“...Most physicians believed... because, you know, it was a viral pneumonia... The fact that there was no live virus in the hospital phase of the disease showed this to be a tragic error borne of ignorance...”

“Error” is an exceptional event that disrupts the course of the routine. Once it happens, the routine should be stopped to find out the cause, examine its nature, and make corrections necessary to ensure error-free flow of the routine. That’s common sense. That’s also the standard way of handling errors in every imaginable field of human activities, from computer programming to air traffic control to manufacturing electrical components and more, much much more. All over the world, in all businesses, in all areas, there is no room for “ignorance” causing more than one error. If you allow a second error, you will lose business, pay huge damages and compensation, and suffer huge financial losses in the defective manufacturing process.

Why should medicine be any different?

When one patient dies on your ward, on your watch, with your signature - you must immediately stop all running processes related to the deceased and their circumstances. It’s common sense. And criminal liability. You must immediately examine all factors down to the smallest detail. If you don’t do this and you blindly fly into more deaths, it’s gross negligence and outrageous betrayal of your profession.

If you skip this step, or force “but we follow all proper guidance” on your mind, you are not fit for any profession related to human health.

The ventilatorgate simply exposed the underlying acceptance of non-thinking throughout the healthcare environment worldwide. There is no going back to “trust” after this. What’s worse is that we are observing the continuous aggravation of neglect in medicine despite the persistent fourth year of a medical disaster of the scale that has never happened before.


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Well said. Spot on.

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I agree with you that in quite a number of cases, it's criminal liability. Proving "Liability" is difficult, but it gives the prosecuting attorney some reasonable options. There is no need to prove the very difficult proof of "Intent." "Negligence" and causing harm and death "With Knowlege" is enough to get punishment that some of these doctors deserve. I say "some." Not all. But some who knowingly treated their patients poorly should lose their livelihood. After all, if a an associate attorney royally screws up a case, word gets out, and they have very few opportunities, if any, opportunities to salvage the career that they went to college seven years and took out,an $80,000+ year they still have to pay back.

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For clarity, I don’t mean accusation and I am certainly far from “punishing”. My point is that in a job concerning human health/life, even minor mistakes may trigger and avalanche of problems. Medicine is a tough job, and all those who work in it have my respect. Except those who do not take their job seriously - as they should.

Liability is a concept present where our actions (or their absence) may cause damages, potentially impossible to repair. It’s a warning sign for those who perform the job. “It’s a serious stuff, you better be sure what you are doing.”

Litigation is another thing, with the humane purpose of compensating suffering where it should not have happened and where it could have been avoided. No punishment there.

Removing a negligent nurse or doctor from their functions, possible for life, is not revenge or punishment. If they failed where they should not, and they do not recognize how their non-thinking destroys lives of others, they simply are in a wrong business. They should never “care” about anything, just because their minds are not wired for caring. They can earn millions, manage thousands of employees, head huge hospitals or small wards, still they are a wrong person in a wrong place. Their mindset is better qualified for other jobs - and I mean it in a positive sense. In most cases you can see from their behavior, appearance, eyes, or the way they express themselves. They hate this job. And they are stuck in it for various reasons. Somebody should help them to become healthy again. A healthy nurse or doctor is a blessing. There are so few of them.

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You call it potato. I call it potatoe.

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Different names, different tastes. Care to share? :-)

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I wouldn’t say Elon was wrong. It wasn’t necessarily the machines but the medical judgement to put people on the machines vs. other treatment options.

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I agree. And, I might add, the Medical judgement after even lay people heard what the docs knew, that 8 out of 10 mechanically vented patients died while on the vents. When a doctor has that knowledge, and when we did, they did, the reasonable thing for them to do would have been to stand back, figure out what was going wrong, and fix it.

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Hospitals new. HHS knew. Everyone knew and yet they kept going.

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I am so grateful for your work. Being on the side of truth will serve you (and people like me)well! God bless you!

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I had three immediate family members on ventilators from oct 2020 to Aug 2021 with a total vent time of 2 1/2 months and total hospitalization time of 5 months (1 brother and 2 dads, all with pre-existing lung damage and/or OSA). Two were on hcq, saline/albuterol/pred nebs and oral pred at home prior and then pred inpatient (they refused to use ivm at all, of course, and nebs until they were on closed-circuit ventilation). What finally turned the course around for each one was the staff finally giving in to my repeated requests to extend the antibacterial coverage to include anaerobes. Once the metronidazole was added to the nebs, pred, Rocephin, chest percussion etc.., they began expectorating thick grey goo and within 24 hours were improving dramatically. One with prior fungal exposure was also finally started on an antifungal as well.

In retrospect, I would’ve also considered some nebulized lasix, much like we used in hospice and palliative care, although I doubt I could’ve gotten the staff to do it. No physicians would speak to me during all that hospital time, making their underlings call instead. As a former hospitalist and then inpatient/outpatient palliative care and hospice medical director, I was completely stunned by the absence of professional courtesy and compassion in these “absentee” hospitalist and critical care docs. Despite overt neglect and even the suspect oversedation-related respiratory failure in my brother with Down’s Syndrome, all three survived and eventually left the hospital without supplemental oxygen (albeit all required significant PT/OT post-discharge). I am certain none would have survived had they not come from “medical” families and we would have had three covid funerals instead. Because of the MATH+ protocol and the work of you and your colleagues, many of us in the trenches were able to save lives during this horrible 3, nearly 4 years. We didn’t lose a single patient and have the “scars to prove it”. Thank you so much for being a voice of reason and sanity in the chaos and “fog of war”. Several people I love are alive because of you.

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Dr. Kory, what about the fact that the totality of gold-standard RCT evidence literally shows that mRNA vaccines DO NOT save lives overall, but ivermectin DOES save lives? In fact, it is only OBSERVATIONAL studies that would support the claim that mRNA vaccines save lives, due to "healthy vaccine user bias" and other serious flaws in these observational studies.

In the Pfizer and Moderna RCTs combined:

COVID deaths: 2 vaccine vs. 5 placebo (-60%)

non-COVID deaths: 29 vaccine vs. 25 placebo (+16%)

cardiovascular deaths: 16 vaccine vs. 11 placebo (+45%)

Overall: 4 more non-COVID deaths, 3 less COVID deaths

Pfizer: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf – Table S4

Moderna: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf – Table S26

Summary paper: https://www.cell.com/iscience/fulltext/S2589-0042(23)00810-6

Layperson summary of the clinical trial mortality results here: https://dailysceptic.org/2022/04/09/covid-vaccines-increase-risk-of-heart-related-deaths-by-up-to-50-lancet-analysis-of-trial-data-finds/. Of course their writing style is slightly sensationalist, but what matters is the actual numbers from the clinical trials, and their numbers are correct.

Now let's look at the totality of RCT evidence on ivermectin (there are 18 published RCTs reporting mortality, totaling >7000 COVID patients):

Overall: 67 deaths in ivermectin groups vs. 102 deaths in control groups, out of about ~3600 each. This amounts to about 1 in 3 COVID deaths prevented by ivermectin. Of course we know that this is almost certainly a tremendous underestimate of ivermectin's effectiveness against COVID death, due to the way many of the RCTs were designed (often designed-to-fail), but still, the fact that ivermectin saves lives is crystal clear from the totality of RCT evidence.


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I would say that the mRNA vaccine science is a special case - as you point out the RCT's did not show it saved lives. So, they "needed" OCT's to support the campaign. I have seen so many distorted observational trials of cherry picked data on mRNA vaccines published in high impact journals (which in itself is damning, as high impact journals had, prior to Covid generally shied away from publishing observational trials over recent years.. suddenly when they are the only thing to support the narrative, they are of value again? My favorite was a large observational study literally concluding that the vaccines were so safe and effective in pregnancy that the unvaccinated sufferred higher rates of stillbirths. Absolutely absurd. Also remember, the vaccines were a military response to a bioweapon, and the military knows how to run military operations

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Thank you for your response Dr. Kory, well said

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I wrote the piece below in my blog on April 22nd 2020.

"There is also apparent growing puzzlement over the non-respiratory aspects of Covid-19, including renal and cardiac failure. (see https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/928929?nlid=135090_864&src=WNL_mdplsfeat_200421_mscpedit_rheu&uac=308617HG&spon=27&impID=2355197&faf=1). But if the mechanism for severe “everything failure” is a cytokine storm it should not be at all surprising – indeed it is exactly what you would expect. The effect is supposed to have been the cause of the rapid downhill path of patients with “Spanish Flu” in 1918, not that such things could be found back then, as there was no immunology, but the descriptions are remarkably like those today in Covid-19. I have personally seen a cytokine storm as a side-effect of medication (sulfasalazine in rheumatoid arthritis) and it presented exactly the signs described in the article. So were those of the Northwick Park drug trial where an experimental drug, TG-1412, designed to stimulate white blood cells, did so all too dramatically. My patient recovered, but her kidneys were not far off complete failure, and the X-ray appearance of her lungs was horrific. And if indeed this is the mechanism of acute deterioration then shutting off the cytokine pathway should work. Interleukin-6 is part of that pathway. We shut it down in rheumatoid arthritis with a drug called tocilizumab.

Strangely I was contacted by a newspaper for an instant comment at the time of the Northwick Park episode and believe I was the first to postulate the cytokine storm theory. It may be that those who suffer a storm with some stimulus have had their immune system altered by something – perhaps a previous infection. It would certainly explain why some suffer a storm and some don’t. There’s a good exposition of this at https://www.outsourcing-pharma.com/Article/2007/01/29/Northwick-trial-tragedy-scientists-reveal-how-cytokine-storm-started.

It remains to be seen if tocilizumab turns out to be the Holy Grail of Covid-19 management. The more time passes the more it does look as though the devastating downhill course seen in some patients is a cytokine phenomenon and so blocking that should shut off the damage, allowing clinicians to provide appropriate support (I do wonder whether high dose steroids might be appropriate; my series of one recovered on that). Initial reports are encouraging but there have been many false dawns. If toclizumab does work one could offer it to anyone developing serious respiratory symptoms, as it appears that these precede a storm; those who are asymptomatic, one might presume, have not had their immune system wound up ready to uncoil like a spring. And if it does work it may obviate the need for strict lockdowns; it won’t matter so much if some have a severe illness if there is a treatment.

I used a lot of steroids, more than many rheumatologists, but also wearing my rehabilitation hat when patients with multiple sclerosis came in moribund with an infection. It took us a while, but we worked out that many of them had acute adrenal insufficiency and could not mount an effective steroid response to the insult of infection. I would be interested to learn whether Covid-19 patients show the appropriate investigation results to confirm that they too may have this as an additional reason for failure to recover. Could steroids do any harm? I doubt it. Might be worth a trial (blind, of course!)."

A couple of weeks later I sent a draft treatment protocol to the UK government and its advisers - a protocol which was in essence devised by Pierre Kory and Paul Malik - explaining why steroids and interleukin inhibitors were the right treatment. I was completely ignored, to the extent that a trial of steroids was set up, to prove, in my opinion, what was already well-known. You will note I did suggest a trial, but I found stuff subsequently that obviated the need for it.

Subsequently I learned that emails from outside sources were consigned, unread, to junk folders. I had however written longhand and posted it. It remains unacknowledged to this day.

Currently the UK is in the middle of the beginning of the Hallett Inquiry, which is examining what went wrong. I have submitted my evidence, which so far has been... ignored!

When folk look back in 50 years time I wonder what they will make of the Galileo's and Copernicus's of today - Marik, Kory, Heneghan, Jefferson, Gupta (and Bamji).

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At the rate we are going, I question what will be reviewable in 5 or 10 years. Unless the public and professions are fully informed at what has been censored and more importantly, my doctor still recommends jabs and rejects Ivermectin. And everyone of the jabbed community in my circle just doesn't care and if they are concerned about died suddenly, they are great at not showing it.

Its the media, journals that prevent the review that needs to happen. They will not cover it so it doesn't exist.

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We have a pandemic of a“lies, deception, and indifference.” Whatever causes it in this tick tock society, it continues. People here dying so young still of turbo cancers, died suddenly, and the storyline continues. Using ivermectin has saved many, along with steroids, but what about nanotechnology, hydrogel, and self assembly? Is this next on the list of blood borne killers? Could this be happening? Is there anyone looking into this? Will this be the next Covid 19 pandemic, or is it already? All is for not if this is true. Would like your expert opinion on this one Dr. Kory. Thank you for all you do for all of us, you are truly a beacon of light and love in this world.

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Influenza means the "influence" of the stars, why it's ultimately an electrical illness, tied to sunspots and /or EMF:


Thank you Dr. Kory for your endless pursuit of truth and passion in helping to heal others with every tool we've been taught is "wrong."

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Thank you, Dr. Kory, for your perseverance and dedication to caring for patients as well as informing us of what we need know. Thank God you and Dr. Marik stood up for what you believed in.

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thank you for your tireless advocacy Dr Kory. people like you and Dr Marik are like a needle in a haystack.

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Pierre, to what extent do you think remdesivir worsened the condition of hospitalized Covid patients? Clearly denial of effective drugs increased mortality of these patients, but can you try to describe how ( or if) remdesivir was actually making them sicker because of renal or liver toxicity?

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Great question but unfortunately I have not really done a truly deep dive on remdesvir, but the non-pharma conducted studies (independent studies) showed a "trend" to about a 4-5% increased mortality compared to those not on remdesivir. So, definite harm, but not statistically significant but seriously concerning and likely real for a small proportion of patients

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As a fellow physician, I have difficult time understanding how you would be taking care of patients in ICU's on remdesivir, by mandate, and yet you wouldn't research remdesivir carefully to see what the literature said about its therapeutic and toxic qualities. This makes no sense to me. Can you please explain why you declined to do that research?

I have another question of an entirely different matter. Your resume' on the FLCCC website clearly states that from 1995-1998, before you had begun your medical school education, that you worked as: 1995–1997 Project Coordinator - Study of Incentives to Improve Medicaid Immunization

Coverage Rates, NYC Dept. of Health and Centers for Disease Control

1997–1998 Project Director - Study of Incentives to Improve Medicaid Immunization Coverage

Rates, NYC Dept. of Health and Centers for Disease Control

Pierre, you have been a hero to many, including myself, in the medical freedom movement which has come to be suspicious of not only the Covid19 injection masquerading as a vaccine, but almost all injections masquerading as vaccines. It is disturbing to see this in your resume', to say the least. Can you please clarify what your were doing working for the CDC to improve Medicaid Immunization Coverage Rates?

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Could we leave Elon alone and agree the ventilators were of little use. Plenty of people died while on them during the plandemic.

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Most if not all patients who die in the hospital do so on a ventilator, this has been true my whole career, way before Covid - if your treatment approach doesnt work or the patient is refractory to treatment, they deteriorate onto a vent and then deteriorate towards death on a vent. Pretty standard trajectory for any hospital death. Doesnt mean the vent "killed" them just because they died on a vent.

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Eight out of 10 ventilated patients die, though? I don't think so.

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Jennifer - the absurdly high mortality rates had nothing to do with ventilators, it had to do with the lack of effective treatment for people who landed on them. We have always used ventilators in any number of disease and critical illness states and have never seen such high mortalities (for accuracy, the highest mortality rate measured was from Northwell Health on Long island (the ICU group consists of some of my closest colleagues in my career) where it wass about 65% (still insanely high), the JAMA paper in which they reported 88% used a premature denominator, meaning patients who had not yet been discharged were not counted - once they discharged everyone they ventilated in the early wave it came down to around 65%. Forgive me for I quibble as 65% is crazy high. The reason why everyone died on ventilators is that we could not extubate the vast majority - the lung fibrosis which set in crazy fast in that early wave was in many cases irreversible. It truly was a unique form of lung injury, I have never seen such rapid, acute fibrosis developing in any other form of lung injury, and the fibrosis was in most cases irreversible - patients in that early wave were being kept alive on ventilators for many weeks before succumbing or, for the fortunate who stabilized at less than maximal support or showed some improvement, they received tracheostomy and went to a ventilator facility (which were filling really fast). Once corticosteroids went into widespread use, this trajectory was avoided in many. Know that every week for two decades, a good proportion of my ICU service consisted of patients on ventilators with various forms of acute lung injury - the vast majority were extubated, and usually within days to a week. Ventilators are not treatments, nor are they particularly injurious, I have kept people alive and reversed the underlying insult while supporting them with ventilators safely throughout my career. VILI (ventilator induced lung injury) used to be common before 2000 because doctors used to use high "tidal volumes," a practice which has since been abandoned completely - in fact, if anything, I have been fighting (some, not all) respiratory therapists my whole career re: the overuse of too small tidal volumes which evolved in response to that campaign. The problem with too low of a volume is that it increases the patients required "work" and does not provide them enough "respiratory muscle system rest" (at least in my opinion). The other perspective that people need to have is that when someone dies in the hospital or ICU after losing the battle to an acute, critical illness... it is always and has always been on a ventilator. However, I do not recall anyone ever screaming that the ventilator killed the patient, which was correct, because the ventilator had nothing to do with their death. Suddenly in Covid, everyone is blaming ventilators because everyone was dying on them? They were dying on them because they were not being treated aggressively enough and/or they were poorly or not responding to treatment. Thus they died on the ventilator, just like every patient who I have lost in the ICU in my career - some diseases do not respond sufficiently to treatment (or are too advanced) or the patients ability to withstand the insult was insufficient, thus they eventually entered the active dying process.. But I never blamed the ventilator, I blamed the underlying disease. However, premature ventilator use probably affected prognosis in some small way that is hard to quantify but in my opinion, it was not the proximate cause of death at all. Heck, even when docs avoided intubation until way later in the Covid disease course, patients who were not responding to treatment eventually succumbed - almost always after agreeing to be ventilated. The problem is that, again, in some amount which is hard to quantify, had they not been intubated early, some may have responded to treatment before the point of absolutely requiring the vent, thus in some proportion the vent was unnecessary. However, those who were going to respond yet were ventilated early, would show response/improvement on the vent and then be extubated successfully. A classic example is the case I reviewed as an expert witness at the end of Post 3 - although I did not feel the docs committed malpractice, I did argue that I personally would not have intubated at that time. However, guess what? The patient was successfully extubated 4 days later.

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Simply put: They died with ventilator, not from. Like someone with covid and underlying co-morbidities and treated ineffectively.

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Elon Musk is on the CCPs payroll.

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Dr. Kory--Great Article and sets the record straight. You should be a doctor and apply it to health care. I would have said practice medicine, but you are way past that.

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I read a story about the original SARS-1 (just called SARS at the time) epidemic of 2003-2004. A paper published in about 2004 or 2005 compared two hospitals in Hong Kong. One of them ran out of mechanical ventilators, and that hospital had decreased mortality compared to the hospital that had enough ventilators to keep putting patients on them.

Of course, it could be that both hospitals were using ventilators prematurely (as in SARS-CoV-2 in 2020) and the hospital that ran out of ventilators was accidentally saved from making any more mistakes. That would be consistent with the observations by Dr. Kory above.

But it struck me that the CDC has a department that reviews the medical literature and makes "best practices" recommendations to hospitals nationwide, and they should have learned from SARS-1 and the paper I mentioned that ventilators are a last resort, and published appropriate best practices recommendations. It is not the job of every intensivist in the country to read every obscure journal in the world, duplicating each others' efforts, but it is the job of the CDC. We did not need to rediscover this fact the hard way. But the same statement applies to the pharmacological lessons we should have learned from SARS-1.

Sorry that I don't have a link to the 2004-2005 article.

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Am not a doctor. Michael Yeadon has suggested that ventilation is not to be determined routinely. It appears it was without question in many “Cases”. Why even test with the erroneous PCR? Why even Vax with the failed false premise product? Many I know personally were scared to DEATH. The pandemic of fear we all know by now. What is being called Covid in the first place? Either we get off this train or we pass on the worst nightmare to our children.

Please give Gigaohmbiological.com an open mind and tell me what you think. JJ Couey. This country needs major drug rehabilitation. Synthetic infection clones? Transfection is not immunization. Putting a poison in your body to fight the next Scariant. Count how many drug commercials in one hour the ne t time you can stand to watch a whole program while being programmed. Snake oils for how many years, decades?

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