I'm an original Wikipedian editor, but now I cannot stand it - it has been totally captured and compromised by hidden vested interests on all the contentious issues.

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Thanks everyone. My Wikipedia tag is rather desirable: I am Excalibur, also known as the sword of truth. There are many people who would give a lot of money for that tag - but (unlike Wikipedia itself) it is not for sale. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Excalibur

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Wikipedia frequently has fundraisers. I have mixed feelings about that. The bias is obvious about some topics, especially health. However I like their physics, chemistry and geography websites. I guess a reasonable question to ask is whether there is any money in distorting the truth.

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Yes, in specific categories. For example many of the most prominent leaders in the anti-lockdown movement have been vilified and discredited there, whilst all the vaccines are talked up.

Disabilities such as Down Syndrome are all described as a list of medical symptoms, so it is not very pleasant or people-first.

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So glad you are here, and saying this. I was caught off guard when a college friend and longtime Wikipedian editor became an early vocal detractor of all forms of C19 vaccine skepticism and repurposed medicines. He was quite vocal on Facebook. He's a UCB music major and composer with nothing resembling scientific or clinical expertise, but that didn't give him pause. I found it astonishing that THIS person could have been captured and compromised, but that's what it seems like.

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Well, most Wikipedia articles are uncontentious and factual, but sadly, the job of editing has gradually shifted - it was always a rather monkish task, but the rules are now so complicated that it puts off anyone but the experts, so its been easy for vested interests to capture and dominate the narratives - by using paid editors to sanitise content and create entirely vexatious impossible standards for anyone who dares to write content that fails to conform.

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Misinformation: Anything that questions the globalist agenda.

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Dr. Pierre Kory, thank you for all you do. Praying for God's richest blessings on you and yours this Christmas season and in the New Year. So much to look forward to, because of people like you who have worked so hard and sacrificed so much for the truth to be known. Praying for miraculous change. Praying for a reinstatement of your Board Certifications.

Thank you.


Donna Sudbrook

Ellicott City, Maryland

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Excellent review of the last few years of listen to the science. (Cough cough). Too many lies. But there are crusaders for truth health and Dr Kory and McCullough and others were always there even after being censored to provide the truth. I support FLCCC!

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Don’t be shy. It didn’t kill or injure ‘some.’ According to a recent very detailed Bret Weinstein interview with Edward Dowd: “The investigation revealed that between 7.3 and 15 million deaths globally could be attributed to COVID-19 vaccines, alongside 29 to 60 million disabilities and 500-900 million injuries worldwide.” Some indeed.

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I, Like you, HATED using the word "some".. But, we aint there yet...

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Yeah, my hackles went up a bit at that phrasing....

Still Dr Kory and Ms Pfeiffer have to get the Op-Ed published... Start where the student IS -- if "we" can get more 'normal folks' (I no longer call them "normies": I want to SAVE them!) to begin to wake up and smell the poisoned coffee, so much the better!

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VERY well written and informative with no bias or “judgemental” overtones. Just professional adult language spelling things out clearly. Wonderfully written. Thank you for continuing to forge a way back to sanity Dr Korry!!

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Wikipedia has the brazen cheek to ask for donations right now! It's very sad how great ideas are commandeered by very bad actors and turned against us.

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Donations to it any time. Yes.

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Well done Pierre - you lay this out perfectly!!!

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Excellent!! You hit all the high points with truthful and moderate statements. By that I mean, you could have come down hard on the liars, but you were tempered. I don’t think any rational person could find any untruths in it. I hope it can change some hearts and minds. The time is right for RFK to step in and right the wrongs that have been done in the name of science. He knows where the bodies are buried, so to speak.

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The zoonotic and wuhan lab leak stories are both bunkum.

Even epidemiologists can easily see that total deaths did not really go up until the clot shots came out.

Here's another nugget of truth.... What exactly happened in NYC etc?


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Yes. 'COVID' was a politically weaponised flu, hence why flu disappeared off the radar. None of the global COVID fascist attack on humanity would have been possible without the fraudulent RT-PCR tests. Anyone involved in the production or sale of them is drenched in the blood of millions.

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Or in Italy. Both obviously manipulated to create the illusion, but with real deaths.

Cuomo's daily briefings sounded more like an old lady complaining about the weather than someone in charge. Guilty as charge, but also a big useful idiot.


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So it's mere "coincidence" that gain of function experiments on bat viruses were being carried out in a Wuhan lab just prior to the pandemic?

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First, we are assuming there was a pandemic... There wasn't besides the crazy medical response which Dr Kory was a part of. Mind you, he was in a wing of doctors that were traveling to work in NYC... And they were isolated from others. What happened in their wing? Woodhouse76 suspects it was run by the military etc and a simulation, where they fed tons of already sick people. Meanwhile nurses were dancing in the rest of the hospital. 😂


Why would China, our adversary be ok with US govt funding of lab research on their land?

Why would we be ok with testing our "weapons" in China?

The story is there to create a false alternative to the fact that before the shots, total deaths did not increase. This is despite the increased medical murder.

What exactly is a disease that killed on average people around life expectancy and on average 2.8 comorbidities?

Statistically nothing. If anything, they sent seniors with issues to die in nursing homes.

Oh and of course the easy false positive PCR tests were used to declare many of those deaths as COVID deaths.

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NYC in Spring of 2020 was as real as can be, not a simulation - novel and reproducible pattern of severe hypoxic lung injuries with dry lung. What I believe is all the "hot spots" which did not comport with other areas were zones of "intentional release of pathogens." Not the first time as is well documented in "Escape from Wuhan" by RFK jr who details the sordid and diabolical 100 year history of biochemical warfare research and testing.

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Please review the woodhouse76 post on the choice of NYC for the epicentre of the plandemic. I am closer to Seattle which, as the home of Amazon and Microsoft, is a far more useful target than Albuquerque or Des Moines. It also permits the legend of Chinese origin and spread. Vancouver, the destination of a great fraction of the Chinese diaspora is nearby with greater daily air traffic from China than Seatac.

Mathew Crawford floated an hypothesis that the pathology resembled cadmium toxicity (if you avoid testing you won't see it!) I am a bit neutral on this theory and I do not expect any supportive study.

I am prejudiced by training and always consider CBW alongside Biological Warfare. After all, the stage magician has you look at the obvious hand. I cannot exclude a "Double Dip."

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Then why did bronchitic spasms kill people in early March, 2020?

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Do we know if that was happening to the treatments or perhaps a result of the previous flu shots?

My point is that despite COVID being what people said it was, it did not increase total deaths until after the shots came out.

Obviously, they counted a lot of vaccine issues as long COVID.


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Did it? Here in mid-central Scotland I would not certainly not have known there were any excess deaths if not for the endless media bleating on and on ad infinitum. How many died of sheer neglect and isolation in nursing homes?

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This is one thing that is hard to wake people up to.

When COVID started, I was afraid. But as the days passed, I saw a video of the NYC hospital looking pretty empty.

It looks like a staged event and woodhouse76 makes a great argument for it!

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If you read the English transcript of Pierre Chaillot at the National Citizens Inquiry in Quebec in 2023, you’ll learn that virtually all the early deaths were a combination of mislabelling and mistreatment (or non-treatment) of various respiratory illnesses. Even illnesses like tuberculosis was relabelled Covid and then left untreated until things were too far gone. All this to feign a crisis and frighten the population into compliance.

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Mislabelled choking? Peppermint oil worked to relax the spasms. How is that "mistreatment"? One-week tuberculosis? I took no isoniazid!

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Thank you Dr. Kory for shining a light on the over- use of the term “misinformation!” There should be a word for this. Something like “malapropism.”

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What was it about the pen being mightier than the sword...?

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Very well written and balanced Op-Ed. However, I take exception to the use of the word “some” when referring to the many who died or injured from these mRNA injections.

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Please share widely. If you work or are a parent be aware that state legislation is being passed to "force vaccinate" your children and those that work. The main focus of this essay centers on talk of a coming Plandemc 2.0 and Trumps ongoing support for mRNA injections. The "forced vaccination" agenda is coming back. The right to refuse any vaccine, especially a mRNA injection, is a basic human right that we must fight to preserve. The second focus is the growth of the Anti-Globalist movement and the Globalists attempts to label us as Pro-Russia, Xenophobes and Racists which, of course is nonsense. The essays are for those that want an indepth analysis of current events. If you were to print it out it would be 61 pages. Don't do that.

Trump's Election Victory is major win for the Anti-Globalist Movement World Wide

But his recent statements about mRNA injections are concerning


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Well, duh! I've been trying for years to educate the dumb lemmings that he is a fraud and part of the evil that is to come. Cognitive dissonance and pride rules the supporters.

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One term that gets my vote for elimination is "malinformation", which is supposedly information that although it may be true, is somehow harmful. Only a truly Orwellian government could even conceive of such an idea.

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I agree, however it sure was fun to call out WA state representative Patty Murray on X for her MISINFORMATION for saying RFK will remove polio vaccines! He’s never said that. He wants actual studies by independent parties. So yes! I told her she was spreading misinformation. 🤣

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If true studies are done on the polio vaccine they surely to cease to exist.

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