma. All the preclinical data comes out of the Riggins lab at Hopkins. It just needs to be applied as the people in these case reports are doing.

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David Rasnick also expanded my understanding of cancer. The cancer cells have the wrong number of chromosomes. I have thought for a long time that most of the common health problems are caused by poor nutrition.

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Thank you for this cancer series you're doing. I expect it will be hold like everything else from the FLCCC, you, Marik and AMD. After working with mast cell and long covid holistic clients for a decade, it's refreshing to have people take up these matters in a grander scale. May the continued undeniable information break the back of pharma and scientific control and path the way for a societal embracing of new and less horrific cancer treatment. So people and children like my grandson, passed from cancer treatments in 2020, stand a better chance. Childhood cancer treatments are most in need of this as parents and family are threatened with custodial takeover to continue with standard medical treatments if "you don't get on board with the scientifically sound, researched and proven effective cancer treatments used." RIP sweet Phoenix.

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What a resource your article is! The work you, Dr. Marik, AMD and the others mentioned rare doing will likely be a great blessing to humanity. The book list in this article alone is invaluable.

The other day, at the same time I got your substack, the was an interview by Englishman, Richard Vobes with Mark Lintern, author of Cancer Resolution, I don't know if this adds to the discussion, but it was very interest to watch and said a lot of the same things, so I include the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kdYDd13zxU

Meanwhile there are a few books to order.

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What an incredible book list. Thank you for all that you do, Dr. Kory.

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I already got Tripping Over The Truth and Surviving Cancer, Covid 19 & Disease on my Kindle today

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It just came to my attention that several doctors who are fighting the narrative were on the plane that crashed in Brazil. I have no idea yet, but I'm keeping my antennae up for signs of sabotage.

On Friday, August 9, 2024, in a shocking tragedy that has raised more questions than answers, Flight 2283, operated by VoePass Airlines, carrying 62 passengers, crashed 50 miles northwest of São Paulo, Brazil, killing all on board, including six oncologists, two resident doctors, and a prominent attorney who was known for suing airlines. According to Daily Mail, there were initially fifteen doctors who had been scheduled to take the two-hour doomed flight, but seven took an earlier plane.

The doctors on board, who dedicated their lives to battling cancer and researching the controversial link between mRNA vaccines and aggressive "turbo cancers," were en route to an international oncology conference in São Paulo. The group included renowned radiologist Leano Ferrera and pediatric cancer experts Sarah Stella and Silvia Osaki, who were allegedly prepared to present groundbreaking evidence linking the COVID-19 mRNA shots to an increase in autoimmune diseases and aggressive cancers.

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What do you think about Dr. Yeardon's article on Ivermectin? I'm past, way past, child rearing years, so I'm not worried.

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