All Charges Against Dr. Charles Hoffe Have Been Dropped By the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons
If I may say so, I was part of the "all-star" crew of Covid experts that submitted scientific defenses of all of Dr. Hoffe's statements and actions in Covid. The "authorities" just dismissed his case.
I truly hope that History will remember Dr. Charles Hoffe as one of the first and most outspoken physicians in Canada (and the world) that decided to warn both the public and the authorities about the carnage he was seeing amongst the first patients in his practice that he “vaccinated” with novel mRNA gene therapy products (an act he quickly stopped in order to warn the authorities about their dangers).
For those efforts, his career and livelihood were immediately, viciously, and unscientifically threatened.
Does the recent dismissal of his case last week mean that the tide of lies, distortions, and suppressions of scientific data on the many dangers of the mRNA vaccines is now ebbing into obscurity? Who knows, but at least we are scoring some W’s for scientific truth and displays of moral and ethical integrity by physicians.
This latest “reversal” could be part of a trend because it comes on the heels of the exoneration of another heavily persecuted physician in Australia 6 weeks ago, the case of Dr. Michael Bay who could not practice medicine for two years:
Also, lets not forget my dear friend and colleague in the UK, Dr. Tina Peers an outspoken physician who did early treatment for Covid and called early public attention to the harms of the vaccines. Her Medical Council accused her of misinformation and not comporting with standards of care etc. Her case was eventually dropped last September as well. Apparently, the Council did not have a desire for a public hearing where she was going to call up her vaccine injured patients to testify on her behalf.
However, although there are now three very public “dismissals” of cases against outspoken physicians in Canada, Australia, and the UK, I have to be careful to not overstate their importance. The reason is that I continue to be personally immersed in defending a number of other doctors whose livelihoods are still being threatened for speaking and practicing truths on the vaccines and early repurposed medicines in those same countries as well as the U.S.
Further, my and Paul Marik’s own recent defenses against attacks by the American Board of Internal Medicine failed despite numerous appeals and eventually led to my Specialty Board Certifications being revoked, something that the “system” docs seemed to celebrate as this industry rag was quick to publicize:
Know that the above “Specialty Board revocations” now make it much more difficult for me to serve as an expert witness in legal proceedings. I was just deposed yesterday in a workmen’s compensation case regarding a patient of mine who is now severely disabled after being forced to be vaccinated by her municipal employer. I submitted a lengthy, highly referenced report detailing both her illness and identifying the vaccine as cause. The municipal lawyer enjoyed doing the following:
Entering into the court records that I have had all three of my Board certifications revoked (umm, so you know, this is not a good look for an “expert”).
Reading my Wikipedia page and asking if all the things he read “appeared on my Wikipedia page.” Note he did not ask if they were true, he just asked if that is what appeared on the page (you know, because Wikipedia is the record of Truth).
Asking me about my two Covid papers that have been retracted or that received an “expression of concern” (i.e. pretty typical actions for “inconvenient science” on “The Kory Scale”).
Although I simply and calmly replied “yes” to all the above (because this was not my first rodeo), I did “lose it” later in the deposition when this same prick made an argument that because the patient I was doing this for was a pro-bono patient (which she was), my “advocacy” for her in this case was… so I could get compensated for her care in the future.
Although it likely has no legal value in her case, I “completely lost it on the stand” (she is literally penniless and is now forced to live in her son’s one bedroom apartment). I started shouting (literally almost screaming) at the court recorder, “I just want to register my deep offense at this lawyer insinuating that I am here based on personal financial incentives, that is disgusting and I will not tolerate it” (after the deposition my partner came upstairs and asked me what all the shouting was about). I was livid. So pissed I couldn’t work for another hour. Am still pissed as I write this.
Anyway, what caused these recent and highly public “reversals” by medical licensing authorities against self-proclaimed Covid experts? Is it the growing swell of previously systematically censored but now peer-reviewed and published papers describing the scope and the scale of the medical catastrophe we docs have been long warning about?
Check out these recent published papers with damning data showing the woeful inefficacy and massive toxicity of the mRNA platform (from Nicholas Hulscher’s excellent Substack):
Know that I am “borrowing” from Hulschers recent work because, after over three years, I stopped investigating, researching, or writing about adverse vaccine data. I did this around the time the DNA contamination issue and its implications exploded (thanks to the work of Phillip Buckhaults, Kevin McKernan, and Jessica Rose among others). Since that aspect of the vaccines dangers was “out of my scientific wheelhouse” and that its implications would now be the most important facet in getting these shots pulled off the market, I quietly “passed the baton” to my gene sequencing expert colleagues.
Again, the implications of the DNA contamination makes it pointless for me to gather more adverse epidemiologic or medical data. If the regulatory agencies are going to ignore the fact that the vaccine vials universally contain DNA fragments that can integrate and alter not only our genome but that of successive generations, whats the point?
On this issue, if you have time, I think it is worthwhile to watch this shocking video recently put together by the team over at Steve Kirsch’s VSRF.
As painful as it may be to watch, in the video above, the VSRF team expertly juxtaposes the scientific assertions by the team of mRNA experts with the “public service announcement” videotaped by Paul Offit who tries to reassure and minimize the implications of the DNA contamination findings.
Recall that Offit is a member of the FDA’s Vaccine Advisory Committee and former member of the CDC Vaccine Advisory committee, and, as per his Wikipedia page is “one of the the most public faces of the scientific consensus that vaccines have no association with autism.”
If you didn’t watch the video, the VSRF tweet text accompanying it says it all here, which I will expound upon in slightly more detail from the video:
SCIENTIFIC FACT: DNA is different than mRNA given that mRNA last hours to days while DNA has the potential to last for a very long time, maybe a lifetime or for generations. The vials were only supposed to have mRNA in them.
Dr. Kevin McKernan, R&D lead Human Genome Project at MIT/WIBR. Founder- Medicinal Genomics:
We've never done vaccines like this before. The central dogma of molecular biology is that DNA gets transcribed into RNA, and then RNA gets translated into protein. This is just how life runs. Why does this matter? Well, DNA For the purposes of this discussion, DNA is a long-lived information storage device. What you were born with, you're going to die with and pass on to your kids. Dna lasts for hundreds of thousands of years, and it can last for generations if you pass it on to your kids. So alterations to the DNA, they stick around. Rna, by its nature is temporary. It doesn't last. That feature of RNA was part of the sales pitch for the vaccine. The pseudo uridine was supposed to make the RNA last a little bit longer, but still it's a transient phenomenon. We're talking hours to days. Then proteins. Once proteins are made, they also don't last forever. They last for hours to days. But something that makes its way into DNA has the potential to last for a very long time, maybe a lifetime.
SCIENTIFIC FACT: There are immense amounts of pre-existing published data showing that foreign DNA integration into our genome can cause serious illness like cancer and sudden death and autoimmunity, all of which have been strongly temporally associated with mRNA vaccination.
Dr. Buckhaults testimony from a public hearing on the dangers of DNA contamination:
Decades of research have demonstrated the risks of foreign DMA integrating into human cells, leading to potentially catastrophic outcomes. Synthetic DMA contamination, as detected in Australian vials of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines by David Spieffer presents risks for genomic instability which can manifest as cancers, immune disorders and predatory diseases.
In Dr. Paul Offit’s “Public Service Announcement” video rebuttal, he adopts a calm, affable, authoritative and explanatory tone, all intended to “reassure” the public that these “scientists” are “scaremongers” and the risks they describe are “virtually impossible.”
Although subtle, it is important to note that Offit, in his video, was forced to correct himself. He states integration would be “impossible” at the 8:58 time stamp, but instantly corrects himself and says “virtually impossible.”
Hmm, hey Paul, is it “virtually impossible or impossible?” If it is the former, then there is a “possibility” it could occur. Should we rule out that possibility first before launching this product into the arms of billions across the world?
Problem - Offit’s main argument that it is “virtually impossible” to occur relies on his claim that the DNA “cannot get into and survive in the cytoplasm of the cell” nor can it “enter the nucleus.” McKernan rebuts these patently false assertions (e.g what used to be called lies) by presenting the results of his own experiments which found that the DNA fragments, because they are enveloped in protective lipid nanoparticles, (LNP’s) not only survive in the cytoplasm but, as per McKernan:
We do this in the lab all the time. We take pieces of DNA, we mix them up with a lipid complex like the Pfizer vaccine is in. We pour it onto cells, and a lot of it gets into the cells, and a lot of it gets into the DNA of those cells, and it becomes a permanent fixture of the cell. It's not just a temporary thing. It is in that cell and all of its progeny from now on, forevermore in. So that's why I'm alarmed about this DNA being in the vaccine. It's different from RNA because it can be permanent. This is a real hazard for genome modification of long-lived somatic cells, like stem cells. It could cause, theoretically, this is all a theoretical concern, but it's pretty reasonable based on solid molecular biology, that it could cause a sustained autoimmune tact toward that tissue. It's also a very real theoretical risk of future cancer in some people. Depending on where in the genome this foreign piece of DNA lands, it can interrupt the chemo suppressor or activate an oncogene. I think it'll be rare, but I think the risk is not zero, and it may be high enough that we are to figure out if this is happening or not.
McKernan continues:
You should not be reversing the burden of proof saying that it's impossible, reversing possible for this to happen. You should show us that it isn't possible. That's the point of the FDA. The numbers that came out of that FDA study at 4. 7 micrograms per shot, those would put you in the range of 23 trillion molecules of DNA for 200 bases each. So 23 trillion, you have about 30 trillion cells. All about, let me see, one-fiftieth of this DNA is the SV40 promoter. That's about 500 billion SV40 promoters which are known to go straight to the nucleus.
Why is this important? Because the probability of a DNA piece of DNA integrating into the human genome is unrelated to its size. So your genome risk is just a function of how many particles there are (Ed: as above, 23 trillion). So it's like if you shoot a shotgun at a washboard, if you shoot a slug, you have some probability of hitting it. And if you shoot buckshot, you have a bigger probability of hitting it with some shot.
Offit then resorts to a brazenly illogical assertion to further minimize the dangers of exposure to “foreign DNA” by arguing:
The sphere of foreign DNA is a little far-fetched. First of all, we are colonized with trillions of bacteria, including trillions of bacteria that lie in our intestinal tract, which is a vast amount of foreign DNA to which we're exposed. Also, assuming that we live on this planet and that you eat animals or plants on this planet, you are ingesting foreign DNA, some of which ends up in your circulation, especially plant DNA, at much larger quantities and in much larger fragments than we see with these small DNA fragments in vaccines.
Mckernan rightly calls out the absurdity of this argument:
Eating DNA is not the same as injecting LNP’s to protect the DNA. I mean, I'm shocked to have to say this to someone who claims to be an MD. There's a reason why when you eat drugs, you get very different responses from when you inject them. Ozempic is an example. It has only 1% of the ability to eat it, but people are injecting it because it's much more active there. So, yes, injecting DNA and injecting aluminum is different than eating these things because your GI tract destroys stuff with acid, but your bloodstream bypasses that and this it gets all over your body and into your brain.
McKernan then makes a super obvious and wise recommendation as a genetics expert:
In my view, somebody should go about sequencing DNA samples from stem cells of people who are vaccinated and find out if this theoretical risk has happened or not. I think this is a real serious oversight, regulatory oversight that happened at the federal level, and somebody should force this to happen.
Offit finishes with this re-assuring proclamation to the public:
I'm trying to reassure you that this isn't a problem. I think it's unfortunate that that physician scientist tried to make it sound like a problem because all he did was scare people unnecessarily.
Now you know why I no longer even try to take down the mRNA platform anymore? We have launched ourselves so far into reckless, willful and incomprehensible lunacy that I can no longer muster the energy to combat this aspect anymore.
I instead pivoted to devoting nearly all of my “spare” time to focus on researching solutions (broad, safe, inexpensive, widely available, multi-mechanistic therapies) with large potential to relieve the suffering of the vaccine injured (i.e DMSO, CL02 etc) and/or combat any real or planned future pandemics (CL02).
Luckily, it appears that I have some time to do so given the recent shuttering of USAID which funded the Wuhan Lab and also funds the WHO, WEF, Gates’s Gavi Alliance, and Soros (injecting a little "Babylon Bee” satire here folks):
However, I so admire and appreciate the scientists I mentioned above as well as VSRF and the other health freedom organizations across the country who are still trying valiantly to sound the alarm of the mRNA platform’s dangers. And it really looks like they are finally succeeding, as Montana (among others already) recently debated legislation which would rightly outlaw mRNA vaccinations.
Now, I want to finish on a positive note which is to share the moving, inspiring, and motivating letter of appreciation that I received yesterday from Dr. Hoffe. When I asked him if he was OK with me publishing it, this was his response:
All who love truth and freedom are rejoicing over this victory that hopefully indicates the turning of the tide.
I think the publishing the letter will be of great interest to many people. So please go ahead and use it as you wish.
I plan to frame it given that, to me, it is a historical document of these times and one that I cherish and am proud of (I blacked out his personal info):
This kind of letter brings fucking tears to my eyes. Still. And it will forever. We should never ever forget what “they” did to us in Covid nor how we fought and are still fighting back. Onwards.
If you appreciate the effort ant time I spend researching and writing my posts, support in the form of paid subscriptions would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. Also know that I am currently trying to defend Dr. Matt Shelton pro bono, a general practitioner (GP) in New Zealand who is being punished for his statements made on behalf of New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.
Dr. Hoffe is a vindicated hero. Trudeau is out the door. It’s a step in the right direction. But until we rid the world of the worthless globalist cabal that inflicted this war on truth we won’t be free.
Doc, I feel your pain. I lost my practice in Rhode Island and with it, my retirement as I was unable to sell the practice and take the equity I had built over 30 years. I was forced to shut down my office with just 30 days notice to either get the shot or be fined $300/day and face 30-90 days in jail for violating the mandate and have a felony charge. I had to start completely over in a 'free' state of NH, from scratch at the age of 57. Yes, I'm still pissed but it gets a little better each day. Interestingly, after I went on TV to try to speak the truth, the next day I had 4 board charges which were: 1- He does not believe in the vaccine, 2- He did not have the vaccine, 3- He had Covid (yes, that was a defendable board charge even though I took 2 weeks off to 'quarantine'), and 4- He doesn't wear a mask with every patient. I wrote a book about the experience called Never Again: Ensuring Freedom and Truth After the Pandemic. I hope nobody forgets what happened to us like they have tried many times to erase the Holocaust. Know that I'm in prayer for you doc.