Mar 27·edited Mar 27

People seem to forget that mRNA tech was first used on cancer. The results were impressive. 🙄The tumors grew faster which is why it was shelved until the plandemic came along.

When you subvert cellular machinery (including those cells responsible for immune surveillance) with foreign integration into the genome, just WTAF did people think was going to happen?

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Consider that the entire field of oncology is attempting to hide this from the public. Every oncologist is seeing these increases in their practices. Such people are ghouls and thugs, worse than any Nazi death camp guard - cuz at least they didn't pretend to be 'helping'. The cowardice of of physicians across the board wrt COVID is the biggest shock and disappointment for me. They had soooo much trust from the public and threw it away.

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Is there data proving that these turbo cancers, and increased rate of cancers, are happening just in the vaccinated?

I am completely covid-unvaccinated but I'm concerned as to whether shedding could possibly cause unexpected early cancer in a similar way?

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My son has stage IV cancer....very aggressive....since getting the Pfizer vaccine. Clearly there is a link between this monstrous vaccine and cancer. He is 37 years old and has a 9 month old baby. This is criminal.

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Mar 27Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Very dismaying report. It must be so difficult for you, Dr. Kory, and your colleagues to see this while having been warning about it for so long. Thanks so much for the work you all have been doing.

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Thank you for continually pushing the needle toward truth, Pierre and Mary Beth! (please forgive the pun)

Mistakes Were NOT Made

P.S. Typo alert in the subhead: "Preiffer" should be "Pfeiffer" :-)

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As the professional that actually renders the cancer diagnosis for patients, I can state quite confidently that Dr Kory's positions are not simply anecdotal in quality. The totality of the public health pandemic response has never been and will never be about science, let alone medicine. A "novel"virus pandemic and a scripted, controlled pandemic response cannot coexist unless both are one in the same

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Hello Dr. Kory, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am in Belgium and I apologize for my English which is not very good, even with the help of Googletrad. Professionally, I spent a long time in occupational health and cindynics (study of accidents, dangers and disasters). I have learned a number of things about dealing with workplace accidents which I relate here to vaxx deaths, “turbo cancers” and immune conditions.

In a work accident, most of the time, we look for and find “a” cause which leads to “a” responsible. But the aim of this reasoning is political rather than realistic. On the other hand, when we carry out a global study we almost always find a combination of factors which allows us to understand what happened (the goal is to prevent the problem from recurring).

For various cultural reasons, training, lack of intellectual rigor... we tend to conduct mechanistic (linear cause/effect) and uni-causal reasoning. However, for complex subjects (almost all subjects, therefore) it seems important to me to also think in a systemic and at least multi-causal manner.

So for deaths and illnesses linked to the Covid vaxx, perhaps the effects of the Covid vaxx do not explain everything. I propose to consider that several factors can interact in unequal ways. I think of at least 5 factors:

- the individual immune system which has been weakened, by the fear felt and the non-drug measures of the Covid crisis,

- the strongly weakened immune system of people who took the pseudo-vaxx,

- a “Bolus” effect during the injection in certain people which amplifies the negative impact of the injection on the body (subject (developed by Marc Girardot for example).

- the current very strong solar flares (studies in the 1940s showed a correlation between phases of intense activity in the life cycle of the sun (+/- 11 years) and the increase in heart attacks)

- the exponential deployment of relay antennas (4G, 5G, etc.) see for example Unprecedented increase in aggressive cancers: Dr Dietrich Klinghardt, a 48-year-old veteran doctor, warns! (aussie17.com)

- an increasingly extreme electromagnetic environment at home and everywhere (low and high frequencies) (e.g. Mark Crispin Miller has reported many sudden deaths and cancers among performers on stage or TV presenters. These people often vaxx, and therefore with a weakened immune system, are exposed to extreme bombardment of various sound and electromagnetic waves (hundreds of studies show a biological impact of EMF on the life of cells in the human body (e.g. Updated Research Summaries (bioinitiative .org).

Following my broader reasoning, we can consider that vaxx injections are an important factor, but one that is potentiated by other idiosyncratic and contextual factors.

Solar flares are beyond our control, but not electromagnetic radiation, the potential danger of which has been known since the 1940s. (e.g. researchers caused cardiac arrests in frogs by exposing them to high frequency radiation.)

A 2006 report from the World Economic Forum (of sinister reputation) recognizes that the health effects of EMF could become a major risk with enormous social and economic impacts.

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Good news for oncologists, pharmaceutical companies, and radiation centers. BTW, caught the tail end of a commercial later night. It was about cancer, and the pharmaceutical company was Pfizer.

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Mar 27Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Dr. Kory

Excellent. I see that you and Mary Beth got the words "pandemic" and "vaccine" in there.

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The claims of one whistleblower need to go viral. This Cath-lab manager states definitively that vascular surgeons are finding strange, white “fibrous” clots in “three to 10” patients EVERY WEEK - at just one U.S. hospital. This jibes with the reports of tens of thousands of embalmers.

However, the same whistleblower also believes the incidence of cancers are dramatically increasing. Excerpt:

“The whistleblower said he and his team also assist with surgeries where cancer patients who are scheduled to undergo chemotherapy receive a pre-inserted catheter port to facilitate these treatments. The number of these patients/surgeries has increased dramatically in the last two years and the patients who have already been diagnosed with late-stage, metastasizing cancers are far younger than they were in the past, the whistleblower said.”

Every truth-seeking author needs to be searching for more medical personnel who would corroborate these stunning findings, which - if confirmed - should be enough to cease mRNA shots RIGHT NOW!


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Thanks for your work on this. It's good to see that we are at least allowed to ask questions and point out correlations between increased mortality and the COVID response. Censorship in science can have deadly consequences, as we have seen all too clearly over the past few years.

One thing I'm curious about is why Sweden has done so much better than other Western countries in terms of all-cause excess mortality. (I wrote about this on our Substack here: https://pairodocs.substack.com/p/we-need-to-talk-about-sweden)

Any thoughts on why Sweden (highly vaccinated but no hard lockdown) is doing better? To me it is one of the few things that legitimately challenges the "it's all due to the vaccines" narrative.

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Democide, unlike earlier Thalidomide, conveniently leaves few obvious and living reminders of the poisonings.

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I can’t even fathom the fact that a young professional friend who researched cancer treatments for his PhD, has a 31 year old wife with stage 3 breast cancer. Not the genetic type, estrogen fueled. It’s heartbreaking.

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But 95% safe and effective. Come on people. The government cares about us! 🙃

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Engrossed in reviewing hospital admissions around the country daily, there is no doubt of the increase in the prevalence of leukemia. lymphoma, BILATERAL breast cancer, cholangiocarcinoma (used to be rare), pancreatic cancer (in non-drinkers), etc. I left clinical practice because of the contemptuous shift in the medical community from having a desire to understand the 'why' behind disease to a focus on 'what' can be used to simply palliate the symptoms to free up time for the next patient. My research has only reinforced this unfortunate realization.

Also, while I am grateful for Dr. McCullough's extraordinary efforts in educating his peers in the specialty of cardiology, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done. An incredible amount of confusion sits around the provocation of elevated HS troponin values on the inpatient side. There remains a lack of workup on inflammation of cardiac muscle. Again, there is a true lack of interest in what is driving cardiac inflammation. It falls back on simply whether there is disease of the coronaries (Type 1 MIs), and if not, then the default response is "demand ischemia." The default overlooks all of the non-ischemic drivers of myocardial injury including myocarditis and pericarditis. As practitioners of medicine, we need to be inquisitive and not settle for an answer until it makes sense. While MRNA vaccines have created a lot of complexity in disease, it still makes sense. We just need to be free thinkers and not succumb to what the deep state wants us to believe.

Back to cancer, I believe that MRNA vaccines are not a cause of cancer but rather act as a catalyst to a latent nidus of abnormal cells waiting for something to set them afire. From the beginning, I have likened the vaccine to a Chinese firework with widespread deleterious consequences.

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