I like RFK, Jr. He's a good man; I love his book.

However, there's a major problem and that's his support for CO2 catastrophic warming, which is a completely false theory that he won't budge from.

If you think Covid was an emergency that required extraordinary measures for three weeks to flatten the curve, wait until you see the climate emergency that requires three years to flatten the curve.

Hold RFK, Jr's feet to the fire on this one, and maybe it's time for all of us to get educated on what a dangerous and insidious theory CO2 catastrophe is, and how we can wipe out government corruption but still be left with the ideology that underlies the entire Great Reset: the theory of CO2 catastrophe. Dictatorial powers will be necessary to stop this emergency to end all emergencies, won't they? Will RFK, Jr just be a pawn set up for the final move, which is a world of monitoring and managing, out of necessity, for the greater good of saving the planet?

I don't ask him to renounce this theory; I want him to see that it makes no sense, that it's unscientific groupthink, and that just like Covid "science," it required massive censorship to survive. But, he will not see this, as he's already shown. This is a huge red flag.

I've pounded the table on this for some time: the theory of CO2 catastrophe is the monster waiting in the wings. It underlies the entire Great Reset ideology.

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My twin sister & I attended The Children’s Health Defense in Knoxville, to say the least it was life changing. Robert Kennedy does the right things for the right reasons. His actions speak louder than words. I am a conservative & Jesus follower. I am moved by his convictions ❤️🤍💙. I am praying.

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I am registered Independent, lean Conservative. I am very interested in Robert Kennedy’s run for President. I love what I have heard so far, am waiting to read more about his platform. I wish I could attend his rally but will certainly be watching. Praying for him. Hoping he doesn’t get Bernie Saundered by the Democrats - like Trump, his own party threatens him

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I wish I could be there. I’m originally from Boston and love RFK Jr. He is the first person I’ve been excited to vote for in my lifetime. Voting has always been such a chore of trying to pick the lesser of two evils. I definitely don’t feel that way about him. #TeamKennedy 👊🏼

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I love what RFK has done for the last 3 years and I also donate to the CHD, but I cannot get behind someone who isn’t pro-life because I believe that all lives matter. The pre-born need just as much protection as those who are born.

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Thanks Dr. Kory and AMD.... RFK Jr. Is immensely valuable with the war on the vaccine psyops. I hope RFK Jr addresses 💰Biden Inc. /💰 Zelensky Inc. Also, wars and rumors of wars with all these various countries . God help us 🙏☮️

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He and Trump would be an amazing ticket. Even if they are on opposing sides it will be good for America. Of course in my biased and amazingly whimsical world, partly fantasy, it would better if they were on the same ticket.

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I am praying for his safety first, and secondly that he will articulate the present state of the country and world that the US in entangled in, in a way that he can garner support from all colours of the political spectrum, but also to have real solutions that can work in the sight of many. I am excited about this call to duty!

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RFK Jr is 100 percent correct about the overreach of and collusion between the government and Big Pharma's destruction of American health through forced vaccinations with unproven toxins, and I support his efforts there.

On the other hand, he has become a tool of the marxist attempt to control the entire planet through propagation of false climate scares and CO2 fears. Those lies will lead to the destruction of American freedoms and the downfall of the U.S. economy.

Until RFK Jr realizes the falsehoods of "climate change" and its detrimental impact on America and the entire world, he is as useless a candidate as the rest of the Democrat pack of lunatics.

A lifelong Democrat, he has not rejected any of the other dangerous ideas the Left supports, such as abortion as contraception, open borders, teaching racism as if it is anti-racism, gender identity, reparations, etc.

Trump 2024.

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Sounds to me like the Medical Freedom Movement needs to get up to speed on the climate debate, and understand that yes, RFK, Jr is firmly behind the theory of climate catastrophe.

I've written about this here: https://jimreagen.substack.com/p/global-warming Scientist John Christy has an important graph, which I show, which was buried and obscured in the IPCC report. This is what's been going on. In another essay I explain in some detail another misleading graph that scientist Steve Koonin pointed out. https://jimreagen.substack.com/p/dismantling-the-monster-1

Lastly, read the comment that RFK, Jr pinned to the top in the comments section: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/marine-extinction-greenhouse-gas-emissions-cd/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=3df57295-760b-4041-a244-b155a3f30ac9

RFK, Jr is a true believer. This is a problem.

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Yeah, people, go and vote for the episod nr. 2 and for the climate change activist, is all you need now, to support the Green church and its activists. A 3 years plandemic theatre wasn't enough to wake you up. Sleep well and dream of "save the planet, kill yourself", because is coming.

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Life and respect for life is at the heart of issues we face. I must know if he will be a pro life President

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I’m so exited that RFK is running for president. First time voting democrat! I wish I could go to opening campaign as I am from the Boston area.

Dr. Kory, thank you for all you do. Thanks to all your work, CHD and the frontline doctors, I’ve finally been able to get husband to agree to not only no covid vaccine but no more other shots or boosters in the future. I had to negotiate and concede on other issues but this is my biggest issue and consider it life saving for my beautiful son. Thank you!

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I like RFK and he grabbed my full attention with his speech on the bio labs, bio weapons, intelligence agencies and the creation of Covid. I am still pissed at Trump for supporting the vaccines and for ignoring the social media censorship done under 230 protections. I do not want to jump from one tyrannical power grab (with Covid), to another (climate change), so I have hesitations about RFKs stance on the CO2 nonsense. What I want is someone who will rip these gov agencies apart, fire everyone involved in them and expose the truth about the corruption. I want an end to the attack on free speech on social media. That takes courage and honesty, and whoever comes forward with the willingness to ruthlessly address these issues will get my vote.

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I have one other comment and it is that power is constant even in ancient times. Read the dialog in Plato's Phaedo and see what they did before the time of Christ to a truth teller. This will convince you of the value of humanity as beings worthy of being! Unlike the royalists who look at us as beasts to be exploited by greed, class superiority and war for empire that has not stopped in all these centuries. The American system was supposed to end this but alas it was subverted by the British Empire by stealth. You see, we won the battles, but they won the war. Not familiar with the facts? Read Matt Ehret, the Canadian Patriot book series and find just what the truth is that has been hidden from us all. Read Lyndon Larouche as well. Another brilliant truth teller who was imprisoned to try and shut him up. Don't know who he was? I am not surprised but you know who Jullien Assange is right? This is what happens to the truth tellers, they are murdered or imprisoned, not elected President.

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