Looking forward to finding out what the board grounds its decision on. It’s all very interesting and scary.

There are a lot of us rooting for you. Wishing you the good luck you deserve.

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Thanks so much Michele. To be honest, I dont think there is any cause to root for us as this has a 100% pre-determined outcome. This ain't science, it's political..

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Since this is the case “political harassment “, it may be time to get into a different mind set. These people are “owned”.....the question is “by whom and/or what”. We need a full analysis of these state and National boards, structure, key members, appointments, records, potential and real conflicts, relationships with corporations (hospitals, pharma, government agencies, etc), competencies, financial statements. I believe there will be some similarities among them.

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Shouldn't we all write in to the board? Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik are representing all of us. They are true American heroes. We all stand to lose if they lose. I suggest we aim to publicize this and make our voices heard. I'm sure many who would not become involved in the intricasies of the case would support their rights in this case.

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This was political, never scientific. They have shown us who they are. We have your back. Medicine will never have the same esteem in the eyes of millions of members of the public.

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Time for the fall of the big pharma cartel's control over health treatments everywhere. Treatment of symptoms and creation of chronic illnesses with drugs has run it's course to its corrupt end point. Let us set up a modern healthy doctor patient relationship striving to PREVENT disease and illness. You are the tip of the spear. Thank you.

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