I see no reason to ever trust the medical system, even if I am dying. They might just want to help me along. The doctors are brain dead, know little of anything or are clueless and baffled. There is no way any of them can be forgiven for the crimes of dispensing murderous mRNA injections and denying mRNA injections had nothing to do with the monstrous rise in sickness and disease. The medical system is in a box and cannot lie itself out of it. It's treacherous actions are the basis for the massive rise in deaths and injuries to millions of people. 100% guilty, your honor. No pardons.

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I found a medical practice owned by a male MD and his MD wife who went "off the grid" about 5 years ago. They are WONDERFUL - have hired 3 additional practitioners and have added TWO new clinic buildings in just those 5 years. I pray that more courageous, truly caring medical practitioners will follow their suit. I learned of them while attending a meeting of our local grassroots freedom-lovers organization and am ever so thankful for that group and for these doctors who are not concerned about how much money they make. Their practice is now BOOMING--and their focus is on HEALING their patients--not merely talking to them and handing out obstreperous meds that contraindicate and the patients end up worse off than before. Search online for "medical practices off the grid" for whatever area in which you live.

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Such a hopeful story! We can't trust corporate medicine surely which begs the question- are there sincerely caring doctors out there anymore or are most just compromised. I need to start googling! TY

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I’d stay off Google and try to get info on the ground. I’ve driven by places before that say “independent” or “non-affiliated.”

Never let Google know what you’re thinking, especially when it comes to this kind of stuff!

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presearch.io or search.brave.com don't track you and get okay results

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Great advice. I did stop using it years ago for that reason. Hoping Duck and Brave are still safe.

Nonetheless need to start the doc search!

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A lot of these medical practitioners are asleep--just like the majority of their patients. But there are always a FEW COURAGEOUS SOULS in any civilization - only about 26% of the Colonial settlers here in the USA drove the Revolution Engine to the country we were bequeathed in 1781. We have neglected to uphold the Divinely-inspired U S Constitution - our legislative branch is horribly compromised!!

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Thank you. I’ll try searching that way.

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Let me know how your search goes for you, T.M.C.

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What part of country?

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Southcentral PA--where do you live, Sharon?

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Is Southcentral PA the Philly area?

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No---we're about 100 miles WEST of Philly--Philly is entrenched with the cabal medical practices!

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Thanks. I'm in Delaware and it's sadly the same as Philly here.

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Sharon--I found a website listing Holistic/Naturopathic MD's in GA....and there are 4 listed right away--here's a link to the website! https://www.medifind.com/specialty/holistic-medicine/US/GA

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How far from Jersey?

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I tried with the @wellnesscompany but cannot get anyone to contact me regarding their service. I paid my membership in December 2022 for a year and have resorted to commenting on social media to try and get someone to assist me. I have sent numerous emails to their support staff but never received a response. I am not aware of a phone number. You are lucky to find a brick and mortar healthcare provider that actually exists and can respond to your needs. I am still looking...

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You know, I didn't realize Dr. Kory's practice was a "telehealth" service - I don't "go" for that health care model - in fact...that's what I truly appreciate about this B & M practice that I found through our local freedom lovers' group. They actually TOUCH you--feel your lymph nodes and listen to your heart through a stethoscope! How can a healthcare provider truly provide CARE "remotely"? I'm not taking any meds--so I don't want a "pill pusher". Some things cannot be handled VIRTUALLY--and healthCARE is one of those. At least, that's the way I think and feel about it!! I guess it's getting so "sterile" now...there won't be any physical contact with your "healthcare" providers unless you are admitted to a hospital??

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Thanks for your offer of help!

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BTW...what is this "WellnessCompany" outfit and why did you pay for a "membership"--what does that "buy" you, Elizabeth? Where do you live--perhaps I can locate a B & M healthcare (holistic) close by to you?

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It’s the company Dr Peter McCullough and other free thinkers started. I really hoped that it would be an alternative health care system for me as I want to get off my blood pressure meds now that I know what a bad diet can effect. At first, when I asked for the paid doctors visit to be scheduled, it said that they had no Illinois providers and didn’t provide any alternative. I tried several months to get that scheduled with same responses. Now I can’t even access my account. If I put my email in to start the login process, I get an error code. If I try to sign up again, it says I am already signed up. Funny, I didn’t have a problem with purchasing numerous supplements that they are selling. I am a bit disappointed and frustrated. I did look on the IFM website for providers, but the large majority are in Chicago and I don’t want to deal with driving there or driving long distances for healthcare. So I am located about 60 miles south of Chicago. And I am willing to do telehealth until we can get the brick and mortar holistic doctors in place.

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Elizabeth: Here are (4) holistic healthcare physicians in IL - I hope this is helpful to you! https://www.medifind.com/specialty/holistic-medicine/US/IL

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Thanks so much- you are a good person!

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Have you tried contacting them via a social media platform on which they are located--like "X" or Facepoop (my name for that anathema ANTIsocial media platform)? If you give me your ZIP code, I can do a search for holistic practitioners, Elizabeth.

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I agree 100% and I I love Dr. Kory but I just had a laparoscopic inguinal hernioplasty here in Thailand and at 74 it has improved my quality of life tremendously. My point being that we mustn't villify all medicine but we must get smart!!!

I remain unjabbed for COVID and flu!

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023

All they needed to say was “we just don’t know …” One of my doctors who I was discussing this with said “it’ll be 10 years before we have any meaningful data.”

That’s all anyone in the medical profession should’ve ever said to anybody who was asking for advice on whether they should get the vaccine. They could further expand by pointing out that, in most cases, unless they were in an extremely high risk demographic group, they have virtually no chance of dying, let alone having a serious outcome, if they were to contract is so-called virus.

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Crixcyon - I am blessed to live a half hour from Dr. Sherrri Tenpenny’s practice. I will NEVER go to an allopathic doctor again.

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You are BLESSED!!

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Be sure your advanced directive or living will asks for all measures IF you are in the hospital… organ harvesting is especially done on healthy individuals (great healthy organs!). Treacherous actions abound in organ harvesting - part of our glorious medical system😬

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They help you along part of the way; then HOLD YOU until your organs can be "harvested" BEFORE they "let" you die. If your driver's licenses says you're okay for harvesting -- REALIZE there's WAY more $$$$$ for them in that, than in WAITING for you to actually BE dead! (NEED a "living body" to harvest from...)

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We the people, urgently need to offer #covid19amnesty (limited) or they'll start WW3/ W☢️W as a cover up, for these crimes against humanity!

Check me out, on the X/ Twitter platform per handle @HealingHorseman to review, my predictive track-record!

We are and to the balance of probabilities in major, fucken major trouble!

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A lady in church today had a stroke, had to be carried out and taken to large city hospital. She had all the vaccines and boosters. This honest doctor actually said it was due to vaxx injury and her multiple shots. Told her husband she could be developing Alzheimer's. I cannot believe the honesty of this doctor. He will probably be fired.

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Perhaps this will spur this doctor to start his OWN practice OFF THE SOCIALIZED MEDICINE CABAL GRID (like the practice I found in my area of PA).

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How do folks pay for services? I’m certain insurance can’t be involved. If I had a lot of money, I’d start such a medical facility in my area. Love this!

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Most of these off the grid medical practices do NOT engage with insurance companies--but they are truly providing REAL holistic/naturopathic health regimen and NOT just pushing meds on their patients. You pay via credit/debit cards, cash, bank transfers and some have arrangements with MHealth which is a finance company specificially for expenses incurred as a result of medical care from certain medical practices who partner with MHealth. NO INSURANCE is accepted - I've been paying here in southcentral PA with my personal check--we're in a collection of "small towns" and checks are accepted--in most larger cities, that isn't the case, sad to say.

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I wouldn’t want any health insurance company to know of these doctors anyway.

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Our family uses private pay doctors. They can order some tests that insurance will pay but most everything else is cash pay. Can be very expensive and I feel this disenfranchises so many people. Catering to the wealthy. Obviously these wonderful doctors have to make a living. I predict more doctors will leave insurance industry thus creating an even worsening healthcare problem.

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Which area of PA? I just bought a house back in my hometown of Pittsburgh.

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Southcentral PA - Pittsburgh is about 175 miles WEST of us!

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I pray he isn’t fired.

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I wish I could be a paid subscriber, Dr. Kory - I am a 76 year old widow with no extra income other than S/S and 2 small pensions. God knows my heart and He will continue to energize you and protect you as he has through all this evil-doing on the part of the huge pharma/technocrats/WEF-governance cabals! Keep fighting the GOOD FIGHT, sir!

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Sharon! Totally understood, no worries - just keep reading and spreading any credible, accurate information you come across. This is a war of information and we must get the truth to prevail for everyone's sake..

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I will and I do especially when the Spirit of Jehovah Jireh inspires me with His truth and agape love. Bless you, Dr. Kory, for your just and truthful warrior spirit!!

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someone told me early on, that the hospitals here only marked you as vaxxed when you were vaxxed by their services, which means almost no one, because the jabs were not given at the hospitals but at a large parking lot (in the full sun wiht 95 degrees). Living in rural GA and very low uptake of jabs here - lots of blacks who remember what the govt did to their ancestors

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RN here. When I worked Covid icu in the delta surge (august-September 2021), which I think had a huge population of patients with ADE, but I digress…

I saw two diagnoses written in the progress notes (non-EPIC EMR):

“Covid pneumonia”


“Covid pneumonia in an unvaccinated host”.

I NEVER saw “Covid pneumonia in a vaccinated host”. Never.

The hospital system had a running daily tally of % vaccinated and it was always 98-99% unvaxxed. It was laughable because it wasn’t plausible considering the statistical improbability of it. If 85% of the gen population got jabbed, it would have been a much higher % in the hospitalized sampling size. It’s a statistical impossibility it would have been so high unvaxxed. It only takes Common sense and a primary knowledge of statistics to know that was nonsense.

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I am 99-percent certain Glenn Greenwald’s previously-incredibly-healthy husband David Miranda’s fatal sepsis was caused by the injection. When he was first diagnosed, I looked up “sepsis” in VAERS and found a couple thousand hits. Now there are almost 4,000. I don’t know if Glenn will ever be able to come to terms with the cause, but several people shared Paul Marik’s detox protocol, which I sadly suspect he didn’t pursue, and then it was too late 💔

That is fascinating and encouraging to see how many medical professionals realize (tragically but wisely) their blood is tainted. If only the doctor who murdered Baby Alex had been so enlightened:

• “Baby Alex: The Definitive Account—in His Mother’s Own Words” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/baby-alex-the-definitive-accountin)

I proposed #RememberBabyAlex legislation to Ron Johnson last December:

• “Letter to Senator Ron Johnson” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-senator-ron-johnson)

He was kind enough to speak with me on the phone about this along with my proposed #MakePharmaLiable and #PutPeopleOverPharma legislation and basically gave me a reality check about them never passing ;-)

I do think #RememberBabyAlex has more of a chance, though, especially with the rising awareness of the dangers of injected blood you are noting here, Pierre. Perhaps you can nudge Ron Johnson on this idea if you have the opportunity :-)

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Ron Johnson is one of the FEW ethical legislators anywhere in any government. God bless and protect him!!

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MAA - We can at least make these legislators no longer have plausible deniability:


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I remember baby Alex and still have his pic in my phone...beautiful sweet baby RIP 💔

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I have seen the same epic tricks as MSOTI. ICU for 30 yrs and the same stories are happing in our system. People are waking up - slowly tho. It’s easier to talk about now with staff as the harms have been difficult not to see.

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What the hell are nursing and medical students learning and thinking as they observe all this chicanery?

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How to get rich via psychopathy for the most part.

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How can they work in environments, especially long term, knowing the dirt?

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We make changes from the inside. Print off studies and leave them at nursing stations , resident areas, bathrooms , conference rooms etc. We talk with patients and staff when we can to help wake them up. Everyone know who the unV are so some have approached me asking for more info. Creating a ripple effect I hope

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RN Truth - I have a document with a pic of Ed Dowd’s book with a QR code to his interview with Tucker. I tape them to the walls inside bathroom stalls every time I’m out. Sometimes I can hit every stall.

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Great idea!!

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That's awesome. Don't forget Mr Ed has Property on Maui. Oops fires. Keep an eye on him, he may end up in Cabinet Position in 2024.

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Yes. I find it disturbing that Ed wouldn’t acknowledge what really happened.

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So the hospital admin are not out hunting down ppl who are dispersing negative news about vaccine injuries? Glad you are trying to open eyes. I tired of it a while back just among friends and acquaintances. Got rejected and more than a few quite pissed at me. I got to the point I didn’t want to associate with them because it was based on “their terms” which meant no discussion about covid, vaccines or related. Several I told “you will hopefully understand it all someday”. Maybe that day is coming soon.

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Any friend I try to awaken ends up ghosting me.

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Ha ha I’ve had a few of these. “You can’t handle the truth!”

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Same. I have 8 college friends, all liberals. They think I'm the crazy one.

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Nice! 👍

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I stopped donating blood in August 2020 after 2+ decades and 50+ donations. When they crushed IVM I knew the fix was in and that they would force/coerce people into getting the injections. There is no point in participating in society when society is doing literal Nuremberg Code violations on me and my family.

Then in late 2021 we all took ourselves off the organ donation list. They are letting the unvaxxed DIE rather than give them organ transplants. The "doctors" making these decisions are nothing but whores of the pharma cartel.

Garnet Harper of Ontario and Sheila Lewis of Alberta DIED because they were taken off the transplant list when they couldn't take the vaccine.

Shelia Lewis' doctor signed all the forms to give her exemption because she had only 20% lung capacity left (non-smoker, idiopathic) and ANY micro-clots lodging in her lungs would kill her. About a 62% chance of dying from each of the shots.

Shelia also had natural immunity and had proven that to the courts to no avail. Alberta Health recognizes natural immunity for the other vaccines they told her to take but not for covid. What's the difference?

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Crimes against humanity ...

#Covid19amnesty #W☢️W

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I recently purchased your book "The War on Ivermectin." It was your testimony before Congress that gave me hope and courage to lead my family and friends to reject all covid shots. It was a bright turning point in an otherwise hopeless situation.

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awesome, thanks Taylor, hope you are learning from the book..

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I told Jenna, on her guest post on Jennifer Margulies’s stack how much I loved your book. I’m saying the same to you now. We have truly morphed into the US of Pharma. Thanks for your tireless work against that.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023

“Reason most give - I had to get that vax and I’m not giving tainted blood.”

Wow! On top of not being in denial about being “tainted,” that’s pretty damn responsible on the part of the non-donors.

I wonder what the blood of the few actual donors looks like?

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023

1) I have seen some unusually severe reactions to RBC transfusions in the past couple years, including a couple that led to pressors/ventilator support. I have wondered if these patients received spike protein containing blood from jabbed donors.

2) As the oncologist you quoted in your prior article about this topic, I can say that all the newly diagnosed glios I have seen in the past couple years have received the COVID vaccine.

3) Regarding suppressed immunity post vaccine, one memorable case I saw was a young woman who was status post liver transplant. Got one of the COVID vaccines, and within a couple months, had a widely metastatic diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Her quantitative EBV PCR was sky high, the highest I've ever seen in my career. Usually with post transplant EBV+ lymphoproliferative disorders, you can just reduce their immunosuppression or just use rituximab and be OK. In this case, her disease progressed rapidly and she needed the full multi agent chemotherapy regimen. She felt perfectly fine before the COVID vaccine, and became severely ill afterward. None of my colleagues saw the obvious connection.

4) Re: cognitive dissonance from otherwise very intelligent physicians, I have a few examples. I was consulted to see a young man with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation for anticoagulation recommendations. The ED note, admission note, and the verbal conversation explaining the consult request mentioned nothing about the COVID vaccine. He had very difficult Afib to control with an elevated rate despite a diltiazem drip. I went to the patient's room to take a history, and asked "did anything happen that might have triggered the atrial fibrillation?" and he looked at me like I was an idiot and said, "Well, I got the Moderna shot the day before!" Not one of the other physicians documented this or mentioned this. My second example was a young, athletic, otherwise healthy woman who developed a cerebral sinus venous thrombosis within a short time after getting the J&J vaccine (though without thrombocytopenia). I took over as the hematology consultant after the previous hematologist told the patient that she likely got the CSVT from her COVID infection over 6 months prior, and that it didn't become symptomatic until, coincidentally, after she got the J&J. Third example was a consult request for a woman who ended up in the ICU with respiratory failure within a few hours of getting one of the mRNA COVID vaccines, who had an astronomically elevated D dimer but no PE on chest imaging. The ICU team was convinced that her respiratory failure must have been due to the hydrochlorothiazide she started for hypertension the same day. I told them that was ridiculous and it was obviously the COVID vaccine. They weren't convinced. Believe it or not, these physicians were affiliated with one of the most highly regarded academic medical centers in the country.

5) Regarding Epic documentation of vaccine status, it's interesting... in 2021, whenever I opened a patient's chart who was not vaccinated for COVID, I would get a pop up alert screaming at me to acknowledge this fact and respond (preferably to vaccinate the patient immediately). Now, there is still a warning on the chart telling me that the patient is "overdue" for a booster but no pop ups, and I've seen quite a few cases of patients who have been vaccinated for COVID but without that information documented in their Epic chart.

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LD, These are very powerful, detailed examples that I plan to include in a future post. Thanks for these insights and important anecdotes. keep em comin!

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Will do. Thank you for everything. You're a ray of light in this dark world of corrupt medicine and a huge inspiration to me.

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As the medical establishment seems to be in bed with the official narrative on Covid-19 and the suppression of treatments, such as ivermectin, could they also suppress better treatments for cancer and the turbo cancers caused by the mRNA jabs.

See the FenBen Substack for possible treatment with fenbendazole or mebendazole.

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Wow, LD! Thank you for posting this professional experience that confirms our fears and concerns. I will share with family and friends.

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Tim passed away today leaving behind wife who apparently also has pancreatic cancer.

Cancerous Elephant in the room? With a bunch of mRNA needles? Anyone?

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Words bubble up such as: Sad. Angry. Furious. Determined. Mad. Evil. And so many more.

Dr. Kory, your gifts just keep on giving! This work must strain your skills and emotions to the breaking point! I don’t know how you keep putting one foot in front of the other each day, but we’re all oh so lucky that you do.

Thanks to you and to all your kind and brilliant colleagues for saving what’s left of humanity and shining the light of truth upon the earth (at least the small part of the earth that is willing to listen).

We all must work harder and faster before it’s too late. No more shrinking in the shadows, people, for fear of offending someone. It’s not about the offense of others; it’s about the defense of humanity.

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023

Crimes against humanity ...

#covid19amnesty #W☢️W

X/ Twitter @HealingHorseman

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I had an EKG several weeks ago. I asked the tech why does she think it takes so long to get a test done. She responded we they are short staff and no one wants to work. Then she added covid prevented people from getting treated, I said really? It’s not because of the shot causing heart problems. She then smiled and said yes there is an increase in heart problems most likely due to the shot. I then said I did not take it or my wife. She said the same here. I needed the test because I am getting my hip replaced. I think this is a new step due to the shot. I had surgery in 2020 no EKG. At least I got someone to admit what’s going in.

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023

I was supposed to have foot surgery in 2021 but refused the swab test.

No surgery.

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I believe pre-surgery EKGs are standard, especially for big ones.

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Your might be right but when did it become the norm

I had hernia surgery in 2020 no EKG I am in my 60’s

There is a comment on anther post about MLS requiring it for all players

Also it’s probably a way for hospitals and doctors to make more money and also protect their butt

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Decades ago.

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Yes, i needed EKG for two non major med procedures. One was surgery under local only, not general anesthesia.

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If you need a blood transfusion as part of your surgery you might want to find your own donors.

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I have said from WAAAY before covid, do not trust the police - they will dance to the tune of the piper that is paying them. That's in EVERY country.

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This from an old VietNam vet.

My impression of much of what is labeled ptsd is that its source is an inability to reconcile the self with what you’ve done and/or been involved in.

Those who aren’t troubled by it and have the “military mindset” in law enforcement are definitely dangerous.

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YEPPIR--it's called the "military mindset"--most cops have a military background!

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What do the police have to do with this? The operate on protocols set by the same politicians who brought us lockdowns, crap vaccines, calls for “reprogramming”, suppression of our free speech, etc.

Idiot politicians defunded the police and the result is total disrespect for lawfulness, high crime and anarchy. Sure their are some bad cops, but now we know there are bad politicians, bad bureaucrats, bad leaders, bad corporations, bad doctors and bad medical care.

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You know something? That old canard "sure, there are some bad cops, but most of them are good", is a bunch of bullshit. There should be NOT ONE FUCKING bad cop in our society. You know why? Because police officers have the immense and staggering authority to arrest people and take away their freedom - they do not need to listen to unconstitutional orders from their superiors. I'm sick of that bullshit excuse. As they say in the south, that dog don't hunt anymore.

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If you’re so concerned about losing your freedom, the police are the least of your worries. While the police are charged with keeping the peace and maintaining law and order, they cannot violate a person’s constitutional rights in the process. Our Justice system operates on the “presumption of innocence”. We have the right to a speedy trial and will judged by a jury of our peers. We are not subject to “cruel and unusual” punishment.

You should be more concerned with mayors that instruct their police forces to “stand down” while give rioters space to destroy. You should be concerned about governors that shut down businesses during a pandemic. You should be more concerned about prosecutors that choose not to charge criminals for breaking laws. You should be concerned about celebrities and politicians that bail out criminals. You should be worried about washed up politicians that call for “reprogramming” of the opposition. You should be concerned about federal lawmakers who sell out this country to foreign governments to make a buck.

The police really don’t hold as much power as you think, but they are there to protect you and your loved ones when the crap hits the fan. It’s always their fault when criminals

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Are you really writing those words? I'm totally confused - you blame the mayors for instructing the police to stand down while rioters destroy and you blame governors that shut down businesses during the pandemic. What don't you understand about the fact that the POLICE are the enforcement arm of those elected officials? I think you are a troll or using AI to write your comments. God.

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...meet a sticky end by being uncooperative and just plain stupid.

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Shocking that EPIC documentation system is complicit in this whole narrative.

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They simply realize that being a “team player” helps to get further contracts. It’s good for business.

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OMG! Thanks for the link! Not just American medical records, Canadian too!

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You're welcome! (and that was 2013!)

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