People seem to forget that mRNA tech was first used on cancer. The results were impressive. 🙄The tumors grew faster which is why it was shelved until the plandemic came along.

When you subvert cellular machinery (including those cells responsible for immune surveillance) with foreign integration into the genome, just WTAF did people think was going to happen?

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Good point.

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,,,all on purpose imo,,,note that Moderna is ramping up their operations,,,likely to design cancer "treatments" and make tons of $$$

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And people have forgotten in our instant forgetting of news in one hour, that Moderna had never brought a “vaccine” successfully to market until this.

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MRNA shots were not approved before the Emergency Use Authorization, because they killed everything injected for the last 20 years.

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Exactly. The cance clinical trials in Germany 20+years ago proved that.

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Good point.

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Consider that the entire field of oncology is attempting to hide this from the public. Every oncologist is seeing these increases in their practices. Such people are ghouls and thugs, worse than any Nazi death camp guard - cuz at least they didn't pretend to be 'helping'. The cowardice of of physicians across the board wrt COVID is the biggest shock and disappointment for me. They had soooo much trust from the public and threw it away.

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The number of medical personnel participating in this conspiracy of silence boggles the mind.

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"Conspiracy of silence" is an absolute spot-on phrase Bill. I will borrow if OK with you :)

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Jefferey Jaxen on last week’s Highwire showed a government document about policy of « strategic silence ». It’s where government indicates to media that something or someone shouldn’t be talked about or written about. (Didn’t note the exact reference but it’s in the video).

I instantly thought of all the stories about lockdown that we haven’t heard from MSM - businesses that went bust for example. Of all the injection injuries & deaths they have ignored. Of all the doctors & scientists they’ve ignored. LOTS of strategic silence going on.

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I've always thought (and written) that the most-important role of the mainstream media is suppressing stories and investigations real journalists could and should have commissioned but didn't.

That's why I started my Substack - to write stories that challenge dubious conventional wisdom, stories I know won't get published in the MSM.

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Thank you for doing that - we need as many citizen-journalists as we can get, to counter the flood of “narrative” from the villains.

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You have my permission, Dr. Kory. I didn't know I might have coined an original phrase. Thanks for all your great efforts to end this silence or expose this conspiracy.

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I just finished reading Undercover Epicenter Nurse by Erin Marie Olszewski, she was a nurse in Florida who volunteered to work in Elmhurst hospital in Queens NY. What she revealed about the quality of care (well beyond anything related to COVID) was beyond words. Interns and residents operating without real supervision from attendings and killing people due to malpractice and medical error EVERY DAY. It was astonishingly sick and depraved. Turns out the reason that the truth was never arrived at in NY was due to the fact that NY's health and hospitals corp was already a disaster due to unions and utter maladministration. Cuomo then gave them a free pass during COVID, relieving responsibility to chart care (unbelievable) and waiver of liability for any COVID care.

She has audio and texts. And her book is a huge whistleblowing event. But there has been no accountability. Turns out Cuomo didn't kill all those people - NYC hospitals did due to epic incompetence and malfeasance. Where is the accountability?

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I need to get her book. I have seen her interviewed in several alternative media segments. Her claims are jaw-dropping and maddening.

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It's beyond anything I could have imagined. Get the book. There needs to be a massive investigation of the entire NY Health & Hospitals Corp (called some new thing now, prolly spent a million bucks on the 'rebranding'). They are killing people every day in those hospitals. It's so insane.

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This is one of the great (unreported by MSM) scandals of our Covid times. The number of iatrogenic deaths and injuries is no doubt staggering. These deaths/injuries were caused by (almost) the entire health care profession following CDC, AMA, AAP, WHO, etc. "guidance" and treatment protocols.

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And they had massive financial incentives to do so. It's so depraved. But it's also what Socialism always looks like. Most Americans are in denial about our nation being socialist already...This 'system' is run for the benefit of the unions and the politicians and bureaucrats who operate it. Top down is always the way in socialism and health care always goes down the tubes. Just look at Canada and UK for real world examples. Socialism empowers politicians, institutions and bureaucrats vs. individual agency and responsibility. Both cannot exist side by side. It will always become politicized when it's a big govt bureaucracy.

I am 61 and remember my family physician from my childhood. HE was in charge of our clinical care for any health issue. The idea that some puke in the fed govt or some hospital admin would tell him what to do or not is laughable. he also managed to see us same day almost always if we were acutely sick - impossible today. He even did the rare house call at night. He was respected by us and society and he seemed to take his power and responsibility very seriously. Docs today? Many of them are weak, beta flakes. It's bizarre to deal with them.

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Amazon has it for now. Just ordered it. Thanks for the tip. Scott Schara did a podcast on February 29th entitled “When Doctors and Nurses are Trained to Kill.” Louise a nurse who moved from MN to WA and discusses what she witnessed.

If you don’t know Grace Schara’s story, you need to. She was a loving daughter with Down’s Syndrome who was murdered in MN. Scott has taken up her torch and has a lawsuit working through the system. Depositions begin in May. So far the judge hasn’t dismissed the case contrary to the ridiculous efforts of the doctor, nurse and hospital.

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Just ordered her book. Thank you!

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Nice! She needs our support as well. Here's a well done video on her story. https://youtu.be/UIDsKdeFOmQ?si=jIhjYO0Px3ClaC-M

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I called the Elmhurst hospital emergency a couple of weeks after the NYT story dropped.

I told them that my son had a severe ankle sprain but was unsure if I should bring him there because I'd seen the huge congestion due to Covid and did not want to wait hours...

The response was -- we are not that busy - he'll be seen promptly.

I asked about that NYT story and he said - oh ya we were quite busy for a few days but that's stopped.

I then asked about the risk of covid exposure and he said they kept covid patients in a different area -- and that was not that busy either.

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She's got video and worked there. You did what, made a phone call? Watch the video I posted upthread and hear the words of the docs and hear the other nurses flipping out over patients dying needlessly. You think some person who works there is going to confirm what went on? She videoed and recorded just to deal with people like you who would shoot her down with no evidence.

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Fyi, the book is a bit of a slog to get through. She literally spends the first 5 chapters on her biography and background, most of which aren't relevant to the story. But once she gets into what happened in Elmhurst it's worth it.

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Private practice doctors are speaking out and to each other , the employed doctors….. silence!!! Follow the money 💰…. Kudos to Kory and Marik for speaking up as employed / contracted docs . Thank you .

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We also need to remember the churches and their complicity in the plandemic. Good article for someone to write.

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I keep writing that ALL the "important" organizations are completely captured. That would certainly include all the major religious denominations and organizations.

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Completely agree. I work in church music as a part-time position. Remember in a church in 2021-2022 seeing so many sitting out in the pews with masks on. Did I wear one? Nope. Nada. I wanted to puke when I would hear from the pulpit so many times "we should love our neighbors and get the shot to keep everyone safe."

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And media, politicians, bureaucrats, academics....

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Sure, but they don't take an oath to 'first do no harm'. And aren't trusted with our health. This sin by doctors is much worse IMHO.

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They are fulfilling their training. Do as told or suffer. They are immoral automatons. Until you realise this you will be deceived and possibly killed.

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Is there data proving that these turbo cancers, and increased rate of cancers, are happening just in the vaccinated?

I am completely covid-unvaccinated but I'm concerned as to whether shedding could possibly cause unexpected early cancer in a similar way?

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none of the mortality or cancer data comes with vaccination status, but the temporal associations implicate the vaccines highly. Whether shedding can cause it, or actually the amount of cancer risk shedding poses is unclear. In our shedding series, we had one highly credible report of a woman who developed cancer after her husband was jabbed but that is all I have as far as data to answer your question

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I keep a list on my phone since the plandemic started of jabbed vs unjabbed friends family and acquaintances. My cancer category in the jabbed is up to 44 (23 of which are aggressive) and only 3 in the unjabbed (of which I am one). Yes anecdotal, but in my 62 yrs really unusual.

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Be sure to research the impressive cancer-fighting properties of fenbendazole/mebendazole & ivermectin. You'll also find a lot of useful information in the book, "Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients", by Russell L. Blaylock, MD (available on Amazon)

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I’ve been taking it since last summer. No negative side effects.

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Wishing you a swift and complete healing.

I would keep a similar list too, if it weren't that I can count on one hand the number of people I know who are not vaccinated. I'm in Ireland and most people went in with sleeve up as soon as each jab was offered to them.

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STH - Wishing you well in mind, body, & spirit

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Currently NED. Thank you!

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May I ask about your observations? You mention 44 jabbed acquaintances with cancer, and 3 unjabbed with cancer. I need the context. How many jabbed people do you know total, and how many unjabbed (among your phone contacts)? Then we could compare the proportions more easily.

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For sure most are vaccinated. But I have a large group of unvaccinated friends or family or acquaintances-Probably 30-40?

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STH…I have many people in my sphere of influence who have cancer and now 2 who have died of turbo pancreatic cancer (71 yo and 49 yo) that have been jabbed. I also know of other issues like miscarriage, idiopathic lung fibrosis, autoimmune diseases, and 2 other deaths (not cancer) from jabbed clients and friends of mine.

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Yup! I wish we could post screen shots in SS. My list is hard to fathom. And had I not kept it, there are many I probably would have forgotten about.

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Again, please note my link about the cath-lab whistleblower. He makes several startling and brave claims. One thing that stood out to me is that he said he KNOWS the vaccine status of the patients on these operating tables. It's in their charts and he and others ask. They know when they were last vaccinated and how many shots many of these patients have already received. Some, per this whistleblower, have already received 8 Covid shots! He also says the more shots a patient received, the more likely these terrifying clots were going to be found in emergency clot-removal operations.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. May you be blessed in your continued work! You are so appreciated 🙏🏻

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That's what scares me. I was in a VA hospital room for 4 weeks with a double vax'd and all allocated boosters in-laws while he passed from TURBO Mesothelioma. It was so extremely stressful. Long story. About 2 months after I woke up one day to a knot in my breast. I assumed I'd hit it honestly. We have a farm. I didn't tell anyone for over 2 months doing things I'd read to possibly alleviate it. Scared to death knowing if it was something I litterally trusted the medical field zero! After reading several GREAT articles on here I knew I wasn't getting a mammogram either! I was very lucky to stumble upon a doctor here who offers Thermograms. He did not see any hot spots, but is worried about spike protein. Sad part is...if he had believed it to be cancer anyone he referred me to would have HAD to do a mammogram per CDC protocol! No Thermogram...no sonogram...hit it with technology that equals a 100 xrays! WTH??? I go tomorrow to find out the results of his latest tests. I will add...none of this is covered by insurance and is expensive! I'm blessed to have a wonderful husband that works hard and tells me "I don't care what it costs." I did, of course, finally have to tell him about the knot and as I expected was hard seeing his internal panic. I hated that for him more than me. I think it's a fibroid. I've had them in my groin area for almost 30 years after an infection. They went way down, but never went away. No doctor can tell me why...nor will one remove or biopsy one. They are always content with..."It's not cancer. Idk what it is though." Frustrating. I honestly pray in the end you end up believing that cancer was just a coincidence. God bless you for standing up and speaking out! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us and to all doctors who gave us a voice and stood in our corner! ✝️

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High ferritin means inflammation. There’s a lot of things that can cause inflammation thanks to modernity. Hormones being out of balance is an issue! Again, I highly recommend Dr. Elizabeth Bright. She wrote a book called Good Fat is Good for Women: Menopause. Are you getting a CAC? It’s what Ivor Cummins worked really hard to get the word out about on how to best tell if you have heart disease. I agree. Knowledge is power. I hope your are able to find root cause healing. ❤️‍🩹

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Yes he said I have inflammation from HEAD TO TOE! He did tell me to watch red meat intake. Cut down to 1/3. I barely eat meat, but I guess for my size it wouldn't take much. I have so much spike protein it looks like I've been vaccinated. I don't digest well. (I've know that a while.) On a digestion supplement for the next 2-5 years he said. The list goes on. I'll look CAC up! I know one huge problem is I worry too much. I also hold my breath. Always have. I need to find a good yoga studio and a friend to go with. Happy He has risen Day! ✝️🙏

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Fibroids=lack of iodine

Listen to some of Dr. Elizabeth Bright interviews on your favorite podcast platform. It makes sense!

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I tried Nassant (sp?) Iodine and it gave me heart palpitations. Then I read about Dr. Lugol's 2% iodine and bought some, but have been scared to try it. My ferritin is also really high and I'm having palpitations from that. Sonogram of corroded arteries in neck next month. I honestly don't believe that's the cause because it comes and goes with some supplements. They also got my testosterone through the roof and that can cause fibroids too. I got it right after an extremely stressful time where I lost weight too quickly. I needed to lose some and was doing it slowly, but nothing like a stress/depression to get the diet ball rolling! 🤣 Then had finding a lump during the holidays along with keeping it to myself to not wreck the holidays. Plus I was hoping it'd go away naturally. I still believe I may have taken a blow that caused it. It was alot bigger at first! You could see a little bump on outside at first. Now it's smaller and you can't. I have a high pain tolerance so I can cut myself and be bleeding and not notice it until I'm thinking...where did that blood on the floor come from?! I really appreciate people giving me pointers! I take every one and read up on it! Knowledge is power and personal experiences etc beat doctors alot of times! 🥰

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Echoing the query regarding association to the covid vaccine specifically - could the rise not also be linked to the virus itself? It's hard to separate that temporally (there was one year of covid with no vaccine, but not sure that is enough time and sample size to be clear).

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the deaths of young people were not tied to Covid, began only after the vaccines. The rises in 2021 and 2022 in cancer were higher than in 2020. But yes, you cant completely discount the virus, however there are so many more mechanisms supporting the vaccines as cause - adulteration, SV40 sequence, LNP's etc

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It's the clinical trial, the real one...the WarpSlow one. And the clinicians are not scientists and 'first do no harm' clearly had/has no significance to so many. I expected better from this profession. Wait til they are replaced by AI, that will be a sight to see.

We are living in epic times. With front row seats.

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I wonder if the pcr tests could be an indicator? I would not nor ever will be tested by the nose! They are still using that method in our local VA calling it a 'respiratory panel' test! I called that nurse out too and he had to admit it was a pcr test! My blood boiled. That 4 weeks was extremely traumatizing. That's what happens when hospitals are owned by woke, rich people/companies that just want to get richer!

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Keep in mind that it is not only the spike protein that is causing damage, but the lipid nano-particles themselves. They are highly inflammatory. Inflammation is a known driver of cancer. They are also cationic, meaning that cumulatively, after multiple doses, they are similar to ionizing radiation. This information was provided by Michael Palmer, MD, a Canadian physician, early-on after the deployment of these mRNA products.

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Then there are the masses of DNA plasmids found in the vials by Kevin Mckernan. And the SV40 sequence.

And the artificially modified mRNA which is unstable & subject to frame shifting - this means instead of coding for spike (which is bad enough) it gets the human body to produce completely random proteins. In unpredictable amounts & with unpredictable consequences.

Injected into billions of people. A GLOBAL CRIME.

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You are correct about everything, Astragale. When I try to share any of this information with the woefully ill-informed, I typically get no reply. The vast majority are not interested in learning the truth about anything. As long as they have thus far emerged unscathed, that is all that matters to them. They will continue to believe the "safe & effective" line of horseshit until there is absolutely no denying it any longer. How long that will take is anyone's guess.

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OK, interesting, and good to know that there are mechanisms to suggest vaccine is more likely than the vaccine [correction: virus] to be causative. Thank you both.

As far as data support goes, Dr Kory, can we separate populations known to have higher and lower vaccination rates (e.g. white collar workers have higher vax rates than many other groups) and establish (or not) stronger correlations for cancers, increased mortality, among these groups? I seem to recall you might have done some work like this based on life insurance data.

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I’ve never had a Covid jab and I did get cancer last year. Luckily caught very early. So no need for chemo or radiation. It took 4 months from the start of my diagnosis to get in for surgery as the oncology department was so swamped. So if you do have something suspicious do not delay getting it checked out.

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Same with me. Unjabbed. Shocking diagnosis, but caught so early, no need for any chemo or radiation.

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See my link above of the cath-lab manager whistleblower who confirms that these worm-like, impossible-to-tear-apart substance are being found in live patients on a regular basis. This whistleblower says that "99 percent" of these patients had been vaccinated. He also has some interesting observations about the cancer patients he is now increasingly seeing (patients who are getting chemotherapy ports). He would also know the vaccination status of these cancer patients, who are "younger and younger" and already have late-stage, spreading cancers, he said.

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Bill -💔

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In my Bible study group of 8, we had 5 unjabbed and 3 jabbed, which was a miracle because over 90% of adults in Canada fell for the brainwashing and coercion and are still true believers. 2 of the unjabbed got stage 4 cancer diagnosises and one has already passed away. 2 others had major heart attacks but survived -- one jabbed and one unjabbed. Both cancer victims have jabbed spouses. The numbers don't make sense to me.

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I am seeing this as well. What I am noticing is a striking increase in chronic "unwellness" which means constantly recurring flus, colds, etc. among boosted youth and adults in my circle, but also a frightening uptick in cancer even among unjabbed in those over 50. Unexpected and concerning. Shedding is real.

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Yes. 😞 I am unjabbed and was sick twice in the past 4 years. Once with covid in October 2022 and then 2 months after that with a terrible cold. My jabbed family and friends have had covid multiple times plus countless colds and flus.

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Yes I had Covid that year too. It was pretty serious. Pericarditis. Last year a lingering cough and cold. But not like the multiply jabbed who just can’t seem to catch a break. I am so very grateful for Dr. Kory. I’m surrounded with mostly jabbed people, so these forums where we can compare notes are important.

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I totally agree with you as I would not have survived the past 4 years without my substack community. I wish I had more people in person around me who were awake though.

I was very sick with covid as well -- fever, headache, extreme fatigue, nausea, loss of taste and smell. Absolutely no cough or cold symptoms though, which was weird. Took me 2 weeks to recover and the heart fluttering lasted 3 months.

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Sounds like they were shed on?

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I have been wondering about that.

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Excellent question.....

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There is no shedding. Every pharmaceutical product is now full of the same deadly cancer-causing material, to cover up the vax connection. People are finding the same toxic vax material in injectable freezing fluids for dentists to use (lidocaine). Also, it appears in everything injectable ( fluid ) that has been tested coming from big pharma. The more we test the more we find.

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My son has stage IV cancer....very aggressive....since getting the Pfizer vaccine. Clearly there is a link between this monstrous vaccine and cancer. He is 37 years old and has a 9 month old baby. This is criminal.

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So very very sorry. And he has a baby yet, sad and scary for all of you. I wonder if IP6, Turkey tail mushroom and juicing would help. I suggested this to my friend for his wife but doctors explicitly stated she should not take anything they haven’t approved. Juicing is just taking incredible amounts of vegetables and feeding them to your body, it can’t hurt. The Gerson protocol is an interesting idea, I suggest at least looking at it. Some of it seems odd but juicing makes sense to me, flooding the body with vitamins and minerals…how can one go wrong?

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If a doctor tells you no to tried and true healthy drugs or food...it's time for a new doctor! We DESPERATELY need to quit letting doctors bully us! In the case of cancer honestly what does someone have to lose? What feeds cancer...sugar, imo chemo/radiation, and worry. Ivermectin nor vegetables/fruits feed cancer! https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/ivermectin-could-be-a-powerful-drug?r=f0nv6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web


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Agree! The rogue doctors (not Drs Kory & Marik) often behave like little dictators - as if the patient has no say about their own body!

I steer as clear of the medical industry as I possibly can.

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Me too! I feel lucky to have found an amazing MD that is more of a homeopathic doctor! No long term big harma meds!

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Di, it might interest you to look into plant medicine. There are masses of plants & spices that have medicinal properties, from black seed to dandelion, hawthorn, hibiscus, turmeric, speedwell, sage, cloves, and many many more. Including of course astragalus!

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Yes! I actually take Tumeric, black seed, and astragalus. Even though I don't know what the Astragalus does. I'm going to look that up now! I also don't kill dandelions in my yard anymore. (I actually always liked them.) ❤️

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Try fasting, works well even coordinated with chemo. https://youtu.be/LGafhm1cuSI?si=QN6MtFCSAComOr_e

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Thank you.

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Look into Fen-ben (can't spell the full name, but it will come up). Cheap and easily available, with remarkable results. I wish him the very best.

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Thank you.

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FenBen Pure, Amazon

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Very dismaying report. It must be so difficult for you, Dr. Kory, and your colleagues to see this while having been warning about it for so long. Thanks so much for the work you all have been doing.

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Thank you for continually pushing the needle toward truth, Pierre and Mary Beth! (please forgive the pun)

Mistakes Were NOT Made

P.S. Typo alert in the subhead: "Preiffer" should be "Pfeiffer" :-)

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As the professional that actually renders the cancer diagnosis for patients, I can state quite confidently that Dr Kory's positions are not simply anecdotal in quality. The totality of the public health pandemic response has never been and will never be about science, let alone medicine. A "novel"virus pandemic and a scripted, controlled pandemic response cannot coexist unless both are one in the same

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My husband’s niece has brain cancer, aggressive. We are anxiously waiting news about her latest brain MRI to find out if it has continued to grow or has stopped growing. (Hopefully, stopped growing.) We are not positive of her vax status and we don’ t have the heart to ask her. She is just 42 years old, a wife and mother of 2. Lately, every other day there is another cancer diagnosis that we hear about. Since I live in PA, (a state where supposed health care professionals are still pushing VACCINES of every variety) I am assuming that many of our former friends and acquaintances were jabbed. I use the word former as we were not jabbed and became ex- friends due to our refusal to become human pin cushions!

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I've got a lot of former "friends" for similar reasons!

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Hello Dr. Kory, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am in Belgium and I apologize for my English which is not very good, even with the help of Googletrad. Professionally, I spent a long time in occupational health and cindynics (study of accidents, dangers and disasters). I have learned a number of things about dealing with workplace accidents which I relate here to vaxx deaths, “turbo cancers” and immune conditions.

In a work accident, most of the time, we look for and find “a” cause which leads to “a” responsible. But the aim of this reasoning is political rather than realistic. On the other hand, when we carry out a global study we almost always find a combination of factors which allows us to understand what happened (the goal is to prevent the problem from recurring).

For various cultural reasons, training, lack of intellectual rigor... we tend to conduct mechanistic (linear cause/effect) and uni-causal reasoning. However, for complex subjects (almost all subjects, therefore) it seems important to me to also think in a systemic and at least multi-causal manner.

So for deaths and illnesses linked to the Covid vaxx, perhaps the effects of the Covid vaxx do not explain everything. I propose to consider that several factors can interact in unequal ways. I think of at least 5 factors:

- the individual immune system which has been weakened, by the fear felt and the non-drug measures of the Covid crisis,

- the strongly weakened immune system of people who took the pseudo-vaxx,

- a “Bolus” effect during the injection in certain people which amplifies the negative impact of the injection on the body (subject (developed by Marc Girardot for example).

- the current very strong solar flares (studies in the 1940s showed a correlation between phases of intense activity in the life cycle of the sun (+/- 11 years) and the increase in heart attacks)

- the exponential deployment of relay antennas (4G, 5G, etc.) see for example Unprecedented increase in aggressive cancers: Dr Dietrich Klinghardt, a 48-year-old veteran doctor, warns! (aussie17.com)

- an increasingly extreme electromagnetic environment at home and everywhere (low and high frequencies) (e.g. Mark Crispin Miller has reported many sudden deaths and cancers among performers on stage or TV presenters. These people often vaxx, and therefore with a weakened immune system, are exposed to extreme bombardment of various sound and electromagnetic waves (hundreds of studies show a biological impact of EMF on the life of cells in the human body (e.g. Updated Research Summaries (bioinitiative .org).

Following my broader reasoning, we can consider that vaxx injections are an important factor, but one that is potentiated by other idiosyncratic and contextual factors.

Solar flares are beyond our control, but not electromagnetic radiation, the potential danger of which has been known since the 1940s. (e.g. researchers caused cardiac arrests in frogs by exposing them to high frequency radiation.)

A 2006 report from the World Economic Forum (of sinister reputation) recognizes that the health effects of EMF could become a major risk with enormous social and economic impacts.

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Do animals have increased cancer now as well? This would tie in any environmental factors.

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Definitely animals are the canaries in the coal mine. Cancer in animals was unheard of in the 60’s. Now it’s about 50%. But I believe as a dog owner you can reduce that risk by not vaccinating them beyond one DHP, not using flea & tick toxins (I use Wondercide) and feeding a species appropriate organic grass fed raw real food diet diet. I spend more to feed my dog than myself 🤣

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Agree! We decided not vaccinate our Jack Russell any further, especially once I watched a few vets talk about how dangerous they can be and that they don’t need the shots every year. So expensive too! We also make our own dog food and feed him a multivitamin treat everyday so we’re hoping that he will be cancer free. We also have not done flea or tick prevention since he was a puppy. We’ve had zero problems with fleas or ticks.

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Good point!

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Excellent points, and your English is excellent too. I don't know how we can avoid all the EMF, it's everywhere, and getting worse.

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Don’t forget these variables:

some vials may have contained saline solution; some vials may have contained more artificial mRNA than others; some may have contained more plasmid DNA or SV40 sequence than others. Some people will have been injected in veins; some will have made more spike protein than others; some (because of mRNA frameshifting) will have made other random non-human proteins; people will have had LNPs & non-human proteins lodging in different organs/parts of the body.

LOTS of variables may help account for the many varied deaths & injuries.

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Although I have nowhere near your background, as a holistic practitioner serving the mast cell community for more than a decade, I have come to much the same conclusions. I'd add RoundUp/glyphosate and other pesticides/herbicides though if I were to make a list such as yours. It's rare to see anyone mention solar storming and radiation and was heartened to see that on your list.

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Good news for oncologists, pharmaceutical companies, and radiation centers. BTW, caught the tail end of a commercial later night. It was about cancer, and the pharmaceutical company was Pfizer.

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Dr. Kory

Excellent. I see that you and Mary Beth got the words "pandemic" and "vaccine" in there.

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I know right?

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The claims of one whistleblower need to go viral. This Cath-lab manager states definitively that vascular surgeons are finding strange, white “fibrous” clots in “three to 10” patients EVERY WEEK - at just one U.S. hospital. This jibes with the reports of tens of thousands of embalmers.

However, the same whistleblower also believes the incidence of cancers are dramatically increasing. Excerpt:

“The whistleblower said he and his team also assist with surgeries where cancer patients who are scheduled to undergo chemotherapy receive a pre-inserted catheter port to facilitate these treatments. The number of these patients/surgeries has increased dramatically in the last two years and the patients who have already been diagnosed with late-stage, metastasizing cancers are far younger than they were in the past, the whistleblower said.”

Every truth-seeking author needs to be searching for more medical personnel who would corroborate these stunning findings, which - if confirmed - should be enough to cease mRNA shots RIGHT NOW!


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Anamihalceamdphd. substack. com you may find interesting. Thank you to all whistleblowers❣

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Thanks for your work on this. It's good to see that we are at least allowed to ask questions and point out correlations between increased mortality and the COVID response. Censorship in science can have deadly consequences, as we have seen all too clearly over the past few years.

One thing I'm curious about is why Sweden has done so much better than other Western countries in terms of all-cause excess mortality. (I wrote about this on our Substack here: https://pairodocs.substack.com/p/we-need-to-talk-about-sweden)

Any thoughts on why Sweden (highly vaccinated but no hard lockdown) is doing better? To me it is one of the few things that legitimately challenges the "it's all due to the vaccines" narrative.

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it’s not all due to the vaccines … cancers happened before the vaccination drive started but the incidence is much higher now (especially in the young population where previously they were relatively rare. there is no doubt that the “2 weeks to flatten the curve” pandemic response caused significant stress (mental, financial) in the general population … not sure that there are many people who would defend chronic stress (lockdowns, mandates) as a way to improve health and immune response. and general health of populations that have high obesity numbers is usually not great to start with …

my experience in healthcare has been that the majority of patients i’ve come across at work (and in my personal life) who have come down with recent cancers have taken 2 or more covid vaccines (not just mrna type). there is also a large subset who were in remission and had a return. not all cancers are turbo cancers … many do not follow this rapid progression and of the “normal” cancers that popped up after 2021 - in reasonably healthy people - a decent number achieved remission with conventional treatments (chemo, radiation) … the rest are progressing along to the end of the journey.

Dr Makis has done a good job of tracking the turbo cancer data to the best of his abilities but he’s just scratching the surface. there are MANY young people in my community who developed aggressive cancers but they are not famous … some died of stomach cancers within 3-5 months after diagnosis (in their 20’s … that was almost unheard of previously and definitely not with the frequency i’ve witnessed since 2021). i’ve worked in the same community for 22 years. i definitely agree with Dr Hoffe’s assessment with regards to what he witnessed in his community after the rollout … his focus was on micro-clotting primarily before the cancer incidence popped up.

cancer is just one of the likely adverse effects seen in some of the covid vaccinated. there are other adverse effects that share the temporal association too.

and last but not least, the vast majority of people who took these shots are still in good health and functioning. so obviously they fully believe that the covid vaccines are safe and effective because they themselves did not experience harm.

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Democide, unlike earlier Thalidomide, conveniently leaves few obvious and living reminders of the poisonings.

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I can’t even fathom the fact that a young professional friend who researched cancer treatments for his PhD, has a 31 year old wife with stage 3 breast cancer. Not the genetic type, estrogen fueled. It’s heartbreaking.

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My wife also had breast cancer appear rather suddenly. She wasn't vaxed, but does aesthetitican work, and I imagine her clientele are rather anxious and were keeping current on their shots. Between those instances with laser treatments (burnt skin smell is prominent in the room) and being up close to add fillers and botox, I'm sure she received shedding.

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I think having Covid may trigger cancers in some folks. I’m unjabbed, but it happened to me nine months after a Covid infection. Totally curable though, early, not dangerous in my case, but I did need surgery. No chemo or rad.

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I'm glad to hear your case was that positive. My wife did get radiation as well as surgery. They also took out all the lymph nodes on one side as there was some evidence there as well. I believe the doctors took out far too many lymph nodes, rather than have a pathologist look at them in the surgery. Then again, my wife is very risk averse, and she's looking towards more drastic measures of a double mastectomy. Frankly, it's sad that my wife is so anxiety ridden. She keeps living life expecting the other shoe to drop at any moment.

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Justin - I am so very sorry - this is stressful I am sure

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I’m so sorry, Justin. At what stage was she diagnosed? I had a Stage 1a uterine cancer. Surgery took care of it. Normally, they check just the sentinel nodes. If the sentinel node is positive, then they know the cancer has at least spread there, which means it could be in the micro circulation. They only sampled two of mine, one on either side of my pelvis and the “sentinel” or first nodes draining that area. They were both negative. Taking out too many nodes in the axilla can be hard on a person. It makes their arm swell. I’m sorry y’all are going through this. Maybe she would like to join a breast cancer support group. I’m sure she’s scared. It’s scary to be given such a diagnosis. Hoping she is completely cured!

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Thanks Mel. It was caught early, I'm thinking it was stage 1, but it seemed to have grown quickly. She did freak to some extent, and being a nurse, I can't talk any recommendations to her. She does have to wear a compression sleeve, and does some kind of treatment with an inflatable device. She's on hormone blockers now (post menopausal), as the doctors said it was hormonally linked. I appreciate your suggestion about the breast cancer support group. I'm not sure if she's given a lot of thought to it. I'll bring it up. Thanks!

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I’m a nurse too, an NP actually and practiced family med for 20 years plus. She may want to get a couple more opinions and do a lot of reading on her type and grade of cancer before she goes the double mastectomy route. I’m not certain it improves survival for some of these types of breast cancers. I wish you guys well. Thank you for responding too, Justin. Love, Mel

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But 95% safe and effective. Come on people. The government cares about us! 🙃

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Engrossed in reviewing hospital admissions around the country daily, there is no doubt of the increase in the prevalence of leukemia. lymphoma, BILATERAL breast cancer, cholangiocarcinoma (used to be rare), pancreatic cancer (in non-drinkers), etc. I left clinical practice because of the contemptuous shift in the medical community from having a desire to understand the 'why' behind disease to a focus on 'what' can be used to simply palliate the symptoms to free up time for the next patient. My research has only reinforced this unfortunate realization.

Also, while I am grateful for Dr. McCullough's extraordinary efforts in educating his peers in the specialty of cardiology, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done. An incredible amount of confusion sits around the provocation of elevated HS troponin values on the inpatient side. There remains a lack of workup on inflammation of cardiac muscle. Again, there is a true lack of interest in what is driving cardiac inflammation. It falls back on simply whether there is disease of the coronaries (Type 1 MIs), and if not, then the default response is "demand ischemia." The default overlooks all of the non-ischemic drivers of myocardial injury including myocarditis and pericarditis. As practitioners of medicine, we need to be inquisitive and not settle for an answer until it makes sense. While MRNA vaccines have created a lot of complexity in disease, it still makes sense. We just need to be free thinkers and not succumb to what the deep state wants us to believe.

Back to cancer, I believe that MRNA vaccines are not a cause of cancer but rather act as a catalyst to a latent nidus of abnormal cells waiting for something to set them afire. From the beginning, I have likened the vaccine to a Chinese firework with widespread deleterious consequences.

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Trouble is, once the employer determines the “protocol”

for every condition, and the doctor just administers the protocol, questioning & curiosity easily take a back seat. Or get completely stamped out.

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