The basic issue is that the media:

•Erroneously mislabeled chlorine dioxide as bleach to slander it.

•Erroneously mislabeled internal applications of ultraviolet light as bleach to slander it

So, people who were used to CDS being called bleach assumed CDS was being referred to rather than realizing the same slander was being repurposed onto another therapy.

Give our own correspondences with the Trump White House during the pandemic (where we learned they were extremely adverse to promoting anything the media might attack and that they were familiar with the common slanders used to disparage many alternative therapies) I am relatively certain they would not have promoted something which had already been widely characterized as deadly bleach.

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"The natural remedies must be prohibited so that the unnatural ones may be profitable."

- Ned B.

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I don't believe that they *erroneously* (the word implies an innocent ignorance) mischaracterized anything. I believe that it was very intentional dissembling that was malicious in character. Hard to have a continuing pandemic if the unwashed masses are given access to cheap, effective, off-patent healing treatments that do the job quickly and with little-to-no ill effects.

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"erroneously" was describing how his comments were being interpreted by many (not just the media) as referring to chlorine dioxide instead of UVBI - he was almost certainly only referring to UVBI in his remarks. But yes, I agree with the rest of what you said...

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If a cat gets the dogs attention to it's digging, the dog will dig it up.

There was a lot of talk on Twitter etc. before COVID was unleashed and I think President Trump was the cat and meant what he said. I had pretty much ignored the majority of the discussion of CL02 until I heard him say what he said. At that point I began researching and since then, I have become a regular user of CL02 and an outspoken advocate revealing it's miraculous properties across social media.

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I wasn't meaning to nit-pick you, my apologies for not making that clear, but my anger at those who KNEW or suspected that there were effective treatments like CD, is such that I can't conceive of the malice behind that. The callous disregard for their fellow humans...

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So I wonder why UVBI is not used, as you said it is expensive. Surely there is profit there. Then again, it’s not a product. So the balance sheet of big companies will take a hit. Which we know is never allowed.

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Our clinic charges $300 to do UVBI of 150-200 ml of blood. It’s been used more for cv19 than for any other illness. It’s incredible how much people benefit from it!

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Before I was purged for declining my vaxx, a recently trained orthopaedic surgeon had tried to have the "Blue Laser Deathbeam" introduced to our district hospital. The teaching hospital had been using a nasal treatment with an ultraviolet lamp to decolonise the usual bacteria with resulted in postoperative joint infections.

We know that UV works when appropriately applied. We also know that ClO2 is useful. It is unfortunate that chemical illiterates do not know bleach from Tide (both used to clean clothing.)

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Meh. Trump promoted HCQ, ending lockdowns. You want to hate him, fine, but do it with facts.

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the word slander at the end of each sentence should clarify the intended meaning.

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Thoughts on farmers using this to combat "Bird flu"?

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anyone can use this for any thing. you canuse it with pets, dogs, cats. this was used after an athrax attack in the capitol...

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Yeah, agreed, we use it in pets water often. (Sometimes just the Sodium Chlorite drops.)

I guess I was wondering more of a strategy question. Like, could it be used by farmers to combat the bird flu psyop so they could stop unnecessarily killing all those chickens and destroying perfectly good raw milk. It would be great to hear a farmer come out and say he healed all his chickens by treating their drinking water with CDS. I'm just thinking that chickens drinking dilute CDS in their water may be a lot less likely to trigger those over amplified clumsy PCR tests they are employing to pretend there is a massive new pandemic. A story like that could deflate the fake bird flu narrative very quickly.

I feel that they might back off pushing the bird flu lie if they thought it would risk the income from all their other lucrative medicines they cram into every animal. CDS could eliminate a lot of that expense for farmers. For instance it probably could eradicate Marek's Disease.

They already use all kinda of nasty chemicals. It would be hard for them to make a case that CDS is more dangerous than those.

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If that happened, I would bet my last dollar that there would be an almighty regulatory crackdown on it, like the ones on HCQ and ivermectin. They do not want cheap and effective fixes like this!

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Thanks for the info!

I follow your stack and thanks for posting this. I tried commenting on your post but I couldn’t do it.

Can you/someone look on Amazon Canada site please and determine which brand I should order? I’m new to this so I’m unsure.

Is this taken only when sick? For how many days? Therapeutic dosing? Do people take it as a prophylactic too?

Any information is helpful. Thanks!

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Thanks for following.

The website Ingrid mentioned:


is the best place to start in my opinion. The person who runs it is Curious Outlier and is very nice and responds to questions.

They run a telegram channel.


I have been reading it for a while and several times a week I am blown away by the testimonials posted. So many people cured of things they never thought possible. Some of the most amazing stories are of people who have rapidly healed from seriously devastating burns. Sometimes they post graphic images of before and after. It is astonishing. Seriously, anyone who doubts CD, you should just go lurk that channel for a month and read all the people who praise it.

They also have a private telegram chat filled with super friendly people happy to answer questions. People from all over the world. I think there is about 50k subscribers. Someone there probably can help you with advice about resources available in Canada. The private chat is linked from their website.

Andreas Kalcker is the Dr. who helped Bolivia roll out a Chlorine Dioxide COVID program that if I recall correctly had a near 100% success rate, with almost instant results.

He has a good website:


Not sure about the laws in Canada. but the necessary ingredients are pretty benign. You really only need Sodium Chlorite flakes, Citric acid, and distilled water. With those ingredients you can brew 3000ppm CDS for very cheap.

Dr. Kalcker has a nice video showing his method for brewing CDS.


Dr. Kalcker also has a system of "protocols" listed on his website which relate to various ailments. You can read through them for suggestions.

Personally I use some if I feel a bit under the weather or have been around sick people. I use it topically on cuts. In the house we use a small dilute amount in water to rinse vegetables or stuff like that. I put a little squirt into the tank of our espresso machine to keep the pipes from growing stuff. Also into humidifiers. You can soak your toothbrush. Lots of handy uses.

It's pretty safe. Kalcker explains in one of his videos that to actually achieve a toxic dose you have to drink an absurd amount of it. Like gallons.

All those clowns screeching about bleach are out of their minds.

Good luck.

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Have a look at https://theuniversalantidote.com/ for a plethora of information on the subject.

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the best is hydrocloric acid 5% (citric acid is more harsh) and sodium chloride. COMUSAV.com has thousands of testimonies and information.

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Dec 30Edited

Bird flu? I ask this question all the time and get the "cow looking at a passing train" look. If bird flu is so virulent and deadly why are there any wild flocks left at all? It seems to be brought into the barn yard by wild birds, so we're told, but yet never seems to get beyond the farm fence. So it is out there in the wild killing no noticeable numbers but yet has the ability to wipe out the entire domestic bird flock! Apparently when a wild bird gets sick it instinctively flies to the nearest farm for help. Until further notice I call bullshit.

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Spot on. It only seems to affect birds capable of healthfully feeding humans, either by eggs or actual body. 🙃

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One must know the poultry they declared infected WERE ALMOST ALWAYS NOT INFECTED. The Supply Chain for food was/is the target...As to destroy it is to control all availability and consumption as was common through the 19th century around the world. He who controls air, water, food ABSOLUTELY controls people. THAT IS THEIR AGENDA...Absolute Control; theft of God's creation.

Private Labs have been used by several Amish Farmers during these last years after being attacked by FDA/USDA and threatened with culling their herds and flocks. ALL WERE INFECTION FREE...ALL!!!

Currently, all now use CDS with their livestock, pets and family members successfully. We use CDS with every living entity on the farm including the bird watering devices for wildlife. We even take water to known low-lying areas in the woods for the wildlife a few times per month. Deep State INTL GOVT Agencies are escalating with intensity towards regulation enforcement since information addressing alternate cures for disease are now commonly shared among all groups of society.

They began to take animals to cull when tested before results of their testing were known after many relocated their animals to optional locations before they could be culled. When treated with CDS...There were no side effects for any of the animals or birds regardless of being infected or not as when cattle, swine or poultry are declared to be infected the Deep State automatically takes all animals and birds. They claimed all were exposed to infection crossing all biological markers, or at least that was the narrative propaganda used to rationalize such resolutions of the Govt. Agencies.

The escalation before Trump's Inauguration was unimaginable. There is little doubt in my mind about the existence of an agenda to murder, disable, sterilize and regress the global population into slavery once again, digital slavery, that is. Though inconceivable to comprehend, accept that as factual and don't try to understand the psychopathy of those behind the agenda.

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And this is why we need a parallel health system; another choice. Let the market, consumers and patient decide what’s best for them. My bet is that this parallel system would yield better results on a much smaller budget. Hell, it might make Medicare and Medicaid solvent and sustainable.

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Chlorine Dioxide would work to prevent bird flu or whatever it is in birds. I have compiled several testimonials on poultry.

The ppm (parts per million) of chlorine dioxide mist spray used in poultry farms to disinfect can vary depending on the specific application and the target pathogens. According to the sources, chlorine dioxide is effective at different concentrations for various purposes:

1. **General Disinfection**: Chlorine dioxide is often used at concentrations ranging from 0.5 ppm to 5 ppm for general disinfection purposes in poultry farms[4][11].

2. **Specific Pathogen Control**: For more targeted disinfection, such as controlling avian influenza, chlorine dioxide gas at concentrations of 5 ppm sustained for one hour has been shown to be effective[8].

3. **Water Disinfection**: For continuous water disinfection, chlorine dioxide is typically used at lower concentrations, such as 0.8 ppm to 2 mg/L (2 ppm)[2][11].

These concentrations ensure effective disinfection while maintaining safety for the poultry and minimizing chemical usage.


[1] Revolutionizing Poultry Health: The Chlorine Dioxide Water ... https://www.selectivemicro.com/blogs/blog/revolutionizing-poultry-health-the-chlorine-dioxide-water-treatment-breakthrough

[2] How chlorine dioxide water effects on Pig and Poultry farm? https://www.go2intl.com/blog/how-chlorine-dioxide-water-effects-on-pig-and-poultry-farm/

[3] CHLORINE DIOXIDE : AN ESSENTIAL DISINFECTANT IN ... https://www.purewaterent.net/poultry-disinfection-chlorine-dioxide/

[4] How chlorine dioxide in water affects Pig and Poultry farming? https://safrax.com/how-chlorine-dioxide-in-water-affects-pig-and-poultry-farming/

[5] Evaluation of chlorine dioxide in liquid state and in gaseous ... - NCBI https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10600528/

[6] Poultry Water Treatment - ALVIM Srl https://www.alvimcleantech.com/cms/en/about-biofilm/white-papers/poultry-water-treatment

[7] Continuous water disinfection on poultry farms | Blog - Neogen https://www.neogen.com/neocenter/blog/the-importance-of-clean-water-continuous-water-disinfection-on-the-poultry-farm/

[8] Chlorine Dioxide Eliminates Avian Influenza - PureLine https://www.pureline.com/chlorine-dioxide-eliminates-avian-influenza/

[9] Recognizing The Need For Disinfection In Your Poultry Operation https://crystalcreeknatural.com/recognizing-the-need-for-disinfection-in-your-poultry-operation/

[10] [PDF] Why Chlorine Dioxide Should be Your Choice for Water Sanitation https://www.bestvetsolutions.com/media/documents/BVS_Poultry_Talk_Winter_201415_197F381C133AD.pdf

[11] [PDF] Interpreting Water Quality Results.pdf - Uaex.uada.edu https://www.uaex.uada.edu/farm-ranch/animals-forages/docs/Interpreting%20Water%20Quality%20Results.pdf

[12] Chlorine Dioxide for Poultry Drinking Water | Broiler Farms https://feedwater.co.uk/poultry-broiler-farm-chlorine-dioxide-application/

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I was thinking of spending some time researching poultry uses and putting together a list. I should've known you'd already have it handy. Glad you're lurking here. Thanks for the links. Didn't realize you had a Substack. I will put you on my recommend list. Maybe it will help.

I noticed on your profile page of "likes" Dr. Kalcker is here also? Glad to see.

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it makes perfect sense to use it for that, in every way. Mike Adams uses it with his animals, and there are co's who specialize in CD applications for agriculture and farming. It could and should be used in HVAC, water systems, food processing, room and medical device disinfection... as well as for personal and pet use. Just putting sodium chloriTE in pet/animal water, mixes with their stomach acid, producing chlorine dioxide gas in the stomach... pets/animals are drawn to it, either because it tastes better, or makes them feel better.

As Howard Alliger would say "we know of no pathogen we can't kill".



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So does this work for colds and flu’s?

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I should add that I've seen it recommended for those who find it kind of daunting to whip up the CD solution themselves.

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It's supposed to work systemically, so if you inhale it, it should be effective, somewhat like an injection.

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Have you seen Gerald Pollack's recent paper, Is it oxygen or electrons that our respiratory system delivers? There's a link to it in today's post from Lies Are Unbekoming. https://substack.com/home/post/p-153593976

To me, it's likely to be at least as important as Pollack's research on structured water.

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great way to explain all of this... had we only paid attention in high school chemistry class!

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The engineer behind Kalcker, who developed the field-CDS method, in Germany called "Gurkenglasmethode" and the injectable version RX is my husband Holger Reißner. If you want to talk with him, just contact me. He can also make kontakt to his friend Andreas Kalcker. They both knew Jim Humble personally and hat CDL binge drinking parties.

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Thank you, I would be interested in your husband's contact details. I am a fan of Dr Kalcker and have been following him since 2021

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Besides, my husband won the CDL drinking contest with Jim Humble, as he has a special way to produce very clean CDL without hyperchloric acids.

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Is there any concern over it killing gut bacteria? I’m inclined to track it down and add it to my collection of alternative medicines…ivermectin, DMSO, etc.

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No at the levels of ingestion, good bacteria are not harmed. I have heard Dr. Kalcker state that when ingested orally it doesn't reach your intestine. I have struggled with a significant dysbiosis since acute covid 01/2021 and then a 1 shot of PF in April, believing the narrative that the shots were helping long covid. It multiplied the inflammation in my body and gut. I have been using CDS for 12 months. Lots of data collected.

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“Hydroxychloroquine looks promising!”

If anybody remembers this quote /

statement, President Trump made at the podium nearly three years ago, within an hour or two after Trump said this, the mainstream media went into “damage control” of course if your goals were to destroy as many American lives and people of the world’s lives, naturally the “State Controlled MSM” would down play this treatment !

Within hours they started censoring / blocking / banning hydroxychloroquine!

Nearly 4 years later Trump was proven correct! The most damning part of this attack on humanity is the fact that, on Fauci’s lead NIH website, the Virology Journal is an article from August 2005, 20 years ago stating “chloroquine” is a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV infection and spread!

Yes, in my mind, the globalist murdered, killed millions of people worldwide by preventing a treatment which wasn’t even needed because there was no such thing as Covid! But if there was, hydroxychloroquine prevented infection and spread of Covid!

Crimes against humanity needs to be redefined for what these people these evil bastards excuse my language did to the world!

On my Substack homepage is a document called well well well explaining what I just wrote.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!

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There WAS and IS a group of diseases called "the flu." Those who wake up and pay attention need not ever again suffer from these because Vitamin D, Vitamin C, HcQ and ClO2 all fix it as proven by "COVID," most or all of which were seasonal flu complicated by other things such as pneumonia. A new one might be Vitamin B1, also known as NICOTINE. This substance, in any of its forms, is REQUIRED for the Krebs cycle, which you doctors and health pros know is the main energy-generating part of cellular metabolism. You could not live for one second without it. So why do cigarette packages have that warning label that a vitamin is "addictive?" To cover up the ADDITIVES that cause the problems with commercial cigarettes (if you use those, then switch to roll-your-own using quality unadulterated tobacco). AND because the US government, and most others, are worse liars than the MSM.

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Nope... Not gonna let that claim pass untagged. There IS a covid, and if it is/was some kind of flu, it has been maliciously bred or modified. I've had "Flu". I also caught the "Bug" during the delta time frame, and it was categorically NOT seasonal flu -- either in its slow onset, symptom presentation, protracted recovery, or odd after effect of hair loss, which I have never experienced with ANY illness. If it was a poison/toxin, I'd like to know how it was disseminated globally. Protest all you wish, but if you did not experience it, you're in no position to pontificate.

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Delta arrived after the vaccine rollout so whatever you caught probably wasn't as benign as the original covid.

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Thank you Esther, you’re so right. Almost 4 years now and people are still asleep.

Thank you again Esther.


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I believe Vitamin B1 is Thiamin not NICOTINE.

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No, Vitamin B1 is not nicotine; it is thiamine. There is a faint similarity in the molecular structures of thiamine and nicotine -- they both have a six-member ring and a five-member ring -- but the rings are connected differently, have different component atoms, and have different side groups.

You can easily verify this on Wikipedia.

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Thank you, Scott. I looked them up, and ended up finding out that the B-vitamin is niacin, not thiamine. Niacin also is chemically different from nicotine, and has different metabolic effects. I do not know how easily the body converts nicotine to niacin.

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Shortly after Mr. Trump alluded to promising information he had heard regarding the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine, the once esteemed British Medical journal, The Lancet, published a large study "proving" that HCQ was ineffective against Covid, and possibly even a bit harmful to those taking it.

My, wasn't the timing of that publication convenient? Not suspicious at all...

The study was retracted shortly after its publication. But it had totally done the job it was supposed to do. It put the kibosh on looking further into the use of HCQ against Covid, compelling President Trump to say that at least we still had the vaccine on the way...

Little did we know that Big Pharma was looking forward to already agreed-upon billions of dollars in EUA vaccine money -- money that would be jeopardized if HCQ (or IVM for that matter) could be shown to be effective against Covid. U.S. law says that a product (such as an mRNA experimental injection that's about to earn billions for its manufacturers) cannot be given EUA status if there already exists an FDA-approved product -- say, HCQ or IVM -- that is effective against the same health issue.

I believe that captured medical journal The Lancet was pressured (or handsomely paid!) to do its part to ensure that the U.S. would stop pursuing HCQ as a potential treatment for Covid.

Now, isn't amazing how, when it came/comes to Covid research findings, medical journals consistently point to the most minor of issues -- microscopic issues, even fairly irrelevant issues -- as bases for rejecting otherwise valid pro-IVM or pro-HCQ studies?

Yet somehow The Lancet seems to have missed vetting the anti-HCQ study before rushing to publish it. Was it really just a once-in-a-lifetime oversight on The Lancet's part? Or do you think The Lancet knew or suspected it was fake (or God forbid, maybe even had a hand in crafting the fake study), and they just wanted to get it out there quickly? One wonders.

Here's part of the retraction:

"After publication of our Lancet Article, several concerns were raised with respect to the veracity of the data and analyses conducted by Surgisphere Corporation and its founder and our co-author, Sapan Desai, in our publication. We launched an independent third-party peer review of Surgisphere with the consent of Sapan Desai to evaluate the origination of the database elements, to confirm the completeness of the database, and to replicate the analyses presented in the paper.

"Our independent peer reviewers informed us that Surgisphere would not transfer the full dataset, client contracts, and the full ISO audit report to their servers for analysis as such transfer would violate client agreements and confidentiality requirements. As such, our reviewers were not able to conduct an independent and private peer review and therefore notified us of their withdrawal from the peer-review process."

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Yes exactly R Smith. The lancet has forgotten an awful lot over the past few “MONEY-DEALS” to shut the blank up about what

“SAVES LIVES!” Only what will kill people by censoring the truth for the Lancet is beholden to “Big-Bucks” to be made off of the murdering / murderous big Pharmaceutical Complex!

Thank you R Smith, you’re absolutely correct!


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You are a hero Dr. Kory. God bless you💖

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The issue was/has never been if chlorine dioxide is "bleach". That's all a red herring to generate discussions away from the real issue... the FDA EUA pathway regulations.

The issue ALWAYS was if ANY previously approved FDA therapeutic demonstrated efficacy against SARSCov2, then the EUA pathway for the mRNA gene therapies would have been blocked.

The issue with chlorine dioxide has NOTHING to do with therapeutic uses.

It would have blocked multiple hundreds of biliions and billions of ROI revenue nicely protected by PREP Act immunity.


That is what everyone NEEDS to know.

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A very appropriate "handle"

the assumption that SARSCov2 is the infective entity is an assertion, one that is false

However using Chlorine Dioxide is useful for a myriad of issues.

The deck of cards is crumbling very very quickly...

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An interesting fun fact: when I re-watched Trump's news conference, I noticed a curious fact. Dr. Birx came in the room with him and sat to his right. Each time-- or often-- Trump mentioned a potential cure, he turned to his right and asked, "isn't that right?" apparently addressing Birx. My guess is that he'd been briefed and the purpose of that was to prime him so he could then be attacked for the "drink bleach" comment.

A set up?

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Andreas Kalcker is great and has awesome training in all aspects of Chlorine Dioxide.


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Here is the English version of the site: https://en.kalckerinstitute.com/

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Right! Dr. Kalcker is my go to for all CDS questions.

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The engineer behind Kalcker, who developed the field CDS Method and the injectable Variant RX is my husband Holger Reißner. He has been defamed for ages https://www.psiram.com/de/index.php/Holger_Rei%C3%9Fner

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Yes, this is so good! I watched and hope to use what he has to rid myself of RA.

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Lincoln... You might also want to try the Carnivore way of eating (it's much more than simply "a diet"). Do a youtube search on Carnivore AND Arthritis and watch a few of the hundreds of videos on this topic (here, I'll do the search for you :) https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Carnivore+AND+Arthritis

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Yes. Between chlorine dioxide and the Carnivore diet, disease is not going to have much of a foothold at all. Those who have the ears to hear will heal.

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Thanks. I appreciate it.

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What turned me off though was that in one of his books he also advocated such things as drinking kerosene and turpentine, etc. That might be true but was a bit too much for me to handle, and there were several bizarre treatments like this. This is in chapter 2 of his book, "Forbidden Health." (I have the pdf but am unable to locate a link-- try his website. https://andreaskalcker.com/en/) So that raised a red flag for me. If Dr. Kory or AMD starts talking about drinking kerosene, I'll change my opinion:)

I can't have faith in someone when in a book about chlorine dioxide they then throw out a number of unusual and perhaps dangerous remedies with no mechanism of action or understandable science.

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I was waiting for you to talk about this. Bravo!

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Excellent information, I do appreciate your work, with this said as an intelligent elder I do hope you do not limit important information to only those who can pay, as you are only one of numerous informative important sites that I find helpful, and on a fix income the fees for ever site add up. If substack starts making info for money only, then the whole purpose of info available to all has been lost again down the rabbit hole of economics rules over human need, “if you cannot pay for what you need then you cannot have it.” I truly hope this will not occur, yet I am seeing it begin to happen. Again I do value your work and the work of others but if the purpose of your information is limited to only those who can pay then we are in the same boat that the true medical community has gotten lost in, where we have heard for decades now, about those who need good medical care but can not get it and die because they simply cannot pay for it. I could go on about how convoluted the medical services have become due monetary guidelines but I know you know by now, so I will not. Wishing you a peaceful restful Christmas and new year, and again thank you for all you have done to stand your ground and help so many of us stand our ground through this war for our body sovereignty that has been challenged to the core. 💛🕊️🙏😊🎄

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I agree with you strongly and, of the over 220 posts I have written, only about three or four have a section behind paywalls. Problem is that I am a slow writer and researcher so I devote an immense amount of hours to my posts. Although I enjoy Substack and get fulfillment from it, I have considered stopping a few times to conserve my energy and hours for things I am better compensated for. Therein is the balance - putting out good work but needing to get compensated. I have two daughters in college and one about to, and do not have fully funded college savings plans (even I wish they wouldnt go). However, if it is life saving information that cannot be found elsewhere, I would never put it behind a paywall.

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Do you have a *tip jar*, so we can make one-time or periodic donations, until able to fully subscribe?

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Yes dear one, these are legitimate reasons, and yet again the reason is expense for our children to receive a hopefully good education so they too can be of service to others is tied to the monetary system that again holds us all hostage for the monetary system to approve us as legit. The issue is pervasive we are all in it, this is why it is so important we find a different way. I thank you again for holding respectful integrity In commitment to the health of others and I did go to your pay options to see if I could pay a one time small fee but that was not an option.

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Yes, I totally agree, with you Sharon because I find myself in the same situation but also Dr. Kory....but think about it, its us, that are awake and doing God's Will of spreading needed information. How best to spot that, take us down, one penny at a time....

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By the way, it was NASA that first called chlorine dioxide "the universal antidote." In print. Additionally there are patents in animal medicine for injecting chlorine dioxide directly into tumors held by one of the early developers. The patent and the NASA article are referenced in TheUniversalAntidote.com website. Be sure to watch the video. The site also contains free instruction on how to obtain and make the substance for your own personal research.

Chlorine dioxide has also been injected IV at about 50 parts per million, pH corrected, but I understand enemas have replaced IV injection for effectiveness.

I learned of chlorine dioxide during Trump's infamous press conference. I went looking in the alternative medicine social groups and found the truth within minutes. I was certain I was not the only one who caught this. My thanks goes to Trump!

That said, what a brave doctor you are to even mention this natural mineral solution! Due to others who bravely stood up and told the truth during covid, millions have learned how to quietly manage their own health, often without need for involving the medical system. I had a career with the industry myself, but fortunately I retired before covid.

I stand In awe at your courage! It has the potential of destroying the entire chronic illness business paradigm that Big Pharma and Big Medicine is built on, especially if we correct our food supply. It won't do at all to have a simple, natural, and rapid solution to infectious diseases that doesn't require lab equipment, refrigeration, or a large amount of space. Two little tiny bottles that can fit in your pocket and go anywhere you go!

Jim Humble himself, the man who discovered that it cured malaria in 4 hours, estimated that 80% of the patients in a hospital could take this remedy for all kinds of pathogens, including parasites and malignancies, and walk out hand in hand with him the same day. He was acutely aware that one cannot do that without being crucified for it like the Grenons. I should say that that is the case when you are going up against the combined powers and principalities of global governance.

Chlorine dioxide belongs to the people!

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Totally agree: it belongs to the people! Here are links to the NASA articles regarding the work they did with the innovator of ClO2 for personal care, our inventor, Howard Alliger and his company Alcide Corp.




Howard invented dozens of inventions and applications with CD, most got shelved, as is typical with this situation. He invented a product to disinfect airline cabins, blood bags (during the AIDS epidemic).. and so much more. Sure would like to have had those products in place prior to COVID - but hey, there's another pandemic on the horizon, so maybe we can open some eyes before it hits!

We hope to be able to bring these inventions back to market using his latest patented technologies to make CD shelf stable and more usable.

Thanks for the great comments... especially about Howard and NASA, it touches our hearts... even when his name is forgotten, his work will live long into the future.




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Thank you so much for posting Howard Alliger's name and the links to the NASA article! So nice to have someone who is so knowledgeable on our team!

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I had the great honor of knowing and working closely with him, from 2009 up until his untimely death in 2020 - yes, even at 92 he had plenty of inventions left in him! He was an incredible man. Smart, funny, creative and oh so knowledgeable. His daughter Valerie and I are working hard to make sure his legacy is long lived!

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That is a fantastic legacy to honor and preserve. If there's anything I can do to be of assistance, please let me know. (Retired pharmacist.) Jim Humble, who discovered CD's medical applications, also lived to his nineties! These days, with this knowledge, I'm reasonably sure I'm going to get there too!

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The good news: there are plenty of chlorine dioxide products on Amazon. They could be used orally if you knew how to give yourself the proper dose. People are ingesting this, as it's used to purify drinking water with a few drops. One of the big sellers on Amazon is KVLab. It has this disclaimer on it's contact page:


We will not respond to any questions pertaining to human health, or using chlorine dioxide as a supplement. NO EXCEPTIONS"

They don't want to go to jail.

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I spoke to someone just a couple of months ago who still believed that Trump was telling people to "inject bleach" into their veins, so this is worth sharing in case the truth is important to even one or two more people. Trump is frustratingly inarticulate, but UVBI and a few other treatments were saving lives and should have been in more widespread use to save the hundreds of thousands of people who were dying from medical neglect and malpractice for that illegally obtained EUA. There must be some accountability for these crimes against humanity.

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Aaaaaand....I shared this post on Facebook and they immediately removed it as being against their TOS. The Zucktards are still up to their old tricks. Thank you Elon for X.

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indeed, a solid invitation to divest from FB as it is equivalent to picnicing on the railroad tracks...

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It's not a vacation photo, so don't do that. Twatter is worthless. Than you Elon Muskoxshit for nothing! He still suspends my account for suggesting use of ivermectin to prevent river blindness (onchocerciasis). That advocates suicide, doncha know?

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I'm sorry you had that experience, but I and many others on X are sharing this information without being censored, so it's still miles ahead of Farcebook. I think Elon's still got a few bugs and douchebags to eliminate, and it's not as easy as we all think it is.

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I am suspended on X too. My crime, I believe was posting election observations I personally witnessed.

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It would not have mattered if he used even sophisticated medical or chemistry jargon...the outcome would be the same media malfeasance and panicky lies. They had an election to steal, y'know, and that was incumbent on keeping the public scared and under the control of *safety protocols* and TheScienceNovenaOfStAnthonyFauci™

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1) I don't disagree. 2) I'm a fervent Trump supporter. 3) His strengths are many, however, one of his weaknesses is his vocabulary, and he has caused himself and his supporters untold grief with his misuse of words. It shouldn't be a deal-breaker for thinking people, but neither can it be dismissed out of hand as unimportant. Experts who are loyal to him need to be invited to step up and speak for him on topics that aren't in his wheelhouse. It would save us all, and most importantly him, a lot of wasted time and effort.

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I knew that Trump is a real estate businessman and is not medically trained. It was obvious to me that he was trying to repeat something he had probably heard behind closed doors with his think tank. I have also read that Mark Grenon himself had written Trump to tell him about CD and his work in Columbia. Because I had not yet caught Trump in any sort of deliberate deception, I knew I had to investigate and find out what he meant by "bleach", or what it was he must have thought he meant. I was sure there was a medical application that he wasn't articulating clearly. I found it within minutes of perusing alternative medicine sites. It's as much a miracle as his grazed ear during the assassination attempt in Butler Pennsylvania. Maybe bigger.

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He needs to understand when to shut the hell up. I can’t imagine the nightmare of trying to manage him. 🙄

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Yes and stupidity does exist. Oddly the greatest landslide "comeback" and collaboration in the history of this Republic begins anew in less than 4 weeks...

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I'm SO SICK of all the lies!

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I used CDS throughout the pandemic to good effect. At this point I prefer to nebulize hydrogen peroxide and take liposome vitamin C if I can get it early enough. I still keep CDS on hand just in case.

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My boyfriend was taking CD and I was experimenting with Ivermectin because I wasn't wanting to dose as often. No drug is 100% effective, but CD has killed every pathogen they've exposed it to so far in vitro. The list is extensive, kill times varying only by few seconds or minutes of exposure. I got sick and he didn't! Neither of us are vaccinated.

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If medicine wasn't captured for decades and doctors weren't such TOOLS, perhaps we would have research on chlorine dioxide.

But beware, taking too much of it can cause issues. A friend's daughter got badly sick from it and the only way she was able to reverse it was to take vitamin C until bowel tolerance. When sick she took up to 1 g per kg body weight!


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Tylenol, Advil, and aspirin are all toxic if you take too much. And yet they’re sold in bottles of 500 at your local warehouse store.

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Yes. Tylenol should be banned IMHO.

As for chlorine dioxide, the issue is that we have little data as to what is a safe upper dose.

She was taking it for an auto immune condition and went with advice on forums, but the values vary wildly!

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We actually have lots of data on safety limits - hang in, hold on, I will present that data soon..

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I do hope you will be telling us where to acquire supplies. Can you tell us now? By the time it comes we will have read your installments on dosing. Either way, gratitude for all you do and have sacrificed. You are in the hero category to my mind and I do hope that Trump's circle brings you into the fold and funds your research. Elon are you listening?? I have tried and tried to hand my Doc The War Against Ivermectin and she's refused repeatedly to accept. Told me she'd lose her job if she prescribed it for me so I had to order online at much greater expense than my work insurance would cost. I quote you often about the bottle of Ivermectin in every medicine cabinet. I hope I can add chlorine dioxide there soon. Hurry! Bless you.

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I relish data and appreciate data crunchers... however it is true that evidence changed no fools mind. Do you have any contrary thoughts? Fully realize it should

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I have a positive report from using Snoot Spray after read AMD’s substack. My chronic sinusitis of decades is basically gone after just a few days of using Snoot Spray. It’s a chlorine dioxide nasal spray. I used it for a week, since it deteriorates after 7 days. And haven’t used it in about 5 days, but my sinuses are still clear. Saving it for the next bioweapon release!

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Wow! thanks for the excellent update - so glad it helped! We also are thrilled to see Dr Kory et al, start to explore chlorine dioxide. I keep saying "you know the War on Ivermectin? The War on Chlorine Dioxide is the same story - it's just gone on for 50+ years and the devastation that could have been avoided is exponentially greater!" The next book will be easy to write, just do a find-replace, and it writes itself! :)




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Why are you using these toxins in your product?

"polysorbate 20, cinnamal, poloxamer 407, glutaral, FD&C blue #1, D&C Red #33"

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Hi Lynn -

Hi - we do our very best to use as little as possible on these type of ingredients, but to make a shelf stable chlorine dioxide product, that is at the right pH and ppm, it takes a bit of work. I'll get the % of the total to give you a sense of % to total ingredients.

Regarding the colors, we are not thrilled about the them either. What is key here, is that once the Part A and Part B are mixed, all coloring is oxidized... and it no longer chemically or visually exists. Give it a try and you'll see the mixed solutions quickly turn yellow: the color of chlorine dioxide in water.

We tested removing the coloring in the nasal rinse several years ago, but we had so many people (including ourselves) who could not remember which part we just poured into the cup - which is very frustrating. You've got to toss the whole batch and start over. Also we had people say it didn't work anymore... likely from mixing Part A with Part A, or Part B with Part B, which does nothing except make your nose wet.

We have reduced the amount of color in all products to the most infinitesimal quantity, something like .0001% Mix the two parts, let it sit for a few minutes, and you will see the color goes away - it is oxidized, no longer present. That is the beauty of chlorine dioxide - it oxidizes virtually everything!

We actually tried plant-based coloring recently, but it does not hold up against the other ingredients. All of the Frontier products that are single part, such as the Acne Gel, Wound Care (Ciderm), toenail fungus, ear gel, canker sore, etc., DO NOT have any coloring, as they are already mixed and shelf stable. The mouthwash, tooth paste and the Snoot! are two parts because they have flavoring to make them palatable for the nose & mouth, which makes them easier to use, increases likelihood that they will be used (especially in the dental surgery situation) and increases satisfaction.

We have the capability to make these single-part, and remove the coloring, and as we move forward we may offer that as an option down the road. We tested a single part Snoot! a few years back with our power users, and people ended up really preferring the two-part , so we shelved it at that point.

We totally appreciate and understand the desire to avoid dyes... in the grand scheme of things, the fact that they dissipate and are no longer chemically present, our customers feel the benefits massively outweigh the incredibly small quantity that is in the precursor solutions. If your sinus, dental and skin issues are causing you grief, from a health or financial perspective, weigh the pros and cons.

Other alternatives that most people are likely using today, contain ingredients that cause a lot more harm and the products cause a lot of other unwanted side effects. Is the oxidized minimal amount of coloring worse than what you are using now? ...something to consider, for sure.

Happy to answer any questions about the products - thanks to you all for giving them a try!




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I'm not worried about bioweapons.

If they could have made a deadly pathogen, by nature it wouldn't spread. Very sick people don't travel around spreading it. Things like ebola are covering up the real cause of sickness in Africa.... Toxic dumping polluting water supplies.

Gain of fiction is used to pump up fears and hide the fact that COVID was a glorified flu with the medical industry poisoning people with remdesevir, paxlovid, shots, and ventilators.


This is also good and makes you question the science behind gain of fiction.


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I thought MMS was master mineral solution and not magical? Either way, it does sound somewhat magical or mystical. I was afraid to use it in the early days of the Internet because I believed the harmful stories being put out by the powers that be. Yes, they had control back then, and even earlier.

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Use CDS: its easy to make and much safer.

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Miracle Mineral Solution

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Yep and I recall a few years ago doctors stopped recommending it. My father was put on blood thinners instead and he parrots the fake study results on how they reduce strokes.

Meanwhile, aspirin actually works with minimal side effects.

You know how in nascar etc they wear outfits with their sponsorships?

Doctors should too, like in the movie Idiocracy.

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Ok I just ordered some non buffered 325mg aspirin. Do you recommend taking it with food? I’m worried about GI bleeding.

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I'm not sure but I take baby aspirin, I think 80mg.

Lower is better as it minimizes other effects that aren't helpful.

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Did you read Dr. Yoho’s aspirin info? You don’t get the same beneficial effect until you take 325mg. I’ve taken 80mg every other day for years.

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I've heard of that amount also from this guy.


But I think there's also cumulative benefits of low dose.

Perhaps 80 mg in the morning, afternoon, and evening is the best way?

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The reason your friend's daughter got so sick is because she experienced Herximers response. The CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) kills off parasites/bacteria and when they die they release a toxin, which is what made her sick. She killed off so many to begin with. I got really sick too, when i first started drinking CDS. If that happens, just back off on your dose or the vit C works too.

CDS is an oxidant and vit c is an antioxidant, so vit c would counteract CDS. DON'T take vit c when you're trying to treat something with CDS.

Dr Lee Merritt has a CDS protocol on her website www.drleemerritt.com

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She took a week not doing mms and didn't improve. She started to get weaker and her mother thought vitamin C.

Now I wonder, could she have cured her original condition with just doing vitamin C to bowel tolerance?

I think that's why Dr Marik has seen such success with IV vitamin C to treat sepsis.

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A couple of things could be in play: Dosage makes the poison, the more sick a person the less to intake, build up slowly:

The other is the famous herxheimer reaction, the body's / pathogens reaction to something that will kill them

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One way to get around bowel tolerance issues with Vitamin C is to take a tolerable dose (say, 1 gram), and repeat the dose every hour. Or sooner. If you start to notice loose stools, you know you're taking a little too much, a little too often.

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Government agencies completely turned their backs on the people… and then they ridiculed the people for trying their best.

This is the same dynamic you find in abusive relationships… The abuser cuts the victim off from as many lifelines as possible, and then ridicules the victim for lunging for whatever is left for them to hang onto.

I really hope RFK Jr. pushes as hard as he can for criminal charges to be brought against as many coconspirators as possible.

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Thank you for the article, Doctor. There is much more, mostly unknown, regarding this fact. We have created dioxipedia.com for more academic data on the subject. I have been researching CDS for over 18 years, and our medical Latin American community, COMUSAV, has over 5,000 medical doctors successfully using CDS. If you would like to see more than 1,500 testimonial videos, you can find them at dioxitube.com. For more information about my work, please visit my website, andreaskalcker.com. All the best!

Dr.h.c. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker

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Thank you for all your work Dr Kalker

I've added many of your links into my newly launched timeline page on MMS/CDS, inculding this dioxipedia.


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if you like to see testimonies regarding the subject you can find them in Dioxitube.com

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Thank you for all of your work and documentation Dr. Kalcker! I use your book "Forbidden Health" often for myself and dogs.

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Dr Kalcker, I visited all the sites listed in your comment. Amazing! Most I could not translate, especially the videos, but I still previewed with great interest. What is a reliable source to obtain CDS? Does any of your site resources above identify? Thank you in advance.

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I apologize, Mary, but I am not involved in the sales of CDS; my focus is solely on research, as I believe this discovery should be accessible to all of humanity. It’s best to create it yourself as outlined in my book or on my website.

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My wife and I first learned of Chlorine dioxide about 30 years ago. since then we have used it routinely in a number of seasonal illnesses and even to make questionable water safe to drink. Nearly 30 years of use without any sign of problems from usage or complications from differing doses of this amazing product. I am a retired Health Care Professional, CRNA. We are never without Chlorine Dioxide!

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