Without your phenomenal group at the FLCCC, your treatment guidance through protocols, and the morale boost acquired each time I zoom on wednesday evenings, I would be forced to exit healthcare. In 21 years of EM practice I have never been so despondent about humanity. Shift after shift I am ostracized, defamed and ridiculed for my unvaccinated status even though I maintain silence publicly.

I know this is slightly off topic from your post, but you should know that we are listening…we are employing your protocols to help heal family and neighbors (as we are not allowed to do so in the hospital), we are pushing back on pharmacists who deny us. We are spreading the word about real statistical analysis presented on the Zooms and this is beyond empowering. Your impact is felt far and wide. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to the practice of medicine and most importantly to truth.

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Wow. I am deeply moved by your comment above.. and comments like these are EXACTLY what keeps me going. Thank you so much (P.S I am tweeting the above in a thread - hopefully will inspire more to resist the "mass formation psychosis) so many have fallen prey to.

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Thank you Dr ! You are walking the narrow road being a pure blood in healthcare . I respect your position and hope that many who have drunk the kool aid will snap out of their hypnosis

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You are EXACTLY the kind of doctor I am looking for! We need a “dating service” type of setup, to find each other ❤️ I am way behind on all my checkups, but I refuse to go near a hospital or doctor right now. I don’t know how to find a doctor I can trust. 😢

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Seriously Aimee … I don’t trust doctors anymore and many demean the unvaccinated and blame them for vaccine failure .

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I was told by my own GP right before the pandemic hit that not having my son vaccinated was as "irresponsible as allowing him to play in the middle of a busy street." My response was "Now, see, we have a definite difference of opinion on what irresponsible means, Doc. Because, in my opinion, irresponsible would be knowing what I know about them & how they wreaked havoc with his system and his doctor no had no idea what to do to help him, and STILL EXPOSING HIM to that particular misery. That would be irresponsible to the point of mistreatment and/or neglect, I'm thinking. Now, if I were to maybe put YOU in the middle of the busy street, that might be considered a public service, you know, considering it would be ridding the world of o no e more narrow minded, self assured, rude jacka#$!"

Eventually, it will get to a point where I will be forced to find a doctor for me and my family, but my son hasn't been to a doctor but once in almost 4 years and that was July 2020 when he broke his elbow. I guarantee there is not a healthier kid in this county. His weight is awesome, he is super smart, he is a, for lack of a better word, well balanced kid. He has some ADD, but, again, I studied, read, and studied some more and have it pretty much controlled as well. I was losing the trust I had in any doctor back then, this pandemic made sure I saw I was right. Dr. Kory, Dr. Marik, Dr. Wagshul, these are doctors I seek out to see if they've written anything new because I read about how they struggle with all this friction and in some cases hard down hate, and how they are responding, and I trust that they are decent human beings who still care about their fellow man. Anyway, my point was that you have to trust your judgement and pay attention what you don't hear as well as what you do hear from anyone, but especially from the person who is in charge of your health. And look for a Dr who is a good human being FIRST, because good humans make good doctors (doctor/patient relationship wise) but good doctors don't necessarily make good humans.

I follow the advice from FLCCC, except the ivermectin because I can't deal with the pharmacy thing. I have a really bad temper and it would NOT go well for them or me😬. I did what the protocol said and sub Nigella Sativa for the Ivermectin. Good luck finding a doc!

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I got turned down (back in mid and late 2021) by all the local pharms I tried, late enough that it was telehealth scrips -- as no local docs would write one by then! Made it through the last couple days of my dance with the covid-devil (had covid in Dec 2021) using the last of my horse paste (I'd bought three syringes before Tractor Supply locked them up!)

Decided then, I will not EVER be without IVM IN my possession! Tried AllDayChemist.com. Ordered online and I screwed up some button or box and, to my amazement, the storekeep CALLED me from India! He helped me get my order through, and when I said" I'm a little worried about U.S. Customs confiscating the order, as they had been doing." he laughed and said: "they're not doing it so much now; and if they do, we just resend."

My 100 12mg pills came in 8 days (!! and back then, the website warned it could take up to 30 days). Whew! No worries! But the pills are really small, and cutting them up for proper prophylaxis dosing was annoying. Back to AllDayChemist: this time ordered 100 more of the 12mg and 100 of the 6mg. (Keep thinking I should order still more: just like with ammunition: you can NEVER have enough!!)

So, since I have had covid I have great natural immunity to SARS-Cov2 and maybe Cov1... However, this attack was manufactured as a bioweapon, and so was the poison-vaxx! And then omicron showed up -- and that was CLEARLY not a mutant from any extant strain of SARS! Someone ("white hats"?) manufactured it! And I expect that whoever is trying to kill millions (and succeeding!) is NOT. YET. DONE.!!

p.s., Treatment dosing with IVM also worked great with the shingles I got (I'm 65) in April. The teeny blisters came up and a day later went away. NO PAIN, NO ITCHING! Whew!

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I hope that Substack communities like this are an antidote for the despondent moments--that is just the right word for it.

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Thank you for your service. You showed great personal courage in maintaining your stance. Be aware though you are not alone. Eventhough the “authorities” try to tell you “everyone” in the medical field is vaxxed, in point of fact a survey by the CDC of 3 million healthcare workers revealed 1/3rd are unvaxxed:


Quite likely it’s because the damage they’ve seen first hand that the vaccines can cause.

Several nurses groups have come forward complaining doctors are keeping silent on the severe side effects becoming apparent:


Can you ask of cardiac doctors and nurses in your hospital if they’ve seen a great increase in cardiac issues in the young? If so, would any be willing to go on the record?

Robert Clark

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WOW. Heck yes, you are exhausted. My brilliant late husband was a physician, I was a lawyer. We had a few of these go rounds with pharmacies over other issues. One claimed he could not read my husband's handwriting - he wrote all his prescriptions the way an engineer does on drafting plans. We faxed the copy down, then another round of insanity and then the very same conversation only with the state codes quoted. When the owner pharmacist found out about the problem pharmacist with the personality disorder, he fired him.

Thank you, Dr. Kory. Thank you. Sending prayers every night for you, yours and your patients.

(I do donate to FLCCC every month, and I am going to save up for the founding member subscription.).

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In the dark of the night the many nights you Dr Kory have shone a light and given us through your protocols hope and treatment to not succumb to the mass delusional psychosis! I use abs share your protocols with anyone who I think will listen. I will never forget hearing your Senate testimony in December 2020 I shed tears like you did that day. I heard and repeat parts of your testimony as it spoke to the evils that are existing and yet the good people like yourself who cry out in the night! You are heard respected and revered in the eyes of someone like myself. A thank you seems to fall short of the immense sense of gratitude I feel towards you! As a nurse I have the utmost respect for your dedication, intellect and integrity!

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I echo everything you said Dory O’Toole. Without the knowledge that gave hope and started a journey to education regarding the treatment, my life this past year would have been unbearable. TY, and to FLCCC

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I went to a local compounding pharmacy in my neighborhood. After some chitchat, I asked the key question: do you fill Ivermectin prescriptions? "Oh yes", she said, "we filled 10 just today." We talked about iodine nasal spray - how she heard that some customers made it by themselves. She was very kind, and very friendly.

Who knew we'd have to do this? Health care in the age of engineered pandemic.

Something to consider: go to the corporate pharmacy where they fill your existing prescriptions. Ask if they fill ivermectin for COVID19. If not - tell them you are cancelling all future orders, and never coming back. If enough people do this, they'll get the message.

While the 200 weasels in Congress get their Ivermectin without any issue, normal people are forced to ride "in the back of the bus" by the fascist corporate state. This is our "civil rights" issue - and it can be confronted with a Rosa Parks style boycott.

Just a thought. We can't let Dr Kory do all the heavy lifting here. He's just one guy. This is one way we can contribute. Strength in numbers.

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Thanks for that. Many of the big chain pharmacies won’t fill IVM or as happened to me charge exorbitant prices. I’ll try a “compounding pharmacy”.

Robert Clark

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Just wondering, what and where was the "Local Pharmacy"?

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I'm guessing you might have one near you. Google maps: "compounding pharmacy." Not CVS, not Walgreens, not Target, not Costco, not Wal-Mart. "Stop feeding the fascist-elite tapeworm."

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Dear Dr Kory, I trust you'll follow through with legal action against the pharmacist who refused to fill the prescriptions. Word will travel quickly among pharmacists when they begin to be sued personally for interfering with doctor-patient relationships and causing pain and suffering. They can be held accountable and should be. Time to switch from defensive to offensive. Too many lives have already been lost. I would like to present every pharmacist in my local area with a personally addressed cease and desist letter warning that if they interfere with the dispensing of Ivermectin, HCQ and and any other treatment prescribed by licensed physicians to treat their patients then they will be brought to court. Can someone with legal-speak draft a letter for us in the neighborhoods?? Seriously.

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Agreed! We need a letter with some teeth in it. Many pharmacies are corporate. CVS etc. What about starting at the top?

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I tried the top. Sent a letter to Rite Aid and received no response. The top is covered by the corporation and not personally liable. The leadership isn't personally refusing to dispense a medication. I think we're best off on the ground, moving one by one. It's the Sting lyric "Men go crazy in congregations and only get better one by one."

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Pierre. Scotland here and ivermectin is not even licensed in this country but the mere mention of it and I am ridiculed. I am unvaccinated but I have been following the FLCCC protocol and now others are beginning to follow it too because they are now actually seeing and believing that the vaccine is basically useless and early intervention is the key.

It is wonderful that people like you, Paul Marik and Tess Lawrie are standing up and fighting for the rights of the patients. We all owe you a huge debt of gratitude that can never be repaid.

All we can do is pledge our support and you and the team have mine until this battle is won. Stay well x

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As a pharmacist, I am appalled and embarrassed at the way pharmacists are so easily influenced. I have communicated with your organization about The Pharmacist's Letter, which put out a missive in October about why ivermectin use should be discouraged. Thanks to the info on your alliance page, I was able to quickly put together a quick rebuttal to the information being peddled. Also, there were several other pharmacists in the comment section seeking clarifications to false statements. Everyone capable of resisting the medical cartel needs to do so EVERY SINGLE DAY IN EVERY SINGLE WAY THEY ARE CAPABLE OF DOING.

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Thank you for questioning the insanity, seeking clarity, and taking action.

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You're welcome. Much of the credit goes to my wife who finds reams of information for me to look at. Most people just simply do not have time to research these things so just blindly follow the path of least resistance. IT IS IMPERATIVE FOR ANYONE WITH ANY PERCEIVED OR ACTUAL INFLUENCE TO USE IT NOW.

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Can you post your rebuttal letter? Would love to send it to my local pharmacist. More teeth if is coming from a pharmacist vs a pony girl...😉

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My rebuttal was only to a couple of specific (and incorrect/questional) pieces of information in the Pharmacist's Letter. I would look at Dr Kory's article we are commenting on and use it as your template to discuss with your local pharmacist. Start with this paragraph in Dr K's article:

... you are violating his civil rights, blocking my licensed ability to practice medicine and care for my sick patient, and you are clearly practicing medicine illegally and highly ignorantly. You should at least know what you are doing if you are going to do it without a license man"

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Hi again- the Dr Kory language is good, but they are really only words that can be easily dismissed. The effect of the words didn't even last long enough for the patient's wife to be able to pick up the meds. For some pharmacists, seeing their actual name on a legal letter or lawsuit charging something serious (like medical malpractice or whatever it would be) can be frightening. Sorry pharmacists are winding up on the front line, but if a pharmacist refuses to dispense he/she is making a choice and taking action that is harmful, and they need to be accountable.

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Yes, the charge would be practicing medicine without a license, in my opinion. Here is what my state board of pharmacy in Texas says about the issue.

The Texas Medical Board (TMB) and Texas State Board of Pharmacy (TSBP) do not endorse or prohibit any particular prescribed drugs or treatment for COVID-19 that meet the standard of care. Drugs are permitted to be prescribed off-label. It is the professional judgement of each physician to write their prescriptions while meeting all applicable federal and state statutes and rules. Similarly, each pharmacist must use their professional judgement in dispensing valid prescriptions while meeting all applicable federal and state statutes and rules.

My take: "must use their professional judgement in dispensing valid prescriptions" does not allow us to practice medicine nor does it exonerate us from being held liable if we have not fully evaluated our reason for refusing to fill any prescription.

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Thanks for the language. It provides the opening for getting individual pharmacists on board. We still need a legal letter signed by an attorney (a lawyer or two for each state would be nice). Foot soldiers need artillery. Even farmers have pitch forks.

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What exactly would you want the legal letter to say. Just something that patients could take with them to the pharmacy to let them know they will be held accountable??

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Thank you Dr. Kory for not only standing in the gap for patients but also being on the frontlines. Many of us pray for you all as you seek to secure access to early and appropriate treatment. We all thank you and your team. 🇺🇸

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Thank you, Dr. Kory, for valiantly fighting on behalf of your patients and being one of the few doctors courageous enough to stand up to corruption so you can fulfill your Hippocratic Oath. I know it can be exhausting continually fighting against the current, but you are appreciated.

I featured your heroic colleague, Dr. Tess Lawrie, as the first subject in my new “Profiles in Courage” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie) series, and I plan to profile you at some point, too.

I find the ivermectin disinformation campaign particularly heinous and examine it extensively in my “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded).

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Dear Dr. Kory,

Thank you for your bravery and determination.

I just wrote an article that was just published on Trialsite News. It's called "Breaking the Spell: MindSpace, Trance Warfare, and Neuro Linguistic Programming." You may or may not have seen it since it went up in the last day, but it details precisely how governments and related agencies have been using an aggressive combination of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and "Nudging" techniques to directly target and steer what social engineers and behavioral scientists call "automatic motivations" i.e. the unconscious mind. I think this is a major missing piece in the puzzle, since it documents and accounts for exactly how a trance-like state has been induced in such a significant portion of the population, and how it can be broken. Not only that, but with the use of advanced NLP, they have been using tricks like "anchors," "cues," "priming" and other NLP devices to actively steer people's "automatic motivations" i.e. the unconscious mind. I think this explains why so many have seemingly fallen under a spell. It's not at all by chance.

The Trialsite article, "Breaking the Spell: MindSpace, Trance Warfare, and Neuro Linguistic Programming," can be found here:


It was originally published by a Canadian intel website here (there's no paywall):


The article also identifies the specific psychological warfare nodes involved in shaping the covid-19 messaging from the outset. To my knowledge, this has yet to be fully exposed or documented.


David Gosselin

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Just read your article in TrialSite News - and wow - that's a LOT to unpack! The way I interpreted the information was that many of us already have heard about Mass Formation. We got the basics of why people are susceptible to it but what we didn't really get was the how. So your article gives us the very specific "hows" that had to happen for this "trance warfare" to be successful. I have to admit - it's a long read and with a significant amount of detail that is hard to absorb the first go round. But - that said - it's a great piece and truly informative. I highly recommend it to anyone who has been intrigued by the idea of mass formation but yet wants to get a better understanding of how it could have possibly happene.

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This is the definition of beyond infuriating. Insanity. Malpractice


What is the best course of action here? Legal, yes. Takes time and $$

I watched your presentation with Ron Johnson on Fox News. Is he fully aware of the pharmacy problem? Can Fox make this more widely known?

I’m in New York.

Side note, Met you in Ocala, the gal who wanted to advertise on my NYC building then bailed for fear of bank retribution.

I’d been previously getting my ivermectin scripts filled at CVS. No longer. Was told I needed a symptom code and if it was for Covid, no go. Locally owned pharmacist literally screamed at me about the “dangers” of Ivermectin.

CVS told me they were under the orders of NY State pharmacy board or whatever you call it to not prescribe.

Circling back, can Ron Johnson do anything about this? Realize he’s a lone wolf. Fearless fighter as you are.

Where are the lawyers?? Where is the damn ACLU??

What can we do to help here? Letters? Phone calls?

I’m going to the rally in Washington but realize it’s a spit in the wind. There will be no news coverage except negative hate mongering.

But this is out of control here. It feels 100% illegal

Please advise

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Isn’t your attorney general one of the problems ? She is going after the use of ivermectin for covid

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Yes. Horrid. Her only claim to fame is prosecuting Trump. It’s despicable what she is doing.

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I am so grateful for all your work. Thank you thank you thank you. You are saving so many lives. Each of us shares this with others. You are a hero.

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I am so sorry you have to be put under so much stress from cowards like this pharmacist.

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You rock Dr Kory!

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I'm a FNP (with Hopkins MPH too) and also a (retired) attorney. I stopped trying to get IVM rx filled for my pts about 3 mos ago. I am also vice-chair of my towns Board of Health. I have an informal "buyer's club" and we have plenty of IVM 12 mg. Of course no one knows from the community. The BOH chair actually showed the "you're not a horse" poster and would be shocked! I would be willing to help launch a National Coming Out Day. This would require significant pre-prep (scripts, media kits, etc) but if we do this all at once it would be powerful. We are the BLUNT FORCE against trauma caused by lack of early treatment.. I've got plenty of time to help. Let's do this! Let me know if you would like me to put put together a more detailed proposal or of there is any other way I can help our cause. Shift happens!

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I'm in and would like to help. What's the first step? Communication? Can we create a group in Slack (or another tool)? In order to gather in our communities, we need a way to connect.

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Dr. Kory, you are in the position you’re in for a reason. Pace yourself, take care of yourself, take courage and stay strong. And thank you for taking a stand. Get the lawyers involved indeed. It’s time. Past time.

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