Steve Connolly is hurting and angry from losing many friends since covid vaccines were deployed on the population under Operation Warp Speed (OWS), which is a joint operation between the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
After I presented Death Certificate analyses to a crowd in a rural New Hampshire church in late 2022, Steve introduced himself to me. He was angry at the covid vaccine situation, but wanted to do something positive to prevent others from being harmed or killed.
Steve searches for the words “suddenly” or “unexpectedly” in obituaries online on his phone. Then he screen-captures them and sends them to me via text message from time to time. I look up the Death Certificates and tell him the official causes of death.
A week ago, Steve came up with a great idea. He found an online data tool embedded in a national obituary website, Steve utilized the website’s advanced search tool to filter obituaries for the keywords “suddenly” and “unexpectedly.” He then filtered by date range and U.S. state.
I created a multi-user spreadsheet and gave Steve access. He populated the sheet with the number of instances of “suddenly” or “unexpectedly” for every U.S. state and for the years 2015 through August 21, 2023.
Click <Publish Date>. Then click <Custom Range>. Enter “01/2015” in the <From> field and “01/2016” in the <To> field. Then click <Apply Filters>. This picks up records from 01/01/2015 to 01/01/2016 with an overlap of one day each year. Repeat this for each year.
Click <Location> then <All Countries>. Select <United States of America> from the pull-down. For each state, select the <Select a Region> pull-down. Then select a state from the list and click <Apply Filters>. Repeat this for the United States and each state.
Click <Search Within Results>. Type “suddenly OR unexpectedly” into the field <Type keywords>. Click the plus sign in the blue circle on the right of the field. Leave this as the search criteria for each state and year.
Figure 1 represents instances of “suddenly” or “unexpectedly” in obituaries for the fifty United States.
Figure 1
The results are staggering and incontrovertible. Something is very wrong with public health beginning not in the covid year of 2020, but rather upon deployment of the transfecting gene therapy drug the government calls a “vaccine” in 2021.
While there can be no attribution to a single cause of death, this is an alarming trend that cannot be unseen. What is causing such a rise? Is it fentanyl overdoses? Is it the use of a medicament in hospital? Could it possibly be the covid gene therapy drug deployed in the past two years?
This is strong pragmatic evidence, corroborative of the insurance data highlighted by Ed Dowd, that there is a public health emergency manifesting in an astronomical increase in sudden fatalities since 2021 and it appears not to be covid per se. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) either does not know about this perceived issue of doubling of sudden or unexpected fatalities, or will not publicly acknowledge it. Be it incompetence or deliberate indifference, the logical conclusion is that the CDC is dangerous to our society.
There is no epidemic in history that has acted how the CDC purports covid to have acted. EXHIBIT F in my lawsuit against the Governor, Public Health Commissioner, Chief Medical Examiner, and four individual medical examiners, Beaudoin v Baker et al (2022), filed in U.S. District Ct., District of Massachusetts, proves government fraud and proves that government covid interventions are responsible for far more fatalities than covid per se.
Steve saw my presentation and read my articles depicting analyses of nearly 500,000 un-redacted Massachusetts Death Certificate records. He knows that the symptom spectrum profile, age spectrum profile, and seasonality profile of excess deaths suddenly and starkly changed on a year boundary between 2020 and 2021. Data proves that excess deaths in 2020 were predominantly from respiratory causes, in people average age of 81-years-old, and were highly seasonal. In January 2021, suddenly and increasingly thereafter, excess deaths shifted to circulatory and blood causes, an average age of 65-years-old, and no seasonality. The symptom spectrum profile, age spectrum profile, and seasonality profile of excess deaths changed starkly on a year boundary precisely when covid vaccines were introduced. Diseases do not change how they kill, whom they kill, and when they kill suddenly on a year boundary.
Before viewing individual state graphs, please read my interview with Steve, who is responsible for uncovering this important information anyone can visually understand.
John (Me): You mentioned you were the health proxy for a friend who died. How old was he? What happened?
Steve: Keith was 59. I knew in my gut there was something wrong with the vax. I was his health proxy. I tried to take care of him. But I didn’t have any knowledge at the time to push back against the doctors. The doctors lied and said Keith had cancer of the liver. No cancer was involved in his death certificate. You looked up his Death Certificate and told me.
John: Is Keith why you started investigating?
Steve: Yeah. That’s when I started looking at obituaries. I started seeing “died suddenly and unexpectedly” more and more often through 2021. [They said Keith] died from end-stage liver disease. Cirrhosis. [He was] sober 13 years. How the hell did cirrhosis kill him? It was the jab that ate his liver. Sixty days post jab he died. [He got it] at Walmart in Leominster. Dead. Incredible to die so quickly. Cirrhosis is a long, slow process. No way that was it. Horrible and agonizing to watch him die. He died July 15, 2021.
John: You mentioned others from AA.
Steve: Yeah. Almost every AA meeting has new people talking about all their relatives dying or having a stroke or another ailment like Guillain Barré or heart attack.
After two tours in the U.S. Army, Steve struggled with alcohol addiction. He was sober 26 years, but had a relapse after a second tour in Iraq. After struggling for eight years, Steve has been sober since August 21, 2020. He couldn’t get treatment for blood in his urine from January 2020 until after August 2020. Steve was diagnosed with bladder cancer in October 2020, had surgery in November 2020, and has been fine since then.
Before retiring, Steve’s civilian career was spent working as a case manager for the state, managing some of the most difficult mental health and substance abuse cases, and being an advocate for those who could not advocate for themselves. Steve’s caseload comprised the most severely disabled people in the system.
Steve served our nation, which left him addicted and depressed. Our government was not done with him though. They then told him to wear a mask, stick a needle in his arm, and watch his friends start dying. Steve has the heart and zeal of a lion. He represents many of the voiceless Americans being culled by open border fentanyl, a re-broken veterans administration, and tyrannical government orders to take new-technology experimental transfecting gene therapy past the mucosal defenses of the lungs and deep into the body by entry into the deltoid muscle.
Keith’s Death Certificate Cause A states, “END STAGE LIVER DISEASE” in “DAYS.” Cause B states, “CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER” in “MO.S.” There are no other causes or contributing conditions listed. The attending physician certified the death. There was no autopsy performed. Others in Steve’s circle of friends and acquaintances also died shortly after covid vaccination.
Steve: Verne was in his seventies, relatively healthy and stable, coughing on a Sunday, dead on Monday. Very likely vaxed.
Big Rob was in his thirties, a little obese, died from myocarditis. It took them months to get back an autopsy report. I’m absolutely positive he was vaxed.
Ally was a heavy girl, otherwise healthy. She got the jab, then had serious gall bladder issues and had it removed. She was found dead when she didn’t show up for work. She was in her thirties. We’re still waiting for her autopsy report.
Dr. Michael was a friend of my sponsor from AA. My sponsor wanted me to debate Dr. Michael about the vax. Dr. Michael and I were on the phone for 30 minutes. I was trying to explain it to him. He didn’t believe me. Two weeks later, he got the booster. He died from a heart attack a few days later. I think he was in his 60’s or 70’s.
My friend Missy was 38-years-old and asthmatic. When she was covid positive [and admitted to the hospital], Missy complained that the hospital was pushing the covid protocols on her but refused to give her the inhaler she normally used. She died. Another guy I know from Iraq had issues breathing because of the burn pits over there. The FDA changed his inhaler. They took away his budesonide. Things that were helpful were being blocked by the FDA.
Fitzy was a motorcycle rider. Found unresponsive in his apartment. Died a couple days later. Sepsis. Died in February 2023. Don’t know if he was jabbed. Suspect so.
Fitzy’s Death Certificate states the following. He was 60-years-old and had a wife. Cause A states, “SEPTIC SHOCK” in “DAYS.” Cause B states, “ACUTE PANCREATITIS” in “DAYS.” Cause C states, “CHOLELITHIASIS” in “DAYS.” Part II Conditions Contributing states, “CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE, HYPERTENSION, HYPERLIPIDEMIA, ACUTE RENAL FAILURE DUE TO ACUTE TUBULAR NECROSIS, ACUTE LIVER FAILURE.” The “acute” tubular necrosis, renal failure, and liver failure in Part II are the most concerning. Why are they in Part II? Did a chronic issue really kill Fitzy? He had three organs acutely fail at once.
Perhaps a physician can explain whether this is multi-organ failure. Perhaps a physician can also explain why Acute renal failure is at 200% of normal in Massachusetts totaling two thousand (2,000) excess deaths in the last two years. That’s a health emergency of epic proportions - a once in a century calamity in a single cause of death. And the same is happening in Minnesota by the Death Certificate data. A report will soon be released showing that there were more than 100,000 excess Acute renal failure involved deaths in the United States in 2021 and 2022. Yet we do not hear about it from the CDC - again, are they incompetent or deliberately indifferent?
John: I’m sorry Steve. Are there others you want to mention?
Steve: In all of my time, I’ve never seen this many people that I know dropping dead in this span of time. I’m telling you, John, I go to an AA meeting every day … and it’s uncanny, it’s unusual now that a medical event hasn’t befallen someone. I just point to my arm with my finger when it sounds like someone had an event. Scotty has got some of the most severe rheumatoid arthritis that followed a jab.
John: That’s likely an autoimmune reaction from the vaccine. Many autoimmune reactions are happening. The HPV vax also does that.
Steve: My friend Rob, [they] put him in an ICU for two weeks after the second jab. And I was shocked he took a third jab. He was in a freaking ICU for two weeks [from the second jab] and they still gave him a third jab. And they look at me like I’m the crazy one. It’s almost like we can’t save them from themselves; so we have to stop the people doing this. I can’t turn a blind eye to this. That’s why I’m doing this and that’s why I agreed to do this [the interview and data mining]. This can’t be allowed to stand. These people need to be held to account.
John: Do you think this puts a stressor on you for your addiction?
Steve: No. It puts a fire in my belly. I see their faces. I see their eyes. I knew these people.
John: When does it end? When do you stop looking at obituaries and get some peace?
Steve: When they stop trying to kill us. When I see people start being perp walked. Nuremberg 2 should happen. [It’s] coercion. Biden said, “Our patience is wearing thin.” I heard that [expletive] saying that as I walked through the waiting room at the hospital. Like [expletive] you. [I’m] not having it. It’s like you say, John, ‘Data transparency.’ [They’re] hiding information. No reason for ignoring this. It may not be the vaccine. But wouldn’t they want to know? That’s the real question.
The laptop class may not know what they don’t see. Many Americans on the margins of physical or mental health who made it through covid unscathed were then culled from our society by something perfectly coincident with the covid transfecting gene therapy drug rollout. They died in excess from clotting, bleeding, stroke, myocarditis, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, cardiac arrhythmia, lymph and marrow cancers, blood cancers, and other causes of death known to be effects from the covid gene therapy injections. It’s all about the blood. Nearly one million Death Certificates from Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Vermont are the hard evidence proving these serious adverse effects.
Regular people just want to live their lives without too much government control. Tyranny befalls them. They just take it at first. But for how long? God bless Steve, his family, and his circle of friends. Research papers are not needed to understand simple facts. Scientists are not the ones we should rely upon in an emergency. They study things forever. Instead, find men and women of action who are pragmatic problem solvers.
Physicians over 50-years-old remember what it was like without the laptop on the wheely table. They think and they act. There is a generational war in medicine. The hubris of the young causes them to attack the licenses of the experienced elders because the elders think for themselves instead of abdicating to the central authority via the laptop god on the wheely table.
Following are individual state graphs of died “suddenly” or “unexpectedly.” Steve mined the data. All doctors, biologists, and researchers pounding p-values and constructing confidence intervals should take note. Public opinion is the most important commodity in this fight for survival and freedom. The graphs herein lead to the conclusion that the CDC is dangerous to our society. Demand investigation, if not “by” the CDC, then “of” the CDC and by a Grand Jury.
In Figure 2, please view graphs for the eight most populous states in the United States. In all but two, there are nearly 100% increases in died “suddenly” or “unexpectedly.” Id est, they are about 200% of normal.
Figure 2
Figure 3 depicts more rural states with incredible increases up to 20x normal. Something is very wrong with the United States if “died suddenly” and “died unexpectedly” are appearing more than double the rate from the first year of covid (2020) to the year of covid transfecting gene therapy injections (2021).
Figure 3
Twenty-four (24) states should be enough to get the attention of people to demand investigation. Figure 4 is the last graph set in this article. The point has been made. Steve found a treasure trove of evidence that should wake up The People.
“Died Suddenly” and “Died Unexpectedly” are not happening from covid. Something else is causing these to occur. And it’s not long covid or climate change.
Figure 4
Government CDC ambivalence or ineptitude is also known as criminal negligence. Inaction to investigate EXHIBIT F filed with Beaudoin v Baker et al (2022), and to take Steve’s discovery here seriously, is criminal conduct in a pattern of activity at an enterprise level. Entities have taken control of the CDC and other government agencies. The CDC and FDA have veered from the mission of public health to the mission of pharmaceutical marketing, distribution, and deployment on The People.
Demand data transparency. Demand Grand Jury investigations. Given the fraud and cover-up evinced in EXHIBIT F sworn to in U.S. District Court, these criminal government entities cannot be trusted to conduct their own investigation.
Notice the 2023 red bars through August 21. Most look like they’ll be well above normal. Some are already past normal.
Lastly, there is one possible reason for this that I can think of. What is the probability that contracted to bring in far more newspapers’ obituaries on the year boundary between 2020 and 2021? If they did expand their reach, that would explain it. But 2X, or 200% of normal in most cases? 70X in one case? This is not plausible, though it is possible.
Demand investigation. Demand data transparency.
God Bless Steve and those like him who’ve lost so many friends in the wake of the Death Lottery gene therapy drug.