Interview Transcript Of Dr. George Freibott
Full unedited version of an interview with Dr. George Friebott from 2011 on the Homozon therapy invented by Nikola Tesla and Dr. Fritz Blass
What is the History of and who started Homozon?
The history of Homozon actually started in 1898 through the Institute of Forsal Halafarb for the Institute of Oxygen Therapies over in Germany. It came to the United States by Dr. F.M. Eugene Blass.
He first established a pollution-free smoke stack for the coal industry which was promptly stolen by the Office of Vaile and Property of the United States Government who then called him a Nazi. Dr. Blass, being an American Citizen at the time, found it a little hard to understand why he was being branded a Nazi. But he watched his technology being stolen by the Rockefellers and Standard Oil, which then proceeded to strip him of his limousines, limo drivers, and the money he was making. He was then shipped back to Germany in the custody of his brother who had family back there.
He went back to Germany, where he lived and took the therapy himself. That is what got him into it, and this was when he was an engineer. Dr. Blass was not a doctor at the time. He developed cancer after being so distraught and stressed. He went to the institute and took the modified magnesium peroxide that they were producing… and got well. It was originally called Hamizone, which he later changed to Homozon.
He went on to take studies in Chiropractic and Naturopathy from the Kinic Institute. He then returned to the United States and started the Eastern Association for Oxygen Therapies. After we took over, he optimized the manufacture of Homozon into a super oxide and ozonite. That was Dr. Blass’ claim to fame—the Eastern American Association for Oxygen Therapy.
When I was researching different ways to treat cancer, using everything from Lincoln Bacteria Five to the Gerson treatment, Ozone, Laetrile, metabolic therapy, and the Bob Bradford technique, I found out that some tried to create cancer based on the two-time Nobel Prize winner Otto Warberg’s insight that the cause of cancer was a lack of oxygen to the cell.
I came across Dr. Blass' work and had already started researching it because I was involved with the Koch Therapy as well. I was looking for a way to support the Koch Therapy, and it turned out that Dr. Blass' work, when I went back to the institute in Jersey, was turned over to us. The president of the American Naturopathic Association took over the estate, and that’s basically the history of it. We took over the Eastern American Association for Oxygen Therapy in New Jersey and renamed it the International Oxidation Institute, then finally the International Association for Oxygen Therapy, which is what it is today.
What is Homozon and what will it do?
Homozon, like I said, goes back before the Nazis. This is where the history came out of the Nazi empire. They were very involved with the occult and went back to the teachings of Paracelcius and chemistry. Paracelcius was noted for his miracle mineral metals and miracle mineral therapies. The Nazis, being very interested in the occult, researched and found out it was another name for the Alkahest.
They created Homozon by merging the alkaline Earth with the cold flame, which is exactly what Paracelcius wrote about, and it is also what Dr. Blass did. He took it steps further and actually wrote papers on it that are available (Editors note: not on pubmed they aren’t). But it is a merging of the magnesium alkaline Earth with oxygen. It can also be also done with calcium, zinc, and several other alkaline Earth metals.
Largest compound form of Oxygen stirred into your drinking water.
Homozon is the largest compounded form of oxygen known in the chemistry field. Every time we make statements, whether it is 08, 06, or 0, competitors come out and say, "Oh, we got 010, they got 08, we got 010." We keep the formulation pretty much close to the chest as far as the manufacture is concerned, but we can say without a doubt it is the largest compounded oxygen compound out there. There is nothing that even comes close anywhere. We've checked all the other products out there—Aerobic Life products (Ed: This will come up in a later post on chlorine dioxide) and all these others that talk about it—but they don't have the oxygen bonded to their product. That’s why we stand pretty close to the chest about the chemistry of it. It is the largest component oxygen group that a person can take orally to assist their body's cells by enhancing their oxygen level.
Is Homozon a form of super Oxygen?
Dr. George Freibott: It's an ozonite, it doesn't matter which oxygen therapy one picks. When you start talking about oxygen therapies, they are all there to do one thing and one thing only, and that is release the available oxygen to the cell. And again, modern science will argue that it's O2, and you get into the chemistry of it, and yet they will talk about O1. But basically, they all, all, whether it be Ozone therapy, whether it be a peroxide, super oxide, ozonide, it doesn't matter which one you pick.
Whether it be hyperbaric Oxygen or hyperbaric Oxygen with Ozone. They are all dependent upon one thing and one thing only, and that is that they get that O1 available Oxygen into the cell. This is determined by a test that is not transplantable. You take a transplantation Oxygen Meter, which reads the blood gas non-invasively through the skin. It reads just like a blood gas when they're doing an arterial puncture and reading the blood gas. Then you take that TCL2 meter, put it on the skin, do the readout, and you can see what enhances your blood oxygen level. If it enhances it, you'll see it. If it doesn’t, then you won’t.
There is a meter that will function as an electrode. It gives you a direct indication of the blood gas, and you can see what takes it up.
We did tests that showed that deep breathing works wonderfully, raises you 13 to 16 points on the meter, but it only lasts for as long as you're doing deep breathing. The minute you stop, so do the effects of the deep breathing. We tested compound after compound to see which would raise it. We used chlorine dioxide, all these chlorine compounds combined with Oxygen that are virtual poison to people's circulatory system (Ed: I disagree). They think everything is so oxygenating, but we used those, and they didn’t raise the blood Oxygen level hardly at all.
We did it with all the different compounds, and Arelim was surprised because even the Homozon only raised it 3 points. They said we should be able to get up as high as deep breathing, but that is not true. We were able to get 3 points, but it lasted for 8 hours. That 3 points over 8 hours is just as effective as 16 points over two minutes.
How does more Oxygen help our bodies?
Dr. George Freibott: Well, all immune response, they think you're talking about an immune system like it's a system that exists. But the immune system, there is no such thing. It's actually a blend of different systems in the body that work together to create, quote, the immune response. And the immune response of the body is totally dependent upon Oxygen and Oxygen only.
So what you're working with are compounds that are either oxygenating, or you're working with compounds that have an oxidation response in the body, like the quinones or the Co-Q10s. These are elements that don’t oxygenate, but they actually help the Oxygen response in the body itself and enhance immune response against all kinds of disease, bacteria, and pathogens. In Naturopathy, we look at them as recyclers, but also as protection against things like radiation, nuclear radiation, fallout, and all the things that people are worried about right now.
This enhances total cell functional capacity against anything that is an immune challenge, be it toxicity or a pathogen, as they are being called today.
Does Homozon go into your bloodstream and organs?
It goes to every cell of the body. Magnesium, elemental magnesium, as well as elemental Oxygen, gets across the blood-brain barrier. That’s really the brain—the brain feeds on Magnesium.
Originally, it was designed that way for the Germans. That’s what I found. The majority of researchers and doctors out there talk about medical research, but medical people recognized it many years ago. Then they went allopathic with their drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery routines for cancer.
When you start talking about the real beginning basis of this, it did start way back when, at the very beginning of medicine. But that was back when medicine was looking at toxicity and all the other aspects of detoxification and cleansing. Then they went off the deep end and started drugging it to death. That’s not what we’re trying to do. We’re trying to assist nature in its healing process, not drug it to death.
With Homozon, it starts as Magnesium oxide brought to peroxide, superoxides, and ozonites. There has only been one cited reference that has ever shown that Magnesium ozonite has been produced at room temperature and is available at room temperature. Those were the scientists from our institute in Germany.
People have tried to force Oxygen onto a compound, but you can’t do it. It has to be done catalytically or coaxingly because you have to coax the Magnesium into it. Magnesium loves Oxygen anyhow, so it’s not like you’re coaxing too hard. People have tried to Ozonate and use every kind of method under the Sun. But unless they have the catalytic combination that the Germans and Paracelcius had, all they are doing is talking about it.
Will Homozon enter the brain as well?
Dr. George Freibott : It goes to every cell of the body. Magnesium. Magnesium elemental magnesium as well as elemental Oxygen gets across the blood brain very very for sure. That's really the brain the brain feeds on Magnesium.
How does increasing Oxygen prevent or turnaround cancer?
Dr. George Freibott: Cancer is the cancer according to Warberg, the two-time Nobel Prize winner. He stated that any cell deprived of 60 percent or more of its oxygen approximately turns cancerous and can do so in as little as 48 hours. So when you turn around and use that initial process in the body, in that 48 hours time, that cancer syndrome can be lit up in the body. And if that happens in 48 hours time, then you are looking for a quote cure for cancer.
But the person who keeps their body flooded with oxygen and keeps the speed of their blood flow up high enough—which happens from the oxygen, because oxygen is what causes that blood to be more fluid and thinner so that the blood flows more effectively throughout the body—as long as they do those two things, then there isn't a problem with cancer. A person should be able to deal with it.
Warberg said: Flood the body with oxygen, then take away all oxygenist carcinogens or toxins, and that's what we do. That's naturopathy.
Why are people low in Oxygen?
Dr. George Freibott : According to the... the historical records... they say that the blood... the Oxygen levels on the Earth were... up much higher in days past. Which makes sense... because the... massive raping of the trees... and the harvesting of the planktom... and a... the destrution of the planktom in the ocean has caused (blood) the Oxygen levels in the environment to be down and therefore people suffer because of it.
People are also less physically active these days?
Dr. George Freibott : The problem you run into is like I said with deep breathing you can only keep that up for so many you can't be walking into work AH AH AH going like that and say hello boss AH AH what's the matter you all right you all right. And he going to start thinking you're having some kind of a stroke or heart attack on the (?spondy?) start breathing like that in front of the boss. Even though you might be in hell dancing or deep breathing. you might be loosing your job pretty quick. It's a that's the beauty of the Homozon. The Homozon will keep your blood Oxygen levels up high enough that that a you have an enhanced immune response you have enhanced a basic overall health.
This Homozon causes detoxing. What about heavy metals?
Dr. George Freibott: Well, oxygen is the only element that's been shown to bond—to bond—that will bond to all the other elements in the Periodic Table. There is no other element that will bond to every other element in the Periodic Table, not even fluorine. Okay, which they say is a strong oxidizer, even though it is more of a strong fluoridator than anything. But fluorinator, I guess, would be the correct term. (coughs)
Oxygen bonds to every other element in the Periodic Table, so it will break down all other kinds of heavy metals. We have seen heavy metal destruction and elimination utilizing Homozon. They have done hair analysis, blood analysis, and every type of ear-to-ear analysis imaginable to check into who has been able to see the elements sequentially broken down. It does it much more eloquently than trying to use detox just like herbs and all the rest of it.
All those things are gross eliminators that help in detoxification but are also stressful to the body. So when you're taking things like Testragona or any of the herbal eliminators, or even some people are using vermafusions, they're using all kinds of different herbs for different functions as far as elimination is concerned. But every one of them is going to have a strong effect upon the organs that you're dealing with, so you can only use them for a short period of time, then you have to give them up.
Something like Homozon they can use (coughs) daily, and it only helps the body instead of hurting it. It's almost like when you're doing colon hydrotherapy. Using colonics, which are excellent, but when you put oxygen and then ultimately your ozone or octozone into a colonic, you have a treatment that was historically in natural therapy called colon hydro-surgery because it was so effective in getting things like tumors, polyps, and every sort of manner of pest that bothers the colon.
You don't find that with just a simple colonic. That's the difference with using a magnesium compound, a vervafuse, or an herb to try to eliminate or help the body to eliminate. When you put the oxygen with it, the oxygen actually goes in element by element and helps the body to detoxify. They call it a much more elegant procedure in the human body than something along the lines of a herbological or even a physical therapy treatment like a colonic.
The early days of Despensatory of Medicne... you'll find Homozon listed.
Dr. George Freibott: Originally, it was designed that way for the Germans. That's what I found is the majority of the quote researchers and doctors out there. That's why I talk about medical being—you know, it's like gold stars—you know, that's the only silver star in the whole thing because medical people recognized it many years ago. But then they went allopathic with their drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery routines for cancer and all the rest of it.
When you start talking about the real beginning basis of this, I mean, this did start way back in the very beginning of medicine. But that was back when medicine was looking at toxicity and all of the other aspects of detoxification and cleansing. Then they went off the deep end with their "now just drug it to death" approach. You know, that's not what we're trying to do. We're trying to assist nature in its healing process, not drug it to death.
Because the processes found in the human body are there to help the human body for the most part. The kill, crush, and destroy approach of allopathy, the war department, or whatever group you're trying to pick doesn't always work. I call it the American model. The kill, crush, and destroy method doesn’t always work. I mean, we can shock and awe, but we have to get back to natural therapy sooner or later.
That's what we're doing. It started in medicine and was actually listed, as a matter of fact, in the early days of the Dispensatory of Medicine. You'll find Homozon and the like listed. This is why it's available out there. It's been allowed for commerce since 1898 because it's grandfathered in under the grandfather clause in the Heresy-Fall Act. And there is nothing they can do to stop it because it's more natural than aspirin and all the rest of the things they grandfathered in.
So when they start talking about stopping what we're doing, we just say it's grandfathered in. It doesn't matter whether the codex comes in or doesn’t come in—we’re still a part of it, and it's one of the best therapies out there.
Why does Homozon cause loose stool?
Dr. George Freibott: The process of oxidation is a process of turning into water or gas or solid compounds. That's why I said it's the most elegant way to do it. The process of adding oxygen to a compound can change that compound. Like carbon, which is an element that's basically found in coal. But you take oxygen and you put carbon with oxygen, you put two oxygens, and you get CO₂, carbon dioxide.
Your body doesn't have to go through a processing plant or a coal refining plant or anything else to turn that body. It just takes that carbon and turns it directly into carbon dioxide, and we exhale it. Hydrogen, which is a gas that can be very caustic, can be merged with oxygen. Take two hydrogen and oxygen—that's H₂O—and turn it into water. The body quickly expels that, but the hydrogen gas can affect pH, alone can affect pH in the body, and can do all kinds of things.
All we're doing is mimicking nature inside the body, mimicking what nature does on an elemental basis. Then we're forming these foreign waters and gases that the body knows how to form in a way that's not foreign to the body but is foreign to the process of elimination. This is why, in the beginnings of taking Homozon, some people will get the gurgling gut, and it seems like their insides are being totally readjusted. They basically are because what's occurring is you're getting into a situation where your guts are accustomed to having turned into liquids and gases.
Some people do get a little discomfort in the beginning, but as they bear with it, they end up with a much more effective digestive system as well as quicker throughput and assimilation that they never thought possible. People say everything is going through so fast that there is no assimilation, that we're losing all our elements, that we're just pooping out everything we're eating, but it's nothing like that. It supercharges the body.
It's like adding oxygen to a car. You add oxygen to the car, and you get a higher and better combustion rate, and they call it turbo-charging the car. The car doesn't burn up, but it just gives it better combustion. Like what we're doing with our cars now, we've gone to different types of fuel, pure alcohol and others that don't have any of the pollutants in gasoline. Well, that's the same as the human body. You add in the extra oxygen, and you're turbo-charging your body. You're going from a Mercedes regular diesel to a Mercedes super-charged diesel. In the end, it's a much better way of working through, especially with the foods that people eat nowadays.
Everything we eat, breathe, and drink is toxic in one form or another. It either has pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, or you name it. What we do is turbo-charge the body so that digestion is there, and the person has better, more efficient combustion, which is what it comes down to. Oxidation-reduction is cellular energy. The Golgi bodies, the mitochondria (coughs), and all of the organelles are packed full of oxygen. This was proven many years ago by Dr. Puharich.
Puharich brought on all this research about the utilization of oxygen being the energy of the cell. He did his studies on it, and sure enough, he came out with reports about it. Having both an MD and a PhD only helped to show that natural health care was very valid in the oxidation-reduction energy of the cell and its ability to help in the digestive process and everything else. When a person takes Homozon, they enhance their intestinal flora. They enhance it because of its oxygen-based nature, and the friendly bacteria are all enhanced by the utilization of Homozon.
Is the Oxygen in the Homozon that's having a chemical reaction?
Dr. George Freibott: Like with any magnesium, any magnesium product is good to see. You see, most magnesium products are bound to salts. You'll get mag sulfate or mag oscillate—I don't care which one you pick. Any of them, you know, citrate and the rest of them, like the mag, mag—what do you call it—the Epsom salts and that type of thing. People will take it to help them go to the bathroom. They have to drink more water with that because of the salt aspect. It is a salt, and your body needs to deal with the sulfate part of the magnesium because it is magnesium and sulfur bonded together.
There are so many different forms of magnesium salts. With Homozon, Homozon starts as a magnesium oxide brought to peroxide and superoxides and ozonites. Those actual texts that have been written about—there has only been one cited reference that's ever shown that magnesium ozonite has been produced at room temperature and is available at room temperature. Those were the scientists from our institute in Germany. So, you know, people can say, "Oh, we know how to do it." Yeah, well, you had to resurrect the dead in order to find out because it was a proprietary process. I don't think it's going to happen too quickly.
They tried to force oxygen onto a compound. You can't do it. It has to be done catalytically or coaxingly because you have to coax the magnesium into it. It loves oxygen anyhow, so it's not like you're coaxing too hard. People have done it, and they've tried to ozonate and octozone it, and they've tried every kind of method under the sun. But unless they have the catalytic combination that the Germans had and Paracelsus had, then they can talk about it, but that's all they're doing—talking about it.
The liquid stool is not diarrhea.
Dr. George Freibott: Right, it's not a pathological diarrhea. What it is, is an assisted and more enhanced absorption, assimilation, and elimination. That’s basically what’s going on, and that’s what they’re experiencing.
It always helps to have a little water. I know that people drink enough as it is, so it doesn't hurt to be drinking more water. But if they’re without it, they can know—by running into the bathroom for the 58th time that day—that they don’t have to worry about losing too much water. They can just drink their water along the way.
We’ve had people that—I tell my patients when I rarely see them, because now it is mostly teaching—but we saw some patients recently, and we watched their diabetic toes turn back from purple to pink in one treatment.
We even took it down and showed it on video tape, and somebody said, "Oh no, it couldn't be done." And we said, "Oh no, watch." People were laying on the floor, saying, "Oh my God, look at this—one treatment!" Their toes were going back from purple to pink. Again, they were on Homozon, and we were doing a violet ray treatment with them
Dr. Freibott talks about an extreme case patient begins Homozon
Dr. George Freibott: Well, this person was brought in with three days to live, brought from the middle part of the country. They said he wasn't going to live more than three days, and it had already been two weeks. By the time they got him out to us, his cancer was pretty much dealt with.
Even though he had radiation burns from them doing radiation therapy on him, he also had gout and most likely diabetes. We didn't get to the point of testing his sugar before they took him to the hospital, where they promptly killed him. He was doing wonderful when they decided to take him to the hospital. They gave him morphine, put him onto Valium and Ativan, and promptly killed him.
The man's toes went from purple to pink right in front of his own eyes. He was absolutely—well, from black to pink actually, but I call it dark purple.
Did he take like a teaspoon or a tablespoon?
Dr. George Freibott: He was up to about three heaping teaspoons, or maybe a teaspoon or tablespoon? I think it was teaspoons. Anyways, I believe he was up to three of those. Three teaspoons—actually six teaspoons for the day. Yeah, but it was three times a day, two heaping teaspoons at a time.
That was just the Homozon. Then we took the violet ray to his toes, and the violet ray was able to take his toes from purple to pink in one treatment. It actually looked like they were being painted with a paintbrush. Between the oxygen on the inside, the Homozon, and the ozone going into his toes from the outside, those toes turned pink so fast. He was flabbergasted.
You see a half-dying person sitting there, and all of a sudden, you watch their attitude totally change because they see that they’re not dying anymore. Their toe doesn’t hurt like it did, and the only reason they were on painkillers was because their toe was so bad. Now they are coming off their painkillers, throwing away their narcotics, and getting well. You know, it's an exciting thing.
He didn't choose to go to the hospital.
Dr. George Freibott: Well, he didn't choose to go to the hospital. Actually, the only thing that was wrong was he was gurgling because the toxicity was so great, and in being detoxified, he had a lot of congestion.
I figured they were going off to the hospital to either drain his lung, pump his lung, or do what they always do. Now the hospitals have gotten to the point of being death chambers. "Oh, he is dying of cancer? Turn up the morphine." And that's what they do. The hospices are just as bad—turn up the drugs a little higher and kill him a little more.
I figured he was coming right back, and so did the person who said, "Yeah, go ahead and take him to the hospital. We're going to go get the equipment so we can keep on treating him." It was a very quick decision. His family and other people were involved, so I said okay.
What ended up happening was he did wonderful, then he went to the hospital. The wife saw the money involved, realized she wasn’t going to get her insurance, and had to turn around and take care of him herself. Then she said, "Oh, I got power of attorney. Let's just kill him off." And that's what they did.
It's not the first time. I've seen it happen with everyone from Hollywood movie stars to street people—the same procedure. It's horrible, but that's the way it is. Hopefully, if people catch on to it, they won’t be sending their family off when they're choking and gasping for breath in a hospital. But they'll...
What would be a... maximum dose?
Dr. George Freibott: There isn't. When I called the German—when I first got involved with the formulations, my background had been chemistry as well. I'm an American Chemical Society certified chemist and all that kind of thing. When I went to the equivalent of the American Chemical Society, which was the German society for Chemical Arts over in Germany, I asked them what the LD50 was—a lethal dose, half dose—on the product and how much it would take to kill a patient.
I wanted to know, at a half dosage level, how much they would have to eat in order for them to die from it. They just laughed and laughed at me. I finally got irritated and said, "Why are you laughing?" because I didn't understand their response—they responded in German. One of the interpreters got on the line from there and said, "Because you'd have to eat enough of it to become a statue."
In other words, like plaster of Paris, you'd have to consume it by the pounds full. (laughs) They said, "You'd become a statue before you'd die from it because it is such a life-giving substance."
So you don't have to be... concerned about overdosing?
Dr. George Freibott: About overdose toxicity. We've had people that have taken a full 150 grams in one day, which is a can that a person would normally take in a month's time.
I always tell my patients that by the time we get through with them, they will not only be defecating and urinating liquid that's clear like water, but they'll be detoxified to the point where there will be no more color. They'll be so cleansed. They look at me like I'm crazy, but it's not at all. We've seen patient after patient, when you take the dosage up so high, that they can literally be eating it until they're urinating or defecating what appears to be clear water.
You might see a little bit of cloudiness, mostly caused by the magnesium, but that's how much is going through them. It's harmless, non-toxic, and has no detrimental effects. Even on patients who have had nefarious kidney problems, we've had their kidney doctors actually put them on the product to wake their kidneys back up so that they're eliminating properly and getting them away from dialysis.
That's how well it works because it's an oxygenator. First and foremost, that oxygen goes right to the cells of the kidney and helps to activate them. It's helping people to get off their dialysis or reduce their dialysis instead of actually causing problems. Most of the time, magnesium salts will cause issues when taken, but it's not so with Homozon because it is oxygen bonded to the magnesium, not a salt. The salt is what stresses the kidneys out.
What kind of levels were they taking?
Dr. George Freibott: Well, you'll have to ask Nikki. She is the one with the testimonies to talk about that. She keeps all the patient data in her head and in her files.
It wasn't huge amounts, but it was higher then. She's saying two teaspoons a day. That's the normal dose. The normal dose is measured as a rounded teaspoon in the morning and one at night. That gives you all the magnesium you need.
As well as helping overall, I can't say for heavy city dwellers, but for people living in the countryside or a suburban area, it probably provides good protection. If someone is living in downtown Portland or somewhere similar, they might have to increase the dose a little bit.
You've said people have done an entire canister in a day.
Dr. George Freibott: Well, what they do is mix it in a smoothie and stuff like that. I've taken it myself.
When I was going into the hearing with the U.S. Government as an expert witness for Dr. Boyce down in Mississippi, he did quite well with his court case too. When we were down there, Ed McCabe, Dr. Farr—Charlie Farr from the International Biological Medical Foundation—and I went in for Dr. Boyce's case.
I went and had a smoothie at Smoothie King—they have the best smoothies for mixing the Homozon into. I took a Smoothie King smoothie and put in 10 heaping teaspoons. Then I went right into the court case. Ed McCabe looked at me and said, "You sat through that whole court case, and you didn't get up once to go to the bathroom. You didn't do anything. How did you do that?"
You just get used to it. And when you get used to it, it works. It works as an energizer that makes your mentality clear and crisp, so you can remember things when you're sitting in the courtroom. I don't want to go in there with a load of files—I go in there with what I know and the cases I've worked with.
Dr. Freibott reports it gives you a lot of energy.
Dr. George Freibott: I took 10 plus heaping teaspoons. Then, when I went back last year to the National American Library for Health, I did it again just to see if it had the same effect as it did in the courtroom.
My son and I drove all the way from Washington, D.C., up to Illinois before I ever had to really stop and do the cleanse. But yeah, we were able to drive for hours—it gives you a lot of energy.
If a person is on tons of pharmaceuticals... can they still do Homozon?
Dr. George Freibott: Sure. Homozon can be used with any of the pharmaceuticals and has no detrimental effects, except that it will help the uptake. So they might want to reduce their pharmaceuticals or lower them if they find that the uptake is more overwhelming than normal.
A lot of them are taking their OxyContin, pain pills, and all the rest of it. If they find they are absorbed too well, they might lower the dosage a little bit, but other than that, there are no issue
Is there anyone who shouldn't take Homozon?
Dr. George Freibott : Well Superman Tarzan maybe Batman anyone of those guys probably don't need it but but I haven't met the person yet that doesn't need to breathe.
There is not contra-indications with any medication that you know of?
Dr. George Freibott: No. Matter of fact, we've given it to patients that have had things like Beaver Fever.
We have been at the rainbow gatherings and were there when people had the squirts because of the organism Beaver Fever, Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium, and that type of thing. They take it, run off to the bathroom that many more times, and by the second dose, they feel better.
I'll never forget—one person actually threw up, then turned around, came back, took another dose, and felt so well that they invited us to their camp to visit that night, spend time, and talk about what we were doing because they felt so good from it.
It's a cleanse, but it actually helps. With pathological bacteria and pathological diarrhea, it will actually help stop it. So even though there may be a momentary increase or surge, the organisms will be detoxified to the point where the person can return to normal bowel activity
What about fungus'... what effect does it have on... Candida?
Dr. George Freibott: Candida, yeast-type infections—well, with Candida, the yeast is the host, and what the yeast is feeding upon is usually sugar (coughs). Excess sugar is one of the things that Dispensatory Medicine notes.
It says that even dismag peroxide has very good results in gastrointestinal disorders and, to a lesser extent, in diabetes. But they have even found that it is beneficial for diabetes.
Matter of fact, I was reading last night, and it said that magnesium itself was good for stage 2 diabetes.
Is Homozon helpful regulating blood sugar levels?
Dr. George Freibott: Oh, absolutely. Yeah, it takes some time, and it depends on the case as well. You have to know whether the person is getting away from their candies and sodas (laughs).
You know, "I'm going to keep drinking, I'm going to have diabetes, keep taking as much candy and soda as I possibly can, and I'm going to make the best of it all the time." That doesn’t work.
Doctors say... there is no connection between the sugar that they eat.
Dr. George Freibott: None, none at all, but watch your sugar numbers go up (laughs) when you do your test. There's no connection, though.
But we have your test, and this is the way we're testing you. We're testing you. If your sugar levels go up, we know you're going to take more insulin. But don't worry about it—it has nothing to do with your sugar. It has to do with your... yeah, right, you know.
What health challenges have you seen helped with Homozon?
Dr. George Freibott: Because oxygen is necessary for every cell in the human body, what we're dealing with is cellular-level health care. When you're dealing with cellular-level health care, the cells are what make up the organs, the organs are what make up the systems, and the systems are what make up homeostasis for health in the body.
So when you are dealing with oxidation-reduction on a cellular level, you're dealing with all the body's cells, all the body's organs, all the body's systems, and thereby, all the body's health. It is a much different way of looking at health care.
Instead of looking at the symptom and then looking at what organ is affected and saying, "We're going to help the organ—yeah, whatever, pancreas—we're going to help by giving insulin so it doesn’t have to produce it," we take a different approach. Conventional thinking assumes the pancreas isn't producing enough insulin to deal with diabetes, so the solution is to give more insulin.
But we don't look at it that way. We focus on waking up the cells of the pancreas. When you wake up the pancreas, the body will deal with the sugar problem itself.
Have you seen it be helpful for Hepatitis C?
Dr. George Freibott : Oh yeah yeah but like I said Nikki got all the cases all those cases. I'll let her talk to you. I'm the... it's getting late... and I'll give her some time... because you guys can talk about all the cases.
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Dr Kory, what excellent work! I have now read your articles concerning Homozone. So my question is,” since it appears Homozone technology has been lost? what therapy is available that is closest ?
Brilliant detective work, persistence is always rewarded because no matter how completely the "erasers" think they have succeeded, information has a way of popping up here and there which escapes censors' notice.
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