Dear Elder, Appreciate your life experience, but not your medical expertise. You are not a phd or an MD. I take my information from experts who have actually studied and published in the top Medical Journals without conflicts of interest. That is what I would recommend for you if you care to learn evidence based science on the topics of …
Dear Elder, Appreciate your life experience, but not your medical expertise. You are not a phd or an MD. I take my information from experts who have actually studied and published in the top Medical Journals without conflicts of interest. That is what I would recommend for you if you care to learn evidence based science on the topics of your interest. If Living under a cloud of conspiracies is all you have, then sorry for your lot in life. My Uncle made it to 97 following his doctor’s advice including Vaccines. Hope you make it there and then some.
As a reader for over 80 years and someone who has studied HEALTH...not sickness...I am doing great. My only physician is the Great Physician, because I am into health...not sickness. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine 2500 years ago, knew more about what people needed to be healthy than doctors do today. He prescribed nourishing food and a healthy lifestyle. Simple truths!
Dear Elder, Appreciate your life experience, but not your medical expertise. You are not a phd or an MD. I take my information from experts who have actually studied and published in the top Medical Journals without conflicts of interest. That is what I would recommend for you if you care to learn evidence based science on the topics of your interest. If Living under a cloud of conspiracies is all you have, then sorry for your lot in life. My Uncle made it to 97 following his doctor’s advice including Vaccines. Hope you make it there and then some.
As a reader for over 80 years and someone who has studied HEALTH...not sickness...I am doing great. My only physician is the Great Physician, because I am into health...not sickness. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine 2500 years ago, knew more about what people needed to be healthy than doctors do today. He prescribed nourishing food and a healthy lifestyle. Simple truths!