CVS is now a major part of Pharma marketing/advertising. Called to refill a simple antibiotic prescription. I had to endure minutes of a CVS recording promoting the new APPROVED Covid booster and 14, FOURTEEN, other vaccines available now!

Disgraceful, horrifying, shameful. Thank you for your great work, Dr Kory. Dr Angell is a treasure.

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Philanthropaths!!!! Thank you, Pierre 😄💗🙏

For those who don't know the source, here is my three-part series, "Anatomy of a Philanthropath":

• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)

• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd)

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I never forgot your term "philantropath" as you saw. It's brilliant MAA

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Part 2 seems to be the real goal of all this nonsense imo …

The EU is Speeding Towards Digital ID, Currency, and Biometric Systems for Tracking Citizens.

“A consortium of six European nations is pushing for a new, digital, cross-border payment system which ultimately aims to combine the EU Digital Identification program with a digital euro.”


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May the silver lining in this Covid debacle be that Big Pharma and usurped entities are called out and made to answer for decades of controlling professional medical journals, manipulating health professionals and data, promoting dangerous meds of all kinds, and much more. Awareness is key for any positive change to begin to happen. Thank you, Dr. Kory, for adding to our awareness of unbelievable Big Pharma domination and influence. Wake up, America!

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Mind blowing , in depth writing Dr. Kory. Change the title to the ANALS of Internal Medicine.

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Dr. Kory, thanks for you tireless pursuit of accuracy in medical science. My question: If the major medical journals you mention cannot be trusted, where does an intelligent layman go to evaluate the efficacy of any medical procedure? Is there any group of "disinterested" specialists, spanning many disciplines, that one could consult to get an unbiased evaluation of the science? In another fraudulent field - "climate science" - there are a handful of reliable scientists I can trust. But medicine seems more complex and it's often a matter of life and death, so reliable sources in medicine seem even more important. Where does one go, for example, to get a fair evaluation of a new drug, device, or procedure? Thanks again.

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Whew. Phenomenally important question. I think that for a medical topic, as well as any other important topic, the truth cannot be known unless you do a deep dive, entertaining hypotheses from "both sides," reading both sides, and then overly expressing a caution or de-emphasis of any hypothesis or narrative that came out early and from many outlets... at the same time. That is the mark of propaganda which is fully true in about 1% of political situations

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You would be the perfect person to organize a new journal, with reimagined format and rules, including funding. Your good friends Paul Marik and Tess Lawrie would be ideal co-founders, editors. Lots of your colleagues for AE's and editorial review boards.

Maybe Brownstone Institute could fund a working group to think through and develop the scientific and business models. Choosing the scope will be a challenge. Naming the journal could be delightful fun, the list of candidate names should be published for history's sake.

You could find many volunteers, who have published, edited, reviewed, and worked on manuscripts (like myself) to assist with varying aspects of the journal start up to defray costs.

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With so much propaganda out there how do us laypersons know what to believe? It’s easy for you as a Dr to but us others don’t know who to trust

Thank you for making me think. Don’t mean to be offensive

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Good questions. You would rebuild trust slowly based on the panel of reviewers for the journal and the prohibitions against industry funding. A good science journal, as is a good government funded research study, would have meaningful citizen (aka consumer) input. Citizen/consumers would also be members of journal review boards to ask pertinent questions like yours. I have lots of experience working with citizen and consumers of health services that are the focus of government research studies. To make this a concrete example, Maddie De Garay's mom would be a consultant, ad hoc reviewer on select papers from such a new journal. Maddie De Gray is one of the earlier vax injured children from the Pfizer "study."

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Thanks for responding

I’m not young or foolish just want to stay informed

Dr Kory and Malone are my go to guys

And Naomi Wolf

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Thanks for your work. Ivermectin is not the only inexpensive and effective treatment getting bad press or false research trials.

MedPage Today has a "vit D didn't help CoV type article. https://www.medpagetoday.com/meetingcoverage/asbmr/100656

Low vitamin A may be why it doesn't help, in addition to the fact that it is needed in advance of an infection rather than helping after autoimmune issues already occurred.

"The role of VitD has been recognized in the prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19 [324], [325]. At high doses, VitD has been shown to decrease the severity and provide therapeutic benefit in the treatment of COVID-19 [326]. However, VitD supplementation did not seem to be effective in hospitalized seriously ill COVID-19 patients [327], which we believe is due to the depleted retinol and subsequently dysregulated retinoid signaling mechanisms [315]. The lack of response to the supplementation of VitD in these severe COVID-19 patients may have well been due to the dysregulated retinoid signaling [327] because VitD exerts its effect through retinoid signaling mechanism [321]. In this sense, an optimum response would be accomplished when the proper signaling cascades through both of VitD and retinoids converge." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0898656821002102?via%3Dihub#bb0085

This paper is something I am still reading as I just found it last night. It supports my work on CoV and passive exposure to jabbed self-care. Latest in a longer series about Retinoid Toxicity as an underlying cause of ME/CFS after EBV infection - I think it may be happening after CoV for some people too. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/round-two-retinoid-toxicity-and-cov

Vitamin A and D and thyroid function are all linked and magnesium is needed. Chimeric spike is likely reducing GI absorption of magnesium due to TRP channels being made dysfunctional at the ankyrin repeat domains.

Modern life is inflammatory - EMF/5G and glyphosate are likely risk factors too.

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When I watched Dr. Tess Lawrie's call with Dr. Andrew Hill I knew then and there that a cabal had formed and people were going to die needlessly. This confirms my worst fears.

On the bright side for the future I think this is eye opening to a larger group and will become widely known. Maybe then we can go back to the doctor patient relationship.

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i had natural rona last aug 1 , 2022, I took the FLCCC protocol including 21 mg IVM daily for 5d. I have rona again this week AND i M taking it again. The mass vax of otherwise healthy asymptomatic people is selecting for variants that may be more infectious and possibly more virulent. Since the boosters and vaxes have negative efficacy, this winter might be horrific! hopefully those with natural immunity will save the day... they wil be blamed though. Its important to try to let everyone know that the unvaxxed are the ones who are creating herd immunity

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Mind blowing gut wrenching information! Brutal.

Share I will. I’m sure some will shut down the minute they see the word Ivermectin.

Question, do you have time to sleep? Between your work and countless hours it took to write this EXCELLENT Bombs Away article I’m just wondering….

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Glad you brought that up... Lets talk about it over a beer sometime :)

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Wish I lived by you. I’d loved to have a beer and talk. I have no one here to discuss life with

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I’m truly grateful for bringing to light so extensively and clearly the influence/manipulation Big Pharma has over scientific publications, medical schools, scientific institutions, hospitals just to name a few. Over the last 26 years I’ve been seen the increasing manipulation of scientific data published in medical journals. Sadly major medical journals cannot be trust.

I’m positively impressed with your dedication to uncover the truth. The compilation of information to write this article is not a small task.

There should be more doctors like you, who genuinely care for people’s health. Thank you!

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I’m beginning to wonder if Gates is just the frontman for the cabal …

Biotech idolatry: DOD-Pfizer contracts have replaced federal constitutions and laws

And the DOD-DOJ-HHS complex has replaced federal legislatures and courts.


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Spoiler alert, yes he is a more visible member of the cult of vampires that wish to rules over a smoldering wasteland rather than share it with the 'unworthy' masses.

You can read on his actions from F. William Engdahl (http://www.williamengdahl.com/) and Michel Chussudovsky (www.globalresearch.ca)

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You never heard of the Babalola maneuver? (The use of incorrect communication for the effective suppression/rejection/delay of inconvenient science) It’s a classic. Well you heard of it now.

I can’t believe I read to the end of this one, but it was worth it! Thanks for your unwavering commitment to the cause.

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We have to have major reforms to fix this cancer in our previous esteemed medical literature. There is zero trust now. I am terrified of doctors now and hospitals.

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I posted a lengthy quote from Marcia Angell's New York Review of Books article back in July '21

Pandemic — The Next Big Thing — The Sting Revisited


a few lines: New York Review of Books JULY 15, 2004 ISSUE

"Even worse is the fact that there are very few drugs in the pipeline ready to take the place of blockbusters going off patent... Of the seventy-eight drugs approved by the FDA in 2002, only seventeen contained new active ingredients, and only seven of these were classified by the FDA as improvements over older drugs. The other seventy-one drugs approved that year were variations of old drugs or deemed no better than drugs already on the market. Furthermore, of those seven, not one came from a major US drug company...For the first time, in just a few short years, the gigantic pharmaceutical industry is finding itself in serious difficulty. It is facing, as one industry spokesman put it, “a perfect storm.” To be sure, profits are still beyond anything most other industries could hope for, but they have recently fallen, and for some companies they fell a lot. And that is what matters to investors...

"...Nevertheless, the industry keeps promising a bright new day. It bases its reassurances on the notion that the mapping of the human genome and the accompanying burst in genetic research will yield a cornucopia of important new drugs."

This is in 2004, BigPharma promising BigProfits as a result of its GENETIC RESEARCH.

On this evidence and more I based my accusation that the entire covid abomination has emerged like "The Thing" from financial necessity.



"Occam's Razor tells me that the SARS-CoV-2 "virus" is an semi-artificial entity that acts like a virus in how it infects, reproduces, and spreads, but in fact was intentionally invented and manufactured expressly to provide the situation in which mRNA injections could be foisted on as many billion humans as possible.

This was the plan to Save BigPharma from BigMeltdown. Follow the BigBucks, it's Déjà Vu all over again. (Yogi Berra)

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Great article and thank you for you brave efforts! I cancelled NY Times and no longer watch TV prpaganda news. Moving away from mainstream sources and supporting contributors on substack and rumble etc- is the only way to get away from the corruption.

I have a question. The surgisphere fake data was so blatant. Has any fraudster been pursued for justice?? If there are never consequences for the liars, it will continue. I do think calling them out on substack and your followers sharing is one way - but not enough! Tess Lawrie’s recording and sharing the zoom was impactful!

Thank you! Please do an audible version of your book. Busy people can listen in car or taking a walk.

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Justice? Surgisphere was just an example of a poor peer review, not a crime.. at least that is what they will and can argue but we know the truth. Also publishing fraudulent data in a journal is not a crime, it is considered unethical obviously and if you are in academia your career will end fairly quick as a result, but if you are not in academia, little repercussions is my take on it

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Thanks for a great article exposing the mess we are in and it’s origins

I only have 2 questions:

1) did you , Dr. Kory, in fact treat 200 hundred members of congress with Ivermectin?

I keep reading this on other sites. Seems strange that if you did more of them would have spoken out

2) if Dr Angell recognized the problem in 2000 how did the rest of the medical community not see it? Why did it take Covid to expose this to the rest of us laypersons?

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I did not treat 200 members of Congress. But I know a high level government official (a physician) who did. Every single member/family member was on the red side of the aisle. Hate the political and now seemingly connected intellectual divide I am a part of, but have to admit that the "red" side of the aisle got EVERYTHING correct in COVID. Wow.

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I should qualify the above- it is not to say that the Republican party protected anyone in any significant way at the Federal level except for Senator Ron Johnson and maybe Senator Rand Paul (most of the real protections were only achieved by State Governors and Attorney Generals) but rather that anyone I met who knew what was going on were Conservatives/Republicans/Trumpers and/or a small numbers of newly disaffected former liberal/Democrats.

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I voted and contributed Democrat for most of my life, but that changed, I am certain for good, just as Biden and Congress got busy with his new administration.

I knew something was fishy by March 2020. Our family had the exotic virus experience in January 2020 just weeks after hearing my stepdad describe the Wuhan news from his daily reading of Chinese newspapers. Shortly after, I found Dr. JJ Couey on his biological bike rides online and Dr. Chris Martenson on Peak Prosperity who confirmed those perceptions that something was strange. Dr. Richard Chen had an integrative practice in South Carolina and went to China to help with the outbreak in early days; he posted earnest videos on YouTube and circulated information about a Chinese early treatment protocol that was quite extensive, including both eastern and western approaches. I downloaded it and read it in its entirety. HCQ and lots of high dose vitamin C. First learned about Famotidine there. I am quite adept at going to PubMed myself and asking it questions daily that told a different story from the crap that was appearing on my Medscape feeds.

Holding back the average citizen from exercising an "all hands on deck" and "how can I help" stance was also suspicious, and something I had witnessed with concern many times working in federal government years past.

What is astonishing is having science colleagues, also Democrats, who think I have lost my mind questioning Fauci (I called him "compromised" to the horror of one close friend), having HCQ and Ivermectin handy, and refusing the jab. So it is not all Democrats. But the whole affair has deeply divided them. Real science or ideology. That is the choice now for many.

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You make me think of these photos of the literal tons of vitamin C being shipped into Wuhan http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n13.shtml (This is from Orthomolecular News Service February 23, 2020 if the link doesn't work) It came from a factory in Scotland. The FBI raided a Metro Detroit clinic giving free IV vitamin C to first responders, but at the time I thought it was just the predictable decades-old, continuing attack on vitamins. Normalcy bias, as when the jews of Germany thought they were just getting deported and relocated again.

What I can't fathom at all is how Democrats (myself and all my friends and relatives) don't see the bodily autonomy issue parallel between abortion and mandated vaccination or coerced vaccination. I have a friend who was in public health for decades in California and I sent her an analysis of the censorship and huge money going into promotion of vaccines, and she said "I don't think it's propaganda" These are really intelligent people! It is as if everyone is under a spell!

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I still can’t understand how the crisis became a political issue so quickly. Hard to believe all Democrats can’t think for themselves

We need more AGs to take a stand

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Why do they not speak up against the narrative and mandates ? Uggg

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Thanks for clearing that up. It seemed to be too far fetched that you treated them personally

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