Thank you for the interview, Dr. Kory! It was a pleasure to speak with you!

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As you can see, I am a big admirer of your work and am honored to try to be able to make it more widely known my friend

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If AMD or VF are looking for coauthors [*cough cough], don’t forget you know a gal 😉

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Financial controllers of truth.

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Thanks for your good work!

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Thank you so much!

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“Wisdom is proved right by all its results."

When the dust finally settles after one of the most unprecedented events in mankind’s history, covid-19, how many “experts” will there be still standing? How many will still keep their heads raised up like they do now?

Wisdom can only be vindicated by all its results… Will it?

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God bless you VF. 🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you for all the support you've given us. I am profoundly grateful and still in disbelief at how far we've come in the last 2.5 years.

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Your voice needs to be heard and I am truly grateful to have played a role in allowing you to reach so many people. I am truly excited for what comes next!

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AMD pimps viruses and viral contagion theory. Such is about as helpful as saying that fairy dust and unicorn blood are essentials to health. Where is the SCIENCE to show ANY virus? Lanka already falsified Enders' cell culture method. Wake up!

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Are you still supportive of FLCCC?

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AMD, I have known of Dr. Tenpenny for decades as my friend was her patient and she did groundbreaking work with Autism patients. She published a book recently of simply a compilation of her substacks. Consider doing to same to start. As we all know from 2020 & 2021, the internet can be scrubbed.

Your writings are the documentation of history we all will need.

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Dr. Tenpenny does a lot of good work and I have been trying to support her since I started.

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AMD - This person has a great idea!!!! Compile your best Substack articles into a book. I’ll buy it!!!!!!

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Three of my favorite substack authors in one! Thank you all for everything you do, and God bless you to be continued messengers to bring healing and truth to the world.

I want to especially note how much I value AMD’s consistent stress of the importance of the spiritual side of things. I have no doubt that the ONLY reason the evil elites have been able to accomplish everything they’ve done to the world so far, is because they FIRST got most of humanity very far removed from the Creator. Once people are unmoored, without faith, not knowing there’s a God Who created the world, that He has everything perfectly planned out and made to perfection in His infinite wisdom, and is constantly watching and caring for us - once they’ve lost that, they can be led to very, very dark and horrible places. So when AMD hints at God-awareness, that’s indeed the most important thing to bring us all back from this brink, and AMD is to be applauded for having the courage to speak up about it.

I am not a doctor, and I cannot compare myself in abilities or reach to any of the greats featured in this newsletter, but I’ve had a similar journey in terms of an overwhelming feeling at the beginning of 2021 that I HAD to do SOMETHING to help save people from the shots they were running to get injected with. This led to God bringing me to do all kinds of things, that, as a somewhat ordinary Jewish mom, wife, and teacher, I’d never dreamed I’d do. One of them is my substack, and it was interesting for me to read Dr. Kory’s article, because my substack’s trajectory and my feelings about it parallel AMD’s experience in some ways. I mostly write about medical topics, and my goals are threefold: To save lives, to peel away the falsehood and make people start questioning everything the medical establishment/media/government is telling them, and, probably most importantly, to try to restore as much as I possibly can, faith in and awareness of the Creator of the world, because I know, as I mentioned, that the lack of such is the only way we got into this mess. I, too, originally never thought I’d have the readership I have today (almost 9,000 subscribers), and in my case as well, it was Steve Kirsch who promoted my substack to his followers, for which I’m very, very grateful.

Thank you to Dr. Kory, A Midwestern Doctor, and Vigilant Fox. Your content is so valuable and powerful and I am privileged to sometimes republish it and bring it to new audiences, where it hopefully raises additional awareness and saves more lives.

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: )

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You have published many very important posts, dear Brucha Weisberger.

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"What he (Biden) said sent chills down my spine as he was using the same dehumanizing language that has preceded the major genocides of the past."

So true. When he separated out the unjabbed and falsely laid blame for the pandemic at their feet, it was a shocking and enraging moment. Media quickly picked up the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" mantra and evil dragon lady Leana Wen was soon purring on CNN about how life should be made as difficult as possible for the unjabbed. Staggering to hear that in THIS country and begin to feel the repercussions as people dutifully took up the call to scapegoat the prudent few who knew NOT to get near the jabs. Nazi Germany indeed, but that sentiment is ungraspable by most who complied, got jabbed, and sucked down the entire trough of govt propaganda.

The doctors now described as conspiracy theory kooks, nuts, wing nuts, anti-vaxxers were just a few years ago normal hard working doctors caring after their patients. None of them raving and ranting lunatics. None of them were radical, disruptive, attention seeking, or looking to take advantage of a situation to make big easy money. They had integrity, were able to think clearly and independently, and had the courage to speak out, even while facing severe losses by doing so. They knew right from wrong, cared deeply about COVID patients and those injured by the jabs. They have stood firm and continue to. Thank God for these brave souls.

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I don't think it has been said enough that when Biden and Wen made those statements, all children under 16 were unvaccinated as it wasn't approved yet. So in turn, aside from us strong willed adults, they spoke to almost every child in America and blamed them for the deaths, lockdowns, masks, and all other draconian measures put in place by our governments. And unlike when I was growing up, children are well tuned into politics. In 2106, I had first graders ask me who I voted for.

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the warriors of truth take many forms, but they all fight the same battle

good to see so many unique talents coming together for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

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I am permanently banned from Twitter (before Musk, but probably irrevocable), so I follow these two on Substack and VF also on Telegram. I have learned so much from both, but especially AMD. My big Covid era take away was that we have to be our own physicians. We can’t trust most doctors or medical professionals to do what is right. I was fortunate to have a fabulous doctor who told me in January 2021 not to be a lab rat. I was skeptical but that was all the support I needed to eschew the jab. I have been healthy but for a couple of colds and one sinus infection (used to be 2-3/year living in the PNW) since January 2020. I suspect AMD is an osteopathic physician. My ex was a DO. I put him through medical school, he being in the first class in a new CA osteopathic medical school in CA in 1978 after it had been banned for twenty years. We had to educate a lot of people who didn’t know the difference between allopathic and other medical philosophic streams of practice. Being in the Midwest, where osteopathy got its start (Kirksville was the first osteopathic medical college), it would make sense. I loved the “whole person” approach of osteopathy and look for it in my doctors since, no matter what their degree.

I cannot say enough grateful words about these two men, who have shared their knowledge with those of us who want to be proactive about our health. You, Dr. Kory, as well. While I agree with VF that Covid was the biggest crime against humanity in the history of the world (not to be histrionic; I am a lawyer - just trying to be precise), it also brought some gifts, as all terrible experiences do, if one looks for them. Courts started using Zoom (yes, I know China collects all the data), which made access to justice easier for many people, including incarcerated people. It allowed for electronic signatures at court using simple pdf or jpg, rather than expensive DocuSign platforms. It allowed for telework, which many appreciate (I prefer office work, but that is my Boomer perspective). Most of all, and there are many things that are good that came out of the so-called pandemic, it caused many to wake up, to see what was going on around them (toxic education, trans indoctrination online, toxic government, neighbors, and politics). It has caused many, like me, to become their own health advocates and look for doctors who think outside a Big Pharma box. I think there will be much fewer who fall for the WHO, WEF, Gates lies, if something like Covid is tried again. That is because people like the three of you, and others too, who have taken the time to help be lamps for the rest of us to see by.

My gratitude to you, Dr. Kory, A Midwest Doctor, and Vigilant Fox!

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We will see if you are correct, and I hope and pray you are, because they are already using the same playbook with Monkeypox--or now, Mpox--because, you know, Monkeypox has been deemed "racist." I swear, these people will never, EVER stop. Our only hope is truth, resistance, and, in my opinion, prayer.

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Dear Ms. Zoller, "prayer" means to ASK some superior power to bestow a gift or grant upon you that otherwise violates natural laws of physics. We all can avoid MonkeyPox, the same way we can avoid unicorns. Neither are real. Why buy into the fear?

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All positivity and blessings from God toward those who take a perfectly good thread and attempt to influence, wrongly, those who believe, rightly, in a higher power. Arrogance is not becoming.

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Dear NSF: Hmm, what is your definition of arrogance, and how does it apply here? As defined by Merriam-Webster, arrogance is:

1) exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner; 2) showing an offensive attitude of superiority

Who is / was exaggerating their OWN self worth? I encourage others to value themselves - and REJECT the lies of virology. Break their mental chains which heap on emotional baggage.

Any one showing an offensive attitude OF superiority? I mean AMD and Pierre Kory keep pimping virology ... and fail to offer any falsifiable proof ... but hey, science is tough for those inclined to delusions and logical fallacies. (Any allopaths in the room?)

Attempt to influence? I sure hope so. I am offering "good news" - there is no need to fear fairy tale / horror stories about viruses.

I dear say that I have influenced many, hopefully in a manner consistent with that method that other teachers influenced me. They gave me information and sources.

Thanks to James Bigger - my Latin teacher; Andrew Kaufman, Joyce Riley, Alex Jones, Tom Cowan, Mark Bailey, Nancy Covington, Nick Gonzalez, Samantha Bailey, Robert Scott Bell, Sherri Tenpenny, Gary Null, Alfredo Bowman, Kalleen Ragan-Pepper, et alia).

And I elected to read, and use logic. Freedom is cool. My never vaxxed daughter is loving life. Best

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Dear MeriBear, I trust that you will learn A LOT more (more science, more reality) from Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Mark Bailey, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Stefan Lanka, and Dr. Andrew Kaufman. Best.

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Thank you all for all you’ve done! @AMD I can’t wait to read your Substack on DMSO! Dr. Amandha Vollmer has written a book on her extensive research and experience on DMSO. It’s called Healing with DMSO.

God bless!

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same here re DMSO. It's something I've used for decades since reading about it, and how it had been unjustly demonized by the FDA, 40 years ago. My use has been primarily for muscle, joint, tendon, and ligament strains and injuries. I'll be very interested to read about what other applications it might have.

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I've had numerous people it saved from a debilitating stroke and it's a crime its not standard of care there.

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We have certainly made good use of DMSO in veterinary medicine Looking forward to your Substack on it and ALL your writings ! I learn so much!! Thank you and VF

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Hi Pima & Geri - am wondering what brand(s) of DMSO do you think are best, and sold in glass bottles? I was going to wait for MWD's post possibly this weekend but i need it now for pulled muscles/ligaments etc. Thanks!

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What is DMSO?

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Dimethyl Sulfoxide. I don't know how they ever figured out that rubbing DMSO onto race horses that were having joint, muscle or tendon issues actually helped them heal more quickly. But it's been used for decades now externally for those kinds of injuries not just on horses but also on humans. It's interesting stuff. Long time ago when I was using it, my chiropractor could always tell, said it made me smell like a goat (whatever a goat smells like). Often I would notice that when I smeared some onto my knee, within a few seconds I could taste it, a garlic like taste and smell.

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There’s a saying in my house if/when there’s anything in need regardless of what the situation is, “just put DMSO on it!” 😂

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I used DMSO on my horse while attending Texas Tech University. I always had a strange taste in my mouth after applying to his tendons.

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Would one be able to purchase some DMSO from a horse tack store? Hmmmm

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Certainly, but I bought mine on Amazon $20

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Here is Amanda Vollmer’s Substack link to her use and explanation of DMSO.

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Dr. Kory... Please don't fall into the "dissident" trap. You, VF, and AMD are all quite mainstream. The Bolsheviks of a hundred years ago played a very elegant language trick. "Bolshevik" comes from a Russian word meaning "great" or "many" - it carried with it the idea of "mainstream" or "majority." They labeled their opposition as "Menshevik" - from a word meaning "small," "light," or "few."

The truth about 19th/20th-century Russia was that the "Bolsheviks" were a very small minority and hated by ordinary Russians. Those who disagreed with them were not "dissidents" in the sense of a few who disagreed with the majority. They were actually those among the mainstream who spoke out.

You are not "dissidents." You are simply those from among the mainstream of American thought who choose to speak out.

Alex Magno—who is still a well-read journalist in the Philippines—wrote an article about finding himself on a "list" during the years following the Marcos (Sr.) dictatorship. I lived and studied there from 1988 to 1994 and have never forgotten how he ended the article: "May those of us who are too free to be intimidated forever outnumber those too timid to be free."

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Yep, all three pimp "viruses" and "contagion." (Ready for the next lockdown?). They are all quite within the "mainstream" of toxic, allopathic, patent-medicine nonsense.

Other mainstream beliefs (i.e., NOT facts, demonstrated via falsifiable tests or logic) include claims about adding sodium fluoride to drinking water and injecting babies with HepB "vaccine." I know that AMD flatly declares viruses exist and is not willing to READ the science. But what about Kory and TVF?

Oh well. BTW, I never learn anything from Kory, or TVF, or AMD. Somehow I get all their info before they do, OR I determine that they are wrong - for they constantly attribute ill health to contagion or viruses. Amazing what reading and logic can do.

I was never tempted, and I am still unvaxxed. How about you?

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OK guys so where is your Substack?

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Marvelous quote from Mango. Thank you for remembering it.

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People like Pierre Kory, Vigilant Fox, and Midwestern Doctor show me that humanity is not lost. We just need more like you guys to get back to normal!

Thank you for being voices of sanity crying out for change.

Regards, Andy!

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Wonderful interview! I'm a longtime reader (and fan) of AMD, FLCCC, and PK. Just subscribed to Vigilant Fox and read/watched "The Unvaccinated Will Be Vindicated: A 100K Thank You to the Citizen Heroes of Our Time" as my first introduction. The VF article moved me to tears again as I relived these terrible videos and images of our recent history (https://vigilantfox.news/p/the-unvaccinated-will-be-vindicated). And yes, VF, your comment about "1930s Germany 2.0 in the making" was totally valid; I said this myself as I watched this horror unfold.

Thank you all for being phenomenal voices in the freedom movement! I, too, have been trying to help with my own small voice via (free) Substack articles and by working with others seeking to spread the (good) virus of freedom and bodily autonomy. I'll never match the three of you in scope, quality, or reach, but hope to have helped in some small way.

Speaking of helping, your readers may be interested in a fundraiser to benefit non-profit REACT19 on Friday, October 25 in Spokane WA. REACT19 (https://react19.org/) serves thousands of "vaccine" injured who have been abandoned by society and especially our government agencies. Many of these folks believed they were doing the "right thing" by enrolling in clinical trials and taking the shot as their patriotic duty. Their reward? "Vaccine" injuries, death, and incredible losses for themselves, their families, their friends, and their colleagues.

-> Short Note about fundraiser: https://substack.com/@bige47/note/c-65198430

-> Full article about fundraiser (will be updated as we receive new information and Silent Auction items): https://eolson47.substack.com/p/a-night-of-art-and-music-restoring?r=14nzxn

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I appreciate you!

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They are also two of my favorites! Thank you for interviewing them. I look forward to reading this!

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P.S. Great interview. I like the questions you asked, and their thoughtful answers. Heroes have emerged in this crisis; you and they are among them. Stay strong. You are helping immensely!

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Love all three of you! Thank you for all you guys do for us. I don’t mind anonymity and have my own reasons for remaining as such. I especially like VF stating “if ever losing anonymity would help more people he would” and I agree with him that right now truth being injected into the narrative is FAR more important than someone’s identity. The content is either true or it isn’t, regardless the presenter’s identity. We live in a time where people take someone’s identity and crucify it in order to silence their message or try to prove it to be untrue. Confuse the masses so they aren’t swayed. Some things are far too important at present to let that happen to the truthful message both VF and and are presenting.

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I basically just want to get the job that needs to be done and I don't want the credit for it. My essential goal is for everyone to claim my ideas as their own so they permanently infuse into the culture.

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You are such a perfect INFJ, AMD. Magnificent, truly. (You may recall I've mentioned this previously, but this entire interview was simply bleeding this type.)

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I am definitely an IN, but I do both P&J and T&F, and I've never been able to figure out which of the 4 remaining possibilities best fits me.

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Read Keirsey's magnificent descriptions in his original Please Understand Me. I'm pretty sure your jaw will drop when reading INFJ. And if your jaw doesn't drop, I'm wrong; read the other three. 2nd choice: INFP.

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Dear Mr. Thorburn, does Myers-Briggs actually have a category for "faith-based" preachers who refuse to look at evidence? That would be AMD in re virus and contagion theory.


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LOL. Feelers are less likely than Thinkers to accept evidence that smacks me, a T, in the face. Even if I may disagree with your implication.

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Dr. John Calvin, I can’t wait to read your Substack. Where is it????? 😂

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Dearest Ms. Krispin, touche.

(But I hope that you are not implying production of words is necessarily better than an absence of words. After all, I think no one benefits from hearing fantastical fairy tales of viral contagion).

I have written many things. Much of my work on disease and vaccines is posted on the Sherri Tenpenny website, Vaxxter. I have also been appreciated by Robert Scott Bell, who published some of my research.

At present, my research on viral theory, disease, health, and vaccination is slow ... I am enjoying creating political satire and humor-filled songs for No Agenda.

Do you have any particular topic that you would like me to investigate or share?

I have compiled about 400 pages of notes to construct a review of the politics of disease in re viral theory, and vaccination.

If you wish, I can send you my annotation of White (1885) and or my annotation of Jenner (1798; 1799; 1800). My email is biko97jcj (at) hotmail (dot) com.

Before November, I probably should write a short piece about "everything wrong with Jenner". I like to examine the roots of things.


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and AMD*

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Amazing conversation! I have shared it with my daughter who is a good doctor thinking about leaving medicine. You all give me hope. AMD you helped me so much with your wonderful writing. I was very touched by your thoughtful responses to my posts about my daughter’s disillusionment with medicine and other issues these past two years. I pray for you all! Thank you for the sacrifices you make every day.

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Thank you : )

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excellent interview, Dr. Kory. Thank you so much for doing this. AMD and VF are at the top of the list of my favorite truth exposers in this time of lies and darkness. Reading about their personal experiences, and yours, during this time is a great inspiration.

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Dear Pima Canyon,

As a truth-seeker, I would encourage you to consume presentations of Samantha Bailey and Tom Cowan. Dr. Bailey has called out TVF and AMD and asked them to explain how ANY scientific papers or labs have proven that viruses exist and are the cause of contagion, infection, and or illness. Still waiting.


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God Bless all three of you! I love you and what you are doing to help humanity. You are what health care ought to be. Thank you all for being a shining light in the darkness!

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Dear Patricia Beaupre,

These three people are not so good. They declare - without falsifiable evidence or as found in the scientific literature - that viruses exist AND can infect you and make you ill. Such fraud IS central to the core of mass lockdowns and vax campaigns. For those of us who realize that there are NO viruses, we have no fear of pro-pharma marketing campaigns.

These three are NOT shining a light in the darkness, but they do BLIND the ignorant with more "virus" nonsense.


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You 3 gentlemen are brave critical thinkers whom have helped me keep my sanity the past 3- 4 years. Finding each of you was a gift, especially early on, where I felt like I was the only one smelling a rat and not trusting what I was seeing and hearing. There are not enough words to thank all 3 of you for continuing to fight the battle for medical freedom and for honesty and for true medicine. Please do take care of yourself though, physically, spiritually, emotionally and with your family and friends and God. What you do is so very important but we need you desperately in the battle, so please take care. The stress and the constant reading, thinking, listening, learning and assimilating facts is so exhausting especially because so much of the world still shockingly remains militantly blind to the truths you are trying to reveal to all. Thank you

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I totally agree, Trying Hard, they must take care of themselves as you stated. When I was reading their responses, my thoughts were along these lines. You stated it well.

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