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I hope you will also mention the acute rapid auto immune responses that have been under control for many people return with a vengeance Out of the blue, as well as acute onset of clotting...... only later to find out that A spouse and/or friends had received recent vaccinations and you were exposed due to close contact which explains why your long-haul symptoms are so much more severe even even though you never got the jab, and we're doing ivermectin prophylactically but obviously not as strong enough dose consistently at that time ❤️

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That is dangerous. Ivermectin has some rather nasty side effects. Hard on the liver.


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Total BS, it has reversed and helped to reverse fatty liver disease in many and never has been on the list of drugs that harm the liver or any organs. Ivermectin has been used by millions prior to all of this in Africa because it was affordable and accessible, and it worked. The majority of the people use the animal version because they couldn't afford nor access the three recent pills . And w Covid millions used the animal version for Covid as I know of over 100 in 10 different states that I visited as a traveling therapist, and even I was surprised at the number that were using it because it was impossible to get their scripts filled, and many doctors wouldn't write scripts because of all the propaganda and the drug, the doctors, and the research papers that have been written and were written and ready to go but we're pulled during the final edits for the medical journals.

Dr. Flavio Cotagney? Of Brazil did a long-term study of over 1,000 people on ivermectin for prophylactic use and treatment of other problems(they were dosed correctly at milligrams per kilogram weight of @ patient) and I believe they were on it for greater than six months and there was pretty much nothing but positive things that happened as well as curing fatty liver disease in some and if there were any side effects which usually are blurred vision and diarrhea they reduced their dose and they continued to use it if they chose to. The results were a major reduction in people contracting Covid/flues/colds and various symptoms that they had disappearing such as generalized pain(it's an anti-inflammatory ( I used it when I refused to enter the ER to get a pain shot due to profound pain after an attempted street clearing technique did not work on me and I was given no pain meds when they sent me home)and some peoples blood pressures went down with its use. Please forgive me if I may have thrown a couple other study results into Flavio's study, as I have read and listen to many doctors from all over the world that were sharing their results. I'm sure FLCCC has this study and many more, validating these facts. Ivy is so safe and resilient that it was either the WHO or FDA that said it could be safely dosed @ 10 times higher than the standard dose of .2 mg per kg body wt. Midas is approximately 12 mg because I weigh 110 pounds. But for Delta a higher dose was much more effective at .6 which would've been 36 mg following a FLCC protocol. I bet the article that you are talking about has been dissected by the doctors and the staff at FLCCC. so often these types of studies that you are talking about are Cherry picked kind of like when they said that the vaccine was safe for pregnant woman, but they omitted all of the women in their first trimester from the study as 80% of them aborted their fetuses. This has got to stop! People that knowingly cherry pick, alter data or manipulate data in medical studies should be banned from ever practicing in a research and penalized accordingly to the lives they took through the falsification of data. 😤❤️

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So if it was a med that required a shot you’d have a different opinion I’m guessing. But see what the FLCCC guys are saying about the side effects for what goes in your arm- that it warrants pulling it off the market. The possible negative side effects are well documented for Ivermectin, but y’all have an altogether different narrative for it cause it’s a pill.

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Such BS on the negative side effects of ivermectin, I wish you well. Any side effects that I've had taking ivermectin over the past four year have totally been transient, and I know it saved one possibly three peoples lives that I've been involved with with, wait for it transient effects. It's the same way you dose vitamin C and a few other drugs That are usually off label. More educated people, have a lot better communication skills to share any of this, and it's a waste of my time right now. Thanks for sharing your one article or FL CCCC has hundreds and now thousands for the use of Ivey as antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammation, anti-pain, and now they're looking at it for many other diseases disorders as well as cancers. When doctors tell you to go home and wait to die because they don't have a cure for a disease or cancer and you end up getting resources in utilize ivermectin and you live in flourish, what a gift it is to your family to still have you with a great enhancement to your quality of life. Thank you to all of the doctors that are continuing to do research, and of course thank you Dr. Marik for your two new books explaining the benefits of using repurpose drugs, and lifestyle changes and etc. for people that have cancer. Without awareness situations and people cannot change, or at least have informed options that are less invasive, readily accessible, affordable and 100 fold Safer.

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Going around the unvaccinated when recently vaccinated is malicious!

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Lots and lots of ignorance on both sides. We're so busy just surviving and trying to help those that we know need help when they get vaccinated, but at that time I wasn't thinking about my safety. But I was grateful to be there for my father the day after his second vaccination as he crashed Balance and cognitively, but made a rabbit recovery when I treated him with ivermectin and aspirin, and it didn't even cross my mind and my two friends got the J&J shots until they came down with the Covid, and two days later I got it and recovered however Had a pop artery clot 10 days later, will actually 3 to 5 days into my Covid symptoms I realized something was majorly wrong with my right leg because of pain edema and redness. I should be grateful a lot of stories are 1000 phone worse than mine. Still recovering two years laterand not able to work but learning my limitations for quality of life issues

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