The persecutions of chlorine dioxide practitioners are simply a continuation of what befell pioneers of similar oxidative therapies. One difference: the earliest pioneers were assassinated.
As mentioned Koch was also a homeopath known especially for his treatment of tuberculosis. So there was another reason to get rid of him because there’s no money to be made in homeopathy - the remedies work but cannot be patented.
So true Koch was a brilliant homeopath who pioneered homeopathic treatment for TB. To this day my colleagues and I use his contributions to the Materia Medica and the remedies he created. Unfortunately our model of holistic medicine did not fit the Rockefeller nor AMA business model that emerged and our methods, schools, hospitals and practitioners were persecuted and side lined. Both in the US and here in Canada the practitioners before us went underground.
I’m using chlorine dioxide topically with DMSO daily, fenben 3 days on 4 off, and benedryl daily for my dogs mast cell tumor. I don’t know what to credit but the marble sized tumor is now almost flat in 8 weeks.
Yes it is full of harmful chemicals, preservatives and rendered ingredients. I always tell families to source local products and use to make balanced recipes for their animal companions or work with a holistic/functional/integrative vet on proper nutrition for our furries.
Wow, STH, I would love to hear more about this being involved in vet med myself. Mast cells are nasty to deal with and surgery is what is always suggested. Would love to see any pictures you have following the decrease in tumor size. I am sure holistic/functional/integrative vets would love to hear about this as they are open to so much more that allopathic vet med. Thank you so much for being open minded and thinking outside the traditional medicine box!
I’m in a mast cell FB group. Most of the people who have had surgery on their dogs say they wish they hadn’t as they almost always come back and often worse. MCTs can not be cured. Only managed. They say not to “poke the bear”. I’m happy to answer questions.
So true not to poke the bear. Are you letting your vet know about this protocol or would he/she not be open to it? Does the FB group work with their vets or are you all on your own? I find many vets are closed minded based on personal experience unless you use a holistic vet.
My vet only advocates what she was taught-Surgery - which we will not be doing. I haven’t seen her recently to let her know what I am doing. But I sure will the next time I see her.
Yes, so many pigeonhole themselves and do very little homeopathic/holistic training. I can only hope she will be interested and open minded to incorporate such treatments especially for those pets who are not surgical candidates. Perhaps she can team up with a nearby holistic vet if you have one in your locale. Another great resource is Karen Becker, DVM. She is holistic and has her own website and FB seminars and utube videos. She is amazing. Sat in today on a 3 hour raw diet seminar for dogs and cats where a panel of 5 rated the best to the worst companies based on many different categories. Best 3 hours I have spent recently!
Here’s hoping the new team under Robert Kennedy will conduct proper studies showing the safety and efficacy of every one of the drugs that flunk Dr. Kory’s Scale. Fracking solved our energy issues and saved our modern lifestyle. These inexpensive, repurposed drugs may well cure deadly diseases, reverse rising medical costs, and prevent our country’s insolvency. Buckle-up, the ride is going to be rough but rewarding.
Its truly amazing how medical history has so many solutions for the seemimgly unsolvable ailments of today. Modern medicine is an oxymoronic concept based in Rockefeller Biopharma suppression of both the history of medicine and bona fide historical "cures".
I have a collection of old Pathology Texts (circa 1800s). So much of what was known has been forgotten and "rediscovered" as if it was never known.
Without question there has been far more pathology forgotten than learned anew; I presume the same is for clinical medicine.
"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.."
While hypochlorous acid leads to the formation of trihalomethanes, which are highly toxic, chlorine dioxide does not produce these compounds and is significantly more effective.
🔥It’s sold for humans and pets lots of people use it for all sorts ..
Eliminates harmful oral BIOFILM in under 1 minute.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), the active ingredient in our products, is a powerful yet biocompatible compound that is produced by the body’s own immune system in response to infection. It destroys microbes in a matter of seconds.
It’s sold all over the place and it’s cheap and you can buy generators to make your own at home or in surgeries/ office etc. it’s often repacked and sold under different names companies have their own names. I use it in eyes, mouth, nose, wounds even severe wounds like when I nearly cut my thumb to the bone with a seriously dangerous wood saw healed pronto.
In animals eyes wounds you name it, I spray my Sphynx cats ( they ooze out dark oil naturally) leave the spray a minute then wipe with cloth, it’s all gone and the skin is perfect. The best healer ever.
Do a little search for where you live and see who is selling some or make your own. I just found an interesting PDF I will get it for you.
Yes for sure, one of my vet friends later said raw unpasteurised honey is just as good so I use that, also have green clay in that’s good to add into the home health kit.
Thank you Dr Kory for this excellent article. I had the privilege to seek cancer treatment from Dr Stanislaw Burzynski. He was being unfairly targeted with lawfare but that did not deter me from seeking his services. He helped save my life and was ethical and generous. I’m grateful you mentioned his unfair persecution.
It’s quite obvious who’s in control! Persecutions seem to be the “greatest-crime”’of all Big-Pharma corporations!
When Big Pharma stands to benefit big time from persecution of anyone and everyone, who wins this battle hands down, every single time?
We know the truth, we know answer. Are we truly living in a “free-society?” Or is it free for those who stand to benefit the most from “Hard-Working”Good & Decent Americans?
Exactly! We certainly pay the price for freedom and as long as we “sit down and shut up” we’re allowed to have freedom. DO NOT go against the grain we’ll pay the consequences!
It is far past time for “We the People” to take back what was stolen from all of us! And there’s a myriad of reasons why, our government should fight back against these “Tyrannical Globalists!”
In the “Globalist-Mindset” everything and everyone in on the chopping block of removing our freedoms!
Great article, thank you. As a layperson, I think I would have found the persecution of such researchers difficult to believe, had I not listened to Bill Bryson’s A Short History of Nearly Everything - which related the shocking competitive skullduggery and nastiness that has been directed at scientific pioneers throughout history, by peers, lobbyists and organisations.
Excellent article, and very true; I have experienced it myself for over 17 years :)) When we have a paradigm shift, there is always significant resistance from the established powers. After filing and receiving several patents, I was able to see the scope of chlorine dioxide and decided to go open source for everyone . CDS act based on electromolecular charges, not due to poisoning. Thank you, Dr. Kory, for spreading your knowledge to the world and helping to save lives.
You think saving someone’s job is more important than saving potentially millions of lives?
So someone who injects hundreds of people with toxic chemo drugs, causing unimaginable suffering with little chance of a cure, their job is more important than those hundreds of people having the chance for a painless cure. Is that what you are suggesting?
I’m only cold hearted about other people’s jobs when a) the job involves injecting poison into people’s veins when there are non poisonous cures available that are intentionally hidden b) when someone makes good money working on the taxpayer’s dime but doesn’t actually do any real work and has temper tantrums when they are told they have to come into the office and list a few things they accomplished during the week.
Advocating for jobs that involve legally killing people slowly and painfully, while stripping them of their dignity, seems pretty cold hearted to me. It sounds like if your loved one got cancer you would take them to the oncologist and subject them to chemo and radiation, rather than trying a potentially cure that is harmless. No? Yeah, I didn’t think so, that would be reserved for other people’s loved ones.
Nothing short of a brilliant article. Thank you Dr. Kory
Excellent article, thank you.
As mentioned Koch was also a homeopath known especially for his treatment of tuberculosis. So there was another reason to get rid of him because there’s no money to be made in homeopathy - the remedies work but cannot be patented.
So true Koch was a brilliant homeopath who pioneered homeopathic treatment for TB. To this day my colleagues and I use his contributions to the Materia Medica and the remedies he created. Unfortunately our model of holistic medicine did not fit the Rockefeller nor AMA business model that emerged and our methods, schools, hospitals and practitioners were persecuted and side lined. Both in the US and here in Canada the practitioners before us went underground.
I pray a New Revolution takes over to overhaul all these 3 letter agencies who have no love for the human race and worship at Satan's altar.
I’m using chlorine dioxide topically with DMSO daily, fenben 3 days on 4 off, and benedryl daily for my dogs mast cell tumor. I don’t know what to credit but the marble sized tumor is now almost flat in 8 weeks.
upload your testimony to please
Ok I checked it out. I have no clue how to upload anything. Not a very user friendly site and it’s in Spanish so 🤷♀️
But I’m doing so many different things. Are you sure they want my testimony?
If you agree regular human food is toxic, regular dog food is super toxic. Great news on that treatment! Dogs provide so much love and mellow us out.
Yup! My dog has been raw fed since I brought her home 7 years ago. She eats better than most people.
Yes it is full of harmful chemicals, preservatives and rendered ingredients. I always tell families to source local products and use to make balanced recipes for their animal companions or work with a holistic/functional/integrative vet on proper nutrition for our furries.
Wow, STH, I would love to hear more about this being involved in vet med myself. Mast cells are nasty to deal with and surgery is what is always suggested. Would love to see any pictures you have following the decrease in tumor size. I am sure holistic/functional/integrative vets would love to hear about this as they are open to so much more that allopathic vet med. Thank you so much for being open minded and thinking outside the traditional medicine box!
I’m in a mast cell FB group. Most of the people who have had surgery on their dogs say they wish they hadn’t as they almost always come back and often worse. MCTs can not be cured. Only managed. They say not to “poke the bear”. I’m happy to answer questions.
So true not to poke the bear. Are you letting your vet know about this protocol or would he/she not be open to it? Does the FB group work with their vets or are you all on your own? I find many vets are closed minded based on personal experience unless you use a holistic vet.
My vet only advocates what she was taught-Surgery - which we will not be doing. I haven’t seen her recently to let her know what I am doing. But I sure will the next time I see her.
Yes, so many pigeonhole themselves and do very little homeopathic/holistic training. I can only hope she will be interested and open minded to incorporate such treatments especially for those pets who are not surgical candidates. Perhaps she can team up with a nearby holistic vet if you have one in your locale. Another great resource is Karen Becker, DVM. She is holistic and has her own website and FB seminars and utube videos. She is amazing. Sat in today on a 3 hour raw diet seminar for dogs and cats where a panel of 5 rated the best to the worst companies based on many different categories. Best 3 hours I have spent recently!
Here’s hoping the new team under Robert Kennedy will conduct proper studies showing the safety and efficacy of every one of the drugs that flunk Dr. Kory’s Scale. Fracking solved our energy issues and saved our modern lifestyle. These inexpensive, repurposed drugs may well cure deadly diseases, reverse rising medical costs, and prevent our country’s insolvency. Buckle-up, the ride is going to be rough but rewarding.
Thank you for the audio version. Thank you for everything you do.
The AMA is a criminal organization.
The CPT Coding Committee within the AMA requires NDAs for the members that, Ive been told, are quite punitive if violated.
By punitive do you mean "bullet to the brain-pan punitive"? Or is it just a fine?
Both, first they fine, then they "off " you.
Indeed it is but it is also evil to its very core, not just criminal.
Its truly amazing how medical history has so many solutions for the seemimgly unsolvable ailments of today. Modern medicine is an oxymoronic concept based in Rockefeller Biopharma suppression of both the history of medicine and bona fide historical "cures".
I have a collection of old Pathology Texts (circa 1800s). So much of what was known has been forgotten and "rediscovered" as if it was never known.
Without question there has been far more pathology forgotten than learned anew; I presume the same is for clinical medicine.
"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.."
Can your print those, please, so others can benefit!
Thank you for this, Pierre! Keep your eyes open and be situationally aware 😉
Agree. Am a bit nervous about this topic for sure
May you be safe always, Dr Kory
Thank you for your contributions on your journey
Truly a sad state of affairs. Hence why many have chosen to remain anonymous. We need to invent/develop a cloaking device!
Harry Potter's Cloak of Invisibility!
We must be brave and speak nonetheless or we let evil thrive. It is a risk worth taking IMHO.
Excellent article. People need to know more about therapies that are around and not needing vaccines. Ozone and oxygen are crucial.
I use hypochlorous acid as a mouthrinse and antiacterial and antiviral on my skin. It's a chlorine based disinfectant.
While hypochlorous acid leads to the formation of trihalomethanes, which are highly toxic, chlorine dioxide does not produce these compounds and is significantly more effective.
Just keep organics out until after acidification, and you won't get any THMs.
What about coconut oil pulling? That is what I do to cut down on bacteria in the mouth.
I wouldn't mix coconut oil and hypochlorous acid, but acidify first if you do.
Thank you SaHiB!
🔥It’s sold for humans and pets lots of people use it for all sorts ..
Eliminates harmful oral BIOFILM in under 1 minute.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), the active ingredient in our products, is a powerful yet biocompatible compound that is produced by the body’s own immune system in response to infection. It destroys microbes in a matter of seconds.
Biofilm – are you active or passive?
Search over 300 published research articles on hypochlorous acid
Thanks! Lots of good information for my patients
Are the products sold in the US or do you ship to the US?
It’s sold all over the place and it’s cheap and you can buy generators to make your own at home or in surgeries/ office etc. it’s often repacked and sold under different names companies have their own names. I use it in eyes, mouth, nose, wounds even severe wounds like when I nearly cut my thumb to the bone with a seriously dangerous wood saw healed pronto.
In animals eyes wounds you name it, I spray my Sphynx cats ( they ooze out dark oil naturally) leave the spray a minute then wipe with cloth, it’s all gone and the skin is perfect. The best healer ever.
Do a little search for where you live and see who is selling some or make your own. I just found an interesting PDF I will get it for you.
Vets use it also.
This is an excellent wound care product vets use! and also Vet Aid Spray which contains sea salt and Lysozyme.
Proposal for the addition and inclusion of hypochlorous acid to the 2025 WHO Essential Medicines List
in the categories of disinfection, antisepsis, and wound care.
Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl)
for antisepsis, disinfection, and wound care in
Core Categories 15.1, 15.2, and 13
I use Manuka honey for certain wound care, what say you?
Yes for sure, one of my vet friends later said raw unpasteurised honey is just as good so I use that, also have green clay in that’s good to add into the home health kit.
I’ve seen manuka honey eye drops out there also.
Hedgerow Hounds Green Clay
Thank you for this info. I will share it as well!
Sodium hypochlorite bleach and non-reducing acids hard to get somewhere? There's always salt and electrolysis!
Any complaints send them to the companies complaint department.
It's acidified chlorine bleach. chemistry. CL2 is not ClO2
I did. Didn't you read my Substack bio?
You make chlorine bleach by electrolysing brine; removing the hydrogen, and stirring the chlorine back into the now-alkaline solution.
Cl2 + 2OH- --> Cl- + H2O + OCl-
"Hypochlorous acid" is HOCl.
Where did you learn chemistry?
Thank you Dr Kory for this excellent article. I had the privilege to seek cancer treatment from Dr Stanislaw Burzynski. He was being unfairly targeted with lawfare but that did not deter me from seeking his services. He helped save my life and was ethical and generous. I’m grateful you mentioned his unfair persecution.
It’s quite obvious who’s in control! Persecutions seem to be the “greatest-crime”’of all Big-Pharma corporations!
When Big Pharma stands to benefit big time from persecution of anyone and everyone, who wins this battle hands down, every single time?
We know the truth, we know answer. Are we truly living in a “free-society?” Or is it free for those who stand to benefit the most from “Hard-Working”Good & Decent Americans?
Exactly! We certainly pay the price for freedom and as long as we “sit down and shut up” we’re allowed to have freedom. DO NOT go against the grain we’ll pay the consequences!
It is far past time for “We the People” to take back what was stolen from all of us! And there’s a myriad of reasons why, our government should fight back against these “Tyrannical Globalists!”
In the “Globalist-Mindset” everything and everyone in on the chopping block of removing our freedoms!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Andreas Kalcker promotes CDS and has good YouTube videos on the subject. Sometimes it’s difficult to find them in English.
they are in and many with subtitles , so click on the CC botton and choose on the right wheel your language.
Great article, thank you. As a layperson, I think I would have found the persecution of such researchers difficult to believe, had I not listened to Bill Bryson’s A Short History of Nearly Everything - which related the shocking competitive skullduggery and nastiness that has been directed at scientific pioneers throughout history, by peers, lobbyists and organisations.
Excellent article, and very true; I have experienced it myself for over 17 years :)) When we have a paradigm shift, there is always significant resistance from the established powers. After filing and receiving several patents, I was able to see the scope of chlorine dioxide and decided to go open source for everyone . CDS act based on electromolecular charges, not due to poisoning. Thank you, Dr. Kory, for spreading your knowledge to the world and helping to save lives.
What have you done, Dr. Kalcker, to help the people who would lose jobs from your breakthroughs?
You think saving someone’s job is more important than saving potentially millions of lives?
So someone who injects hundreds of people with toxic chemo drugs, causing unimaginable suffering with little chance of a cure, their job is more important than those hundreds of people having the chance for a painless cure. Is that what you are suggesting?
Sometimes you DON'T save lives when you are cold-hearted about other people's jobs. They fight the breakthrough. Humanity has lost a LOT from this.
Big pHarma--many deserve an agonizing death, never mind their jobs. Others spent years training for a satisfying job to improve health (they thought).
All lives matter. True righteousness takes all those affected into account. The ones who need real cures, not endless "treatments," AND people's jobs.
I’m only cold hearted about other people’s jobs when a) the job involves injecting poison into people’s veins when there are non poisonous cures available that are intentionally hidden b) when someone makes good money working on the taxpayer’s dime but doesn’t actually do any real work and has temper tantrums when they are told they have to come into the office and list a few things they accomplished during the week.
Advocating for jobs that involve legally killing people slowly and painfully, while stripping them of their dignity, seems pretty cold hearted to me. It sounds like if your loved one got cancer you would take them to the oncologist and subject them to chemo and radiation, rather than trying a potentially cure that is harmless. No? Yeah, I didn’t think so, that would be reserved for other people’s loved ones.
No, not all lives matter IMHO. Fauci, Gates, Baric, Birx, Collins and the list goes on. Their lives mean nada.
Fantastic article, I’m looking forward to reading the next one.
I’m learning about CDS, DMSO, methylene blue, colloidal silver and shilajit.