Ay carumba, you weren’t kidding about it getting weird, disturbing, and infuriating!

I love how the perpetrators of contemporary atrocities get all huffy and accuse you of being a Nazi/Holocaust denier/Mengele-lover if you point out the hair-raising parallels because you are trying to stop these very atrocities from being repeated (I touch on that irony in this piece: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative).

“This guy lies like a rug.” 🤣🤣🤣

Dr. Kory, I listed you among those who should be honored (instead of vilified) by the government in the letter I just published to US legislators about rejecting S.3737 (the Ministry of Truth for public health):

• “Letter to US Legislators: #DefundTheThoughtPolice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-us-legislators-defundthethoughtpolice)

I’m encouraging everyone to send this to their legislators so we can derail this latest attempt to criminalize independent thought and counter-narrative voices.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

A coordinated attack against Ivermectin. Blatant manipulation of science and data. Contemptuous flaunting of power and control over the institutions we respected and believed in. All carried out with complete impunity and a seemingly unstoppable momentum. Yes, that’s disturbing, but not disheartening. What would make me utterly depressed would be if it succeeded in convincing people like Dr. Kory to throw in the towel and say it’s not worth it. That hasn’t happened, and I don’t think it will. The human spirit won’t be crushed or stamped out by a transitory wave of forces that seem unstoppable but always fade in due time. Keep it up Dr. Kory! For last two years I have experienced a loss of faith in many institutions and people I believed in, but I’ve also gained an even larger appreciation for integrity and freedom and the people like you who rise to the occasion to which they neither signed up for or wanted, but found themselves in the middle of. Thank you and keep it up!

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Greg.. I have to admit that there are days when I am just exhausted with ALL of this.. and just want to go back to some semblance of my former life, or at least take a break from this ivermectin and early treatment (and now vaccine) fight.. But these feelings generally pass within a day or two, then I wake up and just go back at it :)., instinctively Thanks for the support my friend

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You’re the real thing Dr. Kory.

… “exhausted with ALL this .. and just want to go back to some semblance or my former life … “ .

That statement takes on a whole new meaning when I realize your former life was in one of the most stressful occupations anyone could ever imagine - physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Before ALL this happened, you were nationally and internationally recognized in your field as the expert in many areas of emergency medicine, and you literally wrote the book on some important subjects and techniques in that field.

After ALL this happened, you became recognized as a person who lived up to all of the ideals his field stood for. You have no idea how valuable that is for all of us. I truly mean that, and I’m certain my feelings are shared by tons and tons of people all over this country and the world over.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

You can tell who is losing the argument by who is using ad hominem attacks and screaming the loudest. The exchange between the Pastor and Ed Mills says it all. This isn't a battle between competing scientific hypotheses. This is a battle between good and evil. Ed Mills responses would make Satan himself proud for his lies and distortions.

Yet, there are times when force, not reason, is the needed response. When dealing with malevolent bullies, a counterpunch (in this case verbal tinged with a bit of expletives) is the needed response. Thank you, Dr. Kory, for punching the bullies squarely in the nose with their own words.

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What happened to the time honored process of conducting clinical science? What happened to scientific journals? It all came crashing down so fast.

New, industry free journals that publish research untainted by industry sponsorship for studies and take no advertising or other fees or sponsorships for editors must rise up and soon. Maybe a group like the Brownstone Institute can start the process. I've also wondered about Substack founders being approached on the idea of sponsoring and experimenting with being a platform for new journals and new formats for those journals. Especially as peer review could continue on in comments as post-review commentary for all to see.

Begin with a vetted policy document on what such journals should look like, that receives iterations of comments and input.

Then set to the task of inaugurating a new journal or two. Journals are expensive but we have learned the power of crowd funding and the size of the market for support of such an enterprise. There are many potential volunteers out there to do some of the tedious support work to get the project started. Steve Kirsch should give up his challenges for debates and consider moving toward the financial and business support of independent journals for original science.

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Any good journal in the future needs a panel of investigators that also does some checking as to the circumstances of a study. Like how quickly it was done--to the point of being impossible like Surgisphere--I knew that one was impossible immediately. Even checking on the ground to site review what is now obviously phony or tinkered with data from Argentina in the Pfizer documents. When I monitored grant sites for federal government, the story we were being told by the Principal Investigators and Project Directors were always too pretty to be true.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

He’s a terrible liar only if you pay attention. This has been gobsmackingly eye opening to me HOW MANY of my colleagues never ever look critically at research satisfied to read the conclusion only and accept it as gospel. ‘Ivermectin is bad, see this study says so,’ they’ll insist never questioning research design or conflicts of interest or exclusion/inclusion criteria. This is how Pharma has gotten away with this.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

WOW. Feels so justified lashing out with lies, out and out fabrications with a paper trial. Can't see ANY integrity anywhere in this bought yappy lapdog. Won't answer anything straight up because! The ad hominem is always a giveaway, too. He knows we know he knows we know.

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I always use both in combination - my standard anti-vital regimen for COVID

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May 30, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

I read the Pandemia substack link you provided, thankyou. The few comments on that substack is telling - the public had no clue yet that their govt was trying to kill them. Hardly anyone saw his amazing letter. And so much had already happened by then too. People had no idea that already a HCL coverup had occurred - spring 2020.

Lately, I've been wondering if those initial lies of May 2020 on HCL, is what medical staff that are still in the darkness (I have a few close to me) are Stuck on. They Still believe Hcl doesn't work- I've bought a few copies of Drs Tyson and Fareed's book, Overcoming Covid Darkness for these medical types I know. IF I can get them to read it. It's a easy to read, quick one - with data analysis the last 1/4 of the book. IF they can learn the HCL story - then, I'll offer Bobby Kennedy's Fauci book, and it sounds like your book on Iverm too will be a must. I'm liking that Dr. McC's book is written as a crime story. I just received it today.

You and the FLCCC are the lighthouse in the storm. So glad I found you. I happily promote your excellent website, like it's my job. :)

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May 30, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Dr Kory, Many thanks to you and the other brave clinicians who have stood up to these megalomaniacs who chose hubris, “noble” lies, and money to justify their smear campaign on life-saving (generic) early treatments. I hope to some day see you vindicated and all the duplicitous liars held accountable. By the way, my elderly parents just kicked Covid with the help of IVM. I had them get it early on when you first started recommending it. Thank you, sir!

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Two thoughts. First - there are a ton of sociopaths flying below the radar in society. These people just don't have any empathy. They don't care the same way most of us do. They prefer to appear "normal" as a public persona (and often they seem extra nice - since nobody likes or trusts a sociopath), but they just aren't - aren't normal. They aren't caring. They just pretend to be because it makes getting their way that much easier.


Second, everyone is the hero of their own story. "I had to go along, or my family wouldn't eat!" My guess is, non-sociopaths don't get sucked into the corrupt system instantly. It happens over time, step by step. But they all have reasons they've told themselves as to why they go along.

But at the core, I'm guessing there is a sub-culture of sociopaths that understands what is really going on, and runs all the Pharma drug cons. In the past, they've been able to keep it hidden, but now it is being exposed due to COVID. They really don't like this - because it threatens to expose who they really are, which will make their lives a whole lot harder.

So can we tell from a distance who is who? I'm certainly not an expert. But I know this group exists, and they aren't very nice, and we can depend on them to throw others - perhaps even civilization itself - right under the bus without a hint of remorse if they are threatened.

Perhaps - Pharma itself is a sociopathic organization. It has just been pretending to be nice all these years, right up until now. A wild thought.

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I was transformed by Matthew Crawfords writings ("Rounding the Earth" substack) on the "Kunlangeta" (Eskimo word for sociopaths), and how 15-20% of people in prison are sociopaths... while 15-20% of people on C-Suites are also sociopaths.. explains why corporations act so rapaciously, without concern for their fellow citizens. Sociopaths are really, really good at making money... and reap rewards for those "skills." They end up running corporations which wreak havoc on society.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Whoa, the warp and weft of these deceptions go deep and wide. While my mind is capable of following you here my entire being is not so willing. Handicapped with a short attention span and probably even shorter patience I err on the side of Occam’s razor. Like many I have an immediate bad attitude toward serial abusers & can usually spot them immediately. From early 2020 I simply jumped ahead to the logical fallacies of the arguments of increasingly abusive, even fascist governments, corporations, institutions. Before long I saw them all as a planetary Corporatocracy led by the choirboys & girls of the World Economic Forum. It was an uphill battle with epic adversaries within my own family. But by recognizing some of the major logical fallacies and certainly the really bad intentions it wasn’t that difficult. Although I have still not convinced all family members as we are a notoriously stubborn lot most have come around. Those really good at the art of the deal we’re first to recognize the gestalt. The musicians were pretty fast too. The psychologists were slower but came around. One of the tech executives (who is also a musician) saw it all easily. One of the tech executives is still somewhere near the fence. Slowly we are teaching our seven year old grandsons the history of how wolves became domesticated by early humans and evolved into our dogs. After all they play Civilization VI, are great at football strategy and mercilessly torture each other and their parents. The goal? Interdependence.

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Didn’t Tennessee pass a law making IVM over the counter? We need a few more state governments to do the same. Get some geographies spread to make it possible for anyone in the country to be able to travel if necessay.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

As I sit here on Memorial Day contemplating the sacrifices Americans have made in the past, it dawns on me how current sacrifices by those doctors you listed, and so many others, need to be part of the American heritage.

Have you seen the sickening commercial on tv of the 5-6 doctors promoting vax for children on behalf of HHS? The enemy is showing themselves I plain sight.

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IVM is $5 for four 6mg tabs in MX and available otc in case you’re interested in a cost comparison. I’m curious to see what they charge in TN.

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Anybody out there admit patients to the hospital? Where I practice, you were not allowed to treat the patient once they were Covid positive. Only the “Covid team” could. The whole thing was dispicable. Dark times with discusting stories. Thanks Dr. Kory for your hard work and efforts. Anxiously awaiting your book.

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Whew, that was a long read but worth it to see the effectiveness of Ivermectin. Truth attacked exposes the lies even more effectively. Now if I can just get my hands on some. My naturopathic Dr recommend I get a 3 months supply. Thank you! For all of your time, dedication, effort but not the ‘f’ word🥴.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Dr. Kory is MAD AS HELL!!! He is working his ass off and working his life away fighting for US, medical freedom and TRUTH!! He gets a PASS for the "f' word!

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Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik get a free pass for any damn thing they say or want.

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Love him BUT a low class word does not enhance a stance. Agree to disagree agreeably

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I propose the word: Pfuck.

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Neuroscientists discovered that swear words light up the same place in our brains as alarm calls in the brains of vervet monkeys. We need radioactive words in these times! For the book he could just put the Nixonian "expletive deleted" or maybe the old minced oaths like "Zounds" ! My favorite Southern idiom is "shut the front door" as in "shut the front door you bloody psychotic anti-christic psychopath Mills," but that's me.

Everyone should go over and listen to Bret Weinstein's talk with Neil Oliver from the Better Way Conference on Spotify to remember what we are all fighting for. You are our North Star Dr. Kory, you and the doctors of the FLCCC, and we all know how exhausted and traumatized all of you must be, and yet you keep on keeping on. I hope you know how much strength and perseverance you give to people on the cusp of despair!

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Thank you. I have to say that I don't want to estrange anyone by my words, but at this point... and as a native New Yorker with a foul mouth my whole life and so many attacks/challenges/responsibilities coming at me on a daily basis. I just cant be everything to everyone.. and we are dealing with such rapacious evil, devoid of empathy or real humanitarian concern, I am just calling it like I see it and am sorry some folks are overly sensitive to .. words... they are just words.. with power and anger.. I am angry and feel the need to attack/push back/fight goddamnit.. because so fucking few are doing so when we are in the fight for our lives.. instead I see mass complicity and cowardice. (i.e. self-centeredness) Yeah I l know I should deal with my anger and meditate and all that bullshit, but.. maybe not. I know righteous anger is dangerous territory, but I am pretty OK with it of late. I am absolutely sick and tired of this notion of "professionalism" and "proper language".. I have seen such evil behind the masterful use of such language, if someone wants to take an issue with the words I use to convey a message rather than the message itself.. then so be it..

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May 30, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

“Glory to Satan” Mills really wrote that?

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straight from the horse's mouth.. or keyboard as it were

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

To me, a comment like that signifies contempt, disrespect and antagonism from Mills to the pastor. Or maybe he believes it?!?

Either way, if that email was written from a company email service then he should be reprimanded and perhaps not even be in a position of senior responsibility for a very long time, if ever.

Perhaps even signifies a personality disorder, or at the very least a man under significant stress to the point of cracking.

Whatever you do Pierre, don’t sink to those lows.

If you can walk away from this whole phase of your life knowing that you have treated people with respect and honesty then it’s all worth it. Particularly if you can look your family and friends in the eye knowing these things then you will feel immensely satisfied irrespective of the outcome

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Dr Kory!


I thank God for you & pray for you. May He continue to draw you to Himself & lead you in paths of righteousness. May he strengthen you to never grow tired or weary of doing what is right. You and Dr Marik & others have SAVED so many!

Thank you for helping us little doctors have the resources we need to help our patients & the knowledge to fight the institutions. I left my hospital career of almost 20 years after it became apparent they wouldn’t allow Ivermectin to be spoken about in any positive light let alone be prescribed.

Know you are making a difference for so many - for patients and doctors. We need good leaders & you have been called for this time. Thank you for being faithful to your calling.

And by the way the Lord will hold everyone accountable one day & those not covered by faith in the person & work of Jesus Christ will be condemned.

Blessings to you Dr Kory & Dr Marik!

Dr J

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