"Shedding" Part 7- Descriptions of Shedding Causing Illness After Sexual Intercourse
Here I provide case descriptions of two different couples where the women fell ill with identical symptoms after a specific type of sexual activity.
In the first 4 posts of this series on shedding, I reviewed the regulatory and scientific evidence identifying the risks and reality of transmission of Covid mRNA nanoparticle components and spike protein products from the vaccinated to developing fetuses, breast-milk fed infants, and others in their vicinity.
The posts beyond Part 4 focus almost solely on providing clinical evidence with descriptions of situations where patients reported symptoms after close exposures with vaccinated family members, friends, or contacts.
In Part 5, I reviewed the case presentations of two women I successfully treated for abnormal menses after they had a close exposure to recently vaccinated practitioners. In addition, I reviewed a study which found a strong correlation between adult mRNA vaccination rates and excess mortality among unvaccinated children across the U.S and Europe. That paper’s finding is truly disturbing to contemplate.
In Part 6, I presented case notes and communications of a small cohort of patients in our Leading Edge Clinic that detail symptoms developing after exposure to vaccinated contacts.
In this post, I include two brief descriptions of illness developing after a certain type of sexual activity as well as a unique case of a highly sensitive person who was forced to separate from her husband due to an inability to share a bed after he got secretly vaccinated.
I have put this post behind a paywall due to its sensitive (and somewhat sensational) nature, however in Parts 8 and 9, I will include dozens of descriptions of shedding events subsequently submitted to me by subscribers either via personal email or as a comment under prior posts in this series.
A friend and colleague who is “vaccine literate” (and knowledgeable about vaccine injury treatment as they themselves were injured) reported to me the following:
“I was at an airport and was on a long, crowded line through security. By the time I got on the plane, I felt unwell with fatigue, general malaise and a headache. This has happened before when I have been exposed to crowds. When I got home that night, to make me feel better and relax, my wife offered me oral sex. She and I like when she swallows the sperm, and after we had sex, within minutes she suddenly complained of 9 out of 10 pain and was curled up in the fetal position. No nausea or vomiting. This had never happened before in the many years of our marriage. We both quickly concluded that not only was I again sick from close exposure to a crowd of people at the airport, but she had been subsequently “spiked” as well. Ingestion of 24mg of ivermectin reduced the pain to 1 out of 10 in 30 minutes.”
I need to point out that in addition to being a case of sexual transmission, it is also a case of “secondary shedding,” meaning that the husband first developed symptoms after exposure to a group of vaccinated people and then subsequently transmitted the spike or other mRNA vaccine nanoparticle components to his wife at home who then became acutely ill.
Not too long after, we received this description of a near identical event on our Leading Edge vaccine injury practice intake form:
I find the near identical reports of acute illness developing after swallowing semen of a vaccinated man to be compelling evidence that spike protein or other mRNA vaccine components are present to a clinically impactful degree in sperm. Recall that shedding via sperm was not studied (as it should have been) in either animals or humans. Also know that both couples no longer engage in this type of intercourse.
Now, although not a description of sexual transmission per se, the following case of a woman having to separate from her husband due to violent illness developing after he secretly got vaccinated is uniquely instructive given the amount of insights into spike transmission that she offers.
Although this case was already included at the end of Part 6, I am including it again as it is the most extreme case I have heard due to the severe sensitivity to vaccinated people and the high degree of illness reported by the patient.
The fact that she suffered decidual cast shedding is particularly damning as this was an extremely rare condition prior to the Covid mRNA campaign (i.e. since the second half of the 20th century, there have only been around 50 published cases of decidual casting). Jim Thorpe, the OB-Gyn expert in maternal fetal medicine has apparently observed a huge “spike” in reports of decidual cast shedding since the mRNA campaign. This is probably a good time to tell you what a decidual cast is - it is when the entire lining of the uterus is expelled via the vagina en masse such that it looks like a “cast” of the uterus. See below:
The below email was sent unsolicited to our Leading Edge Clinic some months ago (well before I began to write about shedding). Her extreme sensitivity to shedding allowed her to develop numerous insights into what kind of people shed the most, the least, when they shed, and in what environments. It’s a doozy:
Hi Dr Kory,
I have recently listened to an interview you did with Evan Brand. I feel compelled to write to you to share a personal testimony that might be relevant to the current research you conduct and care you provide in regards to Vx injuries and shedding.
I am a 43 year old caucasian woman from Australia. For a large part of my adult life I have suffered from migraines, reactions to certain foods and chemicals, and infertility after my 2 children. I was never able to have a third child. I am otherwise healthy and slim with no chronic conditions whatsoever and eat very healthy. I have an auto immune issue; it's not clear when it started but, receiving the Gardasil shot in 2012 certainly made everything worse. I also have the MTHFR mutation (both of them, heterozygous).
Anyway, when the Covid Vax campaign started in Australia in 2021, I felt the 'shedding' right away. I was so ill after first coming into contact with a vaccinated individual that I was pretty much bed ridden for days and was not able to shake the accompanying brain fog. After much research (with the help of an amazing naturopath), I realised that I needed ivermectin to help me. At the time, in June 2021, it was still legal to obtain and I managed to get a kind doctor to prescribe it for me via telehealth. In 3 days I was back to my normal self. In July 2021 ivermectin was banned here and all of us concerned had to order it from India and hope that customs wouldn't intercept it. Like minded groups formed and we all helped each other; kind compounding pharmacists would prepare it for some at their own risk. What a crazy time that was.
Then my husband at the time got the shots without telling me. I started to get violent headaches every time he jumped into bed at night. Weeks later I started bleeding profusely. The bleeding never stopped (3 weeks of heavy bleeding - please note I have never in my entire life had period problems) until I had to be rushed to the emergency where they tried to force me to have a blood transfusion as my haemoglobin levels were so low they didn't think I was going to last the night. I refused as they couldn't guarantee that it was unvaccinated blood. I asked for an iron infusion, knowing it would build my haemoglobin levels back slowly, a longer but safer solution. I took drugs to stop the bleeding. I separated from my husband due to this issue as I could never be near him again without getting sick.
2 months later I experienced decidual cast shedding. It's a very scary experience. I have been poked and probed by all the mainstream medicine doctors here and they have found nothing wrong with me but they 'guarantee that my problems have nothing to do with shedding or spike proteins'.
I want to tell you that I am so sensitive to the shedding still that I can tell if someone is vaccinated within 10 secs of me standing next to them. 2 and a half years later I can testify 100% that people are still shedding as much as they did when they first got jabbed. It does NOT stop. Throughout these past 2 years here is what I have learned and I can sign a legal sworn affidavit on this:
-old people shed less (because their immune system is weaker?)
-healthy, energetic people shed more
-Covid vaccinated kids (we have a lot in Australia) are the biggest shedders (probably because of their strong immune system) - I do not walk in to my kids classrooms
-I feel secondary shedding from my kids when they get home from school
-Shedding seems to affect people with auto immune issues (you weren't sure in your interview why some people were sensitive and not others).
-Nattokinase has been my saviour, it is so effective that sometimes I can't even feel the shedding.
-I take ivm once a week as it has a long body shelf life and it's also amazing. I have HCQ too, but I haven't found the same efficacy.
-LDN (low dose naltrexone) has been significant in reducing auto immune reactions and please consider it for your patients as people who are sensitive to shedding also have auto immune problems
-NAC is fine but hasn't really worked
-nicotine works against shedding/spike proteins, I do not smoke but crave cigarettes when I am shed on. (the only 2 people I know who have never had covid are heavy smokers).
-shedding comes from people's breath, skin and all body fluids. It's everywhere in their body and I do not know how these people can stay alive.
-I am ok to talk to vaccinated people if we are outdoors. Mostly.
-people do not stop shedding, ever.
-I swear I can tell if someone is vaccinated within 10 seconds, indoors.
During your interview you mentioned that you weren't sure that people keep producing spike proteins, I can guarantee they never stop. However your body might get used to the shedding of the spikes.
Should you have any new break through on treatment, please let me know or let the world know! So many of us are suffering. I still bleed profusely, massive clots etc. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a bioweapon.
I hope that some of the information I am sharing can help others.
Many thanks for your efforts in helping us all.
Kind regards
Links to all the other already active posts in this series are below.
P.S. My book The War on Ivermectin is available on Amazon and anywhere else books are sold. Reading the reviews has been a highlight of my life (and a source of psychological sustenance as I “soldier on” during this historically dark period).
“Shedding” Part 1- Shedding of Covid mRNA Vaccine Components and Products From The Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated - Part 1
“Shedding” Part 2 - The Bio-Distribution and Excretion Potential of Covid mRNA Vaccine Products
“Shedding” Part 3 - Can You Absorb Lipid Nanoparticles From Being Exposed To a Vaccinated Person?
“Shedding” Part 4 - Evidence of Placental and Breast Milk Transmission of Covid mRNA Vaccine Components
"Shedding" Part 5 - Evidence of Shedding Causing Illness In Others
“Shedding Part 6- Clinical Case Notes Describing Shedding Phenomena Among Leading Edge Clinic Patients
“Shedding” Part 7 - Shedding Via Sexual Intercourse - Clinical Reports
“Shedding” Part 8 - A Deluge of Clinical Reports Pour In
“Shedding” Part 9 - More and More Clinical Case Descriptions of Shedding Pour In
WOW!! We don’t need ‘studies’ to know what patient based medicine is telling us.
I’ve always been a critical thinker, but now I just don’t believe a single thing from any government agency anywhere.
I love my PCP, but I direct my health, not him. We’re the CEOs of our own health and no one else!
In terms of crowds... I too have experienced this many times. I feel unwell with flu like symptoms and can smell a unique ordour around people. After feeling this way and smelling the same ordour several times in company with family and friends, I confirmed the correlation with the covid vaccination. As it transpired each has been vaccinated within the previous week. I am very sensitive to meds and in general and I swear I can smell something so now I ask and yep the link is there!