A Journey Through Omicron… Riding The Ivermectin Train
A grateful patient shares a photographic record of her lightning fast recovery from the depths of her omicron hell.
Photo #1 - 10 a.m December 30th. My patient takes a selfie to send to husband to tell him how sick she is feeling
Photo #2 - Positive Home Covid Test confirms diagnosis
Photo #3 - 1 p.m Temperature Check: 104.5!!
Not Pictured - 2p.m. - Patient takes first dose of ivermectin - 0.4 mg/kg, 50mg zinc, 4,000 IU Vitamin D3 (not pictured)
Photo #4 - 5 p.m. - The Depths of Omicron - taken by friend she is on vacation with
Photo #5 - Next morning, Dec 31, 10 a.m heading back to Florida in car with kids, taken to show her doctor she appreciates the care (awww)
I know, I know, this is just “anecdotal”, “coincidental”, “she would have gotten better anyway”, “its just Omicron” etc. Thats where I call BS - Omicron is a lot of things, it might only rarely cause death, might not need hospital for most, but it is kicking the crap out of the MANY dozens of patients I have treated this week.
Still, we should get that 35th randomized controlled trial of ivermectin up and running STAT.
A Happy New Year to my dear patient.. and a Happy New Year to ALL!
P.S. A good new years resolution is to stop listening to these captured agencies, make sure you have ivermectin in the cupboard for any family member who hasn’t gotten COVID yet (and even those that have). Forget molnupiravir, forget paxlovid - they are barely tested, mutagenic, failed, or dangerous drugs with narrow windows of efficacy.
Similar to my experience (delta) - a day of high temperatures, a couple of days of 93-95 sats & resting pulse rate in the 80s/90s. Four hours after my first Ivermectin tab, temperature was near normal, sats back up to 98-99 and pulse down to 60s/70s.
I am not as photogenic as this patient though, so no photos!
This is so wonderful to see and read! But I’m not surprised after seeing the miraculous turnarounds that took place when even elderly patients on ventilators in ICUs finally got ivermectin. Sadly it took family members suing the hospitals to get the little pills to their loved ones. How in good conscience can any medical professional deny this safe and remarkably effective medicine to patients in need? Thank God for our Dr. Kory!!