Although Pharma got the high-impact journals to reject all positive ivermectin study submissions, they first got them to retract already published papers despite zero evidence of fraud. Unprecedented.
Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
Brilliant piece. This medical layman fails to comprehend how Ivermectin saved enough millions of lives to win the Nobel Peace Prize then later got demonized as 'horse paste' and unfit for human consumption by America's FDA. Had Ivermectin (and other successful early approaches) been employed early on, millions of lives might have been saved around the world - this, months before the first so-called 'vaccine' ever got injected into the first arm.
'Mass murder', on the part of those who censored life-saving treatments? The shoe fits.
C'mon, legal profession... Get off your duffs. there HAS to be a class action suit somewhere in this.
It's a risky case, and established attorneys don't take risky cases. We need up and comers to step up. They will. Names will be made from this disaster, and great fortunes.
they will be up against the great fortunes made by big pharma and their stockholders and political servants, and everyone involved. It's mass murder. It's treason.
Several generations have been indoctrinated to expect a risk free existence. We don't hear much about "safe spaces" anymore because of the stigma, but they still exist by different names. Thus, twit, face, and the other protected enclaves.
I don’t know how this could be pulled off, but I would love to see a study/paper submitted to peer-reviewed journals with Paxlovid substituted for ivermectin, and when the paper is accepted, the authors reveal that the drug tested was actually ivermectin, and the journal would be forced to proceed with publishing what they had already accepted lest their bias be revealed.
Fraud to make a point is still fraud. The best response to corruption is punishment. We need litigation. Lots of litigation. Every covid death since hcq and ivermectin were publicized should generate legal action, with the fraudulent journals named as co conspirators.
This would not be fraud. The legal definition of fraud is “the deliberate misrepresentation of fact for the purpose of depriving someone of a valuable possession” (
This is more akin to a witness wearing a wire to document the confession of a murderer. It is like auditing an organization with a history of malfeasance.
The hoax grievance studies papers were not considered fraud and were extremely successful at exposing the nonexistent standards, political biases, and clownishness of the “peer-reviewed” journals that took the bait.
This action got national attention—even in the mainstream media, as evidenced by the New York Times article I cited above.
This would be an act of culture-jamming with the intention of exposing scientific fraud while simultaneously creating a Yes-Men–worthy media event that brings it to the public’s attention.
An attorney could be consulted to ensure the authors’ intentions are documented from the outset to defend against accusations of fraud.
Webster isn't a judge in any court. In the law, fraud is the failure to comp,y with a contract. If you submit a paper for publication, you sign an agreement that it's your work, and accurate, and a bunch of other promises. Submitting a paper you know is incorrect, while certifying it's accuracy, is certainly fraud.
Wearing a wire is usually done with a court order, or is illegal in many jurisdictions, or at best inadmissible.
Audits are voluntary or with court order.
The complexities of the law means we are constrained to a subset of possible actions. My preferences are usually illegal, but those complexities also provide a lot of more effective methods of investigation that are legal.
And the perpetrators of the fraud would have their reputations destroyed forever unless they're eventually proven right. Even then, probably.
The great thing about our situation is that doing something like fraudulent submissions is unlikely to be prosecuted since the organization would not want the publicity.
The data in the paper would be their work *and* accurate. The only switcharoo would be the name of the drug.
In any case, that’s why I suggested consulting an attorney to document the intention in advance—it’s basically a meta-experiment to test the integrity of the journal.
The authors would not have their reputations destroyed because there would be a trail of evidence demonstrating the purpose of the experiment that would be shared by the authors themselves when they do the reveal.
The hoax grievance papers were incredibly successful in this regard and would be the model to follow. It shined a spotlight on the woke journals and brought international attention to the issue, which is exactly what culture-jamming is designed to do.
Haha, well, it was originally proposed as a hypothetical. I didn’t expect anyone to actually do it, but I do think it would be a powerful indictment of the integrity of high-reputation journals if someone managed to figure out a way to do it lawfully.
I daydream about such a scenario all the time! However, as we all know, this strategy will have little impact so long as no one reports on it, buries it, re-frames it etc. Revealing the existence of bias is only half the equation - ensuring this “revelation” gets even a modicum of exposure to the public is the more difficult and critical component by far - so what’s the plan for that?!! 🙏
See my response to David above, but this is the type of culture-jamming stunt that can even capture the MSM’s attention, as demonstrated by the New York Times article on the grievance studies hoax papers. Even if they are fact-choking the story, it still brings it to the public’s attention and makes them think twice about trusting captured journals.
It made me a bit misty-eyed to realize I published that on October 19, 2021—before I knew who either you or Tess were. And now here we are nearly a year later, and I not only consider you two of the most courageous people in the world but also cherished collaborators and friends 🙌
Same here MAA. And no, I have not upgraded the bat but have taken other precautions.. Although complicated to explain how, I have since learned that we are no longer a threat to Pharma, specifically Pfizer. they consider the war on ivermectin to be over, and they are right. The war is at a stalemate, we got pretty far but now no new docs or systems will adopt ivermectin, it is a horse dewormer unfortunately
You do know your book is going to change that stalemate, right? So keep strengthening those precautions before you’re in their cross-hairs—security cameras with motion detection (including on your car); self-defense classes for you and your family; and exercising your 2A rights are all good ideas :-)
Not sure if that’s true. Public backlash against Big Pharma is growing, don’t you think? I’m hopeful that new docs are going to figure this out and reject the Big Pharma model.
They will wake up, eventually. And they will be really angry. Millions of deaths were overlooked in the last century, until Nuremberg. Then the world woke up and they've been the greatest villains of all time ever since. We now have a contender. We need a new Nuremberg. Hopefully we still have the courage. Many don't, but maybe enough do to save us.
You are still saving lives every day Dr. Kory. Hubby and I (in our 70’s). been on ivermectin (and other recommended nutraceuticals) since first I saw you speak and read your first piece way back when - initially twice a week and now once a week. When my daughter and future son-in-law wound up with Covid they took it also and within two days they were better. So remember... you ARE saving lives no matter how hopeless and corrupt the so-called medical system is. We are grateful and thank you❤️
Dr. Kory, I’m new to your substack, so perhaps my request already exists, but I’m really interested in the effects of ivermectin on cancer in general and cancerous tumors. I recently took ivermectin for an unknown infection and it cleared within a day. I don’t know what it was because I refuse to go see a doctor because I’m afraid that they will purposely steer me in the wrong direction (fully admit to tinfoil hat!! 😂😂) but I haven’t been sick in any way in 17 years, and ivermectin helped me immediately.
Email me at my substack email, I trust I will see it and I can send you a bunch of papers. My mother is on 4 repurposed drugs for her melanoma after I got her an appointment with a really good integrative oncologist - one of which is ivermectin, the others are mebendazole, metformin, and now I cant remember the 4th one
Is your mother doing well? Hopefully so. I’ve read some things about ivermectin and metformin. Mebendazole is a new one for me. I’ll have to look into that one as well. Thank you.
Dr. Kory, I’m sure I’m having difficulty because I’m mentally deficient, but I can’t find how to send an email to your substack email. I’d really like to read the papers. I know you’re extremely busy, but you could just send them to my personal email if you get a second. It’s
Also, I’m guessing it was some sort of infection because I had a fever which leads me to believe my body was fighting something. I was so afraid because I never get sick. I thought maybe I was dying. (Please don’t laugh) I just never get sick. I had some ivermectin that I ordered from an online pharmacy in the beginning of Covid that I never had to use until a few days ago. I was in the gym and where I normally do a 45 minute workout, I could barely make it to 20 minutes. This scared me. I came home and then noticed a fever. Luckily I had that bottle. I got capsules of dosage based on my weight and I took one in the morning, and one in the evening. Next day I was perfect again.
There are a dozen in vitro studies of ivermectin stopping replication of numerous mostly if not all RNA virusus - zika, west nile, influenza, dengue, HIV etc. Maybe you had dengue? (this is a joke of course). But seriously, whenever the flu decides to make an appearance again (also a joke), I am really interested in seeing how IVM works with flu.. another reason why Pharma hates ivermectin, its potential as a broad anti-viral and/or anti-tumor agent can shake up a few more "markets" ugh
Dr. Kory, you have no idea how skeptical I am of the hospital/clinic/Dr. Industry. I’ve been this way since I was 12. My father died and at the time I thought he was killed in the hospital. From that moment, I started researching preventative medicine so I never had to go to the hospital. This is completely insane, but I won’t even go to the hospital when friends or family have babies. I view hospitals as cemetery gates. I’m also interested in the IV vitamin C. I’m sure this is effective for many ailments. Wish I could administer this at home!! 😂
I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t offend you. I suppose you have to get work where you can find it!!! 😂 Serious note, I kind of admire the fact that you are able to work in that environment. I’m harsh. I’m sure there are possibly 1 or 2 hospitals that are alright.
I’m sorry, What I meant to say is your so right, I wouldn’t go either as a patient!!! The stories are endless. Think about Dr. Kory in the ICU and watch people die, horrible scenarios .
Additionally, my mother is 78 in very good health, but she got the shot and then had a heart attack. Luckily, she came out of it ok, but that was a scare I told her, “mother, you were fine and this poison somehow made you worse than you were.” She passed me off as crazy, then my entire family shunned me for not getting the shot. They bought into the narrative to not allow “the unclean” to come into their homes for the holidays. I was sad because time with my family was always so much fun! We share wonderful food, drink wine, play games, yet this time I wax excluded. I also told my employer (a huge billion dollar conglomerate) that I would resign before I relented to a forced shot. Thankfully, a day before their strong arm forced it upon the 1,000’s that work for them, the Supreme Court decision came out. I’m one of the lucky ones. I held steadfast to my anti COVID vax stance and simply by chance it seems, I was allowed to keep my job.
wow. Stay strong, hopefully the world will find its sanity someday around these vaccines. Hasnt happened yet though, they appear to be going strong still
Always! I’m presently on a conference call with ghouls who love hearing themselves talk and think they have the ultimate solutions to all of our problems. Every time I speak, I’m met with complete silence. Crickets.
You have laid out the case for lawyers to sue on behalf of all the needless covid deaths. This is the biggest scandal in the history of our world...greater than anything else that has ever gone down. These editors and those that bribed them need to be held accountable. There is a paper trail and phone logs that will prove it in discovery.
You Dr. Kory and Tess Laurie and many others who spoke out at the risk of your lives, are our modern day Marvel Super Heroes. I prayed for your safety all of last year feeling you were in danger and I will continue to do so just in case.
Dr. Kory I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to see corruption take innocent lives from a doctors perspective. I listened early on to the FLCCC and Dr. Lawrie. At the time I was able to get a prescription for IVM and for a year was able to get it from Walgreens. That stopped about the time your dates appear from this article with respect to the "journals" AKA money whores. I used IVM as did 2 of my 4 children (adults told to read the evidence for themselves). It worked immediately to cure us of Sars CV2. I now keep a supply just in case the horrible decision to vaccinate during a pandemic comes back to harm us. Keep going you will get the support you need. No vaccinations in my family, thanks to you, Brett Weinstein, and Dr. Malone.
The journals aren't the problem. They're a problem, but just a symptom of much deeper rot. We like to whine about journals, and the broader press, and twit, and WEF, and Bill, and joe, but usually ignore the real problem -- those malefactors are powerless without a lot of willing accomplices.
The readers of these journals are supposed to be experts. Highly trained, well informed, intelligent -- the best of the best. We rely on them to make life and death decisions for us. Either they are aware of the corruption and lies, or they're not as smart as they claim to be. Both answers deeply undermine public expectations and jeopardize the future of our society.
The solution is to remove the reverence we have given to the medical guilds, and recognize that they're just mechanics we hire to do an occasional job. They need to be supervised like any other employee, or we can expect poor results. We allowed them to control our lives. That's the most important lesson from this disaster -- never allow anyone to control us.
Glad you are revealing how the censorship worked. Not glad it worked.
Takeaway from all of the COVIDcrisis: Money trumps Humanity every time. This is hard to believe for any who believe in Truth and in Science (not the B.S., money driven science, but the reproducible, documented evidence based science). The divergence that has happened (between Real Science and the "fake science" of money), and continues to happen, is hard to accept by those who lived and believed otherwise.
Brilliant piece. This medical layman fails to comprehend how Ivermectin saved enough millions of lives to win the Nobel Peace Prize then later got demonized as 'horse paste' and unfit for human consumption by America's FDA. Had Ivermectin (and other successful early approaches) been employed early on, millions of lives might have been saved around the world - this, months before the first so-called 'vaccine' ever got injected into the first arm.
'Mass murder', on the part of those who censored life-saving treatments? The shoe fits.
C'mon, legal profession... Get off your duffs. there HAS to be a class action suit somewhere in this.
It's a risky case, and established attorneys don't take risky cases. We need up and comers to step up. They will. Names will be made from this disaster, and great fortunes.
they will be up against the great fortunes made by big pharma and their stockholders and political servants, and everyone involved. It's mass murder. It's treason.
It's criminal.
As my son says “YOLO”….. you only live once . Take risks, your life may depend on it.
Several generations have been indoctrinated to expect a risk free existence. We don't hear much about "safe spaces" anymore because of the stigma, but they still exist by different names. Thus, twit, face, and the other protected enclaves.
I don’t know how this could be pulled off, but I would love to see a study/paper submitted to peer-reviewed journals with Paxlovid substituted for ivermectin, and when the paper is accepted, the authors reveal that the drug tested was actually ivermectin, and the journal would be forced to proceed with publishing what they had already accepted lest their bias be revealed.
Perhaps Peter Boghossian, James Lindsay, and Helen Pluckrose can give some pointers on how to submit hoax papers—although it’s probably a lot easier to get away with in the social sciences ;-) (
Wait until my next post which will prove that you are 100% correct
Oooh, how exciting! I can't wait 😁
Brilliant idea. Tactically, we need to fight fire with fire on this. Let the Truth prevail.
Fraud to make a point is still fraud. The best response to corruption is punishment. We need litigation. Lots of litigation. Every covid death since hcq and ivermectin were publicized should generate legal action, with the fraudulent journals named as co conspirators.
This would not be fraud. The legal definition of fraud is “the deliberate misrepresentation of fact for the purpose of depriving someone of a valuable possession” (
This is more akin to a witness wearing a wire to document the confession of a murderer. It is like auditing an organization with a history of malfeasance.
The hoax grievance studies papers were not considered fraud and were extremely successful at exposing the nonexistent standards, political biases, and clownishness of the “peer-reviewed” journals that took the bait.
This action got national attention—even in the mainstream media, as evidenced by the New York Times article I cited above.
This would be an act of culture-jamming with the intention of exposing scientific fraud while simultaneously creating a Yes-Men–worthy media event that brings it to the public’s attention.
An attorney could be consulted to ensure the authors’ intentions are documented from the outset to defend against accusations of fraud.
Webster isn't a judge in any court. In the law, fraud is the failure to comp,y with a contract. If you submit a paper for publication, you sign an agreement that it's your work, and accurate, and a bunch of other promises. Submitting a paper you know is incorrect, while certifying it's accuracy, is certainly fraud.
Wearing a wire is usually done with a court order, or is illegal in many jurisdictions, or at best inadmissible.
Audits are voluntary or with court order.
The complexities of the law means we are constrained to a subset of possible actions. My preferences are usually illegal, but those complexities also provide a lot of more effective methods of investigation that are legal.
And the perpetrators of the fraud would have their reputations destroyed forever unless they're eventually proven right. Even then, probably.
The great thing about our situation is that doing something like fraudulent submissions is unlikely to be prosecuted since the organization would not want the publicity.
The data in the paper would be their work *and* accurate. The only switcharoo would be the name of the drug.
In any case, that’s why I suggested consulting an attorney to document the intention in advance—it’s basically a meta-experiment to test the integrity of the journal.
The authors would not have their reputations destroyed because there would be a trail of evidence demonstrating the purpose of the experiment that would be shared by the authors themselves when they do the reveal.
The hoax grievance papers were incredibly successful in this regard and would be the model to follow. It shined a spotlight on the woke journals and brought international attention to the issue, which is exactly what culture-jamming is designed to do.
Thus the fraud. You'll need a better lawyer.
Haha, well, it was originally proposed as a hypothetical. I didn’t expect anyone to actually do it, but I do think it would be a powerful indictment of the integrity of high-reputation journals if someone managed to figure out a way to do it lawfully.
I daydream about such a scenario all the time! However, as we all know, this strategy will have little impact so long as no one reports on it, buries it, re-frames it etc. Revealing the existence of bias is only half the equation - ensuring this “revelation” gets even a modicum of exposure to the public is the more difficult and critical component by far - so what’s the plan for that?!! 🙏
See my response to David above, but this is the type of culture-jamming stunt that can even capture the MSM’s attention, as demonstrated by the New York Times article on the grievance studies hoax papers. Even if they are fact-choking the story, it still brings it to the public’s attention and makes them think twice about trusting captured journals.
I got a little giddy when I discovered you were discussing your “American Journal of Therapeutics” paper. If you take a look at the footnotes ( of my article on the ivermectin disinformation campaign (, you will find that is the ninth bullet in my list of papers demonstrating ivermectin’s efficacy.
It made me a bit misty-eyed to realize I published that on October 19, 2021—before I knew who either you or Tess were. And now here we are nearly a year later, and I not only consider you two of the most courageous people in the world but also cherished collaborators and friends 🙌
P.S. I hope you’ve upgraded from a bat by now 😂
Same here MAA. And no, I have not upgraded the bat but have taken other precautions.. Although complicated to explain how, I have since learned that we are no longer a threat to Pharma, specifically Pfizer. they consider the war on ivermectin to be over, and they are right. The war is at a stalemate, we got pretty far but now no new docs or systems will adopt ivermectin, it is a horse dewormer unfortunately
You do know your book is going to change that stalemate, right? So keep strengthening those precautions before you’re in their cross-hairs—security cameras with motion detection (including on your car); self-defense classes for you and your family; and exercising your 2A rights are all good ideas :-)
Not sure if that’s true. Public backlash against Big Pharma is growing, don’t you think? I’m hopeful that new docs are going to figure this out and reject the Big Pharma model.
They will wake up, eventually. And they will be really angry. Millions of deaths were overlooked in the last century, until Nuremberg. Then the world woke up and they've been the greatest villains of all time ever since. We now have a contender. We need a new Nuremberg. Hopefully we still have the courage. Many don't, but maybe enough do to save us.
You are still saving lives every day Dr. Kory. Hubby and I (in our 70’s). been on ivermectin (and other recommended nutraceuticals) since first I saw you speak and read your first piece way back when - initially twice a week and now once a week. When my daughter and future son-in-law wound up with Covid they took it also and within two days they were better. So remember... you ARE saving lives no matter how hopeless and corrupt the so-called medical system is. We are grateful and thank you❤️
Whoever has the most cash calls the tune, and when that "cash" amounts to multi-billions the tunes are very bad music indeed.
Dr. Kory, I’m new to your substack, so perhaps my request already exists, but I’m really interested in the effects of ivermectin on cancer in general and cancerous tumors. I recently took ivermectin for an unknown infection and it cleared within a day. I don’t know what it was because I refuse to go see a doctor because I’m afraid that they will purposely steer me in the wrong direction (fully admit to tinfoil hat!! 😂😂) but I haven’t been sick in any way in 17 years, and ivermectin helped me immediately.
Email me at my substack email, I trust I will see it and I can send you a bunch of papers. My mother is on 4 repurposed drugs for her melanoma after I got her an appointment with a really good integrative oncologist - one of which is ivermectin, the others are mebendazole, metformin, and now I cant remember the 4th one
Is your mother doing well? Hopefully so. I’ve read some things about ivermectin and metformin. Mebendazole is a new one for me. I’ll have to look into that one as well. Thank you.
Dr. Kory, I’m sure I’m having difficulty because I’m mentally deficient, but I can’t find how to send an email to your substack email. I’d really like to read the papers. I know you’re extremely busy, but you could just send them to my personal email if you get a second. It’s
Also, I’m guessing it was some sort of infection because I had a fever which leads me to believe my body was fighting something. I was so afraid because I never get sick. I thought maybe I was dying. (Please don’t laugh) I just never get sick. I had some ivermectin that I ordered from an online pharmacy in the beginning of Covid that I never had to use until a few days ago. I was in the gym and where I normally do a 45 minute workout, I could barely make it to 20 minutes. This scared me. I came home and then noticed a fever. Luckily I had that bottle. I got capsules of dosage based on my weight and I took one in the morning, and one in the evening. Next day I was perfect again.
There are a dozen in vitro studies of ivermectin stopping replication of numerous mostly if not all RNA virusus - zika, west nile, influenza, dengue, HIV etc. Maybe you had dengue? (this is a joke of course). But seriously, whenever the flu decides to make an appearance again (also a joke), I am really interested in seeing how IVM works with flu.. another reason why Pharma hates ivermectin, its potential as a broad anti-viral and/or anti-tumor agent can shake up a few more "markets" ugh
Dr. Kory, you have no idea how skeptical I am of the hospital/clinic/Dr. Industry. I’ve been this way since I was 12. My father died and at the time I thought he was killed in the hospital. From that moment, I started researching preventative medicine so I never had to go to the hospital. This is completely insane, but I won’t even go to the hospital when friends or family have babies. I view hospitals as cemetery gates. I’m also interested in the IV vitamin C. I’m sure this is effective for many ailments. Wish I could administer this at home!! 😂
Ha or no ha.. Cappel… I work in a hospital, the stories are endless.
I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t offend you. I suppose you have to get work where you can find it!!! 😂 Serious note, I kind of admire the fact that you are able to work in that environment. I’m harsh. I’m sure there are possibly 1 or 2 hospitals that are alright.
I’m sorry, What I meant to say is your so right, I wouldn’t go either as a patient!!! The stories are endless. Think about Dr. Kory in the ICU and watch people die, horrible scenarios .
Additionally, my mother is 78 in very good health, but she got the shot and then had a heart attack. Luckily, she came out of it ok, but that was a scare I told her, “mother, you were fine and this poison somehow made you worse than you were.” She passed me off as crazy, then my entire family shunned me for not getting the shot. They bought into the narrative to not allow “the unclean” to come into their homes for the holidays. I was sad because time with my family was always so much fun! We share wonderful food, drink wine, play games, yet this time I wax excluded. I also told my employer (a huge billion dollar conglomerate) that I would resign before I relented to a forced shot. Thankfully, a day before their strong arm forced it upon the 1,000’s that work for them, the Supreme Court decision came out. I’m one of the lucky ones. I held steadfast to my anti COVID vax stance and simply by chance it seems, I was allowed to keep my job.
wow. Stay strong, hopefully the world will find its sanity someday around these vaccines. Hasnt happened yet though, they appear to be going strong still
Always! I’m presently on a conference call with ghouls who love hearing themselves talk and think they have the ultimate solutions to all of our problems. Every time I speak, I’m met with complete silence. Crickets.
You have laid out the case for lawyers to sue on behalf of all the needless covid deaths. This is the biggest scandal in the history of our world...greater than anything else that has ever gone down. These editors and those that bribed them need to be held accountable. There is a paper trail and phone logs that will prove it in discovery.
You Dr. Kory and Tess Laurie and many others who spoke out at the risk of your lives, are our modern day Marvel Super Heroes. I prayed for your safety all of last year feeling you were in danger and I will continue to do so just in case.
Dr. Kory I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to see corruption take innocent lives from a doctors perspective. I listened early on to the FLCCC and Dr. Lawrie. At the time I was able to get a prescription for IVM and for a year was able to get it from Walgreens. That stopped about the time your dates appear from this article with respect to the "journals" AKA money whores. I used IVM as did 2 of my 4 children (adults told to read the evidence for themselves). It worked immediately to cure us of Sars CV2. I now keep a supply just in case the horrible decision to vaccinate during a pandemic comes back to harm us. Keep going you will get the support you need. No vaccinations in my family, thanks to you, Brett Weinstein, and Dr. Malone.
The journals aren't the problem. They're a problem, but just a symptom of much deeper rot. We like to whine about journals, and the broader press, and twit, and WEF, and Bill, and joe, but usually ignore the real problem -- those malefactors are powerless without a lot of willing accomplices.
The readers of these journals are supposed to be experts. Highly trained, well informed, intelligent -- the best of the best. We rely on them to make life and death decisions for us. Either they are aware of the corruption and lies, or they're not as smart as they claim to be. Both answers deeply undermine public expectations and jeopardize the future of our society.
The solution is to remove the reverence we have given to the medical guilds, and recognize that they're just mechanics we hire to do an occasional job. They need to be supervised like any other employee, or we can expect poor results. We allowed them to control our lives. That's the most important lesson from this disaster -- never allow anyone to control us.
We have met the enemy, and it is us.
Glad you are revealing how the censorship worked. Not glad it worked.
Takeaway from all of the COVIDcrisis: Money trumps Humanity every time. This is hard to believe for any who believe in Truth and in Science (not the B.S., money driven science, but the reproducible, documented evidence based science). The divergence that has happened (between Real Science and the "fake science" of money), and continues to happen, is hard to accept by those who lived and believed otherwise.
That is so bizarre! We are living in the twilight zone.
Thanks Dr. Kory for the clarification with famotidine, and clearing up some muddy waters .