Jun 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

YEAH!!!(I'm air boxing around the living room). THAT'S a letter!!! Thank you, Dr. Kory! I'm printing this out for my doctors and passing on to friends. Exactly!!!

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I love the "boxing around the living room." Made my day - big heart emoji for you

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deletedJun 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
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oh my, you are after my heart :)

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Incredible work! Thank you. You are among a small group of heroes fighting this epic war for humanity and truth, and your legacy will reflect your valiant leadership.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Bravo Dr. Kory👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻, another piece de resistance!!!! Also, what enlightened parents “she” has, sadly we are too few and far between these days. The camp “powers that be” will be in tears by the end of that read when they are confronted with REAL science!!!

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

I heard your talk today on CHD/Tea Time Thank you so much! We are here and we stand with you! 🙏🏻👏🏼💗

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

No one has worked harder and more tirelessly than you Dr. Pierre. The world is indebted to your devotion and we can only pray your book will help get the truth out there. People need to know how to protect themselves from these Big Pharma Drug Cartels; evil beyond our imagination ever could have predicted. WE THANK YOU for exposing their lies!

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Thank you Pierre. Yet another great blow for freedom and against tyranny

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This should be published as an open letter to every university in this country! Absolutely brilliant!

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We need a repository of these so doctors can cut and paste.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

I sincerely thank you for taking the time to write this comprehensive email consolidating valuable current data, studies, observations with supporting links. I have read many of the studies and data you mentioned but having everything consolidated is invaluable. I have pre-ordered your book.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

I’m so grateful for this thorough and thoughtful letter on behalf of “Grace” and all the other young adults that still face this mandated injection for employment. It’s horrific to witness. Thank you for reporting TRUTH.

p.s. Your book will be mine once published and available. Good luck and thanks again.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

What a wonderful doctor Grace has betcha a nickle the camp officials jaws hit the floor reading through this and not a single naughty word. It's one of the most comprehensive collections of arguments and studies anywhere & super helpful broken into sections.. nice copy / paste hunks of text. You're awesome Dr Kory so glad the practice is following your healing heart. <3

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

You deserve the Nobel peace prize

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Here’s an idea for song lyrics: UNdo the WHO, who are you? WEF in the mirror is really just a FEW. UNdo the WHOoooo. Shots rained down all around the world from a man with half a face, WHO tells you it’s now a threat to feel a warm embrace. Hidden smiles fade away as bombs come crashing in. WHO set the stage for this outrage that’s lead to empty plates? Was this a plan to UNdo man and reset time and space? Are we just pawns in a mad man’s game to cull the human race? UNdo the WHO, who are you? WEF in the mirror is really just a FEW. UNdo the WHO. ☺️👍

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Excellent! Thank you for sharing. I’m a doctor too and I’ve been struggling to convince parents not to vaccinate their kids. This letter will help me a lot from now on. The truth will prevail. We will win. Bless you!

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Thank you for a remarkably concise (heh) and lucid summary of evidence to date. Please don't let the bastards get you down.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Fantastic work. A truly impressive article. Thank you. Pfizer will absolutely hate it, which means you are right on target.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Wow, A stunning collection of evidence.

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