Thank You, Dr. Kory. i have referred My Family and Friends to You and Others I trust. It is beyond my comprehension and complete BS that this is not videod and available as public information. Huh…What do have to hide? Perhaps, a lot. Very Best and Safe Travrls, Ed

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Totally agree - it is outrageous that filming not allowed, but at the same time, unsurprising given what we are up against...

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Billions of Covid-19 vaccine doses have been administered…without valid voluntary informed consent.

It’s bewildering that the medical ‘profession’ went along with this assault by needles upon the global population, complicit in the pressuring, coercing, manipulating and even MANDATING of people to make them submit to these highly questionable medical interventions.

See my substack article: MANDATED vaccination... NO VALID CONSENT! It's mind-boggling! https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/mandated-vaccination-no-valid-consent

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Thankyou Dr Kory... we appreciate every effort to steer opinion back on the right side of medicine and history... those who steered us off it.. are of course determined to prevent truth from being recorded and published.

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Welome to the heart of the Empire of Lies!

I am so glad you are supporting the courageous Andrew Bridgen who has been largely isolated and smeared by our democratic representatives. Thank you.

I have been informed that my MP is chairing a meeting at roughly the same time as your presentation - I wonder how many other MPs will be similarly engaged.

If nothing else, the Palace of Westminster is an interesting building and the staff are very helpful.

Thank you for all of your efforts - I sincerely hope the attendance is more rewarding than I fear.

Truth always wins in the end - I hope you enjoy the journey.

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Andrew is one of the bravest politicians anywhere - he has been alone speaking out publicly but there are a few down who support him in secret.. if you can count that as support...

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Quite literally alone when speaking in the house, the MP’s could not leave fast enough

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Andrew Bridgen is not what you think, and not to be trusted.

Please take the time and read Miri


If you don't know who Miri is, then have a look at her single handed work that continues to empower the informed or those wanting to be informed ://www.informedconsentmatters.co.uk/

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Thank you for your contribution.

I am aware of most of the criticisms against Mr B. and I bear them in mind.

Allow me to thank you and all truth warriors in our endeavours to counter corruption and champion decency.

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Pierre "Parrhesia" Kory – you are a great inspiration! I can't wait to see this hearing.

*parrhesia (Greek: παρρησία) is candid speech, speaking freely. It implies not only freedom of speech, but the obligation to speak the truth for the common good, even at personal risk.

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love it! thanks

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God Bless You All & all of your efforts 🙏

You are the Light in Dark Times! I pray for you daily...His Truth is Marching On

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Bless you all! Beacons of Light in this world. Forever grateful.

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Amazing to me how people worldwide failed to resist. Standing together we are stronger. People ask why majority of Jews did nothing during the Holocaust, even when told the truth from those imprisoned in Auschwitz. If you did not resist during COVID you have the answer as why the Jews did nothing.

One need only look at history’s autocrats & dictatorships to recognize what is happening right now. Tactics may be different, but their goal is the same.

Thank you & everyone else for standing with the truth, no matter what.

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Eventually, it will become a hot topic where those who refuse to attend will be lambasted for covering up or ignoring the greatest damage to health in a century.

I suspect the predator class is slow to notice that the wind is changing direction away from trust in them and the agencies... Heck they're now creating another useless or dangerous shot for another hyped up virus EBV which is not deadly at all.

Booster uptake is minimal, even among the moronicrons 😂 .

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I certainly hope you are right in that those who dont attend will be remembered for it...

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“...covering up or ignoring the greatest act of wilful iatrogenesis, democide and economic destruction in history...” Fixed it for you.

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A century? Greatest damage to health EVER

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I think the industrial revolution was more deadly. People lived much shorter and more horrible lives. Smallpox was rampant because of sanitation issues, not a "virus".

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Am I naive to be excited about this event? Dr. Kory, I know you have been before congress. Dr. McCollough has been before congress. This is not the first time esteemed presenters have been before governmental bodies to rattle the bastards. I do hope y'all are given more respect than Mr. Bridgen has been shown by his peers in Parliament. Love and Strength to you all. Bring it Brother!

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With the exception of Drs. Yeadon and Kory, the rest of these medical marvels are all deep state. (Sources: On twitter realgeorgewebb1; housatonic.live and thedukereport)

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definitely RM, & I believe Dr. Cole sold his soul as well. DM- he’s not to be trusted. I am in the fence about Dr PM. I want to believe he us who he says.

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Gatekeepers all, I’m afraid to say

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In BC, the city of Kamloops, a doctor has lost her hospital priviledges because she refused to get a Pfizer shot in 2021. The tyranny and ignorance of our medical officer Dr Bonnie Henry is breathtaking and, in fact, there is no oxygen left in this country on this matter, except in the provinve of Alberta.

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Robert Malone should be facing criminal charges for his role in Wuhan.

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Praying now for breakthroughs of success ❣️ With love and deep gratitude, Mike and Lori

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Some of your readers might not know that Pfizer used Ivermectin to rescue patients in their Process 1 jab clinical trial.


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As did the US medical Major who ran trials on Corona virus some years ago. His written conclusion was that Ivermectin was the goto treatment 🙏 I only saw this referenced once back in 20/21. I guess Del Bigtree Informed Consent Action Network would know the details.

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A million thanks to you and all of the others speaking today . I have been following all of you for the past 4 years . Your perseverance is to be admired and respected and I am beyond appreciative for all that you are doing .

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