The Persecutions Of The Pioneers Of Oxidative Therapies Similar To Chlorine Dioxide
The persecutions of chlorine dioxide practitioners are simply a continuation of what befell pioneers of similar oxidative therapies. One difference: the earliest pioneers were assassinated.
** Due to this post’s length as well as the preference of many readers, a self-narrated audio podcast version can be found at this link (for paid subscribers only).
To understand how effective, and thus threatening, oxidative therapies like chlorine dioxide are to the biopharmaceutical industrial complex, I again want to apply a conceptual tool I devised called “The Kory Scale” which I wrote about in this recent post (audio version here).
To briefly review, the Kory Scale posits that the more broadly, potently, safely, and cheaply effective a therapy is, the more it will be attacked in a coordinated fashion by captured regulatory agencies and media.
It is with this concept in mind that I present these next posts detailing the truly disturbing, repeated, coordinated persecutions and even assassinations of the discoverers, researchers, and practitioners of chlorine dioxide.
To start at the beginning, we have to go back a 100 years with the persecutions of Dr. William F. Koch and Dr. Eugene FM “Fritz” Blass, discoverers of two of the first “oxidative therapies,” one being injectable Glyoxilide and the second being oral Homozon.
Know that “oxidative therapy” is a category which includes ozone, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, ultraviolet blood irradiation, hyperbaric oxygen, photodynamic therapy, methylene blue, high dose IV vitamin C etc. Some of my readers may recall that my relationship with Dr. Paul Marik actually began with my research done in the wake of his pioneering work on IV vitamin C in sepsis.
My hypothesis of why most oxidative therapies (except ozone) are so threatening is that such treatments are:
widely available
very safe
have numerous therapeutic mechanisms of actions and some appear to be near perfectly effective against most if not all infectious illnesses
are applicable to treatment of a very broad set of diseases beyond infectious, i.e inflammatory, cancerous, degenerative, ischemic etc.
allow for moderately informed citizens to treat themselves effectively
Imagine a world where therapies possessing the above qualities were widely available and normalized for use? If such therapies were as effective as I suspect they are, the implications are staggering:
I could imagine the need for doctors, hospitals and ER’s decreasing to the point that the biggest industry in the U.S would shrink dramatically, causing severe stress and distortions in our economy (in good and bad ways - good meaning a massive increase in the health and productivity of our citizens and bad because a massive amount of jobs and economic activity would vanish or need to be redirected in disruptive ways).
This thought exercise leads to endless imagined consequences, like:
ending the need for vaccines (and the vaccine industry) given chlorine dioxide appears to be a universal anti-microbial against viruses, bacteria, and fungi
ending our epidemic of chronic disease which, in my mind, is largely (but not completely) driven by repeated, rapidly increasing, and aggressive (numerous shots simultaneously) vaccination schedules.
financial decimation of the pharmaceutical industry and medical sector (unemploying millions)
drastically reducing the need for doctors and surgeons who would have to re-train or pivot to another scientific focus
ending the financial hardships of many families decimated by massive medical bills
increasing “happiness” - imagine a world of significantly less suffering and disability. As RFK Jr stated so powerfully in his confirmation hearing, “healthy people have many dreams but a chronically ill person only has one.”
reducing the price of eggs? I say this because, as one senior scientist and expert on chlorine dioxide told me “avian flu in our poultry flock could be eradicated simply by adding 3 ppm sodium chlorite (which is equivalent to about 2 ppm chlorine dioxide) in poultry drinking water. Contagion becomes zero. Adjust pH to 7.4.”
I could go on and on with these daydreams but not all consequences would be positive, such as:
encountering problems of scarcity in many resources and industries due to exploding population growth (death rates declining, infant mortality plummeting etc) leading to the creation of famines and wars
Basically, such a treatment would be so disruptive that innovations in other industries would have to appear to offset them, like in agriculture, transportation, energy etc. I am not a futurist visionary so I will stop this exercise here.
However, the above thought exercise serves as a credible (even defensible?) reason for my upcoming series describing the dark and disturbing history of attacks on practitioners and researchers of similar promising oxidative therapies.
Here my Covid acquired cynicism creeps in. If knowledge of the safety and efficacy of oxidative therapies in treating a wide set of diseases became more widespread, the current suppressive and restrictive forces against their use would simply increase by a similar magnitude.
For instance, as you will learn about in this series, instead of just continuing to threaten, jail, and kill chlorine dioxide practitioners and researchers they would also embark on fooling all the other doctors with manipulated trials in medical journals showing it did not work (like they did in Covid). They would also turn their “guns” on the lay population by starving them of access or the ability to produce the compound. Again, just like in Covid when they got pharmacists to stop filling ivermectin prescriptions and one of the major manufacturing facilities producing hydroxychloroquine exploded.
Apparently, this is already happening in regards to chlorine dioxide. Jeff (can only use his first name), my newfound friend/colleague who is the genius behind both website and documentary, recently told me that he has received reports from colleagues in certain countries in Africa that access to a supply of chlorine dioxide is becoming impossible.
Although this is my first post on the histories of the early discoverers and practitioners of oxidative therapies and chlorine dioxide, know that a numbers of others are upcoming (some are truly revelatory), so if you don’t want to miss out, please subscribe.
The Persecutions of Dr. William F. Koch and Dr. Eugene “Fritz” Blass in the 1900’s
I believe the discovery of the therapeutic efficacy of oxidative therapies in a broad range of diseases started with the invention of the ozone generator in 1870 which was then further developed and popularized by, guess who, Nikola Tesla.
Based on my research as well as information from an anonymous retired translational scientist (who you will meet in a later post), I believe that the two earliest persecuted oxidative therapy practitioners were Drs. Willam F. Koch and Dr. F. M “Fritz” Eugene Blass.
I think it is important to state at the outset that Dr. William F. Koch was born in 1885 and died in 1967.. by poisoning. Dr. Fritz Blass was born in 1880 and was murdered by assailants outside of his lab, also in 1967.
Although their careers and research and therapies were independant of each other, I have found a one sentence reference that Koch collaborated with Blass at some point.
I think.
The reason why I don’t know is that a retired intelligence officer and expert on chlorine dioxide told me that Blass was “deliberately scrubbed from the internet.” My guess as to why that is is that, as opposed to the complexly formulated and injectable Glyoxilide therapy, Blass’s simple oral formulation was far more threatening.
Despite Google and numerous AI engines, the only real info I could find on Blass was this random website summary about him and his Homozon product. Then I found a brief mention of him on a website which compiles a historical list of medical pioneers who have been persecuted and/or assassinated. On that site, the only thing written on the page for Blass was:
Developer of "Homozon™" (the original oxygen therapy product) - murdered outside his house, same year and month as Dr Koch .
As a result, I will do a necessarily short history of all that I found on Blass after this one.
History of Oxidative Therapy Pioneers Prior To Chlorine Dioxide
Before I present the persecutions of Dr. Koch and Dr. Blass in the first half of last century, let’s begin with a brief history of what I think is the first oxidative therapy, and that is the medical use of ozone (a gas like chlorine dioxide, and like chlorine dioxide was first used in water purification). It has been used as medical therapy for about 150 years amongst complementary medicine practitioners. The below is directly borrowed from a review titled The Story of Ozone by Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH.
Medical Ozone
1870: The first ozone generators were developed in Germany in 1857 and 1870 saw the first report on ozone being used therapeutically to purify blood.. Soon after ozone was put into use as as a disinfectant in 1881, leading to the first ozone water treatment plant in 1893 in Holland. In 1885, the Florida Medical Association published "Ozone" by Dr. Charles J. Kenworth, MD, detailing the use of ozone for therapeutic purposes.
1896: In September 1896, the electrical genius Nikola Tesla patented his first ozone generator, and in 1900, he formed the Tesla Ozone Company. Tesla sold ozone machines to doctors for medical use, the same thing we are doing 100 years later, with a design based on one of his from the 1920s. Tesla produced ozonated olive oil and sold it to naturopaths, and we do, too.
1898: The Institute for Oxygen Therapy was started in Berlin by Thauerkauf and Luth. They injected ozone into animals and bonded ozone to magnesium, producing Homozon. Beginning in 1898, Dr. Benedict Lust, a German doctor practicing in New York, who was the originator and founder of Naturopathy, wrote many articles and books on ozone.
The rest of the timeline is lengthy and concludes with; “Today, after 125 years of usage, ozone therapy is a recognized modality in many nations: Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Romania, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Israel, Cuba, Japan, Mexico, and ten US states.”
Besides the statement that ozone is recognized in only ten U.S states (why only ten?), the most important in the above entries was the mention of The Institute For Oxygen Therapy in 1898 by Drs. Thauekauf and Luth. This is where Blass comes in. From a different source on Dr. Blass, I found this mention tying their lineages and that of Nikola Tesla together:
In 1929, while looking for a cure for cancer, and according to some sources working with the great inventor Nikola Tesla in a Paris hotel, Dr. Blass developed a powdered form of stabilized oxygen which was bound to pharmaceutical quality magnesium; this was an improvement on the earlier product Haemozon which was developed in 1898 by two German Doctors, Thauerkauf and Luth.
Interestingly, as opposed to chlorine dioxide or any other “stabilized oxygen” product, ozone therapy is in widespread use among “complementary medicine practitioners.” I will not be going into the history or evolution of ozone therapy because I do not believe it has the same accessibility, wide applicability, simplicity, and low cost as oral ingested chlorine dioxide, thus it is not as much of a “threat” to the system.
Plus, it is not (currently) illegal to prescribe or use (at least in 10 U.S states), unlike the regulatory hell that would likely descend if doctors were to start publicly treating with chlorine dioxide (something I have so far avoided doing due to my public profile and active medical licenses). Although with RFK Jr as Secretary of Human and Health Services, I feel like someone would have my back now but I am not going to test those waters (yet?).
The Persecutions Of Dr. William F. Koch and Suppression of Glyoxilide Therapy
I thought it might be a productive exercise to first begin… with the end. By that, I mean the description of Dr. Koch as found on his current Wikipedia page which relegates his legacy in history to that of a charlatan, plain and simple. The summary at the top of his page states clearly:
“William Frederick Koch (1885–1967) was a U.S. medical doctor and pharmaceutical entrepreneur. In the 1940s he marketed glyoxylide, a drug which he claimed would cure cancer. The claims were never scientifically proved, and he was considered a charlatan by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).[1]
His Wikipedia biography ends with:
“Biographer Jay Robert Nash has written that Koch was an "infamous quack throughout his entire career."[5]
However, if you research this masterpiece of a historical record containing his numerous publications, court records, case reports, physician and patient testimonies, as well as Congressional transcripts from that time (including letters between pharmaceutical company executives), a very, very different story emerges.
It is also a record which reveals an insane number of attacks by the FDA, AMA, FTC, Dept of Justice, etc. I maintain that these attacks follow a nearly identical pattern to that of Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski and his anti-neoplaston cancer therapy in the 1980’s and 1990’s, an account of which I wrote about in this recent post. These persecuting actions by our health agencies led to Koch fleeingto Brazil to continue his research in relative obscurity. I have spent countless hours reading through all the papers and documents, and here is my condensed version of his work and life:
The Life, Career, And Persecutions of Dr. William F. Koch
Dr. William F. Koch studied chemistry at the University of Michigan under Professor Moses Gomberg, the father of the chemistry of free radicals. He received his B.A. in 1909, M.A. in 1910, and Ph.D. in 1916. While at the U of M, he also lived with and was taught the principles of homeopathy by one of the pioneers in homeopathy, Dr. A. W. Dewey.
His early research focused on the parathyroid glands and his 2nd paper was deemed so revelatory that it merited an editorial by the editor of JAMA. 3 years later, his paper was confirmed by Prof. Noel Paton who later won the Triennial Prize from Harvard for his own research on the parathyroid gland.
In 1914 he became Professor of Physiology at Detroit College of Medicine and then soon after became the Chairman of the Department (wow). Despite all these achievements at such a young age, he went even further and started doing cancer research while completing his MD degree which he obtained in 1918 (thus culminating in him having a B.A, M.A, Ph.D., and MD – doesn’t sound like a charlatan to me).
Based on insights he made in his parathyroid research, Koch developed what I will call a “catalytic oxidative therapy” called Glyoxilide which he found could cure advanced and hopeless cases of many (but not all) types of cancer in a very high percentage of cases.
I believe his therapy has similar mechanisms of action to chlorine dioxide and other oxidative therapies for two reasons: 1) analyses of the composition and mechanisms of his therapy by chemists and 2) numerous reports of high efficacy in treating a broad set of diseases (esp. cancer) in both humans and animals, similar to the diversity of testimonies of chlorine dioxide’s efficacy.
The reason why I believe his therapy is similar without being able to detail exactly why is that the exact composition of his Glyoxilide compound remains unknown to this day because he never published a complete scientific analysis or formula. This unfortunate reality is due to the fact his clinical research attempts to prove its safety and efficacy were thwarted at every turn by the medical establishment. From his biography website (which I believe was put together by certain surviving family members), they write:
He wanted to fully identify the chemical structure of this material that he was working with and to perfect the chemistry of these therapeutic agents before he could publish all of this information. He also wanted to be able to identify the types of cancer conditions that each of these products would be most effective in treating.
Even today, no university, research laboratory and/or pharmaceutical company makes full disclosure of their basic research to the public until the validity of their discoveries have been established and accepted. It should be noted that Dr. Frederick G. Banting did not reveal all of the information on the preparation of insulin until he received his first patent in the 1920s. Like Dr. Banting, Dr. Koch felt that it was important to withhold the full identity of the substances he was working with to prevent incompetent or unscrupulous manufacturers from flooding the market with specious or untested preparations and at the same time claiming their products to be the Koch medications. Such actions by unauthorized persons would do his research and his name great harm.
However, I recently discovered that one anonymous (of course) scientist appears to have pieced together a reasonably detailed picture of its composition and production posthumously from various fragments of Koch’s papers and letters combined with what he said were “private investigations.” He has posted his analysis on this website here. Although if that analysis is correct, scientists could likely reproduce the compound, I personally believe that chlorine dioxide would prove to be equally effective.
An even more chemically detailed analysis of Koch’s surviving papers and letters about Glyoxilide was done by a newfound colleague and chlorine dioxide expert named Tom Henshaw who is a retired physical chemist (PhD), with over 35 years of research and development experience. He specialized in broad-based scientific and technology innovation in the arenas of physical chemistry, bioscience, and energy. I created a post with a short summary of his career achievements as well as his extremely detailed chemical analysis of Koch’s compounds and likely mechanisms (understandable only by experienced chemists unfortunately).
The one advantage Koch’s treatment might have over other oxidative therapies is due to its unique “catalytic” properties (i.e. inducing and/or speeding up of a chain of reactions in the body), such that in some cases, as little as a single injection was used to cure someone of cancer (unlike chlorine dioxide which involves numerous oral ingestions (or baths) a day for weeks to months).
But the simplicity and availability and cost of using chlorine dioxide will always be far superior to an incredibly complex compound manufactured by a pharmaceutical company and which would require paying a physician to prescribe and inject. The costs of such a treatment in modern times would be astronomical.
Koch’s Reputation Amongst His Contemporaries
Although Koch’s Wikipedia page unsurprisingly relegates him to history as a charlatan, that opinion contradicts those of his many contemporaries that knew of his work and/or had seen the results he achieved in the patients that they referred to him.
They actually considered him a brilliant genius in physiology, chemistry, and medicine. To wit, some quotes about him by leading physicians and scientists at the time (which also include accounts of Koch curing their patients of cancer):
Dr. William H. Dow, President of Dow Chemical in 1936:
As far as I am personally concerned, I consider him one of the outstanding scientists in the medical profession, and he is so far head of the thinking of his profession that he is naturally being ridiculed somewhat. The mere fact that Dr. Koch has a treatment affecting virus diseases is of itself sufficiently important that it ought to be analyzed from every angle by the medical profession. I think we all have an opportunity to see something new aborning in Dr. Koch’s work. I sincerely hope someday the public will recognize him for his ability.
In 1919, Dr. Alan Bain, a contemporary oncologist of Koch’s:
Dr. Koch is one of the most brilliant physiological chemists in the country…what he has done is this: “He has made people well who were so far gone with cancer that they had only a few weeks to live. Several patients he treated for me are working hard and enjoying life a year after they should have been dead…I believe—even if he has not discovered an absolute cure for cancer, he has added years to the lives of cancer victims. What he has already done is a boon to humanity and a great step forward in physiological chemistry
Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi, Nobel Prize winning discoverer of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) said, after his death and when KLoch’s surviving family mebers came to him to try to get him to continue Koch’s work::
“I can tell you; I have a great admiration for Koch. He must have been a very outstanding man.” I have been working myself on these lines now for years and the subject has made very great progress and it is doubtful whether the notes of Dr. Koch could help any further.
I would not like to become involved in the controversy around his name and, maybe, reproached later that I am led in my studies by the posthumous notes which the Koch family could put at my disposal. I also doubt whether I could find the time for their study they undoubtedly deserve. I would not like either to revive the controversy around his work. That he has met by hostility is not doubtful for me. I know it from my own experience that people with intuition are regarded as an enemy by those who have none.
Evidence Of Glyoxilide’s Efficacy
Despite facing relentless persecution and accusations of quackery, there is considerable evidence that Dr. Koch's Glyoxylide therapy demonstrated efficacy in treating a variety of ailments, (not just cancer) with the most detailed and comparative evidence from the many reports of success by dairy farmers and cattlemen in Kock’s therapy treating their livestock. Conversely, in human diseaes, just like with chlorine dioxide, the evidence base for Glyoxilide resides on innumerable patient and physician testimonials
Efficacy of Glyoxilide In Veterinary Medicine
· Mastitis Treatment: A 1951 article in the Journal of the American Association of Physicians referenced positive outcomes using Glyoxylide in livestock, as reported by the British Columbia Department of Agriculture.
· One study of 27 cows with mastitis showed significant bacterial reduction and udder softening after a single injection. Fibrous tissue disappeared in some cases.
· Johne's Disease Intervention: A herd experiencing losses of young heifers during first calving was treated with Glyoxylide, leading to immediate relief and improved overall health.
· Acetonemia Treatment: The British Columbia Farmer and Gardener (June 1947) cited two cases where Glyoxylide was effective against acetonemia, stating it "appears to aid the individual cell in its oxidative activity, transforming food into living energy," making it the simplest and most effective remedy for a puzzling disease.
· Prince Albert Milk Producers Association: In 1949, they also showed Glyoxylide's effectiveness against acetonemia.
· In the first test of 15 cows having acetonemia, 14 were cured after one injection.
· Four cows suffering from both acetonemia and mastitis were cured of both conditions.
· In another test, 34 animals were injected and 31 cures were affected over mastitis.
· Department of Agriculture Report (1949): A summary of work investigating Glyoxylide for mastitis and infertility showed promising results.
· 71 cows with mastitis and 29 infertile cows were treated.
· Market milk production was restored to 256 quarters out of 263 infected quarters after ten months.
· The investigating committee noted improvements in 14 pathological states, including:
· High bacterial count reductions, Softening of the udder, Disappearance of fibrous tissue, Reduction of infertility
· British Columbia Veterinarian Association: Passed a resolution stating "the official results of the Koch Treatment (Glyoxylide) in Veterinary practice appear reasonable grounds to warrant continuing its use."
· Christian Medical Research League: Held reports covering the treatment of thousands of dairy animals, indicating Glyoxylide has proven 80% efficient against diseases affecting herds, including pneumonia, scours, ringworm, pinkeye, and retained placenta.
Efficacy of Glyoxilide Therapy In Humans
From my review of the collection of papers, records, and testimonies on his biographical website, I found the following sources of evidence of efficacy:
· Physician Support: Hundreds of physicians in the US, Canada, and other countries used Koch Products in their practices.
· Clinical Reports: The Christian Medical Research League assembled hundreds of clinical reports and findings, reflecting the outcome of thousands of cases in which Glyoxylide was the therapeutic agent.
Review of Koch’s cancer patients by Dr. Allan Bain:
Arriving there December twenty-seventh I began a systematic study of his cases and saw many in all the various stages of reaction. Everything was absolutely open to my closest scrutiny and Dr. Koch was often not present during my examinations though always available to answer all questions, which he did with perfect frankness, both to the patients and me. Results were not always favorable, some were slow and uncertain, and he expressed doubt regarding others. He stated that 20 percent of his cases failed to react. All this was done in a spirit of perfect candor and openness that disarmed at once any feeling of the possibility of subterfuge or evasion that may have existed in my mind.
The most interesting and impressive thing was the cured cases; of these I saw a large number and questioned them most closely. There remained no doubt but that they had had cancer as they all gave a perfect clinical history. Some were primarily inoperable, many had been operated with recurrence, the majority had had the usual routine of X-ray and radium. They all had been hopeless surgically and had come to Dr. Koch as a last resort.
Affadavits: During Koch’s repeated legal cases brought by the FDA and FTC, patients and patient family members like Mrs. Fritts and Judy McWhorter submitted signed affidavits attesting to complete cures in cases of advanced cancer.
· Favorable Recovery: The overall indication is that while cures were not produced in all cases, the percentage of favorable recovery illustrated Glyoxylide's efficacy.
· Legislative Support: In 1957, 25 members of the Michigan State Legislature petitioned Congress to investigate the injunction imposed on Koch, citing recently discovered methods of treatment that confirmed Koch's research.
** Although the above reports to me are “sufficient evidence” of Glyoxilide’s diverse efficacy, the readers of this Substack are well aware of the tired and repeated trick of health authorities always deeming an “economically threatening competing therapy” as having “insufficient evidence” (do I have to post a picture of my tattoo again?)
No matter how well documented, numerous, or varied the reports of efficacy are of a safe, inexpensive, widely available therapy, the establishment will never accept its validity without a “large, rigorous, high quality” trial.
In the case of Koch and Glyoxilide, what they did for over 40 years (in the U.S, Mexico, and Brazil) is systematically prevent Koch from gaining access to hospitals or the requisite research facilities and staff that he needed to perform such a trial.
Thus, his treatment, to this day, has never been “validated.” I would argue, even if he had published positive results of such a trial, like with ivermectin and other early treatments in Covid, it would have been rejected or retracted very quickly or at least come under a 3rd party grassroots campaign using the media and social media to claim that he committed fraud in his trial. They would have done everything and anything to “inject doubt” about the efficacy of Glyoxilide.
And that is because, from my AI-assisted review of the collection of papers and historical documents on this website, over his career, Koch found that his treatment had efficacy in treating and often curing a large number of diseases. Read this list below and tell me if these claims seem to mirror the claims around the efficacy of chlorine dioxide:
1. Cancer (various types and stages)
2. Leprosy
3. Malaria
4. Coronary occlusion and thrombosis
5. Multiple sclerosis
6. Arteriosclerosis
7. Angioneourotic oedema
8. Obliterative endarteritis
9. Asthma
10. Hay fever
11. Dementia praecox
12. Epilepsy
13. Psoriasis
14. Poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis)
15. Tuberculosis
16. Syphilis
17. Arthritis
18. Osteomyelitis
19. Allergies (various types)
20. Infections (various types)
21. Abscess of the prostate gland
22. Septicaemia
23. Insanity
24. Gonorrhea
25. Salpingitis
26. Sinusitis
27. Meningitis
28. Streptococcus sore throat
29. Pneumonia
30. Undulant fever
31. Diabetes
32. Degenerative diseases (unspecified)
This diversity of illness in which it demonstrated efficacy is shockingly similar to that of chlorine dioxide, another oxidative therapy for which large trials are not only lacking but actively restricted due to the FDA’s position that chlorine dioxide is a “bleach,” or “bleach-like,” or a “poison.”
Koch’s Treatment and Research Comes Under Attack by the AMA
Even though nationally respected with incredible academic achievements, like Dr. Paul Marik with his work on IV Vitamin C, Koch ran into trouble when he wrote what in hindsight could be described as a provocatively titled paper called “A New And Successful Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer.”
Obviously, a new successful treatment for cancer would “steal” patients away from practitioners of the prevailing cancer treatments at the time (“slash” and “burn” therapies, i.e. surgery and radiation).
In my mind, everything that was to befall Koch was due to the fact that he made the mistake of being quoted as below in a newspaper article written about the importance of his paper:
“I believe that you will appreciate the importance of this cancer work and believe that you are all interested in my request for co-operation. I wish to work up very fully several hundred cases for final report. I shall be glad to interview anyone regarding this matter, but for reasons that you will appreciate, wish only cases that have not received Ray treatments.”
Uh oh: he was openly bashing radiation. Recall that the AMA was going all in on radiation at the time. Although that statement was in the conclusion to his paper, other statements in the article were even more “threatening” to the medical establishment at the time:
No cases of cancer that have previously received X-ray or Radium treatment respond to this treatment at all since these agencies have altered the chemistry of the cancer cell. I therefore, cannot make any statements regarding breast cancer, since those breast cases that I have treated have all been previously rayed.
“Stomach, liver and rectal cancers clear up the quickest. Uterus cancer responds slightly more slowly. Squamous cell carcinoma responds about one-half as fast as stomach cancer.
In another Detroit newspaper article about the paper they stated that the treatment involved a subcutaneous injection of “about 30 drops of a bio-chemical compound that costed about $8 an injection.” (Ed: That would be about $130 in today’s dollars). I asked ChatGPt how much radiation cost in the 1910’s:
What I learned was that, the average worker earned $500–$1,000 per year. Costs for radium was about $100,00 per gram (equivalent to several million dollars today). Costs for radium injections to the patient could range from a few dollars to several hundred dollars per session, depending on the institution. External radiation using X-ray machines cost $10–$50 per session (equivalent to $300–$1,500 today), depending on the location and provider. Thus, as per chat GPT, “many patients relied on charity hospitals, university clinics, or philanthropic funding for treatment.”
In that 2nd newspaper article, they again emphasized:
“Dr. Koch’s treatment will not, he says cure cancers that have previously had X-ray or radium treatment.
“Several Detroit physicians, whom Dr. Koch thanks in his paper for their co-operation in his cancer treatment, have confirmed Dr. Koch’s statement that he has established clinical cures of cancer in specific cases.”
Public Frenzy Erupts in Detroit
After the publication of the above newspaper article, just as Koch feared, a frenzy of interest among the public was stirred up in 1919 as described in a subsequent article:
“Recently, through publication in a medical journal of an article by Dr. Koch, news of the serum was spread abroad. Newspapers took up the cry with the result that today every train is bringing cancer sufferers to Detroit; every hour more telegrams and letters from the hopeful who, misled in the belief that a ‘cure’ has been found, hope to obtain some of the serum, or come to Detroit for personal care and observation.”
“ .. a great public interest started to develop in the Detroit area. Recognizing this fact, the Wayne County Medical Society and its Cancer Committee, of which Dr. Koch was member, tried to take over the clinical research of his discoveries from Dr. Koch.”
I argue that what happened next (the attempt to steal his therapy) was due to several obvious factors; 1) the above surge in public interest, 2) Koch’s colleagues knew that it worked, 3) some knew it could bring them great profits and 4) it threatened the livelihoods of the members of the Committee assembled to investigate his therapy as they were all surgeons and radiation specialists.
The Wayne County Medical Society Investigation of Dr. Koch's Treatment (1919)
In 1919, the Wayne County Medical Society, a chapter of the American Medical Association (AMA), initiated a "group investigation" of Dr. Koch's cancer treatment, which Koch welcomed. A committee of five physicians was appointed to select patients, diagnose them, and observe Koch's treatment results.
Interference With The Investigation
· The committee selected seven advanced, terminally ill cancer patients from outside Detroit, despite the availability of many patients at the local county hospital.
· For three weeks, the committee members did not officially certify the patients' conditions, which was a necessary step before Koch could begin treatment.
· Koch began treating the patients immediately to avoid criticism. His supporters claimed that the patients responded well within three weeks.
· The committee ended the test, alleging Koch's lack of cooperation, and sent the patients home with warnings against further treatment from Koch.
Conflicting Accounts
The AMA's version, published in its journal in 1921, portrayed Koch as "difficult and uncooperative." They claimed Koch demanded to appoint a committee member but failed to do so, and that he abandoned the patients after the initial injections.
Koch, however, stated that he made efforts to follow up with the patients and found positive results in three cases:
· Mrs. Fritts, whose cancer had spread from the uterus to the stomach, made a dramatic recovery and an autopsy 15 years later revealed no cancer (Note that her husband submitted a notarized affidavit attesting to this in a later trial against him brought by the FTC).
· A second patient was found to be in good health, free of cancerous growth, pain, and hemorrhages.
· A third patient with inoperable stomach cancer experienced relief from pain and hemorrhaging.
AMA Opposition and Premature Closure Of The Investigation
In 1923, despite an affidavit certifying one patient's recovery, the Wayne County Medical Society received a letter from the AMA's "Propaganda Department" discouraging further examination of the "Koch Cancer Cure," arguing that it would “advertise” a cure without merit.
Despite this, the committee still convened. Koch presented patients that were diagnosed as hopeless by other physicians but whom he had cured, while also showing patients still undergoing his treatment. Unsurprisingly, the committee denied the evidence of the cures and then tried to convince patients to forego treatment with Koch and pursue surgery instead. You don’t say.
Allegations of Financial Motives and Exploitation
Koch believed that the AMA and the Wayne County Medical Society were antagonistic because he refused to allow them to exploit his treatment for their financial gain.
One fascinating detail supporting this is that Koch discovered evidence of the AMA plotting against him by the wife of one of his cancer patients who was a prominent physician who served as a member and past president of the Board of Trustees of the American Medical Association (AMA) in the early 20th century. In a later letter dated November 12, 1924, Dr. Mitchell praised Dr. Koch's work, stating:
"I hope that a little more time will prove that your work is really epoch-making and that you will ultimately secure the full credit and profit to which your services entitle you."
However, back in March of 1920, during the “investigation”, Mittchell’s wife warned Koch not to deal with the Committee group trying to take over the treatment,and to shun all association with the group bosses and their cohorts.
The A.M.A. went even further in their suppression of Koch’s therapy. They started a persecution of Dr. Louis Schmid, an eminent surgeon and professor, for referring patients to Koch. Although they did not accuse him of supporting Koch, they instead accused him of ‘unethical action’, due to the fact that he had instituted a free service for those in Chicago with venereal infections who could not afford to pay for medical care. The A.M.A. tried to relieve Dr. Schmid of his professorship and after failing in that they threw him out of the A.M.A. and smeared him in the press. Lovely.
Consequences of The AMA’s Interference In The Wayne County Investigation
The opposition from the AMA led to the cessation of funding for Koch's research, and so he resigned as Chairman of Physiology at the Detroit College of Medicine on October 17, 1919.
I found, like in the account of Dr. Allen Bain above, that Koch was objective, balanced, and modest (i.e. not a charlatan) when, in a letter he wrote to the Society, he stated:
“Of the clinical results, a number of tentative cures have been established, also a number of clinical improvements, all of which has demonstrated that among the 22 compounds used, as far as can be judged from the small number of cases treated, one compound specifically kills cancer arising in the gastrointestinal tract and endometrium and endocervix; one compound kills breast cancer of one type only, specifically; one compound kills rodent ulcer specifically. Several compounds have no demonstrable effect, and several recently prepared compounds very markedly increase the rate of growth of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract and prostate.
Note this was in the early 1920’s. After “the test” of his treatment was prematurely closed and he was left without any research facility or staff, a newspaper article was written appealing for funding support for Koch. He received several offers from other cities, but all were unsatisfactory to Koch.
Over the next two decades, like with Burzynski, Koch built a reputation among laypeople while being criticized by the medical community. However, he really wanted to complete more research so he moved to Belgium in the 1930’s when an opportunity arose.
Collaboration in Belgium with Professor Joseph Maisin at Louvain University
In the 1930’s, Professor Joseph Maisin, a leading oncologist in Europe who was impressed by Koch’s theories on oxidation mechanisms and their relation to cancer, invited him to work with him where they had remarkable success in several cases of advanced cancer. Their continued work together led to publications in esteemed scientific journals. Subsequent articles by Professor Maisin and his team appeared in leading scientific journals across Europe, further disseminating the research outcomes.
Problem. Koch’s work was getting noticed from the U.S. First, two doctors from Chicago tried to persuade Professor Maisin to discontinue his support for Dr. Koch. Then, Frank Morris, the American Ambassador to Belgium tried to do the same. However, Professor Maisin, supported by the university's rector, defended the scientific validity and clinical effectiveness of Dr. Koch's treatment and chose to continue the collaboration.
Koch then decided to move to Brazil so that he could find a more receptive environment for his work. He collaborated with local veterinarians and health officials to apply his treatments to various diseases affecting livestock, such as foot-and-mouth disease.
Then in 1941, he treated and reportedly cured several cases of leprosy in Brazil. These successes garnered attention from health authorities in other countries, including Mexico, where the Minister of Health invited him to implement his treatments in leper and tuberculosis institutions.
He was then invited by the government of Alberta, Canada, to conduct clinical demonstrations of his Glyoxylide treatment. This invitation, extended in March 1942, aimed to showcase the efficacy of his therapy, with the government offering full support and facilities for the demonstrations.
Problem: shortly after his return to the U.S, Koch was arrested by FDA agents (they had “agents” who could arrest people? Who knew?). Know that the FDA was targeting individuals and companies involved in the promotion and sale of “unapproved medical treatments.” It was this legal action which prevented him from conducting the planned demonstrations in Alberta, Canada.
Below is a summary of the legal battles he would become embroiled in over the next decade (full disclosure: the accounts of the persecutions were so long and detailed that I used AI to summarize).
FDA Actions/Accusations
· Prosecutions (1942 and 1946): Koch was subjected to two lengthy and "bitterly fought" trials.
· Attack on Oxidation Theory: The FDA attacked Koch's fundamental theory of disease, dismissing it as invalid.
· "Distilled Water" Claim: The FDA argued that Koch's remedies were indistinguishable from distilled water, implying they had no medicinal value.
· Injunctions: The FDA obtained a temporary injunction against the Koch Laboratory, which was later made permanent in 1950, effectively shutting down his operations.
FTC Actions/Accusations
Things took a darker turn around Koch's work inBrazil, where he claimed to achieve rapid cures for dementia which drew the ire of a pharmaceutical representative who allegedly threatened him.
· The FTC then lured Koch back from Brazil for a supposedly honest discussion of his labels, however, the meeting was just a rouse to arrest him shortly thereafter.
Arrest in Florida: Koch's arrest on charges of false labeling was allegedly orchestrated to prevent him from returning to Brazil and continuing his research there. The district attorney admitted the high bail was intended to prevent him from leaving the country.
· "Complaint" (1942): The FTC issued a formal "Complaint" stating that Koch's products had no therapeutic value and would not benefit any disease.
· Disregard for Evidence: The FTC, like the earlier Wayne County Committee of the AMA, disregarded evidence from reputable physicians who reported successful outcomes using Koch's treatments.
· Temporary Injunction (1942): The FTC obtained a "temporary injunction" preventing Koch from communicating with his medical associates and patients, effectively silencing him.
· Falsification of Facts: The FTC was accused of falsifying information in its "Findings as to the Facts" by stating that Koch's materials were sold for animal treatment before his arrest, which was untrue.
· Rejection of Favorable Evidence: The FTC refused to consider favorable evidence from the Department of Agriculture of British Columbia, Canada, demonstrating the successful treatment of mastitis in animals with Glyoxylide.
Government Interference: The State Department then got involved and colluded with a trial judge to prevent Dr. Arnott, a key witness from testifying in Koch's defense at the second trial. Koch had cured a number of Arnott’s patients. They threatened Arnott with extradition and being held as a material witness if he entered the court's jurisdiction.
· Coercion of Physicians: Physicians who endorsed Koch's method were allegedly threatened with loss of professional standing, leading some to discontinue its use despite positive results.
Media and Journal Attacks:
Unsurprisingly, medical journals and the media were co-opted to attack Koch. JAMA wrote a series of 20 editorials over a couple of decades, all attempting to smear Koch and the validity of his therapy. The infamous JAMA editor Morris Fishbein was involved with nearly all of them (I should probably do a whole post about Fishbein, someone whose legacy has likely led to millions suffering and dying due to his suppression of effective therapies which threatened the medical establishment’s profit centers).
Colliers, then a large circulation magazine published a hit job on Koch, calling him a “Cancer Quack.” However, he did find some support in the media as well - a competing magazine published an article which did a brutal takedown of Colliers hit job article.
Although I could only find a brief mention that Koch died from “poisoning” from the website on persecuted doctors, I also found this quote from someone named M.Layne on a different page on that same website:
I have spent so much time reviewing the history and contributions of Dr. Koch, you will soon lean that, although his therapy had features and mechanisms that were somewhat distinct from chlorine dioxide (catalytic behavior allowing for limited injections), I believe the main mechanism of efficacy was via oxidation, just like chlorine dioxide.
The history of Glyoxilide and the many sources of evidence of efficacy offers support for the veracity of the many thousands of testimonials of chlorine dioxide curing cancer and other diseases. I also believe that the safety, low cost, and efficacy of chlorine dioxide in cancer is just one reason why chlorine dioxide research is so restricted and its safety so propagandized. Cancer is a big business. Infectious illness is a big business. Dementia is a big business. Should I go on?
Note that I did not even bother to calculate a Kory Scale score for Glyoxilide but assassination alone merits a 100 points and a Wikipedia page that relegates your life's work to quackery is another 50 points. I think I will stop there.
If you appreciate the effort and time I spend researching and writing my post as well as defending doctors and patients, support in the form of paid subscriptions is greatly valued.
Doc, reading this reminded me of way back when I was following the research of doctor Charles Farr of Oklahoma City, who was in the early 90s the leading promoter of H2O2 therapies. He was nominated for a Nobel in 93. I remember he was recruiting for a definitive trial of his protocol.
There was a great deal of opposition against him and H2O2 drips. Then, everything went silent. I heard he died under suspicious circumstances in a car crash.
I tried to get more info now but AI refuses to give up anything. He did publish some papers back then, and founded the Int'l Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation.
Wow, Pierre! What a page-turner! Looking forward to your Grand Rounds in May. In the meantime, watch your back!