Beautiful poem, and I love that you shared it on behalf of your patient! (And I especially love that you shared MY BOOK! Thank you, friend. You are a light. :)

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Received the book, I've been reading it. Great stuff. Well done. It's (insert non-toxic substance here) soup for the soul. Dave who met you briefly at K/Clapton last year.

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So glad you’re enjoying it!! 😊

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Definitely want to purchase your book. I'm a bodyworker and nutritionist and the number of "vaccine" injuries coming in my door is so sad. Some are aware of the cause but many are not. I've stopped being quiet about it. Some of them are planning to take more shots. Geez. I think your book will be nice to have in my waiting room. I love that we have freedom fighters and that we have found one another. Thank God for people who have a voice!

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My sister sees injured patients all day too who have NO CLUE. The mind boggles. 💔

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just purchased it!

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Hope you love it! 😊💕

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I really appreciated the last poem by Caustly Lessons (who should start a Substack!) and found these lines from today's entry especially striking:

Social media soundproofing is used to filter out logic

And punish those for the crime of being aware

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Yes! True words those! I said to my (former) BFF, who was captured by the narrative, “I am being punished for knowing too much.” She cancelled me.

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My wife and I can relate. Sadly, it is a way too common story.

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Jul 15Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”. ― George Orwell, 1984


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Jul 15Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

the one redeeming quality of censorship is that you know EXACTLY what they don't want you saying...

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Jul 16Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Dear Lord, please protect Substack!

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Jul 15Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Terrific poem that hits the nail on the head. We must stop censorship in all forms, external and internal!!

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Jul 15Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Thank you for that! You have been my go to for information & now for poetry.

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Jul 16Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Beautiful words with fabulous truths. Also Pierre I have a huge degree of respect for you . Thank you for everything you do in the war on humanity and good. Truly you are a good and great man.

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Jul 17Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

“The truth is safe and effective and must be pursued”

A beautiful poem.

You get a completely different perspective when you have to live in the shoes as someone who is vaccine injured.

Particularly when you are a physician and have an understanding of the illness, injuries and treatment.

There are ups and downs…..


When you get it, you know it.

Shout out to the FLCCC and all the Warriors around the world sharing their knowledge.

Shout out to my patients, particularly those that are injured and know people that are injured, for their thirst for knowledge about this illness, and for sharing their thoughts.

The old adage of “listen to the patient they’re telling you the diagnosis” rings true.

The lack of curiosity by colleagues is so disappointing.

I get it…..but I don’t….

Great poem. 😎

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Good poem. I can see that in a collection of poems about the these times. Title: "Totalitarian Times in the Years Of Gaslighting". Actually about all times about the human condition going back to the pharaohs when they knocked the noses off the old statues and smashed the friezes on the walls of the temples of the out of favor deities, or whomever buried sties like Göbekli Tepe.

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Jul 16Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

I would say that an important aspect of this issue is understanding, at a deep level, where the censorians are coming from, and each one will be different. For me, understanding this connects me to my own power; it takes the 'fight' out of it, but doesn't give them the right to do what they are doing.

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🇦🇺💉 They won’t dare censor Forest of the Fallen videos: https://youtu.be/2GJPNXTbuMY?si=yT8GfQlioRUxbEoM

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Thank you for sharing this video.

It was very impactful and meaningful. We should never forget the fallen who were victims of this war against us all.

I encourage everyone to take the two minutes to watch and remember.

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🙏 John. Forest also has an Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6AvntUpCkx/?igsh=MnRxZmc2ZTJ1eDFs

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Thanks so much for the additional information.

Praying more around the world will understand this evil that has been committed against us all.

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Powerful poem! Has a real Beat poet/Allen Ginsberg/ Ferlinghetti feel to it, like Walt Whitman writing about vaccine injury and this war against us instead of the North vs the South this time. The Beats were hit with censorship too https://www.foundsf.org/index.php?title=The_Howl_Obscenity_Trial

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Good stuff, my whole blog is dedicated to this topic

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Great poem! I’m banned for life from Twitter for posting about COVID Early Treatment and #electionfraud, but suggest someone still on X post the meme and thread the entire poem. Tag @elon and other celebrities like James Woods and I’m sure poem will go viral.

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