Thanks for pointing to AMD. Enjoyed

your book. Redfield’s statement “no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines, because they were afraid that that would cause people not to want to

get vaccinated”. Let that sink in.

It is self contradictory. Any doc with a conscience and respect for their oath SHOULD have been promoting hesitancy in the context of known severe adverse events! Most especially the (evil) pediatricians who couldn’t possibly justify jabbing toddlers given LACK of benefit.

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Many people say we need to “move on” that what is done is done. Absolutely not! Furthermore, these admissions are often glossed over by using words such as “we were given bad information”. There within lies the problem. MSM and the medical community did not operate with ethical principles in mind. Had they used those guidelines to guide their practice terms such as “safe and effective” wouldn’t have spewed from their mouths or written in black and white. Let’s not also forget the vulgar language used towards those that honored their autonomy.

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Yes, we need to "move on" to the hangings...ASAP!

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Instead of moving on to hangings (not enough rope in the world), I suggest we move on past allopathic medicine. There are alternative approaches to healing (not just suppressing symptoms) that might do the vaccine injured a world of good. We won't know until we open our minds and try. Western medicine has nothing to offer me after two rounds of myelitis, which was not vaccine related that I know of. But the neurologists were happy to make me wait 45 minutes in their office and then do nothing but chat when I finally was admitted to the doctor's presence. Gotta collect those office visit fees. I am now working with an osteopathic physician who practices homeopathy. Two visits so far, and small changes in my legs that signal greater recovery down the road. Not an overnight success, but now at least I have hope instead of professional indifference.

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Hangin’s too good for ‘em!

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Right. The lies just continue. They’re shameless. And they still hold positions of power. No. At the very least they should be forever precluded from having any power over any American ever again. That’s just the first step. This is SO not over.

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I’m suing HHS as a whistleblower. I’ve been fighting to get a hearing since December 2021 and now it has been scheduled. Follow me @jodiomalleyrn across all platforms. I have a weekly radio show called Nurses Out Loud. I’ll be updating as things progress. Hang in there! It hasn’t been easy.

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Thank you!!!!

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Jodi O'Malley - THANK YOU!

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Well done! Good luck!

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You rock Jodi! 💪

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It's not that "they" should never have power over us again. It's that no one should ever have power over us, as individuals, again. This is a lesson for the history books for when we allow a supposedly benign government to have inordinate power. Power corrupts. No one can ever be trusted with unwieldy power over others, certainly not a massive administrative state. Our founding generation understood what tyrannical power was. We supposed that "if only" the right people had power things would be OK. Not so.

Never again. The government should be answerable to the people, not the people to the government.

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Thank you! Yes, you’re absolutely correct. When I wrote “they,” I actually kind of cringed at it myself and wasn’t sure how to word the sentence. But you’re so right.

I think it’s been such a very long time since schools have taught civics classes. And I know it’s not their responsibility — it’s our own. My responsibility to teach my own child as well. And what a job that has been to straighten him out a bit. And he’s never been to govt school! But if we let this slide, without educating our own children and the generations who are coming up, well, it’s not gonna be pretty. Look at the “university” campuses today. Most of them are monkey see, monkey do, to add insult to injury. There’s so very much to do.

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There's a lot to do but I think the first order of business must be to assert individual sovereignty and self-determination, and dissolve the power of government to dictate health matters to the population. None of its business.

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I couldn’t agree more with that.

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We have to apply public pressure & create societies where it’s ACCEPTED that those who have power must be ACCOUNTABLE to the people. If they’re elected, they must be accountable & if they’re unelected but have power - the oligarchs - they must be controlled by law, & that would mean:

They must be accountable to the people. They can’t just run ´public health’ because they want to. (Gates).

We can’t continue to tolerate those who are meant to serve us removing our fundamental rights & freedoms.

One of MANY examples:

Lightfoot gloating that she would hound people & lock them up was just disgusting - drunk on power, abusing power. People like that need to be made to understand they MUST serve the people & respect the Constitution or they will go ON TRIAL.

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Well said.

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There must be trials for the perpetrators.

Especially those who imposed mandates. They either forced people to get injected / or fired them.

They outright lied about « safe & effective »

They must go ON TRIAL. We can’t have this terrible attack on our rights repeated.

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While it appears that many people want to “move on” here in relation to the whole Covid debacle, there are many who cannot. Their health has been greatly impacted, others have lost friendships and careers.

Just based on the verifiable data from the first 3 months of the vaccine rollout, they should have been pulled.

At a previous time in history, they would have.

Our government, its agencies and most of our medical establishment have failed us. Miserably and Tragically.

There is no forgetting for many. Other’s eyes have been opened to the egregious behavior of those in charge.

We were on a runaway train. As well the barn was on fire.

Shattered trust, shattered lives.

How does one forgive evil? Right now, I choose to not know the ways.

Thank you as always for your courage and tenacity Dr. Pierre. Truly a handful of people are the ones who can change our world.

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You’re exactly right! This is evil at the highest levels. My exact words September 20, 2021 when I blew the whistle. Thank God for brave doctors like Kory whose courage and transparency guided my knowledge to expose this. https://youtu.be/XDyzPTEHRdA?si=UIUf-fJ-BCf2dzxU

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Amnesty, with what we've been through? Ha! We keep fighting.

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Agreed! Some say this fight is actually a spiritual one vs a physical one: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/are-we-under-satanic-attack

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"Move on"? To what-- the next cooked up med-scam? [which appears to be getting set up-- "Disease X"]. Well, I'm sure some sheep will nod their heads, move on, and get the next shot du jour.

This is akin to "Oops, that saturation bombing campaign went over the wrong area. Anyway, get over it. Move on!"

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If Dr. Redfield really wanted to be helpful, he would have said that these products were not & are not vaccines. That they were & are poorly tested experimental genetic injections. They had no business calling them vaccines. As the CEO of Bayer said, (paraphrasing), "If we had said that they were gene therapy, many would have not been willing to take them". Secondly. they did not save millions of lives. That is another fabrication meant to assuage the consciences of those responsible for the disastrous situation that the federal government created & foisted on a trusting population. On the contrary, according the the approximately 500 ethical & compassionate doctors that offered early out-patient treatment in this country, between 75-90% of those who died from covid, died needlessly. To put that into context, if one million died from covid, then between 750,000 - 900,000 did not need to die. Until our government & federal health agencies make this admission, they have no business providing recommendations or guidance for anything health-related. Millions died due to both omission & by commission. And it was all done intentionally.

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All died from medical malpractice or flat out murder by denying early treatment

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Denying early treatment that then put many in the hospital who were then subjected to the hospitals murderous protocol. https://aapsonline.org/bidens-bounty-on-your-life-hospitals-incentive-payments-for-covid-19/

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Even the word "therapy" is disingenuous, sounding a bit helpful, beneficial. Gene alteration/mutation/bioweapon are better descriptions.

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Redfield was dodgy and used off-center wordings to obstruct interpretations. What else would we expect from those with dirty paws?

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AMEN and AMEN. Intentional MURDER was carried out by CDC and Big Pharma. These folks will spend eternity in the “Lake of Fire”. It is written…. —and it won’t be pleasant. If I were them, I’d be terrified; however, they are not afraid because they sold their souls to Satan, and they don’t know about the Lake of Fire for eternity. Oh well, they’ll just have to suffer forever.

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As Dr. Rapiti of South Africa said in a recent presentation of Dr. McMillan, not a single death should have happened from Covid infection, if early treatments with classical respiratory medicines had been instituted everywhere right from Feb 2020, which could have included powerful anti viral support from Ivermectin/HCQ. The symptoms were 90% familiar and so these treatments were very appropriate clinically. After being on paracetamol and water for a week, the sick were simply left to ride their luck, by the official protocols everywhere. It was a shame, the official response everywhere.

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You are correct. In this country, we have approximately one million licensed medical doctors. Of those, approximately 500 stepped up to offer early out-patient treatment. Those doctors are largely in agreement that 85% of those who died from covid, died needlessly. That means that if one million people in the U.S. died from covid, then 850,000 did not need to die. Think about that.

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Thank you, Dr. Kory. I followed you throughout the pandemic and got Ivermectin from the FLCC doctor service. I could not believe the stupid people who would not listen to truth. I know of two docs who took Ivermectin from tractor Supply, as they treated patients. They knew correct dosage. Smart. Biden is getting ready to join us with the WHO end of May. That is against our constitution. We will be forever ruled by China , if we do not resist. Americans seem to think they will be forever free. NOT SO. Dr Meryl Nass is having a protest group in front of U.N. on Sunday afternoon. Go to : DOORTOFREEDOM.org. She has all info about the WHO and their plans for us. Handout are there etc. We must all call Congress next week every day. Call two or 3 a day and state. DO NOT JOIN THE WHO with amendments.

Get us out of the WHO. Call Speaker of the House, Mike and tell him to stop the WHO!!

Urgent. It is REAL. These people are serious psychopaths . They have been planning to destroy us for decades. Many Representatives have been bought by Soros and Pfizer AND blackmailed. Some are evil themselves. Call them - and be polite, even if you don’t feel it.

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So agree with all you said Susan. I bought ivermectin as well from FLCCC and was relieved to have somewhere to call to get a prescription! Dr. Kory is a hero and great patriot! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Oh we know they are already staging the next bullshite virus!

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His Truth Is Marching On! God Bless You & Your Efforts! 🙏Galatians 5:5 “But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope”

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I found The Midwestern Doctor by accident. So glad I did. I make my husband (a plastic surgeon, so not a real doctor 🤣) listen. He enjoys it also. Thanks for all of your work, Dr Kory.

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May God bless you for your honesty, purity of soul, and excellent medical expertise.

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Thank you for reporting, and thank you, thank you so much, for all you do.


The adverse reactions were reported to senior US health officials in 2021, and they opted to remain incurious and gaslight everyone. Re: testimony of attorney Aaron Siri :

Source video:

US Senator Ron Johnson Holds Expert Panel On Federal Vaccine Mandates - Nov 2 2021

roberts1008, posted February 6, 2022


2:49:25 - 2:59:30

Transcript with notes: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/152999.html

Documentation sent to senior health officials:



See also: https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/update-on-physician-whistleblower


The evidence of jab deaths and injury has been Himalayan. A very important post on how the mainstream media played along with the censorship:

"ON JOURNALISM: I know why the caged birds don't sing"

by Doc Pruyne, April 8, 2023.


Includes the Judas list:


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Hey CDC, my tinnitus started 59 DAYS after a positive PCR test with mild case and 36 HOURS after a subsequent Moderna booster. Don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out which one is causal!

Many other neurological symptoms including "brain fog" (what an understatement of severity), shortness of breath (that is even worsened by mental tasks), memory issues, insomnia, anxiety, racing heart rate, disautonomia, widespread neuralgia, do I need to list more? 57 year old actuary who will probably never crunch numbers again. Filed a VAERS claim 2 years ago (for what that's worth) but haven't heard from them, not that I am or can hold my breath.

The worst injury I have seen, other than death, is Brianne Dresden who co-founded React-19. She was on Dr. John Cambell`s show the other day. It's a must watch, but make sure you have tissues handy. Very powerful and left Dr. John speechless, believe one commenter used the term "gobsmacked". Not normal reaction from him from watching his videos.

Sorry this rambles but my brain doesn't work like it used to.

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Yes, I understand. I have a 6-month waiting list for Neuropsychological Evaluations. Common denominator over the last 3-years is the injection 💉💉

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THANK YOU IMMENSELY for sharing in detail your firsthand experience/injuries. People like you have POWERFUL testimonies to help debunk the gaslighting, etc.

May ALMIGHTY GOD heal you from the EVIL to which you have been subjected. I PRAY you will be able to receive treatment for your COVID-19 shot injuries from Dr. Kory's telehealth clinic (drpierrekory.com) OR from www.twc.health (Dr. Peter McCullough is on the board).

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I have tried methylene blue and low dose-7mg or cut them in half, nicotine patches and found them to be somewhat helpful. The idea behind the patches is that there may be an acetylcholine deficiency and nicotine fits the same receptors so fixes that. If you start investigating it, it does the same sort of thing those new dementia drugs do without the fatal side effects

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According to my premise as a structural organic chemist ( PhD, long retired), Nicotine’s chemical structure has features that could make it a very good anti viral against viruses of this kind. Such features are shared by hundreds of common drug molecules in use now from many different indications. That should make 80% of a good high street pharmacy’s stock anti viral here ( additional property). But prophylactically or therapeutically, they must be used in combinations with other URT medications. A single drug may not be adequate. With a combination, you get total anti viral firepower for this job.

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Thank you for suggestion. Nicotine patches are just an internet rumor or controlled opposition. Proof of my statement? I smoke over a pack of cigarettes a day and have for years.

Another one that I can debunk is metformin. Was on 2000mg a day before I ever got the virus or the jab. Have since switched to natural supplements to control sugar levels but was taking it at the time.

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See my comment on Nicotine above. In that context, I have been wondering since long, if smokers could largely escape this infection from exposure. Nicotine effect. From India, I wrote to my national apex medical body, ICMR , in 2022 itself to conduct a survey among smokers on their infection status. It is serious science. How about you, Mark, could you evade this infection through these 3 years ?

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I got it delta in 9/2021. Acute illness was mild. Smoked and was on metformin at the time. So it didn't give me total protection but I can't say they didn't help minimize illness for the acute phase. Unfortunately I developed long covid, then got boosted (huge regret but at the time they were indicating that it might take away the long covid symptoms) and was bedridden for 3 months. I may be sensitive to the spike protein or something else that is in both the virus and the jab??? Almost 3 years later and still suffering

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I learned how useless warranties can be via Chrysler's "7 year power train warranty" on their vehicles back in 1987. When people went to claim on it they were given the runaround and denied. The Covid Vaccine Injury fund is the same scam. Offer it to convince people to take that jab but don't pay out anything except a few token cases for token amounts so the government can claim they actually paid a claim.

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Start the criminal prosecutions immediately!

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More like GFY NYT and MSM for your lies, distortion and commitment to corporate protections. FY, sincerely critical thinkers everywhere

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If only we could FY in the ways you have F'd us.

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Not the phrases I have really used myself, but now reading this I cheer anything that helps deflate my wanting to punch out, knock out teeth, knock off their head…. there aren’t words, epithets or curses available for my frustration and anger on behalf of those who have lasting pain and loss from these global followers of Bill Gates, Fauci et al….and certainly the way I’ve been feeling all these last several years. I’m by myself and there is no one around to spit on!! They must be exposed, all of them, and pay the price whatever it may be.

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The NYT article is another limited hangout intended to release steam pressure while directing people’s ire to the now-safe-to-criticize AstraZeneca. Not buying it.

As I wrote in ”Letter to the Amnesty-Demanders” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-amnesty-demanders):

”You want to know why so many people erupt when you say you ‘didn’t know,’ you ’were doing [your] best,’ and ‘mistakes were made’ so we should forget about it and move on?

“Because WE knew, and when we told you, you called us selfish immoral science-denying far-right-wing–extremist anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists.

“But we were the ones following the science, and you were the ones following the television. We’re batting a thousand, and your ‘experts’ are batting zero.”


Pierre, have you looked into using red light therapy for vaxx-injured patients? I am listening to the audiobook of Norman Doidge’s “The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity,” and he discusses the miraculous success of various healing modalities for many conditions vaxx-injured patients suffer from, and it occurred to me this could be a game-changer for treating them. I urge you to look into the treatments discussed in the book and hope it can help bring relief and healing to the vaxx-injured.

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Who is buying Redfield's coming out as some kind of dissenter? Saying he was "sort of canceled"?

I think he's just trying to stay ahead of the looming PR disaster.

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Redfield is trying to save his own skin.

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RFK is good at coming out against vaccines but that is the only issue in which he breaks rank with the Democrats. RFK is every bit an extreme Leftist otherwise.

I see Dr. Kory mentioning RFK a lot and if he leaves his former Democratic Party and goes to RFK he is only jumping from the pan into the fire.


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Do you consider killing 600 thousand people MAGA?

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I'm voting for Trump, but I understand Dr. Kory and those who support RFKJr. Some are "one issue voters" who remain appalled by the way Trump let things happen, and to this day crows about OWS and the clotshots "that saved millions of lives." I confess I'll feel none too secure with PDJT in office if the next plandemic hits. I don't think he'll prescribe shutdowns or clotshots this time, but I also don't get the sense he understands the magnitude of what happened with lack of early treatment and the clotshots during his final months in office.

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I understand your point but I think Trump will have better people advising him this time. Trump had so many people against him — including Republicans.

RFK is wrong on every other issue. Getting nuked will make all else moot.

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