Thanks for your support Henry - greatly appreciated.. Also, that factoid you included above, I have to give credit where it is due - that discovery came from the obsessively detailed analytical work of the polymath tech entrepreneur Alexandros Marinos. He literally scoured every version of every trial protocol and when it was registered …
Thanks for your support Henry - greatly appreciated.. Also, that factoid you included above, I have to give credit where it is due - that discovery came from the obsessively detailed analytical work of the polymath tech entrepreneur Alexandros Marinos. He literally scoured every version of every trial protocol and when it was registered etc.. I cannot tell you how helpful he has been (he writes the Substack called "Do Your Own Research")
Thanks for your support Henry - greatly appreciated.. Also, that factoid you included above, I have to give credit where it is due - that discovery came from the obsessively detailed analytical work of the polymath tech entrepreneur Alexandros Marinos. He literally scoured every version of every trial protocol and when it was registered etc.. I cannot tell you how helpful he has been (he writes the Substack called "Do Your Own Research")