I’m so glad we have Dr. Kory and we all can learn from him. But I must say, what a crime it is that these medical students and residents, etc., will never be a student of Dr. Kory.

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I agree! I do miss bedside teaching but have come to terms with everything that has happened to me and my former career.. Onwards and upwards my friends

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You risked everything EVERYTHING for truth and honor and what it truly means to be a physician. You were relieving suffering and helped countless people. Thank you, Dr. Kory.

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Great op-ed! While Trump did state HCQ seems to help & Peter Navarro acted on having a supply of it ready, the FDA shut it down in the early days.That being said now that we know much more about these vaccines & covid Trump should make a statement about it. Sadly,I know this will not happen.

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exactly. I tried to get HCQ day one.. my doctor who is my friend told me even if she did prescribe the pharmacies.. who apparently got orders from HHS .. (all so squishy as to actually WHO was or still is in charge).. wouldn't fill it.. and I worked in the VIROLOGY field with HER! I had not idea.. and no one will ever know. but guessing it started w/ FDR before my time.

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I live in TX and my functional medicine doctor wrote me a script for Ivermectin, and I was able to get a bottle from a compounding pharmacy. I didn't need it but it was good to have on hand. Tennessee has it OTC but that was too late for the first wave.

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Everyone needs to find their locally-owned compounding pharmacy and establish that relationship now.

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Your doctor was right. I got a RX for Ivermectin. Walgreens refused to fill it. Private local pharmacy. When I went to refill it later (to have a supply on hand), same pharmacy refused. State regulators would strip their licenses.

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Yes- I was refused by several large pharmacies and even a small independent pharmacy in a large city. Finally, a small pharmacy in a small city dispensed it without any questions.

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Trump spoke out many times. Also, only Biden/Deep State’s vaccine has the MRNA. Trump’s did not.

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What makes you think Trump's did not?

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I have seen the evidence Jennifer. Pretty soon the whole world will see it. That is all that I am saying for now.

Take care.

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This is a lie and the epitome of gaslighting. Shame on you

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You don’t know me. I don’t lie.

You just got blocked.

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That’s one of the most retarded comments ive read on substack. The Trump cultists are as braindead as the jab cultists.

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Trump questioned Fauci and tried to save us and stop the lockdowns and allow ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc. But he was lied to by Fauci and Dr. Birx, etc at every turn. They gave him false information, they lied, they lied to the whole world to accomplish their WEF world economic forum depopulation mass formation psychosis operation. Trump tried to help make holistic natural generic treatments known, but they made fun of him with their media lap dogs, who lie incessantly for a living because they are Marxist communist Democrats as well as the Biden Obama Clinton crime cartel, and all of the Democrats.

So don’t blame Trump!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥. Obama is the one who started the brain initiative mRNA synthetic nano particle device crisper K9 DNA editing quantum.injections in the brain initiative with Doctor DiGiordano in DARPA. That’s where all of this depopulation pandemic pandemic came from Obama and his favorite author who wrote about doing it and depopulating. Yuval Noah Harari of the WEF world, economic forum. And don’t forget Klaus Schwab, the Sith Lord of depopulation.

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Then he needs to come out and say that. Stop pushing the jab and boasting that it is the greatest thing on earth. It's time to tell the truth or we will know what the truth is if he doesn't. You can support Trump, but please don't be blind.

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Exactly, TiredCitizen!

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Sadly, his ego will not allow him to say that. You are exactly correct, but one of his many character flaws is his inability to admit a mistake. Regardless, I will be voting for Trump because another 4 years of Biden and the risk of a dems controlling both chambers of congress is beyond frightening - our republic will not survive.

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Tired Citizen,

You and others have only about half of the information necessary to make a decision on whether or not Trump was pushing what you think was a vaccine. This is due in large part to the lying media, they reinterpreted what Trump said and spun it because they suffer from TDS. Just like they claimed Trump said to inject bleach IV, again they lied!

Let me tell you what will very likely come out before this year is over:

1. The C-19 "vaccines" were patented well before 2019 (DJT knew this),

2. The WEF and Fauci planned to have the entire USA on lock down until at least 2025 and longer if enough people were not dead by then,

3 Trump had to make the hard decision, I doubt you are any other of his blamers would have had the guts to do. In the environment DJT was faced with, such as "experts" like Fauci and Birx et al, lying to the American Public with a smile on their face, and State Medical Boards and State Pharmacy Boards having their pockets lined with Big Pharma money, Trump had a choice; A. Go with the lies the "experts" and the media et al were foisting upon the American public and let a 5 year lock down happen which would have had a multitude higher death count or B. Force the hand of Big Pharma, the WEF, Fauci and Birx and the State Medical Boards and Boards of Pharmacy and institute Operation Warp Speed to force the vaccine to be made know and show the world who the real Jack Asses were.

By doing so, Trump saved many more lives than would have been alive today if we were still under the WEF et al concievd lock down.

by the way, you can call me what you want, but the truth will come out and I will be exonerated. why don't you just wait and see?

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And Trump was there to give the final approval to proceed. Trump after leaving office continued to push the jab. Prove me wrong. I'll wait.

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Tired Citizen,

Thank you for proving me right and you wrong!!!

Go back and read my first sentence above. Do you have problems understanding plain English? That sentence says "You and others have only about half of the information necessary to make a decision on whether or not Trump was pushing what you think was a vaccine."

You did nothing to prove it was a vaccine!

Now prove that what Trump was pushing was really a "vaccine." I made the statement that put down the gauntlet for you to prove something and you ran and hid instead of proving anything.

I'll add one more thing to the above; You are just like the pitiful Physicians who cry "Trump pushed the vaccine." All they are doing is trying to deflect the fact that they were trained and licensed Physicians and they were duped by Fauci ,Birx et al. But to hide their ignorance and guilt they try to blame a non-Physician who was advised by supposedly the best physicians out there.

A 7 year old can see that it was not Trump, but the Physicians who were the ones to blame.

By the way, I do not accept the lying statements from the news media as to what Trump said so any statement that was reported by the media as what Trump said won't do cut it.

If you are so sure, go back to what Trump originally said he was considering as a vaccine and why he was considering it as a vaccine. Then you will know what he was talking about.

If you can't do that, give it up!

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Where did I write the word "vaccine?" I didn't. These things get so tiresome. I'll write it again. You can worship someone and be on the other side of the political spectrum. It is still worship. It is still a dangerous thing to do. Now, I'm off to do something productive with my time instead of writing books here responding to people and getting all upset because someone dares disagrees with me or anything Trump says or does. He is not a god.

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"And Trump was there to give the final approval to proceed. Trump after leaving office continued to push the jab" In the current English "jab' has come to be synonymous with "vaccine."

Thank you for ceding defeat.

By the way, I don't worship Trump, I happen to have years experience in the Health Care field and a Doctorate Level Degree and speak from doing my own research before speaking or writing.

Have a nice day.

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He does not push the jab anymore. He was lied to by everyone in the NIH CDC, FDA, and all the Democrats and all the bureaucrats who are the deep state who control our government. He was pushing back against them and they made fun of him and smeared him for it. They said that he told people to drink bleach when he was talking about chlorine dioxide and different different supplements that doctors I was following were saying to do to get the spike protein out of you. The synthetic nanoparticle device CRISPR Cas9 DNA-editing quantum dot mRNA DNA-editing device. Doctors including Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr Stella, Emmanuel, Dr. Simone Gold , Dr. Lee Merritt , Dr. Meryl Nass , Dr. Aaron Khariarty, Steve Kirsch , and so many I can’t remember them all … and RFK Junior . Like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, N acetyl cysteine, D3, vitamin C, quercetin. Trump was trying to get the information out and he was saying no one should be forced to take the jab. He was saying people should have a choice and he was doubt about the vaccines , and he was smeared by the enormous powerful lapdog media fake news industrial complex that is run by the democrat communist crime cartel permanent bureaucrats.

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Trump is absolutely still pushing the vax!

3 months ago he was praising himself for the vaccine using Biden’s own words. Trump wrote on MARCH 10, 2024

"'The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to save lives… Turning setback into comeback!' YOU'RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!" he wrote in his Truth Social post on Thursday that has been liked more than 22,000 times.

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Did I say "anymore?" No, I didn't. I said he pushed the jab after leaving office which he DID. ReeCee, you are in Trump worship which is a very dangerous thing. Just be very careful. It doesn't matter what side of the fence you are on.

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Don’t fool yourself. The pharmaceutical $$$$$$, who really run everything, said “Jump!” and Trump said “How high?” He didn’t “try” to do anything. After Biden’s 2024 state of the union address Trump proudly STILL (idiotically) took and claimed credit and responsibility for what he accomplished with the “warp speed” vax. He did little or nothing then, what makes you think he’ll be any better now? You’re forgetting what actually happened.

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Exactly right, Isabel. Too many people view Trump as a god which is a very dangerous thing to do. I will get the hate for writing this, but here it is - worshipping Trump is no different than those who worship Obama. You are just on opposite sides. You are putting a god in place of the real God and setting yourself up for what is coming when a man will rise up and people will bow the knee and kiss his feet.

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That is not true, and I don’t kiss his feet. But he gave us freedom and the best economy so that our kids can survive and be able to buy a car and get married and buy a house and have children. The Biden Obama Clinton crime cartel enemy within have destroyed our economy so I don’t know why Pierre Kory and all of you will try to smear Trump right now when he’s debating the entire Democrat communist Marxist media industrial complex, including Hollywood, every newspaper, every magazine, every teacher in school and college, the deck is stack so high against him and then why in the hell do we need you on our side to go against him? I do not understand. We need him to win so that we don’t go under so that we’re not in World War III with China, Russia, and Iran, so that we can afford milk and eggs and so that our children can afford a home and groceries and have children to keep our society going and you smearing Trump right now is not helping.

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You missed the point of what I said. I didn't write you would kiss Trump's feet. Sadly, you don't seem to know where these days are heading. You are in the midst of Trump worship which is no different than those that worship Obama or Hillary Clinton. You are just on opposite sides. And here's a newsflash - we are already in WW3. And please tell me how I'm "smearing" Trump. That word is usually used for someone who is not telling the truth. Please share what wrote that is wrong. I'll wait. Go ahead.

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Exactly. He had all the right people giving him all the right info and did the exactly wrong things.

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Keep telling yourself that.

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He filled the WH and his Cabinet with CFR members and people who were working from day 1 against him (remember all the leaking?) Now we know two of them were Mike Pompeo and Mike Pence.

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We all were (fed false info). Trump still doesn’t know it (he’s still taking “credit” for the disastrous vax)

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Yes and no. Trump got played, no doubt, and you are correct re: the pharmaceutical industry. However, Trump came out early and stated - correctly - that HcQ could be a game changer. Leftists and the MSM (but I repeat myself) went into hysterics and smeared anyone promoting any early treatment protocols claiming they were dangerous despite both HcQ and IVM being FDA approved with extraordinarily robust safety profiles proven over decades of use.

I'll repeat a post I made earlier:

While I would like to see a Nuremberg 2.0 trials re: Covid, it will never happen unless individuals like Ron Johnson are elected president in a number of western governments. While neither Trump or Biden distinguished themselves in the handling of Covid, Trump at least did not call for mandates. Frankly, Trump got played. When he stated - correctly - that HcQ could be a game changer, he was vilified and any doctors who supported his claim were smeared by the MSM. I am not saying HcQ is better, or not, than IVM, but that it was another early treatment option that Fauci and the FDA ignored. Trump got played due to his ego - Fauci and others encouraged the development of a "vaccine" which was nothing of the sort. But Trump took the bate and instituted "Warp Speed" to develop the clot shot instead of pressing forward with early treatment protocols because he listened to Fauci and Birx.

Eisenhower's farewell address is best known for his comment on the military industrial complex, but is not remembered so much for his second warning "“The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” –Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961

Covid policy, like climate change policy, indeed became captured by a "scientific-technological elite".

While I would love to have both candidates held accountable - even more so all the supporting actors - it is not going to happen. While I extremely dislike both candidates, my fear is that if the dems win and control both chambers of congress, this country will not survive the next 4 years. Sun Tzu: "The supreme art of war is to subdue your enemy without fighting". We are being subdued by an evil and corrupt internal enemy known as the democratic party (and republicans are not much better) with their open border policies and their war on fossil fuels - the two most important issues re: national security. The drive to net zero is weakening our grid and the open borders are allowing who knows how many terrorists and other enemies in.

Time to wake up and rid ourselves of dems first, then RINOs like McConnel next. Get involved with the Convention of States. Look to downsize the federal bureaucracy - 2.9 million federal employees in the legislative branch alone earning on average over $143k per year including benefits resulting in over $400 billion cost per year. That does not include the judiciary or the executive (unless all those 3 letter agencies actually fall under the executive branch).

DC is corrupt beyond repair as is the MSM. I live in Florida and if it were possible, I would prefer to secede along with other like minded states, and I would work to expel the brain dead leftists who support the policies promoted by leftist politicians.

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Hmmm… Ron Johnson for president? Now that’s something we can agree on.

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Uniparty.... All of politics is one gigantic group of lying narcissists. They're ALL at fault for the ruination of our Country. We haven't forgotten anything, there are too many lies and diversions to have real truth. Still, in the end we will have to vote and Biden isn't (never was) competent. He's a useful tool to his party. We know just enough to realize Trump will be a better choice.

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Thank you ReeCee! I'm so tired of TDS propaganda accusing Trump in order to promote their nefarious agenda. He is currently our only hope.

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I think Trump is a con man and embarrassingly ignorant, but I feel the same way about Biden. So there is no nefarious agenda. I lived through Covid, lost two relatives to the jab, and have six close family and friends with vaccine injury. I’m a one issue voter. RFK is the only one to address the insanity of our current “health” system. THAT is what will affect each and every one of us. And our health is the only thing that matters to me and my family at this point.

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But ... RFK Jr has so far not backed off one inch from his climate fanaticism, and the theory of CO2 catastrophe is 100% pseudoscience.

My suspicion is that RFK Jr is sort of a plan B or C or D figure if the exposure of Covid fraud gets too widespread. If he were to become president then the powers that be could always use CO2 emergency to advance their nefarious agenda of technological intrusion into all our lives. What do you suppose RFK would do if suddenly all the science journals came out and said we were at a dangerous and imminent and catastrophic tipping point? How about travel and consumption limits, for starters? And quashing dangerous misinformation, too. https://www.climatedepot.com/2014/09/21/robert-f-kennedy-jr-wants-to-jail-his-political-opponents-accuses-koch-brothers-of-treason-they-ought-to-be-serving-time-for-it/

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Good points… however, living near the Hudson River, which was a virtual cesspool and dumping ground to the industries that let their sludge run freely for many years, seeing his advocacy and cleaning up this river that now I can kayak in and enjoy, I tend to trust that he is more concerned with polluters (as am I), then with the whole other climate rhetoric. Again, your mileage may vary, but I have listened and read enough from RFK to know that he is very strong on personal freedom. When he was growing up, you could bring a gun to school for show and tell! So the dirty industries are spending millions to discredit him, the pharmaceutical industry is quaking in their boots, lifetime politicians, both sides of the aisle, receive campaign donations from those industries, legacy media gets 75% of its advertising budget from pharmaceuticals, as I said, seeing how bad the corruption is in our hospitals and healthcare, this is the one issue I trust him to correct. The other two buffoons don’t even know or acknowledge it’s happening.

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I agree, I am old enough to remember RFK,jr helping his brother Joe & younger brother Michael w/the Citgo Oil deal with Hugo Chavez. He is also a disaster on illegal immigration! I do support him on his freedom of speech & medical freedom stances.

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I agree. And most people don't know his stance on abortion.

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While I agree with your assessment of Trump, I disagree with your assessment of RFK - not on Covid and Vaccines, but on other important issues. From a prior post:

While I would like to see a Nuremberg 2.0 trials re: Covid, it will never happen unless individuals like Ron Johnson are elected president in a number of western governments. While neither Trump or Biden distinguished themselves in the handling of Covid, Trump at least did not call for mandates. Frankly, Trump got played. When he stated - correctly - that HcQ could be a game changer, he was vilified and any doctors who supported his claim were smeared by the MSM. I am not saying HcQ is better, or not, than IVM, but that it was another early treatment option that Fauci and the FDA ignored. Trump got played due to his ego - Fauci and others encouraged the development of a "vaccine" which was nothing of the sort. But Trump took the bate and instituted "Warp Speed" to develop the clot shot instead of pressing forward with early treatment protocols because he listened to Fauci and Birx.

Eisenhower's farewell address is best known for his comment on the military industrial complex, but is not remembered so much for his second warning "“The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” –Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961

Covid policy, like climate change policy, indeed became captured by a "scientific-technological elite".

While I would love to have both candidates held accountable - even more so all the supporting actors - it is not going to happen. While I extremely dislike both candidates, my fear is that if the dems win and control both chambers of congress, this country will not survive the next 4 years. Sun Tzu: "The supreme art of war is to subdue your enemy without fighting". We are being subdued by an evil and corrupt internal enemy known as the democratic party (and republicans are not much better) with their open border policies and their war on fossil fuels - the two most important issues re: national security. The drive to net zero is weakening our grid and the open borders are allowing who knows how many terrorists and other enemies in.

Time to wake up and rid ourselves of dems first, then RINOs like McConnel next. Get involved with the Convention of States. Look to downsize the federal bureaucracy - 2.9 million federal employees in the legislative branch alone earning on average over $143k per year including benefits resulting in over $400 billion cost per year. That does not include the judiciary or the executive (unless all those 3 letter agencies actually fall under the executive branch).

DC is corrupt beyond repair as is the MSM. I live in Florida and if it were possible, I would prefer to secede along with other like minded states, and I would work to expel the brain dead leftists who support the policies promoted by leftist politicians.

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So because we remind you of the truth you claim we have TDS? THAT is the problem. You are just on the opposite side of ODS (I'll let you figure that out). When you can't accept facts that can be PROVEN, then you have fallen for the same trap as those you claim to be fighting against.

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If you're speaking falsely against Trump then you have TDS. You're the ones who CAN'T ACCEPT FACTS. YOU'RE IN THE TRAP AND REFUSE TO SEE IT. I believe there's a vax for TDS. Get it. FJB.

🇺🇲❤️MAGA! GO TRUMP! ❤️🇺🇲

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See that is just it: if anyone speaks one word of truth about Trump and his Presidency (and after) we are called names and told we have TDS. That is EXACTLY the problem. You can't have a descenting opinion on ANYTHING without being called names like a preschooler. That makes YOU no different than Hillary or Obama worshippers who do the exact same thing. Trump is not a god. Please be careful there.

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exactly it was the DEEP STATE HHS.. which still retain its powers to this day.

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Your Orange savior ignored RFK in .2017 and signed off on the birth of Warp Speed instead. Maybe out of fear for his life, but it is what it is. And he refuses to apologize for any of it. He will trade your life for his in a nanosecond. Controlled opposition. I voted for him twice. Never again.

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Trump brought in Scott Atlas to serve on the covid committee, but Atlas realized that he would not be allowed to make any significant contribution. Mike Pence ostensibly led the committee, but it was really Birx and Fauci. Trump also brought in Dr. Paul Alexander, but he was never allowed to begin working, as the outcry against him was so great. There's no way around the fact that Trump made poor choices. He can't admit any wrongdoing or mistakes, so it is hard to trust that he'll do any better next time. I have to think he's a better choice for 2024 than Biden, but he's no savior.

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Operation warp speed spreading poison to every corner of the world continues brought to you by the self proclaimed father of the vaccine Donald Trump. He says he saved millions of lives and pushed boosters at his rallies. Stop deceiving yourself

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Trump needs to admit that he was bamboozled. He needs to admit that the jabs have harmed many and did not turn out as expected or advertised (to put it mildly).

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Terrific op-ed, thank you! Please note that people may watch tonight's presidential debate in real time WITH RFK, Jr., here: https://therealdebate.com/ . It will also be webcast on X. RFK, Jr. will be answering the same questions posed to Trump and Biden. Please help spread the word!

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I am TOTALLY watching the debate at that link - 100%

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It wasn’t a debate. Not the same debate structure.

Also, President Trump still has a gag order from a fraudulent justice system.

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Thank you for this! I’ve posted as a NOTE on my Substack.

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Will this be recorded? It will be 4am here when the debate kicks off.

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I don't know for certain but I would be surprised if it were not. I would suggest checking the website after the fact.

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Dr. Kory…. I can’t express how grateful I am for all you do. Seriously, thank you so much!🙏🏻❤️

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My 40 year-old daughter died on 12/12/20 after being diagnosed with COVID-19. The treatment "therapy" was Gilead's Remdesivir which caused kidney failure, brain bleeds and strokes. She left behind three children...a son 17 and two daughters 3 and 6. I consider her death to be unnecessary and in many ways criminal. Her husband (now 44 years old) was an employee of the German government and was forced to be vaccinated. Two doses of rMNA Astra Zeneca and a Moderna booster. He now suffers from "long vax" and is unable to work due to headaches, fatigue and joint pain. How much more pain can inflicted on my family by Big Pharma and FDA guessing?

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My heart aches for you. This is so terribly sad.

If the plandemic did not kill our loved ones, it destroyed relationships and trust.

I have to add: my entire family (except hubbs) and extended, think I am "nuts" because of my common sense advice and information.

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"... my entire family (except hubbs) and extended, think I am "nuts" because of my common sense advice and information."

Welcome to the club.

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I am learning that we are not alone.

I am okay with it. I am an olden nurse. the whole masks and shot thing was just insane,. I never learned crap like that in school. Hey remember 15 years ago when antibacterial soap was a thing...and then "experts" decided that is was not good because ??? I can't remember.... they discovered it made kids antibiotic resistant? or some other dilemma SO, they wiped the shelves of that disaster, only to come out in 2020 with antibacterial soap, antibacterial hand sanitizer laundry sanitisers, sprays of many styles and strengths and OH on the bottles it says it kills all the germs etc etc but also Covid 19 hahaha hahahahaha ahahaha I am sure it does but remember when everyone miss took President Trump about antibacterials and accused him of suggesting drinking bleach. Oh gosh, what a mess

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I'm so very sorry, Gary. I know it means nothing to help ease your pain, but there are those of us shedding a tear for you and your losses.

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Excellent. The gloves are off!

Or should I say “on”. You’re in the ring.

The gauntlet has been thrown.

This is the battle. Lifelong I dare say.

Never give up. Never forget.

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Thank you for all you do. I have often referred people to your wonderful site. My daughter Elizabeth Tringali PA-C administered Ivermectin, and IVs with high C, D3, Zinc, quercetin and Resveratrol among many other remedies and we were over in 3 days after contracting COVID in 2021. God bless you and all the other professionals who work hard and have the best remedies for health care.

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Do you mean Delta or some other variant? Covid was over after April 2020.

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It’s still around. There are healthy people still contracting the virus.

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The Communist News Network will serve up softballs on the Covid Plandemic Slow Kill Bio Weapons and their continued distribution because their Biggest Sponsors are Big Pharma...

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I see no reference in the editorial about shoddy care supervised on high by non-clinicians. Physicians, often under severe threat of job loss for non-compliance with the bestial orders from the instigators of the depopulation movement, too often followed and created the overt observation that they were mere automatons who cared more about their incomes/jobs than their patients. One dumbkopffuhrer Cuomo was apparently delighted when he sentenced ill seniors to convalescent facilities that had fetishistic joy in using ventilators and neglect and large numbers of seniors were summarily murdered. All in a day's work, you know. I was rather taken back by an offhanded remark by Dr. Kory alluding to his observation that only Israel's welfare was worth considering while devastation and huge numbers of slaughtered Palestinian's was some sort of trivial ho-hum that could be easily blotted from the record. Like it or not, we are very soon going to have to get serious about this virus/no virus situation.

Dr. Kory is to be commended for his work in behalf of humanity. His testimonies before Congress make us all mindful that we are currently laboring under a bastard regime, our government and its handmaidens are rather proud to show and tell us how happy they are subjecting us to the current version of totalitarianism which can only lead to enormous stress and strain which may well lead to massive bloodshed. Thank you, Dr. Kory.

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How convenient that people like you who bleed for the "palestinans" forget October 7th. And please provide references for the "devastation and huge numbers of slaughtered "palestinians." I'll wait.

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I'm sure you realize the world DID NOT begin on October 7, 2023 (as horrific and inexcusable as the atrocities on October 7, 2023 were). "Israel good, Palestine bad" would be one of the most warped and biased stances that anyone could take.



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There is no such thing as the West Bank. That is ancient Judea and Samaria. The word Jew comes from Judea and Jerusalem. All of the land, including Saudi Arabia and Jordan are within the boundaries outlined in the Bible, that the one true God of the Bible said is set aside as HIS land for his people, the descendents of Abraham, Isaac and JACOB. Not Abraham and Ishmael. And God said, “Woe to those who divide my land. Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed.”

Joel 3:2 ESV

I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land,

Genesis 15:18 ESV

On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, “To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates,

Joel 3:1-2 ESV

“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land,

Zechariah 12:3

On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it.

Joel 3:1-21

“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land, and have cast lots for my people, and have traded a boy for a prostitute, and have sold a girl for wine and have drunk it. “What are you to me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? Are you paying me back for something? If you are paying me back, I will return your payment on your own head swiftly and speedily. For you have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried my rich treasures into your temples. ...

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Huge numbers of slaughtered Israelis is some sort of trivial ho-hum to you, I see. If you start a war by murdering 1200, kidnapping 240 more, well FAFO.

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How convenient they forget those innocent people. How convenient they forget what happened to a baby and what they did to the innocent BABY?! (That is the one story that will always stick in my mind.)

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Huge compared to what? Israeli's lie about most everything connected to this war. Never forget Ernst Zundel and David Irving, bearers of the truth!

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Virtually the WHOLE world is against Israel now. Why? Why??

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There is no such thing as the West Bank. That is ancient Judea and Samaria. The word Jew comes from Judea and Jerusalem. All of the land, including Saudi Arabia and Jordan are within the boundaries outlined in the Bible, that the one true God of the Bible said is set aside as HIS land for his people, the descendents of Abraham, Isaac and JACOB. Not Abraham and Ishmael. And God said, “Woe to those who divide my land. Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed.”

Joel 3:2 ESV

I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land,

Genesis 15:18 ESV

On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, “To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates,

Joel 3:1-2 ESV

“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land,

Zechariah 12:3

On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it.

Joel 3:1-21

“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land, and have cast lots for my people, and have traded a boy for a prostitute, and have sold a girl for wine and have drunk it. “What are you to me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? Are you paying me back for something? If you are paying me back, I will return your payment on your own head swiftly and speedily. For you have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried my rich treasures into your temples. ...

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Oh gosh yes, my heart aches for those past years, literally murdering people on starvation, drugs, and filthy ventilators.

This is stuff of Mengele level criminality

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The disconnect about the bioweapon jab and what Trump and others are saying about it stretches all measures of INCREDULITY . Congrats on the Op-Ed

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Trump questioned Fauci and tried to save us and stop the lockdowns and allow ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc. But he was lied to by Fauci and Dr. Birx, etc at every turn. They gave him false information, they lied, they lied to the whole world to accomplish their WEF world economic forum depopulation mass formation psychosis operation. Trump tried to help make holistic natural generic treatments known, but they made fun of him with their media lap dogs, who lie incessantly for a living because they are Marxist communist Democrats as well as the Biden Obama Clinton crime cartel, and all of the Democrats.

So don’t blame Trump!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥. Obama is the one who started the brain initiative mRNA synthetic nano particle device crisper K9 DNA editing quantum.injections in the brain initiative with Doctor DiGiordano in DARPA. That’s where all of this depopulation pandemic pandemic came from Obama and his favorite author who wrote about doing it and depopulating. Yuval Noah Harari of the WEF world, economic forum. And don’t forget Klaus Schwab, the Sith Lord of depopulation.

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agree. Trump was always walking on eggshells. Every day of his presidency was under the close scrutiny of his enemies. Every day!

I honestly believe Covid was stirred up to get rid of Trump. The election was a disaster and everyone knows it. If you do not believe that, well then what other foul machinations were going on then?

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You are right about that. But here is my thing: I can understand if his back was against the wall when it all hit the fan. He was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. But then he is out of office and STILL promotes the jabs and how great everything was when true SCIENTIST knew. That is what I want answered. Trump, come on out and tell the truth. You will be so much more respected by more and more people if you do. Stay silent and you continue to feed into the feeling that you are just the controlled opposition (which, folks, I hate to tell you, is true. No vote you make on the national level makes any different. Think this election will be different? Then tell me one concrete thing that has been done to secure our election and vote. Tell me one thing from the 2000 Baker/Carter Commission that has been implemented to ensure a fair election. I remember the boasting of the "RED WAVE 2022!" How did that turn out?

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THat was then... this is now... he has a chance to come clean about the bioweapon and say that he was bambozzled but he has not

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Exactly right, KP

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Great article my only comment is only comment is that NO ONE ACTUALLY KNOWS.. and I say this from a research scientist in virology and retired from medicine point of view WHO GAVE THE GOVT the powers that made BIG PHARMA.. yes.. and the AMA (American Medical Doctors) the permission to do what was done via PUBLIC MEDICAL EMERGENCY under the Dept of HHS. Certainly neither Potus knew what that meant but the my doctor sure did. I called her up the day I heard which was like DAY ONE from another scientist and she said should could NOT PRESCRIBE HYDROXY to me but I did get the Z Pack. I never got the vaccine and I am well over 70. BUT I KNEW.. and so do you. DEEP HHS SWAMP is RESPONSIBLE and no one is accountable :) IMHO for which I was banned from many websites from DAY ONE. Isabell

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completely agree.

If you speak up even in the smallest circles (family) you will get shut out.

I spoke up three years ago when they came up with the vax for the little kiddos (I kept my mouth shut for that long) and my son in law pounded me. I have been estranged from my dear daughter and her three kiddos and dick head son in law for over two years now. It is painful

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G'day Rosemary keep a diary of your thoughts & how you fought the good fight as a true historical perspective for the sake of your grandchildren. Don't bag out their Dad, if they're smart they'll work it out for themselves.Let them know you NEVER stopped loving them but you had to stay true to yourself. Keep videos & substacks & commentary. Leave recorded commentary, if you can, as if you are actually speaking to them, use their names.Tell them who the bad guys are & pray. All the best.👍🇦🇺

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thank you Roc. This is a very wonderful response. I am grateful

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So very sorry, Rosemary.

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Totally correct

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Best. Move. Ever.

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Those are excellent questions, and I think it would be fair to expect answers from both candidates. My personal thoughts: I have always said that a president is dependent upon the quality of their advisors, and Trump chose two of the worst medical advisors he could have. (there was another advisor, but he wasn't heard over the voices of Fauci and Birx) However, while getting a vaccine R & D going, Trump still publicly chose unpopular early intervention COVID treatment for himself - an option throughout much of the the pandemic was either inadequately publicized (mononuclear antibodies), or censored (ivermectin, etc) by the media and the Biden admin. There was much unknown about COVID during Trump's administration - and he was handicapped by at least one corrupt medical advisor who either didn't know the truth, or if he did - wouldn't tell the truth.

But there were a lot of mistakes made early on. I remember discovering FLCCC some time early in COVID, and deciding, based upon the evidence- based COVID protocol - that this was how I (as a high risk individual) was going to survive COVID. There was only one thing which bothered me about FLCCC - at the time they were recommending the COVID vaccine. It was disappointing, but I shrugged, because it didn't automatically mean their COVID protocol was useless. I'd made my decision against taking an experimental COVID vaccine based upon poor previous experiences with the (fully tested and approved) RotaShield vaccine (my child), Vioxx (myself), and a flu vaccine. (A nurse colleague) I figured that if the FLCCC truly followed evidence -based medicine, they would change their vaccine recommendation based upon the evidence. And they did.

The lesson here is: Some folks (previously known as conspiracy theorists) knew early on that a lot of the so-called public health measures/mandates were blown out of proportion and not guided by medical science. We also didn't trust the vaccine. Others look longer to see the light. If the FLCCC was recommending the COVID vaccines early on, how can we also criticize Trump, a non-medical person - for doing what he initially thought was best for the country? Additionally, making a vaccine available for those who want it - is an entirely different thing than making it mandatory. I could go on for a while about how unconstitutional and tyrannical the vaccine mandates were, and the staggering number of injuries and deaths which resulted - but those here are already aware - so I will just end here.

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>>>>>>>>I have always said that a president is dependent upon the quality of their advisors, and Trump chose two of the worst medical advisors he could have.<<<<<<<

The National Security State - NOT PRESIDENT TRUMP - chose Anthony "Angel of Death" Fauci, - since 2007 Fauci is dually employed by the NIAID and and and the DOD - ain't that some Shih-Tsu? Deborah Birx (chosen by the NSA) Olivia Troye chosen by the CIA to assist Mike Pence into deceiving President Trump.

********Jane Fonda calls coronavirus ‘God’s gift to the left’********


WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER the Mockingbird Media accused President Trump of causing a gazillion deaths and then the National Security Apparatchick coerced him to allow Army General Gustave F Perna and the Department of Homeland INsecurity to take over the management of a "biological" threat. Hence NOTHING made any scientific or medical sense.

Their intent was to paralyzed and destroy the Trump Administration and prevent his re-election - fear mongering was the crux.

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I'd love the hear what they think, but we'll likely get mumbling mumbo jumbo from one and raised voice rhetoric from the other. Too Bad RFK Jr wasn't included.

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Well, you can bet the farm that if such a question will embarrass Trump it will be dead square on the agenda. However, if the question will embarrass Biden it will not.

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ding ding we have a winner!

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