One of the main reasons for the spike in deaths (in some hospitals or care homes) was that the patients were quarantined and their loved ones were forbidden from checking on them. They had no "advocates" looking out for them (and many were too old, infirm or sedated/confused to advocate for themselves).

I think every person reading this who has been admitted to a hospital or visited loved ones in a hospital knows how vitally important it is to have someone raising hell and asking hard questions when proper care seems to be lacking.

The loved ones who could have saved their loved ones - or sought a second or third opinion or pushed back on treatmet decisions - were kept from the ICU's and hospital rooms.

We should NEVER let this happen again.

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I wrote a feature story on Tim McCain of Alabama who was hospitalized for 24 days in January 2020 with what I’m convinced was a case of severe Covid.

One of the “newsworthy” features of this article is that Tim’s wife (Brandie) never left the hospital in those 24 days. She literally slept at the hospital every night. She got to visit her husband in ICU several times every day.

Tim was put on a ventilator. From many conversations with Brandie, it is clear that she is ambivalent about the good these vents do for such patients. She allows the vent might have helped save her husband’s life, but she made the point that the ICU nurses were very skilled in regulating the device. She said it was gruesome to see some of the emergencies her husband endured while on the vent (she actually thinks the ECMO device probably saved his life).

She flat out told me that many Covid patients were going to die because they went on vents. She predicted that staffers wouldn’t be qualified in adjusting or using the vents or wouldn’t monitor patients on the vents closely enough.

Brandie also has a friend who is a nurse who was treating Covid patients on vents. This nurse became convinced the vents were killing far more patients than they were saving. At one time, the nurse was going to talk to me for a story about this, but she later decided not to come forward with her claims.

Anyway, as far as I know, Brandie McCain is the only American (loved one of a Covid patient) who actually got to see up-close every day what a severe Covid patient goes through in ICU.

Not long after Tim was dismissed from the hospital, the quarantines went into effect. No future Covid patients had a wife or child watching what was happening to their loved ones. It still bothers me that the observations of Brandie McCain were not considered “newsworthy” and that no mainstream press organization would run this feature story (uncoverDC.com finally ran it).


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Hospital administrators ordered mountains of ventilators and pushed the staff to use them. Cash cow. They made bank.

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Follow the money. Or: "they" did a good job of "spreading" the money around to the right organizations (hospitals at the top of the list). I touch on this in this article where I try to explain HOW all this madness actually happened.


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REMDESIVIR was one of their #1 tools used to Euthanize those unlucky enough to find themselves in the hospital from 2020 to this day in many places. HELL AWAITS THE GUILTY.

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One might ask why wouldn't public health officials at least investigate these likely/possible early cases? Very good question. My answer is that officials simply will not investigate that which they don't want to "confirm." What if officials did "confirm" that Tim and Brandie McCain of a small, rural Alabama town did have Covid in December 2019? Such a "confirmation" would prove that all their statements that nobody in America had been infected with this virus until "latter January" 2020 were ... not true. It would prove CDC officials had been telling a fib ... that maybe the public shouldn't trust any of their Covid pronouncements.

And there are scores of Americans (from at least 16 states) who had developed Covid antibodies before the McCains did. Question: How did all those people get infected so early?

Anyway, I think the McCains' almost-certain early cases are actually potentially seismic to the authorized spread/origin narrative.

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My husband ,I am convinced, had Covid several moths prior the first case report. In retrospect, his symptoms and coarse of illness were an identical overlay of Covid infections symptoms; fever, unexplained dizziness, cough, non-productive. ER doctor ordered 2 ABX, which we were advised by the pharmacist were contraindicated to be taken simultaneously, and we had to “take our pick”! While in the ER, the nursing staff changed shifts, and incoming nurse came to his cubicle to hang a Mimi bag of ABX that he had already had, but wasn’t charted, passed on it report, or labeled. The off going nurse had said what it was. I’m a nurse, and I WATCH.

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Truly stunning to hear this! Thank you for sharing

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Thanks. I've been trying to get ONE mainstream journalist or public health official to look at details of this early case for more than two years now. The wife also developed Covid symptoms at the same time as her husband but she got better in about four or five days. Her husband went from bad to worse (a life-threatening case) in about 10 days - which is the typical timeline for people who have life-threatening cases.

FWIW: Both Brandie and Tim later tested positive for Covid antibodies. Tim only got one test but Brandie has now tested positive for antibodies at least three times.

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Did they lose smell or taste?

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I only got/can read your last comment and I can't remember who we were referencing in above posts. Tim and Brandie McCain, who tested positive for antibodies by early May 2020, and both had all the symptoms of Covid in December 2019, both lost sense of smell and taste. Brandie, who has now tested positive for antibodies THREE times, had not regained her sense of smell or taste 10 months after her presumed case. She says the fact food and drinks tasted so strange to her largely explains her huge weight loss. I had an altered sense of taste for two or three weeks when I was sick with what I think was Covid in January 2020. Loss of smell and taste is said to be one of the most convincing symptoms of a Covid case, although I think people lose both with other bugs. But I do give that symptom more weight - just like acute shortness of breath and prolonged and painful dry cough. I had all those symptoms and so did both McCains.

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Mar 24, 2023
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Did you lose smell or taste?

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Jul 31, 2023Edited
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I COMPLETELY agree with everything you said about patients being quarantined and isolated from their families, but those horrible policies were in place for most of the last 3 years. So those policies alone cannot explain NYC's CATASTROPHIC 6-7x increase in all-cause deaths around April 2020 that was never seen again. According to CDC data, NYC's death rate (per 100k) in April 2020 reached 66, but by June 2020 it was below 10, which was almost back to normal. https://www.usmortality.com/mortality/age-adjusted/new-york-city/all

There had to be MASSIVE problems with the hospital care itself that caused this catastrophic level of deaths. In fact, NYC's crude COVID case-fatality rate was around 15% in April 2020 (https://www.google.com/search?q=covid+cases+nyc - change "1 year" graph to "All time"), which exceeds the COVID case-hospitalization rate throughout 2020.

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I wouldn't say the lack of "advocates"/quarantining explains all of the deaths, but it probably explains some of the deaths. Put it this way: I think if these patients could have had access to their loved ones, fewer patients would have died. Why this massive spike in deaths occurred in NYC hospitals in April 2020 has still not been explained IMO. I don't think the answer is that a more virulent form of the virus suddenly swept through New York City ... in late March or early April.

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I agree, no way can it be the virus itself when the catastrophe resolved just two months later, there had to be huge problems with the hospital care itself.

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Without the PCR test there would have been no problem. Fraudci did the exact same thing with HIV decades ago.

Media driven panic. Bogus test. Death by "treatment" which was poisonous AZT.

Those of us that KNOW will never be convinced otherwise. We have receipts.

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It was a perfect storm of several causes. I guess this is going to be one of the Covid scandals that is never going to be fully investigated ... because a real investigation would very likely implicate the medical and scientific establishment (and the politicians).

The AIDS/HIV AZT "scandal" never produced any officials who lost their jobs. The only scientists who lost their jobs or status were those who pushed back against the Fauci/NIH approach.

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PCR can be useful in a suggestive sense if executed correctly. Serotest works a few days later, and also antigen testing. None of these were available when I had Wuhan unless hospitalized and claimed to have visited China. Serotest at my own expense was available shortly later, but why should I pay to look at water since passed under the bridge? Otherwise the fallback is CT, which gives a large radiation exposure, though I might hope (not an expert diagnostician), stethoscope might work.

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PCR is not a diagnostic tool. So said the inventor. I understand why. Because it is way to easy to find what isnt there.

"you can find anything you want" were his words I think. And that is exactly what they did. They inflated numbers to push the jab, and it had nothing to do about money.

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The inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Karry Mullis, invented it to be a laboratory tool. Not a diagnostic test for infectious illness. He said so himself.

Oddly enough there is a genetic signature in the primer for Chromosone Number 18. Funny that....

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Antibody tests CAN prove if you were previously infected. However, widespread use of antibody testing didn't happen until the last week in April 2020. Most people who thought they might have been infected earlier didn't begin to get antibody tests until May. The catch is that "detectable levels" of antibodies begin to fade in two or three months in many people who were previously infected. This means an antibody test administered in early May might not pick up antibodies from someone who had symptoms in, say, early December. Also, a small percentage of people never develop antibodies. I also think antibody results from private or independent clinics that were testing for antibodies earlier than April may have been intentionally discredited as "junk" tests (when they probably really weren't). For these reasons, I don't think the antibody tests that were administered are picking up ALL of the prior or early cases. I also think widespread use of antibody tests may have been intentionally delayed to conceal evidence of how many people had actually been infected before the lockdowns.

Per my hypothesis, it was very important to some people and organizations to conceal evidence of widespread early infections.

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"PCR can be useful in a suggestive sense if executed correctly."

Not on my watch if I was in charge.

"None of these were available when I had Wuhan"


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Some of these (now deceased) victims had poorly informed, misinformed, and disinformed family "advocates".

Fact. Not hypothesis.

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Use of inappropriately-high-pressure vent settings blew out COVID patients' lungs. See article I link below. It's interesting that the "Chinese Guidance" booklet on COVID-19, 7th edition available on web (in fluent English) on March 4, 2020, specified that only low pressure/low tidal volume vent settings should be used. Actually, the entirety of the allopathic treatment guidance given by the Chinese was quite good. I think if it had been followed in the U.S., the vast majority of COVID deaths in U.S. hospitals wouldn't have happened.


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At the end of this comment, I'll put a link for the "Chinese Guidance." I forget exactly how I first found this document, but just "prowling around on the web" looking for info on treatments for COVID-19, I came across it about March 7, 2020.

I also found an excellent description of the earliest symptoms of COVID-19, written by a Chinese doctor who had been treating COVID-19 patients in China; this description was written for the doctor's relatives who were asking him, "How will we know if we are getting COVID-19?" (Quite different from the CDC's description of symptoms, I must say.)

Advice to U.S. doctors in case of future pandemics: Yeah, I get it that you're too busy to prowl around on the web looking for useful information about how to treat the "novel" disease you are encountering. So recruit a genuinely intelligent, curious person you know (mature teen to elderly person, any age will do) to prowl around. Tell them to look for info from the country of origin of the disease. Tell them to search for info from "alternative" docs and other obscure sources in the U.S. Be open-minded when you read what they turn up.


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Maybe there was also bacterial pneumonia going around in the hospitals.

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For two-plus years, I've been thinking about this question: why no conspicuous spike in deaths before March 2020 (if "early spread" was actually occurring)? One puzzler was/is why no major outbreaks that would cause many deaths in nursing homes? After all, we know that 40 to 80 percent of deaths (in Canada) occurred in nursing home residents.

I think there were some "early deaths" in nursing homes that were attributed to other causes. These deaths were simply "missed" as no one knew about Covid. However, I think I later got a possible answer/explanation for the lack of deaths in nursing homes at earlier dates.

I think most people were "sick" (symptomatic) from Covid in November 2019 to early March 2020. This was large numbers of of people outside of nursing homes who had ILI symptoms. But it occurs to me that when family members are sick, they do NOT visit their loved ones in nursing homes. Everyone knows that even a bad cold can be fatal to old people who already have multiple co-morbid conditions. Nursing homes pound home the message (to staff and visitors) that they should not come to work or visit a resident if they are sick or have recently been sick. I think people followed this common-sense guidance.

That's probably why the virus did not get into nursing homes (in huge numbers) in the cold and flu season of 2019-2020. Also, many nursing home residents are isolated and never or rarely leave their rooms. So if some resident was infected, it might be less likely they would spread the virus to fellow residents?

If residents were really sick, they would have been transported to the hospital, further isolating them from fellow residents.

At some point (post lockdowns) the virus did get into the nursing home populations in large numbers. Perhaps because the virus spread or was picked up at these same hospitals?

Anyway, there might be a simple reason this virus didn't inundate nursing homes earlier. The people who could have infected their loved ones stayed away from nursing homes when they were sick or shedding virus.

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Early cases were most likely being treated appropriately in 2019 and early 2020. It was when early treatment was banned that the trouble started. It was on PURPOSE to create death and fear.

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Well, It's well known that (often deadly) bacterial pneumonias piggyback on respiratory viruses especially in elderly people. However, from what I was reading about severe COVID-19 and its treatment early in the pandemic (I mean Feb. and Mar. 2020), there was little about bacterial pneumonias being a serious problem. Dr. Zev Zelenko included azithromycin in his outpatient protocol for high-risk patients (specifically to protect against bacterial pneumonias, though azithromycin has some anti-viral activity also), but most of the other doctors offering early treatment don't include an antibiotic to fend off bacterial pneumonia. So I don't think bacterial pneumonias killed a significant number of COVID-19 patients in the early days of the pandemic or later on.

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We really don't know how many people might have died from "early" cases - be it from bacterial pneumonia or other causes of death. I agree that the number wasn't that conspicuous or otherwise more people would have taken notice. My hypothesis is that most people who had "early" Covid were surviving ... so whatever treatment protocols were being used for these admitted patients must have been better than the protocols that came into existence after the lockdowns or panic.

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In addition to the banning of friends and family as visitors and supporters / advocates - and the panic of medical professionals as they attempted to clear space for a deluge of COVID-19 patients, there are at least two other likely causes of the wave of deaths in aged care homes early in the pandemic, in addition to the obvious very high degree of transmission in closed, closely confined, situations like aged care homes, prisons and hospitals.

Firstly, almost every elderly person in aged care has disastrously low levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Their levels are significantly worse than the already disastrously low levels of the general population - and so of the staff. More on this below.

The second is that aged care homes concentrate the subset of the whole population of people who are closest to death - those with the most challenges to remaining alive from one day to the next. They don't get a lot of medical care. Then, they are all exposed to a disease which is extremely harmful and deadly. So the most vulnerable die early in the pandemic, and months later, the average vulnerability of those still alive is not as bad as it was in the the totally exposed situation when the virus first arrived.

Most medical professionals (Dr Kory and his FLCCC colleagues being striking exceptions) cannot imagine that most people's immune systems are crippled by the circulating levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D which doctors recognise as normal - such as 18 ng/mL (some people have only 5 ng/mL). Some doctors recognise 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L) as being "vitamin D replete". A few others recognise 30 ng/mL as a level above which no further health benefits can be gained.

Only a very few understand that the immune system needs at least 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, made (over days) in the liver by hydroxylating vitamin D3 cholecalciferol (ingested or made in the skin by UV-B light) in order to function properly. In the long term, this can only safely be attained with proper vitamin D3 supplementation. There is very little vitamin D3 in food, fortified or not. Substantial amounts can be made in white skin exposed to UV-B radiation, but this is only naturally available with high elevation direct sunshine (no glass, sunscreen or clothing) on cloudless summer days. This always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.

There has been plenty of research on this but most medical professionals have no interest in it. In 2008, the best vitamin D researchers called for 40 to 60 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D to be the standard of repletion: https://www.grassrootshealth.net/project/our-scientists/

Since most medical professionals only seriously consider information they believe that other medical professionals consider valid, the whole of medicine is constrained by this terrible, deadly, degree of groupthink.

So most medical professionals reading that 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D is necessary for proper immune system function simply cannot believe it - because it is so at odds with what most medical professionals think is true. If, reading this, you think: "Its too simple - how could it be true?" then please read the research articles cited at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ (co-signed by Patrick Chambers MD https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Patrick-Chambers-4/research .)

The first graph, from research in a Boston hospital, shows the risk of post-operative infection skyrocketing the further the pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was below 50 ng/mL. See also this new research, not yet added to the above page, concerning hospitalised COVID-19 patients in Slovakia: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/15/5/1132 Fig. 4 shows that hospitalised COVID-19 patients with 70 ng/mL 25-hydroxyvitamin D at admission had a 2% chance of dying, while those with 20 ng/mL had a 40% chance. Some people have only 5 ng/mL, and so have a 65% chance of dying.

The relationship between 25-hydroxyvitamin D and COVID-19 mortality in the general population is even more extreme, since the great majority of those who need to be hospitalised have very low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. Those few who need hospitalisation with 50 ng/mL or more generally have multiple other serious health problems.

By at least partially reading the research cited and discussed at https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ you will come to understand the full extent of the immune system's requirement for 50 ng/mL or more circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Neither this nor vitamin D3 itself acts as a hormone. The immune system does not use hormonal signaling. Individual immune cells, of multiple types, rely on a good supply of 25-hydroxvitamin D to run their intracrine (inside each cell) and paracrine (to nearby cells) signaling systems - which are a crucial part of how each cell responds to its changing circumstances.

The failure of the mainstream medical profession to recognise this leads to tens of millions of deaths per year - even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Sepsis would only rarely occur, and even more rarely kill, people with 50 ng/mL 25-hydroxyvitamin D. It is well know that sepsis patients have low levels, even by the standards of the general population or the mistaken 20 or 30 ng/mL thresholds of repletion. Sepsis killed 11 million people in 2017 https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)32989-7/ .

The great majority of deaths in aged care homes (as in the general population) from COVID-19 could have been prevented by boosting 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, over about 4 days, safely over 50 ng/mL, **before** infection. (Ideally the levels should have been like this for all of each person's life.) A single oral dose of 10 mg (400,000 IU) vitamin D3 cholecalciferol will do this - with the initially boost lasting a week or two and to be sustained by proper vitamin D3 supplements every day, week or ten days.

Post infection, this is a good treatment, but not as good as boosting the level safely over 50 ng/mL with a single oral dose of 0.014 mg calcifediol per kg body weight. This is about 1 mg for 70 kg. Calcifediol _is_ 25-hydroxyvitamin D. It goes straight into circulation without the need for hydroxylation in the liver. Only about 25% of ingested vitamin D3 is actually converted in the liver to circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, so the smaller amount of calcifediol is good for a few days - and should be backed up by regular, healthy, intakes of vitamin D3 from then on. See https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#sjw-updated-ratios for these intakes, as ratios of bodyweight, according to obesity status, from the Nutrients article: "Rapidly Increasing Serum 25(OH)D Boosts the Immune System, against Infections - Sepsis and COVID-19" Sunil J. Wimalawansa https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/14/14/2997 .

In aged care homes, few get vitamin D supplements - and the official guidelines recommend 0.015 mg 600 IU a day, when about 1/10th of what they need. See: "Responsibility for vitamin D supplementation of elderly care home residents in England: falling through the gap between medicine and food" https://nutrition.bmj.com/content/early/2020/09/20/bmjnph-2020-000129 .

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The hospital refused to give my dad vitamin D, vitamin C .. heck they would’nt give him food, water, let him get up, use the restroom, tied his wrists.. he walked in negative, good oxygen, only wanted antibodies .. day 2 he was so drugged he couldn’t speak or make any sense. The doctor said 100% unjabbed die, he sees it all the time. Well we know why under your “ care” don’t we doc. He was dead 12 days later. It was the most traumatizing horrific experience ever .. no vitamin or prevention would help anyone targeted with an intent to shut down organs, starve, blow out lungs and wrap it up with morphine.

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"The doctor said 100% unjabbed die, he sees it all the time." I have no reason to believe you are making this up. I have read multiple accounts of similar hostility to those who refused the quasi-vaccines - all from people whose statements I had no reason to doubt.

Humanity is all over the place. The range between people who can sing opera, perform open heart surgery or work productively in intensive care wards and those who can barely care for themselves, think or do anything helpful to others is extreme. This is hard to cope with, but it is real and clear - people's innate abilities, especially as they are developed or harmed over time, vary, at the extremes, by factors of thousands - even though our height and weight only vary a little.

What is really hard to cope with is the variations in intent. It is exceedingly difficult for us to imagine how anyone, much less a doctor, can be genuinely working to care for people if he adopts what seems to be such a hard-line fatalist or punitive attitude as the one who should have been caring for your father.

How can we build a mental / moral / spiritual model of humanity with enough variables - and enough range in those variables - to accommodate the very best and the very worst of humanity, especially regarding those whose behaviour we can only explain by extreme malevolence, cold lack of care or egregious irresponsibility.

I don't know how to cope with this. Dr Kory has faced far more human extremes than I have have. As far as I can tell, he has no way of successfully integrating aspects of humanity such as you and your father encountered into his own understanding of humanity.

The challenge is not just to build a mental model, but to do so in a way which leaves us still able to function and maintain the generosity and hope which, as far as we know, is essential to living a worthwhile life.

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Your comment is an articulate, compassionate statement of the conundrum we face. True and touching. Thank you.

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Sally, I'm sorry this happened to your dad! I certainly understand how horrific it must have been for you to witness this.

Here's a book that I think might be helpful to you. A dear friend recommended it to me after my husband died unexpectedly, and I found it very comforting. I read parts of it to my mother during her last few weeks of life, and I believe it was helpful to her, too. "A World Beyond" by Ruth Montgomery -- quite an old book now, but still in print.

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Thank you for taking the time to respond. The hardest part is the HOW .. the long draw out slow torture not only to my dad but for us to live with. It’s like feeling your loved one last days was a POW .. in a “ hospital”. Followed by the staffs harsh comments to my mom and I to guilt us for him not being jabbed. It’s appalling. And they stole his wedding ring :(

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Wow, this is horrifying, I’m so sorry.

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Painful. I am so sorry. Any trust with mainstream medical care is broken. We must be our own health advocates now and for those that can’t advocate for themselves. But we can never allow them to isolate our loved ones ever again!!

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This calls for much better packaging (anaerobic, in small lots) and analysis of cholecalciferol.

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Since the half-life of 25-hydroxyvitamin D at good levels such as 50 ng/mL is several weeks, it is fine to supplement vitamin D3 cholecalciferol every week to 10 days. The stability of the "spray-dried" powder form used in dry capsules, is not a problem as far as I know. The vitamin D3 is dissolved in a hot hydrogenated vegetable oil, broken into droplets and cooled in the presence of starch which coats the particles and stops them sticking together. Likewise if it is dissolved in oil. I am not sure about if it is mixed with other substances into a hard, uncoated, tablet. To learn how vitamin D3 is made, in just a handful of factories worldwide, using intense short wavelength ultraviolet light and 7-dehyrsocholesterol derived, with difficulty, from wool fat - none in North or South America, or owned by major pharma companies - see: https://sci-hub.ru/10.1016/B978-0-12-381978-9.10006-X .

The quantities are already small. As you can read at https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#sjw-updated-ratios, with the reasons for these ratios of bodyweight discussed in sections above, for 70 kg 154 lb bodyweight, a good daily intake is 0.125 mg "5000 IU". This is a gram every 22 years. So 0.875 mg 35,000 IU is a good amount for a weekly capsule, or the widely available 1.25 mg 50,000 IU once every 10 days. I am 70 kg and take one of these a week.

The real problem is that immunologists, doctors and the great majority of several other important classes of professionals cannot imagine that they could have been so wrong as to not understand that supplementation of this common, inexpensive, vitamin is the only way the great majority of people can get their immune system to work properly. It goes against the dogma that a "balanced diet" (whatever that might mean) is all that anyone needs, and against the idea that professionals should discourage people to take supplements, due to the fear that this will lead them to neglect to choose nutritious food. There is also a notion that people should get lots of UV-B skin exposure (though a huge amount is needed for people with black or brown skin). This should not be used as the primary source of the vitamin D3 we need since this same UV-B damages DNA and causes skin cancer. Some people think nothing much of skin cancer. Everyone here in Australia knows all about it.

There are a large number of perplexing reasons why these professionals don't know this, can't imagine it is possible, don't read the information in detail if someone (particularly outside their profession) mentions it, and so as a group do not learn about it from one year to the next.

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I can't remember. Did Fauci ever claim to get the WuFlu? Not that it really matters, we don't know if any of them who claimed to get it, really did. I think many announced they had covid just to keep up the fear factor.

I read a book years ago by a doctor who cured all kinds of ills with Vitamin D. He knew years ago that our society was extremely vitamin D deficient, due to our crappy diets and lack of outside activities. Everyone's inside, watching TV and playing video games, eating junk food. Our grandparents and great grandparents were always outside, tending gardens or animals or working in the fields and they weren't plagued with the ills that modern society is. Obesity wasn't a thing, especially among children. Look at us now! One story I remember was that a woman was about to have her thyroid removed, but his treatment with vitamin D cured her and she wasn't subject to lifelong drugs because she kept her thyroid gland.

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And yet we continue to lockdown care homes in Australia for Covid cases and ceaselessly restrict visitation.

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Bill Rice, JR right over the target with that comment, they locked out those who would have stood and protected the most vulnerable.

I’ve witnessed and been on the end of crappy medical staff’s behaviour and treatment.

Many moons ago ended up in hospital with a nasty of pneumonia.

On admittance I was placed on an assessment ward with a mixed bunch of patients being tested and treated for a variety of things.

The lady in the next bed had learning difficulties, she was sat rocking for comfort in complete shell shock of her surroundings and had been left completely unattended since the staff change over hours before.

Disgusted by her lack of care and in deep distress I rang the buzzer and a handful of staff appeared. One was head nurse which I promptly told her that the poor lady had been left unchecked for hours and would need the toilet by now, she also had no water left to drink. The lady was seen to and attended as she needed, but only because I pushed the staff to do their job.

For my thanks the next morning I spoke to the head nurse on the other shift as she was sorting my next lot of intravenous antibiotics out.

I told her of the horrible nights sleep I’d had and I’d been in terrible pain with the antibiotics given during the night. As she checked the equipment shocked she exclaimed how the drip was wide open on the fastest flow possible and it was no bloody wonder I’d been in agony.

I then explained the shenanigans of me ringing because the lady in the next bed had been abandoned by the other shift. Unable to hide her disgust she told me I needed to make a complaint against them.

So you see from first hand experience for stepping in for a complete stranger I knew they wanted family locking out so they could do as they pleased without being challenged.

Don’t get me wrong there’s plenty of caring selfless hardworking staff, sadly there’s also an element of sadistic people who work within the health industry who take great pleasure in neglecting and harming the most vulnerable.

I was just glad I was there that night to advocate for that poor woman who they left to rot.

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Where were the sledge hammers and baseball bats?

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Feb 28, 2023
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Yeah, because people in need of emergency medical care were too scared to go to hospitals (afraid they'd catch COVID-19 there) -- or tried to get medical care and couldn't.

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How would that explain the population-level case-fatality rate being higher than even the natural case-hospitalization rate? For example, the 15% COVID case-fatality rate at the population-level in NYC around April 2020

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Well, the whistleblower nurse in NYC that was from FL seems to have seen hospitals murder patients to check the money blocks (COVID diag, vent, Remdesivir, CV death). Seems to be a lot of evidence that occurred, like it or not.

That's not to say all or even most of it was intentional. But the incentives surely lined people up that way.

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And the claims of that whistleblower were ignored. So when the 1-in-2,000 whistleblower does come forward, the opinions of this eye witness are dismissed or censored. In the past "Sixty Minutes" might have done a big segment on the claims of this nurse.

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What adds to the frustration of her being ignored is that she had screenshots, audio, video, all taken undercover. It wasn't merely her own words that one would have to trust in; she had evidence.

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Like any industry, those that work in it know when something isn’t right...this comes from experience and intuition... But almost exclusively, nobody spoke up. The difference is this wasn't the plumbing, accounting, or hospitality industry we were relying on... for many people the silence meant life or death.

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Patients in FL had NO CHOICE of protocol in the hospital. The protocol was chosen for them... vent, Remdisivir, and death. No antibiotics for opportunistic bacterial infections (common danger in respiratory infections). Three people I knew did during Delta because of this one-size-fits-all protocol.

I had IVM I bought in MX, and saved a few people's lives with it. And mostly, they also took antibiotics.

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I think if NO Covid treatment protocols had been implemented, most of the Covid victims probably would have survived. I think millions of people had Covid symptoms before March 2020 and some number of these people WERE hospitalized (I've saved testimonials from people who were hospitalized who later tested positive for antibodies). Most of these patients with respiratory symptoms didn't die. My conclusion is that the pre-Covid protocols "worked" better than the post-Covid protocols. I also think an unknown number of people with early or "missed" Covid probably did die. But their deaths were attributed to other causes. I posted a link to Tim McCain's story. Tim didn't die but almost died many times. There have to be some patients who weren't as fortunate as Tim.

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Last I knew Remdesivir was still included in Hospital Protocol, here in FL.

I had Delta, in Aug, 21, but went to a pop up Clinic & got Monoclonal Abs, then had a TeleMed with a Dr for Azithromycin & Prednisone, for 5 days, extended to 10.

I wasn't even sure how long I had had Covid, since I first knew for sure when I couldn't smell a meatloaf that I just took out of the oven. I had come from NY State & there was no way that I was going into any hospital, anywhere in this country, with Covid.

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My hunch is that we can compare remdesivir to AZT, which according to RFK, Jr.'s book "The Real Anthony Fauci" probably killed thousands of people who may or may not have had HIV/AIDS. So this isn't our first rodeo with toxic, killer drugs. By a long shot.

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Yes, indeed. Seems like the same fear mongering was used with AIDs, where no one was immune to catching the "new disease". Then Fauxi reintroduced AZT, a failed chemotherapy drug as a possible cure. Normal treatments for the 27 diseases associated with AIDs were suspended. Supposedly early in the AZT trials, patients improved so dramatically that the trials were ended prematurely. Same actors, same drama, same script and the same result. I lost 2 friends to AIDs, both were asymptomatic, but tested positive for HIV, and took preventative AZT treatment.

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I worked at Diabetes Institute in Norfolk, VA in 1994/95 running a one person Clinic as a Phlebotomist out of Hofheimer Hall, serving 45 people per day, most from the Infectious Disease Clinic there.

I believe that a lot of those patients were on the Cocktail & we did lose quite a few young people.

I looked online to see if the Doctors were still practicing- found one


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The HIV/AIDS crisis was just a trial run for the plandemic. Same script, same people, same use of twisted statistical studies of toxic drugs. The beat goes on...


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Yep. She has solid evidence too. Malfeasance was rampant.

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She is awesome. I watched her first vid Undercover Nurse when it first came out.

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“I can’t believe any suggestion that health care providers systematically began to practice euthanasia or homicide in the early pandemic. Or that the policies were formed with a primary intent to cause excess death in care homes. I just can’t do it. And won’t, because if I do, then the world is lost to me.”

I say this with all respect to your humanity and your boundless courage: truth is more important than the protection of a view of the world that ultimately shields the venal. People were killed intentionally in 2020, before vaccines. And vaccines are killing and maiming people now. Intentionally.

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I was thinking the same thing and you said it better than me. I can't ignore the truth, and because of it the world is lost to me. I know lots of great healthcare workers out there, but even before covid I had ran into plenty of healthcare workers that I would not trust to give me a Band-Aid. You never know how good a healthcare worker is going to be until you desperately need them, and if you get sick beyond their area of practice they have to call in someone that you don't know anything about and will find out the hard way if they are decent people or not. And now having seen hospital patients denied visitors even in end of life situations, even though those restrictions are being loosened now, I still would rather die alone at home then let the hospital try to save my life.

This huge lack of trust in the healthcare system is likely going to take decades off my life expectancy, and just recently I lost a relative who shared my lack of trust in the healthcare system, although they went through many more hospitalizations than I would have ever tolerated to try to treat their condition. But in the end, my relative decided that dying at home was preferable to taking a chance on letting the hospital try to keep them alive longer. I am glad that my relative is no longer in pain and was able to die comfortably at home with family present, but I'm angry with the healthcare system that is so obsessed with what they can do they don't stop to think about whether or not they should. Because of this we have to refuse the possibility of extending someone's life a few years because that possibility carries the intolerable risk of dying alone and in pain in the hospital.

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Is it possible what you describe so well comes mostly from the fact that hospital care is mostly rote now, dictated from on high by insurance companies and administrators, not doctors who practice the art of medicine? In a time of fear and confusion, no one on the ground was ready to make rational decisions on their own. Well, a few did. Kory, Marik, a couple more. Our system made intentional murder, not just covid malpractice, possible; it took only a few greedy or malign people to make all the decisions that destroyed so many.

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Years ago my cousin went into the ICU with necrotizing pancreatitis, for which there is no specific medical treatment, just palliative care. I'm a biostatistician, so I went hunting in the research literature and found that there is an experimental treatment with IV N-acetyl cysteine (just an amino acid really). Every hospital has this on hand in the ER because it is what saves the life of someone who's overdosed on acetominophen (e.g. one brand name is Acetadote). I got a new medical resident interested in this treatment. He had questions about dosing, I suggested a mg/kg dosage range from animal studies. He talked the senior doctor into trying it, they even called my cousin's brother to say that they would be beginning an experimental treatment and told him what it was.

And then a hospital administrator found out. She was not an MD. She said that they do not take orders from patients' families and they would not be trying this treatment. And that was that. I'm not saying this would have saved my cousin's life, but now we will never know, and nor will that brand new doctor have learned anything new, one way or the other, about this possible treatment. (Most) hospital administrators deserve their own special circle in hell.

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Your very sad and disturbing story needs to be shared widely, so that people become aware of the extent to which our medical system is broken by hospital bureaucratic creep. Similarly the ban on ivermectin still in place in Australia is currently preventing someone I love getting treatment for a kidney tumour which is known to respond well to this drug. The cancer treatment-repertoire takeover and suppression of alternate promising treatments is an older story than the current deadly pandemonium, as too is the vaccine industry with so much collateral damage in its wake. Covid has excoriated the whole pus-filled wound of corruption, conflicts of interest and downright malintent.

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I'm so sorry your family/friend does not have proper access to ivermectin. It's so wrong. We need self-determination in medicine.

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Look into TheUniversalAntidote.com

The Telegram group is great!

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Can you get access to fenben?

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NAC is wonderful! That's why they're trying to ban it!

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I absolutely agree.

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"Is it possible what you describe so well comes mostly from the fact that hospital care is mostly rote now, dictated from on high by insurance companies and administrators, not doctors who practice the art of medicine?"

I new menace is coming onboard now in corporate hospital systems. Protocols determined by AI, Artificial Intelligence. It dictates marching orders for treatments.

I think the name of one of these systems is EPIC. The most profitable procedures and drugs are programmed into it. This leads to dangerous and substandard healthcare.

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Yes, it's funny how some Americans fear "socialized medicine" when that's exactly what you have when insurance companies and administrators decide your fate.

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My dad went for antibodies, good oxygen, not out of breath, was refused for being unjabbed, he tested negative, was put on a catheter, put on Remdesivir, heavily sedated, isolated, starved, dehydrated, shamed him and us. The nurse upon check with her says .. well .. “he’s alive” he was murdered in 12 days and the nurse says as we saw him being put down with morphine .. “if he was jabbed he’d still be alive” and walked away. This was intentional and evil. Those on death row get better treatment with a phone call. This is how our vets are treated .. killed by their own government, disgusting

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VA denies medical care to veterans not wearing a mask.

VA still pushing the covid shots and the boosters.

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My uncle also went to the VA .. he was jabbed his lungs filled with clots, they sent his wife home stating they were going to transfer him to drain his lungs. He had a heart attack they brought him back. He said he was scared .. the nurse held his hand for 12 hours, they did not call my aunt until AFTER he passed away. What did they put on his death certificate? COVID .. why? And why no mention of heart attack or lung clots? Why not calling wife as her husband is dying? Why not answering desk phones?

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"What did they put on his death certificate? COVID .. why?"

Putting "c0vid" on paperwork made tons of money and kept the trillion dollar cottage industry bustling down the tracks. Thats why.

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Yes I agree

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Atrocious. Good God.

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That is so sad.

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"... killed by our own government" ... That's the truth so many people can't handle. Or killed by their "trusted" doctors and hospitals.

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I’m so sorry Sally , you are so right 🙏

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O.M.G Sally. 💔

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Yes I’m in both these sites, records getting reviewed and fought for and their support groups .. thank you

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That was so kind ConcernedGrammy

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OMG, those stories are heartbreaking.

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I applaud you for having the humility to admit error and probe the matter more deeply, Pierre.

“I can’t believe any suggestion that health care providers systematically began to practice euthanasia or homicide in the early pandemic. Or that the policies were formed with a primary intent to cause excess death in care homes. I just can’t do it. And won’t, because if I do, then the world is lost to me.”

Pierre, Pierre, Pierre. This is precisely how governments and corporations get away with committing genocide. People with a good guy bias like you cannot fathom that others would commit acts they quietly know to be causing harm for fear of losing their jobs, their reputations, their grant funding, their social status—and because they have been financially incentivized to do so.

As the opening quote in “Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) reads:

“A few hundred at the top, to plan and direct at every level; a few thousand to supervise and control (without a voice in policy) at every level; a few score thousand specialists (teachers, lawyers, journalists, scientists, artists, actors, athletes, and social workers) eager to serve or at least unwilling to pass up a job or to revolt; a million of the Pöbel, which sounds like ‘people’ and means ‘riffraff,’ to do what we would call the dirty work, ranging from murder, torture, robbery, and arson to the effort which probably employed more Germans in inhumanity than any other in Nazi history, the standing of ‘sentry’ in front of Jewish shops and offices in the boycott of April, 1933.”

—Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45

The killing nurses of the Third Reich (https://youtu.be/Rz8ge4aw8Ws) are no different from the nurses and health care professionals of today. When nurses refer to remdesivir as “rundeathisnear” and then proceed to administer a drug they know causes organ failure, they are committing hospicide:

• “Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis)

Goebbels knew all he would have to say is the rumors of the Jews being killed was “enemy propaganda,” and those who couldn’t bring themselves to believe it accepted it gladly because the prospect that their government was murdering citizens was too ghastly to acknowledge:

• “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier)

Every policy implemented in the name of COVID was lethal, injurious, and a 180-degree reversal of conventional wisdom (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation). #MistakesWereNOTMade (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem).

It’s time to stop living by half-lies. As painful as it is to rip off the soft blanket of denial, it is necessary if we wish to obtain justice and prevent further atrocities from being committed:

• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler)

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Nothing is new under the sun

Stunning Parallels Between COVID Measures and Nazi Germany


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As usual, MAA hits it out of the park. Saying "I will ignore the truth because I just cannot face it" is NEVER the right decision. Having said that, I have been heavily involved in the Covid situation since the beginning. The problem is not primarily "bad" doctors. The problem is not primarily "evil" health care workers. (Yes there are some of both.) The problem primarily is letting the government come between doctors and patients -- the thing they have most wanted to do for the past 50 years and for which Covid finally gave a (complete lie, but used) "good" mechanic to use.

As I tell every patient "You are your own science experiment". Medicine is about considering every visit as an N of 1. There is NO SUCH THING as Population Health (I walk out of the room when people start talking about that, or "big data".) If you know and do the right things for each individual patient, you will have done them for the population. If you "know" and "do the right things" for the population, you will have killed many individuals. (My very first publications were about how this was happening following protocols in cardiopulmonary bypass -- recognizing this completely changed how bypass was performed (still used today) and saved innumerable lives.) vonEye from Harvard published extensively on this topic many, many years ago.

The government HATES this narrative. Not surprisingly, this was best brought out in California (as usual) where AB2098 (passed by both houses and signed by Newsom) mandated that patients could ONLY BE TOLD WHAT THE GOVERNMENT SAID TO SAY -- irrespective of their actual health, individuality or needs or whether what the government told you to say was true or false. (Luckily, the law is currently on hold by the courts -- but this is the essence of everything bad about covid and medicine.) It has always irritated the lawyers who primarily make up the government apparatchik that they could not control health care. They do NOT care about YOUR health -- even if they "care" about the population. (Yes, many do not give a damn about that, either.)

Compounding this is the deprecation of the quality of those allowed into and graduated from medical school. Fifteen years ago, the three primary screens for medical school admission were: 1) The mental ability to take on the more-than-difficult medical curriculum, measured primarily through rigorous evaluation of coursework, GPA and MCAT (the admissions test) scores; 2) The commitment to putting in the work (never a discussion of "work/life balance" in medical school -- to be a doctor, your work is your life, for all the good and bad that engenders); and 3) The deep desire to make every patient's life better and to cure/diagnose/help as many as it was possible to help. We had refined this selection process over decades and it resulted in many good doctors.

The LCME (the accrediting organization for medical schools) decided that this was all wrong and that admissions should not reflect the above -- because...equity. Now the three admissions criteria are: 1) demographic score; 2) Social Justice Warrior/Wokeness score; and 3) "distance travelled" score. And a few bonus points for following some doctor around. I wish I were exaggerating, but I am not.

Of course, after promising that this would not change the quality of graduating physicians at all, the current classes (apologies to the excellent students who also still manage to sneak in) have all had to be watered down to the lowest level. All the courses that were once carefully graded so one could separate the better doctors from those less good are now pass/fail -- easy to reset the pass point when you never tell anyone the actual scores. Even the National Boards, which were once a real comparative test, are now pass/fail. If this does not make you scared as a patient, it should. It is why most of us will not see any doctor under 45. (Not that there aren't good ones under 45 -- you just have no way to ever find out.)

This entire cohort of MDs is (as a class) less able to think per-patient and naturally gravitates to "cookbook medicine". When I was in school, cookbook medicine was considered the worst thing you could do -- it requires you to ignore the patient in front of you. Today's environment promotes it both financially (give the patient remdesivir, get $30,000!) and socially (everyone else has blocked all visitors and made everyone wear demonstrably useless masks -- let's do that, too!).

Pierre is right -- I do not know many doctors who were looking forward to killing anyone. But I know far too many who took the diktats of the non-knowing bureaucrats and "professional" societies and, without the ability or desire to think things through, decided for seemingly good, but actually bad ($, social pressure, AAP said so, whatever) reasons to do the wrong thing for the patient in front of them now.

Evil or stupid? Some of both -- but the real blame is much higher up the ladder. If we are to fix this, it needs to be fixed at the top of the broken process so that competent practitioners can go back to taking care of each patient as they need it.

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I entered medical school over fifty years ago so I have perhaps a different perspective from Dr K . I am always disappointed when a doctor does not positively identify themselves as I always do. The medical system as implemented in 2020 is pure evil facilitated by stupid ,greedy, lazy doctors who did not do the due diligence necessary to recognize the very low pathogenicity of the coronavirus. The system changed in 20 to switch every multi system death to Covid by diktat of the Governments and to prevent autopsies the only way to actually reveal the cause of death in elderly. Remember the average age of Italian (ground zero )deaths was 81.6. The basis of diagnosis on all C19 deaths was a patented ,corrupt,dishonest ,useless, jettisoned by the WHO PCR test . The most grievous and widespread crime in history was pulled off using an easily disproven con yet very few doctors researched that basic over cycled test,some even went on with grandiose claims of cure rate using fabulous drugs. I got better cure rates doing as I had done over 40 years in GP examining each patient and intervening when necessary with appropriate treatment.

There is such a thing a big data and population health and if any doctor walked out of the room when I discussed them I would consider the room a better place for their absence . The statistical analysis and big data is very necessary to assess the result of every experiment in the scientific method which we as doctors must follow . The existence of a control population is vital for that analysis. The unbelievable pressure by governments to force mRNA into every person was to eliminate the control population and hence get away with their crime . Dr Gerard Waters GP . Celbridge . Ireland.

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"Stupid" gives too much of a pass.... lazy or corrupt.

If laypeople could figure out "back then" what the professionals currently claim they "just now discovered" about immunity, lockdowns, shots, PCR tests, origin of the virus...etc etc it's not a factor of stupidity.

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In March 2020 when I saw the the sheer dishonest propaganda and lack of official correction to the media mendacity ,I discussed with many laypeople who also smelled something rotten . How any doctor with scientific training and critical thinking totally missed the same red flags is quite beyond me . I suspect most of them are lying now claiming innocence rather than ???

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Agree with all you say... Except it needs to be fixed at the bottom...because the top has too much incentive to not fix it...

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Thank you for providing some of the details of the dumbing down of the doctor population that I have sensed without knowing the mechanics of how it was done. When I was in practice prior to 2000 colleagues who had part-time appointments at the local highly-regarded medical school lamented the lack of quality and dedication in the recent cohorts of medical students. One can only imagine how far it has descended now!

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I noticed the same in Nursing around 2004. Ridiculous carrying out of orders even when they didn’t make sense; by seasoned Nurses even.

It all makes a bit more sense after these past few years.

Good god.

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Parallel healthcare system. Current system is too broken to fix now.

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This is why we need a parallel Healthcare system. The old system is beyond saving at this point. There might be some healthcare workers in that system who managed to avoid getting caught up in this genocide, or left because they were watching a genocide and couldn't participate, these are the people we need to staff the new healthcare system.

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This is what I've been saying ever since the mandates forced out people of conscience and integrity.

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Great at podcast created by nurses that got out... because couldn't stay and watch. (one of these nurses was the project veritas whistle blower)


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Jade, I'm trying, without much success in B.C. Canada, to find ethical medical practitioners who were booted for refusing the injections in 2021.

Have a boo with what we're dealing with.

Bill C36.


Hate to agree but I AGREE.

And I need to find ALTERNATE CARE, STAT.

For my jabbed young man, who is now almost at the end of his (mental) rope.

I'm terrified for him. Daily.

#DuckLowTurdeau 🏹

#TheMothersAreComingJustin 💔

#NoAmnesty 💲💉☠💔🗣

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"Pöbel" means "mob". See the first clause of Exodus 23:2 "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil". The most important commandment IMO.

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Any nurse or doctor who gave/injected/prescribed Remdesivir is a serial murderer.

After you see 3-4 people die from its use, and you still continue to use the drug, that makes you a murderer.

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They just killed a friend with that drug. Then they said to my wife " she should have had the vaccine" since the covid caused here kidneys to fail. They fucking murdered her, then they blamed it on her.

Good thing I wasnt there, I would have dropped the P.O.S.. where he stood.

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I am forever indebted to Dr. Bryan Ardis for sounding the alarm bells about Remdesivir.

He screamed the warnings from the rooftops early on.

Some people don't agree with some of his ideas, but he was 100% right about the killer drug.

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Yep. Previous studies with Remdesivir proved it was lethal. This was never a secret. It can knock out a pair of kidneys in 10 days.

Oddly enough, out of all possibilities, it was the one Fraudci chose.

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Fauci chose that drug on purpose because it would kill...and he has a financial stake in the company.

Did you know that Remdesivir was developed by the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill?

The same folks who worked with the Wuhan Bat Lady in weaponizing the coronavirus to make it more transmissible and deadly. So if they don't kill you with covid, they will kill you with the "cure."


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"Did you know that Remdesivir was developed by the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill?"

No I didn't know that but i'm so not shocked.

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