Reading thru this was heart breaking, the pain and suffering caused by the bioweapon injections are beyond anything Ive ever seen. Im happy you can help them with some of their health issues, what makes me so angry is, none of this had to happen and I blame everyone from politicians right down to media, they all lied to install fear and look at where they are today. Im so thankful I knew not to take those jabs or wear a mask. As a 71 year old I should dead from "covid", in their estimate, truth is, I haven't had so much as the sniffles in over three years. I take all the right vitamins daily which helps to keep me strong and healthy. Thank you Dr Kory.

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One thing that baffles me to this day, is the huge gap between people like yourself who knew from the start to avoid the shots (even before the mountains of evidence against them) and on the other side, the people who STILL believe the shots are what saved us from extinction. How are they so blinded, especially with amazing docs like Pierre Kory around, who has been warning us for years now!

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God gave me the "knowing" as a child, I have tried to listen to that "knowing" all my life. Plus common sense should have told everyone you cannot make a "vaccine" in 9 months and it was experimental. Fear played a huge part in all of it, they needed people to have more fear than common sense, it worked and now here we are, sadly.

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I’ve not heard this phenomenon called the “knowing”. I have always had trouble explaining to people how I make my life choices/decisions. I call it “gut” instinct but know it comes from God. My hubby cannot grasp what I’m talking about when I try to explain it to him. I sense he feels I have not fully explored all options before making a decision like he does.

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It’s not something you can easily explain to someone who doesn’t feel it. The 100th Monkey Effect is perhaps the best known explanation of how “knowing” can come to us from some unknown or ethereal source. The information is out there and available if we’re open to it. 😇

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Same here with that “knowing since childhood”..Plus i’ve always been a researcher and asked questions..

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People think if something is written it is true. We HAVE to convince the majority to question what’s going on. We cannot get bogged down in minutae. It HAS to be big picture red flag stuff. Like burying vax trial report for 55 years. Those behind this have massive resources, infiltrate us and sow false theories to díscredit us. Viz there is no such thing as a virus meme.

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I don’t think there was as much of a big gap, but the withholding of information by Frontline doctors, researchers, who were sharing treatment methods that were working as wellas warnings about the mRna right from the beginning. It was all hushed by media, and the sources that received all that information which were big Pharma, government, college institutions, and of course the monopoly. So much gratitude for all of the Frontline people that did the best that they could, and my heart goes out to their colleagues, family and friends, for those that have perished along with all of the victims who continue to suffer, and who died innocently and unnecessarily. ❤️

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I battle this issue out with my 97 year old dad every time when the subject comes up! He has had 6 shots of this poison. He has had some acute skin issues of late, horrible night sweats, and we have seen a marked decline in his speech and cognition - yes he is 97, but has always been sharp and still works on his iMac. He only watches mainstream censored new stations and is convinced the shots have kept him safe. Breaks my heart!

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If “Impairment of Tasks” is one of the side effects of the vaccine, it might actually be one of the most undiagnosed maladies in medical history. Since the end of the lockdowns, I have personally witnessed a large number of incidents of driver’s’ disregard for basic traffic laws, including cars blowing thru very red lights, either going straight or whilst making turns, weaving insanely thru heavy traffic, using turn lane only lanes as passing lanes and more. I attributed it to people just being stupid, but perhaps there is more to it?

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Exactly. I have also observed oddly executed, simple tasks by retail workers and front-line staff at restaurants etc, seemingly more frequently in the past but who knows, maybe it is my cognitive bias given everything I know is going on...

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Nope. It is intense. I live in a small town and the sirens are crazy too!

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I work in the death business and wow

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I believe you’re totally correct, I specialized in functional cognition tx, education and testing as an occupational therapist. I believe cognition was one of the main targets of this man-made retrovirus, or whatever I have seen and experienced it profound and subtle effects on peoples cognition firsthand. It’s much easier to control mass populations when there so overwhelmed and confused because their cognitive levels have droped and they’re just trying to maintain and survive w what they have. So sad, however, most front line protocols are addressing the blood brain barrier, and cognitive issues to overcome, maintain, or reverse the new deficits. What you are saying is there is a profound under diagnosing and purposeful miss diagnosing these conditions to attempt to cover up this positive feedback loop that is destroying multiple organ systems and functing in turbo cancers and disease processes in our bodies now and into the futyre. So grateful for the front line doctors that are exposing what’s going on and how we can make ourselves healthier and less predisposed to this MRNA warfare tactics. ❤️ thank you for sharing

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Dear Covid Vaccinated,

In The Next Life

You Want To Pay Better Attention.


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Brilliant Dr Kory, I pray I’m able to print this full article out for data and resources so I can organize it better when my brain is functioning. You are a big part in the exposure and paradigm shift of the worlds medical models, research, politics, and monopolies of all of our policing agencies that were meant to protect us. You will find the support systems that you need to publish your findings mentioned in your article above along with your future findings, DATA, and Resources on all you discoveries and correlations on Covid/viruses, Long-Haul, spike and mRna inguries options for detection, symptoms, treatment, preventative measures and education for the future. I really enjoyed your expanded correlations and dat w ME/CFS and chronic auto immune responses, and the way you have broken down the majority of the symptoms in depth. You truly are one of our hero's, and so glad you and Dr Marik are taking better care of yourself. Praying for the safety, health, and happiness of your family, colleagues, and friends. Thank you so much for sharing and answering peoples questions when you can.❤️

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Sherri - thanks for this, I am trying to "teach" as much as I can and as soon as I know something as the demand so far outweighs the "supply" of this critical knowledge to people and practitioners alike. Still have immense amounts to learn and figure out..

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"The absurdity of the situation is that the vast majority of funds have been devoted to observational studies of patients symptoms."

This is not Clown World: if the injections were intended to harm, spending large sums to track the harms is called "battle damage assessment," a form of intelligence gathering about the effect of deployed weapons on their targets.

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Fair enough. I have come around to the fact that the remarkable consistency of the authorities errors suggests that they are not errors at all and are instead simply actions taken to further their objectives which are clearly not about our health and survival.

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More than anything, it is like a war, with pharma and its captured entities making war on us. Thank god for you Dr. Kory, and bless you. Where would the world possibly be without you? (I'll keep giving what I can to Fish Out of Water so people can afford your clinic)

"Frodo: 'I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.'

Gandalf: 'So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides that of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, in which case you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien

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I wonder if you have noticed the parallels with chronic Lyme's many symptoms, which I suspect was the beta test.

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Of course - if you look at the clinical diagnostic criteria for chronic lyme, nearly all symptoms I describe will show up on those questionnaires..

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Yep...lived many of them and still (chronic lyme since 2006) the minute I have too much physical or emotional stress ...Boom!

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I live these symptoms every day with chronic Borreliosis, Bartonellosis and Babesiosis. Including seizures.

Below published on Lyme.org


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Thank you for sharing, I’ve been following Terry Herholdt, Jadin‘s antibiotic protocol and research based on her father’s Nobel prize, winning data, and Ken Lasseson’s brilliant work, as well as one of the largest most functional databases of drug and supplement interaction on the gut biome and how to replenish/get rid of the good/bad bacteria/flora? In the gut biom. I look forward to reading your article, and I am so easily sidetracked with all of this new research out there. I feel like a little kid in a candy store these days. Thank you for sharing ❤️

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Thank you for sharing, I’ve been following Terry Herholdt, Jadin‘s antibiotic protocol and research based on her father’s Nobel prize, winning data, and Ken Lasseson’s brilliant work, as well as one of the largest most functional databases of drug and supplement interaction on the gut biome and how to replenish/get rid of the good/bad bacteria/flora? In the gut biom. I look forward to reading your article, and I am so easily sidetracked with all of this new research out there. I feel like a little kid in a candy store these days. Thank you for sharing ❤️

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Are you aware of Aspire and Pans/Pandas research/treatments?

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Wow...my same comment.

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shit i forgot to call you! great article :) what are your thoughts on HLH? Jess

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I thought I replied to you on another post - I put together a presentation in April of 2020 describing severe, acute Covid as secondary HLH in my opinion, didnt meet all criteria but most. Definitely can happen acutely, and there are reports more chronically I believe. Stop leaving me voice messages on WhatsApp and call me you doofus :):)

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I was exposed up close to Covid many times and seemed immune. I had had all these symptoms years ago (disabled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ultimately determined to be caused by mold exposure.) I was the healthiest I had ever been before I was pushed to do a vax. I did a single Pfizer shot, immediately began to feel like I did back when I was sick, and a few months later was diagnosed with an unusual aggressive cancer. I met so many women who had the same thing happen (all got Pfizer), and still most people don't realize that the spike protein breaks cancer suppressor genes. I am well now, but under close supervision because the cancer likes to metastasize. I don't think it will, because I think it was a fluke I got it in the first place due to that vax.

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Please research fenben

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I take mebendazole, the human version.

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I also have had ME/CFS for years and seemed immune to Covid whilst household members did not. I did, however, react when my husband chose to get the vaccine and a booster. Slowly getting things back under control, but I had been functioning relatively well.

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glad to hear your daughter is doing well. in the 70s, when the flu shot came out and had all those side effects, that vaccine was immediately pulled off the markets. then systematically, the vaccine makers were given immunity by our government. essentially, our government allowed for unneeded harm and deaths due to profits.

I argue that the covid polices killed millions. I didn't touch on the vaccine. However, I would argue that these symptoms you mention here are all part of what I would argue as the menticidal action at play:

How covid policies killed millions


Sept 11, 2001 and Menticide


One of the favorite quotes I heard recently was, "mistakes were not made. this was intentional." my question is, to all readers: what are we going to do about it? ps - presidential voting is not the answer:

who are the bad guys and are we feeding into their system?


why we need to stop voting in presidential elections


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The shots damage because of the platform: the lipids and peg 80 (in the non mRNA polysorbate 80).

Both mRNA and non mRNA shots have clotting issues that did not happen with COVID (unless you got toxic rundeathisnear and a vent).

Clotting is a function of the platform, not the "spike". They clog up key elimination organs like the liver and kidneys.

This leads to micro clotting all over, with the back log of metabolic byproducts and dead cells that aren't being eliminated fast enough, due to the organs being clogged. This also is the primary reason why there's myocarditis from the shots, bloodflow issues starve the heart muscles. If it was the spike, why didn't COVID cause myocarditis??

That's why drugs and herbs that boost the liver and kidneys are the key to helping these patients.

Spike is detected from cell death and is a result of disease, not the cause.

Same goes for cancer and others. Allopathic medicine is not concerned with finding the cause, because they get rewarded for treating the result of sickness.

Polio: DDT and other pesticides are the cause. But hey, they focused on the virus which is the result.... sigh same with other diseases, but not as dramatic.

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You are a treasure, Dr Kory. Can’t thank you and AMD enough for your perseverance, intelligence, and integrity. I never caught Covid and didn’t take the vaccine. As a retired hospital pharmacist, I was not exposed to a mandate nor did I trust the mechanism of action of the vaccination. However, since retiring to southern Arizona, I managed to contract valley fever. It’s a fungus in the desert southwest soil, coccidioides, that is the infectious agent. My symptoms were somewhat similar to what you describe early in your article. I found a naturopath who has a successful record of treating valley fever. His protocol included IV vitamin C and IV hydrogen peroxide. He got me started taking AHCC medicinal mushrooms, lactoferrin (from whey), and zinc orally. I responded positively during the first week of treatment but will need several months of treatment. Keep up the good work!

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For those clinging to the establishment's picture of Drs. Kory, Marik, Malone, and many others as wingnuts, I encourage you to review their respective writings and videos starting in early 2020 on covid 19.

They all learned and progressed in understanding as events unfolded while our government, anchored ever more firmly in official agency edicts, has increasingly attacked them.

It's been disgusting...and scary to watch.

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God bless you. Your relentless pursuit of treatments for those with Covid 19 when the majority of the medical community stayed silent, and continuing to figure out how to help all those injured , shows there are doctors who do remember their Hippocratic Oath. I actually saw Dr.Najjar lecture at a conference at Columbia I believe about 5 years ago.

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Long Covid symptoms (fatigue, exhaustion after excercise, and brain fog) along with forgetting words, where you put things, and the short term memory loss, all sound to me like Chronic Lyme...which I had...and still have although better than before.

Dr. Kory, if you find a treatment, especially for the fatigue, can you let us know if it might work for Chronic Lyme, which is pretty much like that other thing, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

I think they all might be linked.

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Many infectious triggers can produce the same syndrome, treating the chronic fatigue is complex as different therapies work in different people, sometimes large responses, other times more modest and in some the symptom has been somewhat refractory to date..

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Well, if you find anything, let us know.

I truly beleive Lyme was a bioweapon also. Sudden onset about a mile and a half from

Plum island...and deer are very good swimmers.

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There are a number of therapies that are effective, but the challenge is that nothing works in even close to everyone, thus my approach to treatment is to employ "sequential trials of therapy" until responses are achieved. Again, in some, despite numerous trials of therapy, little progress has been achieved, while in others, significant improvements in functioning have been observed. It's maddening as I can evaluate two patients whose symptom burden and onset is nearly identical but responses to the same treatment vary widely.. and I don't know why. Humbling for sure.

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I know it is maddening....for the patients too! Don't let it get to you.

These are bioweapons...

I think one day, we will have another revolution in

medicine, and will realize how different DNA responds to different things. We think we are all the same, but suspect we would be surprised at how wonderfully and fearfully we are made at the cellular level.

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Dr. K, there is a doc here in Anchorage, Ak using stellate ganglion blocks to help many symptoms of long haul Covid/ME. I do not know much about it other than this. I suffer from Lyme/ME and I happen to notice my functional medicine doc wrote a note in my online chart about possibly referring me to him. Do you know of this or have any experience with others using it? Thank you for all you do.

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See my comment above to Duchess I have had patients pursue this therapy with benefits reported while others have not reported any benefit. Reasonable to try in the hands of a skilled practitioner as I understand it to be generally safe (except on the wallet?).

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Manchild, you are ready for the full story, these are top notch assertions. Technological progress has in fact been hidden from us and science fiction authors have been employed to lie about their foreshadowing, which is merely predictive programming of a master race ideology in all monotheistic facets of the bamboozlement - here is the link: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/sabrina-wallace-explains-bio-sensors

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Not saying it isn’t true but this has all the hallmarks of obfuscation memes planted by THEM

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I can assure you, that after about 8000 h of research, a good 10000 pages of scientific literature and the life work of Dominique Guillet, who is in fact the owner of the biggest organic seed bank in the world (supplying especially THEM, illegally so, still- fighting Monsanto in courts for a good 10 years and he is still alive) - and 3000 pages about biosynthetic nanotechnology, I can assure you with sober certainty - that this is absolutely happening. The best source displaying hard science is Xochi- Xochipelli Substack // Dominique Guillet, xochipelli.fr (deepl translations are good)

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