Dr Kory, what excellent work! I have now read your articles concerning Homozone. So my question is,” since it appears Homozone technology has been lost? what therapy is available that is closest ?
Brilliant detective work, persistence is always rewarded because no matter how completely the "erasers" think they have succeeded, information has a way of popping up here and there which escapes censors' notice.
In addition to AI or should it not be available, you can search any site without a search. box by just using the google "site" operator in a google.com search box thus-> site:www.somesite.etc searchID where "searchID" is whatever you are searching, or you could say filetype:pdf and see if any pdf files are stored at the site.
Dr. Kory, I am so excited about all of your discoveries and your deep dives. Have you discovered the Alchemical Art of medicine via Bio terrain medicine as opposed to Scientism (theoretical constructs of illness which are based in randomness and chaos)?
A great resource for Bio terrain medicine is Dr. Barre Lando of Alfa Vedic.
Dr Kory, what excellent work! I have now read your articles concerning Homozone. So my question is,” since it appears Homozone technology has been lost? what therapy is available that is closest ?
Brilliant detective work, persistence is always rewarded because no matter how completely the "erasers" think they have succeeded, information has a way of popping up here and there which escapes censors' notice.
In addition to AI or should it not be available, you can search any site without a search. box by just using the google "site" operator in a google.com search box thus-> site:www.somesite.etc searchID where "searchID" is whatever you are searching, or you could say filetype:pdf and see if any pdf files are stored at the site.
When was this written?
Dr. Kory, I am so excited about all of your discoveries and your deep dives. Have you discovered the Alchemical Art of medicine via Bio terrain medicine as opposed to Scientism (theoretical constructs of illness which are based in randomness and chaos)?
A great resource for Bio terrain medicine is Dr. Barre Lando of Alfa Vedic.