Dec 30, 2021Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Excellent first sub stack Dr Kory! And thank you for moving over here as well, I constantly worry that one day the Twitter Gods will poof you as they did with Dr. Malone.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Dr. Kory, thanks for all you and your alliance have done. You all have saved countless lives. Keep fighting censorship and spread the truth!

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

I'm not on Twitter, but I subscribed because you and the FLCC are like the dogsled drivers trying to get antitoxin to children dying of diptheria in Nome in 1925, through impassable routes and blizzards. The Great Race of Mercy. https://www.forgottenhistory.me/amazing-feats/the-great-race-of-mercy

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what a wonderful historical comparison

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Rock on Dr Kory 👊

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Thank you Dr. Kory and the FLCCC for your brilliance and bravery! I am so grateful for your guidance. The senate testimony in Dec 2020 was a game changer for us! As a family physician practice functional medicine, I knew there was a lot we could do to help bolster the immune system (which after all is the main cure to any viral or bacterial attack), but in until then really didn’t know much about ivermectin. In October of 2020 a pharmacist turned me into DSPS, so on the advice of my lawyer I had to quit prescribing it for a bit (plus it was getting harder and harder to find). Thus we referred patients to FLCCC and/or AAPS to get ivermectin. We are now very happy to have black cumin as an alternative. Thank you, Dr. Marik and your whole team for continuing to press on, thinking outside the box, and offering us well-researched and rational treatment protocols! Praying for your continued wisdom, safety and good health!

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A healthy, trim adult has mild covid, unvacc- 102 then 99 temp for 4 days, achey, no cough, no chest tightness, he's following the flccc Early T protocol w Ivm .4mg/kg (will do 7d) - should he also do blk cummin, tumeric, honey? Or are they listed as a substitute? I was thinking, to advise to do them after the 7d of Ivm. Appreciate any thoughts from anyone about the blk cumin. I know to watch for the chest symptoms days 7,8. So far so good. Chopping wood now, day 6.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Great to see you here! Thank you, Dr. Marik and FLCCC for being our HEROS!

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

What took you so long!!

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Thank you Dr. Kory. I’m proud of you!

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Thank you Dr Kory. You are a hero .

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Just purchased a paid subscription to support your work . Because of you and Dr Marik and so many doctors willing to honor their Hippocratic oath, I tell people we don’t have to live in fear of covid. We will get through this and ignore the idiotic advice of doctors saying there is no treatment .

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South African Dr. Shankara Chetty talks about his experience successfully treating

#Covid19. About the 20 min mark on the Soundcloud podcast is where he talks about his treatment protocol.

Dr. Chetty found that patients were ill with a virus the first week - 7 days. 70% recovered.

On the 8th day, 30% of patients presented with shortness of breath, very fatigued with low oxygen saturation called hypoxia. He discovered that what the patients were experiencing was a severe ALLERGIC REACTION to the viral SPIKE PROTEIN which the dying virus had expelled. He stated the lung condition was INFLAMMATION from a severe allergic reaction called HYPERSENSITIVITY PNEUMONITIS which on a scan LOOKS LIKE VIRAL PNEUMONIA BUT IT IS NOT! He has successfully treated his patients with an oral steroid like Prednisone or Methylprednisolone, a prescription antihistamine, Montelukast (FDA approved for asthma and allergies) and a 325 mg aspirin or a prescription anticoagulant (blood thinner) for tiny blood clots also caused by the Spike Protein. It took 2 to 5 days for oxygen saturation to rebound.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA


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Dr Kory, I am a British citizen but I saw your testimony to the US senate on ivermectin, I was so hopeful that it would have been adopted, instead they’ve tried to block it. I signed up to the FLCCC and listen with great interest each week. We have our Covid kits at home, we had to buy via India and which I’ve heard that customs are opening packages and withholding them so we got ours in good time. We are not vaccinated as my husband is a taxi driver and was going to have it early but so many of his customers have had many side effects, including stroke, heart attacks, blood clots, low platelets, heart inflammation and death suddenly collapsing just like some of the athletes. He’s heard first hand real life experiences of what it’s done. Thank you for working so tirelessly to get the truth out, it isn’t easy against a sea of lies. I was donating to the flccc via PayPal as you all do amazing work but I’m not sure how I can donate again from the uk but I can on this channel. Happy new year to you and your family and colleagues and we never lock down ever as I found this so so difficult last year.

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Thank you for standing up with integrity. I first saw you when I was home sick with covid in Dec 2020. I was on the email list for AAPS and they had links to the senate hearings that happened in November. I listened to those hearings and used that info to help myself recover. I did have a moderate case in that I didn't need hospitalization, but I did have symptoms of blood clotting and took a while to recover. I didn't know it at the time, but I have an advanced cancer so my immune system is not operating optimally. I'm grateful for your efforts.

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

Dr. Kory, my father is currently in the ICU and they want to intubate him, but we’re holding off. He has not received remdesivere, he still lucid, and we’re hoping he improves. He’s on bypass. Should I try to increase the steroid? Please advise if you can.

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Absolutely - plus all the other elements in our MAth+ protocol

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Thank you Dr. Kory. I'm only a recently retired orthopedic surgeon, but even I can see you're spreading the truth. Thank god for brave honest physicians like you.

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