She was a disaster as Health Secretary of North Carolina. I can not think of a worse pick for CDC director than her. People suffered and some businesses never recovered under her and Cooper's orders. Everyone who participated in ordering these lockdowns and business closures belongs in a prison cell for the rest of their lives so they can think about all of the damage they caused and the people they hurt.

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All of Biden's appointees seem the results of searches to find the absolutely least qualified people to fill each position 😒

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I kept wondering why they said they need to vax livestock 😒

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Along with the cops who enforced...

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The cops suffered too. Greatly. They were forced to vaccinate. A young sergeant here died soon after the mandatory shot. A father with small children.

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If they enforced business closures, if they issued trespass citations for daring to enter a business bare-faced, etc., then they aided and abetted a crime. Where did they think (Did they?) this would lead? Did they think they'd be exempt from even further coercion?

Imagine if the numbers of those who refused to comply (like me, Dr. Peter McCullough, and millions of others who gave up incomes, careers, retirements) were reversed with those that obeyed? That cop might still be alive today.

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I guess will have to agree to disagree. In this part of the country, New York, New Jersey, the mandated pressured to vaccinate was intense. Many officers found ways to skirt it, but in my eyes, the police force as a whole, who were forced to vaccinate, were victims of the same insanity that affected the rest of us.

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I'm a native New Yorker, was living in the People's Republic of MA when the crime was announced.

How did I know a crime was being committed in Mar 2020 -- and the cops didn't? How did I know no lawful authority existed to close businesses -- and the cops didn't? How did I know no lawful authority existed to require a medical intervention in the form of snot pouches (the precursor to what was 𝒐𝒃𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒍𝒚 coming) -- and the cops didn't? These, the men and women of America, who swore an oath to the Constitution, the (alleged) mechanism by which Americans' inalienable rights enjoy protection? They cooperate? In a 𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒 against their fellow Americans? And they think it will have a happy ending???

We were 𝒂𝒍𝒍 victims, Isabel. The ones whose job it was to protect and defend did neither; they simply obeyed orders and it came around to bite them, too. Do people really not understand 𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒂?

As for "us" being victims of "insanity," this is where I'll disagree. What we were victims of was grotesque immorality, cowardice, and disloyalty to basic human rights on an epic scale. 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒆, especially in that place that likes to think of itself as "a shining city on a hill."

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These are broad (and not accurate) generalizations.

I feel your anger and share it. With several family members in law enforcement, there is MUCH you don't know that was done (and will remain) under the radar. I challenge anyone who thinks they can do a better job, to do so. It's so easy to spout "woulda, coulda, shoulda", after the fact from the comfort of one's home on one's phone or computer. Perhaps spend a week - or even a day/night in their shoes. THAT will open one's eyes to the challenges, restraints, and society's mess that these brave individuals face each day.

Again, your mileage may vary, we will have to respectfully agree to disagree.

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Jun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023

Thank you Dr Kory.

I was moved to tears seeing you give the most heartfelt plea to the USA Congress early on in the ‘shenanigans’ to be ‘allowed’ to use repurposed medications which you knew worked. I have never forgotten it and now I subscribe to your substack as I sense you are a doctor who has the integrity, intelligence and passion to carry on regardless of whatever they try to throw at you.

All it takes is just a few good men and women to fight this evil that is all around us. You are one of best.

May God bless and protect you Dr Kory and your family.

In the end, God always wins..

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Dr. Kory's testimony before Congress was the turning point for me when I knew I could never trust the government covid narrative and I vowed never to take a covid shot. Preventing repurposed tried and true, safe treatments was a travesty. By exposing this, Dr. Kory gave me the courage to protect myself and my family.

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Meet Rochelle Walensky's replacement at the CDC: Dr. Mandy Cohen, former public health dept director in North Carolina.

Here she is, Mandy Cohen in her own words, on video:


Quoting a commenter on Twitter regarding the video clip:

"New CDC Director Mandy Cohen recalls how she and her colleagues came up with COVID mandates during her time as NC Health Director. “She was like, are you gonna let them have professional football? And I was like, no. And she’s like, OK neither are we.” (Cohen discussing a telephone conversation with her counterpart in Massachusetts.)

As Megan Basham (Daily Wire) posted on Twitter re the same video clip:

"Turns out “following the science” is just two junior high girls checking in to see what the other is wearing to the party."

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I like your strategy. You are absolutely correct in taking a path that might enlighten more & more people!

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The CDC will never have credibility again.

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Peacefully dismantle first.... :-)

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Like everything's been so peaceful thus far. We wouldn't want to hurt their feelings or anything.🤦

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You mean like the peaceful way they are dismantling humanity?

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I don't ever want to emulate their criminal and morally bankrupt practices...

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Another Useful Idiot. There is no cleaning up the toilette known as the CDC. Completely corrupt and useless and has been for decades. Close it down, Knock it down and start over in another state like Wyoming or some place where they still believe in God Family and Education.

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Couldn't agree more. It's reprehensible. Not Wyoming while the Cheneys are still walking the earth.

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When will Fox News (or any other outlet) allow the REAL IMPORTANT truth to be spelled out? As in: THE mRNA VACCINES DID THE OPPOSITE OF SAVING LIVES.

All-cause mortality went UP post-vaccine in almost all mRNA vaccinated nations. Polls of American adults found that 28% know someone who died unexpectedly following vaccination, and such unexpected post-vaccine deaths were similarly common as COVID deaths themselves, in spite of COVID being around for a year longer than the vaccines. And most importantly, the gold-standard randomized clinical trials done by Pfizer and Moderna themselves showed "4 killed for every 3 saved" even at the height of the pandemic, and a 45% increase in cardiovascular deaths with mRNA vaccines compared to placebo.




When will they allow these truly IMPORTANT facts to be spelled out? I'm not holding my breath.

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70% of Fox’s advertising revenue comes from the pharmaceutical industry. Don’t hold your breath, waiting for them, or any other media, print or otherwise, to change their narrative.

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Your "transformation" is much appreciated! I've watched you and Dr. Marik speak so many times with such passion, caring and expertise - often with tears in my eyes over what you've endured and endured with dignity and perseverance. Thank you for that even as Biden & others take "another step in the wrong direction." Government agencies have been so fully captured by Pharma for decades. It makes me wonder if "we the people" will ever be able to reverse this trend that moves ever closer to full blown tyranny.

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What ShastaBetty said^^^^

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“(they weren’t mistakes)”

Thank you for continuing to say this, Pierre.

It has been a privilege to witness your journey of awakening to the fact that Mistakes Were NOT Made (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-one-poem-to). You have demonstrated admirable humility and bravery in your willingness to acknowledge what you previously did not see and then recalibrating your understanding of the world accordingly.

And I totally get your strategic approach to the messaging and have employed it in pieces like the following:

• “Letter to the Stanford Daily” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-stanford-daily)

In the case of that article, my goal was to use Stanford’s own “authoritative sources” to demonstrate their fallacious reasoning and life-endangering policies.

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What a crazy world we live in that you can’t openly say what is true. I guess it has probably been this way many times in the past as well. It just seems like a foreign concept to those of us growing up in America.

Thank you for doing your best to highlight what should happen if government was functioning as an entity for the people. Maybe more people will demand that from government at the next election. Maybe not. Perhaps the elections are as compromised as the medical system? Big pharma definitely controls the media so that’s enough to throw the elections without even tampering with the machines. I’m guessing a candidate that is not owned by big pharma (like Kennedy) has little chance of making it through the primaries. At least Kennedy is educating the public on just how deeply corrupted the government institutions are with each interview and speech.

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The illegal, WEAPONIZED, corporate run govt must be OVERTURNED!

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I wish I shared your optimism....How does one give guidance re cleaning up an "act" which is a criminal endeavor. However, an "act" lead by a venal, corrupt, heartless government operative who reads a script and has sold her soul for what I am not sure. With a CDC like this I know that we are all doomed when the WHO finally takes over healthcare as we "know it". It can get worse and probably will.

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Hi Letsrock, Prosecution is only allowed if the law permits...These folks have total immunity...spread the news to all you know, read Katherine Watt at Bailiwick News on Substack to read the Constitutional Laws that allow the CDC, FDA,, NIH, IAID, DOD and HHS in collusion to perpetrate mass murder and permanent side effects on not just the American People but the world. by injecting us with a bio-weapon. Read it and weep, you'll never be able to see the world in the same way after you do. View all of her video presentations as well. Then meet Sasha Latypova also on Substack a retired legitimate Pharma executive who knows her stuff and compliments the work Katherine Watt does to inform us re the situation we are in....Together they present the truth and real science. What was once seen as our ability to prosecute miscreants has been taken off the table in regards to Covid. Look at Katherine Watt's video to Denmark this month, go to minute 11 and watch for the real reason there will be no action to counter this debacle, now or ever. We live in a world that no longer is what we have been propagandized to think it is...Protect yourself and your family, seek common minded people, never vaccinate your children or take a drug you have not researched re side effects. doctors follow algorithms provided by the CDC do not give them the power to ruin your life via inappropriate treatments...Avoid hospitalization...Live healthy, maintaining your health and the health of your family is your only recourse. Plant a garden, know your food sources and get plenty of sunshine....We have the power to care for ourselves. We do not I am sorry to inform you the power to prosecute...Be well.

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I wasn't asking you personally to prosecute them BUT SOMEONE WHO HAS THE POWER TO DO SO SHOULD! You're preaching to the choir here, but thanks anyway.

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Hi Again., Miss Watt's video I referred to above was done earlier this month, runs for under 30 minutes and was sent to Dublin not Denmark as noted above...Seek Dublin video..K

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We can rest assured that if the Biden administration could have found anybody worse for the job than Cohen, they would have.

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I'm glad they picked a true believer. Why? She's gonna make a mess because she avoids the truth in her delusion.

Wallensky was a mess but on some level she knew it's BS. That's why she could lie so easily and twist things.

This woman is just going to sound dumb.

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She's a waste of time another poor excuse of a bureaucrat, get rid of her.

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It is the Infectious Disease Division at the CDC that gets all the funding and deals it out to the other divisions at the CDC, so none of those other divisions can say anything or do anything that is not consistent with the agenda of the Infectious Disease division. However the Infectious Disease Division is under the full control of Big Pharma and now, essentially, the military. Nothing can be done to salvage the agency as the level of corruption is beyond comprehension.... it would have to be rebuilt from almost the ground up. When the USA collapses, perhaps there will that opportunity.

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Let's make it happen for our own benefit. Wake the hell up no more half measures!

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Increased Deaths Associated with Loneliness and Social Isolation

A meta analysis of 90 prospective studies and 2.2 million individuals https://mobeensyedmd.substack.com/p/increased-deaths-associated-with?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=767928&post_id=131298734&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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...all done on purpose.

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Your approach is 100% correct. The captured agencies have too much at stake to reverse course unless "We the People" -- properly armed with EDUCATION -- make it so. Thank you for:

1. Realizing what you're up against and

2. Never giving up in spite of #1.

FLCCC has saved more lives than you will ever know. We don't need no schtinkin' CDC when we have FLCCC. If only everyone realized it. Certainly RFK Jr. does realize this, and so much more!

P.S. Never thought I'd vote for a Democrat for President, but if RFK Jr. wins the Democrat primary, I'll most certainly consider it. I've been watching his work through Children's Health Defense (https://childrenshealthdefense.org/) and The Defender Podcast (https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rfkjr) and am convinced that he's the most honest, well-qualified, uncaptured man for the job.

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Thanks Dr. K. As a Brit. I'm amazed that lobbying is allowed in UK & USA. Used to called Bribery & Corruption back in the day.

Both agencies are now 100% discredited & not fit for purpose. CDC, USA. MHRA UK.

Their part in the evil of the scamdemic is beyond doubt. As such every single member of both agencies should be in Courts of Law. On trial for aiding & abetting GENOCIDE & Crimes Against Humanity.

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