The audio of the coroner who performed the autopsy on Floyd was carried during several radio newscasts, and he made it very clear that Floyd had a fentanyl level in his blood three times the lethal dose for someone who wasn't addicted to it.
The audio of the coroner who performed the autopsy on Floyd was carried during several radio newscasts, and he made it very clear that Floyd had a fentanyl level in his blood three times the lethal dose for someone who wasn't addicted to it.
Chronic users have a much higher tolerance than naïve users; they can easily tolerate 10 times as much or more of an opioid that would kill a naive user.
The audio of the coroner who performed the autopsy on Floyd was carried during several radio newscasts, and he made it very clear that Floyd had a fentanyl level in his blood three times the lethal dose for someone who wasn't addicted to it.
" lethal dose for someone who wasn't addicted to it."
And there's your qualifier!
George Floyd was a long-term fentanyl addict, so it took longer to kill him, but a triple overdose finally won.
Chronic users have a much higher tolerance than naïve users; they can easily tolerate 10 times as much or more of an opioid that would kill a naive user.
Do you have a reference or do you expect me to just believe you?
Naivete has nothing to do with it.